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No. of Printed Pages : 6 MRD-103


Term-End Examination, 2019

Time : 3 Hours] 'Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt all the five questions. All questions carry equal
marks. Answers to question nos. 1 and 2 should not
. exceed 800 words each.

1. Describe important theories and techniques of planning

for rural development. [20]


Describe major dimensions and the process of

formulation of a project. [20]

2. What' do you understand by a voluntary organization ?

Explain the need and process of registration of a voluntary
organization. [20]


MRD-103 ( 1 ) [P.T.O.]
What is grassroots level planning ? Discuss the role of
Panchayati Raj Institutions in it. [20]

3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 400

words each :

(a) Describe the machinery for planning at the state

level. [10]

(b) Explain the role of Information system in the

monitoring of a development project. [10]

(c) Examine the achievements of poverty alleviation

programmes. [10]

4. Attempt any four of the following in about 200 words

each :

(a) Credit delivery system. [5]

(b) District Planning Committees. [5]

(c) Essential prerequisites of economic planning.[5]

(d) Problems of voluntary organizations. [5]

(e) The project life-cycle. [5]

(f) Salt Satyagraha. [5]

MRD-103 (2)
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about
100 words each :

(a) Integrated Area Approach [4]

(b) Article 39 of the Constitution of India. [4]

(c) Consistency Factors of Planning Process. [4]

(d) Purpose Oriented Evaluation of a Project. [4]

(e) Mandatory Powers of Gram Sabha. [4]

(f) Concept of Power. [4]

(g) Narmada Bachao Andolan. [4]

(g) Organizational Accountability. [4]

MRD-103 ( 3 ) [P.T.O.]
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TFRI • 3 Elvt etitiebael 3fTi : 100

: Trift triv z97 tftti witt grA. virff

3r4a. fiun. 1 47 2 t ZW( (11c ct)) 800 2T4 tf
3Tfin t4

awry titql [a]


43.1-11 Altz[f 3 Ir aTrzrrlit tt arm

tItql [20]

2. tiflol aTrq err T[1:10 t ? Aft3T I

~ ivil cftul Gir4FR--dr a/17 AfkzIT iTclIZ QI*1 [20]


MRD-103 (4)
Old 4 Frt i eilumf qzrr *-4tW ? 4-fr4 #fEler 1T4
ffmraitt fmr t v -41 titql [20]

3. 1 1-11*Zsicl 4 74 3rd (OM) tviii41 400

RT-4 4 ttit7

(a) r KR' t4A-i1 1 t t11 11:51 Off tit71[10]

(b) f4Wff q i it t1 riTrut 4 gurrt

ftmr Frise tftm [10]

(c) TrItt zwpff TRW ‘14vi1Icii tItql


4. 4,1 # f4041 AR 397 (1.I 6) 011'4141 200

RT 4 tiftql
(a) Wrf-fdltui 51'31141 [5]

(b) itaT ii)%7111 III [5]

(c) eirfotw tilv1 ,11 aTKFTWO [5]

(d) AfbaT ti,tto [5]

(e) kiflq [5]

(f) tiv-11.10 [5]

MRD-103 ( 5 )
5. 4 tik #faiFf (TAT)
ci414141 100 21-4

(a) Crty ifkrtur [4]

(b) THWETTff TT 3rle4q 39 [4]

(c) NWT Wchqc11 cbIteb [4]

(d) tiRti vi-11 Tf 3t4z1 3-4JUI 1F1tT7 [4]

(e) grgr ITT t 3ir4-40 RTWT [4]

(0 WWI t 3T 111 [4]

(g) •14q1 61m11311 3T .1 [4]

(h) Ito-tic-9g) vicivst [4]

MRD-103 (6) 12,500

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