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Anthropology Notes

Anthropology is the study of human kind. It is the study of behavior thinking and

Cultural is what people think and believe. It is past on from generations to

generations. Need to know the book definition

5 fields of anthropology

1. Linguistic (Study of languages)

2. Physical (evolution)
3. Archeology (study of past cultures through remains)
4. Cultural (the study of present cultures)
5. Applied (applying anthropological belief’s to present day problems)

Anthologists work

1. Field work-after your done you write an ethnography (book)

2. Research
3. Comparative ( compare different cultures)

Belief history

They like to trace there roots back about 2500 years ago n Greece his name was
Herodotus, Then the second one is ibn Haldun who lived 700 years ago. Then the
famous Italian brothers Marco Polo who traveled through America to china during
the time of Kubliay Khan the Mongolian emperor of china.

What is perspective about the anthological perspective?

1. Holistic (you study the whole culture and everything about it)
2. Culture bound
3. Compare with other cultures



Three things about anthropology/culture

1. Learned
2. Shared
3. Symbolic
4. Integrated (example
5. Dynamic
6. generate changes
Cultures exist because we need a way to address needs

a) biologic
1. food
2. shelter
3. protection
4. reproduction

B) social

1. Relationships

2. Beliefs

3. Belonging

Female infanticide: killing the first-born child if she was a girl popular in
china about 2 generations ago

Cultural relativism- is comparing 2 cultures and saying one is better

Anthropologist do research on these 3 thing when they write these athrowmology:

1. belief system
2. rules
3. on the ground


The kun hunters fit into today’s cultures is that they are trackers. they track animals
for people.

The 5 great apes

1. chimp( we share 98% of our genetics)

2. Bonoble
3. gor
4. orangutan
5. humans

Australopithecus Afarensis- aka Louise is about 2.3 million years ago found in

Ardi was found about 4.4 million years ago thought of as are last common ancestor.
They could climb trees and could talk upright.

the Marshall family are recognized in the anthropology community for there work
on the brush family
Movie notes

ape fossils are found to be 23 million years old

50,000 years ago are ancestors live in Africa

the bushmen are the people who stayed in Africa are ancestors

the decalter cave in south Africa contains bones that are 80,000 yeares ago

there are a contem leap in thinking 50,000 years ago

there are a major climte change 72,000 years ago.

because of the ice age the bushmen moved out of africa

the aborigines from Australia have bushmen makers in the dna

Y chromosomes don’t change from generations to generation father to son

there is no arcelogical evidence in India to only about 30,000 years ago

cuhney are the people of the earth northern Russia, ancestors of native americans

cuchney live support system are the rain deer.

15000 years ago cuckney went from northern Russia to Alaska

navejo are desents of the cuchney they live in Arizona


adri is 4.4 million years old

lucy is 2.3 million years old

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