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Facultad de Psicología

Evidencia 01
Mis Primeros Años

Unidad de aprendizaje:
Competencia Comunicativa II

Facilitador: Mtra. Olga Azalea Aguilar

Aula 212

Nombre: Thelma Paola Cavazos Vega 1821192

Monterrey, Nuevo León, México a 8 de febrero del 2020

My first years
I was born in Monclova Coahuila on June 11, 1999
I lived in many different houses, I have no memories of the first house, but of the
second, we had a very large patio where I played with my cousins to make mud
pies. I was going to a kindergarten that was on top of a hill. I remember that I had a
sandpit where I played with my friends, of which I don't remember any.
In that house I lived until about the 6 years it was when I entered primary school.
Once I asked permission to go to the bathroom, but I didn't know where I was and I
just walked around the yard until it was time to leave. In my second house we lived
fairly well, it was very small and hardly fit our furniture. My friends from the colony
were very different from what I was used to, they were children who were without
shoes in the street. There I lived like 3 years until we moved to a house in
It turned out that in this colony there was no one to play with, so all I did was go to
school and then go back to the house and play with my brother or alone.
One of the things I enjoyed the most was to go to my grandparents' house and
sleep over the weekend, my grandmother always prepared delicious things to eat
and my grandfather always had dessert sweets. At that time I only had a cousin so
we always played all 3, although the difference in age if it was a bit wide, we
played very well.
In elementary school I had several good friends, of whom I no longer remember
the name, but a little of their faces. In fact I had a best friend with whom my brother
and I were going to play at his house and they came to our house and we had a
great time.
In high school I had few friends, I always got together with the same people and we
walked around the playground at recess. We always talked about the same things
and did the same. When I got home it was the same, I just played a little on the
computer, then I went to take a nap.
I always got good grades, my parents never complained. In fact I was a pretty quiet
daughter, at home and at school.

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