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Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020

Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


I. Course Information
Course Code: CC-COMPROG12 LEC Units 2 Course Description:
Course Title: Computer Programming 2 LAB Units: 1
This course covers advanced computer programming constructs and introduces object-oriented programming concepts
Pre-requisite(s): CC-COMPROG11 LEC Hours: 36 using appropriate programming language(s) such as C, C++ and/or Java. Emphasis is on control and modular
structures, simple data structures, and the difference between procedural and object-oriented programming
Co-requisite(s): Computer Programming 1 LAB Hours: 54 approaches. Topics include arrays, strings, abstract data types, classes, and objects.

II. PO-CILO Activation Mapping

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) Program Outcomes (POs)
By the end of the course, you should be able to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
CILO1. Create syntactically and semantically correct computer programs using control and modular structures, arrays, strings,
abstract data types, classes and objects.
CILO2. Distinguish between a procedural and an object-oriented programming approach. E I E
CILO3. Write readable and maintainable computer programs that apply appropriate coding standards and documentation

III. Course Outputs / Assessment of Learning (Summative)

CILO # Required Output Weight Specification / Remarks
1,3 Major Examination 33
Midterm and Final Examination
.Practical Exam/Case Studies(25%), Machine Problems(20%), Quizzes/Assignments(12%), Seatworks/ Research
1,2,3 Class Performance 67

TOTAL: 100 % [appropriate rubrics may be specified in the remarks]

Prepared by: Approved by: Page:

Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 1 of 19
(Faculty Member) (Dean)
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


IV. Teaching and Learning Plan

CILO # Modules / Units / Topics Teaching/Learning Activities (TLAs) Assessment for Learning (Formative) Tools / Resources Time Frame / Sked
Required Preliminary Readings: ●Email Campaign: Materials related to the Resources:
1. UC and CCS VMGO – Core Values required preliminary readings shall be sent ●Handouts: UC-CCS VMGO-CV, PEOs,
2. PEOs to the students via email. (A) Student Outcomes, Course Outline
3. Student Outcomes ●10 Core Rules of Netiquette (Shea, 2020)
4. Class Requirements (Gmail & Zoom ●Java Programming (Farrell, 2019)
accounts) ●Google Classroom Tutorial for Students
5. Instructions for Joining Google (Permiakov, 2020)
Classroom ●Gmail Full Tutorial (Anson, 2019)
6. Instructional Resources & Student’s ●Google Meet Cheat Sheet (Google, 2020)
Guide to using Google Classroom, ●Super Easy Guide to Zoom (Zoom, 2020)
Gmail, Email Etiquette, Google Meet, ●Google Productivity Tools Tutorial Videos
Zoom & Google Productivity Tools
7. 10 Core Rules of Netiquette Tool: Gmail
Class Orientation ●Virtual Meeting (S) ●Breakout Sessions (S) Resources:
1. Expectations from the Online Classes o A 1-hour class orientation o Students need to build the ● Handouts
2. Intended Learning Outcomes before starting the first formal KWLH (what I Know, what I ● Presentation deck
3. Course Outputs lesson. Want to know, what I Learned, ● Recorded video of the virtual Week1
4. Course Modules reflection on How I learned) meeting (June 15- 17)
5. House Rules chart using Jamboard. ● Pre-recorded lecture videos
● Virtual Meetings ● Rubrics for Grading
● Digital Office Hours
● Submission of Deliverables
o Assignments
o Learner’s Reflection
● Class Communication

2 1. Introduction to Java
Prepared by: Approved by: Page:
Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 2 of 19
(Faculty Member) (Dean)
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


● Comparing Procedural and OOP ●Preparation ●Assignment(A)

Concepts ○ Video Presentations and ● Google Classroom
Digital Reading (A) ● Web
(Overview of Java ● Youtube
● Features of the Java Programming Programming Language, The ● Google docs
Language use of Java Today, Why is
Java so famous? Why learn
● Java IDEs and installation

● Analyzing a Java Application that

Produces Console Output h?
● Compiling a Java Class and AhkqJs&feature=emb_logo
Correcting Syntax Errors
● Running a Java Application and h?v=3Per7Gq6G2M
Correcting Logic Errors
● Adding Comments to a Java Class business/why-learn-java/
●Discussion Question/Topic (A/S)
○ Discussion Thread (A/S) ●Google Classroom Question (A/S) ● Discussion Forum
(Activating prior knowledge, ● Google Classroom
the student may take a ● Youtube
stand/share reaction/share an
opinion on the video clip
Prepared by: Approved by: Page:
Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 3 of 19
(Faculty Member) (Dean)
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


(A video spoof depicting a
doomsday scenario of what
the world be like without Java)

● Instruction and Practice ● Machine Problems (A)

○ Video Presentation and Digital ● Essay (A) ● IDE
Reading (A) ● Reaction/Discussion Paper(A) ● Google Docs
(Procedural vs Object- ● Quiz (A/S) ● Youtube
Oriented approach, Features ● Web
of Java Programming) ● Google Forms

● Discussion Topic
(Installing IDE) (Challenges and issues during installation) ● Discussion Forum/Google Classroom
https://data- Question

○ Video Presentations and ● Youtube

Digital Reading (A) ● Web
(Analyzing Java application,
Compiling and Running Java
Application, Correcting Syntax
and Logic Errors, Adding
Prepared by: Approved by: Page:
Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 4 of 19
(Faculty Member) (Dean)
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020



o Student Activity/Practice (A) ● Google docs/Google Sheets

-Independent Activity ● Jamboard
(Group Collaborative
Activity/Individual Activity)

● Feedbacking ● Google Meet/Zoom/Messenger

○ Q&A (S)
1 2. Using Data
● Declaring Constants and Variables ● Preparation ● Admit Slip (S) ●Jamboard
o Video Presentation (A) ● Google Classroom Question (S) ●Google Classroom/Google Meet ●Youttube Week1
h?v=iFzA43xR04s (June 18-19)

● Primitive Data Types in Java ● Instruction and Practice

● Google Meet
○ Online Guided Discussion (S) ● Course Module in Google Classroom

● Input in Java (Scanner and ○ Digital Reading (A) ● Web

Prepared by: Approved by: Page:

Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 5 of 19
(Faculty Member) (Dean)
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


JOptionPane) https://www.geeksforgeeks.or
● Youtube
○ Video Demonstration (A) ● Recorded Virtual Meeting Video
(Scanner input)
● Google Classroom
(User input with JOptionPane) ● Machine Problems (A) ● Google Forms ● Assignment (A)
h?v=arcTW_znJYY ● Quiz (S)
● Oral Recitation (S) ● Zoom
○ Student Activity/Practice (A)

● Feedbacking (S) ● Exit Slip (A) ● Jamboard

○ Code Critiquing ● Reflection (A) ● Google Docs
1, 2,3 3. Methods, Classes and Objects ● Preparation
● Admit Slip (S) ● Jamboard
● Method Declaration and ○ Discussion forum (S) ● Google Classroom Assignment (S) ● Google Classroom
Implementation ● Google Meet/Zoom Week2
○ w/ or w/o Parameter ○ Online Quiz/Game (S) (June 22-23)
○ w/ or w/ Return Type ● Mentimeter
● Method Call
Prepared by: Approved by: Page:
Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 6 of 19
(Faculty Member) (Dean)
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


○ Video Demonstration (S) ● Youtube

● Creating a Class (classes and objects)
● Declaring Objects and Using their h?v=MeP1CztNMdo
● Instruction and Practice
● Using Constructors
○ Online Guided Discussion (S) ●Google Classroom
● Understanding that Classes Are ● Course Module in Google Classroom
Data Types ○ Digital Reading (A)
https://data- ● Web

and-object/ ● Youtube
● Recorded Virtual Meeting Video
○ Video Demonstration (A)
(Java Classes and Objects) ● Quiz (A) ● Google Forms ● Machine Problems (A) ● Google Classroom
h?v=4xKihjI6HJ0 (A) ● Case Study (A)
● Practical Exam (S) ● GoogleMeet

○ Student Activity/Practice (A)

● Oral Exam (S) ● Google Meet/Zoom

● Feedbacking
○ Q and A (A) ● Exit Slip (S) ● Jamboard
○ Code Critiquing (A) ● Reflection (A) ● Google Docs
Prepared by: Approved by: Page:
Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 7 of 19
(Faculty Member) (Dean)
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


1,3 4. Making Decisions ● Preparation

○ Digital Readings (A) ● ● Google Classroom
● The if and if…else Statements (If and If...else Statements, Assignment (A) ● Web Week2
● Using Multiple Statements in if and Basic Operators in Java, ● Youtube (June 24- 26)
if…else Clauses Nesting if and if… Switch Statement)
else Statements
● Logical AND and OR Operators java/
● Making Accurate and Efficient
● Switch Statement
● The Conditional and NOT h?v=aE9SdOnSUdk
● Operator Precedence /tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/swit

○ Discussion threads /
Mentimeter(A/S) ● Discussion Forum
(Checks the understanding of ● Discussion Question/Topic(A/S) ● Mentimeter

● Instruction and Practice

○ Video Demonstration on If and ● IDE
If...else statement, Basic ● Machine Problems (A) ● Google Forms
Operators in Java and Switch ● Quiz (A) ● Youtube
Statement. (A) ● Oral Exam (S)
Prepared by: Approved by: Page:
Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 8 of 19
(Faculty Member) (Dean)
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


● Discussion Paper(A)

○ Student Activity/Practice (A/S)

(Program coding, tracing, etc..
activity or practice)
-Guided Online Practice (S) or
Independent Activity/Practice

● Feedbacking (S)
○ Q and A ● Google Meet/Zoom/Messenger
○ Code Critiquing

1,3 5. Looping ● Preparation

● Admit Slip ●Jamboard
● while Loop ○ Discussion forum (S) ● Assignment (A) ●Google Classroom Week2
(June 24- 26)
Prepared by: Approved by: Page:
Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 9 of 19
(Faculty Member) (Dean)
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


● do…while Loop - Online Quiz/Game ● Google Meet/Zoom ● Mentimeter
● for Loop pkyo

● Nested Loops ○ Video Demonstration (A) ●Youtube

● Improving Loop Performance

● Instruction and Practice

○ Online Guided Discussion (S) ●Google Classroom

● Course Module in Google Classroom
○ Digital Reading (A)
(while, do while, for loop) ● Web

○ Video Demonstration (A) ●Youtube

(while, do while, for loop) ● Recorded Virtual Meeting Video
h?v=cakN0XC6CcQ ● Research (A) ● Google Docs
● Quiz (A) ● Google Forms
● Machine Problems (A) ● Google Classroom
Prepared by: Approved by: Page:
Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 10 of
(Faculty Member) (Dean) 19
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


○ Student Activity/Practice (A)

● Feedbacking ● Oral Exam (S) ● Google Meet

○ Q and A (A) ● Google Docs
○ Code Critiquing (S) ● Exit Slip (S) ● Jamboard

MIDTERM EXAMINATION (Summative Resources:

Assessment) ● Questionnaire
● Chapters Test or Practical Exam ● Rubrics for Grading

Tools: Google Meet, Google Calendar, Gmail

& Google Classroom, Google Forms
1,3 6. Characters, String, and Stringbuilder ● Preparation
○ Digital Readings (A) ● Assignment (A) ● Google Classroom
● String Data Problems -Characters ● Web Week 3
/tutorial/java/data/characters.h (June 29-30)
● Character Class Methods tml

● Declaring and Comparing String
Objects /tutorial/java/data/strings.html

● Other String Methods

● Discussion Question/Topic(A/S) ● Discussion Forum

Prepared by: Approved by: Page:
Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 11 of
(Faculty Member) (Dean) 19
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


● StringBuilder and StringBuffer ○ Discussion threads / ● Mentimeter

Classes Mentimeter(A/S)
(Checks the understanding of

● Instruction and Practice ● Machine Problems (A) ● Offline/Online IDE

○ Video Demonstration on ● Quiz (A/S) ● Google Forms/Quiz tools
Characters, String and ● Oral Exam (S) ● Youtube
StringBuilder manipulation. (A) ● Discussion Paper(A) ● Google Docs

○ Student Activity/Practice (A/S)

(Program coding, tracing, etc..
activity or practice)
-Guided Online Practice (S) or
Independent Activity/Practice

● Feedbacking (S) ● Google Meet/Zoom/Messenger

Prepared by: Approved by: Page:

Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 12 of
(Faculty Member) (Dean) 19
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


○ Q and A
○ Code Critiquing
1,3 7. Array ● Preparation
○ Digital Readings(A) ● Assignment (A) ● Google Classroom
● Declaring and Initializing an Array ● Youtube Week 3
ays-in-java/ (July 1-3)

● Using Variable Subscripts with an

Array a-programming/arrays
○ Video Presentation (A)
● One-dimensional Array (concept of array)
● Searching and Sorting One-
dimensional Array ○ Discussion threads / ● Discussion Question/Topic(A/S) ● Discussion Forum
Mentimeter(A/S) ●
(Checks the understanding of
● Two-dimensional Array concepts)

● Instruction and Practice ● Machine Problems(A) ● IDE

● Multi-dimensional Array ○ Video Presentation and ● Quiz (S) ● Google Forms/Quiz tools
Demonstration of Array ● Case Study/Discussion Paper (A) ● Google Docs
Manipulation (A)


Prepared by: Approved by: Page:

Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 13 of
(Faculty Member) (Dean) 19
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


○ Student Activity/Practice (A/S)

(Program coding, tracing, etc..
activity or practice)
-Guided Online Practice (S) or
Independent Activity/Practice

● Feedbacking (S) ● Google Meet/Zoom/Messenger

○ Q and A
○ Code Critiquing

1,2,3 8. Advanced Object Concepts ● Preparation

● Admit Slip (S) ●Jamboard
● Blocks and Scope ○ Discussion forum (S) ● Assignment (S) ●Google Classroom Week4
- Online Quiz/Game ● Google Meet/Zoom (July 6 -10)
● Method Overloading ● Mentimeter
v9c9 Week5
● Creating and Calling Constructors (July 13 -14)
with Parameters ○ Video Demonstration (A) ●Youtube
(classes and objects)
● The this reference
● Using static Field

Prepared by: Approved by: Page:

Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 14 of
(Faculty Member) (Dean) 19
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


● Instruction and Practice

● Automatically imported, prewritten
constants and methods ○ Guided Online Discussion (S) ●Google Classroom
● Course Module in Google Classroom
● Composition and Nest Classes ○ Digital Reading (A) ● Web

○ Video Demonstration (A) ●Youtube

(composition) ● Recorded Virtual Meeting Video

(nest classes) ● Quiz (A) ● Google Forms
h?v=ACE0b7jrPDk ● Machine Problems (A) ● Google Classroom
● Case Study (A)
● Practical Exam (S) ● Google Meet
○ Student Activity/Practice (A)

● Feedbacking
● Oral Exam (S) ● Google Meet
○ Q and A (A)
○ Code Critiquing (S) ● Exit Slip (S) ● Jamboard
● Reflection (A) ● Google Docs

Prepared by: Approved by: Page:

Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 15 of
(Faculty Member) (Dean) 19
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


FINAL EXAMINATION (Summative ● Questionnaire
Assessment) ● Rubrics for Grading the System Week5
● Chapters Test ● Rubrics for Grading the (July 15)
● Practical Exam Presentation

Tools: Google Meet, Google Calendar, Gmail

& Google Classroom, Google Forms
NOTE: Please specify (S)-Synchronous or (A)-Asynchronous for every TLA and/or Assessment

Prepared by: Approved by: Page:

Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 16 of
(Faculty Member) (Dean) 19
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


V. Textbook(s) and References

Textbook (APA Format): References (APA Format including citations):
Farrell, J. (2019). Java programming. Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd. 1. Burd, B. A. (2017). Java for dummies. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Farrell, J. (n.d.). Java Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design Lab Manual (2nd ed.).
3. Getting Started with Java. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2020, from
4. Malik, D. S. (2018). C++ programming: program design including data structures. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
5. Malik, D. S. (2012). Java programming: from problem analysis to program design . Boston, MA: Course Technology,
Cengage Learning.
6. Mayfield. (2012). Java Programming Concepts and Applications (3rd ed.).
7. Mayfield, B. E. (2012). Java programming: from problem analysis to program design: lab manual . Singapore: Cengage
Learning Asia Pte Ltd.
8. Vine, M. A. (2009). C programming for the absolute beginner. Boston: Cengage Learning Course Technology.

VI. Other Information (Classroom Rules and Policies/ Teacher Information, etc.)

Grading System /Computation of Grades

Major Examination 1/3 Midterm and Final Examinations

Class Standing 2/3 Achievement of the student in relation to the CILO outputs or assessments required of the course

Periodical Grade = ⅓ * Major Examination + ⅔ * Class Standing


Prepared by: Approved by: Page:

Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 17 of
(Faculty Member) (Dean) 19
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


Hardware Specifications(Recommended) : Processor Speed: 1.Ghz or faster, RAM: 1GB or more , Free Disk Space : 1GB or more

Software Requirements:
IDEs to Use: Eclipse, BlueJ, JGrasp, JCreatorLE
Java Version: Java 5 or higher

Digital Office Hour:

● 1 hour daily, time to be agreed upon by the whole class
Online Learning Session:
● 1 hour of daily synchronous activities
● 1 hour of daily asynchronous activities
● Attendance will be checked through Zoom’s group photo.
Weekly Reflection Journal:
● Each student is required to submit a weekly self-reflection journal shared to the instructor using Google Docs. The student will follow the KQRN format. With KQRN, students reflect on what they know about a topic but
then ask them to formulate questions to investigate. Then reflect again and continue to question.
Class Communication/Feedback:
● Email, Class Group Chat for class communication
● Jamboard/Good Docs for feedback
● Class communication/feedback will be based on the agreed Digital Office hour

Teacher’s Information:
● Name:
● About: (
● Facebook:
● Twitter:
Prepared by: Approved by: Page:
Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 18 of
(Faculty Member) (Dean) 19
Course Guide School Year: 2019-2020
Semester/Term: Summer
Online / Flexible Learning
University of Cebu (Main Campus)
College of Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Revision Date: 28 May 2020


● Youtube:

Prepared by: Approved by: Page:

Neil Basabe/Jecris Sabanal Melvin Niñal/Moma Ortega/Aurora Miro 19 of
(Faculty Member) (Dean) 19

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