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Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Geotail Scientific Satellite Program Project-Specific MOU implementing exchange of diplomatic notes 12/19/1989 12/31/2018
Flight Center Exploration Agency Agreement (PSA) agreement JA-0134 of 09/25/1989 for the development,
(GSFC) (JAXA) launch, and operation of a scientific satellite, designated
the Geotail Satellite, to investigate the geomagnetic tail
regions of the magnetosphere. JA-0134 deleted - dip
1 notes included here.
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) WIND Mission OPEN Project-Specific Participation by three CNES scientists as Co- 10/15/1990 12/31/2018
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Geomagnetic Tail Agreement (PSA) Investigators in the investigation "An Experiment to
(GSFC) Measure 3-D Plasma and Energetic Particle Distribution
in the OPEN Geomagnetic Tail and the Interplanetary
Physics Laboratories" during the development, mission
operations, and data analysis phases of the Wind
mission of the Global Geospace Science (GGS)
element of the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics
2 Program (ISTP).
Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) Solar Wind and Suprathermal Ion Project-Specific Participation by three MPI scientists as Co-Investigators 10/18/1990 12/31/2018
Flight Center Center (DLR) Composition Studies Agreement (PSA) on the Solar Wind and Suprathermal Ion Composition
(GSFC) (WIND)/WIND mission Studies investigation of the Global Geospace Science
(GGS) element of the International Solar Terrestrial
Physics Program (ISTP) Max Planck Institute (MPI). No
expiration date in the agreement. Investigating whether
still active. In meantime, made active with same
expiration date as other WIND agreements.
Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) WIND Mission/Experiment to Project-Specific Participation by G. Paschmann of MPI as a Co- 10/18/1990 12/31/2018
Flight Center Center (DLR) Measure 3-D Plasma and Agreement (PSA) Investigator on the investigation "Experiment to
(GSFC) Energetic Particle Distributions Measure 3-D Plasma and Energetic Particle
Distributions in the OPEN Geomagnetic Tail and the
Interplanetary Physics Laboratories" of the Global
Geospace Science (GGS) element of the International
Solar Terrestrial Physics Program (ISTP) Max Planck
Institute (MPI). No expiration date in the agreement.
Investigating whether still active. In meantime, made
active with same expiration date as other WIND
4 agreements.
Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) WIND Mission/OPEN Project-Specific Participation by Dr. F. Neubauer of the University of 10/18/1990 12/31/2018
Flight Center Center (DLR) Interplanetary Physics Laboratory- Agreement (PSA) Koeln as a Co-Investigator on the "Proposal for OPEN
(GSFC) Magnetic Field Measurement Interplanetary Physics Laboratory-Magnetic Field
Measurement" investigation of the Global Geospace
Science (GGS) element of the International Solar
Terrestrial Physics Program (ISTP) Max Planck Institute
(MPI). No expiration date in the agreement.
Investigating whether still active. In meantime, made
active with same expiration date as other WIND
5 agreements.
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) WIND Mission Radio and Plasma Project-Specific Inclusion of the investigation "Wind Radio and Plasma 10/26/1990 12/31/2018
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Wave Experiment (WAVES) Agreement (PSA) Wave Experiment (WAVES)" in the development,
(GSFC) mission operations, and data analysis phases of the
Wind mission of the Global Geospace Science (GGS)
element of the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics
6 Program (ISTP).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space European Space European Space WIND Mission/Origins of Plasma Project-Specific Participation by ESTEC's R. Reinhard, T. Sanderson, 12/6/1990 12/31/2018
Flight Center Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) in the Earth's Neighborhood Agreement (PSA) and K. Wenzel as Co-Investigators in the development,
(GSFC) (OPEN) mission operations, and data analysis phases of the
investigation "An Experiment to Measure 3-D Plasma
and Energetic Particle Distributions in the OPEN
Geomagnetic Tail and the Interplanetary Physics
Laboratories" under the WIND mission of the Global
Geospace Science (GGS) element of the International
Solar Terrestrial Physics program. There is no
expiration date for the cooperation. Uncertain if activity
is ongoing. OER is investigating.
Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) Geotail Mission: Energetic Project-Specific Participation by Dr. F. Gliem of the University of 4/8/1991 12/31/2018
Flight Center Center (DLR) Particles and Ion Composition Agreement (PSA) Braunschweig as a Co-Investigator in the EPIC
(GSFC) EPIC Experiment experiment of the Geotail Mission as part of the Solar
8 Terrestrial Science Programme.
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Solar and Heliospheric Project-Specific Participation in SOHO by Dr. J. Delaboudiniere from the 5/1/1991 12/31/2018
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Observatory (SOHO) Extreme Agreement (PSA) Laboratoire de Physique Stellaire et Planetaire as a
(GSFC) Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope Principal Investigator with his EIT, whose objective is to
(EIT) study coronal heating and solar wind acceleration using
remote sensing techniques to evaluate quantitatively
the contribution of different coronal mechanisms to
9 global balances.
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Solar and Heliospheric Project-Specific Participation in SOHO by Dr. J. Bertaux from the 5/1/1991 12/31/2018
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Observatory (SOHO) Solar Wind Agreement (PSA) Service d'Aeronomie as a Principal Investigator with his
(GSFC) Ainsotrories (SWAN) SWAN, whose objective is to map the sky interplanetary
hydrogen emission almost entirely every other day.
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Solar and Heliospheric Project-Specific Participation in SOHO by Dr. A. Gabriel from the 5/1/1991 12/31/2018
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Observatory (SOHO) Global Agreement (PSA) Institute d'Astrophysique Spatiale as a Principal
(GSFC) Oscillations at Low Frequencies Investigator with his GOLF experiment, whose objective
(GOLF) is to study the internal structure of the sun by measuring
11 the spectrum of free global oscillations.
Goddard Space Federal Office for Switzerland (SZ) Solar and Heliospheric Project-Specific Participation of Dr. J. Geiss of the University of Bern 5/1/1991 12/31/2018
Flight Center Education and Science Observatory (SOHO) Agreement (PSA) and Dr. M. Huber of the Swiss Federal Institute of
(GSFC) Technology as Co-Investigators in SOHO on an
investigation involving the use of an Ultraviolet
Coronograph Spectrometer(UVCS) to investigate
mechanisms for accelerating the solar wind
mechanisms for heating the coronal plasma and to
locate and characterize the coronal sources of solar
wind and coronal phenomena that establish the plasma
12 properties of the solar wind.
Goddard Space General Secretariat of Greece (GR) Energetic Particles and Ion Project-Specific Participation by Dr. E. T. Sarris, Director of the Institute 5/3/1991 12/31/2018
Flight Center Research and Composition (EPIC) Experiment of Agreement (PSA) of Ionosphere and Space Science of the National
(GSFC) Technology (GSRT) Geotail Mission Observatory of Athens, as a Co-Investigator on the
Energetic Particles Experiment (EPIC) of the Geotail
mission element of the Collaborative Solar-Terrestrial
13 Research (COSTR) program.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) SOHO: Ultraviolet Coronograph Project-Specific Participation in the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory 7/4/1991 12/31/2018
Flight Center Center (DLR) Spectrometer (UVCS) Agreement (PSA) (SOHO) project by Dr. S. Livi of MPI as a Co-
(GSFC) Investigator for the UVCS, whose objectives are to
investigate mechanisms for accelerating the solar wind
mechanisms for heating the coronal plasma and to
locate and characterize the coronal sources of solar
wind and coronal phenomena that establish the plasma
14 properties of the solar wind.
Jet Propulsion German Aerospace Germany (GM) Solar and Heliospheric Project-Specific Participation in SOHO by Dr. D. Hovestadt of the Max 7/4/1991 12/31/2018
Laboratory (JPL) Center (DLR) Observatory (SOHO): Charge, Agreement (PSA) Planck Institute fuer Extraterrestrische Physik with his
Element, and Isotope Analysis investigation "Charge, Element, and Isotope Analysis
(CELIAS) (CELIAS)," whose objectives were to measure the
mass, ionic charge, and energy of the low- and high-
speed solar wind, of suprathermal ions, and of low-
15 energy flare particles.
Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) SOHO: Comprehensive Project-Specific Participation in the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory 7/4/1991 12/31/2018
Flight Center Center (DLR) Suprathermal and Energetic Agreement (PSA) (SOHO) project by Dr. H. Kunow of the Institut fuer
(GSFC) Particle Analyser (COSTEP) Kernphysik at Kiel University as a Principal Investigator
with his COSTEP investigation, which will use particle
emissions from the sun over a wide range of species
and energies as tools to provide for quantum leaps in
knowledge of a number of key physical processes and
problems of interest to solar and space plasma physics.
Kennedy Space Government of Spain Spain (SP) Agreement on Space Cooperation Umbrella/Framework Authorization for, in case of an emergency, manned 7/11/1991 12/31/2100
Center (KSC) Between the United States of Agreement (UM/FW) space vehicles of the United States to overfly, enter,
America and the Kingdom of and depart Spanish air space and use the runways,
Spain taxiways, and other installations at the Moron de la
Frontera, Rota, and Zaragoza bases; also, agreement
to negotiate agreements in promising areas for joint
efforts to strengthen cooperation in space science and
technology. Dip notes entering the agreement into
force were exchange on Sept 3, 1991, and May 12,
1994. The science and technology portion of this
agreement was implemented by agreement SP0027 of
12/02/1991 with INTA and agreement SP0028 of
17 07/03/1992 with CDTI.
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Solar and Heliospheric Project-Specific Participation in SOHO by nine French scientists as Co- 10/14/1991 12/31/2018
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Observatory (SOHO) Wide-Field Agreement (PSA) Investigators on LASCO, whose objective is to collect
(GSFC) White Light and Spectrometric information on how the corona is heated, where and
Coronograph (LASCO) how the solar wind accelerates, and the causes of
coronal transients and what role they play in the
evolutionary development of large-scale coronal
18 patterns.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
NASA Center Not National Institute for Spain (SP) Agreement on Cooperative Umbrella/Framework Broad agreement between NASA and the National 12/2/1991 12/31/2100
Specified Aerospace Technology Activities Between the National Agreement (UM/FW) Institute for Aerospace Technology of Spain (INTA) to
(INTA) Aeronautics and Space consider cooperation in a variety of fields in Space
Administration of the United Science, Earth Science, Aeronautics Research, and
States and the National Institute Exploration Systems. The agreement also establishes a
For Aerospace Technology of group to discuss potential cooperative projects in the
Spain identified areas. The agreement is automatically
extended each year. The expiration date of 2100 was
19 picked because it was far in the future.
NASA Center Not Center for Spain (SP) Agreement on Cooperative Umbrella/Framework NASA Center: Mentioned different NASA Installations. 7/3/1992 12/31/2100
Specified Technological Activities Between the National Agreement (UM/FW) Broad agreement between NASA and the Center for
Industrial Development Aeronautics and Space Technological Industrial Development of Spain (CDTI)
(CDTI) Administration of the United that anticipates the negotiation of future agreements
States and the Center for between NASA and Spanish agencies in a variety of
Technological Industrial fields in Space Operations, Space Science, Earth
Development of Spain Science, Aeronautics Research, and Exploration
Systems. The agreement specifically mentions space
vehicle landing facilities and science and technology
development programs. It also calls to the
establishment of a group to discuss potential
cooperative projects. The agreement is automatically
extended each year. The expiration date of 2100 was
picked because it was far in the future. The CDTI is
known presently (August 2008) as the Centre for the
20 Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI).
Goddard Space United Kingdom Space United Kingdom Terra/Earth Observing System Project-Specific Participation by Dr. Jan-Peter Muller on the MISR 9/11/1992 12/31/2020
Flight Center Agency (UKSA) (UK) (EOS AM-1): Multi-Angle Imaging Agreement (PSA) Instrument Team, which is to design, develop, and
(GSFC) Spectro-Radiometer (MISR) verify the MISR instrument and MISR data exploitation
21 Missing UK letter.
Goddard Space United Kingdom Space United Kingdom Aqua/Terra/Earth Observing Project-Specific Participation by Dr. Jan-Peter Muller of University 9/11/1992 12/31/2020
Flight Center Agency (UKSA) (UK) System (EOS AM-1 and PM-1): Agreement (PSA) College-London in the Instrument Team for MODIS, a
(GSFC) Moderate Resolution Imaging facility instrument designed to measure both biological
Spectrometer (MODIS) and physical processes on a global basis. Missing the
22 UK letter.
Jet Propulsion United Kingdom Space United Kingdom Aqua/Earth Observing System Project-Specific Participation by Dr. Rolando Rizzi of the European 9/11/1992 12/31/2020
Laboratory (JPL) Agency (UKSA) (UK) (EOS PM-1): AIRS/AMSU/MHS Agreement (PSA) Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting on the
Instrument Team for the Atmospheric Infrared
Sounder/Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-
A/Microwave Humidity Sounder(AIRS/AMSU/MHS), a
23 facility instrument of NASA's EOS. No UK letter.
Jet Propulsion National Centre for France (FR) Instrument Team for Project-Specific Service by Dr. Alain Chedin of Ecole Polytechnique on 2/16/1993 12/31/2020
Laboratory (JPL) Space Studies (CNES) AIRS/AMSU/MHS Instruments of Agreement (PSA) the Instrument Team for the Atmospheric Infrared
Earth Observing System (EOS PM- Sounder (AIRS), Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A
1)/Aqua (AMSU), and Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS)
24 instruments of the EOS.
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Instrument Team for CERES Project-Specific Service by Dr. Robert S. Kandel of Ecole Polytechnique 2/16/1993 12/31/2020
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Instrument of Earth Observing Agreement (PSA) on the Instrument Team for the Clouds and Earth's
(GSFC) System (EOS AM-1 and PM- Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument of the
25 1)/Aqua/Terra EOS.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Instrument Team for MODIS Project-Specific Service by Dr. Didier Tanre of the Laboratoire d'Optique 2/16/1993 12/31/2020
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Instrument of Earth Observing Agreement (PSA) Atmospherique on the Instrument Team for the
(GSFC) System (EOS AM-1 and PM- Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS)
26 1)/Aqua/Terra instrument of the EOS.
Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) SOHO: Solar Ultraviolet Project-Specific Amendment of agreement GM 0047 of 07/04/1991 to 12/15/1993 12/31/2018
Flight Center Center (DLR) Measurements of Emitted Agreement (PSA) change the provision of Multi-Anode Microchannel Array
(GSFC) Radiation (SUMER) (MAMA) detectors to the provision of Cross Delay Line
27 (XDL) detectors.
Goddard Space Russian Federal Space Russia (UR) WIND Mission/Cooperation in the Project-Specific Flight on the U.S. WIND mission of the Russian Konus 10/28/1994 12/31/2018
Flight Center Agency (Roskosmos) Konus-WIND Experiment Agreement (PSA) gamma-ray burst detector to enhance the scientific
(GSFC) return to the international science community in the
28 area of gamma-ray astronomy.
Goddard Space Canadian Space Canada (CA) Flight of the Measurements of Project-Specific This MOU establishes the scientific and technical 11/15/1994 12/31/2025
Flight Center Agency (CSA) Pollution in the Troposphere Agreement (PSA) cooperation for the flight of the MOPITT instrument on
(GSFC) (MOPITT) Instrument on Earth the NASA EOS-AM1 polar orbiting platform of MOPITT
Observing System (EOS to further cooperation in global change research by
AM)/Terra enabling the multidisciplinary study and long-term
systematic monitoring of Earth, including research
involving data from all Earth observing platforms in the
29 International Earth Observing System.
Headquarters (HQ) Russian Federal Space Russia (UR) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 12/16/1994 12/31/2100
Agency (Roskosmos) to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
30 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Moldova (MD) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 1/30/1995 12/31/2100
and the Department of to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Environmental (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
31 Protection environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of the Netherlands, The Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 2/28/1995 12/31/2100
Kingdom of the (NL) to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Netherlands (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
32 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of the Senegal (SG) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 3/17/1995 12/31/2100
Republic of Senegal to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
33 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Egypt (EG) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 3/20/1995 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
34 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) National Board of Finland (FI) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 3/23/1995 12/31/2100
Education to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
35 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Belgium (BE) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 3/24/1995 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
36 environment.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of the Israel (IS) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 3/24/1995 12/31/2100
Environment to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
37 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Ecology and Kazakhstan (KZ) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 3/27/1995 12/31/2100
Biolofical Resources to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
38 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of the Norway (NO) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/5/1995 12/31/2100
Kingdom of Norway to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
39 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Croatia (HR) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/12/1995 12/31/2100
and Sport to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
40 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Federal Ministry of Austria (AU) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/20/1995 12/31/2100
Education to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
41 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education, Czech Republic Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/20/1995 12/31/2100
Youth, and Sport (CZ) to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
42 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Korea, Republic of Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/21/1995 12/31/2100
(KS) to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
43 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Housing, Uruguay (UY) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/21/1995 12/31/2100
Land Use Planning, to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
and the Environment (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
44 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Sustainable Bolivia (BL) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/22/1995 12/31/2100
Development and to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Planning (MDSP) (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
45 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of Japan Japan (JA) Cross-Waiver of Liability for Umbrella/Framework Agreement establishing a cross-waiver of liability for 4/24/1995 12/31/2100
Cooperation in Peaceful Agreement (UM/FW) cooperation in the exploration and use of space for
Exploration and Use of Outer peaceful purposes to go into force on the date on which
Space the governments of the United States and Japan
exchange notes informing each other that their
respective legal procedures necessary for entry into
force have been completed. That exchange of notes is
agreement JA-0292 of 07/20/1995. See, also,
agreement JA-0290 of 10/25/1994. All merged here
now, others deleted. Note that this cross waiver does
46 not apply to ISS Cooperation.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of National Benin (BN) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/28/1995 12/31/2100
Education to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
47 environment.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of National Turkey (TU) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 5/5/1995 12/31/2100
Education to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
48 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Romania (RO) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 5/22/1995 12/31/2100
to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
49 environment.
Goddard Space Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) Ultraviolet Coronal Spectrometer Project-Specific Joint development of a UVCS for SOHO. 6/2/1995 12/31/2018
Flight Center (ASI) (UVCS) for the Solar and Agreement (PSA)
(GSFC) Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Kyrgyzstan (KG) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 6/9/1995 12/31/2100
to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
51 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Department of Ireland (EI) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 6/12/1995 12/31/2100
Education to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
52 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Culture and Argentina (AR) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 6/28/1995 12/31/2100
Education to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
53 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Tunisia (TS) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 7/27/1995 12/31/2100
Environment of Tunisia to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
54 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) National Agency for Sweden (SW) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 8/23/1995 12/31/2100
Education to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
55 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Planning Chad (CD) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 9/27/1995 12/31/2100
and Cooperation to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
56 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education El Salvador (ES) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 12/11/1995 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
57 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of National Greece (GR) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 12/12/1995 12/31/2100
Education and to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Religious Affairs (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
58 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of National Morocco (MO) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 3/27/1996 12/31/2100
Education to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
59 environment.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of the Costa Rica (CS) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/22/1996 12/31/2100
Environment and to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Energy (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
60 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Education Ministry Ecuador (EC) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/22/1996 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
61 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Department of the United Kingdom Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 5/1/1996 12/31/2100
Environment (UK) to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
62 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Estonia (EN) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 6/19/1996 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
63 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) National Environmental Gambia, The (GA) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 7/12/1996 12/31/2100
Agency to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
64 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Trinidad & Tobago Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 7/16/1996 12/31/2100
(TD) to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
65 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of National Luxembourg (LU) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 10/10/1996 12/31/2100
Education and to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Professional Training (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
66 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Republic of Marshall Marshall Islands Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 10/17/1996 12/31/2100
Islands Government (RM) to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
67 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Jordan (JO) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 10/31/1996 12/31/2100
Environment to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
68 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Mexico (MX) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 11/15/1996 12/31/2100
Environment, Natural to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Resources, and (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
69 Fisheries environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Italy (IT) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 1/21/1997 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
70 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Fiji (FJ) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 1/28/1997 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
71 environment.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Palau (PS) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 1/30/1997 12/31/2100
to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
72 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of South South Africa (SF) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 2/17/1997 12/31/2100
Africa to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
73 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Tanzania (TZ) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/1/1997 12/31/2100
and Economic to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Development of (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
74 Bermuda environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Poland (PL) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/2/1997 12/31/2100
to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
75 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of Canada (CA) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/7/1997 12/31/2100
Canada to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
76 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of Mongolia (MG) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 5/6/1997 12/31/2100
Mongolia to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
77 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Denmark (DA) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 5/29/1997 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
78 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Science Iceland (IC) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 5/30/1997 12/31/2100
and Culture to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
79 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Kenya (KE) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 6/9/1997 12/31/2100
to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
80 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Secondary Madagascar (MA) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 6/11/1997 12/31/2100
and Primary Education to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
81 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Dominican Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 6/20/1997 1/1/2100
Republic (DR) to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
82 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) National Environmental Peru (PE) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 7/18/1997 12/31/2100
Council to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
83 environment.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Portugal (PO) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 9/15/1997 12/31/2100
to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
84 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Basic Namibia (WA) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 10/8/1997 12/31/2100
Education and Culture to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
85 environment.
Johnson Space Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) Memorandum of Understanding Project-Specific This agreement supersedes agreement IT0120 of 10/9/1997 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) (ASI) Between the United States Agreement (PSA) 12/06/1991, substituting three Mini Pressurized
National Aeronautics and Space Logistics Modules (MPLMs) as the components to be
Administration and the Italian furnished by Italy for the two MPLMs and a Mini
Space Agency for the Design, Laboratory called for in IT-0120. In exchange, NASA
Development, Operation and will launch the MPLMs on the Shuttle and provide ASI
Utilization of Three Mini- .85 per cent of pressurized user accommodations; .85
Pressurized Logistics Modules for per cent of accommodations for external payloads, and
the International Space Station .85 per cent of utilization resources, and launch ASI's
(ISS) utilization on the Shuttle. NASA will also provide ASI
one ASI-provided ISS crew member for one on-orbit
increment every five years, with a minimum of 3 crew
opportunities. The effective duration of the agreement
is through the end of the ISS Program; i.e., December
31, 2020. Dip Notes required to enter into force. Date
of dip notes unknown.
Headquarters (HQ) National Department of Micronesia (FM) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 11/7/1997 12/31/2100
Education to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
87 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of National Honduras (HO) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 11/13/1997 12/31/2100
Education and to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Professional Training (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
88 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Pakistan (PK) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 11/18/1997 12/31/2100
Environment, Local to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Government, and (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
89 Rural Development environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of the Mali (ML) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 11/19/1997 12/31/2100
Republic of Mali to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
90 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) National Central Guatemala (GT) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 12/5/1997 12/31/2100
School of Agriculture to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
91 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Suriname (NS) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 12/23/1997 12/31/2100
and Popular to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Development (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
92 environment.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Canadian Space Canada (CA) Memorandum of Understanding Implementing Specific objectives of this MOU are: to provide the basis 1/29/1998 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (CSA) between the National Aeronautics Arrangement/Agreement for cooperation between NASA and CSA in the detailed
and Space Administration of the (IA) design, development, operation and utilization of the
United States of America and the permanently inhabited civil international Space Station
Canadian Space Agency for peaceful purposes, in accordance with international
Concerning Cooperation on the law. Exchange of Dip Notes Required for entry into
Civil International Space Station force. Dip Notes not available.
93 (ISS)
Johnson Space European Space European Space Memorandum of Understanding Implementing The specific objectives of the MOU are: to provide the 1/29/1998 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) between the National Aeronautics Arrangement/Agreement basis for cooperation between NASA and ESA in the
and Space Administration of the (IA) detailed design, development, operation, and utilization
United States of America and the of the permanently inhabited civil International Space
European Space Agency Station (ISS) for peaceful purposes, in accordance with
Concerning Cooperation on the international law; to provide a basis for cooperation that
Civil International Space Station maximizes the total capability of the Space Station to
(ISS) accommodate user needs and that ensures that the
Space Station is operated in a manner that is safe,
efficient, and effective for both Space Station users and
Space Station operators. An exchange of letters from
ESA to NASA, dated Nov. 27, 2007, with NASA's
response to ESA, dated Nov. 27, 2007, entered the
MOU into force (Attached to the pdf.)
Johnson Space Canadian Space Multiple Agreement Among the Umbrella/Framework Superseded the Intergovernmental Agreement, dated 1/29/1998 12/31/2024
Center (JSC) Agency (CSA),Japan Signatories Government of Canada, Agreement (UM/FW) September 29, 1988, (MULT-0001-0). Agreement
Aerospace Exploration Governments of Member States of Among the member countries of ESA, Canada, Japan,
Agency the European Space Agency, the and Russia. The Space Station elements to be
(JAXA),European Government of Japan, the provided by each Partner are detailed in the Annex.
Space Agency Government of the Russian Cooperation between NASA and each individual Partner
(ESA),Russian Federal Federation, and the Government will be specified in MOUs, pursuant to this Agreement,
Space Agency of the United States of America and cooperation between NASA and each individual
(Roskosmos) Concerning Cooperation on the Partner will be specified in Implementing Arrangements
95 Civil International Space Station pursuant to the MOUs.
Johnson Space Russian Federal Space Russia (UR) Memorandum of Understanding Implementing The specific objectives of this MOU are: to provide the 1/29/1998 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (Roskosmos) between the National Aeronautics Arrangement/Agreement basis for cooperation between NASA and RSA in the
and Space Administration of the (IA) detailed design, development, operation and utilization
United States of America and the of the permanently inhabited civil international Space
Russian Space Agency Station for peaceful purposes, in accordance with
Concerning Cooperation on the international law; to provide a basis for cooperation that
Civil International Space Station maximizes the total capability of the Space Station to
accommodate user needs and that ensures that the
Space Station is operated in a manner that is safe,
efficient and effective for both Space Station users and
Space Station operators. Requires Exchange of
Diplomatic Notes to enter into force. Implementing
Arrangement under the IGA for ISS. Russia sent dip
note for this Agreement to enter into force dated March
27, 1998. Russian Dip Note is attached. U.S. Dip Note
responding to Russian Dip Note is NOT attached.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Memorandum of Understanding Implementing This MOU is between NASA and Japan but the 2/24/1998 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Exploration Agency Between the National Aeronautics Arrangement/Agreement designated implementing agencies are NASA and the
(JAXA),Ministry for and Space Administration of the (IA) Science and Technology Agency of Japan (STA),
Education, Culture, United States of America and the pursuant to the IGA for the ISS of Jan. 29, 1998. The
Sports, Science & Government of Japan Concerning specific objectives of this MOU are: to provide the basis
Technology (MEXT) Cooperation on the Civil for cooperation between NASA and the GOJ in the
International Space Station (ISS) detailed design, development, operation and utilization
of the permanently inhabited civil International Space
Station (ISS) for peaceful purposes, in accordance with
international law; to provide a basis for cooperation that
maximizes the total capability of the Space Station to
accommodate user needs and that ensures that the
Space Station is operated in a manner that is safe,
efficient and effective for both Space Station users and
Space Station operators. Diplomatic Notes, dated June
8, 2001, entered the MOU into effect and are attached
to the PDF. Used Sign. Date for Entry into Force date
due to time lag between Signature Date and Entry into
Force Date.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Ghana (GH) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 3/20/1998 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
98 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Chile (CI) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/16/1998 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
99 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Federal Department for Switzerland (SZ) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/22/1998 12/31/2100
Environment, to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Transport, Energy, and (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
100 Communication environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of Spain Spain (SP) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 5/5/1998 12/31/2100
to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
101 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Pre- Guinea (GV) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 5/14/1998 12/31/2100
University Education to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
102 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Foreign Macedonia (MK) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 8/24/1998 12/31/2100
Affairs to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists, together to study the global
103 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Bulgaria (BU) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 9/8/1998 12/31/2100
and Science to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
104 environment.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Colombia (CO) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 10/28/1998 12/31/2100
and the Environment to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
105 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of National Cameroon (CM) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 11/6/1998 12/31/2100
Education to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
106 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Cyprus (CY) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 11/24/1998 12/31/2100
and Culture to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
107 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of Uganda (UG) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 11/26/1998 12/31/2100
Uganda to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
108 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Secondary, Burkina Faso (UV) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 12/18/1998 12/31/2100
Higher Education and to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Scientific Research (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
109 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Lebanon (LE) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 12/23/1998 12/31/2100
Environment to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
110 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Department of Science Philippines (RP) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 1/14/1999 12/31/2100
and Technology to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
111 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Latvia (LG) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 1/27/1999 12/31/2100
and Science to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
112 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Hungary (HU) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 3/10/1999 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
113 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of Kuwait Kuwait (KU) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 4/12/1999 12/31/2100
to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
114 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Ukraine (UP) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 5/27/1999 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
115 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Federal Environmental United Arab Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 6/6/1999 12/31/2100
Agency Emirates (AE) to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
116 environment.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Institute for the Thailand (TH) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 9/30/1999 12/31/2100
Promotion of Teaching to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Science and (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
117 Technology environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Central Environmental Sri Lanka (CE) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 12/20/1999 12/31/2100
Authority to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
118 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education New Zealand (NZ) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 2/29/2000 12/31/2100
to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
119 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Panama (PM) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 3/2/2000 12/31/2100
to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
120 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Nepal (NP) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 3/3/2000 12/31/2100
to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
121 environment.
Ames Research National Institute for Spain (SP) Astrobiology Project-Specific This agreement makes the Centro de Astrobiologia an 5/5/2000 12/31/2100
Center (ARC) Aerospace Technology Agreement (PSA) Associated Institute of the NASA Astrobiology Institute
(INTA) (NUI). NUI's goal is to conduct interdisciplinary research
in astrobiology. There is no expiration of this
122 cooperation.
Goddard Space National Commission Argentina (AR) Scientific Applications Satellite Project-Specific Amendment of AR0035, dated Oct. 28, 1996, to data 6/14/2000 12/31/2020
Flight Center on Space Activities (SAC-C), Amendment Agreement (PSA) analysis of "AM Constellation Data," comprised of SAC-
123 (GSFC) (CONAE) C, Landsat 7, EO-1, and Terra.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of Monaco (MN) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 6/29/2000 12/31/2100
Monaco to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
124 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) The Ministry of Bahamas, The Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The Globe program is an international environmental 7/12/2000 12/31/2100
Education and Youth (BF) to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
125 environment.
Johnson Space European Space European Space Arrangement between the National Implementing Pursuant to Articles 1.1 and 16.4 of the NASA/ESA ISS 8/7/2000 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Aeronautics and Space Arrangement/Agreement MOU, this Arrangement provides for the provision by
Administration of the United (IA) ESA of a Cupola and additional goods and services to
States of America and the NASA for the ISS Program in exchange for NASA's
European Space Agency provision of Space Shuttle launch and return
Concerning ESA's Provision of a transportation services for five ESA external ISS
Cupola in Exchange for NASA's payloads.
Provision of Shuttle Launch and
Return Services for Five External
126 European Payloads
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Foreign Cape Verde (CV) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 8/9/2000 12/31/2100
Affairs to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
127 environment.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of India (IN) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 8/25/2000 12/31/2100
Environment and to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Forests (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
128 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Qatar (QA) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 9/27/2000 12/31/2100
and Higher Education to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
129 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Science Bangladesh (BG) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 10/4/2000 12/31/2100
and Technology to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
130 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Paraguay (PA) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 10/27/2000 12/31/2100
and Culture and the to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Secretariat of the (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
131 Environment environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Bahrain (BA) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 6/16/2001 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
132 environment.
Johnson Space Canadian Space Canada (CA) Arrangement Between NASA and Implementing This Arrangement is entered into pursuant to the 8/16/2001 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (CSA) The Canadian Space Agency Arrangement/Agreement Agreement among the Government of USA,
Regarding a Barter of International (IA) Governments of Member States of the European Space
Space Station Supporting Agency, the Government of Japan, Govt. of Canada
Services and Utilization Concerning Cooperation on the Civil ISS (the IGA) and
the MOU between NASA/CSA Concerning Cooperation
on the Civil International Space Station. This
Arrangement details the understanding between
NASA/CSA regarding a barter of ISS supporting
services and utilization and regarding a Special Purpose
Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) and other Goods and
Services Towards Fulfillment of Its Common System
Operations Responsibilities Within the Context of the
ISS Program and more specifically the Optional
Additional Offset detailed therein, this Arrangement
provides for the exercise of the Optional/Additional
133 Offset by Canada.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Nigeria (NI) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 7/15/2002 12/31/2100
to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
134 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of the Saudi Arabia (SA) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 9/30/2002 12/31/2100
Kingdom of Saudi to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Arabia (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
135 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Lithuania (LH) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 10/3/2002 12/31/2100
and Science to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
136 environment.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Government of Serbia (RI) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 10/17/2002 12/31/2100
Yugoslavia (first) to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
137 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Liechtenstein (LS) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 3/26/2003 12/31/2100
to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
138 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) The Ministry of Gabon (GB) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 8/11/2003 12/31/2100
National Education to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
139 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education, Rwanda (RW) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 8/21/2003 12/31/2100
Science, Technology to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
and Scientific (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
140 Research environment.
Headquarters (HQ) The Environment Maldives (MV) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 12/8/2003 12/31/2100
Research Centre, to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Ministry of Home (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
Affairs and environment.
Environment of the
141 Republic of Maldives
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Mauritania (MR) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 7/6/2004 1/1/2100
of the Islamic Republic to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
of Mauritania (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
142 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Primary and Congo, Republic of Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 7/28/2005 12/31/2100
Secondary Education (CF) to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
of the Republic of (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
143 Congo environment.
Headquarters (HQ) For the Ministry of Niger (NG) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 8/11/2005 12/31/2100
Basic Education and to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Alphabetization (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
144 environment.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Ethiopia (ET) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 8/24/2005 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
145 environment.
Jet Propulsion National Centre for France (FR) 2001 Mars Odyssey Project-Specific This mission extends our cooperation with CNES on the 4/12/2006 4/30/2020
Laboratory (JPL) Space Studies (CNES) Agreement (PSA) NASA Mars Odyssey mission until the end of Mission
146 Operations and data Analysis.
Jet Propulsion National Centre for France (FR) Cooperation on Mars Exploration Project-Specific Science cooperation on the rovers. 4/18/2006 12/31/2020
Laboratory (JPL) Space Studies (CNES) Rover (MER 2003) Agreement (PSA)
Headquarters (HQ) Indian Space India (IN) Chandrayaan-1 - Miniature Project-Specific NASA will provide the Mini-SAR instrument for flight on 5/9/2006 10/1/2018
Research Organization Synthetic Aperture Radar (Mini- Agreement (PSA) India's Chandrayaan-1 lunar mission. APL is building
(ISRO) SAR) the instrument, jointly funded by ESMD and SOMD.
Agreement will remain in effect until 10 years after
launch. As of 8/13/08, the spacecraft has not launched.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion Indian Space India (IN) Chandrayaan-1 - Moon Mineralogy Project-Specific ISRO will integrate the NASA provided M3 instrument 5/9/2006 10/1/2018
Laboratory (JPL) Research Organization Mapper (M3) Agreement (PSA) and the conduct the Chandrayaan-1 mission.
149 (ISRO)
Jet Propulsion Niels Bohr Institute for Denmark (DA) Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Project-Specific NBI will provide Permanent Magnet Array engineering 5/16/2006 12/31/2018
Laboratory (JPL) Astronomy, Physics 2003 Agreement (PSA) and flight models for use on the rovers' Athena
and Geophysics at the payloads. They will also support a Co-I.
University of
150 Copenhagen (NBI)
Johnson Space Russian Federal Space Russia (UR) Second Addendum to the Implementing Also referred to as the "Second Addendum to the 7/1/2006 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (Roskosmos) Implementing Arrangement Arrangement/Agreement Balance Agreement," this Addendum adjusts the
entitled "Protocol Including Terms, (IA) balance of the contributions of the Parties previously
Conditions and Assumptions, established in the original Balance Agreement and
Summary Balance of Contribution Addendum, due to changes in the timeline,
and Obligations to International programmatic changes, et. al. It effects a partial
Space Station (ISS) and Resulting rebalance of the NASA and Roscosmos efforts
Rights of NASA and RSA to ISS regarding crew size and composition, science power
Utilization Accommodations and platform and its arrays, upmass, habitation, electrical
Resources, and Flight power, stowage, communication services, propellant,
Opportunities" (Balance waste removal services, water, and liaison office and
Agreement) between the National travel support through December 31, 2011. The
Aeronautics and Space Agreement will remain in force until such time as the
Administration of the United MOU ceases to be in force.
States of America and the Federal
Space Agency of the Russian
Jet Propulsion Russian Federal Space Russia (UR) Implementing Agreement Between Implementing Russia will build a High Energy Neutron Detector 9/18/2006 4/30/2020
Laboratory (JPL) Agency (Roskosmos) the United States National Arrangement/Agreement (HEND) for inclusion on the gamma-ray spectrometer
Aeronautics and Space (IA) instrument on Mars Odyssey. This is an Implementing
Administration and the Russian Agreement to the 1992 Agreement between the U.S.
Aviation and Space Agency on the and Russia for Cooperation ..." This activity was
Flight of the Russian High Energy initiated by interim agreement UR0084. The mission
Neutron Detector (HEND) on the was launched on April 7, 2001. Agreement does not
United States 2001 Mars Odyssey expire until end of mission or we turn the instrument off.
152 Orbiter Mission
Goddard Space University of Bern Switzerland (SZ) Interstellar Boundary Explorer Project-Specific The University of Bern, Switzerland, is cooperating with 1/18/2007 12/31/2020
Flight Center (IBEX) Mission Agreement (PSA) NASA on the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX)
(GSFC) mission, by providing hardware and testing for the IBEX-
Hi Pre-collimator, the IBEX-Lo Pre-collimator, and the
IBEX- Lo Outer Electrostatic Analyzer.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
All NASA Centers National Centre for France (FR) Framework Agreement between Umbrella/Framework Framework Agreement between U.S. Govt. and the 1/23/2007 4/2/2018
Space Studies (CNES) U.S. Govt. and the French Govt. Agreement (UM/FW) French Govt. for cooperative activities in the
for cooperative activities in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful
Exploration and Use of Outer Purposes. NASA/CNES/NOAA are identified as
Space for Peaceful Purposes. implementing agencies. Agreement Signatories:
Administrator Michael Griffin of the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) signed for the United
States and Minister Francois Goulard of the Ministry for
Higher Education and Research signed for France.
Dipnote signed by the Department of State on 4/2/08,
referring to the Embassy of France's note No. 505 dated
3/14/2008. Framework Signature Date: 1/23/2007;
Entry into Force Date: 4/2/2008; Expiration Date:
154 4/2/2018.
Goddard Space European Space European Space MOU Between NASA and ESA Project-Specific Agreement provides for the NASA-ESA cooperation on 6/18/2007 12/31/2019
Flight Center Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Concerning the James Webb Agreement (PSA) the JWST Mission. Please note that the expiration date
(GSFC) Space Telescope (JWST) is Dec. 31.2019, or 6 (six) years after launch, whichever
comes first. Previously known as the Next Generation
Space Telescope (NGST). Replaces all earlier
155 agreements.
Goddard Space Canadian Space Canada (CA) Agreement between NASA and Project-Specific This agreement provides for the cooperation between 7/16/2007 12/31/2018
Flight Center Agency (CSA) CSA for Cooperation on the Agreement (PSA) NASA and CSA on the JWST mission. CSA will provide
(GSFC) James Webb Space Telescope the Fine Guidance Sensor while NASA will build the
(JWST) Program spacecraft. The ESA is also a mission partner and will
launch the mission Formerly the Next Generation
156 Space Telescope (NGST).
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Malta (MT) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 11/29/2007 12/31/2100
to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
157 environment.
Johnson Space European Space European Space Agreement Between the National Implementing Reimbursable provides for ESA's use of NASA's 1/18/2008 2/7/2018
Center (JSC) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Aeronautics and Space Arrangement/Agreement Common Spares Pool for the ISS Program to support
Administration (NASA) and the (IA) the Columbus Module. The duration of the Agreement
European Space Agency (ESA) is ten years after the launch of Columbus, which
On Use of NASA's Common launched on STS-122 on February 7, 2008.
158 Spares Pool (CSP)
All NASA Centers Indian Space India (IN) NASA-ISRO Framework Umbrella/Framework Cooperative programs may be undertaken in the 2/1/2008 1/31/2023
Research Organization Agreement for Cooperation in the Agreement (UM/FW) following areas: Earth science, observation, and
(ISRO) Exploration and Use of Outer monitoring: Space Science: Exploration systems;
Space for Peaceful Purposes Space operations; and other relevant areas of mutual
interest....(review agreement for more details re what
159 cooperation may be used when implementing....).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Government of Ukraine (UP) Framework Agreement between Umbrella/Framework Framework Agreement for the Parties to explore 3/31/2008 1/26/2019
Ukraine, National the Government of the United Agreement (UM/FW) cooperation in the areas of Earth science, observation,
Space Agency of States of America and the and monitoring; Space science; Exploration systems;
Ukraine (NSAU) Government of Ukraine for space operations; aeronautics, and other relevant areas
Cooperation in the Exploration and of mutual interest. Specific cooperation will be
Use of Outer Space for Peaceful implemented under Implementing Arrangements. The
Purposes designated cooperating agency for Ukraine is the
National Space Agency of Ukraine (NSAU). Dip notes
are required for entry into force. The U.S. Dip Note
559, dated Aug. 6, 2008, initiated entry into force and is
attached. The Ukrainian Dip Not, dated January 20,
2009, entered the Agreement into force, effective
January 20, 2009. The Agreement is effective for ten
years from the date the Agreement entered into force.
Goddard Space Crimean Astrophysical Ukraine (UP) Space Geodesy: Geodetic Project-Specific Space geodetic cooperation in the Crimean. 4/2/2008 6/2/2018
Flight Center Observatory (CrAO), Research Agreement (PSA)
(GSFC) Ministry of Ukraine for
Science and
Goddard Space National Centre for Multiple Ocean Surface Topography Project-Specific The objective of the Ocean Surface Topography 4/16/2008 6/30/2022
Flight Center Space Studies Signatories Mission (OSTM) Agreement (PSA) (OSTM) mission is to bring high-precision altimetry to a
(GSFC) (CNES),European full operational status through the continuation of the
Organization for the TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason missions. OSTM will be
Exploitation of launched aboard the Jason-2 satellite and will be a
Meteorological follow-on to the Jason mission. CNES will provide the
Satellites PROTEUS platform for the Jason-2 satellite, which is
(EUMETSAT) scheduled to launch in June 2008 aboard a NASA-
provided Boeing Delta II from Vandenberg Air Force
Base, CA. OSTM will provide data for operational and
research use for marine meteorology and sea state
forecasting, operational oceanography, seasonal
forecasting, climate monitoring, and ocean, Earth
162 system, and climate research.
Goddard Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Tropical Rainfall Measuring Project-Specific To measure the distribution and variability of tropical 5/22/2008 5/22/2018
Flight Center Exploration Agency Mission (TRMM) MOU Agreement (PSA) rainfall and latent heat releases on a monthly basis for
(GSFC) (JAXA) three years to advance the scientific understanding of
the global energy and water cycles. Dip Notes
exchanged and entered into force on May 30, 1997.
AMENDED: June 2, 1997, pursuant to Article XXI of the
original MOU. Dip notes were extended on May 28,
2002. Dip notes were extended again on May 22, 2008,
for a period of ten years. MOU itself dies not expire.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Advanced Microwave Scanning Project-Specific To establish the terms and conditions under which the 5/22/2008 11/30/2018
Flight Center Exploration Agency Radiometer-E (AMSR-E) Program Agreement (PSA) Parties will cooperate in the flight of AMSR-E aboard
(GSFC) (JAXA) on the Earth Observing System NASA's EOS PM1 and under which the Parties shall
(EOS)/Aqua Mission make data available from AMSR-E and the other
instruments on EOS PM1. The EOS PM1 is planned for
launch in 2000. MOU automatically renews if dip notes
are in force. Dip notes renewed on May 22, 2008, for
164 10 years from Nov 30, 2008.
Jet Propulsion Belgian Science Policy Belgium (BE) Juno Ultra-Violet Spectrometer Project-Specific Belgian entities will provide portions of the Ultra-Violet 7/22/2008 7/22/2018
Laboratory (JPL) Office (UVS) Agreement (PSA) Spectrometer (UVS) on the NASA-led Juno mission that
will go to Jupiter. The cooperation is with CSL and thus
the CSL Letter constitutes the agreement, but the
Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) is funding the
project, thus the reason there are two letters.
Headquarters (HQ) Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) NASA-JAXA Joint Understanding Umbrella/Framework This document is similar to a framework agreement 10/16/2008 12/31/2100
Exploration Agency Agreement (UM/FW) wherein NASA and JAXA have agreed upon standard
(JAXA) legal text when concluding lower-level cooperative
letters of agreement. There is no contribution from
166 either party.
Goddard Space University of the South Africa (SF) Agreement Between NASA and Project-Specific AERONET agreement with the University of 10/20/2008 10/20/2018
Flight Center Witwatersrand the University of Witwatersrand, Agreement (PSA) Witwatersrand to provide a long term loan basis, one or
(GSFC) Johannesburg, for Cooperation in more sun photometer systems and/or associated
the Aerosol Robotic Network equipment for continuous operation at mutually-agreed
(AERONET) sites; provide utilities, security, and housing for the
station(s) at mutually-agreed location(s) - etc.. See
167 database sheet....
Ames Research Canadian Space Canada (CA) Analogue and Astrobiology Project-Specific NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) are 10/30/2008 10/30/2018
Center (ARC) Agency (CSA) Agreement Agreement (PSA) cooperating on astrobiology and analogue field
168 research, including rover field demonstrations.
Headquarters (HQ) German Aerospace Germany (GM) In-situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Project-Specific NASA/DLR in cooperation in the development and 11/11/2008 11/11/2018
Center (DLR) and Robotics Agreement (PSA) demonstration of planetary science and exploration
concepts and technologies of mutual interest related to
scientific instrumentation, surface mobility, in-situ
resource utilization (ISRU), and robotics, including the
169 use of analogue sites in U.S.
Goddard Space Manila Observatory of Philippines (RP) Agreement Between NASA and Project-Specific Cooperation on the Aerosol Robotic Network 1/14/2009 1/30/2018
Flight Center the Philippines the Manila Observatory of the Agreement (PSA) (AERONET).
(GSFC) Philippines for Cooperation on the
Aerosol Robotic Network

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) MOU Between JAXA and NASA Project-Specific The parties contributions will include cross-calibration of 2/23/2009 2/23/2019
(HQ),Jet Propulsion Exploration Agency for Cooperation Between the Agreement (PSA) radiometric calibration standards as well as a common
Laboratory (JPL) (JAXA) Greenhouse Gases Observing validation approach to relate OCO and GOSAT CO2
Satellite (GOSAT) and the Orbiting retrievals to each other and the WMO in situ CO2
Carbon Observatory (OCO) standard. Specific responsibilities for the parties are
Radiometric Calibration. The Parties shall cross-
calibrate radiometric calibration standards. 1. Prior to
launch of either the OCO or GOSAT missions, the
Parties shall exchange the radiometric calibration
standards used for pre-launch instrument calibration
and hold a workshop to exchange and jointly evaluate
radiometric calibration data. 2. In order to verify the
long-term stability of the on-orbit radiometric calibration
of the OCO and GOSAT instruments, the Parties shall
hold semi-annual calibration workshops during the
overlapping operational phases of these missions to
exchange and compare: a. Ground-based and space-
based spectra of CO2 and O2 collected over common
vicarious calibration sites; and b. Spectrally-dependent
solar fluxes at the top of the atmosphere and instrument
line shape functions used in the radiometric calibration
of CO2 and O2 spectra over vicarious calibration sites.
Common Validation Approach The Parties shall
implement a common validation approach to relate
OCO and GOSAT atmospheric column CO2 retrievals
to each other and to the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) in situ CO2 standard. 1. During
the overlapping operational phases of the OCO and
GOSAT missions, the...r
Goddard Space Hartebeesthoek Radio South Africa (SF) Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) Ext Project-Specific To strengthen the Hartebeesthock Radio Astronomy 4/30/2009 9/30/2019
Flight Center Astronomy Agreement (PSA) Observatory (HartRAO) station measurement systems
(GSFC) Observatory by adding a satellite laser ranging (SLR) system to the
(HartRAO),National station complement.
Research Foundation
172 (NRF)
Goddard Space Centre for Remote Singapore (SN) Agreement between the National Project-Specific For the proposed arrangement, the NASA and CRISP, 6/1/2009 10/15/2018
Flight Center Imaging, Sensing and Aeronautics and Space Agreement (PSA) NUS will establish one or more sun photometer and/or
(GSFC) Processing (CRISP), Administration (NASA) of the lidar stations at mutually agreed sites.
National University of United States of America and
Singapore Centre for Remote Imaging,
Sensing and Processing (CRISP),
National University of Singapore
(NUS) for Cooperation in the
Aerosol Robotic Network
(AERONET) and the Micro Pulse
173 Lidar Network (MPLNET)
Goddard Space Institute of Poland (PL) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific To establish a sun photometer station to improve the 9/2/2009 3/1/2019
Flight Center Oceanology, Polish (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) understanding of the properties and concentration of
(GSFC) Academy of Sciences aerosols and their relationship to aerosols on global and
174 (PAS) regional scales.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Ames Research Canadian Space Canada (CA) Framework Agreement between Umbrella/Framework Joint activities in space exploration; space operations, 9/9/2009 5/10/2020
Center Agency (CSA) the Government of the USA and Agreement (UM/FW) including space flight; Earth and space science; civil
(ARC),Dryden Flight the Government of Canada for aeronautics research, as it applies to space; and other
Research Cooperation in the Exploration and relevant areas of mutual interest.
Center(DFRC),Geor Use of Outer Space for Peaceful
ge C. Marshall Purposes
175 Space Flight Center
Headquarters (HQ) European Space European Space Memorandum of Understanding Umbrella/Framework NASA/ESA will cooperate under this MOU to exchange 9/11/2009 9/11/2019
Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Between NASA/ESA Concerning Agreement (UM/FW) available information and technical data on topics of
Cooperation in the Field of Space common interest in the field of space transportation.
Transportation They will develop, test, use technology insertion
approaches, demonstrate, and analyze: re-ignitable
cryogenic launch vehicle and spacecraft stages and
engines, including relevant ground and flight
demonstrators for propulsion and propellant
management applications; approaches and engineering
methods for establishing and maintaining qualification of
launch systems including associated ground
infrastructure; establish and maintain qualification of
launch systems and ground infrastructure; for structures
and materials of launch vehicle stages, boosters, and
engine nozzles; payload shroud development approach;
approaches for improvement of engineering methods
and correlations with test for pressure oscillations of
solid boosters, launch vehicle environments, and
induced loads; human rating approaches for launch
systems and crew transportation systems, including
their associated ground infrastructure; approaches for
vehicle assembly, integration, test, and operations at
launch complexes; architectures, development, test,
technology insertion, and deployment approaches for
lunar landers and surface systems; and cargo and crew
transportation systems, including docking interface,
requirements definition, design, verification, and

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Magnetospheric Multiscale Implementing NASA/CNES's mission is to promote and guide space 9/17/2009 9/17/2019
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Mission (MMS) Arrangement/Agreement research and technology for scientific and technical
(GSFC) (IA) purposes. NASA's mission is to pioneer the future in
space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics
research; to consider their mutual interest in
cooperating on the Magnetospheric MuItiscale (MMS)
mission; to recall the terms of the Framework
Agreement between the Government of the United
States of America and the Government of the French
Republic for Cooperative Activities in the Exploration
and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes, signed
on January 23, 2007, (hereinafter referred to as the
"Framework Agreement") applicable to this
Implementing Arrangement between NASA and CNES,
acting as Implementing Agencies; The purpose of this
Implementing Arrangement is to set forth the respective
responsibilities of the Implementing Agencies and the
terms and conditions under which they will cooperate
with the MMS mission. DESCRIPTION OF THE MMS
MISSION NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD) is
sponsoring the development of the MMS mission which
is a project in the Solar Terrestrial Probes (STP)
program. The MMS mission will explore the Earth's
magnetosphere with a constellation of four spacecraft
with identical scientific payloads. Measurements made
by these four spacecraft will help to explain the
fundamental physical processes involved with magnetic
reconnection and particle acceleration and turbulence
on both the micro-and mesoscales in the Earth's
Jet Propulsion National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement Implementing CNES will provide the Solar Wind Electron Analzyer 9/17/2009 9/17/2019
Laboratory (JPL) Space Studies (CNES) between NASA and CNES on the Arrangement/Agreement (SWEA) analyzer, a component of the SWEA
Mars Atmosphere and Volatile (IA) instrument, for flight on the NASA MAVEN mission.
178 Evolution (MAVEN) Mission
Goddard Space Birla Institute of India (IN) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA provides AERONET instrument and support. 11/9/2009 10/15/2019
Flight Center Technology, Extension (AERONET) with Birla Institute of Agreement (PSA) Partner aggress to provide maintenance.
(GSFC) Center Jaipur in Technology, Extension Center
179 Rajasthan Jaipur in Rajasthan
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Oman (MU) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE Program is an international environmental 12/8/2009 1/1/2100
of the Sultanate of to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that brings students,
Oman (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
environment. GLOBE has created an international
network of students at primary, middle, and secondary
school levels studying environmental issues, making
environmental measurements, and sharing useful
environmental data with one another and the
180 international science community.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space Middle East Technical Turkey (TU) Agreement for Cooperation Project-Specific Agreement for Cooperation between NASA and METU, 1/29/2010 3/30/2020
Flight Center University (METU), Between NASA and Middle East Agreement (PSA) IMS on the Aerosol Robotic Network.
(GSFC) Institute of Marine Technical University, Institute of
Sciences (IMS) Marine Sciences, Turkey on the
Aerosol Robotic Network
George C. Marshall University of Bern Switzerland (SZ) Agreement for the Strofio Project-Specific The Univ. of Bern in Switzerland will provide the ion 3/10/2010 9/30/2022
Space Flight Center Instrument on the BepiColombo Agreement (PSA) source system for the Strofio instrument that will be a
(MSFC) Mission part of the Serena payload on the ESA-led
182 BepiColombo mission to Mercury.
Goddard Space Swedish National Sweden (SW) Implementing Arrangement Implementing Cooperation is between NASA and SNSB under the 3/23/2010 3/23/2020
Flight Center Space Board (SNSB) Between NASA and the Swedish Arrangement/Agreement U.S. - Kingdom of Sweden Civil Space Framework
(GSFC) National Space Board of the (IA) Agreement.
Kingdom of Sweden on the
Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS)
183 Mission
Goddard Space Brazilian Space Brazil (BR) Space Geodesy: Space Geodetic Implementing To establish one or more permanent GPS ground 4/8/2010 4/30/2020
Flight Center Agency (AEB) Research and Global Positioning Arrangement/Agreement stations in Brazil, with the first agreed upon station to be
(GSFC) System (GPS) (IA) located at the INPE, Cachoeira Paulista, SP (Brazil).
Implementing Arrangement under the Framework.
Goddard Space Agentur fur Luft- und Austria (AU) NASA-Austria Agreement on the Project-Specific Agreement between the Agentur f'r Luft- und Raumfahrt 4/30/2010 12/31/2018
Flight Center Raumfahrt (ALR, Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) Agreement (PSA) (ALR, Aeronautics and Space Agency) of the
(GSFC) Aeronautics and Space Mission 'sterreichische Forschungsf'rderungsgesellschaft mbH
Agency) (FFG, Austrian Research Promotion Agency), have a
mutual interest in cooperating on the Magnetospheric
185 Multiscale (MMS) mission.
Headquarters German Aerospace Germany (GM) Gravity Recovery and Climate Project-Specific To provide a new model of the Earth's gravity field at 6/10/2010 12/31/2018
(HQ),Jet Propulsion Center (DLR) Experiment (GRACE) mission Agreement (PSA) monthly intervals for a period of five years.
Laboratory MOU
Research Center
186 (LaRC)
Goddard Space National Commission Argentina (AR) The Aquarius/SAC-D Mission Project-Specific This MOU between NASA and CONAE will contribute to 6/21/2010 6/30/2020
Flight Center on Space Activities MOU Agreement (PSA) the understanding of the total Earth system and the
(GSFC) (CONAE) effects of natural and human-induced changes on the
global environment. The measurements performed by
the Aquarius/SAC-DMission will contribute to a better
understanding of ocean circulation, the prediction of
changes in circulation, and its impact on Earth's climate
187 and water cycle.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) National Centre for Multiple MOU among NOAA, NASA, Project-Specific The Jason-3 Program will design to provide continuity to 7/13/2010 12/31/2030
Space Studies Signatories EUMETSAT and CNES for Agreement (PSA) the accuracy and coverage of the Topex/Poseidon,
(CNES),European Cooperation in the Jason-3 Jason-1 and OSTM/Jason-2 missions. These three
Organization for the Programme missions collected data for scientific research and
Exploitation of support operational applications related to extreme
Meteorological weather events, operational oceanography, climate
Satellites applications and forecasting. NOAA and The European
(EUMETSAT) Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological
Satellites (EUMETSAT) are the lead agencies. NASA
and CNES are providing hardware to NOAA and
EUMETSAT under separate domestic agreements.
NASA's involvement in collaborative activities is very
limited -- NASA is supporting NOAA in science selection
and, in return, obtaining science data.
Headquarters (HQ) National Centre for France (FR) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE Program is an international environmental 9/16/2010 9/16/2020
Space Studies (CNES) to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that brings students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
environment. GLOBE has created an international
network of students at primary, middle, and secondary
school levels studying environmental issues, making
environmental measurements, and sharing useful
environmental data with one another and the
189 international science community.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space Institute of Applied Moldova (MD) AERONET Agreement with Project-Specific The purpose of this letter agreement is to formalize 9/22/2010 9/22/2020
Flight Center Physics, Academy of Institute of Applied Physics of the Agreement (PSA) cooperation between the National Aeronautics and
(GSFC) Sciences of Moldova Academy of Sciences of Moldova Space Administration (NASA) of the United States of
(ASM) America and the Institute of Applied Physics of the
Academy of Sciences (IAP-ASM) of Moldova
(hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"), in the global
AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) program.
NASA's scientific goals include a more detailed
understanding of global atmospheric change
phenomena, with a particular emphasis on climate
research and the assessment of air quality. To these
ends, NASA has established a global network of sun
photometers (AERONET) in cooperation with a wide
range of international partner agencies and institutions.
These devices are used to measure water vapor and
aerosol optical properties, which are necessary
measurements as well as being essential for ground-
based validation for aerosol measurements taken by
satellites. For the proposed arrangement, NASA and
IAP-ASM will establish one or more sun photometer
stations at mutually agreed sites. The inclusion of these
stations within the global AERONET will significantly
improve the understanding of the properties and
concentration of aerosols and their relationship to
aerosols on both global and regional scales. Another
objective of this cooperation is to encourage scientists
from both the United States and Moldova to develop
research programs using data collected in Moldova
along with aerosol data available from global AERONET
190 data.
Goddard Space The King Abdulaziz Saudi Arabia (SA) AERONET Agreement with King Project-Specific To establish sun photometer system(s) to improve the 10/2/2010 10/2/2020
Flight Center City for Science and Abdulaziz City for Science and Agreement (PSA) understanding of the properties and concentration of
(GSFC) Technology (KACST) Technology in Saudi Arabia aerosols and their relationship to aerosols on global and
191 (KACST) regional scales.
Goddard Space The King Abdulaziz Saudi Arabia (SA) Space Geodesy: Agreement with Project-Specific Space Geodesy and geodynamics research. 10/2/2010 10/2/2020
Flight Center City for Science and King Abdulaziz City for Science Agreement (PSA)
(GSFC) Technology (KACST) and Technology in Saudi Arabia
192 (KACST)
Ames Research German Aerospace Germany (GM) Agreement between NASA and Project-Specific Agreement provides for associate membership of DLR 12/8/2010 12/8/2020
Center (ARC) Center (DLR) DLR for Associate Membership in Agreement (PSA) and its related organizations in the NASA Lunar Science
the NASA Lunar Science Institute Institute (NLSI).
193 (NLSI)
Ames Research University of New Australia (AS) Astrobiology Associate Project-Specific The agreement provides for cooperation between NASA 12/9/2010 6/30/2020
Center (ARC) South Wales Partnership Agreement Agreement (PSA) and the Univ. of New South Wales (UNSW) in the field
of astrobiology and analogue research by making
UNSW an Associate Member of the NASA Astrobiology
194 Institute.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) German Aerospace Germany (GM) Framework Agreement between Umbrella/Framework Framework Agreement between NASA and DLR on 12/13/2010 12/12/2020
Center (DLR) the National Aeronautics and Agreement (UM/FW) Cooperation in Aeronautics and the Exploration and
Space Administration and the Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes.
German Aerospace Center On
Cooperation in Aeronautics and
the Exploration and Use of Outer
195 Space for Peaceful Purposes
Goddard Space European Space European Space Reimbursable Agreement between Project-Specific NASA will provide to ESA, on a reimbursable basis, 12/16/2010 12/31/2020
Flight Center Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) NASA and the European Space Agreement (PSA) TDRSS services in support of the launch, free flight,
(GSFC) Agency (ESA) Ongoing NASA docking, undock, and re-entry of each ATV Mission.
Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
System (TDRSS) Support of the
Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV)
Goddard Space Gorongosa Restoration Mozambique (MZ) Agreement Between NASA and Project-Specific NASA has established a global network of sun 3/25/2011 2/20/2021
Flight Center Project the Gorongosa Restoration Project Agreement (PSA) photometers (AERONET) in cooperation with a wide
(GSFC) of Mozambique for Cooperation in range of international partner agencies and institutions.
the Aerosol Robotic Network These devices are used to measure water vapor and
(AERONET) aerosol optical properties, which are necessary
measurements as well as being essential for ground-
based validation for aerosol measurements taken by
satellites. For the proposed arrangement, NASA and
GRP will establish one or more sun photometer stations
at mutually agreed sites. The inclusion of these stations
within the global AERONET will significantly improve the
understanding of the properties and concentration of
aerosols and their relationship to aerosols on both
global and regional scales. Another objective of this
cooperation is to encourage scientists from both the
United States and Mozambique to develop research
programs using data collected in Mozambique along
with aerosol data available from the global AERONET
database located at NASA's Goddard Space Flight
Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, Maryland.
Goddard Space Moscow State Russia (UR) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and Moscow State University will continue to 3/31/2011 3/31/2021
Flight Center University (MSU) (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) cooperate on the operation of an AERONET
(GSFC) sunphotometer station located at Moscow State
University. NASA provides the equipment, and Moscow
198 State University provides the site.
Goddard Space University of Lille 1 France (FR) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and University of Lille 1 will cooperate in the 4/4/2011 2/15/2021
Flight Center (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) creation of an AERONET sunphotometer station located
(GSFC) at University of Lille 1. NASA provides the equipment,
199 and University of Lille 1 provides the site.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Ames Research Institute of Space and Japan (JA) The MU Space Engineering Project-Specific MUSES-C or Hayabusa is an Institute of Space and 4/22/2011 4/25/2021
Center (ARC) Astronautical Science Spacecraft-C (MUSES-C) Agreement (PSA) Astronautical Science (ISAS), or Japan Aerospace
(ISAS) Program/Hayabusa Exploration Agency (JAXA) technology demonstration
mission designed to rendezvous with a near-Earth
asteroid and to return samples of that asteroid to Earth.
NASA responsibilities include providing for heat shield
testing, technical review, backup DSN tracking,
telemetry, and command support activities, radiometric
navigation support, U.S. scientist participation, and
ground-based observation support while JAXA
responsibilities include providing for the MUSES-C
spacecraft, launch, overall mission operations and
design, access to NASA of asteroid samples obtained,
and Japanese researchers. MUSES-C, a near-Earth
asteroid mission. It applies to: mission development;
launch; in-flight and asteroid encounter mission
operations; sample return and recovery; and sample
and other data analysis. The Parties shall cooperate
according to the Exchange of Notes and this MOU.
MUSES-C is an ISAS technology demonstration mission
with scientific purposes designed to rendezvous with a
near-Earth asteroid and to return samples of that
asteroid to Earth. Missing Japanese Diplomatic note
from the record. Will try to obtain.
Goddard Space Jacob Blaustein Israel (IS) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and Ben Gurion University will continue to 4/26/2011 4/30/2021
Flight Center Institute for Desert (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) cooperate on the operation of an AERONET
(GSFC) Research, Ben-Gurion sunphotometer station located at Ben Gurion
University of the University's Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert
Negev Research. NASA provides the equipment, and Ben
201 Gurion University provides the site.
Goddard Space Norwegian Mapping Norway (NO) Space Geodesy: NMA Agreement Project-Specific An agreement for cooperation in the field of space 4/27/2011 12/31/2020
Flight Center Authority (NMA) Agreement (PSA) geodesy, including Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Very
(GSFC) Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), and Global
202 Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).
Goddard Space Indian Institute of India (IN) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and IIT Kanpur will extend cooperation dating 5/9/2011 4/30/2021
Flight Center Technology (IIT), (AERONET) with IIT Kanpur Agreement (PSA) from 2001 on an AERONET sunphotometer station
(GSFC) Kanpur located at IIT Kanpur. NASA provides the equipment,
203 and ITT Kanpur provides the site.
Headquarters (HQ) Norwegian Space Norway (NO) Implementing Arrangement Project-Specific Implementing Arrangement under the Agreement 5/10/2011 5/10/2021
Centre (NSC) Between NASA and the Agreement (PSA) between the United States of America and the Kingdom
Norwegian Space Centre (NSC) of Norway for Cooperation in the Civil Uses of Outer
on the use of Analogue Sites Space. This IA covers cooperation in the use of
204 within the US and Norway analogue sites in each others' countries.
Ames Research Swedish National Sweden (SW) Implementing Arrangement Implementing Implementing Arrangement under the Framework 5/19/2011 5/19/2021
Center (ARC) Space Board (SNSB) Between the National Aeronautics Arrangement/Agreement Agreement between the Government of the United
and Space Administration and the (IA) States and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden
Swedish National Space Board for for Cooperative Activities in the Exploration and Use of
Cooperation in Aeronautic and Outer Space of Peaceful Purposes, for cooperation on
Space Research Using NanoSat technologies.
205 Nanosatellite Technologies

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement btw Implementing CNES is providing researchers and a portion of the 6/17/2011 12/31/2019
Laboratory (JPL) Space Studies (CNES) NASA and CNES on the Juno Arrangement/Agreement Jovian Auroral Distribution Experiment (JADE) on the
Mission (IA) NASA Juno mission. This IA is under the U.S.-French
206 Umbrella.
Jet Propulsion Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) MOU between NASA and ASI Project-Specific This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) covers 6/22/2011 12/31/2019
Laboratory (JPL) (ASI) concerning the Juno Mission Agreement (PSA) cooperation between NASA and the Italian Space
Agency (ASI) on the Juno mission to Jupiter. ASI is
providing the Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM)
207 and Ka-Band Transponder (Ka-T) instruments.
Goddard Space Yonsei University Korea, Republic of Agreement Between NASA and Project-Specific NASA loans one or more sun photometers and related 6/23/2011 4/30/2021
Flight Center (KS) Yonsei University of Korea for Agreement (PSA) equipment for use and participation in the AERONET
(GSFC) Cooperation in the Aerosol program.
208 Robotic Network (AERONET)
Goddard Space Kinki University Japan (JA) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific Agreement establishes sun photometer stations in 6/24/2011 3/31/2021
Flight Center (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) Japan, Shirahama (Wakayama Prefecture).
209 (GSFC)
Johnson Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Calorimetric Electron Telescope Project-Specific The cooperation involves NASA science participation, 7/11/2011 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Exploration Agency (CALET) Agreement (PSA) mission support, and ISS utilization support for the
(JAXA) JAXA Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) payload
for the ISS, to be launched on an HTV. The activity
crosses mission directorates and includes significant
Science Mission Directorate, Space Science,
210 Astrophysics activities as well.
Goddard Space Universidad Nacional Colombia (CO) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and Universidad Nacional de Colombia will 7/12/2011 4/30/2021
Flight Center de Colombia (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) continue to cooperate on the operation of an AERONET
(GSFC) sunphotometer station located at mutually agreed sites
in Colombia. NASA provides the equipment, and
Universidad Nacional de Colombia provides the sites.
Goddard Space Silpakorn University Thailand (TH) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and Silpakorn University will continue to 7/14/2011 4/30/2021
Flight Center (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) cooperate on the operation of an AERONET
(GSFC) sunphotometer station located at mutually agreed sites
in Thailand. NASA provides the equipment, and
212 Silpakorn University provides the sites.
Goddard Space Centre Royal de Morocco (MO) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and Centre Royal de Teledetection Spatiale will 7/15/2011 4/30/2021
Flight Center Teledetection Spatiale (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) continue to cooperate on the operation of an AERONET
(GSFC) sunphotometer station located at mutually agreed sites
in Morocco. NASA provides the equipment, and Centre
Royal de Teledetection Spatiale provides the sites.
Goddard Space Deutsches Museum Germany (GM) Loan of items from WMAP Project-Specific Loan of Artifacts from Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy 7/20/2011 12/31/2020
Flight Center Satellite to Deutsches Museum Agreement (PSA) Probe (WMAP) to Germany's Deutsche Museum.
214 (GSFC)

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) LEGO System A/S Denmark (DA) Agreement between NASA and Project-Specific The agreement is for the purpose of affixing three 8/2/2011 8/2/2019
the LEGO System A/S of Denmark Agreement (PSA) LEGO minifigures (the hardware) on NASA's Juno
Concerning the Juno Mission mission to Jupiter and provides for the development
and performance of Juno mission-related educational
and public outreach activities. NASA and LEGO
responsibilities include developing and implementing
educational and outreach activities, providing design,
fabrication, and integration specifications for the LEGO
hardware, and incorporating LEGO hardware onto the
215 exterior of the Juno spacecraft.
Goddard Space University of New Australia (AS) Research Cooperation on the Project-Specific NASA and the University of New South Wales 8/9/2011 8/9/2018
Flight Center South Wales Physical, Chemical, and Biological Agreement (PSA) Australian Research Council Center of Excellence for
(GSFC) Components of the Climate Climate System Science plan to pursue increased
System communications and cooperation over the next six
years, including research collaborations and the
216 development of joint papers.
Goddard Space Brazilian Space Brazil (BR) Space Geodesy: Very Long Project-Specific NASA and AEB will continue to cooperate on space 8/15/2011 8/31/2021
Flight Center Agency (AEB) Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Agreement (PSA) geodesy with emphasis in VLBI. NASA loans equipment
(GSFC) to AEB, and AEB operates a station. Cooperative
space geodesy program with emphasis on the
techniques and science derived from Very Long
Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) IA under the
217 Framework.
Langley Research National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement Implementing Continue the operations of the joint NASA-CNES 9/8/2011 3/31/2022
Center (LaRC) Space Studies (CNES) between NASA and CNES for the Arrangement/Agreement CALIPSO mission. Replaces the original Memorandum
Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared (IA) of Understanding (MOU) for this cooperation.
Pathfinder Satellite Observations
218 (CALIPSO) Mission
Goddard Space Universiti Sains Malaysia (MY) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) will 9/13/2011 5/31/2021
Flight Center Malaysia (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) cooperate on the operation of an AERONET
(GSFC) sunphotometer station located at USM. NASA provides
219 the equipment, and USM provides the site.
Goddard Space University of Liege Belgium (BE) Belgium (CSL/BELSPO) Solar Project-Specific NASA will develop the SPP, a spacecraft equipped to 10/10/2011 9/30/2026
Flight Center Probe Plus (SPP) Letter of Agreement (PSA) perform scientific studies of the Sun. The primary
(GSFC) Agreement scientific objectives to be carried out during the mission
include: to determine the structure and dynamics of the
magnetic fields at the sources of both fast and slow
solar wind; to trace the flow of energy that heats the
corona and accelerates the solar wind; and to determine
what mechanisms accelerate and transport energetic
particles. Instruments include a wide-field imager, fast
ion analyzer, fast electron analyzer, energetic particle
instrument, magnetometer, and plasma wave
instrument. This Agreement will cover the Belgian
contributions to the SPP mission, specifically the
contributions to the modeling, testing, and evaluation of
the WISPR Investigation on the SPP.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space Institute of Russia (UR) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and the Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian 10/14/2011 5/23/2022
Flight Center Atmospheric Optics, (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAO SB RAS)
(GSFC) Siberian Branch, will cooperate on the operation of an AERONET
Russian Academy of sunphotometer station. NASA provides the equipment
221 Sciences and IAO SB RAS provides the site.
All NASA Centers Government of Argentina (AR) Framework Agreement between Umbrella/Framework This Agreement provides the parties with the foundation 10/25/2011 7/30/2023
Argentina the Government of the United Agreement (UM/FW) to needed to identify areas of mutual interest and seek
States of America and the to develop cooperative programs or projects,
Government of the Argentine hereinafter referred to as Programs, in the exploration
Republic on Cooperation in the and peaceful uses of outer space and shall work closely
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space together to this end. The agreement was signed on
October 25, 2011 and entered into force on July 30,
2013 when the second of two dip notes was exchanged.
The agreement will be in force for 10 years from July
222 30, 2013.
Goddard Space Central Geophysical Poland (PL) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and the Polish Academy of Sciences will 10/25/2011 6/30/2021
Flight Center Observatory (CGO), (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) cooperate on the operation of an AERONET
(GSFC) Institute of sunphotometer station located at the Institute of
Geophysics, Polish Geophysics. NASA provides the equipment, and the
Academy of Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences provides the site.
223 (PAS)
Jet Propulsion National Commission Argentina (AR) Space Geodesy: Ground Stations Project-Specific NASA and CONAE will establish one or more 10/26/2011 10/26/2021
Laboratory (JPL) on Space Activities Agreement (PSA) permanent geodetic ground stations, with the first
(CONAE) agreed-upon station to be located at the Teofilo
Tabanera Space Center of CONAE in Cordoba,
Argentina. These stations will contribute data to the
GGOS to improve the accuracy of global and regional
224 geodetic measurements.
Wallops Flight Brazilian Space Brazil (BR) NASA AEB Implementing Implementing The objective of this mission is to study the 10/27/2011 10/27/2021
Facility (WFF) Agency (AEB) Arrangement for participation in Arrangement/Agreement concentrations of various atmospheric constituents in
the Ozone Cooperation Mission (IA) order to contribute to the understanding of the Earth's
ozone layer, its generation, and its depletion, and to
225 help to calibrate and verify satellite remote sensors.
Goddard Space Brazilian Space Brazil (BR) NASA AEB Implementing Implementing The GPM mission is a NASA-led, international space 10/27/2011 10/27/2021
Flight Center Agency (AEB) Arrangement for participation in Arrangement/Agreement initiative to understand global precipitation. The data
(GSFC) the Global Precipitation (IA) acquired by the GPM mission will be beneficial for
Measurement (GPM) Mission monitoring and predicting climatological and
meteorological changes and for improving the accuracy
226 of weather and precipitation forecasts.
Goddard Space Canadian Space Canada (CA) Soil Moisture Active Passive Implementing SMAP is one of the first four tier one Earth science 11/21/2011 11/21/2021
Flight Center Agency (CSA) (SMAP) mission Arrangement/Agreement missions recommended by the U.S. National Research
(GSFC) (IA) Council's Earth Science Decadal Survey. SMAP is
designed to enable scientists to study Earth's water,
energy and carbon cycles across the entire planet.
SMAP expects to employ a dedicated spacecraft with
an instrument suite that is planned for launch into a
near-polar, sun-synchronous orbit on an expendable
227 launch vehicle no earlier than 2014.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space Bermuda Biological Bermuda (BD) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS) 11/28/2011 7/19/2022
Flight Center Station for Research, (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) will continue to cooperate on the operation of an
(GSFC) Inc. AERONET sunphotometer station located at BIOS.
NASA provides the equipment, and BIOS provides the
228 site.
Goddard Space Tartu Observatory Estonia (EN) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and Tartu Observatory will continue to cooperate 12/14/2011 3/31/2022
Flight Center (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) on the operation of an AERONET sunphotometer
(GSFC) station located at Tartu Observatory. NASA provides
the equipment, and Tartu Observatory provides the site.
Johnson Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Amendment 1 to Agreement Implementing Amendment 1 to replace Articles II-VII in their entirety, 2/3/2012 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Exploration Agency Between the National Aeronautics Arrangement/Agreement which updated language to reflect the retirement of the
(JAXA) and Space Administration (NASA) (IA) Shuttle and to provide for the Spares Analysis and
and the Japan Aerospace JAXA payment for estimated CSP requirements through
Exploration Agency (JAXA) On 2020. The Basic Agreement between NASA and JAXA,
JAXA's Use of NASA's Common which enabled JAXA to use the Common Spares Pool,
Spares Pool (CSP) to Support the on a reimbursable basis to NASA, for spares/repair
Japanese Experiment Module parts to maintain the ISS-JEM. The Basics Agreement
(JEM) also supersedes and terminates the previous CSP-JEM
Agreement between NASA and JAXA.
Goddard Space Russian Academy of Russia (UR) Space Geodesy: Agreement for Project-Specific NASA and the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) 2/8/2012 8/31/2021
Flight Center Sciences Cooperation in the Field of Space Agreement (PSA) cooperate in the operation of a space geodetic station
(GSFC) Geodesy in Russia. NASA loans space geodetic equipment to
RAS on a long-term basis, and RAS operates and
231 maintains the station.
Goddard Space European Space European Space Memorandum of Understanding Project-Specific The Solar Orbiter (SO) mission will be specifically 3/6/2012 12/31/2025
Flight Center Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Between the European Space Agreement (PSA) devoted to solar and heliospheric physics, providing
(GSFC) Agency and the National close-up and high-latitude observations of the Sun. The
Aeronautics and Space goal of the mission will be to explore the near-Sun
Administration of the United environment to improve the understanding of how the
States of America Concerning the Sun determines the environment of the inner solar
Solar Orbiter Mission system and, more broadly, generates the heliosphere
itself, and how fundamental plasma physical processes
operate near the Sun. SO is an international
collaboration comprising many science instruments and
suites, including one instrument and one sensor
provided by NASA. ESA will provide the spacecraft,
while NASA will provide the launch. The SO orbiter
collaboration is taking place within ESA's Cosmic Vision
line of missions within the Science Programme. The
SO mission is currently planned for a 2017 launch date,
with the end of the nominal mission set for 2024.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) German Aerospace Germany (GM) Implementing Arrangement Implementing NASA will develop the SPP, a spacecraft equipped to 3/20/2012 9/30/2026
Center (DLR) Between the National Aeronautics Arrangement/Agreement perform scientific studies of the Sun. NASA plans to
and Space Administration and the (IA) launch the SPP in 2018 from Cape Canaveral, Florida,
German Aerospace Center For aboard an Atlas V class launch vehicle. The primary
Cooperation on the Solar Probe scientific objectives, to be carried out during the
Plus (SPP) Mission mission, will be to determine the structure and dynamics
of the magnetic fields at the sources of both fast and
slow solar wind, to trace the flow of energy that heats
the corona and accelerates the solar wind, and to
determine what mechanisms accelerate and transport
energetic particles. Instruments include a wide-field
imager, fast ion analyzer, fast electron analyzer,
energetic particle instrument, magnetometer, and
plasma wave instrument. DLR and NASA will be
cooperating on the Wide Field Imager for Solar Probe
(WISPR) Investigation on the SPP mission. WISPR will
track density fluctuations in the solar corona by imaging
visible sunlight scattered by electrons in the corona as
the spacecraft traverses through its perihelion passes.
International participation on this mission also includes
France and Belgium.
Headquarters (HQ) Commonwealth Australia (AS) NASA Balloon Launches from Project-Specific Diplomatic-level exchange of notes combining the terms 4/24/2012 6/12/2022
Scientific and Industrial Australia - Extension Agreement (PSA) of two prior agreements for the launching of balloons in
Research Organization Australia on July 16 and October 18, 1984, and the
(CSIRO),Government launching of long-duration balloon flights beyond
of Australia Australia on January 24 and July 24, 1985
Goddard Space Science and United Kingdom Reimbursable Agreement Between Project-Specific NASA will design, fabricate, test, and deliver a pixel 5/9/2012 12/31/2018
Flight Center Technology Facilities (UK) the National Aeronautics and Agreement (PSA) sensor to STFC for an intensified active pixel sensor for
(GSFC) Council (STFC) Space Administration (NASA) and the Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment
the Science and Technology (SPICE), onboard the European Space Agency (ESA)
Facilities Council (STFC) for Solar Orbiter (SO) mission. In the context of this overall
Development, Fabrication and project, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
Testing of the Intensified Active will design, build, and perform qualification testing of the
Pixel Sensor Detector for the SPICE Detector Assembly. By the end of this effort, an
Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Engineering Model Detector, a qualified Flight Detector
Environment (SPICE) Instrument Assembly, and an additional flight qualified Detector
onboard the European Space Assembly will be delivered to Rutherford Appleton
Agency Solar Orbiter Mission Laboratory for integration into the SPICE Optical
235 Assembly.
Headquarters (HQ) Russian Federal Space Russia (UR) Agreement Between the United Umbrella/Framework Amendment 4: Extended by an exchange of diplomatic 6/18/2012 12/31/2020
Agency (Roskosmos) States of America and the Russian Agreement (UM/FW) notes. Government to Government Agreement
Federation Concerning between the U.S. and the Russian Federation for
Cooperation in the Exploration and Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space
Use of Outer Space for Peaceful for Peaceful Purposes. Crosscutting. Dip Notes
Purposes extended the Agreement from June 17, 2007, through
June 16, 2012. Russia Dip Note No. 10778 dtd 3 Dec
2007, U.S. Dip Note MFA No. 153-07, dtd 26 Dec 2007,
and State Cable 169755 delivered U.S. Dip Note on 27
236 Dec 2007.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space University of Dhaka Bangladesh (BG) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and the University of Dhaka will cooperate on the 7/11/2012 6/30/2022
Flight Center (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) operation of an AERONET sunphotometer station
(GSFC) located at the University of Dhaka. NASA provides the
equipment, and the University of Dhaka provides the
237 site.
Goddard Space Nigerian National Nigeria (NI) Space Geodesy: Extension of Project-Specific Extension: NASA responsibilities include long term 8/7/2012 10/10/2018
Flight Center Space Research and LOA between NASA and the Agreement (PSA) loan of one or more GPS receivers, antennas,
(GSFC),Jet Development Agency Nigerian National Space Research computers, and associated equipment, training for use
Propulsion (NASDRA) and Development Agency of NASA provide equipment and software, data analysis
Laboratory (JPL) (NASDRA) for Cooperation on support. NASDRA responsibilities include - logistical
Geo-Hazards Research support, personnel, and support data analysis.
Goddard Space Canadian Space Canada (CA) Implementing Arrangement Implementing An exchange of research aircraft time on the Icebridge 9/13/2012 3/31/2020
Flight Center Agency (CSA) between NASA and CSA for Arrangement/Agreement mission for sounding rocket motors. The cooperation is
(GSFC) Cooperation on the Icebridge (IA) an implementing arrangement under the U.S.-Canada
Mission and Sounding Rocket Civil Space Agreement.
239 Research
Goddard Space University of Liege Belgium (BE) Solar Orbiter Collaboration Project-Specific The Centre Spatial de Li'ge (Universite de Liege) will 10/2/2012 12/31/2025
Flight Center Agreement (PSA) provide engineering support to the NASA-provided
(GSFC) SoloHi instrument on the ESA-led Solar Orbiter mission.
The Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO) is
240 providing the funding.
Goddard Space University of Bern Switzerland (SZ) Solar Orbiter Collaboration Project-Specific University of Bern will calibrate the NASA-provided 10/15/2012 12/31/2025
Flight Center Agreement (PSA) Heavy Ion Spectrometer (HIS) instrument for the ESA-
241 (GSFC) led Solar Orbiter mission.
Goddard Space Ministry of International Japan (JA) Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Implementing The purpose of this Implementing Arrangement is to 10/19/2012 10/24/2019
Flight Center Trade and Industry Emission and Reflection Arrangement/Agreement establish that the Parties will undertake scientific and
(GSFC) (MITI) Radiometer (ASTER) on Earth (IA) technical cooperation for flight of the ASTER instrument
Observing System (EOS)/Terra on the NASA EOS-AM1 platform. The Parties jointly
undertake this program with the purpose of furthering
cooperation in global change research by enabling the
multidisciplinary study and long-term systematic
monitoring of the Earth, including research involving
data from all Earth observing platforms contained in the
IEOS and related activities of the IGBP, such as sensor
calibration and data validation. Amendment to the IA -
IA does not expire until end of mission.
Headquarters (HQ) German Aerospace Germany (GM) Implementing Arrangement Implementing Office of Chief Engineer. APPEL program will lead this 11/29/2012 11/29/2022
Center (DLR) between NASA and DLR for Arrangement/Agreement cooperation. The parties will exchange best practices,
Cooperation - Program/Project (IA) knowledge sharing opportunities, and related
Management Training experiences about program/project management.
Johnson Space European Space European Space Offset of ESA's Responsibility for Implementing Offset of ESA's responsibility for Common System 12/13/2012 12/31/2021
Center (JSC) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Common Systems Operating Arrangement/Agreement Operations Costs (CSOC), and Compensation for the
Costs (CSOC) & Cargo (IA) transportation of ESA cargo to and from the ISS,
Transportation to the ISS through the provision of cargo delivery capability aboard
the ESA Automated Transfer Vehicles (ATVs) or of
244 other agreed items, or payment of funds.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space European Space European Space Barter of goods and services in Implementing Barter of goods and services in support of International 12/13/2012 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) support of International Space Arrangement/Agreement Space Station operations.
245 Station operations (IA)
Glenn Research European Space European Space Implementing Arrangement Implementing Barter arrangement. ESA will provide the Service 12/18/2012 12/31/2021
Center at Lewis Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Between the National Aeronautics Arrangement/Agreement Module (SM) for the Exploration Mission - 1 Multi-
Field and Space Administration of the (IA) Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) as contribution to the
(GRC),Headquarters United States of America and the offset of ESA's Responsibility for International Space
(HQ),Johnson European Space Agency Station common system operations costs and to
Space Center (JSC) Concerning the Provision by ESA compensate NASA for transportation costs and other
of Elements for NASA's Multi- supporting services including TDRSS support and an
Purpose Crew Vehicle as a astronaut ISS increment flight opportunity. Also
Contribution to the Offset of ESA's includes an Annex which lays the groundwork for ESA
Responsibility for International to also provide the Exploration Mission-2 Service
Space Station Common System Module and assistance for the Exploration Mission-3
Operations Costs and to activities.
Compensate NASA for
Transportation Costs and Other
246 Supporting Services
Goddard Space United Kingdom Space United Kingdom Solar Orbiter Agreement - Heavy Project-Specific Agreement for the fabrication, delivery, integration, and 2/19/2013 12/31/2025
Flight Center Agency (UKSA) (UK) Ion Sensor (HIS) Agreement (PSA) data for the NASA-provided Heavy Ion Sensor (HIS) to
(GSFC) Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL) for
integration with the UK Space Agency-provided Solar
Wind Analyzer (SWA) instrument suite. The SWA will
be integrated onto the ESA-provided Solar Orbiter
spacecraft. This Agreement includes provisions for
interface coordination, delivery of the payload and its
components to the Parties for testing, integration, and
science data and data products sharing and archiving.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of the Italy (IT) Framework Agreement Between Umbrella/Framework Government to Government Agreement between the 3/19/2013 3/19/2023
Italian Republic the Government of the United Agreement (UM/FW) U.S. and the Italian Republic for Cooperation in the
States of America and the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful
Government of the Italian Republic Purposes signed on March 19, 2013. Crosscutting.
for Cooperation in the Exploration This Agreement enters into force on the date of the last
and Use of Outer Space for note of an exchange of diplomatic notes in which the
Peaceful Purposes Parties notify each other of the completion of their
internal procedures necessary for the entry into force of
this Agreement. (Italy Note Verbale signed January 19,
2016. Dept. of State Dip Note 195 stamped February
248 18, 2016.)
Goddard Space Southeast Asia Start Thailand (TH) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific Cooperation on Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET). 4/1/2013 2/28/2023
Flight Center Regional Center (SEA (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) NASA provides AERONET instruments on loan;
(GSFC) START RC), Southeast Asia START Regional Center provides
Chulalongkorn location and local operations.
249 University
George C. Marshall Space Research Russia (UR) Space Research Institute of the Project-Specific NASA will provide four mirror modules for portions of 4/6/2013 12/31/2025
Space Flight Center Institute (IKI), Russian Russian Academy of Sciences Agreement (PSA) science data from the Russian Instrument.
(MSFC) Academy of Sciences (IKI) re Cooperation on the ART-
(RAS) XC Instrument Onboard the
Russian Sprectum Roentgen
250 Mission (SPG)

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space Universite de la France (FR) Network for the Detection of Project-Specific NASA will use its mobile validation instrumentation at 4/15/2013 1/31/2018
Flight Center Reunion Atmospheric Chemical Change Agreement (PSA) the Maido facility on Reunion Island to participate in an
(GSFC) NDACC validation campaign with the Universite de la
251 Reunion ozone profiling instruments.
Goddard Space National Survey for Armenia (AM) Space Geodesy: Geodetic Project-Specific Cooperation on space geodetic research through the 4/18/2013 3/31/2018
Flight Center Seismic Protection Research/GPS Agreement (PSA) establishment of one or more Global Positioning System
(GSFC) (GPS) ground stations in Armenia, with the first GPS
252 ground station to be located at Yerevan.
Jet Propulsion National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement Implementing Jason-1 provides a continuation of the 4/19/2013 7/31/2018
Laboratory (JPL) Space Studies (CNES) between NASA and CNES for the Arrangement/Agreement TOPEX/Poseidon mission's high-accuracy radar
Jason-1 Mission (IA) altimetry measurements for global ocean circulation and
sea surface studies for research and operational
requirements. It uses radar altimetry, microwave
radiometry, precision satellite tracking, and precision
orbit determination. From 2002 to 2006, Jason-1 and
TOPEX/Poseidon operated in tandem on an interleaved
orbit allowing them to essentially double the space -
time sampling. From June 2008 to April 2012, Jason-1
again provided these valuable ocean measurements in
tandem with OSTM/Jason-2. A secondary objective is
to provide near-real-time data (and product) services for
operational activities such as marine now casting and
numerical prediction of sea state, ocean circulation, and
weather. The Jason-1 consists of a satellite-bus
provided by CNES and carries a payload module jointly
provided by the Implementing Agencies. The payload
module consists of a radar altimeter and its antenna
(Poseidon-2), and a Doppler Orbitography and
Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS)
receiver package provided by CNES. A microwave
radiometer and its antenna (the Jason-1 Microwave
Radiometer (JMR), a laser retroreflector array (LRA),
and a Turbo Rogue Space Receiver (TRSR) Global
Positioning System (GPS) receiver package were
provided by NASA. On December 7, 2001, Jason-1
was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base,
California on a NASA-provided Delta-II launch vehicle.
Ames Research The King Abdulaziz Saudi Arabia (SA) Memorandum of Understanding Project-Specific Memorandum of Understanding Between The King 4/23/2013 4/23/2018
Center (ARC) City for Science and Between The King Abdulaziz City Agreement (PSA) Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) of
Technology (KACST) for Science and Technology The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and NASA Concerning
(KACST) of The Kingdom of Saudi the Ultra-Violet Light Emitting Diodes (UV-LED)
Arabia and NASA Concerning the Mission. NASA and KACST have an interest in
Ultra-Violet Light Emitting Diodes demonstrating new spacecraft charge management
(UV-LED) Mission technologies through the development and operation of
a small satellite (SmallSat) mission referred to as the
Ultra Violet Light Emitting Diodes (UV-LED) mission.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Technik Museum Germany (GM) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific NASA and Technik Museum Speyer in Speyer, 5/8/2013 5/8/2018
Center (JSC) Speyer Agreement: Reimbursable Space Agreement (PSA) Germany designs an agreement for the construction
Act Agreement between NASA and reimbursement of a specially-assembled lunar
and Technik Museum Speyer for a sample display case that will house Apollo lunar sample
Lunar Sample Display Case number 15499,67 which was brought to Earth by the
255 Apollo 15 astronauts.
Goddard Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) MOU Between NASA and JAXA Project-Specific The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding 5/8/2013 12/31/2023
Flight Center Exploration Agency for Cooperation on the Global Agreement (PSA) (hereinafter referred to as the 'MOU') is to establish the
(GSFC) (JAXA) Precipitation Measurement (GPM) terms and conditions under which NASA and JAXA will
Program cooperate in the joint development, launch, operations
and use of the Program for peaceful purposes. The
Program consists of NASA and JAXA assets operating
in partnership with other earth-observing satellites and
instruments to produce global precipitation science
256 data.
Goddard Space Faculty of Tropical Thailand (TH) Cooperation in Disease Control Project-Specific The scientific objectives of this collaboration are: (1) to 5/10/2013 4/5/2018
Flight Center Medicine, Mahidol Research Agreement (PSA) map the breeding sites for the major vector species, (2)
(GSFC) University (FTM MU) to identify the potential sites for larvicide and insecticide
applications, (3) to explore the linkage of vector
population and transmission intensity to environmental
variables, (4) to monitor the impact of climate change
and human activities on vector population and
transmission, and (5) to develop a predictive model for
257 disease distribution.
Johnson Space The Natural History Austria (AU) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific NASA and the Natural History Museum Vienna designs 6/6/2013 6/6/2018
Center (JSC) Museum Vienna Agreement: Reimbursable Space Agreement (PSA) an agreement for the construction and reimbursement
Act Agreement between NASA of a specially-assembled lunar sample display case that
and the Natural History Museum will house Apollo lunar sample number 15555,1032,
Vienna for a Lunar Sample Display which was brought to Earth by the Apollo 15 astronauts.
258 Case
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement btw Implementing NASA's Science Mission Directorate is sponsoring the 6/10/2013 9/30/2026
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) NASA and the CNES of France on Arrangement/Agreement development of the SPP mission, which is a project in
(GSFC) the Scientific Instruments of the (IA) the Living with a Star Program, a series of missions
Solar Probe Plus (SPP) Payload designed to gather critical information about the Sun
and its effects on Earth, human activities, and other
planetary systems. NASA will develop the SPP, a
spacecraft equipped to perform scientific studies of the
Sun. NASA plans to launch the SPP in 2018 from Cape
Canaveral, Florida. CNES is sponsoring French
collaboration on the FIELDS investigation, which
consists of a Plasma Wave Instrument and a
Magnetometer, and the SWEAP investigation,
consisting of a Solar Probe Cup (SPC), and a Solar
259 Probe Analyzer (SPAN).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Glenn Research Ontario Drive and Canada (CA) Non-Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific NASA and ODG will establish cooperation to 6/11/2013 6/11/2018
Center at Lewis Gear (ODG) Agreement between NASA and Agreement (PSA) performance testing of various roving vehicle wheel
Field (GRC) Ontario Drive and Gear (ODG) for designs. ODG has developed a roving vehicle for CSA
Cooperation Involving Lunar to support a potential NASA experiment payload on the
Wheel Design surface of the Moon. ODG will determine the
appropriate wheels for the vehicle and would like to test
their wheel designs in the NASA SLOPE (Simulated
Lunar OPErations) Lab at GRC. This testing would
involve approximately one week of traction tests in
which a vehicle or vehicles are driven in lunar strength
simulant material to compare the performance of
various wheel designs. Testing will include the potential
of ODG providing their own test articles (roving vehicle,
wheels and necessary support equipment), or
alternatively, GRC provided test articles, or both.
Glenn Research Canadian Space Canada (CA) Agreement Between NASA and Project-Specific ODG is in the process of determining appropriate 6/11/2013 6/11/2018
Center at Lewis Agency (CSA) Ontario Drive and Gear for Agreement (PSA) wheels for a lunar rover being designed for the
Field (GRC) Cooperation Involving Lunar Canadian Space Agency and will test the wheels in
261 Wheel Design GRC's SLOPE laboratory.
Marshall Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Solar Physics Satellite (SOLAR-B) Project-Specific SOLAR-B satellite is a JAXA-led mission in sun- 6/19/2013 6/9/2018
Flight Center Exploration Agency Project/Hinode Agreement (PSA) synchronous orbit to study the solar photosphere
(MSFC) (JAXA) corona, and transition region. JAXA is responsible for
the overall spacecraft and launch, and NASA provided
the Focal Plane Package, the stand-alone X-Ray
Telescope, and major optical components for the EUV
262 Imaging Spectrometer.
George C. Marshall Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) MOU between NASA and ASI Project-Specific Memorandum of Understanding between the National 6/20/2013 12/31/2023
Space Flight Center (ASI) concerning Cooperation the Agreement (PSA) Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United
(MSFC) BepiColombo Mission States of America and the Italian Space Agency
263 Concerning Cooperation the BepiColombo Mission.
Johnson Space Centre de Recherches France (FR) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific NASA and Centre de Recherches Petrographiques et 6/26/2013 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) Petrographiques et Agreement Agreement (PSA) Geochimiques, France, proposes to use the samples to
Geochimiques undertake scientific investigations (described in a
sample request submitted by the PI to the Apollo
264 Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Westfalische Wilhelms- Germany (GM) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific NASA and Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster, 6/26/2013 6/26/2018
Center (JSC) Universitate Munster Agreement Agreement (PSA) Germany, proposes to use the samples to undertake
scientific investigations (described in a sample request
submitted by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Georg-August- Germany (GM) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific NASA and Georg-August-Universitat Gottinge, 6/26/2013 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) Universitat Gottinge Agreement Agreement (PSA) Germany, proposes to use the samples to undertake
scientific investigations (described in a sample request
submitted by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space European Organization European Org. for MOU btw NASA and the Project-Specific NASA will, for GPM, GCOM-W1, and all other GPM 7/26/2013 7/26/2020
Flight Center for the Exploitation of the Exploitation of EUMETSAT for Cooperation on Agreement (PSA) Partners' microwave sensor data, provide access to all
(GSFC) Meteorological Satellites the Global Precipitation Instrument Level 1 data and GPM data in both near real-
Satellites (EUMETSAT) Measurement (GPM) Mission time and as research products in accordance with GPM
(EUMETSAT) Partner data policies; provide access to NASA data
products in both near real-time and as research
products; and provide access to an algorithm theoretical
basis document for the GPM data (including brightness
temperature products and precipitation products) that
discusses the calibration approach, geolocation, and
key aspects of the conversion from instrument counts to
brightness temperature. NASA will, for Ground
Validation (GV) data provide access to GV data
collected by NASA and GPM Partners, subject to GPM
Partners' data policies; and for data processing of GPM
data, provide read/write tools that can be used to read
or write GPM data and NASA data products; provide
data browser tools for GPM data and NASA data
products; and provide assistance in understanding,
interpreting, and using GPM data and NASA data
products. EUMETSAT will provide access to
EUMETSAT Meteosat Second Generation satellite
Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager
(SEVIRI) and for first generation Metop satellite
Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) data as quickly as
possible from the time of observation, preferably within
24 hours and with as small transmission latency as
possible, for the production of standard research quality
merged global radiometer products; and provide an
algorithm t
Goddard Space Forschungszentrum Germany (GM) Airborne Carbon Cycle Dynamics Project-Specific NASA and FZJ will conduct joint airborne research of 8/15/2013 10/31/2018
Flight Center Julich (FZJ) Research Agreement (PSA) carbon cycle dynamics and ecosystem health in the US
268 (GSFC) and Germany in 2013 and 2014, respectively.
Goddard Space Finnish Meteorological Finland (FI) Global Precipitation Measurement Project-Specific NASA and the Finnish Meteorological Institute will 8/19/2013 8/31/2018
Flight Center Institute (FMI) Long-Term Experiment at the Agreement (PSA) conduct a long-term measurement experiment at the
(GSFC) Lapland Unified Measurement Site FMI Arctic Research Center.
Headquarters (HQ) American Institute in Taiwan (TW) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific Agreement between the American Institute in Taiwan 9/6/2013 9/6/2018
Taiwan (AIT) to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) and the Taipei Economic ad Cultural Representative
(GLOBE) Office in the U.S. for Cooperation in the Global Learning
and Observations to Benefit the Environment Program.
Intending to increase the awareness of students
throughout the world about the global environment;
seeking to contribute to increased scientific
understanding of the Earth; and Desiring to support
improved student achievement in science and
270 mathematics.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Space Geodesy: Collaborative Project-Specific NASA provides ground station support from Hawaii for 9/11/2013 9/30/2018
Flight Center Exploration Agency Research on the Quasi-Zenith Agreement (PSA) Japan's Quasi-Zenith Satellite System. The Parties
(GSFC) (JAXA) Satellite System (QZSS) collaborate on the use of a monitoring station for the
Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS). The
National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology (NICT) of Japan is providing the Two Way
Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer (TWSTFT)
station (hereinafter QZSS Monitoring Station and
TWSTFT station are jointly referred to as 'QZSS MS').
The Parties will implement their cooperation regarding
the QZSS MS in order to estimate satellite orbit and its
clock offset in QZSS precisely using better geometry.
This Agreement provides terms and conditions for
installation of the QZSS MS managed by JAXA in
NASA's premises at Kokee Park Geophysical
Observatory (KPGO). Additionally, this Agreement
addresses the provision of support services for the
installation, maintenance, and operation of the QZSS
MS by NASA and support for improved determination of
GPS and QZSS orbits and clocks via improved
monitoring of the Global Navigation Satellite System
(GNSS) orbits, Earth Orientation, and time transfer.
Additionally, the Parties will work closely on a U.S. -
Japan Global Positioning Systems (GPS)/QZSS
Technical Working Group, which has been established
for close cooperation during development of QZSS.
Goddard Space University of Valladolid Spain (SP) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and the Universidad de Valladolid of Spain will 9/12/2013 9/30/2023
Flight Center (UVA) (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) cooperate on the AERONET program. NASA will
(GSFC) provide equipment on loan which the Universidad de
272 Valladolid will host at a mutually agreed location.
Goddard Space Canadian Space Canada (CA) Modification to the Implementing Implementing This is an amendment to the original IA to add NASA 9/25/2013 12/31/2025
Flight Center Agency (CSA) Arrangement between the National Arrangement/Agreement delivery of electronic components to CSA. OSIRIS-REx
(GSFC) Aeronautics and Space (IA) is a NASA-led asteroid sample return mission currently
Administration of the United planned for launch in 2016. It is scheduled to
States of America and the rendezvous with RQ36 in 2019 and the sample return
Canadian Space Agency on the capsule should land on Earth in 2023. CSA is expected
Origins, Spectral Interpretation, to provide the OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter (OLA) and
Resources Identification, and members of the science team, with the University of
Security-Regolith Explorer Calgary leading the OLA science team. NASA will
(OSIRIS-REx) Mission transfer to CSA 4% by mass of the returned bulk
sample and 4% by surface area of the returned contact
pad sample. This is an IA under the Canada
273 Framework Agreement.
Johnson Space University of Australia (AS) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. John O'Connor of the University of Newcastle, 10/28/2013 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) Newcastle Agreement Agreement (PSA) Australia proposes to use the samples to undertake
scientific investigations (described in a sample request
submitted by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Western University Canada (CA) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Gordon Osinski of Western University, Canada 10/28/2013 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the samples to undertake scientific
investigations (described in a sample request submitted
275 by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Western University Canada (CA) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Audrey Bouvier of Western University, Canada 10/28/2013 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the samples to undertake scientific
investigations (described in a sample request submitted
276 by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Centre de Recherches France (FR) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Bernard Marty of The Centre de Recherches 10/28/2013 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) Petrographiques et Agreement Agreement (PSA) Petrographiques et Geochimiques, France proposes to
Geochimiques use the samples to undertake scientific investigations
(described in a sample request submitted by the PI to
277 the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Hiroshima University Japan (JA) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Hiroshi Hidaka of Hiroshima University, Japan 10/28/2013 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the samples to undertake scientific
investigations (described in a sample request submitted
278 by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of United Kingdom International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Katherine Joy of the University of Manchester, UK 10/28/2013 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) Manchester (UK) Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the samples to undertake scientific
investigations (described in a sample request submitted
279 by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space United Kingdom Space United Kingdom International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Mr. Christopher Woolford of the Science and 10/28/2013 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) Agency (UKSA) (UK) Agreement Agreement (PSA) Technology Facilities Council, UK proposes to use the
samples to undertake scientific investigations
(described in a sample request submitted by the PI to
280 the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space The University of United Kingdom International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Alex Halliday, UK proposes to use the samples to 10/28/2013 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) Oxford (UK) Agreement Agreement (PSA) undertake scientific investigations (described in a
sample request submitted by the PI to the Apollo
281 Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Birkbeck College of United Kingdom International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Ian Crawford of Birkbeck College London, UK 10/28/2013 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) London (UK) Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the samples to undertake scientific
investigations (described in a sample request submitted
282 by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).
Goddard Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Memorandum of Understanding Project-Specific Cooperation on the Astro-H mission. 11/11/2013 10/8/2020
Flight Center Exploration Agency Between NASA and JAXA for Agreement (PSA)
(GSFC) (JAXA) Cooperation on the Astro-H
283 Project
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement Implementing OSIRIS-REx is a NASA-led asteroid sample return 12/9/2013 12/31/2025
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) between NASA and CNES on Arrangement/Agreement mission currently planned for launch in 2016. It is
(GSFC) OSIRIS-REX Mission (IA) scheduled to rendezvous with asteroid RQ36 in 2019
and the sample return capsule should land on Earth in
2023. CNES is expected to support Co-Investigators
from France to provide important modeling work and
lead key astronomical observations of RQ36. This is an
284 IA under the U.S.-France Framework Agreement.
Goddard Space Universidad de Chile (CI) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and the Universidad de Concepcion of Chile will 12/20/2013 10/31/2023
Flight Center Concepcion (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) cooperate on the AERONET program. NASA will
(GSFC) provide equipment on loan which the Universidad de
285 Concepcion will host at a mutually agreed location.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters European Space European Space Mars Express Mission Project-Specific The terms and conditions by which relevant aspects of 12/20/2013 12/31/2018
(HQ),Jet Propulsion Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Agreement (PSA) the cooperation between NASA and ESA shall be
Laboratory (JPL) conducted within the framework of the Mars Express
mission. Primary activities address telecommunications
necessary for MarsExpress mission operations,
navigation and data acquisition. The mission will study
Martian atmosphere and the surface of the planet.
Headquarters (HQ) European Space European Space Letter of Agreement for Planetary Project-Specific An LOA between NASA and ESA to cooperate in all 12/23/2013 12/31/2019
287 Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Protection Cooperation Agreement (PSA) areas of planetary protection.
Johnson Space Curtin University of Australia (AS) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Gretchen Benedix of Curtin University in Perth, 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Technology Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Australia proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
288 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of Western Canada (CA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Audrey Bouvier of the University of Western Ontario in 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Ontario Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) London, ON, Canada proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Dept. of Earth & Atm. Canada (CA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Christopher Herd of Dept. of Earth & Atm. Sciences, 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Sciences, University of Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada proposes to
Alberta use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake
scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
290 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of Helsinki Finland (FI) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Tomas Kohout of the Department of Physics, University 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) of Helsinki in Helsinki, Finland proposes to use the
Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
291 Curator).
Johnson Space the Institut France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Prof. J.A. Barrat of the Institut Universitaire European 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Universitaire European Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) de la Mer (IUEM) proposes to use the Antarctic
de la Mer (IUEM) Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space IPAG France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Pierre Beck of IPAG in Grenoble, France proposes to 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake
scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
293 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Institut de Planetologie France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Eric Quirico of Institut de Planetologie et 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) et d'Astrophysique de Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) d'Astrophysique de Grenoble in IPAG University of
Grenoble Grenoble, France proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space IPAG France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Lydie Bonal IPAG in IPAG University of Grenoble, 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) France proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples
to undertake scientific investigations led by the PI.
These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
295 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Laboratoire France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Pierre Vernazza of Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) d'Astrophysique de Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Marseille in Marseille, France proposes to use the
Marseille Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
296 Curator).
Johnson Space Institut fur Planetologie Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Addi Bischoff of the Institut fur Planetologie in Munster, 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Germany proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Institut fur Planetologie Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Thorsten Kleine of the Institut fur Planetologie in 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Munster, Germany proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Goethe University Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Frank E. Brenker of Goethe University Frankfurt in 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Frankfurt Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Germany proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
299 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Max Planck Institute Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Peter Hoppe of Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) for Chemistry Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Mainz, Germany proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Osaka University Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Ko Hashizume of Osaka University in Toyonaka, Japan 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
301 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of Tokyo Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Takashi Mikouchi of the University of Tokyo in Tokyo, 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Japan proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples
to undertake scientific investigations led by the PI.
These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
302 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Birkbeck College of United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Prof. Ian Crawford proposes to use the Antarctic 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) London (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Katherine Joy of the University of Manchester in 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Manchester (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Manchester, UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Patricia Clay of The University of Manchester, 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Manchester (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) SEAES proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
305 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space University of United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Henner Busemann of The University of Manchester, 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Manchester (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) SEAES in Manchester, UK proposes to use the
Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
306 Curator).
Johnson Space School of Geog. and United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Paula Lindgren of the School of Geog. and Earth 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Earth Sciences, (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Sciences, University of Glasgow in Glasgow, Scotland,
University of Glasgow UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
307 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space School of Geog. and United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Martin Lee of the School of Geog. and Earth Sciences, 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Earth Sciences, (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) University of Glasgow in Glasgow, Schotland, UK
University of Glasgow proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
308 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of Leicester United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. John Bridges of the University of Leicester, UK in 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Leicester, UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
309 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space The Open University United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Susanne P. Schwenzer of DPS, The Open 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) University in Milton Keynes, UK proposes to use the
Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
310 Curator).
Johnson Space The Open University United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Natalie Starkey of The Open University in Milton 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Keynes, UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
311 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Imperial College United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Zita Martins of the Imperial College London in UK 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) London (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
312 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space the Natural History United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Ashley King of the Natural History Museum in London, 1/17/2014 1/17/2019
Center (JSC) Museum (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
313 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Hokkaido University Japan (JA) International Genesis Sample Project-Specific Hisayoshi Yurimoto of Hokkaido University (HokuDai) in 1/23/2014 1/23/2019
Center (JSC) (HokuDai) Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Japan proposes to use the Genesis samples to
undertake scientific investigations (described in one or
more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Genesis Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
314 Genesis Sample Curator).
Goddard Space Karunya University India (IN) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and Karunya Univ. (KU) will cooperate on the 1/30/2014 6/30/2024
Flight Center (AERONET) and the Micro Pulse Agreement (PSA) operation of an AERONET subphotometer station
(GSFC) Lidar Network (MPLNET) with and/or Lidar stations located at KU. NASA provide the
315 Karunya University equipment, and USM provides the site.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion German Research Germany (GM) Gravity Recovery and Climate Project-Specific GRACE-FO is a continuation of the science initiated by 2/10/2014 3/31/2022
Laboratory (JPL) Centre for Experiment Follow-on (GRACE- Agreement (PSA) the United States-German GRACE mission that was
Geosciences (GFZ) Follow On) Mission launched in 2002. The primary objective of GRACE-FO
is to acquire critical data for tracking water movement
on and beneath the Earth's surface and understanding
changes in ice sheets and global sea levels. Its data will
enhance studies of ocean currents and changes in the
structure of solid Earth. GRACE-FO will do this by
continuing the extremely high-resolution global data
record of the Earth's gravity field and how it changes
over time. These gravity fields assist in the study of
global climatic issues by improving our understanding,
among other things, of surface and deep ocean
currents, lithospheric and mantle density variations,
aquifer depletion, and polar ice sheet mass variations.
As with the GRACE mission, GRACE-FO will acquire
the gravity field data using two Earth polar-orbiting
spacecraft identically equipped and flying in a loosely
controlled tandem formation. As the satellites orbit the
Earth, variations in the Earth's gravity field will cause
the distance between the two GRACE-FO spacecraft to
change. The microwave link between the two GRACE-
FO spacecraft will measure these changes at the
micron level. These measurements will then be used to
determine the Earth's gravity field every month. Launch
is planned for August 2017 on a GFZ-provided Launch

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Glenn Research Politecnico di Milano Italy (IT) NASA-SCaN and POLIMI Project-Specific NASA's Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) 2/17/2014 12/31/2018
Center at Lewis agreement to collect propagation Agreement (PSA) Office and POLIMI desire to collect propagation data
Field data from the TDP#5 Ka-/Q-bands from the TDP#5 Ka-/Q-bands beacon payload aboard
(GRC),Headquarters beacon payload aboard the the Alphasat satellite, which is in a geostationary
(HQ) Alphasat satellite location over Europe. To accomplish this task, POLIMI
has agreed to host the NASA-developed Ka/Q-band
(20/40GHz) ground propagation terminal and provide
operational support. NASA will give POLIMI access to
the collected propagation data, which will be used by
POLIMI to elaborate joint propagation results. Data
collected by the ground propagation terminal will also be
used by NASA to validate and derive open source
models for advanced fade mitigation techniques and
performance predictions of future frequencies of
interest. The models validated and developed by NASA
through the use of the acquired propagation data will
improve the performance of current Ka-band
communications systems for the Deep Space Network,
Near Earth Network, and Space Network. Conclusions
derived from these results will be instrumental in the
understanding and mitigation of atmospheric limitations
of communication systems for future NASA
architectures which are expected to involve higher
frequency bands (Q,V, and W), for which NASA
presently has no experimental data.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Glenn Research Politecnico di Milano Italy (IT) NASA-SCaN Agreement with Project-Specific SCaN and POLIMI will share scientific data acquired 2/17/2014 12/31/2018
Center at Lewis POLIMI to Exchange Propagation Agreement (PSA) from mutually exclusive propagation experiments
Field Data Collected by NASA During conducted by each party to validate and derive open
(GRC),Headquarters the Advanced Communications source models for advanced fade mitigation techniques
(HQ) Technology Satellite (ACTS) and performance predictions of future frequencies of
Program and Collected by POLIMI interest. This agreement is for the mutual exchange of
During the Italsat F1 Propagation propagation data collected by NASA during the
Program Advanced Communications Technology Satellite
(ACTS) program and collected by POLIMI during the
Italsat F1 propagation program. One of the primary
products from the ACTS program was the collection of
data characterizing propagation effects due to the
atmosphere in the Ka-band (20/27 GHz) throughout
multiple Continental US (CONUS)-based rain regions.
These data represent some of the most significant
scientific research conducted from the ACTS program
and the models developed from these data are still used
today in Ka-band Earth-space ground system design.
NASA's Glenn Research Center was responsible for the
development, management, and operation of ACTS,
and was the lead center for propagation research.
ITALSAT F1 was an experimental communications
satellite built by Alenia Spazio for the Italian Space
Agency (ASI) and launched in 1991. It provided 30 GHz
(uplink) and 20 GHz (downlink) Italian domestic
coverage using six spot beams and a 'global' national
beam. The spot beams carried domestic telephone
traffic with a total capacity of about 12,000 voice
channels. Each beam operated in the SS-TDMA mode
with QPSK m
Jet Propulsion Max Planck Institute Germany (GM) Microwave Instrument for the Project-Specific Rosetta mission is to study a comet and its relationship 2/24/2014 12/31/2018
Laboratory (JPL) for Solar System Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO) Agreement (PSA) to the development of the solar system. The Microwave
Research (MPS) Instrument for the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO) investigation
is to study the nature of a comet's nucleus, outgassing,
and the development of the coma as strongly
interrelated aspects of cometary physics.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Langley Research GKN Aerospace Sweden (SW) Non-Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific Agreement relates to additive manufacturing. NASA is 2/24/2014 2/24/2019
Center (LaRC) Sweden AB Agreement Between NASA and Agreement (PSA) currently developing additive manufacturing techniques
GKN Aerospace Sweden AB for such as the Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication
Cooperation Involving Additive (EBF3) process for the manufacture of large aerospace
Manufacturing structures. GKN is concurrently developing similar
additive manufacturing processes using a laser heat
source and wire feedstock. These processes both
create three dimensional shapes directly from a
computer model using a feedstock material which is
incrementally melted and deposited using a high energy
density heat source. The inherent processing
characteristics of both of these techniques create
structures with a high degree of internal residual stress.
Both parties are trying to understand residual stresses
in large-scale additively manufactured structures.
Johnson Space University of New Canada (CA) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. John Spray of The University of New Brunswick in 2/25/2014 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) Brunswick Agreement Agreement (PSA) Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada proposes to use
the samples to undertake scientific investigations
(described in a sample request submitted by the PI to
321 the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Makiko Ohtake of JAXA in Kanagawa, Japan 2/25/2014 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) Exploration Agency Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the samples to undertake scientific
(JAXA) investigations (described in a sample request submitted
322 by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space United Kingdom Space United Kingdom International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Mr. Neville Hollingworth proposes to use the samples to 2/25/2014 2/25/2019
Center (JSC) Agency (UKSA) (UK) Agreement Agreement (PSA) undertake scientific investigations (described in a
sample request submitted by the PI to the Apollo
323 Sample Curator).
Johnson Space The Open University United Kingdom International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Mahesh Anand of The Open University in Milton 2/25/2014 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) (UK) Agreement Agreement (PSA) Keynes, UK proposes to use the samples to undertake
scientific investigations (described in a sample request
submitted by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space The Open University United Kingdom International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Colin Pillinger of The Open University in Milton 2/25/2014 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) (UK) Agreement Agreement (PSA) Keynes, UK proposes to use the samples to undertake
scientific investigations (described in a sample request
submitted by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) NASA-DLR Implementing Implementing NASA and DLR will cooperate on NASA's High 3/14/2014 8/1/2018
Center (JSC) Center (DLR) Arrangement for the use of High Arrangement/Agreement Definition Earth Viewing Payload (HDEV). NASA
Definition Earth Viewing Payload (IA) developed the HDEV payload to validate the space-
(HDEV) based performance of the cameras in a variety of
operating modes to exercise and demonstrate the
features and longevity of the commercially available
equipment for future ISS Program use. DLR is
interested in utilizing the HDEV payload for educational
purposes with German schools and universities.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion Commonwealth Australia (AS) Space Vehicle Tracking and Project-Specific The 6th Amendment to the Government-to-Government 3/27/2014 2/26/2018
Laboratory (JPL) Scientific and Industrial Communications Facilities in Agreement (PSA) Agreement, signed on March 27, 2014, retroactive to
Research Organization Australia Feb 26, 2012, and extending until Feb 26, 2018. The
(CSIRO),Government 5th Amendment to the Government-to-Government
of Australia Agreement, signed on January 11, 2012, and extending
until Feb 26, 2014. The 4th Amendment to the
Government-to-Government Agreement, signed on
March 17, 2010, retroactive to Feb 26, 2010, and
extending until Feb 26, 2012. The 3rd Amendment to
the Gvt to Gvt Agreement, dtd Oct 26, 2000, retroactive
to Feb 26, 2000, amending the Agreement significantly,
establishing CSIRO as the Cooperating Agency, and
extending it to Feb 26, 2010. The 2nd Amendment was
dated and effective on May 2, 1990. The first
amendment was dated and entered into force on Jul 21,
1982. The basic Diplomatic-level agreement provided
for cooperation in the establishment, modification,
management, operation, maintenance, support, and
termination of NASA tracking and communications
facilities in Australia. NASA and the Australian
Department of Science and the Environment are
designated as the cooperating agencies in the
Agreement. The diplomatic notes for the basic
agreement were exchanged on May 29 1980, but
entered into force retroactive to Feb 26, 1980.
Johnson Space Kyoto University Japan (JA) International Cosmic Dust Project-Specific Junya Matsuno of Kyoto University in Kyoto, Japan 4/4/2014 4/4/2019
Center (JSC) Samples Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the samples to undertake scientific
investigations (described in a sample request submitted
328 by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).
Jet Propulsion European Space European Space Mars Sample Return (MSR) Study Project-Specific This is an extension of an agreement with ESA to study 4/10/2014 12/31/2020
Laboratory (JPL) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Phase Agreement Agreement (PSA) planetary sample return missions and their related
329 technology, with a particular focus on Mars
Johnson Space Tohoku University Japan (JA) International Stardust Samples Project-Specific Tomoki Nakamura of Tohoku University in Aoba, 4/22/2014 4/22/2019
Center (JSC) Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Sendai, Miyagi 980-8578, Japan proposes to use the
samples to undertake scientific investigations
(described in a sample request submitted by the PI to
330 the Stardust Sample Curator).
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Space Geodesy: Implementing Implementing Parties will share data and host each other's 4/23/2014 12/31/2024
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Arrangement between NASA and Arrangement/Agreement instruments. This IA falls under the US-France
(GSFC) the National Centre for Space (IA) Framework.
Studies (CNES) of France on
Space Geodesy Activities and
331 Applications

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement Implementing NASA plans to provide the Payload Module, Ka-band 5/2/2014 10/30/2030
Laboratory (JPL) Space Studies (CNES) between NASA and the National Arrangement/Agreement Radar Interferometer (KaRIn), Microwave Radiometer
Centre for Space Studies (CNES) (IA) (MR) with its antenna, Laser Retroreflector Array (LRA),
of France for Cooperation on the Global Positioning System receiver package, launch
Surface Water and Ocean services, and ground segment elements. The National
Topography Mission Centre for Space Studies (CNES) plans to provide the
spacecraft bus, KaRIn Radio Frequency Unit (RFU),
nadir altimeter, Doppler Orbitography and
Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS)
332 receiver package, and ground segment elements.
Johnson Space European Space European Space NASA-ESA ISLSWG Agreement Implementing NASA and ESA will cooperate on ESA's Straight Ahead 5/12/2014 12/1/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) on ESA's Straight Ahead in Arrangement/Agreement in Microgravity Experiment. NASA will provide ESA with
Microgravity Experiment (IA) access to hardware, and ESA and NASA will exchange
333 data from the experiment.
Ames Research University of Bremen Germany (GM) Carbon Dioxide and Methane Project-Specific COMEX, as specified in a common proposal (Annex 1), 5/13/2014 1/31/2019
Center (ARC) Experiment (COMEX) Agreement (PSA) will bring together collaboratively collected data from
NASA and European airborne instruments. The NASA
Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer
(AVIRIS) will fly in California in 2014 as part of the
HyspIRI Preparatory Airborne Activities mission. The
University of Bremen's Methane Airborne Mapper
(MAMAP) sensor will also fly in California in 2014
aboard the U.S. Navy Center for Interdisciplinary
Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies (CIRPAS) Twin Otter
aircraft. Bubbleology Research International (BRI) is
involved in this project and will organize flights with
CIRPAS and will provide technical and science support.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Agreement Between NASA and Project-Specific NASA and JAXA have identified research topics of 5/21/2014 12/31/2019
Exploration Agency the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agreement (PSA) mutual interest in air traffic management (ATM). The
(JAXA) Agency (JAXA) for Cooperation on primary aim of this activity is to advance air
Areas of Mutual Interest in Air transportation automation for benefit of the aviation
Traffic Management industry in both nations under the Next Generation Air
Transportation System (NextGen) in the United States
and the Collaborative Actions for Renovation of Air
Traffic Systems (CARATS) in Japan. Both NextGen
and CARATS concepts and technologies seek to
optimize air transportation operations to reduce delays,
fuel consumption, noise, and emissions under both
nominal and off-nominal airspace operating conditions.
The work performed through this activity is highly
synergistic with the work being performed by Airspace
Systems Program within NASA's Aeronautics Research
Missions Directorate. It is also highly synergistic with
work being performed in the Distributed and
Revolutionarily Efficient Air-traffic Management System
(DREAMS) Project at JAXA. The results of this
collaboration will lead to improvements in advanced air
transportation automation concepts and technologies,
which will be mutually beneficial to the Parties. It is
foreseen that the activities carried out under this
Agreement will be coordinated with the global approach
to IADS undertaken within IFAR. IFAR consists of
twenty-four (24) member nations, and NASA and JAXA
are the current Chair and Vice-Chair respectively.
Johnson Space Curtin University of Australia (AS) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Fred Jourdan of Curtin University in Perth, Australia 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Technology Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
336 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Monash University Australia (AS) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Andrew Tomkins of Monash University in Melbourne, 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Australia proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
337 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Earth Systems Belgium (BE) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Seann J. Mckibbin of Earth Systems Science, Vrije 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Science, Vrije Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Universiteit Brussel of Brussels, Belgium proposes to
Universiteit Brussel use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake
scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
338 Meteorite Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Universite du Quebec Canada (CA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Michael Higgins of the Universite du Quebec a 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) a Chicoutimi Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Chicoutimi of Chicoutimi, Canada proposes to use the
Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
339 Curator).
Johnson Space Laboratoire de France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Prof. Gounelle Laboratoire de Mineralogie et de 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Mineralogie et de Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Cosmochimie du Museum in Paris, France proposes to
Cosmochimie du use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake
Museum scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
340 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space IMPMC-NMHN France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Roger H. Hewins of IMPMC-NMHN (Mineralogie) in 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) (Mineralogie) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Paris, France proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
341 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Freie Universitat Berlin Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Harry Becker of Freie Universitat Berlin in Berlin, 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Germany proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
342 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Institut fur Mineralogie, Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Institut fur Mineralogie, Univ. Munster, in Munster, 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Univ. Munster Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Germany proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
343 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Max Planck Institute Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Ulrich Ott of Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry in 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) for Chemistry Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Mainz, Germany proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Institut fur Mineralogie Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Institut fur Mineralogie Westfalische Wilhelms 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Westfalische Wilhelms Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Universitat in Munster, Germany proposes to use the
Universitat Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
345 Curator).
Johnson Space Senckenberg Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Jutta Zipfel of Senckenberg Gesellschaft fur 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Gesellschaft fur Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Naturforschung in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Naturforschung proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations described in requests
346 to the Sample Curator at JSC.
Johnson Space PLANEX, Physical India (IN) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dwijesh Ray of Planex, Physical Research Laboratory in 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Research Laboratory Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Ahmedabad, India proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Kyoto University Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Aki Takigawa of Kyoto University in Kyoto, Japan 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
348 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Faculty of Science, Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Makoto Kimura of Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Ibaraki University Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) in Japan proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Waseda University Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Timothy J. Fagan of Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
350 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space College of Science, Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Takaaki Noguchi of the College of Science, Ibaraki 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Ibaraki University Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) University of Japan proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space National Institute of Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Akira Yamaguchi of National Institute of Polar Research 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Polar Research (NIPR) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) in Tokyo, Japan proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Osaka University Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Kentaro Terada of Osaka University in Osaka, Japan 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
353 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Tohoku University Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Tomoki Nakamura of Tohoku University in Sendai, 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Japan proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples
to undertake scientific investigations led by the PI.
These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
354 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Tohoku University Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Tomoki Nakamura of Tohoku University in Sendai, 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Japan proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples
to undertake scientific investigations led by the PI.
These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
355 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Chiba Institute of Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Tomoko Arai of Chiba Institute of Technology in Chiba, 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Technology Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Japan proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples
to undertake scientific investigations led by the PI.
These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
356 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Kobe University Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Kazushige Tomeoka of Kobe University in Kobe, Japan 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
357 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space The Open University United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Feargus Abernethy of the Open University in Milton 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Keynes, UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
358 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space The Open University United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Mahesh Anand of The Open University in Milton 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Keynes, UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
359 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Professor Ian Lyon of The University of Manchester in 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) Manchester (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Manchester, UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Birkbeck College of United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Prof. Hillary Downes of Birkbeck University of London in 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) London (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) London, England proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space The Open University United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Ian Franchi of The Open University in Milton 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Keynes, UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
362 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Imperial College United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Prof. Mark A. Sephton of Imperial College London in 5/22/2014 5/22/2019
Center (JSC) London (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) London, UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
363 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space European Space European Space Amendment to the Reimbursable Project-Specific Amendment to the Reimbursable Agreement between 5/28/2014 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Agreement between NASA and Agreement (PSA) NASA and ESA for the Development of a Generic
ESA for the Development of a Robotics Training Program at the European Astronaut
Generic Robotics Training Centre.
Program at the European
364 Astronaut Centre
Johnson Space Institute for Applied Germany (GM) International Cosmic Dust Project-Specific Martin Ebert of the Institute for Applied Geoscience, TU 5/29/2014 5/29/2019
Center (JSC) Geoscience, TU Samples Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Darmstadt in Darmstadt, Germany, proposes to use the
Darmstadt samples to undertake scientific investigations
(described in a sample request submitted by the PI to
365 the Cosmic Dust Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space National University of Peru (PE) Space Geodesy: Satellite Laser Project-Specific Cooperating Agency: Universidad Nacional de San 6/10/2014 10/25/2019
Flight Center San Agustin (UNSA) Ranging (SLR) Agreement (PSA) Agustin (Peru) - to operate a satellite laser tracking
(GSFC) station at the UNSA Geophysical Institute at Characato
366 in Arequipa, Peru.
Goddard Space Gobabeb Research Namibia (WA) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and the Gobabeb Research and Technical 6/26/2014 3/31/2024
Flight Center and Technical Centre (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) Centre of Namibia will cooperative on the AERONET
(GSFC) program. NASA will provide equipment on loan which
367 Gobabeb will host at a mutually agreed location.
Kennedy Space National Commission Argentina (AR) Implementing Arrangement Implementing NASA will provide advice to CONAE on spacecraft-to- 7/2/2014 7/1/2019
Center (KSC) on Space Activities between NASA and CONAE for Arrangement/Agreement launch-vehicle mission integration topics for integrating
(CONAE) Cooperation on the Mission (IA) CONAE's SAOCOM 1A and 1B satellites onto the
Integration of CONAE's SAOCOM Falcon 9 v1.1 launch vehicle, through the review of
1A and 1B Missions documents and participation in meetings. This
cooperation will provide both CONAE and NASA an
understanding of commercial practices for integration of
complex government spacecraft into the Spacex Falcon
368 9 v.1.1 launch vehicle.
Johnson Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) JAXA Public Affairs Project-Specific NASA and JAXA have had a letter agreement in place 7/2/2014 7/3/2019
Center (JSC) Exploration Agency Representative at NASA Johnson Agreement (PSA) since 1999 to provide for a JAXA public affairs
(JAXA) Space Center (JSC) representative on-site at Johnson Space Center (JSC),
which expired on March 31, 2014. This Letter
369 Agreement continues this cooperation.
Goddard Space University of Blida Algeria (AG) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific Extension of 2002 AERONET Agreement NASA 7/3/2014 6/1/2024
Flight Center (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) provides the AERONET equipment, they provide the
(GSFC) location and support of the system. RE: Sun
370 photometer station in Algeria.
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Bermuda (BD) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 7/3/2014 7/3/2019
and Economic to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Development of (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
371 Bermuda environment.
Glenn Research National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement Implementing Implementing Arrangement Between NASA and CNES 7/10/2014 10/1/2019
Center at Lewis Space Studies (CNES) Between NASA and CNES on Arrangement/Agreement on Cooperation Related to Benchmarking Activities
Field (GRC) Cooperation Related to (IA) regarding Cryogenic Propellant Management Capability.
Benchmarking Activities The NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate is
Regarding Cryogenic Propellant sponsoring the development of the Cryogenic Propellant
Management Capability Storage and Transfer (CPST) project as a means of
demonstrating the capability to safely and efficiently
store, transfer and measure cryogenic propellants in
space in a manner that minimizes their loss. These
technologies are necessary to enable next-generation
spacecraft to store the large quantities of fuel required
for long duration or deep space missions.
Jet Propulsion United Kingdom Space United Kingdom Cooperation on the NASA-led Project-Specific The UK Space Agency is providing the short-period 7/20/2014 6/30/2019
Laboratory (JPL) Agency (UKSA) (UK) Interior Exploration using Seismic Agreement (PSA) seismometers, part of the Seismic Experiment for
Investigations, Geodesy, and Heat Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument on the NASA
373 Transport (InSight) mission InSight mission.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Cooperation on the Venus Climate Project-Specific This is an amendment and extension of the October 5, 8/4/2014 12/31/2018
Exploration Agency Orbiter (VCO)/Planet-C Mission Agreement (PSA) 2009, agreement for cooperation on the JAXA-led
(JAXA) Venus Climate Orbiter (VCO)/Planet-C mission. It
provides for the Japanese mission management, while
NASA will provide participating scientists, data
archiving, navigation support, and deep space network
(DSN) support. This agreement is associated with the
374 Joint Understanding with JAXA.
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement Project-Specific Solar Orbiter is an ESA mission carried out in 8/7/2014 12/31/2025
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) between NASA and CNES of Agreement (PSA) cooperation with NASA that will explore the near-Sun
(GSFC) France on the Scientific Payload of environment to improve the understanding of how the
the Solar Orbiter Mission Sun creates the environment of the inner solar system,
generates the heliosphere itself, and how fundamental
plasma physical processes operate near the sun. ESA
is providing the spacecraft bus, integration of the
instruments onto the bus, mission operations, and
overall science operations. NASA is providing
instrumentation and an intermediate class launch
vehicle. NASA will lead the provision to ESA of the Solar
Orbiter Heliospheric Imager (SoloHI), and the Heavy Ion
Sensor (HIS), which will be integrated onto the
spacecraft as part of the Solar Wind Analyzer (SWA)
instrument suite led by the United Kingdom. Solar
Orbiter is expected to launch on an Atlas 5 in July 2017.
This is an IA under the U.S.-France Framework
375 Agreement.
Headquarters (HQ) National Centre for France (FR) NASA-CNES Rosetta (UVS/MIRO) Implementing Rosetta launched on March 2, 2004, onboard an Ariane 8/7/2014 12/31/2018
Space Studies (CNES) Arrangement/Agreement 5-G rocket from Kourou, French Guiana, is a European
(IA) Space Agency (ESA) sponsored mission scheduled to
rendezvous with and orbit the comet 67P/Churyumov-
Gerasimenko (C-G) in 2014. Upon its arrival to the
comet C-G, the spacecraft will orbit and take scientific
measurements, as well as deploy a surface science
package lander to the comet's surface to conduct in-situ
measurements using two instruments: - the Ultraviolet
Imaging Spectrometer (ALICE) and the Microwave
Instrument for the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO). ALICE and
MIRO will provide information about the dynamics of
comet C-G with regards to the development of its coma
and tails, its chemical make-up and reciprocal
interactions, its radioactivity and the resulting solar
376 wind.
Johnson Space Institut de Physique du France (FR) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Marc Chaussidon of Institut de Physique du Globe 8/13/2014 8/13/2019
Center (JSC) Globe de Paris Agreement Agreement (PSA) de Paris in Paris, France proposes to use the samples
to undertake scientific investigations (described in a
sample request submitted by the PI to the Apollo
377 Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Institut de Physique du France (FR) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Fredric Moynier of Institut de Physique du Globe de 8/13/2014 8/13/2019
Center (JSC) Globe de Paris Agreement Agreement (PSA) Paris in Paris, France proposes to use the samples to
undertake scientific investigations (described in a
sample request submitted by the PI to the Apollo
378 Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Ecole Normale France (FR) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Bernard Bourbon of The Ecole Normale Superieure 8/13/2014 10/31/2019
Center (JSC) Superieure de Lyon Agreement Agreement (PSA) in Lyon, France proposes to use the samples to
undertake scientific investigations (described in a
sample request submitted by the PI to the Apollo
379 Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Institut de Planetologie France (FR) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Francois-Regis Orthous-Daunay of the Institut de 8/13/2014 10/31/2019
Center (JSC) et d'Astrophysique de Agreement Agreement (PSA) Planetologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble in
Grenoble Grenoble, France proposes to use the samples to
undertake scientific investigations (described in a
sample request submitted by the PI to the Apollo
380 Sample Curator).
Jet Propulsion Federal Office for Switzerland (SZ) ESA's Rosetta Orbiter Project-Specific NASA support ESA for the Rosetta mission. The 8/13/2014 12/31/2018
Laboratory (JPL) Education and Science Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Agreement (PSA) mission is to study a comet and its relationship to the
Analysis (ROSINA) development of the solar system. ROSINA is the
381 payload for the Rosetta mission.
Headquarters (HQ) Belgian Centre Belgium (BE) NASA-Belgium Letter Agreement Project-Specific NASA's Science Mission Directorate is sponsoring the 8/27/2014 6/30/2022
Spatiale de Liege on the Ionospheric Connection Agreement (PSA) development of the ICON mission, a project in the
(CSL),Beligan Federal Explorer (ICON) Mission Heliophysics Explorers program. The ICON mission will
Science Policy Office explore the near-Earth space environment to discover
(BELSPO) the sources of the region's remarkable variability. ICON
will make a complete set of measurements needed to
describe the fundamental coupling process occurring in
the ionosphere, Earth's natural plasma laboratory.
ICON's observations at the edge of space will provide
the key physical insights needed to predict conditions in
near-Earth space, and enhance understanding of the
connection between Earth's weather and space
weather. ICON will carry four instruments to achieve its
science goals: the dual Michelson Interferometers for
Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging
(MIGHTI), a Far Ultra Violet (FUV) spectrographic
imager, an Extreme Ultra Violet (EUV) spectrographic
imager, and an Ion Velocity Meter (IVM). This
agreement covers the Belgian contributions to ICON,
specifically the alignment, testing, calibration, and
382 evaluation of FUV.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement Implementing TARANIS is a CNES mission in which a microsatellite 9/30/2014 12/31/2021
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) between NASA and the National Arrangement/Agreement will undertake observations of spectacular transient
(GSFC) Centre for Space Studies (CNES) (IA) luminous events (TLEs) in Earth's upper atmosphere.
of France on the Scientific Payload The TARANIS mission was designed to detect and
of the TARANIS (Tool for the study different phenomena associated with atmospheric
Analysis of Radiation from storms using a microsatellite placed in a quasi-polar
Lightning and Sprites) Mission orbit. TARANIS includes contributions from the United
States, Poland, and the Czech Republic, and has a
launch target of 2016-17. NASA will provide a prototype
electronics board and design for a Langmuir probe as
part of the low frequency electric field experiment, and
the flight sensor. CNES will build the flight electronics
and incorporate them into their electric field experiment
on TARANIS, in addition to accommodating the
Langmuir probe sensor on the TARANIS instrument
383 arm.
Jet Propulsion Indian Space India (IN) NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Implementing This Implementing Arrangement for the NASA-ISRO 9/30/2014 9/30/2034
Laboratory (JPL) Research Organization Radar (NISAR) Implementing Arrangement/Agreement Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) mission is concluded
(ISRO) Arrangement (IA) under and subject to the Framework Agreement
between the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration and the Indian Space Research
Organisation for Cooperation in the Exploration and Use
of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes, signed on
February 1, 2008. In this cooperative activity, NASA will
provide: the L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
instrument, including a reflector/boom assembly; a high
rate telecommunication subsystem for science data;
GPS receivers; a solid state recorder; and a payload
data subsystem. ISRO will provide: the S-band SAR;
the spacecraft bus; and the launch vehicle and
associated launch services. NASA will download all
science data to U.S. ground stations and ISRO will
download selected science data and telemetry data to
ISRO's ground station. The NISAR mission will make
global measurements of the causes and consequences
of land surface changes. Potential areas of research
include ecosystem disturbances, ice sheet collapse and
natural hazards. The NISAR mission is optimized to
measure subtle changes of the Earth's surface
associated with motions of the crust and ice surfaces.
NISAR will improve our understanding of key impacts of
climate change and advance our knowledge of natural
hazards. NISAR will be the first satellite mission to use
two different radar frequencies (L-band and S-band) to
measure changes in our planet's surface less

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Curtin University of Australia (AS) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Prof. Phil Bland of Curtin University in Perth, Western 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Technology Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Australia, Australia proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Curtin University of Australia (AS) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Alexander Nemchin of Curtin University in Perth, 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Technology Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Western Australia, Australia proposes to use the
Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
386 Curator.
Johnson Space Australian National Australia (AS) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Oliver Nebel of The Australian National University in 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) University (ANU) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Canberra, Australia proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Natural History Denmark (DA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Martin Bizzarro of the Natural History Museum of 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Museum of Denmark Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Denmark in Denmark proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space University of Denmark (DA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Nikolaos Tsapatsaris of University of Copenhagen in 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Copenhagen Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Copenhagen, Denmark proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space CEREGE France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific P. Rochette of CEREGE in Aix en Provence, France 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
390 Meteorite Sample Curator.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Centre de Recherches France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Beatrice Luais of CRPG-CNRS Nancy in Nancy, France 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Petrographiques et Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
Geochimiques undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
391 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space University Pierre and France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Albert Jambon of UPMC-Univ Paris in Paris, France 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Marie Curie (UPMC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
392 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Institute of Earth Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Prof. Mario Trieloff of the Institute of Earth Sciences, 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Sciences, University Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) University of Heidelberg in Heidelberg, Germany
Heidelberg proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
393 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Institut fur Geologie Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Frank Wombacher of Institut fur Geologie und 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) und Mineralogie, Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Mineralogie, Universitat zu Koln in Germany proposes
Universitat zu Koln to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake
scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
394 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Institut fur Geologie Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Prof. Carsten Munker of the Institut fur Geologie und 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) und Mineralogie Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Mineralogie in Cologne, Germany proposes to use the
Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
395 Curator.
Johnson Space PLANEX, Physical India (IN) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Vinai K. Rai of Planetary Sciences and Exploration 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Research Laboratory Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Program (PLANEX), Physical Research Laboratory in
Ahmedabad, India proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Physical Research India (IN) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Jitendra Nath Goswami of the Physical Research 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Laboratory (PRL) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Laboratory in Ahmedabad, India proposes to use the
Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
397 Curator.
Johnson Space Dipartimento di Fisica Italy (IT) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Mario Tribaudino of Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) e Scienze della Terra Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) della Terra in Parma, Italy proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Tokyo Institute of Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Tomohiro Usui of Tokyo Institute of Technology in 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Technology (Tokyo Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Tokyo, Japan proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
Tech) samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
399 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space JAMSTEC Kochi Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Motoo Ito of JAMSTEC Kochi Institute for Core Sample 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Institute for Core Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Research in Japan proposes to use the Antarctic
Sample Research Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Osaka University Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Hikaru Yabuta of Osaka University in Osaka, Japan 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
401 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Tohoku University Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Kaori Jogo of Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
402 Meteorite Sample Curator.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Tohoku University Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Daisuke Nakashima of Tohoku University in Sendai, 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Japan proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples
to undertake scientific investigations led by the PI.
These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
403 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space The University of New Zealand (NZ) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Joel Baker of The University of Auckland in 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Auckland Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Auckland, New Zealand proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space The University of Cape South Africa (SF) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Patricia Doyle of the University of Cape Town in 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Town Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Cape Town, South Africa proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space National Research Spain (SP) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Ph.D. Josep M. Trigo-Rodriguez of Institute of Space 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Council (CSIC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Sciences (CSIC-IEEC) in Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
406 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Institute of Earth Taiwan (TW) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Der-Chung Lee of the Institute of Earth Sciences in 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Sciences Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Taipei, Taiwan proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space The Open University United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Ian Wright of Department of Physical Sciences, Open 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) University in the United Kingdom proposes to use the
Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
408 Curator.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space The Open University United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Richard Greenwood of The Open University in Milton 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Keynes, UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
409 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space The University of United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Alex Halliday of The University of Oxford in Oxford, 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) Oxford (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) United Kingdom proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space University College United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dominic Papineau of the Univ. College London in 10/6/2014 10/6/2019
Center (JSC) London (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) London, UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
411 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Glenn Research French National France (FR) NASA-ONERA Agreement on Project-Specific NASA and ONERA will jointly produce data from 11/6/2014 5/31/2018
Center at Lewis Aerospace Research Swept-Wing Ice Accretion Agreement (PSA) experimental and computational tasks that will benefit
Field (GRC) Center (ONERA) Characterization and both organizations in the field of aircraft safety. The
Aerodynamics Research research is focused on understanding the effects of
Reynolds number modeling on aerodynamic
degradation resulting from the accretion of ice on
modern aircraft wings. NASA will develop models that
will be tested in an ONERA facility and the data from the
testing will be available to the Parties. The data will
eventually be available to the public through
publications, reports, conference presentations, and
journal articles. NASA and ONERA will contribute
approximately equivalent resources to the research and
will jointly receive benefits from the effort that exceed
research that could be obtained from operating
412 independently.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) European Space European Space Implementation Plan on Implementing Mission Directorate: Mission Support Division. NASA 11/12/2014 5/31/2018
Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Environmentally Friendly Arrangement/Agreement and ESA will cooperate in the areas of 1) validating the
Substances for Stainless Steel (IA) use of citric acid as an environmentally-preferable
Alloy Passivation and Coatings for material to nitric acid for passivation of stainless steel
Launch Facilities and Ground alloys and 2) evaluating commercially available
Support Equipment environmentally-preferable coatings for maintenance of
launch facilities and ground support equipment. In
addition, NASA and ESA would like to continue work on
studying hexavalent chrome-free coatings for use on
ground support equipment and electrical ground support
equipment. These collaborative efforts offer a unique
opportunity to gain a better understanding of
environmental and operational benefits that can lead to
413 improvements in mission readiness.
Headquarters (HQ) Rovio Entertainment Finland (FI) Agreement for Cooperation in the Project-Specific Amendment 1: NASA images, videos, and guidance to 11/17/2014 1/12/2021
LTD Development of Civil Space Agreement (PSA) Rovio; Rovio assists NASA with public outreach &
Content for the "Angry Birds" informal education. Mission Directorate: Office of
Game Communications. Use of NASA Media Items &
Archives - Photos, Film, & More. NASA will assist
Rovio in producing a new, revised version of the "Angry
Birds" video game in order to ensure reasonable
depictions and references to NASA civil space missions
in the game and to increase public understanding of
414 NASA's programs and missions.
Headquarters (HQ) Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx Project-Specific Hayabusa2 is a JAXA mission, on which NASA is 11/17/2014 11/17/2025
Exploration Agency Memorandum of Understanding Agreement (PSA) collaborating, which builds on lessons learned from
(JAXA) JAXA's initial Hayabusa mission that collected samples
from a small asteroid named Itokawa and returned them
to Earth in June 2010. Hayabusa2's target is a 1
kilometer-wide asteroid named 1999 JU3, a C-type
asteroid which is thought to contain more organic
material than other asteroids. Scientists hope to better
understand how the solar system evolved by studying
samples from these asteroids. NASA and JAXA are
cooperating on the mission science and NASA will
receive a portion of the Hayabusa2 sample in exchange
for providing Deep Space Network communications and
navigation support for the mission. In addition, JAXA
and NASA will collaborate on the science of NASA's
Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification,
Security - Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) mission to
mutually maximize their missions' results. OSIRIS-REx,
the first U.S. asteroid sample return mission, is
scheduled to launch in 2016. OSIRIS-REx will
rendezvous with the 500-meter-long asteroid Bennu in
2019 for detailed reconnaissance and a return of
samples to Earth in 2023.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Ames Research Korea Agency for Korea, Republic of Memorandum of Understanding Project-Specific The purpose of this activity is to advance air 11/17/2014 12/31/2019
Center (ARC) Infrastructure (KS) Between NASA and the Korea Agreement (PSA) transportation automation for the benefit of the aviation
Technology Agency for Infrastructure industry in both nations under the Next Generation Air
Advancement (KAIA) Technology Advancement Transportation System (NextGen) in the United States
Concerning the Cooperation in and the National ATM Reformation and Enhancement
Areas of Mutual Interest in Air (NARAE) in the Republic of Korea. Both NextGen and
Traffic Management NARAE concepts and technologies seek to optimize air
transportation operations to reduce delays, fuel
consumption, noise, and emissions under both nominal
and off-nominal airspace operating conditions. The
work performed through this activity is highly synergistic
with the work being performed by the Airspace Systems
Program within NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission
Directorate. It is also highly synergistic with work being
performed by KAIA and its partners, which include but
are not limited to officials from the Korea Aerospace
Research Institute, Incheon International Airport, Gimpo
Airport, Korean Airlines, Asiana Airlines, and Ministry of
Land Infrastructure, and Transport.

Goddard Space Hokkaido University Japan (JA) Ocean Color Research and Lidar Project-Specific NASA and Hokkaido University will collaborate on field 11/28/2014 11/28/2019
Flight Center (HokuDai) Field Work Agreement (PSA) campaigns and incorporate data into the SeaWiFS Bio-
(GSFC) Optical Archive and Storage System (SeaBASS)
archive. NASA will provide equipment (radiometers, for
example) to make in situ measurements on Japanese
campaigns. Hokkaido University will allow for visiting
researchers and provide necessary support on
417 Japanese campaigns.
Johnson Space The University of United Kingdom International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Kerri Donaldson-Hanna of the Oxford University, 12/11/2014 10/31/2019
Center (JSC) Oxford (UK) Agreement Agreement (PSA) UK, proposes to use the samples to undertake scientific
investigations (described in a sample request submitted
by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).
Jet Propulsion European Space European Space Cassini Mission Project-Specific Development and use of the NASA Saturn Orbiter and 12/18/2014 12/31/2018
Laboratory (JPL) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Agreement (PSA) the ESA Huygens Probe, which compose Cassini and
will explore the Saturnian system and make
observations of at least one asteroid en route.
Amendment of agreement ESA0112 of 12/17/1990 to
ensure that components on the Cassini Orbiter and the
Cassini Probe function in a complementary manner
Agreement ESA0175 had been amendment - now
419 deleted.
George C. Marshall German Aerospace Germany (GM) Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Project-Specific Participation by Horst Kunow of the University of Kiel as 12/18/2014 12/31/2018
Space Flight Center Center (DLR) Facility (AXAF): Electron Proton Agreement (PSA) a participating scientist in the flight of an energetic
(MSFC) Helium Instrument (EPHIN)/later charged particle instrument, EPHIN, developed by the
Chandra University of Kiel, on NASA's AXAF mission to monitor
the charged particle radiation environment of the AXAF-
I spacecraft and gather scientific data on the ambient
fluxes of electrons, protons, and helium nuclei.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion German Aerospace Germany (GM) NASA-DLR LOA for Cooperation Project-Specific NASA -DLR LOA for Cooperation on the Radiation 12/22/2014 12/31/2018
Laboratory (JPL) Center (DLR) on Radiation Assessment Detector Agreement (PSA) Assessment Detector (RAD) on the NASA Mars
(RAD) on the NASA Mars Science Science Laboratory (MSL) Mission.
Laboratory (MSL) Mission
Goddard Space European Space European Space Hubble Space Telescope Project-Specific Continues the cooperation between NASA and ESA on 12/23/2014 12/31/2019
Flight Center Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) (HST)/2.4-Meter Space Telescope Agreement (PSA) the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Provision of a
(GSFC) (ST) space observatory for use by the international
astronomy community to extend the sensitivity,
resolving power, and spectral range of astronomical
observations decisively beyond those achievable from
Earth observatories. Extends the MOU to Dec 31,
422 2019.
Johnson Space Universite Blaise France (FR) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Maud Boyet of the Universite Blaise Pascal in 12/29/2014 10/31/2019
Center (JSC) Pascal Agreement Agreement (PSA) Clermont-Ferrand, France proposes to use these Lunar
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by its
423 Principal Investigator.
Johnson Space Universitat zu Koln Germany (GM) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Carsten Munker of the Universitat zu Koln in Koln, 1/7/2015 10/31/2019
Center (JSC) Agreement Agreement (PSA) Germany proposes to use these Lunar samples to
424 undertake scientific investigations led by its PI.
Johnson Space Vrije University Belgium (BE) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Stepan M. Chernonozhkin of Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 1/23/2015 1/23/2020
Center (JSC) Brussels (VUB) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium proposes to use
the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
425 Curator.
Johnson Space Institut de Physique du France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Frederic Moynier of The Institut de Physique du Globe 1/23/2015 1/23/2020
Center (JSC) Globe de Paris Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) de Paris in Paris, France proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Institut fur Planetologie Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Marian Horstmann of the Institut fur Planetologie, WWU 1/23/2015 1/23/2020
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Munster in Munster, Germany proposes to use the
Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
427 Curator.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Institute of Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Prof. Dr. Falko Langenhorst of the Institute of 1/23/2015 1/23/2020
Center (JSC) Geosciences, Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Geosciences, University of Jena, Germany proposes to
University of Jena use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake
scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
428 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Institut fur Geologie Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Frank Wombacher of the Institut fur Geologie und 1/23/2015 1/23/2020
Center (JSC) und Mineralogie, Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Mineralogie, Universitat zu Koln proposes to use the
Universitat zu Koln Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
429 Curator.
Johnson Space Japan Space Forum Japan (JA) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific NASA/JSF agree to the construction and 1/23/2015 1/23/2020
Center (JSC) Agreement: Reimbursable Space Agreement (PSA) reimbursement of two specially assembled lunar sample
Act Agreement between the display cases that will each house one Apollo lunar
National Aeronautics and Space sample. The samples to be displayed in the cases are
Administration and Japan Space Apollo lunar sample numbers 15499,177 and 60025,767
Forum for Two Lunar Sample (hereinafter referred to as the lunar samples), which
Display Cases were brought to Earth by the Apollo 15 and 16
astronauts, respectively. These lunar samples will be
loaned to JSF for long-term display inside the lunar
sample display cases as part of museum exhibit, as
documented in the cooperative Lunar Sample Display
Agreement concluded by JSC and JSF on August 13,
430 2014.
Johnson Space Tokyo Metropolitan Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Naoki Shirai of the Tokyo Metropolitan University in 1-1 1/23/2015 1/23/2020
Center (JSC) University Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Minamiosawa, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan proposes to use
the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
431 Curator.
Johnson Space Institute of Geological Poland (PL) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Anna Losiak of the Inst. of Geological Sciences, Polish 1/23/2015 1/23/2020
Center (JSC) Sciences, Polish Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Academy of Sciences, in Wroclaw, Poland proposes to
Academy of Sciences use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake
scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
432 Meteorite Sample Curator.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement
Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space University of the Spain (SP) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-SpecificDr. Juan Manuel Madariaga of the University of the 1/23/2015 1/23/2020
Center (JSC) Basque Country Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in Leioa, Spain proposes
(UPV/EHU) to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake
scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
433 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space ETH Zurich Switzerland (SZ) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Waheed Akram of ETH Zurich in Switzerland proposes 1/23/2015 1/23/2020
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake
scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
434 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space University of Bern Switzerland (SZ) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Prof. I. Leya of the University of Bern in Switzerland 1/23/2015 1/23/2020
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
435 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space University of Glascow United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Lydia Hallis of The University of Glasgow in Scotland, 1/23/2015 1/23/2020
Center (JSC) (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
436 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Natural History United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Sara Russell of the Natural History Museum in London, 1/23/2015 1/23/2020
Center (JSC) Museum (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) UK proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
437 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Goddard Space National Commission Argentina (AR) Implementing Arrangement Implementing This is a data-sharing agreement under which Argentina 2/19/2015 12/31/2023
Flight Center on Space Activities between NASA and the CONAE of Arrangement/Agreement will provide data downlink for the NASA Van Allen
(GSFC) (CONAE) the Argentine Republic for (IA) Probes mission, which helps scientists understand the
Cooperation in Solar and Space Sun's influence on Earth and near-Earth space by
Physics (Heliophysics) and Space studying the Earth's radiation belts on various scales of
Weather Research space and time. The Van Allen Probes mission is part
of NASA's Living with a Star program. Data sharing for
this mission will increase scientific output and
productivity to the benefit of heliophysics overall. This
is an IA under the Framework Agreement between the
Government of the United States of America and the
Government of the Argentine Republic on Cooperation
in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, signed on
October 2011 (the U.S.-Argentina Framework
438 Agreement).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space The University Court of United Kingdom Reimbursable Space Act Umbrella Umbrella/Framework JSC is leading an agency-wide effort to advance the 2/26/2015 2/26/2026
Center (JSC) The University of (UK) Agreement Between NASA and Agreement (UM/FW) state of the art of autonomous robot manipulation and
Edinburgh The University of Edinburgh mobility operations. JSC's goal is to develop
Regarding Anthropomorphic anthropomorphic robotic "caretaker" systems for deep
Robotic Systems space missions which can provide autonomous tending
of spacecraft in absence of crew, reduction of crew time
for spacecraft maintenance chores, and response
capability for spaceflight emergencies. These efforts
led to anthropomorphic robotic demonstration systems
culminating with the R5 system. Meanwhile UoE which
is engaged in research and training related to the
interactions between robots and their environments, is
leading a national UK initiative on robotics research,
and has expressed an interest in advancing their efforts
through the reimbursable use of an advanced robotic
test bed based on the R5 technology. Thus, this
Umbrella Agreement shall establish the parameters for
the support NASA will provide to the UoE related to the
advancement and loan of NASA robotic technologies.
Annex 1's purpose is for NASA and UoE to undertake
design, delivery, and testing of anthropomorphic robotic
systems that address key challenges for managing
interactions between robots and their environments,
between multiple autonomous systems, and between
robots and humans. NASA will further develop the
NASA R5B test bed to meet UoE requirements.

Goddard Space Chinese Academy of China, People's Space Geodesy Project-Specific Cooperation on Space Geodesy for the solution on 3/13/2015 3/15/2020
Flight Center Sciences (CAS) Republic of (CH) Agreement (PSA) important scientific problems in geophysics.
440 Laboratory (JPL)
Jet Propulsion Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) MOU for Cooperation on OCO-2 Project-Specific The GOSAT, OCO-2, and GOSAT-2 missions ("3 CO2 3/17/2015 11/20/2024
Laboratory (JPL) Exploration Agency and the Greenhouse Gases Agreement (PSA) Missions") are elements of the Global Earth
(JAXA),Ministry of Observing Satellite (GOSAT) and Observation System of Systems, and their
Environment GOSAT-2 measurements are expected to improve the
(MOE),National understanding of the processes that regulate
Institute for atmospheric carbon dioxide, enabling more reliable
Environmental Studies forecasts of carbon dioxide buildup and its impacts on
(NIES) climate change. GOSAT and GOSAT-2 contribute to
Japan's implementation of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change -
441 (calibration, validation).
Johnson Space Museum fur Germany (GM) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Vera Fernandes of the Museum fur Naturkunde, 3/31/2015 10/31/2019
Center (JSC) Naturkunde, Berlin Agreement Agreement (PSA) Berlin in Berlin, Germany proposes to use the samples
to undertake scientific investigations (described in a
sample request submitted by the PI to the Apollo
442 Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space University of United Kingdom International Genesis Sample Project-Specific Jamie D. Gilmour of The University of Manchester in 3/31/2015 3/31/2020
Center (JSC) Manchester (UK) Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Manchester, United Kingdom proposes to use the
Genesis samples to undertake scientific investigations
(described in one or more sample requests submitted
by the PI to the Genesis Sample Curator at JSC and
443 approved by the Genesis Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Griffin Media Canada (CA) Nonreimbursable Space Act Project-Specific Agreement between NASA and Griffin Media, a 4/15/2015 4/15/2018
Center (JSC) Agreement Between NASA JSC Agreement (PSA) Canadian publishing company, regarding a book on the
and Griffin Media for Book on the International Space Station (ISS), specifically a
History, Design, Construction and chronology/history of its design, development, systems
Utilization of the ISS and operation as well as how NASA and its International
Partners utilize the ISS to benefit humankind.
Headquarters (HQ) European Space European Space Europa Feasibility Study Project-Specific Europa Clipper is a concept under study by NASA that 4/28/2015 4/28/2020
Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Agreement Agreement (PSA) would conduct detailed reconnaissance of Jupiter's
moon Europa and would investigate whether the icy
moon could harbor conditions suitable for life. The
mission would perform a detailed investigation of
Europa using a highly capable, radiation-tolerant
spacecraft that would perform repeated close flybys of
the icy moon from a long, looping orbit around Jupiter.
Goddard Space Norwegian Space Norway (NO) Implementing Arrangement Implementing NASA and NSC will collaborate on IRIS observations, 5/8/2015 1/10/2021
Flight Center Centre (NSC) Between NASA and the Arrangement/Agreement which will be collected through several ground stations
(GSFC) Norwegian Space Center (NSC) (IA) around the globe, including one located at the
on the Interface Region Imaging Kongsberg Satellite Services - Norwegian Space Centre
Spectrograph (IRIS) Mission (KSAT-NSC) station in Svalbard, Norway. NASA and
NSC use a solar telescope and spectrograph to explore
the solar chromospheres. The collaboration includes
analysis of the IRIS observations using 3-D numerical
models from the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics
(ITA) at the University of Oslo, Norway. The ground
station support from KSAT-NSC in Svalbard will be
provided through December 31, 2016, following the
launch of IRIS. The ground station will support an
adequate number of downlink and uplink passes to
support operations and an average data rate on the
order of 50 gigabytes (Gbytes) per day.
Goddard Space United Nations World United Nations Cooperation in the Micro-pulse Project-Specific Cooperative research on lidar using ground based 5/11/2015 5/11/2100
Flight Center Meteorological World Lidar Network (MPLNET) as a Agreement (PSA) detectors integrated into a global network.
(GSFC) Organization (WMO) Meteorological Contributing Network
447 (WMO)
Johnson Space University of Bern Switzerland (SZ) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Hauke Vollstaedt proposes to use these Lunar 5/14/2015 10/31/2019
Center (JSC) Agreement Agreement (PSA) samples to undertake scientific investigations led by its
PI given to the Apollo Sample Curator at JSC and
448 approved by the Apollo Sample Curator.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Glenn Research National Research Canada (CA) Amendment to the Agreement Project-Specific NASA and the National Research Council of Canada 6/3/2015 5/21/2020
Center at Lewis Council Canada between NASA and the National Agreement (PSA) (NRCC) enjoyed mutually beneficial cooperation in the
Field (GRC) (NRCC) Research Council of Canada area of icing research to improve aviation safety by
(NRCC) Concerning Cooperation addressing airplane engine power loss events
in Icing Protection Systems associated with the high-altitude convective weather
Research and thermal ice protection systems. The original
agreement entered into force on December 2, 2009,
and expired on November 30, 2014. During the time
period of the original agreement, NASA and NRCC
cooperated in a High Ice Water Content (HIWC) Field
Campaign and conducted joint research to improve the
measurement capabilities of high ice water content and
mixed phase (liquid and ice) environments. This effort
resulted in the development of Iso-Kinetic Probes (IKP)
used for ground-based and flight-based measurements
and modifications made to existing atmospheric
instruments. Therefore, NASA proposed a new
extension to allow for a comparison test to be
conducted with data taken from the flight IKP, and new
icing capabilities have been added to the Propulsion
Systems Laboratory (PSL) at NASA.
Ames Research Catholic University of Chile (CI) Astrobiology Field Investigations in Project-Specific Cooperation on astrobiology field campaigns in the 6/8/2015 9/30/2020
Center (ARC) the North (UCN) the Atacama and Altiplano Agreement (PSA) Atacama Desert and Altiplan Region of Chile in
450 Regions of Northern Chile collaboration with the Catholic Univ. of the North.
Glenn Research Schaeffler Germany (GM) Agreement between NASA and Project-Specific cooperative activity to research bearings materials and 6/9/2015 6/26/2018
Center at Lewis Technologies AG & Schaeffler Technologies AG & CO Agreement (PSA) test them.
Field (GRC) CO KG KG For Superelastic Materials for
Corrosion Resistant and Resilient
451 Bearings
Headquarters Chalmers University of Sweden (SW) Chalmers VRA for Larry Toups Visiting Researcher This Amendment changes the POC information for 6/11/2015 9/1/2018
(HQ),Johnson Technology Agreement (VRA) Chalmers University and extends the Agreement to
Space Center (JSC) September 1, 2018. Visiting researcher will conduct
research on technologies and concepts for habitation
applicable to long duration space missions. This
includes technologies such as water systems,
lightweight materials and other autonomous and power
efficient systems associated with 'smart homes' of the
future, directly applicable to future deep space
452 habitation concepts.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space Charles University in Czech Republic Living with a Star Program's Project-Specific NASA) and the Charles University in Prague have a 6/16/2015 9/30/2018
Flight Center Prague (CZ) Geospace-Radiation Belt Storm Agreement (PSA) mutual interest in pursuing cooperation in the Living
(GSFC) Probes (G-RBSP) Mission With a Star (LWS) Program's Geospace-Radiation Belt
Storm Probes (G-RBSP) mission. One science
investigation for the G-RBSP mission that was selected,
'Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and
Integrated Science (EMFISIS),' by the University of
Iowa, included a collaboration with Dr. Ondrej Santolik
from the Charles University. The EMFISIS instrument
suite will improve the understanding of the origin and
role of plasma waves in particle acceleration and in the
evolution of the magnetic field. Each EMFISIS
instrument suite contains two instruments, a
magnetometer that measures three components of the
low-frequency magnetic field and a magnetometer and
waveform receivers (Waves) that measure the three
components of the wave magnetic and wave electric
fields. The proposed collaboration with Charles
University is for flight software on the Waves
453 instrument.
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement (IA) Implementing Mission Directorate: SMD. The purpose of this IA is to 6/16/2015 6/15/2020
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Between NASA and CNES for Arrangement/Agreement set forth the responsibilities of the Implementing
(GSFC) Cooperation in Orbital Debris (IA) Agencies for orbital debris conjunction assessment and
Conjunction Assessment & Risk risk analysis in order to provide improved mitigation
Analysis options to satellite operators facing in-orbit collisions
454 threats.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement Implementing Mars 2020 is the next strategic mission in NASA's Mars 6/16/2015 6/30/2024
Laboratory (JPL) Space Studies (CNES) between NASA and the Centre Arrangement/Agreement Exploration Program. The mission will land a rover on
National D'Etudes Spatiales of (IA) the planet to conduct a wide range of scientific
France on the SuperCam exploration, consistent with NASA's science goals for
Instrument for the Mars 2020 the Mars Exploration Program. Mars 2020's objective is
Mission to explore for signs of ancient life and habitable
environments, study Martian weather and atmosphere,
and study Martian geology. NASA plans to launch the
mission in July 2020, and land on Mars in February
2021. NASA expects that the rover will conduct
operations until at least August 2023. One of the seven
scientific and exploration instruments on the Mars 2020
payload includes the SuperCam: Active and Reflectance
Mineralogy, Astrobiology, Chemistry, and Imaging at
Remote Distances instrument suite. NASA selected Dr.
Roger Wiens of the Los Alamos National Laboratory
(LANL) as the SuperCam Principal Investigator (PI). Dr.
Sylvestre Maurice of the Institut de Recherche en
Astrophysique et Plan'tologie (IRAP/CNRS) is the
Deputy Principal Investigator and the science and
technical lead of the French contribution to SuperCam.
The French team will develop the SuperCam Mast Unit
and the American team will develop the SuperCam
Body Unit. This Implementing Arrangement will be
concluded pursuant to the Framework Agreement
between the Government of the French Republic and
the Government of the United States of America for
Cooperative Activities in the Exploration and Use of
Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes.
Langley Research German Aerospace Germany (GM) Implementing Arrangement Implementing The purpose of this Implementing Arrangement is to 6/16/2015 12/31/2018
Center (LaRC) Center (DLR) between NASA and the German Arrangement/Agreement set forth the respective responsibilities of the Parties
Aerospace Center for (IA) and the terms and conditions under which they shall
Experimental Optical Methods conduct cooperation in the area of applying
Applied to Rotorcraft experimental optical methods to Rotorcraft. The Parties
plan to apply several optical techniques to identify
unsteady transition location on a rotor blade and to
characterize the rotor wake geometry in forward flight.
The results will be jointly published by the Parties and
made available to the public and entire international
456 aerospace community.
Jet Propulsion National Institute for Spain (SP) Implementation Agreement Implementing In addition to extending the MSL cooperation, this 6/16/2015 12/31/2025
Laboratory (JPL) Aerospace Technology Between NASA, CDTI, and INTA Arrangement/Agreement amendment adds the Spanish provision of the High
(INTA),The Spanish Concerning Cooperation on the (IA) Gain Antenna (HGA) to the Mars 2020 mission and the
Centro para el Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Temperature and Wind on InSight (TWINS) sensors on
Desarrollo Mission the Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations,
Technologico Industrial Geodesy, and Heat Transport (InSight) mission.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Ames Research Brazilian Space Brazil (BR) Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific This Reimbursable Space Act Agreement will be for the 6/18/2015 5/31/2018
Center (ARC) Agency (AEB) Agreement Between the Agencia Agreement (PSA) purpose of facilitating AEB's participation in the National
Espacial Brasileira and The Aeronautics and Space Administration International
National Aeronautics And Space Internship Program designed to provide a collaborative
Administration for Participation In environment where U.S. interns or fellows can interact
The National Aeronautics And and work alongside with international peers on
Space Administration International research opportunities.
458 Internship Program
Johnson Space ETH Zurich Switzerland (SZ) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Alison Hunt of ETH Zurick, Institute for 6/23/2015 6/23/2020
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Geochemistry and Petrology in Zurich, Switzerland,
proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
459 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Scottish Universities United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Benjamin Eric Cohen of Scottish Universities 6/23/2015 6/23/2020
Center (JSC) Environmental (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Environmental Research Centre in UK, proposes to use
Research Centre the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
460 Curator).
Johnson Space University of United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Ray Burgess of the University of Manchester in UK, 6/23/2015 6/23/2020
Center (JSC) Manchester (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
461 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of United Kingdom International Genesis Sample Project-Specific Ian Lyon of The University of Manchester in 6/23/2015 6/23/2020
Center (JSC) Manchester (UK) Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Manchester, UK, proposes to use the Genesis samples
to undertake scientific investigations (described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Genesis Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
462 Genesis Sample Curator).
Glenn Research European Space European Space Implementing Arrangement Implementing Barter exchanging short duration increment opportunity 6/25/2015 12/31/2021
Center at Lewis Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) between NASA and ESA Arrangement/Agreement on the ISS (Launch 44S, Return 42S) for hardware
Field concerning NASA's Provision of a (IA) towards Service Module 2 (or spares for SM 1).
(GRC),Johnson Short Duration Flight Opportunity
Space Center (JSC) in Exchange for Goods and
Services related to the Orion Multi-
Purpose Crew Vehicle Service
463 Module
Johnson Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) NASA-JAXA Reimbursable Implementing NASA will provide JAXA with pre-flight and post-flight 6/26/2015 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Exploration Agency Agreement for Mouse Habitat Unit Arrangement/Agreement ground services and in-flight transportation services to
(JAXA) Utilization Services for the ISS (IA) support the JAXA Mouse Habitat Unit on the ISS.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Brazilian Space Brazil (BR) Implementing Arrangement for Implementing The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space 6/30/2015 6/30/2025
Agency (AEB) Cooperation between NASA and Arrangement/Agreement Administration (NASA) and the Brazilian Space Agency
the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) (IA) (AEB) signed an Implementing Arrangement (IA) under
of the Federative Republic of the U.S.-Brazil Framework Agreement on Cooperation
Brazil of Brazil in Heliophysics and in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space that will facilitate
Space Weather Research enhanced cooperation in the fields of solar and space
physics (heliophysics) and space weather research.
Under the IA, AEB, through the Brazilian National
Institute for Space Research (INPE), will acquire and
process space weather broadcast data from NASA's
Van Allen Probes mission, which was launched in 2012.
The IA also enables Brazilian participation in the
research working groups of NASA heliophysics
missions, including the Van Allen Probes mission and
the Magnetospheric MultiScale mission, and promotes
continued discussion on new projects for potential U.S.-
Brazil collaboration in heliophysics and space weather
Headquarters (HQ) Brazilian Space Brazil (BR) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE Program is an international environmental 6/30/2015 6/30/2020
Agency (AEB) to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
(GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
466 environment.
Goddard Space Korea Astronomy and Korea, Republic of Space Geodesy: KASI Project-Specific Collaboration in the field of the space geodesy, 6/30/2015 6/30/2020
Flight Center Space Science (KS) Agreement (PSA) including the development of space geodetic
(GSFC) Institute (KASI) techniques, data sharing from a local and global
geodetic observing network, and application research
on crustal motion, terrestrial reference frame (TRF),
Celestial Reference Frame (CRF), Earth rotation/polar
motion and the interactions of the Earth systems, as
well as natural hazards prediction/reduction. The
agreement will also jointly strengthen the global
geodetic infrastructure, improve research and
development, and facilitate exchange and discussion of
467 challenging geodetic issues.
Headquarters (HQ) Korea Astronomy and Korea, Republic of KASI-Helio Agreement Project-Specific Cooperation in solar and space physics (heliophysics) 6/30/2015 6/30/2020
Space Science (KS) Agreement (PSA) and space weather research, including sharing the data
Institute (KASI) of new NASA missions, in particular the Solar Dynamics
Observatory (SDO), Radiation Belt Storm Probe
(RBSP), and Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS)
missions, to increase their scientific output and
productivity to the benefit of heliophysics overall. KASI
will build a data center and provide access for scientists,
provide the necessary ground assets to acquire and
process the space weather broadcast data from RBSP,
provide measures to safeguard the RBSP space
weather broadcast mode operating frequencies, and
exchange scientific and technical personnel from KASI.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Agencia Espacial Mexico (MX) Nonreimbursable Space Act Project-Specific An additional Mission Type: HEO. The AztechSat-1 7/1/2015 3/31/2019
Mexicana (AEM) Agreement Between the Agencia Agreement (PSA) CubeSat technology demonstration will provide NASA
Espacial Mexicana and the with the opportunity to test economical, commercial, off-
National Aeronautics and Space the-shelf components, which may be useful in future
Administration for Collaboration on space missions. AztechSat-1 will use GlobalStar, the
the Aztechsat-1 Cubesat low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellation for satellite
Communications Technology phone and low-speed data communications. AEM will
Demonstration manufacture a prototype, perform ground testing,
deliver a flight certified unit of its AztechSat-1 CubeSat,
lead mission operations, and share flight data with
NASA. NASA will provide project management
overview and systems engineering overview, participate
in design reviews, perform environmental testing, and
support AztechSat-1 mission operations, consistent with
U.S. export control laws and regulations.
Johnson Space Canadian Space Canada (CA) NASA-CSA HR-pQCT ISLSWG Implementing NASA and CSA have agreed to cooperate on CSA's 7/9/2015 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (CSA) Agreement Arrangement/Agreement baseline data collection for their TBone experiment,
(IA) which will require the installation of the High Resolution
Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (HR-
qQCT) at the NASA Johnson Space Center.
Ames Research National Institute of Trinidad & Tobago Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific This agreement enables NIHERST participation in the 8/4/2015 9/3/2018
Center (ARC) Higher Education, (TD) Agreement Between the Nat'l Agreement (PSA) NASA International Internship Program (NASA 12),
Research, Science & Institue of Higher Educ. Research, designed to provide a collaborative environment where
Technology Science & Technology (NIHERST) U.S. interns (university undergraduate students) can
(NIHERST) and NASA for Participation in the interact and work alongside international peers on
NASA International Internship research opportunities.
Ames Research Agencia Espacial Mexico (MX) Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific This agreement enables AEM's participation in the 8/20/2015 9/3/2018
Center (ARC) Mexicana (AEM) Agreement Between the Agencia Agreement (PSA) NASA International Internship Program (NASA I2),
Espacial Mexicana and NASA for designed to provide a collaborative environment where
Participation in the NASA U.S. interns (university undergraduate students) or
International Internship Program fellows (university graduate students) can interact and
work alongside international peers on research
472 opportunities.
Jet Propulsion Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) Earth Observation Research Project-Specific Cooperative research using ASI COSMO-SkyMed data. 9/9/2015 10/31/2020
Laboratory (JPL) (ASI) Related to Environmental Agreement (PSA) May involve downlink at the Alaska Satellite Facility and
Monitoring and Hazard/Disaster access to NASA postdoc programs.
473 Management (COSMO-SkyMed)
Goddard Space All Nations University Ghana (GH) Cooperation in the Aerosol Project-Specific Cooperative research on aerosols using sun 9/17/2015 9/16/2025
Flight Center College in Koforidua Robotic Network (AERONET) with Agreement (PSA) photometers integrated into a global network.
(GSFC) (ANUC) of Ghana All Nations University College in
474 Koforidua, Ghana

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) South African Space South Africa (SF) Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific This Reimbursable Space Act Agreement will be for the 9/18/2015 9/3/2018
Agency (SANSA) Agreement Between the South Agreement (PSA) purpose of facilitating SANSA's participation in the
African National Space Agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration
and the National Aeronautics and International Internship Program designed to provide a
Space Administration collaborative environment where U.S. interns or fellows
can interact and work alongside with international peers
475 on research opportunities.
Langley Research University of Innsbruck Austria (AU) North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Project-Specific This agreement is for a scientific airborne campaign 9/24/2015 1/15/2020
Center (LaRC) Ecosystem Study (NAAMES) Agreement (PSA) that will study the annual life cycle of phytoplankton in
the North Atlantic Ocean and the impact of small
airborne particles derived from marine organisms on
climate. Further, the agreement will allow Dr. Armin
Wisthaler and his Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass
Spectrometry (PTRMS) instrument to fly on the NASA C-
476 130 aircraft for the NAAMES study.
Jet Propulsion Indian Space India (IN) AVIRIS-NG Airborne Campaign Implementing This agreement is for a scientific airborne imaging 9/24/2015 9/24/2020
Laboratory (JPL) Research Organization Arrangement/Agreement spectrometer mission over India using the Airborne
(ISRO) (IA) Visible and InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer - Next
Generation (AVIRIS-NG) instrument. NASA will fly the
AVIRIS-NG instrument on ISRO's B-200 aircraft. This
agreement falls under the Framework Agreement
between the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration and Indian Space Research
Organisation for Cooperation in the Exploration and Use
of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes, signed on
477 February 1, 2008.
Johnson Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Cooperation Between NASA and Project-Specific A continuation of previous cooperation involving use of 9/24/2015 3/31/2018
Center (JSC) Exploration Agency JAXA on Wind Tunnel Testing in Agreement (PSA) JAXA's High Enthalpy Shock Tunnel (HEIST) to provide
(JAXA) JAXA's High Enthalpy Shock wind tunnel testing on a NASA Apollo-like capsule.
478 Tunnel (HEIST)
Goddard Space Polytechnic of Namibia (WA) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and Polytechnic of Namibia will cooperate on the 9/25/2015 9/24/2025
Flight Center Namibia, Namibia (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) AERONET program. NASA will provide equipment on
(GSFC) University of Science loan in which Gobabeb will host at a mutually agreed
and Technology location.
479 (NUST)
Headquarters (HQ) The Ministry of Mauritius (MP) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE Program is an international environmental 10/5/2015 10/5/2020
Education and Human to Benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Resources, Tertiary (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
Education and environment.
Scientific Research of
the Republic of
480 Mauritius

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
All NASA Centers Government of the Sweden (SW) US/Sweden Framework Umbrella/Framework Amendment and Extension 1 of the Framework 10/6/2015 10/14/2025
Kingdom of Sweden Agreement - Exploration and Use Agreement (UM/FW) Agreement: U.S. and the Kingdom of Sweden agree to
of Outer Space for Peaceful extend the duration of the agreement for 10 additional
Purposes years, until October 14, 2025. Parties agree to amend
the first sentence of Article 5.1 by replacing the word
"national" with the "applicable." Agreement between US
and Sweden. Covers a multitude of civil space
cooperation in Earth Science, Space Science, Biological
and Physical Research, and other areas of mutual
interest. Programs may be implemented using:
spacecraft and space research platforms; scientific
instruments onboard spacecraft and space research,
sounding rocket and scientific balloon flights and
campaigns; aircraft flights and campaigns; ground-
based antennas for tracking and data acquisition;
ground-based space research facilities; exchanges of
scientific personnel; exchanges of scientific data; and
education and public outreach activities. Swedish
National Space Board (SNSB) is named as the Swedish
implementing agency and NASA is named the US
implementing agency.
Glenn Research Canadensys (CAC) Canada (CA) Umbrella Agreement between Umbrella/Framework NASA GRC to provide testing of Canadensys 10/13/2015 10/12/2020
Center at Lewis NASA and Canadensys Agreement (UM/FW) technology to include thermal cycling of the partner's
Field (GRC) Aerospace Corporation Regarding rover prototype drivetrain hardware.
Environmental Testing of Space
Exploration Hardware; Annex 1
Langley Research The National Institute Korea, Republic of Korea-United States Air Quality Project-Specific This agreement is for a scientific airborne campaign 10/14/2015 11/30/2020
Center (LaRC) of Environmental (KS) Field Study (KORUS-AQ) Agreement (PSA) that will provide critical information on the challenges
Research of the faced by satellites to distinguish air quality conditions at
Republic of Korea the surface from conditions at higher altitudes.
483 (NIER)
Headquarters Defense Research Norway (NO) Mars 2020 RIMFAX Phase B-F Project-Specific This agreement is for the Norwegian Defence Research 10/20/2015 6/30/2024
(HQ),Jet Propulsion Establishment (FFI or Agreement Agreement (PSA) Establishment (FFI) to provide the Radar Imagers for
Laboratory (JPL) Forsvarets Forskning Mars' subsurFAce eXperiment (RIMFAX) ground
Institutt in Norwegian) penetrating radar (GPR) to NASA for the Mars 2020
484 rover.
Goddard Space Centre for Geophysical Vietnam (VM) AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Project-Specific NASA and the Center for Geophysical Consultancy and 10/23/2015 10/22/2025
Flight Center Consultancy and Network) Agreement (PSA) Technological Transfer of Vietnam will cooperate on the
(GSFC) Technological Transfer AERONET program. NASA will provide equipment on
(CGCTT) loan which the partner will host at a mutually agreed
485 location.
Ames Research German Aerospace Germany (GM) Implementing Arrangement Implementing NASA will develop and provide a secondary payload, 10/26/2015 10/26/2019
Center (ARC) Center (DLR) Between the National Aeronautics Arrangement/Agreement the PowerCell Experiment, to DLR for integration into
and Space Administration and the (IA) DLR's Eu:CROPIS small spacecraft bus.
German Aerospace Center for
Cooperation on the Eu:CROPIS
486 Mission

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Ames Research Swiss Federal Institute Switzerland (SZ) NASA-ETH Zurich Cooperation in Project-Specific Extension 1: Parties will model, fabricate and test a 10/28/2015 10/31/2018
Center (ARC) of Technology Zurich Modeling and Experimental Agreement (PSA) photonic thermal protection system (TPS). NASA and
of the Swiss Characterization of Thermal the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH-
Confederation (ETH- Protection System (TPS) Materials Zurich) will pursue collaborative research related to
Zurich) modeling and experimental characterization of thermal
protection system (TPS) materials. This collaborative
activity will focus on computational modeling and
experimental characterization of TPS materials for
NASA applications, primarily related to re-entry
systems; it will consist of two projects. The first project
will involve the development of a photonic, reflective
TPS material. NASA and ETH-Zurich will model,
fabricate, and test a high-temperature, photonic thermal
protection system (pTPS). The second project will
focus on the development of computational models for
thermal conductivity (TC). NASA and ETH-Zurich will
develop computational models for TC of fibrous
phenolic-impregnated carbon composites, which is a
class of materials used for ablative heat shields
487 applications.
Headquarters (HQ) Israel Space Agency Israel (IS) Framework Agreement between Umbrella/Framework Framework Agreement between NASA and the Israel 10/31/2015 10/13/2025
(ISA) NASA and the Israel Space Agreement (UM/FW) Space Agency for Cooperation in Aeronautics and the
Agency for Cooperation in Exploration and Use of Airspace and Outer Space for
Aeronautics and the Exploration Peaceful Purposes.
and Use of Airspace and Outer
488 Space for Peaceful Purposes
Goddard Space Royal Institute of Sweden (SW) Gamma Ray Large Area Space Project-Specific Fermi is a NASA mission whose scientific investigations 11/2/2015 12/31/2020
Flight Center Technology (KTH) Telescope Mission (GLAST)/Fermi Agreement (PSA) were selected through a NASA AO 99-OSS-03. Glast
(GSFC) will identify and study nature's highest energy particle
accelerators, measuring, with two instruments, the
spectra and temporal histories of gamma rays in the
energy range from 10 KeV to 300 GeV.
Headquarters University of Valladolid Spain (SP) Mars 2020 SuperCam Calibration Project-Specific This agreement is for the University of Valladolid (UVa) 11/3/2015 6/30/2024
(HQ),Jet Propulsion (UVA) Target Agreement Agreement (PSA) of Spain to provide a calibration target assembly to
Laboratory (JPL) NASA for the Mars 2020 rover's SuperCam instrument.
George C. Marshall Ku Leuven, Katholieke Belgium (BE) Global Precipitation Measurement Project-Specific NASA's GPM mission consists of a constellation of 11/15/2015 11/15/2020
Space Flight Center Universiteit Leuven of (GPM) Agreement (PSA) international satellites that provide measurements in the
(MSFC) Belgium (KUL) microwave and infrared portions of the spectrum. Data
from these satellites are processed into global products
that estimate integrated precipitation for timescales on
the order of three hours. The GPM mission also
includes a ground validation component that quantifies
the accuracy of precipitation data products. High-
latitude precipitation is of particular interest to GPM
ground validation because the data product algorithms
used in these regions are relatively new and untested,
and there are very few meteorological observations in
491 Antarctica.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
George C. Marshall United Kingdom Space United Kingdom Jupiter Icy-Moons Explorer Project-Specific PEP is a plasma package with six sensors to 11/23/2015 6/30/2034
Space Flight Center Agency (UKSA) (UK) (JUICE) Mission - Particle Agreement (PSA) characterize the plasma environment in the Jovian
(MSFC) Environments Package (PEP) system. PEP will measure positive and negative ions,
electrons, exospheric neutral gas, thermal plasma, and
energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) in the energy range
from 0.001 eV to 1 MeV. PEP will combine remote
global imaging via ENAs with in situ measurements, to
address all scientific objectives of the JUICE mission
relevant to particle measurements. PEP will seek
answers for four overarching science questions: How
does the co-rotating magnetosphere of Jupiter interact
with the complex and diverse environment of
Ganymede. How does the rapidly rotating
magnetosphere of Jupiter interact with seemingly inert
Callisto. What are the governing mechanisms and their
global impact of release of material into the Jupiter
magnetosphere from Europa and Io. How do internal
and solar wind drivers cause such energetic, time-
variable and multi-scale phenomena in the steadily
rotating giant magnetosphere of Jupiter.
Johnson Space European Space European Space NASA-ESA IA for the Modification Implementing NASA and ESA have reached an understanding 11/24/2015 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) and Delivery of the Hexapod Arrangement/Agreement regarding ESA's updated scope of work for the Hexapod
Pointing System (IA) pointing system (Hexapod) in exchange for NASA
providing a Columbus External Payload Adapter for
ESA's ASIM, install the Columbus Ka-Bans antenna,
and as a means of offsetting ESA's obligation to
reimburse NASA for TDRSS support for ATV-4 and -5.
Headquarters (HQ) European Space European Space Advanced Resistive Exercise Implementing A Letter of Agreement between ESA and NASA under 12/8/2015 12/1/2020
Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Device (ARED) Kinematics Project Arrangement/Agreement the ISLSWG ISS Arrangement for the Advanced
Letter of Agreement (IA) Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Kinematics Project
494 on the ISS.
Headquarters (HQ) Vietnam Academy of Vietnam (VM) Global Learning and Observations Project-Specific The GLOBE program is an international environmental 12/9/2015 12/31/2100
Science and to benefit the Environment Agreement (PSA) science and education program that will bring students,
Technology of the (GLOBE) teachers, and scientists together to study the global
Socialist Republic of environment.
495 Vietnam
Ames Research European Space European Space NASA and ESA Letter of Implementing An LOA under the ISS ISLSWG Arrangement. The 12/11/2015 12/31/2020
Center Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Agreement regarding the Arrangement/Agreement LOA concerns NASA support of the ESA sponsored
(ARC),Headquarters Vestibular-Evoked Myogenic (IA) VEMP experiment. VEMP is an experiment that will
(HQ),Johnson Potentials in Microgravity (VEMP) assess otolith function on 12 crewmembers before,
Space Center (JSC) during and after long duration missions on the
496 International Space Station.
Goddard Space University of Castilla- Spain (SP) Agreement Between NASA and Project-Specific ESD/GPM mission ground validation of GPM 12/14/2015 12/14/2018
Flight Center La-Mancha of Spain the University of Castilla-La- Agreement (PSA) precipitation retrieval algorithms and data products.
(GSFC) Mancha of Spain for Cooperation
on the Global Precipitation
497 Measurement (GPM) Mission

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion German Aerospace Germany (GM) Mars Exploration Rover 2003 Project-Specific The National Aeronautics and Space Administration 12/16/2015 12/31/2020
Laboratory (JPL) Center (DLR) (MER 2003) Mission - Mossbauer Agreement (PSA) (NASA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) are
Spectrometers cooperating on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover 2003
(MER 2003) mission, comprised of two separate rovers.
The cooperation involves German provision of
M'ssbauer Spectrometer engineering and flight models,
which will be part of the two rover's Athena payloads
and will be mounted on instrument deployment devices.
Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) Gamma Ray Large Area Space Project-Specific Fermi is a NASA mission whose scientific investigations 12/16/2015 12/31/2020
Flight Center Center (DLR) Telescope Mission (GLAST)/Fermi Agreement (PSA) were selected through a NASA AO 99-OSS-03. Glast
(GSFC) will identify and study nature's highest energy particle
accelerators, measuring, with two instruments, the
spectra and temporal histories of gamma rays in the
energy range from 10 KeV to 300 GeV.
Jet Propulsion German Aerospace Germany (GM) Mars Exploration Rover (MER Project-Specific The National Aeronautics and Space Administration 12/16/2015 12/31/2020
Laboratory (JPL) Center (DLR) 2003) Mission - Participating Agreement (PSA) (NASA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) are
Scientists cooperating on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover 2003
(MER 2003) mission, comprised of two separate rovers.
This cooperation involves DLR support of the following
three German Participating Scientists on the MER 2003
science team: Mr. Johannes Brueckner, Mr. Stubbe
Hviid, and Mr. Lutz Richter. All three were selected as
Participating Scientists through the NASA
500 Announcement of Opportunity AO-01-OSS-04.
Jet Propulsion German Aerospace Germany (GM) Mars Exploration Rover 2003 Project-Specific The National Aeronautics and Space Administration 12/16/2015 12/31/2020
Laboratory (JPL) Center (DLR) (MER 2003) Mission - Alpha Agreement (PSA) (NASA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) are
Particle X-ray Spectrometer cooperating on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover 2003
(APXS) (MER 2003) mission, comprised of two separate rovers.
The cooperation involves German provision of Alpha
Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS) engineering and
flight models, which will be part of the two rovers'
501 Athena payloads.
Johnson Space European Space European Space NASA-ESA Portable Pulmonary Project-Specific This agreement amends the original NASA-ESA 12/18/2015 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Function System Agreement Agreement (PSA) Portable Pulmonary Function System Agreement for the
continued utilization of the Portable PFS and to extend
502 the agreement.
Johnson Space European Space European Space Reimbursable Agreement between Implementing Agreement for NASA to provide ISS crew support 12/18/2015 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) NASA and ESA for International Arrangement/Agreement services for ESA. Services include training, Star City
Space Station Crew Support (IA) services, medical, launch and landing.
503 Services

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Glenn Research Norwegian Space Norway (NO) Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific NASA and KSAT wish to enhance the current 12/21/2015 12/21/2018
Center at Lewis Centre (NSC) Agreement Between the National Agreement (PSA) radiometric Ka-band propagation measurements being
Field (GRC) Aeronautics And Space taken in Svalbard, Norway, with a beacon receiver and
Administration (NASA) and optical rain gauge. The addition of a beacon receiver
Kongsberg Satellite Services and optical rain gauge at the current NASA site will
(KSAT) for the Measurement of allow for improved accuracy atmospheric propagation
Ka-Band Propagation Data characterization and modeling and allow for the
measurement of rain attenuation and low elevation
angle scintillation effects in the polar climate which will
impact future NASA missions. This collaborative
activity will provide both NASA and KSAT with
atmospheric propagation measurements in the Ka-
band, which will be used to improve satellite and ground
communications system requirements and designs.
Goddard Space Prefeitura de Rio de Brazil (BR) Hazard Monitoring and Disaster Project-Specific The purpose of this Agreement is to forge a closer 12/22/2015 12/22/2020
Flight Center Janeiro, Brazil Response in and around Rio de Agreement (PSA) scientific collaboration between NASA and the City of
(GSFC),Headquarter Janeiro, Brazil Rio de Janeiro, specifically through the exchange of
s (HQ) knowledge between disciplines and the use of Earth
observations data and data products to support
innovative and ongoing efforts to anticipate, monitor
and assess the contributions to disaster risk from
natural hazards (including flooding, inundation,
landslides, mudslides, drought, heat islands, etc.) in the
vicinity of Rio de Janeiro. Collaboration between
scientists at NASA and the Prefeitura, through the
Instituto Pereira Passos (IPP), Rio de Janeiro Centro de
Opera'es Rio (COR), and Funda'o Geo-Rio, would focus
on enabling rapid dissemination of and access to
satellite data products to enhance scientific
understanding, education and risk awareness, and
505 enabling societal benefit, such as crisis response.
Headquarters Canadian Space Multiple Arrangement among the Canadian Umbrella/Framework Extension of Comprehensive Arrangement between 12/22/2015 12/31/2020
(HQ),Johnson Agency (CSA),Japan Signatories Space Agency, the European Agreement (UM/FW) NASA, CSA, ESA, and NASDA (now JAXA) for
Space Center (JSC) Aerospace Exploration Space Agency, the National International Space Life Sciences Flight Experiments on
Agency Aeronautics and Space the International Space Station (ISS). In order the
(JAXA),National Space Administration of the United further the goal established by the International Space
Development Agency States of America, and the Life Sciences Working Group (ISLSWG), the Parties as
of Japan National Space Development ISLSWG members will implement an international
(NASDA),European Agency of Japan concerning approach to life sciences flight experiment recruitment,
Space Agency (ESA) International space Life Sciences review, selection, and implementation on the ISS. This
Flight Experiments on the agreement establishes the general principles, terms,
International Space Station and conditions under which the Parties will implement
the International Space Life Science experiments (flight
experiment) for peaceful purposes on the ISS.
Ames Research Korea Aerospace Korea, Republic of Agreement Between NASA and Project-Specific Provides for KARI associate membership in the 12/29/2015 12/29/2025
Center (ARC) Research Institute (KS) KARI for Associate Membership in Agreement (PSA) SSERVI, a virtual science institute based at Ames for
(KARI) the NASA Solar System the study of the moon and planetary bodies.
Exploration Research Virtual
507 Institute (SSERVI)

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement btw Implementing CNES is providing significant portions of the Sample 12/30/2015 12/31/2020
Laboratory (JPL) Space Studies (CNES) NASA and CNES on the Mars Arrangement/Agreement Analysis at Mars (SAM) and the Laser-Induced Remote
Science Laboratory (MSL) mission (IA) Sensing for Chemistry and Micro-Imaging (ChemCam)
payloads on the NASA Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
mission. This IA is under the U.S.-French Umbrella.
Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) Amendment to the Implementing Implementing Adds additional responsibilities to the original 1/4/2016 12/23/2023
Flight Center Center (DLR) Arrangement between NASA and Arrangement/Agreement cooperation on the MOMA instrument. MOMA will fly on
(GSFC) DLR for Cooperation on the Mars (IA) the ESA ExoMars mission.
Organic Molecule Analyzer
509 (MOMA) Instrument
Goddard Space Hokkaido University Japan (JA) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and the partner will cooperate on the AERONET 1/6/2016 1/5/2026
Flight Center (HokuDai) (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) program. NASA will provide equipment on loan which
(GSFC) Kokkaido University will hose at a mutually agreed
510 location.
Goddard Space University of Versailes France (FR) Agreement between NASA and Project-Specific NASA Upper Atmospheric Research Progarm 1/11/2016 9/30/2020
Flight Center Saint-Quentin-en- the University of Versailes Saint- Agreement (PSA) cooperation with the University of Versailles Saint-
(GSFC) Yvelines of France Quentin-en-Yvelines for Quentin-en-Yvelines of France on a Network for the
cooperation on a Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Chemical Change (NDACC)
Detection of Atmospheric validation campaign.
Chemical Change (NDACC)
511 Validation Campaign
Goddard Space Taipei Economic and Taiwan (TW) Agreement between the National Project-Specific This Agreement (and the associated Coordination 1/12/2016 6/30/2025
Flight Center Cultural Aeronautics and Space Agreement (PSA) Arrangement) provides a framework to coordinate the
(GSFC) Representative Office Administration and the American operation of the FORMOSAT-3 Satellite (owned and
in the United States Institute in Taiwan for operated by the National Space Organization (NSPO) of
(TECRO) Coordination Regarding Normal Taiwan) to prevent unacceptable interference to NASA's
Operations and Special Uplink Earth science missions, including: FAST, GALEX,
Satellite System and GLORY. The Agreement and Coordination
Arrangement specify the parameters for uplink and
downlink transmissions during normal operation of the
FORMOSAT-3 satellite, and specifies pre-coordination
required prior to special uplink operations required to
upload Global Positioning System data. This activity is
implemented by: (1) The Agreement between NASA
and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), which is the
U.S. liaison entity for USG activities with entities in
Taiwan; and (2) The Coordination Arrangement
between AIT and the Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office in the United States (TECRO),
which is the Taiwanese liaison entity for Taiwanese
activities with entities in the U.S. The period of
performance of the activity is June 30, 2015 or until the
FORMOSAT-3 Satellite is deactivated, whichever is
512 sooner.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space Canadian Space Canada (CA) Temporal History of Events and Project-Specific NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) have 1/20/2016 3/31/2018
Flight Center Agency (CSA) Macroscale Interactions during Agreement (PSA) been cooperating on the THEMIS mission, which
(GSFC) Substorms (THEMIS) launched on February 17, 2007. This unique
constellation of satellites has provided scientists with
data to help resolve how Earth's magnetosphere stores
and releases energy from the Sun by triggering
geomagnetic substorms. THEMIS aims to determine
what physical process in near-Earth space initiates the
violent eruptions of the aurora that occur during
substorms in the Earth's magnetosphere. CSA is
responsible for the development and testing of the
Ground Base Observatories. THEMIS is a 2-year
mission consisting of 5 identical probes that will study
the violent colorful eruptions of Auroras. Three of the
remaining THEMIS satellites continue to study
substorms that are visible in the northern hemisphere
513 as aurora borealis.
Glenn Research Environment Canada Canada (CA) NASA-Environment Canada Project-Specific Amendment and Extension to the Agreement. 1/22/2016 1/31/2021
Center at Lewis Agreement for Cooperative Agreement (PSA) NASA/EC will conduct cooperative activities related to
Field (GRC) Activities Pertaining to icing cloud and mixed phase atmospheric definition, in-
Atmospheric Icing Research situ and remote instrumentation development, and data
processing and analysis techniques. This interest
concerns cooperative research to characterized
atmospheric icing environments, to study the physical
phenomena associated with the impact of liquid water
droplets and ice crystals on aircraft surfaces, air data
probes and engines, and to improve in-situ and remote
sensing of the environment that would generate
accurate and credible measurements for use by the
aviation community and aviation weather forecasters.
This amendment extends the expiration date of the
agreement five years, adds new responsibilities to the
original Agreement, changes the ECCC Point of
Contact, as well as sets a new schedule section within
the original agreement.
Goddard Space The Gabonese Space Gabon (GB) Memorandum of Understanding Project-Specific The Gabon Terrestrial Ecosystems Collaboration (G- 2/4/2016 10/31/2021
Flight Center Agency for Studies and between the National Aeronautics Agreement (PSA) TEC) is a calibration and validation effort in Gabon for
(GSFC),Headquarter Observations and Space Administration of the two Earth science satellite missions, the Global
s (HQ),Jet (AGEOS) United States of America and the Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation Lidar (GEDI) and
Propulsion Gabonese Space Agency for the joint NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar Mission
Laboratory (JPL) Studies and Observations of the (NISAR). NASA will collect science data over test sites
Republic of Gabon for Cooperation in Gabon with airborne instrument testbeds for the
on the Gabon Terrestrial NISAR and GEDI missions, including the Uninhabited
Ecosystems Collaboration Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR)
instrument flown on the NASA C-20A research aircraft
and the Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS)
instrument flown on the NASA B-200 research aircraft.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space Instituto Superior Angola (AO) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and partner will cooperate on the AERONET 2/5/2016 2/4/2026
Flight Center Politecnico da (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) program. NASA will provide equipment on loan to the
(GSFC) Tundavala (ISPT) Institute Superior Politecnico da Tundavala (ISPT).
ISPT will host and maintain the equipment, and
516 contribute to the AERONET database.
Ames Research Swiss International Air Switzerland (SZ) Nonreimbursable Space Act Project-Specific This cooperative agreement aims to improve aviation 2/9/2016 12/31/2020
Center (ARC) Lines Limited Agreement Between the National Agreement (PSA) safety and assure safe and effective human systems
Aeronautics And Space integration through collaborative research. NASA and
Administration and Swiss SWISS will partner in the analysis of flight and human
International Air Lines Limited on performance data to gain further insight into these
Research Studies for issues. Mission Type: Air Space Operations and
Improvement of Aviation Safety Safety
and Assuring Safe and Effective
517 Human Systems Integration
Johnson Space The Universite Libre Belgium (BE) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Vinciane Debaille of The Universite Libre de 2/10/2016 10/31/2020
Center (JSC) de Bruxelles Agreement Agreement (PSA) Bruxelles in Brussels, Belgium proposes to use the
samples to undertake scientific investigations
(described in a sample request submitted by the PI to
518 the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of Munster Germany (GM) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Erik Scherer of the (Universitat) University of 2/10/2016 10/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agreement Agreement (PSA) Munster in Munster, Germany proposes to use the
samples to undertake scientific investigations
(described in a sample request submitted by the PI to
519 the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space ETH Zurich Switzerland (SZ) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Maria Schonbachler Eidgenossische Technische 2/10/2016 10/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agreement Agreement (PSA) Hochschule Zurich in Zurich, Switzerland proposes to
use the samples to undertake scientific investigations
(described in a sample request submitted by the PI to
520 the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of United Kingdom International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. John Pernet-Fisher of The University of Manchester 2/10/2016 10/31/2020
Center (JSC) Manchester (UK) Agreement Agreement (PSA) in Manchester, United Kingdom, proposes to use the
samples to undertake scientific investigations
(described in a sample request submitted by the PI to
521 the Apollo Sample Curator).
George C. Marshall University of Central United Kingdom Agreement Between NASA and Project-Specific Hi-C is a telescope designed to take the first images of 2/15/2016 9/30/2019
Space Flight Center Lancashire (UK) the University of Lancashire for Agreement (PSA) the solar atmosphere with 170 km resolution in the
(MSFC) Cooperation on the High extreme ultraviolet. Initially launched from the White
Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) Sands Missile Range -White Sands, New Mexico, on
mission 36.314NS Cirtain July 11, 2012, as a payload onboard a Terrier Black
Brant Rocket, the intent of the Hi-C mission was to
demonstrate the technology necessary to collect images
at the 170 km resolution and investigate the scientific
522 value of the data.
Headquarters (HQ) Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) Loan of Shuttle Simulator Project-Specific The agreement describes a four-year loan of NASA 3/2/2016 3/29/2020
(ASI) Hardware and Software Agreement (PSA) Shuttle Simulator Hardware and Software to the Italian
523 Space Agency.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Glenn Research Heriot-Watt University United Kingdom REIMBURSABLE SPACE ACT Project-Specific The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the 3/4/2016 3/4/2021
Center at Lewis (UK) AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE Agreement (PSA) respective responsibilities of the Implementing Agencies
Field (GRC) NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND and the terms and conditions under which they will
SPACE ADMINISTRATION cooperate in the installation and operation of the Q-
(NASA) AND HERIOT-WATT band RF Propagation Monitoring Station at the Heriot-
UNIVERSITY FOR THE Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Armstrong Flight Canadian Space Canada (CA) Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) will test and use 3/11/2016 3/11/2019
Research Center Agency (CSA) Agreement between the National Agreement (PSA) their Spatial Heterodyne Observations of Water
(AFRC) Aeronautics and Space (SHOW) instrument on a NASA ER-2 in the United
Administration and the Canadian States to measure vertical water vapor distribution in
Space Agency for Airborne the Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UT/LS).
Science Research using the
Spatial Heterodyne Observations
525 of Water (SHOW) Instrument
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Gamma Ray Large Area Space Project-Specific NASA and CNRS will cooperate on the GLAST mission. 3/15/2016 12/31/2020
Flight Center Scientific Research Telescope Mission (GLAST)/Fermi Agreement (PSA)
526 (GSFC) (CNRS)
Ames Research Instituto Portugues do Portugal (PO) Letter of Between NASA and Project-Specific NASA and University of Porto in Portugal will cooperate 3/15/2016 3/15/2019
Center (ARC) Mar e Da Atmosfera University of Porto in Portugal for Agreement (PSA) on airborne science through Aerial and underwater data
(IPMA),Ministry of Cooperation on Airborne Science collection, analysis, and Validation.
Foreign Affairs, through Aerial and Underwater
Government of Data Collection, Analysis, and
527 Portugal Validation
Johnson Space Australian National Australia (AS) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Trevor Ireland of The Australian National University in 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) University (ANU) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Canberra, Australia, proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Vrije University Belgium (BE) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Philippe Claeys of VUB in Brussels, Belgium, proposes 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) Brussels (VUB) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake
scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
529 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space The Universite Libre Belgium (BE) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Rosalind Armytage of the Universite Libre de Bruxelles 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) de Bruxelles Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) in Bruxelles, Belgium, proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space The Universite Libre Belgium (BE) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Vinciane Debaille of Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) de Bruxelles Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
531 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space CRPG-CNRS France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Yves Marrocchi of CRPG-CNRS in Nancy, France, 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
532 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Museum National France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Emmanuel Jacquet of the Museum National d'Histoire 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) d'Histoire Naturelle Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Naturelle de Paris in Paris, France, proposes to use the
Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by the PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
533 Curator).
Johnson Space the CNRS Midi- France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Ghylaine Quitte of the CNRS Midi-Pyrenees (on behalf 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) Pyrenees Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et
Planetologie - IRAP, OMP) in Toulouse, France,
proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
534 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space CEREGE France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Jerome Gattacceca of Cerege in Aix en Provence, 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) France, proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
535 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of Cologne Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Dominik Hezel of University of Cologne, Dep. of 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Geology & Mineralogy in Cologne, Germany, proposes
to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake
scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
536 Meteorite Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Universita di Pisa Italy (IT) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Maurizio Gemelli of Universita di Pisa in Pisa, Italy, 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
537 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Kyushu University Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Takaaki Noguchi of Kyushu University in Fukuoka, 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Japan, proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples
to undertake scientific investigations led by the PI.
These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
538 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space The University of Cape South Africa (SF) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Geoffrey H. Howarth of University of Cape Town, in 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) Town Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Rodebosch, South Africa proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Lund University Sweden (SW) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Stephen Hall of Lund University in Lund, Sweden, 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
540 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space ETH Zurich Switzerland (SZ) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Maria Schonbachler of ETH Zurich in Zurich, 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Switzerland, proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
541 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of Bern Switzerland (SZ) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Antoine Roth of University of Bern in Bern, Switzerland, 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
542 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of Bern Switzerland (SZ) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Yann Brouet of the Physics Institute at the 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Univeristy of Bern, proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Natural History United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Joe Michalski of the Natural History Museum in London, 3/18/2016 3/18/2021
Center (JSC) Museum (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) UK, proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by the PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
544 Meteorite Sample Curator).
Headquarters (HQ) Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Reimbursable Agreement Between Project-Specific NASA will provide crew support services to JAXA on a 3/23/2016 12/31/2024
Exploration Agency the National and Aeronautics and Agreement (PSA) reimbursable basis. Services include training support,
(JAXA) Space Administration of the United medical support, Star City support, and launch and
States and the Japan Aerospace landing support.
Exploration Agency for
International Space Station Crew
Support Services
Ames Research Fundacao Para a Portugal (PO) Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific NASA Centers: Agency-wide, beginning with ARC, 3/28/2016 3/1/2019
Center Ciencia e a Agreement Between the Agreement (PSA) MSFC. This agreement enables Portugal's participation
(ARC),George C. Technologia Foundation for Science and in the NASA International Internship Program
Marshall Space (Foundation for Technology and the Ministry of (hereinafter referred to as "NASA I 2"). NASA I 2 is
Flight Center Science and Science, Technology and Higher designed to provide a collaborative environment for
(MSFC) Technology) (FCT) Education of Portugal and the U.S. and Portuguese interns (university undergraduate
National Aeronautics and Space level students) or fellows (university graduate level
Administration of the United students) to interact and work alongside each other on
States of America for Participation research opportunities. NASA internship and fellowship
in the NASA International sessions are arranged in three Terms during the
Internship Program calendar year (Spring, Summer, and Fall Terms).
Goddard Space St. Petersburg State Russia (UR) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA St. Petersburg State Univ. (Russia) will 3/29/2016 12/31/2024
Flight Center University (Russia) (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) cooperate on the operation of an AERONET sun
(GSFC) photometer station and/or Lidar stations located at
SPSU. SPSU has their own instrument, and NASA will
547 provide calibration on that instrument.
Jet Propulsion European Space European Space International Rosetta Mission Project-Specific MOU for cooperation on the Rosetta mission. 4/14/2016 9/30/2019
548 Laboratory (JPL) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Agreement (PSA)
Goddard Space Atomic Energy France (FR) Gamma Ray Large Area Space Project-Specific Fermi is a NASA mission whose scientific investigations 4/15/2016 12/31/2020
Flight Center Commission (CEA) Telescope Mission (GLAST)/Fermi Agreement (PSA) were selected through a NASA AO 99-OSS-03. Glast
(GSFC) will identify and study nature's highest energy particle
accelerators, measuring, with two instruments, the
spectra and temporal histories of gamma rays in the
energy range from 10 KeV to 300 GeV.
Goddard Space The Korea Institute of Korea, Republic of Memorandum of Understanding Project-Specific The Korea-United States Ocean Color Field Study 4/16/2016 10/31/2020
Flight Center Ocean Science and (KS) Between the National Aeronautics Agreement (PSA) (KORUS-OC) is a science mission that will use ship,
(GSFC) Technology (KIOST) and Space Administration of the airborne, and satellite observations to study ocean color
United States of America and the in preparation for future geostationary missions.
Korea Institute of Ocean Science KORUS-OC follows the Korea-United States Air Quality
and Technology of the Republic of Field Study (KORUS-AQ).
Korea for Cooperation on the
United States-Korea Ocean Color
550 Field Study (KORUS-OC)

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Ames Research German Aerospace Germany (GM) Implementing Arrangement Implementing This is an IA under the NASA-DLR Framework 4/19/2016 4/19/2019
Center (ARC) Center (DLR) between NASA and DLR for Arrangement/Agreement agreement. The IA is for cooperation on the
cooperation on the development of (IA) development of fundamental aerodynamic data and
fundamental aerodynamic data validation simulations in support of predicting entry and
and validation simulations in breakup of objects traveling at orbital or sub-orbital
support of predicting entry and speeds. This activity is funded out of the Planetary
breakup of objects traveling at Defense Coordination Office in SMD.
551 orbital or sub-orbital speeds
Kennedy Space European Space European Space Implementation Plan on Implementing NASA/ESA under the Framework Agreement (Space 4/20/2016 9/11/2019
Center (KSC) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Development Approaches for Arrangement/Agreement Transportation MOU signed 9/11/09) will exchange
Vehicle Assembly, Integration, (IA) available information and technical data on and jointly
Test, and Operations at Launch study development approaches for vehicle assembly,
552 Complexes integration, test, and operations at launch complexes.
Headquarters (HQ) European Space European Space Implementation Plan on Implementing NASA/ESA under the Framework Agreement (Space 4/20/2016 9/11/2019
Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Development and Test Arrangement/Agreement Transportation MOU signed 9/11/09) will exchange
Approaches for Re-ignitable (IA) available information and technical data on and jointly
Cryogenic Engines and Stages study development and test approaches for re-ignitable
553 cryogenic engines and stages.
Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) L-Band (DESDynI-Tandem-L) Project-Specific Study agreement for potential future cooperation in L- 4/21/2016 12/31/2020
Flight Center Center (DLR) Synthetic Aperture Radar Pre- Agreement (PSA) band synthetic aperture radar.
(GSFC),Jet Phase A
554 Laboratory (JPL)
Headquarters (HQ) Korea Advanced Korea, Republic of Framework Agreement Between Umbrella/Framework Framework Agreement which sets for the terms and 4/27/2016 4/27/2027
Institute of Science (KS) the Government of the United Agreement (UM/FW) conditions for cooperation between the Parties in
and Technology States of America and the aeronautics and the exploration and use of airspace and
(KAIST),Korea Government of the Republic of outer space for civil and peaceful purposes in areas of
Aerospace Research Korea for Cooperation in common interest.
Institute (KARI),Korea Aeronautics and the Exploration
Agency for and Use of Airspace and Outer
Infrastructure Space for Civil and Peaceful
Technology Purposes
Astronomy and Space
Science Institute
555 Administration (KMA)
Goddard Space Catholic University of Cameroon (CM) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and Catholic University of Cameroon (CATUC) 4/28/2016 3/27/2026
Flight Center Cameroon (CATUC) (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) will cooperate on the operation of an AERONET sun
(GSFC) photometer station and/or Lidar stations located at
CATUC. CATUC will maintain the NASA-owned
instrument, and NASA will provide calibration on that
556 instrument.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Langley Research University of United Kingdom NASA-University of Manchester Project-Specific The advent of in situ synchrotron radiation computed 5/9/2016 4/30/2018
Center (LaRC) Manchester (UK) Agreement to Cooperate in the Agreement (PSA) tomography (SRCT) with resolution on the order of one
Area of Synchrotron X-ray micrometer has enabled an understanding of the
Computed Tomography Scans or damage events that precipitate failure in composite
Polymer Matrix Composite laminates. The high resolution captures critical damage
Materials modes including matrix cracks, fiber-matrix de-bonding,
and fiber breaks. High resolution SRCT has been
applied to examine Mode I and Mode II matrix failures
as well as tensile fiber fracture failure modes for
composite laminates subjected to quasi-static, fatigue,
and impact loading conditions. Longitudinal fiber
failure under compressive loads typically occurs by the
formation of kink bands. Since the formation of kink
bands often occurs unstably and usually results in
subsequent catastrophic failure of the structure, few
detailed experimental investigations revealing the
sequence of events in the formation of kink bands have
been performed. Fewer still have quantified the kink
band formation process. The recently proposed single
edge notch compression (SENC) configuration has
been shown to yield quasi-stable kink band formation.
The objective of this study is to use the SENC
configuration with in situ SRCT monitoring to further the
understanding of the kink band damage mechanism.
The data obtained from this test will provide insight into
the mechanisms and sequence of damage development
in kink bands in composite laminates.

Goddard Space European Space European Space REIMBURSABLE SPACE ACT Project-Specific This Reimbursable Space Act Agreement (hereinafter 5/24/2016 5/24/2021
Flight Center Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE Agreement (PSA) referred to as 'Agreement') is for the purpose of setting
(GSFC),Headquarter NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND out the terms and conditions with regard to both the
s (HQ) SPACE ADMINISTRATION initial and the recurrent work to be performed by NASA
(NASA) AND THE EUROPEAN for ESA's use of the Space Network Tracking and Data
SPACE AGENCY (ESA) FOR Relay Satellite (TDRS) System (TDRSS) in support of
USE OF NASA'S SPACE telemetry data independent of the Telemetry Ground
NETWORK TRACKING AND Stations for the Vega Launch Systems (Vega).
Goddard Space Curtin University of Australia (AS) Letter of Agreement between Project-Specific NASA and Curtin University scientists will cooperate on 5/25/2016 5/25/2021
Flight Center Technology NASA and Curtin University for Agreement (PSA) ocean color research in the Antarctic Ocean (aka
(GSFC) cooperation on Ocean Color Southern Ocean).
559 Research
Ames Research German Aerospace Germany (GM) Extension of the MOU between Project-Specific Amend and Extension of the SOFIA MOU. 6/2/2016 12/15/2020
Center (ARC) Center (DLR) NASA and the Deutshes Zentrum Agreement (PSA)
Fur Luft - Und Raumfahrt for the
Stratospheric Observatory for
560 Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA)

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Glenn Research York University Canada (CA) SCWO Test Facility Agreement Project-Specific NASA is loaning the SCWO Test Facility to York 6/6/2016 3/31/2021
Center at Lewis Agreement (PSA) University in Toronto, Canada. York University will
Field (GRC) return the Test Facility to operational status and use it
for 18 months for research. NASA will be able to
561 collaborate on research and review the data.
Goddard Space United Kingdom Space United Kingdom Solar-B/Hinode Mission Project-Specific Solar-B is a follow-on mission from the successful Solar- 6/7/2016 3/31/2018
Flight Center Agency (UKSA) (UK) Agreement Ext Agreement (PSA) A mission, a Japanese Yohkoh satellite, an observatory
(GSFC) for studying X-rays and gamma-rays from the Sun. For
integration into the Solar-B spacecraft, NASA/PPARC
will develop an instrument, Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging
Spectrometer (EIS). An advance scientific
understanding of the origin of the outer solar
atmosphere, the corona, and of the coupling between
the fine magnetic structure at the photosphere and the
dynamic processes occurring in the corona. This goal
will be achieved by measuring the Sun's magnetic field
and atmospheric dynamics with instruments placed into
a sun-synchronous orbit about the Earth. Amendment
and extension of original agreement dated March 24,
562 2000.
Goddard Space United Kingdom Space United Kingdom Swift Agreement: X-Ray Project-Specific NASA and PPARC will collaborate on the development 6/7/2016 3/31/2018
Flight Center Agency (UKSA) (UK) Telescope Agreement (PSA) of the X-ray Telescope (XRT) for the Swift Gamma Ray
(GSFC) Burst Explorer mission. Swift is a Medium Explorer
(MIDEX) mission. Swift is planned for a fall 2003 launch
to make a comprehensive study of approximately 1,000
gamma ray bursts to determine the origin of the bursts
and to study their associated physical processes. The
XRT instrument will report the x-ray afterglow position
within 5 arcsec, measure the red shift and provide
photometry over a wide dynamic range. A Ultra Violet
and Optical Telescope (UVOT) will generate an optical
finding chart with subarcsecond resolution, measure red
shifts and provide accurate photometry for eighth to
twenty fourth magnitude sources. A Burst Alert
Telescope (BAT) will observe and locate hundreds of
bursts per year. All three instruments will be mounted on
the Swift Optical Bench to form the Swift Observatory.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space United Kingdom Space United Kingdom Swift Agreement: Ultra Violet and Project-Specific NASA and UKSA will collaborate on the assembly of the 6/7/2016 3/31/2018
Flight Center Agency (UKSA) (UK) Optical Telescope Agreement (PSA) Ultra Violet and Optical Telescope (UVOT) for the Swift
(GSFC) Gamma Ray Burst Explorer mission. Swift is a Medium
Explorer (MIDEX) mission. Swift launched in November
2004 to make a comprehensive study of approximately
1,000 gamma ray bursts to determine the origin of the
bursts and to study their associated physical processes.
The XRT instrument will report the x-ray afterglow
position within 5 arcsec, measure the red shift and
provide photometry over a wide dynamic range. A Ultra
Violet and Optical Telescope (UVOT) will generate an
optical finding chart with subarcsecond resolution,
measure red shifts and provide accurate photometry for
eighth to twenty fourth magnitude sources. A Burst Alert
Telescope (BAT) will observe and locate hundreds of
bursts per year. All three instruments will be mounted on
the Swift Optical Bench to form the Swift Observatory.
Goddard Space United Kingdom Space United Kingdom Solar Terrestrial Relations Project-Specific STEREO was launched in October 2006 and studies 6/7/2016 3/31/2018
Flight Center Agency (UKSA) (UK) Observatory (STEREO) Agreement (PSA) coronal mass ejections. Three investigators were
(GSFC) chosen from PPARC in the United Kingdom to provide
an instrument and parts of two other instruments in the
SECCHI instruments suite. This is an extension of the
565 original March 2001 agreement.
Goddard Space United Kingdom Space United Kingdom Living with a Star (LWS) - Space Project-Specific The purpose of this letter is to extend and amend the 6/7/2016 3/31/2019
Flight Center Agency (UKSA) (UK) Environment Testbed (SET-1) Agreement (PSA) established Agreement between NASA and UK Space
(GSFC) (CREDANCE) Agency to address our cooperation on the first Space
Environment Testbed (SET) mission, SET-1. The LWS
Program is a program within the Heliophysics Division
within the Science Mission Directorate (SMD).
Cooperation on the SET-1 mission is taking place under
a Letter of Agreement signed by NASA on October 24,
2005, and initiated by the BNSC letter of affirmative
566 reply sent on December 20, 2005.
Headquarters (HQ) United Arab Emirates United Arab Framework Agreement Between Umbrella/Framework Framework Agreement which sets the obligations, terms 6/12/2016 6/12/2026
Space Agency Emirates (AE) the Government of the United Agreement (UM/FW) and conditions for cooperation between the Parties in
(UAESA) States of America and the aeronautics and the exploration and use of airspace and
Government of the Unite Arab outer space for peaceful purposes in areas of common
Emirates for Cooperation in interest.
Aeronautics and the Exploration
and Use of Airspace and Outer
567 Space for Peaceful Purposes
All NASA Centers United Arab Emirates United Arab Implementing Arrangement Implementing Implementing Arrangement between NASA and UAE SA 6/12/2016 12/31/2024
Space Agency Emirates (AE) Between NASA and the UAE Arrangement/Agreement for cooperation in the Exploration of Mars
(UAESA) SPace Agency for Cooperation in (IA)
568 the Exploration of Mars

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Ames Research Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) NASA - JAXA Letter of Agreement Implementing Letter of Agreement under the ISLSWG Arrangement. 6/17/2016 12/31/2020
Center Exploration Agency (Mice Tissue Sharing) Arrangement/Agreement JAXA sharing one and a half eyeballs from each mouse
(ARC),Headquarters (JAXA) (IA) flown to the International Space Station for JAXA's first
(HQ),Johnson rodent mission.
Space Center (JSC)
Goddard Space V.N. Sukachev Russia (UR) Siberian Boreal Forest Research Project-Specific NASA and the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) will 6/24/2016 6/15/2021
Flight Center Institute of Forest, in Krasnoyarsk Agreement (PSA) continue to cooperate on Siberian boreal forest
(GSFC) Siberian Branch, research in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. NASA and RAS
Russian Academy of conduct joint field campaigns each summer.
570 Sciences (RAS)
Headquarters (HQ) Ministry of Education Bermuda (BD) Agmt btw NASA and the Ministry Project-Specific Agreement between the National Aeronautics and 6/30/2016 6/30/2026
and Economic of Transport of the Gov. of Agreement (PSA) Space Administration of the Government of the United
Development of Bermuda for Space Flight States of America and the Ministry of Transport of the
Bermuda Temporary Mobile Tracking Government of Bermuda for a Space Flight Temporary
571 Station Mobile Tracking Station
Jet Propulsion Korea Aerospace Korea, Republic of Cooperation on Disruption Project-Specific This Amendment adds respective responsibilities for 7/11/2016 9/30/2018
Laboratory (JPL) Research Institute (KS) Tolerant Networking (DTN) Agreement (PSA) NASA and KARI to discuss proposed: (1) DTN flight
(KARI) Ground Testing testing scenarios during the KPLO mission; and (2)
options to incorporate DTN protocols into the
communication systems of KPLO; BUT still limits the
actual conduct of DTN testing to ground testing only.
The Basic Agreement provided for NASA and the Korea
Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) to cooperate on
ground testing of Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN)
data communication protocols. KARI will establish DTN
nodes at KARI and at the Electronics and
Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI); and
NASA will support KARI in setting up a connection to
NASA nodes located at the Goldstone Deep Space
Network (DSN) ground station and any of all of the
NASA Engineering Network (DEN) nodes located at
Johnson Space Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Glenn Research Center, and Goddard Space Flight
572 Center.
Ames Research Victorian Space Australia (AS) Cooperative Agreement for Project-Specific The Agreement enables ARC advice and guidance on 7/13/2016 7/19/2019
Center (ARC) Science Education Collaboration on a Quantum Agreement (PSA) the contents of the academic curriculum. VSSEC in
Center (VSSEC) Computing Curriculum Australia will lead and perform most of the work on the
curriculum, which will be used in Australia, not the USA.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Ames Research Korea Agency for Korea, Republic of VRA for Dr. Yeonju Eun Visiting Researcher Dr. Yeonju Eun will conduct joint research with NASA 7/18/2016 12/31/2019
Center (ARC) Infrastructure (KS) Agreement (VRA) researchers to continue developing a simulation model
Technology of Incheon International Airport (ICN) for various
Advancement (KAIA) operational conditions. Dr. Eun and NASA researchers
will also jointly develop optimization schedulers to
schedule surface traffic to improve efficiency,
predictability, and throughput of airport surface
operations in the presence of uncertainties and various
operational constraints. Dr. Eun will also learn how to
use the real-time traffic generation software to
eventually develop a real-time simulation model for
574 human-in-the-loop simulations.
Headquarters (HQ) Mad Science Group Canada (CA) Extension Letter to the Non- Umbrella/Framework Mission Directorates: Education, SMD, and OCOM. 7/21/2016 7/22/2021
(MSG) Reimbursable Space Act Umbrella Agreement (UM/FW) Extension: This letter extends Agreement CA-0452-0
Agreement between The Mad which shall govern NASA's ongoing collaboration with
Science Group of Canada and Mad Science to foster STEM education and public
NASA for a Strategic Alliance to outreach activities. NASA agrees to provide support of
Foster Science, Technology, projects undertaken in any Annex, internal coordination
Engineering and Mathematics of approvals for Annexes, and provide a single point of
(STEM) Education and Public contact for Annex development and operations.
Outreach Activities Original: This Umbrella Agreement shall be for the
purpose of continuing and expanding the NASA and
MSG relationship begun in 2006, under the November
2006 "Nonreimbursable Space Act Agreement between
NASA and the Mad Science Group" for education and
outreach focused on science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics (STEM) concepts and NASA content
in an entertaining, instructional format. Annex One will
continue The Academy of Future Space Explorers
("ACADEMY" or "AFSE") which is an instructor-
mediated, entertaining educational experience in the
form of in-school, afterschool, summer, and community-
based programming designed for children in grades K-6
and currently available in North America and in
international locations. MSG delivers NASA content in
a format that is correlated to all state curricula and the
National Science Education Standards throughout the
world via its franchise network.

Jet Propulsion German Aerospace Germany (GM) Dawn Mission Project-Specific NASA and DLR have expressed a mutual interest in 7/21/2016 7/31/2019
Laboratory (JPL) Center (DLR) Agreement (PSA) cooperating on NASA's Dawn mission. The Dawn
missing will observe the two most massive asteroids
known, Vesta and Ceres, to improve our understanding
of how planets formed during the earliest epoch of the
solar system. JPL will manage the Dawn project and the
Orbital Sciences Corporation will develop the
spacecraft. The mission is scheduled to launch in May
576 2006 from KSC.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) Implementing Arrangement Implementing This IA enables DLR sponsored human research 8/11/2016 11/1/2021
Center (JSC) Center (DLR) Between NASA and DLR for Arrangement/Agreement investigations which utilize the NASA HERA facility.
Cooperation on Human Research (IA)
Investigations Utilizing the Human
Exploration Research Analog
577 (HERA) Facility
Ames Research Netherlands Netherlands, The Astrochemisty and Astrobiology Project-Specific The National Aeronautics and Space Administration 8/16/2016 8/16/2021
Center (ARC) Organization for (NL) Project (AAP) Agreement (PSA) (NASA) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific
Scientific Research Research (NWO) have expressed a mutual interest in
(NWO) pursuing cooperation on the Astrochemistry and
Astrobiology Project (AAP). The AAP is the study of
the organic inventory of space, in particular in regions of
star and planet formation, and its relationship to the
prebiotic origin of life. The AAP program consists of a
coherent set of experimental, quantum chemical, and
astronomical modeling efforts on characteristics and
reaction pathways on molecules of astrophysical
relevance jointly performed by NASA's Ames Research
Center's (ARC) Astrochemistry Laboratory and the
NWO/Dutch Astrochemistry Network-II (DAN-II).
Ames Research easyJet Airline United Kingdom 2nd Extension to the NASA- Project-Specific Amendment 2: This second extension will continue 8/23/2016 5/31/2019
Center (ARC) Company, Ltd. (UK) easyJet Agreement for Agreement (PSA) collaboration in fields including automated capabilities
Collaboration in Human Factors for extracting operationally significant information from
very large, diverse databases, flight data analysis,
human performance, and fatigue. NASA and
easyJet have remained interested in assessing and
testing NASA's automated capabilities for extracting
operationally significant information from very large,
multiple terabyte, diverse (textual and numerical)
databases, much larger than can be handled practically
by human experts. By working together, NASA and
easyJet continue cooperating in the comparison of
easyJet's existing analytical results with those of
automated NASA analyses. This has helped evaluate
and validate NASA's automated analysis tools, while
providing easyJet with new methods of analyzing its
massive data sets. Amendment 1: NASA/easyjet will
generate reliable, automated procedures that improve
understanding of the levels and characteristics of flight-
crew fatigue factors, both latent and proximate, whose
confluence will likely result in unacceptable flight-crew
performance. NASA has already demonstrated
automated capabilities for extracting operationally
significant information from very large, diverse (textual
and numerical) databases, and has had partnerships
with air carriers in the U.S. in testing and evaluating
these tools. Original: Conduct analyses using easyJet's
flight-recorded discrete data sets and compare

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Universitat zu Koln Germany (GM) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Frank Wombacher of the Universitat zu Koln, in 8/24/2016 10/31/2021
Center (JSC) Agreement Agreement (PSA) Koln, Germany proposes to use the samples to
undertake scientific investigations (described in a
sample request submitted by the PI to the Apollo
580 Sample Curator).
Johnson Space HelmholtzZentrum Germany (GM) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin of HelmholtzZentrum 8/24/2016 10/31/2021
Center (JSC) Muenchen Agreement Agreement (PSA) Muenchen in Neuherberg, Germany proposes to use
the samples to undertake scientific investigations
(described in a sample request submitted by the PI to
581 the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Naturhistoriska Sweden (SW) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Dr. Joshua Snape of Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet in 8/24/2016 10/31/2021
Center (JSC) Riksmuseet Agreement Agreement (PSA) Stockholm, Sweden proposes to use the samples to
undertake scientific investigations (described in a
sample request submitted by the PI to the Apollo
582 Sample Curator).
Goddard Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific This Reimbursable Space Act Agreement (hereinafter 9/2/2016 9/2/2021
Flight Center Exploration Agency Agreement Between The National Agreement (PSA) referred to as 'Agreement') will be for the purpose of
(GSFC),Headquarter (JAXA),Mitsubishi Aeronautics and Space documenting the work to be performed by NASA for the
s (HQ) Heavy Industries, LTD Administration (NASA) And The MHI H-IIA/EMM launch, currently scheduled for the
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD. summer of 2020. The H-IIA flight plan for this launch
(MHI) For NASA Tracking and requires communication coverage by the NASA
Data Relay Satellite System TDRSS. MHI will develop the preliminary flight plan in
(TDRSS) Support Of The MHI H- 2016, in order to confirm the compatibility of the EMM
IIA / EMM Launch Vehicle requirement to H-IIA with TDRSS. As such, NASA and
MHI have agreed on a staged approach for the funding
of this work. In the event that the preliminary flight plan
determines that there is no compatibility with TDRSS,
MHI will terminate this agreement.
Goddard Space Dibrugarh University India (IN) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific Cooperative research on aerosols using sun 9/7/2016 9/6/2026
Flight Center (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) photometers integrated into a global network.
(GSFC) Dibrugargh University will host a NASA-owned
584 instrument.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) International Space France (FR) Visiting Researcher Placements of Visiting Researcher Amendment 6 - This VRA provides for approved 9/9/2016 9/24/2019
University (ISU) ISU MSS Students, Amendment Agreement (VRA) students enrolled in ISU's Master of Space Studies
(MSS) program to work on projects and/or research of
benefit to NASA at selected NASA installations in
satisfaction of Module 5 of ISU's MSS program, entitled:
Professional Placements. The Parties desire to extend
this cooperation, wherein approved ISU students will be
assigned to selected NASA installations for a period of
approximately 12 weeks to work in areas and on
projects agreed to by NASA. Amendment 5 - It
provides for approved students enrolled in ISU's Master
of Space Studies program to be assigned to selected
NASA installations for a period of approximately 12
weeks to work in areas and on projects agreed to by
NASA. Amendment 4 - It provides for approved
students enrolled in ISU's Master of Space Studies
program to be assigned to selected NASA installations
for a period of approximately 12 weeks to work in areas
and on projects agreed to by NASA. Amendment 3 -
NASA/ISU have enjoyed successful cooperation for
many years in a cooperative activity wherein students
enrolled in ISU's Master of Space Studies (MSS)
program and Master of Space Management (MSM)
program work on projects and/or research of benefit to
NASA at selected NASA Centers in satisfaction of
Module 5 of ISU's MSS or MSM programs, entitled:
Professional Placements and Individual Projects.
Approved ISU students will be assigned to selected
NASA Centers for a period of approximately 12 weeks
to work
Langley Research Delft University of Netherlands, The Agreement Between NASA and Project-Specific NASA and TUDelft will each develop advanced 9/9/2016 9/9/2018
Center (LaRC) Technology (DUT) (NL) Delft University of Technology for Agreement (PSA) composite aerospace structural test articles and test the
the Advancement of Composite materials in their respective facilities.
586 Aerospace Structures
Goddard Space Universidad de San Ecuador (EC) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA and Universidad de San Francisco de Quito 9/16/2016 9/16/2026
Flight Center Francisco de Quito (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) (USFQ) will cooperate on the operation of an AERONET
(GSFC) (USFQ) sun photometer station and/or Lidar stations located at
USFQ. USFQ will maintain the NASA-owned
instrument, and NASA will provide calibration on that
587 instrument.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
George C. Marshall Swedish Institute of Sweden (SW) Jupiter Icy-Moons Explorer Implementing NASA and the SNSB will collaborate on the 9/20/2016 9/20/2034
Space Flight Center Space Physics (JUICE) Mission - Particle Arrangement/Agreement development of the Particle Environment Package
(MSFC) (IRF),Swedish National Environments Package (PEP) (IA) (PEP) of the Jupiter Icy-Moons Explorer (JUICE)
Space Board (SNSB) mission. PEP is a plasma package with six sensors to
characterize the plasma environment in the Jovian
system. PEP shall measure positive and negative ions,
electrons, exospheric neutral gas, thermal plasma, and
energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) in the energy range
from 0.001 eV to 1 MeV. PEP shall combine remote
global imaging via ENAs with in-situ measurements, to
address all scientific objectives of the JUICE mission
relevant to particle measurements. Their work on the
JUICE mission will be governed by the terms and
conditions of the Framework Agreement between the
Government of the United States of America and the
Government of the Kingdom of Sweden for Cooperative
Activities in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for
Peaceful Purposes, signed in Stockholm on October 14,
2005, and amended in Washington, on October 6,
588 2015.
Glenn Research National Centre for France (FR) Dispositif pur l'Etude de la Project-Specific A second amendment was added to the agreement. 9/21/2016 12/31/2024
Center at Lewis Space Studies (CNES) Croissance et des Liquides Agreement (PSA) This amendment also details the refurbishment and re-
Field (GRC) Critiques (DECLIC) launch of the DECLIC hardware and extends the
Agreement to December 31, 2024, to enable the
completion of the ISS operations for the HTI-R insert
which is currently on-orbit and the launch and ISS
operations of the DSI-R and ALI-R inserts. The original
agreement was amended to include collaboration on
upgraded versions of the following three DECLIC
inserts: the High Temperature Insert-Reflight (HTI-R),
the Directional Solidification Insert-Reflight (DSI-R), and
the Alice-Like Insert-Relight (ALI-R). In the original
agreement, NASA agreed to provide a launch capability
to, and on-orbit accommodations for the DECLIC
hardware on the ISS. In addition, CNES received a 12-
month on-orbit operational period of utilization by its
science investigators and the necessary ISS resources,
such as power and crew time.
Goddard Space Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) NASA's Swift Gamma Ray Burst Project-Specific The overall scientific objective of the Swift mission is to 9/23/2016 12/31/2020
Flight Center (ASI) Explorer Mission Agreement (PSA) make a comprehensive study of hundreds of gamma
(GSFC) ray burst events in order to determine the origin and
physical processes of these phenomena. A Burst Alert
Telescope(BAT) shall conduct the initial observations of
about one hundred burst events per year.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Chinese Aeronautical China, People's Memorandum of Understanding Project-Specific This agreement establishes a structure for the Parties 9/27/2016 9/30/2021
Establishment (CAE) Republic of (CH) between the National Aeronautics Agreement (PSA) to advance air transportation automation for the benefit
and Space Administration and the of the U.S. and Chinese aviation industries operating in
Chinese Aeronautical China. To achieve this purpose, the Parties agree to
Establishment Concerning undertake cooperative activities to collaborate in the
Cooperation in Air Traffic area of air traffic flow management in China. This could
Management provide the highest impact to the system as a whole
through research on air traffic management system
architecture. The work performed through this activity
complements the work being performed by the Airspace
Operations and Safety Program within NASA's
Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. NASA will
accomplish this work in coordination with U.S. airlines
and U.S. industry. It is also highly synergistic with work
being performed by CAE and CAE's partners, which
include but are not limited to the China Civil Aviation
Authority, China Air Traffic Management Bureau,
Chinese Airports, and Chinese Airlines. The result of
this collaboration will lead to improvements in advanced
air transportation automation concepts and
technologies, which will be mutually beneficial to both
NASA and CAE and their respective additional partners.
Langley Research French National France (FR) Agreement between the National Project-Specific NASA and ONERA seek to cooperate to advance the 9/27/2016 9/30/2019
Center (LaRC) Aerospace Research Aeronautics and Space Agreement (PSA) state-of-the-art in aircraft noise prediction and human
Center (ONERA) Administration of the United response to noise through validation of the requisite
States of America and the Office models using advanced measurement methods and
National d'Etudes et de comprehensive data sets. The cooperation will create
Recherches Aerospatiales of a technical forum through which the parties can share
France on Reducing Aircraft Noise technical knowledge and data in order to independently
improve their own capabilities with the overall objective
of mitigating the effects of civil air transportation noise.
The aircraft noise simulation work under this agreement
incorporates the content of the NASA, German
Aerospace Center (DLR), and ONERA aircraft noise
simulation workgroup. An informal series of meetings
on microphone phased array signal processing
methods, which were partially-sponsored by the
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Aeroacoustics technical committee, have taken place
over the past several years. The collaboration among
subject matter experts in the noise community has been
beneficial in establishing a broad reach and field of
input. Under a prior agreement that took place from
January 2012 to April 2015, the Parties cooperated in
the area of acoustic liners, specifically related to
impedance education methods and propagation codes.
This Agreement continues work in this area as part of
the effort to validate noise prediction methods.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Israel Space Agency Israel (IS) Reimbursable Space Act Umbrella/Framework This Reimbursable Space Act Agreement will be for the 9/27/2016 12/30/2019
(ISA) Agreement between the Israel Agreement (UM/FW) purpose of facilitating ISA's participation in the NASA
Space Agency of the State of International Internship Program, referred to as NASA I
Israel and NASA of the U.S. of squared, designed to provide a collaborative
America for Participation in the environment where U.S. interns (university
NASA International Internship undergraduate level students) or fellows (university
Program graduate level students) can interact and work
alongside with international peers on research
opportunities. NASA internship and fellowship sessions
are arranged in three Terms during the calendar year
(Spring, Summer, and Fall Terms). To establish a
collaborative and integrated environment, ISA's interns
or fellows must schedule internships and fellowships
during the same (or substantially similar) Terms as their
U.S. counterparts. As part of the program
implementation, ISA may provide NASA with a range of
2-5 candidates per Term, from which NASA will select
an intern or fellow for the research or project
opportunities identified in NASA's One Stop Shopping
Initiative (OSSI). In addition, ISA will disseminate
information about NASA I squared to university students
throughout Israel, including the educational
593 requirements the applicants must meet.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of the Norway (NO) Amendment and Extension of the Umbrella/Framework 3rd Amendment and Extension: The U.S. and the 9/30/2016 11/14/2026
Kingdom of Norway Agreement between the United Agreement (UM/FW) Kingdom of Norway, pursuant to Article 11 of the
States of America and the Agreement signed 10/20/2000 and 11/14/2001, and
Kingdom of Norway for extended for 10 years by an agreement signed on
Cooperation in the Civil Uses of 10/23/2006, agree to extend the duration of the
Outer Space Agreement for another 10 years, thus extending the
expiration date until 11/14/2026. The Parties also
agree, pursuant to Article 10 of the Agreement to
amend the Agreement by replacing Article 7 in its
entirety with new language. 2nd Extension: U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS) added as a U.S.
Implementing Agency pursuant to Article 2. 1st
Extension: This is an extension of the
umbrella/framework agreement between the US and
Norway for cooperation in the civil uses of outer space.
The parties cooperation will be in sounding rocket
activity, Space science, Earth science, satellite data
acquisition and tracking, and other space activities.
The specific cooperation will be set forth in
Implementing Arrangements between the Implementing
Agencies. NASA and NOAA are the Implementing
Agencies for the U.S., and the Norwegian Space Centre
(NSC) is the Implementing Agency for Norway.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
JSC White Sands Queensland University Australia (AS) Cooperation in Research to Project-Specific NASA/QUT have a mutual interest in cooperating in 10/5/2016 7/25/2021
Test Facility (WSTF) of Technology Increase Understanding of the Agreement (PSA) research to increase understanding of the ignition and
Ignition and Combustion of combustion of materials in elevated oxygen conditions
Materials in Elevated Oxygen in both normal gravity and reduced gravity
Conditions in both Normal Gravity environments. In particular, the Parties seek to develop
and Reduced Gravity models characterizing the ignition and burning of
Environments elemental metals and alloys in oxygen-enriched
environments. This will help to facilitate safety in space
595 flight activities.
Goddard Space Lake Chad Basin Chad (CD) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific NASA will provide a Sun Photometer and/or Lidar to the 10/5/2016 10/4/2026
Flight Center Commission (LCBC) (AERONET) and Micro Pulse Lidar Agreement (PSA) partner; the Partner will tend the instrument(s) and
596 (GSFC) Network (MPL/NET) ensure data is uploaded to the global databases.
Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) TWINS Project-Specific The Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom 10/5/2016 12/31/2018
Flight Center Center (DLR) Agreement (PSA) Spectrometers mission will allow stereo imaging of
(GSFC) different regions of the magnetosphere. This agreement
provides for a Co-I from the University of Bonn who will
provide the Lyman-alpha detector devices. Amendment
and extension of the original agrmt that entered into
597 force on April 4, 2001.
Goddard Space Centre National De La France (FR) Implementing Arrangement Implementing NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD) is directing 10/6/2016 12/31/2020
Flight Center Recherche between the National Aeronautics Arrangement/Agreement the development of the SET mission, part of the LWS
(GSFC) Scientifique, National And Space Administration of the (IA) Program. NASA will develop the SET carrier that
Centre for Space United States Of America and the provides a single interface between SET experiments
Studies Centre National D'etudes and a non-NASA host spacecraft. The carrier holds
(CNES),Universite Spatiales of France on the Space four experiments as follows: the Cosmic Radiation
Joseph Fourier a Environment Testbed (Set) Environment Dosimetry and Charging Experiment
Grenoble Mission (CREDANCE) space weather monitor; the Dosimetry
Intercomparison and Miniaturization Experiment
(DIME); the Characterization of Proton Effects and
Enhanced Low Dose Rate Sensitivity (ELDRS) in
Bipolar Junction Transistors; and the Commercial Off-
the-Shelf (COTS-2) digital technologies. The primary
scientific objectives will be to define space environment
effects and degradation mechanisms, reduce
uncertainties in the environment and its effects on
spacecraft and spacecraft payloads, and improve
design and operations guidelines and test protocols to
reduce spacecraft anomalies and failures during
operations due to environmental effects. The COTS-2
experiment will be used to measure the effects of the
space ionizing radiation environment on COTS digital
microelectronics devices in order to improve
performance prediction in space for future digital
devices. CNES will provide for the design and the
breadboard fabrication of the COTS-2 digital
microelectronics experiment, in collaboration with the
French laboratories.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Glenn Research Mitsubishi Heavy Japan (JA) Third Annex to the Reimbursable Umbrella/Framework The third Annex is for the purpose of carrying our 10/7/2016 10/6/2018
Center at Lewis Industries, LTD Space Act Umbrella Agreement Agreement (UM/FW) further work beyond the scope of the first and second
Field (GRC) Between NASA and Mitsubishi Annex to perform wind tunnel testing of ice protection
Heavy Industries, LTD for Wind systems in NASA GRC's Icing Research Tunnel (IRT)
Tunnel Testing of Aircraft Ice on this aircraft and to evaluate cloud measurement
599 Protection Systems instrument performance.
George C. Marshall Government of the Italy (IT) Cooperative Agreement with the Project-Specific Cooperative Agreement with the Italian National 10/13/2016 9/30/2020
Space Flight Center Italian Republic Italian National Institute for Agreement (PSA) Institute for Astrophysics Osservatorio Astronomico di
(MSFC) Astrophysics Osservatorio Brera in the area of x-ray optics development.
Astronomico di Brera in the Area
600 of X-ray Optics Development
Headquarters (HQ) Canadian Space Canada (CA) Surface Water Ocean Topography Project-Specific CSA to provide Extended Interaction Klystrons (EIKs) 10/17/2016 10/20/2030
601 Agency (CSA) (SWOT) Phase C-F Agreement (PSA) as part of the NASA KaRIn instrument.
Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) NASA-DLR CoSAR IA Project-Specific This IA is for NASA and DLR to collaborate on studies 10/24/2016 3/31/2020
Flight Center Center (DLR) Agreement (PSA) related to synthetic aperture radar. It is an
(GSFC),Headquarter implementing arrangement under the NASA-DLR
602 s (HQ) Framework Agreement.
Headquarters The Ministry of Spain (SP) Mars 2020 MEDA MOU Project-Specific Memorandum of Understanding between the National 10/25/2016 6/30/2024
(HQ),Jet Propulsion Economy and Agreement (PSA) Aeronautics And Space Administration of the United
Laboratory (JPL) Competiveness of States of America, of the one part, and the Ministry of
Spain, The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and the
Industry Energy and Ministry of Industry Energy and Tourism of Spain and
Tourism of Spain, The the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology
Center for the and the National Institute for Aerospace Technology
Development of 'Esteban Terradas' of Spain, of the other part,
Industrial Technology, Concerning the Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer
The National Institute Instrument for the Mars 2020 Mission.
603 for Aerospace
Johnson Space Canadian Space Canada (CA) Implementing Arrangement Implementing NASA and CSA collaboration to evaluate the 10/26/2016 10/26/2019
Center (JSC) Agency (CSA) Between NASA and CSA for the Arrangement/Agreement capabilities of the biosensor monitoring system and
Evaluation of a Wearable (IA) supporting technologies and explore its integration into
604 Biosensor Monitoring System a test demonstration.
George C. Marshall Korea Meteorological Korea, Republic of Agreement Between NASA and Project-Specific NASA and the Korea Meteorological Administration will 11/2/2016 11/2/2021
Space Flight Center Administration (KMA) (KS) the Korea Meteorological Agreement (PSA) cooperate on ground validation of Global Precipitation
(MSFC) Administration (KMA) for Measurement (GPM) mission precipitation estimates
Meteorological Research and improved understanding of physical processes
Cooperation the Joint NASA-JAXA associated with snow and other forms of frozen and
605 Global Precipitation (GPM) mixed-phase precipitation.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Langley Research European Transonic Germany (GM) Agreement between NASA and Implementing The purpose of this collaboration is to document a 11/14/2016 12/31/2020
Center (LaRC) Windtunnel GmbH the European Transonic Arrangement/Agreement common understanding for coordination of the Parties'
(ETW) Windtunnel GmbH (ETW) on (IA) activities to acquire new balance calibration data and
Balance Collaboration Data at the compare it with existing calibration data. In 2010, a new
ETW model, the common research model that was tested in
the National Transonic Facility (NTF) with data being
obtained at both low and high Reynolds numbers. In
2014, the CRM was also tested at the ETW. As part of
the agreement at that time, both sets of data were
shared between NTF and ETW. While analyzing this
data, both ETW and NTF personnel discovered some
unusual differences between the two datasets which led
to a more detailed investigation of the data, which
included looking at the calibration data of the balance
used at NTF and the one used at ETW to determine if
the differences may be a result of different balances
being used during the two tests. This agreement allows
for the balance used in the NTF (the NTF 118A) to have
a calibration performed in the ETW automated
calibration system which would provide knowledge that
could help clarify if the balances were the cause of the
606 differences.
Headquarters Canadian Space Canada (CA) Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Implementing This IA Extension is for NASA and CSA to continue 11/15/2016 3/31/2019
(HQ),Jet Propulsion Agency (CSA) Mission Arrangement/Agreement collaborating on the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectromenter
Laboratory (JPL) (IA) (APXS) instrument currently on the Mars Science
Laboratory (MSL) rover, and falls under the US-Canada
607 Framework Agreement.
Headquarters Indian Space India (IN) RapidScat - ScatSat-1 Implementing NASA and ISRO will cooperate on calibration and 11/15/2016 11/15/2021
(HQ),Jet Propulsion Research Organization Arrangement/Agreement validation of data from the NASA ISS Rapid
608 Laboratory (JPL) (ISRO) (IA) Scatterometer and the ISRO ScatSat-1 Scatterometer.
Goddard Space Universidad Popular Colombia (CO) Aerosol Robotic Network - Project-Specific NASA and Universidad Popular del Cesar (UPC) will 11/30/2016 11/29/2026
Flight Center de Cesar (UPC) AERONET Agreement (PSA) cooperate on the operation of an AERONET sun
(GSFC) photometer station and/or Lidar stations located at
UPC. UPC will maintain the NASA-owned instrument,
609 and NASA will provide calibration on that instrument.
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Solar Terrestrial Relations Project-Specific CNES will provide SWAVES instrument suite. Co-Is 11/30/2016 12/31/2020
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) Observatory (STEREO) Agreement (PSA) were selected to provide portions of instruments for
610 (GSFC) SECCHI and IMPACT suites.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) The Alendronate - Zoledronate Implementing Extension of original LOA. NASA/JAXA Agreement on 12/5/2016 12/31/2019
Center (JSC) Exploration Agency Experiment Arrangement/Agreement a joint study of 'Bisphosphonates as a Countermeasure
(JAXA) (IA) to Space Flight Induced Bone Loss' (NASA objective)
and 'Pre-flight Zoledronate Infusion as an Effective
Countermeasure for Spaceflight-Induced Bone Loss and
Renal Stone Formation' (JAXA experiment). Joint study
referred to as '(the Alendronate - Zoledronate
experiment'). The objective of this experiment is to
determine whether bisphosphonates, in conjunction with
the routine in-flight exercise program, will protect
International Space Station (ISS) crew members from
the regional decreases in bone mineral density
documented on previous ISS flights. The pre-flight,
inflight, and post-flight activities regarding the
Alendronate - Zoledronate experiment will be covered
by an arrangement among the Canadian Space Agency,
the European Space Agency, NASA of the United
States, and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
concerning International Space Life Sciences flight
experiments on the International Space Station (ISS)
(hereinafter referred to as 'the Arrangement') which
went into effect on September 30, 2002, (SIERA #
Goddard Space National Institute for Brazil (BR) VRA between NASA and the Visiting Researcher Ms. Penna will perform research that examines the 12/7/2016 7/2/2018
Flight Center Space Research National Institute for Space Agreement (VRA) assimilation of aerosol data in numerical models to
(GSFC) (INPE) Research (INPE) with Brunna study Earth's surface. The objective of this research is
Romero Penna from Brazil to gain a better understanding of the role that aerosol
distribution plays in the improvement of surface models
and their prognosis. The researcher will focus on the
surface modeling and prognosis of sensible and latent
612 heat fluxes.
All NASA Centers Canadian Space Canada (CA) Mars Exploration Program Project-Specific Amendment and Extension of existing Mars cooperation 12/9/2016 12/31/2021
613 Agency (CSA) Agreement (PSA) agreement.
Johnson Space Plymouth University United Kingdom International Hayabusa Sample Project-Specific Dr. Natasha Stephen of Plymouth University in 12/12/2016 12/12/2021
Center (JSC) (UK) Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Plymouth, UK, proposes to use the samples to
undertake scientific investigations (described in a
sample request submitted by the PI to the Hayabusa
614 Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Woodside Engineering Australia (AS) Reimbursable Space Act Umbrella Umbrella/Framework NASA will provide reimbursable support to Woodside 12/14/2016 12/14/2021
Center (JSC) Technologies PTY Agreement Between NASA and Agreement (UM/FW) related to their use of NASA anthropomorphic robotic
LTD. Woodside Energy Technologies systems.
PTY LTD. Regarding
Anthropomorphic Robotic Systems
Johnson Space Woodside Engineering Australia (AS) Annex 1 Between NASA and Implementing NASA will deliver a Robonaut 2 system for an initial loan 12/14/2016 12/14/2021
Center (JSC) Technologies PTY Woodside Energy Technologies Arrangement/Agreement period of one year.
LTD. PTY LTD. Regarding (IA)
Anthropomorphic Robotic Systems

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion European Organization Multiple Sentinel-6/Jason-CS Project-Specific Cooperation on development and launch of the Sentinel- 12/14/2016 12/31/2040
Laboratory (JPL) for the Exploitation of Signatories Agreement (PSA) 6/Jason-CS mission.
n Space Agency (ESA)

Goddard Space Swiss Space Office Switzerland (SZ) Solar Terrestrial Relations Project-Specific Dr. Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber selected as Co-I on 12/16/2016 12/31/2020
Flight Center (SSO) Observatory (STEREO) Agreement (PSA) the PLASTIC instrument suite on STEREO.
618 (GSFC)
Goddard Space European Space European Space Cooperation Under Solar Project-Specific The STSP composed of 2 missions: Cluster and SOHO. 12/20/2016 12/31/2021
Flight Center Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Terrestrial Science Programme Agreement (PSA) The combination will enhance the scientific return
(GSFC) (STSP) (CLUSTER I and SOHO) beyond the objectives of the individual missions. Cluster
mission is to investigate small-scale structure in the
Earth'splasma environment. Spacecraft SOHO - Solar
and Heliospheric Observatory mission is develop by
ESA to develop the launch of Ariane V. Expiration date
was one year past nominal mission (Dec 2, 1998), but
due to mission problems and loss of Cluster, agreement
was in limbo until formally extended on Jan 16, 2003.
Jet Propulsion European Space European Space MOU Between NASA and ESA Project-Specific Extension 2 of the MOU between NASA and ESA 12/20/2016 12/31/2018
Laboratory (JPL) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Concerning the Laser Agreement (PSA) concerning the LISA Pathfinder mission. The results of
Interferometer Space Antenna the mission are expected to inform the required key
(LISA) Pathfinder Mission (ST-7) technologies needed to observe gravitational waves
from space. The agreement provides for NASA
cooperation on the ESA-led LISA Pathfinder Mission, a
technology demonstration mission for a potential future
LISA mission. On the NASA side, this is also know as
620 ST-7.
Jet Propulsion European Space European Space MOU Between NASA and ESA Project-Specific Amendment: NASA and ESA continue to cooperate on 12/20/2016 7/1/2025
Laboratory (JPL) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Concerning the Euclid Mission Agreement (PSA) the ESA-led Euclid astrophysics mission under a MOU
that entered into force on January 10, 2013. The
amendment covers the management of Euclid science
operations and data archives, including the integration
of the NASA-provided Science Data Center (SDC-US);
the selecting of other NASA-funded collaborators
including the U.S. Lead Scientist, the provision and
operation of the Euclid NASA Science Center, and the
conducting of qualification and evaluation activities for
the NISP. MOU covering NASA-ESA cooperation on
the ESA-led Euclid astrophysics mission. Covers NASA
provision of the Near Infrared Spectrograph and
Photometer (NISP) instrument sensor chip system.
All NASA Centers European Space European Space Advanced Telescope for High Project-Specific Joint Study regarding possible NASA participation in 12/20/2016 12/21/2021
Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Energy Astrophysics (ATHENA) X- Agreement (PSA) ESA's Advanced Telescope for High Energy
Ray Astronomy Mission Joint Astrophysics (ATHENA) X-Ray Astronomy Mission
622 Study

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) European Space European Space NASA and ESA in Cooperation on Project-Specific NASA and ESA will cooperate on the ESA-led 12/21/2016 12/21/2021
Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) the ESA-led Advanced Telescope Agreement (PSA) Advanced Telescope for High-Energy Astrophysics
for High-Energy Astrophysics (Athena) X-ray Astronomy Mission. Athena will address
(Athena) X-ray Astronomy Mission the theme "Hot and Energetic Universe." Two
instruments are currently envisaged for the Athena
mission, the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU), a high
resolution spectrograph, and the Wide Field Imager
(WFI). Following the selection, ESA assembled a
Science Study Team (SST) to initiate the required study
activities during the Assessment Phase of the Athena
623 mission.
Goddard Space German Aerospace Germany (GM) Solar Terrestrial Relations Project-Specific STEREO will address the origin, evolution, and 12/23/2016 12/31/2020
Flight Center Center (DLR) Observatory (STEREO) Mission Agreement (PSA) interplanetary consequences of CMEs. This is the first
624 (GSFC) program to look at Sun in 3 dimensions.
Goddard Space Indian Space India (IN) GPM-Megha Tropiques Implementing Cooperation between NASA and the Indian Space 12/26/2016 12/31/2020
Flight Center Research Organization Implementing Arrangement with Arrangement/Agreement Research Organisation (ISRO) on the Global
(GSFC),Jet (ISRO) ISRO (IA) Precipitation Measurement and Megha-Tropiques
Propulsion missions. This is an IA under the NASA-ISRO
625 Laboratory (JPL) Framework Agreement.
Headquarters Korea Aerospace Korea, Republic of Implementing Arrangement Implementing NASA providing instruments for integration into KARI's 12/30/2016 12/31/2023
(HQ),Johnson Research Institute (KS) Between the National Aeronautics Arrangement/Agreement lunar orbiter, NASA also providing mission design and
Space Center (JSC) (KARI) and Space Administration of the (IA) navigation support.
United States of America and The
Korea Aerospace Research
Institute of the Republic of Korea
for Cooperation on the Korea
Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO)
626 Mission
Johnson Space Centre National De La France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Maud Boyet, France, proposes to use the Antarctic 1/5/2017 1/5/2022
Center (JSC) Recherche Scientifique Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by PI. These investigations are described in one or
more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Museum National France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Dr. Brigitte Zanda, France, proposes to use the 1/5/2017 1/5/2022
Center (JSC) d'Histoire Naturelle Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
628 Curator.
Johnson Space University Museum of Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Takafumi Niihara, Japan, proposes to use the Antarctic 1/5/2017 1/5/2022
Center (JSC) the University of Tokyo Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by PI. These investigations are described in one or
more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space University of Lausanne Switzerland (SZ) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Pierre Vonlanthen of the University of Lausanne 1/5/2017 1/5/2022
Center (JSC) Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the samples to undertake scientific
investigations (described in a sample request submitted
630 by the PI to the Apollo Sample Curator).
Johnson Space University of United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Torsten Henkel, UK, proposes to use the Antarctic 1/5/2017 1/5/2022
Center (JSC) Manchester (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by PI. These investigations are described in one or
more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space University of United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific James Bryson, UK, proposes to use the Antarctic 1/5/2017 1/5/2022
Center (JSC) Cambridge (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by PI. These investigations are described in one or
more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
George C. Marshall European Space European Space Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer Implementing NASA will provide the Ultraviolet Spectrograph (UVS) 1/18/2017 6/30/2034
Space Flight Center Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) (JUICE) Mission - UVS Arrangement/Agreement instrument for the ESA JUICE Mission, as well as
633 (MSFC) (IA) ground network support.
George C. Marshall Environment Canada Canada (CA) Cooperation in the Global Project-Specific Parties will conduct the project using instrumented 1/30/2017 1/31/2022
Space Flight Center Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Agreement (PSA) NASA DC-8 and NASA-funded University of North
(MSFC) Cold-Season Precipitation Dakota Citation aircraft for flights over ground sites
Validation Experiment (GCPEX) located in and around the Environment Canada Centre
Project for Atmospheric Research Experiments site in Egbert,
Ontario. Ground-based equipment to measure
634 precipitation will also be used.
Kennedy Space European Space European Space Loan Agreement for Follow-On Project-Specific Long-term loan of Follow-On Procurement (FOP) 2/1/2017 4/7/2018
Center (KSC) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Procurement (FOP) Spacelab Agreement (PSA) Spacelab Module that flew on the German managed D1
Module mission in October 1985, and selected associated
hardware, including two Spacelab Pallets, Orthogrid,
Igloo, and Pallet Segment Support Integration Trolleys
(PSSITs). In addition, NASA will work with ESA to
develop and implement the international Spacelab
education program. This equipment is used for
education and public display purposes only and is
displayed at the Spacelab Academy Bremen, in
Bremen, Germany. Approval by NASA KSC's Supply
and Equipment Management Office is required before
relocating the equipment. This Agreement supersedes
the Spacelab Module Agreement, which was in force,
635 Dec 1, 1998-Nov 30, 2003.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space Agentur fur Luft- und Austria (AU) Temporal History of Events and Project-Specific NASA and the Aeronautics and Space Agency 2/2/2017 12/31/2020
Flight Center Raumfahrt (ALR, Macroscale Interactions During Agreement (PSA) (FFG/ALR) of the 'sterreichische
(GSFC) Aeronautics and Space Substorms (THEMIS) Forschungsf'rderungsgesellschaft mbH, or Austrian
Agency),Austrian Research Promotion Agency, formerly the Austrian
Space Agency (ASA) Space Agency (ASA), have been cooperating on the
THEMIS mission, which launched on February 17,
2007. This unique constellation of satellites has
provided scientists with data to help resolve how Earth's
magnetosphere stores and releases energy from the
Sun by triggering geomagnetic substorms. THEMIS
aims to determine what physical process in near-Earth
space initiates the violent eruptions of the aurora that
occur during substorms in the Earth's magnetosphere.
FFG/ALR is responsible for the development and testing
of the Fluxgate Magnetometer Electronics (FGE).
THEMIS is a 2-year mission consisting of 5 identical
probes that will study the violent colorful eruptions of
Auroras. Three of the remaining THEMIS satellites
continue to study substorms that are visible in the
northern hemisphere as aurora borealis.
Headquarters (HQ) Manila Observatory of Philippines (RP) MOU between NASA and the Project-Specific Airborne Science Mission to study influence of natural 2/3/2017 11/30/2022
the Philippines Manila Observatory for Agreement (PSA) and anthropogenic aerosol particles on cloud properties
Cooperation on the Cloud Aerosol and precipitation as well as consequent impact on
Monsoon Processes Philippines weather and climate in the Philippines, using the NASA
Experiment (CAMP2EX) P-3 research aircraft.
Goddard Space National Institute for Brazil (BR) VRA between NASA and the Visiting Researcher The plan is for Mr. Diniz to implement and test the 2/7/2017 1/31/2018
Flight Center Space Research National Institute for Space Agreement (VRA) ensemble-based observation impact approach using the
(GSFC) (INPE) Research (INPE) GMAO assimilation system. Much of the software
required for this exercise is already available through
GMAO's collaboration with NOAA NCEP. The plan is
for the researcher to make a head-to-head comparison
between the ensemble- and adjoint-based approaches.
The work will require access to the NASA Center for
Climate Simulation computing capabilities and access to
the GMAO data assimilation system. At the end of the
researcher's work, he will have fully implemented the
ensemble-based approach as an option in the GMAO
system. Furthermore, Mr. Diniz should produce at least
one peer reviewed scientific article that will be published
in a reputable scientific journal during his visit to NASA
GMAO. While at GSFC, Mr. Diniz will work under the
direction of Dr. Ricardo Todling, a Research
Meteorologist at GMAO.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space Canadian Space Canada (CA) Implementing Arrangement Implementing This IA includes a balance exchange of goods and 2/7/2017 12/31/2020
Center (JSC) Agency (CSA) between NASA and CSA Arrangement/Agreement services including CSA's offset of CSOC and NASA
Concerning the Exchange of (IA) providing crew support services, conditioned stowage
Goods and Services in Support of and office space.
the ISS including the Offset of
CSA's Responsibility for Common
System Operations Costs for 2016-
639 2020
All NASA Centers Agencia Espacial Mexico (MX) Nonreimbursable Space Act Project-Specific This agreement will be for the purpose of translating into 2/13/2017 10/31/2019
Mexicana Agreement Between NASA and Agreement (PSA) Spanish all NASA "Space to Ground" video segments
(AEM),Direccion The "Agencia Espacial Mexicana" that air on NASA TV and are webcast as well. DGTVE
General de Television (AEM) and The "Direccion General will provide the production necessities, with AEM aiding
Educativa (DGTVE) De Television Educativa" with the translation process. AEM and DGTVE then
(DGTVE) of the United Mexican plan to disseminate the Spanish version of the program
States for Collaboration on through public and private media sectors in Mexico,
Translating and Disseminating ISS Latin America, Spain, and the U.S. to reach a more
News and Activities broad and diverse audience of non-English speakers.
Headquarters (HQ) Canadian Space Canada (CA) Implementing Arrangement Implementing CloudSat improves climate and numerical weather 2/17/2017 12/31/2020
Agency (CSA) between NASA and CSA for Arrangement/Agreement prediction models by validating cloud predictions in
Cooperation on the Cloudsat (IA) these models. The information that CloudSat provides
Mission is the vertical distribution of cloud systems, including
profiles of ice and water contents. CloudSat provides
significantly improved profiles of radiative heating of the
atmosphere by clouds. The original agreement was
signed on September 14, 2005, to address the
development, launch, and initial acquisition and
distribution of data. This IA which amends and extends
the original agreement commits NASA to continue
CloudSat spacecraft operations, including operation of
the sole instrument, the jointly developed Cloud Profiling
Radar (CPR) and provide scientific data to the
Canadian science team. CSA will provide engineering
support for the 94 GHz Extended Interaction Klystrons
(EIKs) during on-orbit operations of the Cloud Profiling
Radar (CPR) and maintain contact with Canadian
members of the CloudSat science team, providing
support to them for CloudSat science activities, as
641 required.
Goddard Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) VRA Between NASA and JAXA Visiting Researcher Ms. Penna will perform research that examines the 2/22/2017 3/31/2018
Flight Center Exploration Agency (Ms. Penna) Agreement (VRA) assimilation of aerosol data in numerical models to
(GSFC) (JAXA) study Earth's surface. The objective of this research is
to gain a better understanding of the role that aerosol
distribution plays in the improvement of surface models
and their prognosis. The researcher will focus on the
surface modeling and prognosis of sensible and latent
642 heat fluxes.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Ames Research United Arab Emirates United Arab Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific This agreement enables UAE Space Agency 2/26/2017 8/1/2019
Center (ARC) Space Agency Emirates (AE) Agreement Between the United Agreement (PSA) participation in the NASA International Internship
(UAESA) Arab Emirates Space Agency and Program (NASA I2), designed to provide a collaborative
NASA for Participation in the environment where U.S. interns (university
NASA International Internship undergraduate students) or fellows (university graduate
Program students) can interact and work alongside international
peers on research opportunities.
Jet Propulsion European Space European Space MOU Between NASA and ESA Project-Specific Amendment to allow NASA to provide aerobraking and 3/1/2017 12/31/2023
Laboratory (JPL) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Concerning the 2016 ExoMars Agreement (PSA) Deep Space Network (DSN) support to ESA's ExoMars
Mission - Amendment Trace Gas Orbiter (EM/TGO), while allowing EM/TGO
to eventually act as a data relay orbiter for NASA?s
644 landed Mars assets.
Langley Research Ontario Drive and Canada (CA) Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific NASA will conduct reimbursable testing of Ontario Drive 3/20/2017 3/20/2019
Center (LaRC) Gear (ODG) Agreement between NASA and Agreement (PSA) & Gear's (ODG) rover and analysis of ODG's rover
Ontario Drive & Gear Limited for drive motor.
Advance Material Testing and
645 Analysis
Goddard Space European Space European Space Agreement between the European Project-Specific this agreement provides for a legal framework and the 3/20/2017 3/21/2027
Flight Center Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Space Agency and the National Agreement (PSA) conditions for a mutually beneficial long-term
(GSFC),Jet Aeronautics and Space cooperation between NASA and ESA in the areas of
Propulsion Administration Concerning network and operations cross support. This includes
Laboratory (JPL) Network and Operations Cross telemetry dasta acquisition, tracking, and command.
Support This agreement provides for implementing
arrangements to be completed for mission specific
activities. This Agreement supersedes and terminates
646 ESA-0239-0, -1, and -2.
Langley Research The University of Australia (AS) Amendment and Extension of the Project-Specific Amendment and Extension: Conduct research utilizing 3/23/2017 6/30/2020
Center (LaRC) Queensland Non-Reimbursable International Agreement (PSA) the Australian shock tunnel facilities to investigate
Space Act Agreement between transitional and turbulent flow using generic vehicle
NASA and The University of shapes. To study the radiation spectra from a region of
Queensland for Study in Radiative rapidly expanding flow representative of the passage of
Heating in Strongly Expanding the shock layer on a re-entry capsule from the windward
Flows for Planetary Exploration to leeward surfaces. This work will improve models of
Applications radiation energy transfer in vehicles entering planetary
atmospheres at super-orbital entry velocities. These
results inform spacecraft designers on the entry
environments associated with rapidly expanding flow for
vehicles returning from the Moon or beyond.
Successful Mars missions and the eventual Entry,
Descent and Landing for vehicles returning from Mars
at super-orbital velocities must minimize spacecraft
weight while satisfying overall system and payload

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) NASA-ASI Sardinia Project-Specific This interim Agreement is intended to cover the planned 3/23/2017 3/23/2022
(HQ),Jet Propulsion (ASI) Radiotelescope LOA Agreement (PSA) SRT modification and mission support activities
Laboratory (JPL) between NASA and ASI, including tracking and
telemetry data acquisition as well as system validation
and mission operations. Upon implementation of this
Agreement, the Parties' planned cooperation will be
further defined in an Implementing Arrangement (IA),
under the auspices of the 'Framework Agreement
Between the Government of the United States of
America and the Government of the Italian Republic for
Cooperation in Aeronautics and the Exploration and
Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes', which will
supersede this agreement.
Headquarters Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) NASA-JAXA Study LOA for EM-1 Project-Specific JAXA is interested in NASA providing communications 3/23/2017 12/31/2018
(HQ),Jet Propulsion Exploration Agency 3-Way Doppler and Cubesat Agreement (PSA) and tracking support for its two planned cubesats,
Laboratory (JAXA) Communications EQUULEUS and OMOTENASHI, which are slated to be
(JPL),Johnson deployed as secondary payloads on EM-1. In addition,
Space Center (JSC) NASA is interested in potential JAXA support of NASA's
Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV), Orion, using 3-
Way Doppler as the spacecraft travels beyond low-Earth
orbit (LEO). The purpose of this letter is to establish a
Letter of Agreement to conduct these analyses.
Headquarters (HQ) Government of the Russia (UR) Extension of Agreement Between Umbrella/Framework Extension 4: Diplomatic Note. Extends Agreement for 3/24/2017 8/26/2021
Russian Federation the Governments of the United Agreement (UM/FW) an additional five-year period. Effective date retroactive
States of America and the Russia to Aug 26, 2016, specified in the dip note, extending
Federation Concerning the agreement to Aug 26, 2021. Provides the procedure for
Procedure for the Customs customs documentation and duty-free entry of goods
Documentation and Duty-Free transported under agreements entered into under the
Entry of Goods Transported within Agreement between the U.S. and Russia concerning
the Framework of U.S.-Russian cooperation in the exploration and use of space for
Cooperation in the Exploration and peaceful purposes and agreements for cooperation on
Use of Space for Peaceful the International Space Station.
650 Purposes
Langley Research Inha University Korea, Republic of Cooperation in Cellulose Materials Project-Specific NASA will conduct initial electronic and optical 3/27/2017 3/27/2019
Center (LaRC) (KS) Research Agreement (PSA) characterization and thermal testing of the Inha
651 University materials and share the results.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) LEGO System A/S Denmark (DA) Amendment and Extension of the Umbrella/Framework Amendment and Extension of the Agreement Between 4/6/2017 4/10/2022
Agreement Between NASA and Agreement (UM/FW) NASA and LEGO System A/S of Denmark (LEGO) for
LEGO System A/S of Denmark Cooperation in Ground-Based and Aeronautics
(LEGO) for Cooperation in Ground- Activities. NASA proposes that in Article 17, "Term of
Based and Aeronautics Activities Agreement," the words "will remain in effect for five (5)
years from the effective date" be replaced with the
words "will remain in effect until April 10, 2022." NASA
also proposes that the POC for both NASA and LEGO
under Article 20, "Management Points of Contact" be
updated and replaced with the following name, Ms.
Maureen Ryan O'Brien, Manager, Strategic Alliances.
Office of Communications: Annex 2: NASA will
provide public video and high-resolution images; NASA
will review LEGO designs and content for accuracy,
assist in judging, and reviews. LEGO will lead the
activity and website. Annex 1: All activities are to
be described in Annexes to the Umbrella Agreement.
The first Annex provides for cooperation in the
development of a Mindstorms classroom starter kit.
Johnson Space University of Konstanz Germany (GM) VRA Between NASA and the Visiting Researcher Dr. Moreno-Villanueva will conduct research aimed at 4/11/2017 5/31/2018
Center (JSC) University of Konstanz with Dr. Agreement (VRA) investigating the combined effects of microgravity, high-
Moreno-Villanueva of Germany energy proton radiation and psychological stress on
DNA damage response. In order to mimic the
combined conditions of space environment and
psychological stress, cells will be stimulated with
isoproterenol (an epinephrine analogue compound) and
exposed to high-energy proton radiation in a bioreactor
that simulates microgravity conditions on the ground.
Gene expression as well as levels and function of key
proteins involved in the adrenergic pathway, oxidative
stress and DNA damage response will be measured. In
order to better understand the influences of 'space-life'
on the human body, it is necessary to investigate the
cellular responses under space environment conditions
653 at the molecular level.
Ames Research Tartu Observatory Estonia (EN) VRA between NASA and Tartu Visiting Researcher Dr. Andris Slavinskis will participate in notional mission 4/13/2017 5/15/2018
Center (ARC) Observatory of Estonia Agreement (VRA) concept development within the NASA ARC Mission
Design Division, focusing on the design and scientific
utility of multiple-spacecraft swarms and formation
establishment and maintenance, control,
communications, coverage assessment, and conceptual
spacecraft design to enable cost-effective swarm-based
missions. Dr. Slavinskis will work under the guidance of
Mr. Chad Frost, Depute Director of the Engineering
654 Directorate.
Langley Research National Research Canada (CA) Cooperation on the Development Project-Specific Extension: Same write-up as original agreement below. 4/20/2017 2/1/2019
Center (LaRC) Council (NRC) and Testing of Boron Nitride Agreement (PSA) NASA to receive Boron Nitride Nanotube Materials
Nanotube Materials (BNNT) materials from the NRC, fabricate composites,
655 and test and evaluate the composites.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space National Centre for France (FR) Implementing Arrangement Implementing Provides for data and calibration/validation cooperation 4/21/2017 12/31/2020
Flight Center Space Studies (CNES) between NASA and CNES for Arrangement/Agreement between NASA and CNES on the U.S./Japan Global
(GSFC) Cooperation on Global (IA) Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission and
Precipitation Measurement (GPM) French/Indian Megha-Tropiques mission.
656 and Megha-Tropiques
Headquarters (HQ) Indian Space India (IN) Implementing Arrangement Implementing Cooperation on the Professional Engineer and Scientist 4/25/2017 4/25/2027
Research Organization between NASA and ISRO for Arrangement/Agreement Exchange Program (PESEP) established by the India-
(ISRO) Exchange of Personnel under the (IA) U.S. Civil Space Joint Working Group.
Professional Engineer and
Scientist Exchange Program
657 (PESEP)
Goddard Space The University Court of United Kingdom Mini-LHR GreenNet with the Project-Specific The parties will establish one or more mini-LHR stations 4/26/2017 4/25/2027
Flight Center the University of (UK) University of Edinburgh Agreement (PSA) at mutually agreed sites. University of Edinburgh will
658 (GSFC) Edinburgh host the NASA-owned equipment.
Goddard Space The University Court of United Kingdom Miniaturized Laser Heterodyne Project-Specific NASA to loan instruments for a University of Edinburgh 4/26/2017 4/26/2027
Flight Center The University of (UK) Radiometers (mini-LHR) Agreement (PSA) ground station.
(GSFC) Edinburgh Greenhouse Gas Column Network
659 (GreenNet)
Headquarters (HQ) Polar Knowledge Canada (CA) Agreement between NASA and Project-Specific NASA and Polar Knowledge Canada will cooperate on 4/28/2017 5/25/2021
Canada (POLAR) Polar Knowledge Canada for Agreement (PSA) the Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment to study how
Cooperation in the Arctic Boreal social-ecological systems in high northern latitude
Vulnerability Experiment (ABovE) regions of northwestern North America are responding
and feeding back to environmental and social change.
Jet Propulsion German Aerospace Germany (GM) Amendment to the Implementing Implementing Amendment to reflect the InSight mission's new May 4/28/2017 6/30/2022
Laboratory (JPL) Center (DLR) Arrangement between NASA and Arrangement/Agreement 2018 launch date. DLR is providing the Heat Flow and
DLR for Cooperation on the (IA) Physical Properties Package (HP3) instrument for the
Interior Exploration Using Seismic NASA InSight mission, slated for launch in 2016.
Investigations, Geodesy, and Heat
Transport (InSight) Mission

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Langley Research Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Sonic Boom Research: To Project-Specific Amendment 3: Parties will research sonic boom 4/28/2017 5/1/2022
Center (LaRC) Exploration Agency Formalize Conducting Research Agreement (PSA) variability due to atmospheric turbulence effects and
(JAXA) into Methods for Modeling the assess the resulting human response to the sonic boom
Response of Residential and noise. Amendment 2: The purpose of the cooperation
Commercial Building Structures to is to address the following aspects of sonic boom
Sonic Boom Disturbances and the modeling: advancement of equalization methods for
Resulting Human Response to the boom simulators; trading data and/or modeling of NASA
Noise Heard Inside the Structures risk reduction tests and the JAXA Vibro Acoustic
Device; modeling and numerical simulation of the vibro-
acoustic response of buildings and building components
due to simulated and actual sonic boom exposure (for
both laboratory and field test articles); and exchanging
recordings of and methods for recording rattle for
playback in simulators. In the longer term, NASA and
JAXA will investigate the possibility of using each
organization's sonic boom simulators to conduct joint
studies. The Parties will also consider pursuing future
collaboration including investigating the use of boom
simulators for evaluation of human response to sonic
booms experienced indoors. Amendment 1: The
purpose of the cooperation is to address the following
aspects of sonic boom modeling: advancement of
equalization methods for boom simulators; trading data
and/or modeling of NASA risk reduction tests and the
JAXA Vibro Acoustic Device; modeling and numerical
simulation of the vibro-acoustic response of buildings
and building components due to simulated and actual
sonic boom exposure (for both laboratory and field test
articles); and
Johnson Space Western University Canada (CA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Roberta Flemming, Western University, Canada, 5/3/2017 5/3/2022
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
663 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Laboratoire de France (FR) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Bernard Bourdon of Laboratoire de Geologie de Lyon, 5/3/2017 5/3/2022
Center (JSC) Geologie de Lyon, Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) ENS Lyon/CNRS, Lyon cedex, France, proposes to use
ENS Lyon/CNRS the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake scientific
investigations led by PI. These investigations are
described in one or more sample requests submitted by
the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC
and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
664 Curator.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space University of Germany (GM) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Andrea Patzer, University of Goettingen, Germany, 5/3/2017 5/3/2022
Center (JSC) Goettingen Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
665 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Universita' degli Studi Italy (IT) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Matteo Massironi of Universita' degli Studi di Padova, 5/3/2017 5/3/2022
Center (JSC) di Padova Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Italy, proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
666 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Goddard Space L'Universite Nice France (FR) Memorandum of Understanding Visiting Researcher NASA and the Establishments {CNRS, UNS, acting both 5/9/2017 4/1/2018
Flight Center Sophia Antipolis Between NASA and Le Centre Agreement (VRA) on their behalf and on behalf of Laboratory
(GSFC) (UNS),Le Centre National De La Recherche GEOAZUR/UMR 7329 directed by Mr. Sosson, which
National De La Scientifique (CNRS) for a Visiting have another trustee, l'Institut de Recherche pour le
Recherche Scientifique Researcher to the Goddard Space Development (IRD) and l'Observatoire de la Cote D'azur
(CNRS) Flight Center (OCA)} enter into an agreement to provide for Dr. Pierre
Exertier to conduct research as a Visiting Researcher at
667 GSFC.
Headquarters (HQ) National Institute of Japan (JA) Joint Study regarding Potential Project-Specific NASA and NICT have expressed mutual interest in a 5/23/2017 5/23/2022
Information and Cooperation between NASA and Agreement (PSA) cooperative agreement that will allow the two agencies
Communications NICT on Information and to exchange non-ITAR and non-export-controlled
Technology (NICT) Communications Technology meteorological data to perform collaborative analysis
and research in the field of free space optical
communications with the specific goal to support the
joint development of concepts for the CCSDS Magenta
Book on Atmospheric Characterization and Forecasting
668 for Optical Link Operations.
Kennedy Space Umea University Sweden (SW) Visiting Researcher Agreement for Visiting Researcher Agreement describes Trash to Gas Research at KSC - 5/31/2017 4/30/2018
Center (KSC) HEOMD/AES/KSC - Dr. Stina Agreement (VRA) Dr. Stina Jansson.
Jansson to KSC to Support NASA
669 Trash to Gas Research
Glenn Research Safran Nacelles France (FR) Reimbursable Agreement on Project-Specific NASA will utilize the Icing Research Tunnel at GRC to 6/1/2017 4/30/2019
Center at Lewis Safran's Cowl Anti Ice Testing Agreement (PSA) conduct testing of Safran's cowl anti-icing system.
670 Field (GRC)
Ames Research CENTRALESUPELEC France (FR) Agreement for Equilibrium Project-Specific NASA will utilize the French Plasma Torch Facility to 6/6/2017 6/5/2019
Center (ARC) Radiation Measurements in the Agreement (PSA) obtain validation data for predicted radiative eating
671 Plasma Torch Facility models.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion Mohammed Bin United Arab Space Act Agreement between the Project-Specific Provide deep space network (DSN) tracking and 6/12/2017 5/23/2023
Laboratory (JPL) Rashid Space Centre Emirates (AE) National Aeronautics and Space Agreement (PSA) associated support in order to enable communications
(MBRSC) Administration (NASA) and the with the United Arab Emirates Space Agency's scientific
Mohammed Bin Rashid Space robotic mission to Mars, named Al-Amal ('Hope'). JPL
Centre for Deep Space Network will assist the MBRSC by providing DSN support and
(DSN) Support for Emirates Mars scheduling services to UAESA's Al-Amal mission in
Mission order to further MBRSC's objectives of achieving Earth-
to-Mars transfer orbit, cruise to Mars, Mars orbit entry
and transfer of the received engineering and science
data acquired by the mission's subsystems and science
672 payload.
Headquarters (HQ) The Republic of Seychelles (SE) Republic of Seychelles GLOBE Project-Specific The GLOBE Program is an international environmental 6/13/2017 8/25/2022
Seychelles Cooperation Agreement (PSA) science and education program that brings students,
teachers, and scientists together to study the global
environment. GLOBE has created an international
network of students at primary, middle and secondary
school levels studying environmental issues, making
environmental measurements, and sharing useful
environmental data with one another and the
673 international science community.
Ames Research Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) Implementing Arrangement Project-Specific Implementing Arrangement to enable ASI to join the 6/14/2017 6/14/2027
Center (ARC) (ASI) between NASA and ASI for Agreement (PSA) NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual
Associate Membership in the Institute (SSERVI) as an Associate Member. SSERVI is
NASA Solar System Exploration a virtual institute managed by the NASA Ames
Research Virtual Institute Research Center with a mission of advancing the field
(SSERVI) of solar system science as applied to human
exploration. NASA and ASI will provide scientific and
engineering expertise to enhance and propel the broad
674 objectives of solar system science.
Ames Research Victorian Space Australia (AS) Amendment 1: Reimbursable Project-Specific Amendment 1: This Agreement is facilitating VSSEC's 6/21/2017 12/31/2020
Center (ARC) Science Education Space Act Agreement between the Agreement (PSA) participation in NASA I2, which is designed to provide a
Center (VSSEC) Victorian Space Science collaborative environment where U.S. & international
Education Center and the National interns interact and work alongside each other on
Aeronautics and Space research opportunities. This Reimbursable Space Act
Administration for Participation in Agreement will be for the purpose of facilitating
the National Aeronautics And VSSEC's participation in the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration International Space Administration International Internship Program
Internship Program designed to provide a collaborative environment where
U.S. interns or fellows can interact and work alongside
with international peers on research opportunities.
Headquarters (HQ) Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Agreement Between the National Implementing Sharing Safety Alert Information between NASA and 6/22/2017 9/15/2021
Exploration Agency Aeronautics and Space Arrangement/Agreement JAXA.
(JAXA) Administration and the Japan (IA)
Aerospace Exploration Agency for
Cooperation in Sharing of Safety
676 Alert Information

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Ames Research Korea Aerospace Korea, Republic of Amendment to the Reimbursable Project-Specific Amendment: This Amendment and Extension of the 6/23/2017 12/31/2020
Center (ARC) Research Institute (KS) Space Act Agreement Between Agreement (PSA) NASA-KARI Agreement is facilitating KARI's continued
(KARI) NASA/KARI for Participation In participation in NASA I2, a project that provides a
The National Aeronautics And collaborative environment where U.S. & international
Space Administration International interns interact and work together. This Reimbursable
Internship Program Space Act Agreement will be for the purpose of
facilitating KARI's participation in the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration International
Internship Program designed to provide a collaborative
environment where U.S. interns or fellows can interact
and work alongside with international peers on research
677 opportunities.
Jet Propulsion National Centre for France (FR) Amendment to the Implementing Implementing Amendment to reflect the InSight mission's new May 6/26/2017 12/31/2022
Laboratory (JPL) Space Studies (CNES) Arrangement Between NASA and Arrangement/Agreement 2018 launch date. CNES will lead the international
CNES on the Seismic Experiment (IA) consortium providing the SEIS instrument to the InSight
for Interior Structure (SEIS) mission.
Instrument for the Interior
Exploration Using Seismic
Investigations, Geodesy, and Heat
678 Transport (InSight) Mission
Ames Research Swedish National Sweden (SW) Amendment 1 to Reimbursable Project-Specific Amendment 1: This amendment extends the 6/26/2017 12/31/2020
Center (ARC) Space Board (SNSB) Space Act Agreement Between Agreement (PSA) agreement by 3 years and facilitates SNSB's
the Swedish National Space Board participation in NASA I2. SNSB will submit student
and The National Aeronautics And nominations to NASA for possible placement in spring,
Space Administration for summer, or fall internships at a NASA field center. This
Participation In The National Reimbursable Space Act Agreement will be for the
Aeronautics And Space purpose of facilitating SNSB's participation in the
Administration International National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Internship Program International Internship Program designed to provide a
collaborative environment where U.S. interns or fellows
can interact and work alongside with international peers
679 on research opportunities.
Ames Research Agency for Science, Lithuania (LH) Amendment/Extension to Project-Specific Extension/Amendment between NASA and MITA for 6/27/2017 12/31/2020
Center (ARC) Innovation and Reimbursable Space Act Agreement (PSA) participation in the NASA International Internship
Technology (MITA) Agreement Between the Agency Project with all the amendments listed in a letter sent on
for Science, Innovation and June 5, 2017. This Reimbursable Space Act
Technology and The National Agreement will be for the purpose of facilitating MITA's
Aeronautics And Space participation in the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration for Participation In Administration International Internship Program
The National Aeronautics And designed to provide a collaborative environment where
Space Administration International U.S. interns or fellows can interact and work alongside
Internship Program with international peers on research opportunities.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Ames Research Electro Optic Systems Australia (AS) Extension of The Nonreimbursable Project-Specific NASA will evaluate data and methodology provided by 6/28/2017 4/15/2018
Center (ARC) PTY LTD. Space Act Agreement Between Agreement (PSA) EOS to determine the feasibility of developing a small
the National Aeronautics and spacecraft laser communication demonstration mission.
Space Administration and Electro
Optic Systems Pty Ltd. For High-
Speed Laser Communications with
Low-Fidelity Pointing
Requirements for Small
Spacecraft Using Modulating
681 Retro-Reflectors
Headquarters (HQ) Institute of Czech Republic Heliophysics LOA for Data Sharing Project-Specific Agreement between NASA and the Institute of 6/30/2017 12/31/2020
Atmospheric Physics (CZ) with Czech Republic on the Agreement (PSA) Atmospheric Physics (IAP), as part of the Academy of
(IAP), as part of the Radiation Belt Storm Probe Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR), for
Academy of Sciences (RBSP) Mission collaboration in heliophysics and space weather to
of the Czech Republic share data for new NASA missions, in particular the
682 (ASCR) Radiation Belt Storm Probe (RBSP).
Jet Propulsion Russian Federal Space Russia (UR) Implementing Agrmt Between the Project-Specific This Implementing Agrmt Between the US NASA and 6/30/2017 12/31/2020
Laboratory (JPL) Agency (Roskosmos) US NASA and the Federal Space Agreement (PSA) the Federal Space Agency, the Russian Federation, on
Agency, the Russian Federation, the Russian Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN)
on the Russian Dynamic Albedo of Investigation for the US Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Neutrons (DAN) Investigation for covers Russian provision of the DAN instrument for the
the US Mars Science Laboratory MSL mission.
683 (MSL)
Jet Propulsion Swedish Institute of Sweden (SW) ASPERA-3 on Mars Project-Specific This is an amendment and extension of the existing 7/5/2017 12/31/2021
Laboratory (JPL) Space Physics (IRF) Express/ASPERA-4 on Venus Agreement (PSA) agreement with the Swedish Institute of Space Physics
Express (IRF) for cooperation on the Analyzer of Space Plasmas
and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA) version 3. NASA will
provide the Electron Spectrometer and a subassembly
for the Ion Mass Analyzer Detector, which will be
integrated into ASPERA-3. ASPERA-3 will use
energetic neutral atom imaging to visualize the charged
and neutral gas environments around Mars. Agreement
amended to update points of contact and extend until
December 31, 2021. Agreement amended to include
ASPERA 4 on Venus Express and extend the
agreement by 1 additional year.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space University College United Kingdom Agreement Between NASA and Project-Specific NASA and the University College London (UCL) in the 7/5/2017 7/5/2020
Center (JSC) London (UK) The University College London for Agreement (PSA) UK will establish a cooperative agreement to advance
Cooperation on Li-ion Battery an understanding of the relationship between Lithium
Design ion (Li-ion) cell design and thermal runaway
phenomena, which can lead to overheating and fire.
This collaboration will guide safer battery designs,
namely those features that mitigate the hazard of single
cell thermal runaway, with potentially wide spectrum of
future applications, including automobiles, aircraft and
human spaceflight. NASA is conducting research
aimed at developing thermal runaway propagation
prevention measures in Li-ion battery pack designs, an
area of interest to UCL. Meanwhile, among UCL Li-ion
battery research interests is the performance of internal
short circuit devices in simulating manufacturing
defects, which can contribute to thermal runaway
behaviors. UCL also has access to synchrotron
facilities which provides additional means to acquire,
reduce, and analyze in-situ high speed video X-rays of
cells during thermal runaway.
Langley Research German Aerospace Germany (GM) Amendment to the Implementing Implementing This IA falls under the DLR Framework Agreement. 7/10/2017 12/31/2020
Center (LaRC) Center (DLR) Arrangement Between NASA and Arrangement/Agreement Cooperation on research related to the development
the German Aerospace Center for (IA) and validation of new analysis-based design methods
Data Exchange Cooperation for buckling critical launch vehicle aerospace structures
Related to the Physical Behavior and exchange data related to the fundamental physical
of Shell Structures behavior of these structures. NASA will share data
results from NASA's Shell Buckling knockdown Factor
Project (SBKF) and DLR will share data results from a
Consortium funded by the European Union referred to
as, "New robust DESign Guideline for Imperfection
Sensitive Composite Structures (DESICOS). The
Parties will communicate at least quarterly, meet at an
annual workshop annually, and produce a final report
resulting from the cooperation.
Headquarters (HQ) National Centre for France (FR) NASA-CNES Joint Utilization of Project-Specific NASA-CNES Joint Utilization of SCaN Testbed on ISS. 7/11/2017 7/11/2019
Space Studies (CNES) SCaN Testbed on ISS Agreement (PSA)

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Ames Research European Space European Space Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific This Amendment and Extension of the NASA-ESA 7/13/2017 12/31/2022
Center (ARC) Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) Agreement Between ESA and Agreement (PSA) Agreement is facilitating ESA's continued participation
NASA for Participation in the in NASA I2, a project that provides a collaborative
NASA International Internship environment where U.S. & international interns interact
Program and work together. This agreement allows ESA to
nominate students from ESA-Member states for S&T
internships at NASA field centers, starting in spring,
summer or fall. Interns are to complete a minimum of
10 weeks. ESA will pay a small weekly fee to NASA for
each of its interns, to help offset NASA project
implementation costs. NASA I square is a project under
the Office of Education's NASA Internships,
Fellowships, and Scholarships (NIFS) Line of Business.
Johnson Space University of Coimbra Portugal (PO) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Rui Fausto of the University of Coimbra in Portugal 7/19/2017 7/19/2022
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
689 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Lund University Sweden (SW) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Paul Lindgren of Lund University in Lund, Sweden 7/19/2017 7/19/2022
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
690 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Newcastle University United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Neil Gray of Newcastle University in the UK proposes to 7/19/2017 7/19/2022
Center (JSC) (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake
scientific investigations led by PI. These investigations
are described in one or more sample requests
submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite
691 Sample Curator.
Johnson Space The University Court of United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Boris C. Laurent of The University Court of the 7/19/2017 7/19/2022
Center (JSC) the University of St. (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) University of St. Andrews in Scotland, UK, proposes to
Andrews use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to undertake
scientific investigations led by PI. These investigations
are described in one or more sample requests
submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite Sample
Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic Meteorite
692 Sample Curator.
Headquarters Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) NASA-ASI InSight IA Implementing Implementing Arrangement (IA) under US-Italy 7/20/2017 6/30/2022
(HQ),Jet Propulsion (ASI) Arrangement/Agreement Framework. ASI contribution of a laser retro-reflector
693 Laboratory (JPL) (IA) array to the NASA InSight lander.
Johnson Space France (FR) International Lunar Sample Loan Project-Specific Prof. Manuel Moreira of the Institut de Physique du 7/24/2017 10/31/2022
Center (JSC) Agreement Agreement (PSA) Globe de Paris in Paris, France, proposes to use the
samples to undertake scientific investigations
Institut de Physique du (described in a sample request submitted by the PI to
694 Globe de Paris the Apollo Sample Curator).

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space Institute of Space and Japan (JA) Letter of Agreement for Implementing Falls under NASA-JAXA Joint Understanding. 7/25/2017 12/31/2018
Flight Center Astronautical Science Cooperation of JAXA's X-ray Arrangement/Agreement
(GSFC) (ISAS),Japan Astronomy Recovery Mission (IA)
Aerospace Exploration (XARM)
Agency (JAXA)
Langley Research Indian Space India (IN) BATAL Balloon Campaign Implementing Balloon measurements of the Asian Tropopause 7/31/2017 7/31/2022
Center (LaRC) Research Organisation Arrangement/Agreement Aerosol Layer (BATAL) campaigns. NASA and ISRO to
(ISRO) (IA) conduct annual summer campaigns in India from 2017-
2020 to make balloon-based measurements of aerosols
and clouds in the upper troposphere and lower
stratosphere using a variety of instrumentation and
696 balloon flight systems.
Langley Research Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Amendment 2: NASA-JAXA Project-Specific Amendment 2: The amendment will continue to 8/1/2017 8/1/2022
Center (LaRC) Exploration Agency Airframe Noise Prediction Agreement (PSA) address key gaps in the understanding and modeling of
(JAXA) Agreement slat cover noise and extending that knowledge base to
realistic slat configurations as well as to noise reduction
concepts for slat noise. This cooperative effort will also
provide vital data, which will aid the airframe noise
research at both organizations and also support the
global initiative focused on high fidelity simulations and
measurements of airframe noise sources under the
AIAA Workshop series on Benchmark Problems for
Airframe Noise Computations (BANC). Amendment 1:
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA) will conduct research for physics-based
prediction of airframe noise from civil aircraft. The
primary aim of this activity will be to improve the
knowledge of airframe noise sources and corresponding
physical mechanisms by working on non-sensitive,
fundamental high-lift devices (HLD) and/or landing gear
(LG) configurations. NASA/JAXA will conduct research
for physics-based prediction of airframe noise from civil
aircraft. The primary aim of this activity will be to
improve the knowledge of airframe noise sources and
corresponding physical mechanisms by working on non-
sensitive, fundamental high-lift-devices (HLD) and/or
landing gear (LG) configurations.

Goddard Space Norwegian Mapping Norway (NO) Space Geodesy - Cooperation on Project-Specific Norwegian Mapping Authority (NMA) will reimburse 8/7/2017 8/6/2027
Flight Center Authority (NMA) Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) Agreement (PSA) NASA for the installation of a next generation Satellite
(GSFC) Station in Ny-Alesund, Norway Laser Ranging (SLR) station in Ny-Alesund, Norway,
above the arctic circle. NASA and NMA will cooperate
to contribute to the Global Geodetic Observing System.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Johnson Space University of Winnipeg Canada (CA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific PI Edward Cloutis of The University of Winnipeg in 8/18/2017 8/18/2022
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Winnipeg, Canada, proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by the PI. These investigations are described in one
or more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space University of Bern Switzerland (SZ) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific PI Klaus Mezger of the University of Bern in Bern, 8/18/2017 8/18/2022
Center (JSC) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Switzerland, proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite
samples to undertake scientific investigations led by the
PI. These investigations are described in one or more
sample requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic
Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the
700 Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Headquarters (HQ) Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) Project-Specific JAXA and NASA will conduct joint studies for the MMX 9/7/2017 3/31/2022
Exploration Agency Mission Agreement (PSA) mission, including science instruments (ie. neutron
(JAXA) gamma ray spectrometer), and other contributions like
testing or calibration in U.S. facilities.
Johnson Space Museum National France (FR) International Stardust Samples Project-Specific Matthieu Gounelle of the Museum National d'Histoire 9/13/2017 9/13/2022
Center (JSC) d'Histoire Naturelle Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Naturelle (MNHN) in Paris, France, proposes to use the
samples to undertake scientific investigations
(described in a sample request submitted by the PI to
the Stardust Sample Curator). *NASA Stardust Sample
Curator: Michael Zolensky proposed the question
concerning traveling with the stardust sample and
702 entering Customs.
Headquarters Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) NASA's Double Precision Orbit Project-Specific This 2011 extension continues the cooperation on the 9/13/2017 9/30/2018
(HQ),Jet Propulsion (ASI) Determination Program (DPODP) Agreement (PSA) NASA-ASI Double Precision Orbit Determination
Laboratory (JPL) for Cassini Radio Science Program (DPODP) for Cassini Radio Science
703 Investigations Investigations.
Johnson Space University of United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Rhian H. Jones of The University of Manchester in 9/13/2017 9/13/2022
Center (JSC) Manchester (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) Manchester, U.K., proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by PI. These investigations are described in one or
more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Armstrong Flight Space Research Netherlands, The NASA-SRON SPEX-Airborne Project-Specific Fully reimbursable agreement between NASA and 9/20/2017 9/20/2020
Research Center Organization of the (NL) Reimbursable Agreement Agreement (PSA) SRON to facilitate operation of the SRON
(AFRC) Netherlands (SRON) Spectropolarimeter for Planetary Exploration Airborne
(SPEX-Airborne) instrument on board the ER-2 to make
multi-angle spectro-polarimetric observations that can
be used to retrieve aerosol and cloud properties and
facilitate the development of a space-borne version of
705 SPEX-Airborne.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion D-Wave Systems Inc. Canada (CA) Reimbursable Agreement for Project-Specific Extension/Amendment 2: JPL Task Plan No. 82-16404, 9/25/2017 9/29/2019
Laboratory (JPL) Adiabatic Quantum Computing Agreement (PSA) Revision C until 9/29/2019. Mission Directorate
Fabrication Process Development selected: SMD (Liz mentioned Earth Science being the
(D-Wave) closest to this mission). High Speed Computing,
Performed by SMD. Amendment: Reimbursable
cooperation in advanced computer technology;
Specifically, in developing Adiabatic Quantum
Computing (AQC) which is expected to outperform
conventional supercomputers in a few years. Mission
Directorate selected: SMD. High Speed Computing,
Performed by SMD. NASA/D-Wave Systems Inc.
performing research for adiabatic quantum computing
706 fabrication process development.
Headquarters (HQ) World Meteorological Liberia (LI) GLOBE Cooperation with the Project-Specific The GLOBE Program is an international environmental 9/25/2017 9/25/2022
Organization Global Ministry of Education of the Agreement (PSA) science and education program that brings students,
Atmosphere Watch Republic Liberia teachers, and scientists together to study the global
Programme environment. GLOBE has created an international
(WMO/GAW) network of students at primary, middle and secondary
school levels studying environmental issues, making
environmental measurements, and sharing useful
environmental data with one another and the
707 international science community.
George C. Marshall Canadian Space Canada (CA) Implementing Arrangement Implementing Extension/Amendment: NASA/CSA renewed and 10/2/2017 10/2/2027
Space Flight Center Agency (CSA) Between NASA and CSA on the Arrangement/Agreement modified the current IA, amending the agreement for 1)
(MSFC) Loan of Space Shuttle Equipment (IA) the location of the equipment on loan, 2) the new point
of contact, and 3) the commencement of activities and
duration (Sections 1, 4, 8). Framework Agreement of
September 9, 2009, governs this Implementing
Arrangement between NASA/CSA on the loan of Space
708 Shuttle Equipment.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Goddard Space International Center for Nepal (NP) AERONET with ICIMOD of Nepal Project-Specific The scientific goals of National Aeronautics and Space 10/3/2017 10/3/2027
Flight Center Integrated Mountain Agreement (PSA) Administration (NASA) and the International Center for
(GSFC) Development Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is to gain a
(ICIMOD) more detailed understanding of global atmospheric
change phenomena, with a particular emphasis on
climate research and the assessment of air quality. To
accomplish this objective, NASA has established a
global network of Sun photometers, and the Aerosol
Robotic Network (AERONET) in cooperation with a wide
range of international partner agencies and institutions.
Sun photometers are used to measure water vapor and
aerosol optical properties. AERONET provides the
necessary science measurements and are essential for
ground-based validation of aerosol, cloud, and other
measurements taken by satellites. In support of this
cooperation NASA and ICIMOD will establish one or
more Sun photometers at mutually agreed sites, the
operation of which will improve the understanding of the
properties and concentration of aerosols and clouds,
and their impact on both global and regional scales.

Johnson Space Sokendai (The Japan (JA) International Stardust Samples Project-Specific Mutsumi Komatsu of Sokendai (The Graduate 10/5/2017 10/5/2022
Center (JSC) Graduate University for Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) University for Advanced Studies) in Hayama,
Advanced Studies) Kanagawa, Japan, proposes to use the samples to
undertake scientific investigations (described in a
sample request submitted by the PI to the Stardust
710 Sample Curator).
Johnson Space Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) NASA-JAXA Letter of Agreement Implementing JAXA will provide its Space Debris Bread Board Model 10/6/2017 10/31/2018
Center (JSC) Exploration Agency to Study the JAXA Space Debris Arrangement/Agreement (SDM BBM) for evaluation by NASA to determine its
(JAXA) Bread Board Model (IA) usefulness in hypervelocity impact experiments (related
to measuring millimeter-sized orbital debris).
Headquarters Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) NASA-ASI Mars 2020 IA Implementing Implementing Arrangement (IA) under US-Italy 10/9/2017 6/30/2024
(HQ),Jet Propulsion (ASI) Arrangement/Agreement Framework. ASI contribution of a laser retro-reflector
712 Laboratory (JPL) (IA) array to the NASA Mars 2020 rover.
Glenn Research Italian Center for Italy (IT) Nonreimbursable Space Act Project-Specific NASA and CIRA will pursue cooperation on the 10/12/2017 10/12/2022
Center at Lewis Aerospace Research Agreement Between NASA and Agreement (PSA) fundamental study of supercooled large drop icing. The
Field (GRC) (CIRA) the Italian Center for Aerospace purpose of this agreement is to advance aircraft safety
Research (CIRA) (Centro Italiano through collaborative research in the area of
Ricerche Aerospaziali) SCpA on supercooled large drop (SLD) icing. The joint research
Supercooled Large Drop Icing is intended to improve the ability to accurately
Research characterize and simulate SLD phenomenon, and to
determine the ability of existing test facilities to
reproduce the various aspects of SLD conditions.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters German Aerospace Germany (GM) ESA's Mars Express Mission - Project-Specific NASA and DLR on the ESA's Mars Express Mission. 10/16/2017 12/31/2021
(HQ),Jet Propulsion Center (DLR) High Resolution Stereo Camera Agreement (PSA) The cooperation involves NASA support of U.S. Co-
Laboratory (JPL) (HRSC) Investigators on the German High Resolution Stero
Camera (HRSC), a Mars Express instrument. State
Dept said no C-175 required on the extension on
714 7/21/08.
Headquarters German Aerospace Germany (GM) Mars Radio Science (MaRS) Project-Specific NASA, via U.S. Co-Investigators, will provide the Mars 10/16/2017 12/31/2021
(HQ),Jet Propulsion Center (DLR) Experiment Onboard ESA's Mars Agreement (PSA) Radio Science (MaRS) Experiment for ESA's Mars
Laboratory (JPL) Express Mission Express Mission, which will be used to conduct radio
science experiments. The ESA Mars Mission was
launched on a Soyuz launch vehicle on June 2, 2003.
Through an ESA Announcement of Opportunity, 3 co-
investigators from Stanford University were selected for
the MaRS Experiment, with the Principal Investigator
from the University of Cologne. State Dept said no C-
175 required on the extension on 7/21/08.
Glenn Research University of Southern Australia (AS) UQ Cavity Optomechanical Project-Specific NASA GRC and researchers from the University of 10/18/2017 12/31/2022
Center at Lewis Queensland Magnetometers Agreement (PSA) Queensland have a shared interest in the field of cavity
Field (GRC) optomechanical magnetometry. The goal of this activity
is to advance the development of ultra-sensitive sensor
capability, beyond what is currently available. The
overall focus of this work will be on further enhancing
the sensitivity primarily using double-disk resonators at
two different size-scales. Accordingly, this effort will
seek to apply cavity optomechanical magnetometers as
magnetic sensors for applications and will perform proof-
of-principle demonstrations of those applications.
Successful development of cavity optomechanical
magnetometers with outstanding sensitivity for
measuring low flux fields would be of great
benefit/interest for use in space science mission
instruments. Applications of cavity optomechanical
magnetometers to space research and communications
will be performed during this collaboration. While NASA
and UQ will interact in the above activities, the
optimization of the cavity optomechanical and double-
disk resonator architectures will be primarily performed
by UQ. The selective testing for verification and
optimization of performance will be done at NASA GRC.
Headquarters European Space European Space NASA-ESA ExoMars 2020 Letter Project-Specific NASA and ESA cooperation on ExoMars 2020 for 10/18/2017 12/1/2024
(HQ),Jet Propulsion Agency (ESA) Agency (ESA) of Agreement Agreement (PSA) exchange of technical expertise, scientific collaboration,
717 Laboratory (JPL) and deep space network coordination.
Goddard Space Korea Astronomy and Korea, Republic of Balloon-Borne Investigation of Project-Specific Agreement for reimbursement of NASA's designing, 10/23/2017 12/31/2020
Flight Center Space Science (KS) Temperature and Speed of Agreement (PSA) developing, fabricating, testing and delivering compact
(GSFC) Institute (KASI) Electrons in the Corona (BITSE) coronagraph instrumentation for a future joint NASA-
KASI Balloon-borne Investigation of Temperature and
718 Speed of Electrons in the Corona (BITSE) mission.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Headquarters (HQ) Japan Aerospace Japan (JA) NASA-JAXA Collaboration on Project-Specific NASA and JAXA have expressed mutual interest in a 10/25/2017 10/24/2019
Exploration Agency Laser Communications Agreement (PSA) cooperative agreement that will allow the two agencies
(JAXA) Interoperability and Standards to develop a common laser communications relay
standard at 1550 nm to ensure the interoperability of
planned successor laser data relay satellites for both
agencies to NASA's Laser Communications Relay
Demonstration (LCRD) and JAXA's Optical Relay
719 Satellite.
Johnson Space Earth-Life Science Japan (JA) International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Henderson J. Cleaves of the Earth-Life Science Institute 10/27/2017 10/27/2022
Center (JSC) Institute (ELSI) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) (ELSI) in Tokoyo, Japan, proposes to use the Antarctic
Meteorite samples to undertake scientific investigations
led by PI. These investigations are described in one or
more sample requests submitted by the PI to the
Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator at JSC and
approved by the Antarctic Meteorite Sample Curator.
Johnson Space Imperial College United Kingdom International Antarctic Meteorite Project-Specific Mark Rehkamper of the Imperial College in London, UK, 10/27/2017 10/27/2022
Center (JSC) London (UK) Sample Loan Agreement Agreement (PSA) proposes to use the Antarctic Meteorite samples to
undertake scientific investigations led by PI. These
investigations are described in one or more sample
requests submitted by the PI to the Antarctic Meteorite
Sample Curator at JSC and approved by the Antarctic
721 Meteorite Sample Curator.
Goddard Space Deutscher Germany (GM) Agreement between the NASA Project-Specific This cooperation on calibration and validation will 10/30/2017 10/30/2022
Flight Center Wetterdienst of the and Deutscher Wetterdienst Agreement (PSA) sample the stratosphere to detect, measure, and
(GSFC) Federal Republic of (DWD) of the Federal Republic of analyze small changes in atmospheric chemistry.
Germany (German Germany for Cooperation on the
Weather Service) NEtwork for the Detection of
722 Atmospheric Chemical Change
Langley Research German Aerospace Germany (GM) Implementing Arrangement Implementing This IA falls under the DLR Framework Agreement. 11/6/2017 11/6/2020
Center (LaRC) Center (DLR) between NASA and the German Arrangement/Agreement NASA and DLR are individually pursuing research into
Aerospace Center for Cooperative (IA) the development and validation of thin-shell deployable
Research on Deployable composite boom structures for future small spacecraft
Composite Booms applications and will engage in experimental testing and
data exchange cooperation related to the physical
behavior of these structures. Cooperation under this IA
will advance the fundamental research in this area,
enabling each Party to then separately develop specific
small spacecraft flight applications.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion Indian Space India (IN) Space Act Agreement between Project-Specific NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory shall provide 11/7/2017 11/7/2020
Laboratory (JPL) Research Organization NASA and the Indian Space Agreement (PSA) reimbursable navigation services and deep space
(ISRO) Research Organisation for Deep network (DSN) tracking and associated support in order
Space Network (DSN) Support for to enable communications with ISRO's second mission
the Chandrayaan-2 Mission to the Moon: Chandrayaan-2. The mission consists of a
lunar orbiter, a lander and a rover. NASA/JPL shall
assist the ISRO by providing tracking, telemetry and
command (TTC), ground communications, navigation,
DSN scheduling services, compatibility testing, and
other DSN support to the Chandrayaan-2 mission in
order to further ISRO's objectives of a 'Soft and Safe
Landing on a pre-determined site.'
Johnson Space Woodside Engineering Australia (AS) Annex 3 Between the National Implementing The purpose of Annex 3 is to further develop the 11/9/2017 11/9/2019
Center (JSC) Technologies PTY Aeronautics and Space Arrangement/Agreement manipulation of, and planning framework for,
LTD. Administration and Woodside (IA) autonomous, robotic use of tools and interfaces. NASA
Energy Technologies Pty Ltd. Johnson Space Center (JSC) and Woodside are
Regarding Anthropomorphic collaboratively working on developing humanoid robotic
Robotic Systems technology and robotic caretaking applications for not
normally manned (NNM) rigs or un-crewed spacecraft,
and developing anthropomorphic robotic systems that
can be controlled autonomously or through shared
control from remote locations. Robotic caretaking,
controlled autonomously or through remote shared
control, is essential technology for future exploration
missions to the lunar or Martian environments. This
Annex involves a three-phased approach to the
continued development of the Affordance Templates
user interface, which was released to Woodside as part
725 of Annex 1.
Langley Research University of Leeds United Kingdom Reimbursable Agreement for the Project-Specific NASA will design, build, and loan a Diode Laser 11/11/2017 11/11/2027
Center (LaRC) (UK) Design, Construction, and Loan of Agreement (PSA) Hygrometer to the University of Leeds on a
726 a Diode Laser Hygrometer reimbursable basis.
Goddard Space National Agency for Mongolia (MG) Aerosol Robotic Network Project-Specific To extend the term of the existing AERONET 11/22/2017 3/31/2027
Flight Center Hydrometeorology and (AERONET) Agreement (PSA) agreement to establish sun photometer station in
(GSFC) Environmental Mongolia.
727 Monitoring
Headquarters QinetiQ Limited United Kingdom Reimbursable Space Act Project-Specific NASA/JPL to provide qualification support to QinetiQ's 11/22/2017 6/22/2018
(HQ),Jet Propulsion (UK) Agreement between NASA and Agreement (PSA) T-6 ion thruster for the European Space Agency (ESA)-
Laboratory (JPL) QinetiQ Limited for Qualification led BepiColombo mission to Mercury.
728 Support on the T6 Ion Thruster
Langley Research National Centre for France (FR) MESCAL Pre-Formulation Studies Implementing NASA and CNES will cooperate on pre-formulation 11/27/2017 11/26/2020
Center (LaRC) Space Studies (CNES) Arrangement/Agreement studies for the Monitoring of the Evolution and State of
729 (IA) Clouds and Aerosol Layers (MESCAL) Mission.
Goddard Space The American Institute Taiwan (TW) Micro-Pulse Lidar Network Project-Specific AIT/TECRO Agreement to establish lidar and/or sun 11/28/2017 12/31/2027
Flight Center in Taiwan (MPLNET) and the Aerosol Agreement (PSA) photometer stations in Taiwan. Also included is the
(GSFC) Robotic Network (AERONET) extension of the NASA/AIT Designated Representative
730 Agreement.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Langley Research German Aerospace Germany (GM) Amendment to the Implementing Implementing Amendment: No change in the scope of extension of 12/8/2017 12/31/2018
Center (LaRC) Center (DLR) Arrangement between NASA and Arrangement/Agreement the existing IA. The purpose of this Implementing
the German Aerospace Center for (IA) Arrangement is to set forth the respective
Cooperation on Aircraft Noise responsibilities of the Parties and the terms and
Simulation conditions under which they shall conduct cooperation
in the area of aircraft noise prediction. The reduction of
noise without adversely impacting performance and the
environment is a great challenge given the growth of air
traffic combined with stricter regulations on noise and
emissions. One of the key enablers to finding solutions
is sufficiently reliable noise prediction, which takes into
account all of the aircraft noise sources and their
complex installation effects.
Johnson Space Woodside Engineering Australia (AS) Amendment and Extension of Implementing Amendment and Extension of Annex 2: $240,451.44 12/19/2017 10/15/2019
Center (JSC) Technologies PTY Annex 2 Between National Arrangement/Agreement USD in Annex 2 + $436,308.06 for the amendment and
LTD. Aeronautics and Space (IA) extension of Annex 2 = $676,779.50 USD new total for
Administration and Woodside Annex 2. NASA Johnson Space Center and
Energy Technologies Pty Ltd. Woodside are collaboratively working on developing
Regarding Anthropomorphic humanoid robotic technology and robotic caretaking
Robotic Systems applications for not-normally manned (NNM) rigs, and
developing anthropomorphic robotic systems that can
be controlled autonomously or through shared control
from offshore locations. Robotic caretaking, controlled
autonomously or through remote shared control, is
essential technology for future exploration missions to
the lunar or Martian environments. The amendment
and extension includes sending an additional two NASA
engineers and a NASA contractor to Australia for 90
days each, consecutively, for maintenance and support
of the R2C unit delivered as part of the Annex 1. This
is under the Reimbursable Space Act Umbrella
Agreement between The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration and Woodside Energy
Technologies Pty Ltd Regarding Anthropomorphic
Robotic Systems. Original: Mission Directorates:
Space Technology and HEO. NASA Johnson Space
Center and Woodside are collaboratively working on
developing humanoid robotic technology and robotic
caretaking applications for not-normally manned (NNM)
rigs, and developing anthropomorphic robotic systems
that can be controlled autonomously or through shared
control from offshore locations. Robotic caretaking,
Headquarters National Centre for France (FR) Spectroscopic Investigation of the Project-Specific NASA support for U.S. Co-I on French-built 12/20/2017 12/31/2018
(HQ),Jet Propulsion Space Studies (CNES) Characteristics of the Atmosphere Agreement (PSA) Spectroscopic Investigation of the Characteristics of the
Laboratory (JPL) of Mars (SPICAM) on Mars Atmosphere of Mars (SPICAM) instrument on ESA
Express Mars Express mission. SPICAM is part of the Mars
733 Express orbiter.

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
Jet Propulsion Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) Memorandum of Understanding Project-Specific MOU defines the responsibilities of NASA and ASI and 12/20/2017 12/31/2019
Laboratory (JPL) (ASI) between the Italian Space Agency Agreement (PSA) the terms and conditions for cooperation for
and the United States National development of the Mars Advanced Radar for
Aeronautics and Space Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding (MARSIS) and
Administration Concerning the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) to be flown
Cooperation on the Mars on-board ESA's 2003 Mars Express Mission, and also
Advanced Radar for Subsurface provides for support of the U.S. and Italian P.I.'s and Co-
and Ionospheric Sounding I's.
(MARSIS) and Planetary Fourier
Spectrometer (PFS) to be Flown
on the European Space Agency's
2003 Mars Express Mission
Jet Propulsion Italian Space Agency Italy (IT) 2005 Mars Reconnaissance Project-Specific A MOU to define NASA-ASI cooperation on activities 12/20/2017 12/31/2019
Laboratory (JPL) (ASI) Orbiter (MRO) Mission Agreement (PSA) associated with the NASA 2005 Mars Reconnaisance
Orbiter (MRO) mission. ASI provided the Shallow
Radar (SHARAD) instrument. MRO is planned for
launch in August 2005 on an intermediate-class,
expendable launch vehicle from Cape Canaveral Air
Station, Florida. MRO will identify and characterize
sites for future landed missions, and provide critical
telecommunications relay capability for follow-on Mars
missions. The nominal mission would end in December
2010, approximately 5.4 years after launch.
Langley Research German Aerospace Germany (GM) Implementing Arrangement Implementing NASA will deploy its DC-8 aircraft to Germany to collect 12/21/2017 12/20/2019
Center (LaRC) Center (DLR) between the National Aeronautics Arrangement/Agreement airborne aerosol and contrail measurements from fuel
and Space Administration and the (IA) burned on the DLR Advanced Technology Research
German Aerospace Center for Aircraft.
Cooperation on the Second Phase
of the Emissions and Climate
Impacts of Alternative Aviation
736 Fuels (ECLIF-II) Project

Active International Space Act Agreements by Signature Date (as of December 31, 2017)

NASA (Signature) Expiration
No. Installation(s) Partner Name Country Title/Purpose Type of Agreement Activity Description Date Date
George C. Marshall John Nurminen Events Netherlands, The Amendment 2: Nonreimbursable Project-Specific Amendment 2: Nonreimbursable Space Act Agreement 12/24/2017 12/31/2022
Space Flight Center (NL) Space Act Agreement between Agreement (PSA) between John Nurminen Events and NASA for
(MSFC),Headquarte John Nurminen Events and NASA Collaboration on Outreach and Community Endeavors.
rs (HQ),Johnson for Collaboration on Outreach and JNE coordinates with NASA on funds and manages an
Space Center (JSC) Community Endeavors international traveling space exhibition titled: NASA - A
Human Adventure. JNE has authorized use of NASA
insignia and loaned artifacts. Amendment: This
cooperation specifically facilitates cooperation in J.N.
Events' traveling exhibition, "NASA: A Human
Adventure." J.N. Events pays all costs of developing,
transporting and running the exhibit; NASA loans
artifacts, advises on use of logo and destinations, and
reviews and advises on all content re NASA history.
Other = Office of Communications. Nonreimbursable
Space Act Agreement between John Nurminen Events
and NASA for collaboration on outreach and community
endeavors. NASA and John Nurminen Events will
collaborate on a traveling exhibition entitled NASA: A
Human Adventure. The exhibition will focus on NASA
contributions along with illuminating human stories
behind the hardware. The exhibition will premier in
Europe with the ultimate goal of touring throughout the
Langley Research National Research Canada (CA) Extension: NASA and NRC Project-Specific Extension of original agreement. NASA and NRC have 12/28/2017 3/2/2018
Center (LaRC) Council (NRC) Detailing the Cooperation on Agreement (PSA) mutual interest in pursuing cooperation in the area of
Materials Research and Analysis materials research and analysis. NRC intends to
Activity provide NASA with a sample (approximately one gram)
of boron nitride nanotube material ("BNNT material") for
purposes of evaluating and characterizing the material.
Goddard Space Yonsei University Korea, Republic of Extension: The National Project-Specific Extension: same language as original agreement. 12/28/2017 10/19/2018
Flight Center (KS) Aeronautics and Space Agreement (PSA) CANYVAL-X is a technology demonstration CubeSat
(GSFC) Administration and Yonsei mission with a primary objective of validating
University (Yonsei) Cooperation technologies that allow two spacecraft to fly in formation
on the CubeSat Mission: "CubeSat along an inertial line-of-sight (i.e., align two spacecraft
Astronomy by NASA and Yonsei to an inertial source). Learning from Yonsei's ability to
using Virtual Telescope Alignment demonstrate long baseline, dual-spacecraft separation
Experiment" (CANYVAL-X) to achieve fine angular precision will enable a variety of
cutting-edge heliophysics and astrophysics science for
739 NASA.


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