Annexure 8 - FAQ's On Online Proctored Examination

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) on Online Proctored Examination

1. What are the minimum system requirements for the online exam?

Minimum Requirements for taking Exams through Online Proctored Examination Platform​:
Hardware, Software & Connectivity Requirements:

i) Laptop or Desktop: RAM – Min. 2GB (4GB is recommended), Processor Speed - 1.5 GHz and above
ii) Operating Systems:
Microsoft Windows (version 7 or above)
MAC OS (any version)
Linux (any version)
iii) Browser: Only Google Chrome (Version 35+) browser for the above operating systems.
iv) Web camera with permissions to be used for online proctored examination
v) Smartphone (Any Android or iOS) with QR Code Scanner App.
Links for downloading QR Code Scanner App in Smartphone:
Android: ​
iOS: ​
vi) Internet Bandwidth: The minimum required bandwidth is 512 Kbps to 1 Mbps of internet speed
vii) Proper lighting for the use of Web Camera during the examination

Students are required to have a Laptop with an embedded Camera / separate Web Cam unit for
appearing for the examination. ​Please note that this is mandatory​. You may also consider attempting
the exam from an Internet Café as the examination is an Open book examination. Note that in case you
do not have a Web Camera, you will not be able to take the examination.

2. What are the internet bandwidth requirements for the exam?

Internet Bandwidth: The minimum required bandwidth is minimum of 512 Kbps to 1 Mbps of internet
speed on each machine.

3. Should I install any additional plug-in / software’s to my Laptop to take this exam? Can you share

No additional plug-in / software’s are required for taking this exam.

4. I am not using a windows Laptop. Can I still take the exam?

Yes it can be taken on any laptop but use only ​GOOGLE CHROME BROWSER​. It will not work on a Safari
browser. Please note that Laptops / Desktops with Windows 7 and above mentioned minimum
requirements are preferred. Note that in case you have a Laptop with a Mac OS, you must attempt the
examination using a Google Chrome Browser ​Only​. Students using Mac OS ​should not use​ Safari Web
browser for the examination.

5. Can I take the test on Mobile phone?

Students must not attempt the online proctored examination using a Mobile Phone. The examination
must be attempted only using a suitable Laptop / Desktop.

6. What is the duration of the online proctored exam? Will we get any buffer time to scan & upload

Duration of Online Proctored Exam is 2 Hours. Please note that you are required to manage the
uploading activity of your handwritten answers / figures / images / diagrams / equations within the
exam duration of 2 Hours (120 Minutes). No additional time shall be provided for this scanning and
uploading activity beyond the scheduled exam duration of 2 Hours (120 Minutes).

7. When can I Log into the online examination platform?

Students should login at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination for cross
verification by online proctors (invigilators).

8. Whom should I contact if I require some technical support during the exam?

In case you are facing any technical issues during the examination, please reach out to the Wheebox
Support team over the phone. Support number details will be shared before the exam.

9. I am not comfortable in typing my answer or drawing figures & diagrams or typing equations &
derivations on the screen of my Laptop / Desktop. Do I have an alternative?

Please note that you may either type in your answers for the questions in the Text box provided on the
screen or you may even upload a hand written A4 size answer sheet to answer any question. To upload
any hand written answer sheets, figures, images, diagrams, equations, derivations and workings as a
part of your answer during the exam, please follow the below steps for uploading using QR Code
Scanner App in your smartphone:

a) Draw / write the required figure / image / diagram / equation / derivation / hand written answer on a
plain A4 sheet paper as required
b) Click on the option to “Upload Answer Sheet Using - Mobile” on the test screen. A QR Code shall be
generated on the test screen.
c) Open the QR Code scanning app and scan the QR Code using your mobile phone camera.
d) Post scanning the QR Code, you can take an image using your mobile phone camera and upload the
figure / image / diagram / equation / derivation / hand written answer to your answer.

Please note that you will be able to upload only a single image with each QR code. In case you would like
to upload multiple figures images / diagrams / equations / derivations / hand written answer sheets
using your mobile phone, you will have to scan a QR Code separately. Note that each QR Code is valid
only for 60 Seconds after which you will have to scan a new QR Code.

Please make sure that you start drawing / writing the required figure / image / diagram / equation /
derivation / hand written answer pertaining to every question on a fresh A4 sheet paper. We also
request you to keep a sufficient number of plain A4 sheets, pen & drawing materials stationery handy
well in advance for this purpose. Also, make sure that your Mobile Phone is fully charged before
appearing for the examination as a measure against unexpected power outages.
10. If I choose to upload my hand written answer sheets instead of typing on the screen then for each
question, how many answer sheets can I upload? Do I need to upload the answer sheets separately
for every question?

Multiple answer sheets can be uploaded for a single question. Please note that a new QR code to be
used every time you wish to upload any one answer sheet. Please note that question-wise answer
sheets needs to be uploaded separately. Please make sure that you start answering the question or
drawing / writing the required figure / image / diagram / equation / derivation pertaining to every
question on a fresh A4 sheet paper so that you upload them separately for every question.

11. What will be the structure of the exam? What will be the nature of questions?

Online Exams will have Subjective Questions.

12. What if there are frequent internet outage / power loss / any other technical issues during the
exam? Can I still take the exam?

In case of temporary internet outage / power loss / any technical issues during the examination, you can
login once again after the internet / power is restored or a technical issue is resolved. You can continue
with the examination from the point you left. Your earlier responses would be stored in the server and
would be retrieved automatically. For students facing internet outage / power loss / any technical
issues, institution would allow an extension in the examination duration to compensate for the time
lost. Please note that each instance of logging out of the examination platform due to internet outage /
power loss / any technical issues can’t be for more than 10 minutes. Also, the cumulative duration of all
such instances can’t be more than 30 minutes in any examination. In case of any instance of interruption
in the exam due to temporary internet outage / power loss / any technical issue that lasts more than 10
minutes then the examination will be considered null and void and student will not be allowed to
re-login to continue the exam. Also, if the total duration of such instances goes beyond 30 minutes then
also the examination will be considered null and void and student will not be allowed to re-login to
continue the exam. ​In cases where the examination has been considered null and void due to reasons
mentioned here student will be allowed to take make-up examination as per the schedule announced
by the institution.
The final decision on considering an examination null and void will lie with BITS Pilani.

To understand this better refer to the following examples:

Example 1: Student who faces a one 10 minutes interruption due to internet outage / power loss / any
technical issues would be allowed to complete a 2 hours (120 minutes) exam in 2 hours and 10 minutes
(130 minutes).
Example 2: Student who faces two instances of 5 minutes interruptions and two instances of 10 minutes
interruptions due to internet outage / power loss / any technical issues would be allowed to complete a
2 hours (120 minutes) exam in 2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes).
Example 3: Student faces one instance of 15 minutes interruption due to internet outage / power loss /
any technical issues. Since the duration of this single interruption is more than 10 minutes, the
examination will be considered null and void and student will not be allowed to re-login to continue the
Example 4: Student faces four instances of 10 minutes interruptions due to internet outage / power loss
/ any technical issues. Since the cumulative interruption of all instances are more than 30 minutes, the
examination will be considered null and void and student will not be allowed to re-login to continue the

The above are examples only for improving the understanding of rules associated with situations where
an examination is interrupted due to internet outage / power loss / any technical issues.

13. In case of internet outage / power loss / any other technical issues during the exam, up to what
time I will able allowed to re-login into the exam?

Please refer to the answer for the Question No. 12 above and then also note that you will not be able to
re-login into the Fore Noon (FN) Examinations after 12:30 PM and the After Noon (AN) Examinations
after 4:30 PM.

14. In case if I am unable to complete the exam due to any internet outage / power loss / any other
technical issues during the online ​regular​ exam for more than 30 minutes, will I be allowed to take
examination again?

Then the exam will be considered null and void and the student will have the option of taking the
online proctored ​make-up​ ​exam as per the schedule announced by the institution. The final decision on
considering an examination null and void in such a case will lie with BITS Pilani.

15. In case if I am unable to complete the exam due to any internet outage / power loss / any other
technical issues during the online ​make-up​ exam for more than 30 minutes, will I be allowed to take
examination again?

Then the exam will also be considered null and void and the student will be awarded a "​Grade Awaited​"
status for the respective course and he / she will be allowed to register for the next semester courses.
However he / she will then take that exam when another make-up exam is scheduled during the next
semester. The final decision on considering an examination null and void in such a case and award of
"Grade Awaited" status on a course will be taken by BITS Pilani.

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