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Information and technology

Cashflow Investment Largest

Dividend Earning operating DEBT Size Growth opportunity Shareholder

Mean 2.461667 1.642222 4.967032 0.479064 9.537352 0.036956 0.105409 0.391352

Median 0.000000 0.860000 0.135000 0.399900 9.505000 0.053950 0.100250 0.367900
Maximum 22.50000 10.17000 50.52000 1.529800 10.41000 0.670000 0.608100 0.637500
Minimum 0.000000 -12.79000 -3.840000 0.051100 9.020000 -1.233000 -0.850000 0.137100
Std. Dev. 5.631929 4.011896 12.72253 0.327737 0.372738 0.278714 0.235231 0.190416
Skewness 2.860301 -0.259970 2.510707 1.503375 0.522707 -1.571147 -1.087932 0.018387
Kurtosis 9.861642 5.119661 7.788609 5.111841 2.460352 9.790021 7.182761 1.303043

Jerque-Beta 179.5667 10.71743 108.3271 30.37594 3.114245 125.9514 50.01722 6.482285

Probability 0.000000 0.004707 0.000000 0.000000 0.210742 0.000000 0.000000 0.039119

Sum 132.9300 88.68000 268.2197 25.86947 515.0170 1.995640 5.692080 21.13300

Sum Sq. Dev. 1681.087 853.0513 8578.725 5.692807 7.363490 4.117121 2.932672 1.921682

Observations 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54


The mean value of Dividend per share under information and technology sector is 2.4616 and the
value of standard deviation is 5.6319. The dividend has a long right tail positive skewness because
its value is 2.8603, which is higher than 0 and leptokurtic (positive kurtosis) because its value is
9.8616 which is greater than 3. The jerque-beta probability value is 0.000000 which is smaller than
0.05 which shows that there is a relationship between dividend policy and dividend per share
under information and technology sector.


The mean value of Earning per share under information and technology is 1.6422 and the value of
standard deviation is 4.0118. Earnings per share has a long-left tail negative skewness because its
value is -0.2599, which is lower than 0 and leptokurtic (positive kurtosis) because its value
is 5.1196 which is higher than 3. The jerque-beta probability value is 0.0047 which is lower than
0.05 which shows that there is relationship between dividend policy and earning per share under
information and technology sector.

Cash flow operating:

The mean value of Cash flow operating per share under information and technology sector is
4.9670 and the value of standard deviation is 12.7225. Cash flow operating per share has a long

right tail positive skewness because its value is 2.5107, which is higher than 0 and leptokurtic
(positive kurtosis) because its value is 7.7886 which is greater than 3. The jerque-beta probability
value is 0.000000 which is smaller than 0.05 which shows that there is a relationship between
dividend policy and Cash flow operating per share under information and technology sector.


The mean value of Debt under information and technology sector is 0.4709 and the value of
standard deviation is 0.3277. Debt has a long right tail positive skewness because its value
is 1.5033, which is higher than 0 and leptokurtic (positive kurtosis) because its value is 5.1118
which is greater than 3. The jerque-beta probability value is 0.000000 which is lower than 0.05
which shows that there is a relationship between dividend policy and Debt of the firms under
information and technology sector.


The mean value of size of the firms under information and technology is 9.5373 and the value of
standard deviation is 0.3727. The Size of the firms has a normal positive skewness because its
value is 0.5227, which is higher than 0 and platykurtic (negative kurtosis) because its value is
2.4603 which is lower than 3. The jerque-beta probability value is 0.2107 which is higher than 0.05

which shows that there is no relationship between dividend policy and Size of the firms under
information and technology sector.


The mean value of Growth of the firm’s sale under information and technology sector is -0.03695
and the value of standard deviation is 0.2787. Growth of the firm’s sale under information and
technology sector has a normal negative skewness because its value is -1.5711, which is lower
than 0 and leptokurtic (positive kurtosis) because its value is 9.7900 which is greater than 3. The
jerque-beta probability value is 0.0000 which is lower than 0.05 which shows that there is a
relationship between dividend policy and the growth of the firm’s sale under information and
technology sector

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