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Novel Corona virus or we can say COVID-19, has made the whole earth to come to standstill.

This pandemic as declared by WHO, is the health crisis and a great challenge one has faced
since world war-II. It has first emerged in Asian country in the city of wuhan, china, it has spread
to almost every continent. It has emerged and spread across the globe like a wave and made
the whole world to stop. Whole world is fighting and running in the race of developing vaccine
to stop the spread of this deadliest virus strain. But only thing people can do is practicing social
distancing and proper hygiene with frequent sanitization of hand. Humans were always
responsible for the damage that has been done to the mother nature. Rise in earth’s
temperature, causes may be many including pollution, deforestation, CO 2 emission, industry
waste disposal etc. Had this pandemic not surfaced out, humans might not have learnt how
much damage they have done to the nature. Everyone is fighting from this health crisis.

COVID impact on the environment

Canada is not new when it comes to the exposure of COVID-19. Till date, total confirmed cases
in Canada is around 80,000 with recovery rate of over 50% and near around over 7% fatality
rate. This virus has damaged much more than one could expect. It has affected environment,
social wellbeing and economy of the country in a way that it will leave the scars for the decades
to come. This virus has a great impact on environment, and social life of the people.

It is very difficult the see the positive side when on the other side thousands of people have
already died, still the silver lining that has been emerging during this crisis is the impact of covid
on environment and we can say, it has a great positive impact. Say it is pollution, or the ozone
layer being repaired, or pollution has come down significantly etc. since the start of the
pandemic, the travel, movement has come to a halt. Pollution level has been sharply declined,
which brings even cleaner air. Canadian govt.has imposed lockdown that restricts public
movement, vehicle movements except for essential services. This has cut down pollution level
almost to the half. Almost about 25% decrease in greenhouse gases has been recorded in the
country. Air quality has been improved a lot. Also, COVID has heightened the wildlife awareness

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