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GRADE 7/8 Exploratory Course
Monday, June 3, 2019

I. Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

A. Utilize kitchen tools and equipment

II. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding on how to identify kitchen tools and
equipment based on their uses and in accordance to its function.
III. Subject Matter
Department of education
K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
Technology and Livelihood Education
TIME ALLOTMENT: 60 Minutes ( 1 Hour)
C. Instructional Materials: Book, Manila Paper, Lap top, kitchen tools and equipment



Ask the class ; Who among you here loves to be in the kitchen, cooking foods for a family meal
or washing soiled dishes after meal?
Group the class into five groups. Instruct the learners to list on the board all the kitchen
tools and equipment familiar to them in 30 seconds. A group who have listed more than the
other groups will be declared as winner.
 Activity
Group the class into five groups. Instruct the learners to list on the board all the
kitchen tools and equipment familiar to them in 30 seconds. A group who have listed
more than the other groups will be declared as winner.
 Analysis
The ingredients of the the menu you are preparing are now ready, and you are about
to sauteé the spices first. Of course you are going to use ladle in sautéing spices. What
kind will of ladle will you going to use? Stainless steel or plastic? Why?
 Absraction
This is a very interesting course, and can become the most personally rewarding
for students, because the subject matter for this course is THEMSELVES!
The new senior high school students have now entered a new educational level, as
well as a new psychological and social level, called the middle and late adolescence.
They may feel that they are no longer the rapidly growing and awkward teen-ager, but
may also feel that they are not quite ready to call themselves mature adults either.
This course make the students take a deeper look at themselves and analyze their
developmental changes, their skills and traits which can help them meet the various
tasks that they must undertake at this point in their lives. It shall provide them with
some techniques to meet stress and other mental health issues with their own
strengths and coping powers. The course shall also give them the chance to analyze
their relationships with their family, friends and significant others. Finally, the
PERDEV course shall help them take stock of where they are in their career
development and how to get to where they want to be.
There are 4 units in PERDEV, as follows: Unit 1 – Self-Development; Unit 2 –
Aspects of Personal Development; Unit 3 – Building and Maintaining Relationships;
and Unit 4 - Career Development. There are several modules under each unit, each of
which addresses a key concern in personal development.
PERDEV uses the experiencial learning approach, wherein students will participate in
activities in class to explore specific themes in their development. They will interact
with classmates, do projects with them, discuss various topics, and share their own
thoughts, feelings and experiences. They will also make personal reflections and write
them down. In this manner of self-reflection and sharing, they help reveal and
articulate relevant concepts, theories, and tools in different areas of their life.
 Application
Answer each number with T if the statement is true and F if the statement is
1. PERDEV uses experiential learning approach. (T)
2. There are 8 units in Personal Development course that will be discuss
in one-semester. (F)
3. A rubric refers to a scoring guide used to evaluate the quality of
students' outputs, whether done individually or in a group. (T)
4. The course give us chances to analyze our relationships with our
family, friends and significant others. (T)
5. The course will let us do the body exercise like cardio exercise. (F)
 Evaluation
 Assignment
Each student should have the following materials for Personal Development:
(a) a Journal notebook where they shall write their reflections, assignments, answers
to exercises, etc.,
(b) a large brown or colored envelope or clear book where they shall store all the
portfolio outputs, to be submitted to their teacher at the end of each unit or as
directed; and
(c) several sheets of white paper for drawings or other work assigned. Personalize
their Journal notebooks and portfolio in the manner they like.

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