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Assignments :

Borj El Barajneh First Official School for Boys

Name: ________________________ Date: ___________________

Material: English sheet Class: Grade 3 (D)

Teacher: Zeinab Hayek

A. Read the text “An inventor from Lebanon” pg 72

B. study the following synonyms:

1. Fireplace= a place for fire

2. Famous = Known
3. Fairy = Someone or something that has magical powers
4. Tale = story

C. Fill oin the table with narrative elements from the text “An inventor from Lebanon” pg 72:




D. Answer the following questions in complete answers:

1. Who gave Cinderella her name and why?

2. What did the king’s men give Cinderella’s step mother?
3. What did Cinderella find out?
D. Put the words in the box under the correct picture:

Fairy Godmother - Stepmother - Stepsisters - Fireplace - necklace

a.______________ b.______________ c._________________

d.__________________ e.___________________

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