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Explaining Medication


Prescription Resep dokter

Receipt Tanda terima
To relieve Menghilangkan (sakit ...)
To shake Mengocok
One spoonful Satu sendok makan/takar
Pill Pil
Adverse reaction Reaksi penolakan (tubuh) terhadap suatu obat/kontra indikasi
Drug Obat (pil-kapsul)
Medicine Obat (cough medicine)
Draught Obat berbentuk cairan

Useful Expression
Oral medication
Please take this ... (one tablet per day/one tablet three times a day, every 8 hours)
Syrup one spoonful .... (three times a day)
To reduce ... (your temperature)
To relieve ... (physical problem)
Your pain
Your running nose
Your cold
Here are some tablets/pills (which) you are to take ... (one) of every ... (eight) hours
Have you taken the medicine?

Giving caution
Just tell me if there’s something you don’t understand and I’ll go over it all
You must call the nurse if there is an adverse reaction
Don’t take this more than ... (three times/8 tablets in 24 hours)
Don’t use it if it makes ... (a skin rash)
Discontinue if an adverse reaction occurs
Take these antibiotics all up
In case (the tablets) give you indigestion, please ... (take them during/after meals) of ... make you
suffer from indigestion, please ....

Patient’s expressions related to medication

How should I take this ....
What is the use of this .... (tablet, medicie, capsule)? (menanyakan kegunaan obat)
How to use these ... (tablests)? (menanyakan dosis)
Asking and Telling about Measurements
Starting an invention
I need to take your temperature
to weigh you
to count your pulse
to measure your height
Please weight yourselfon that scale.

Asking about measurements

What is my temperature?
blood pressure?
How much do I weight?
Is it normal?

Telling about measurements

It’s 37 C (thirty seven degrees centigrade/celcius)
You are running a temperature (higher than normal)
You have a temperature (means the temperature is higher than normal because of an illness)
You weigh 67 kilograms
You are 170 am tall
It is ... over ... (telling blood pressure)
It is within normal limits

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