Digital Transformation Implementation During New Normal Due To COVID-19 Pandemic For Document Management in Indonesia

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Digital Transformation Implementation during New Normal due to COVID-19 Pandemic for

Document Management in Indonesia (Implementasi Transformasi Digital selama New Normal

disebabkan Pandemi COVID-19 terhadap Manajemen Dokumen di Indonesia)

Prepare By: Yusuf Bramantika Situmorang

Bogor (5/6/2020)

It cannot be denied anymore, that many changes have occurred in all aspects of life,
since the presence of COVID-19 throughout the world. Starting from China, until finally did
not escape as well, this country of Indonesia is also infected with this deadly virus. One of
the most drastic changes is digital transformation. What is digital transformation? Digital
transformation refers to the processes and strategies of using digital technology to drastically
change the way businesses operate and serve customers. This phrase has become
common in the era of digitalization. That's because every organization - regardless of size or
industry - is increasingly dependent on data and technology to operate more efficiently and
deliver value to customers. When receiving news from the World Health Organization that
the COVID-19 virus will not disappear, then came a new policy proposed by President
Jokowi, namely "New Normal". Quoted from the Kompas TV article, do our activities, we do
have to compromise with Covid, we can co-exist with Covid, we must make peace with
Covid, said President Jokowi (5/15/2020). During this pandemic, all companies, MSMEs,
entrepreneurs or business people must have really racked their brains to boost their
business to keep going. Likewise with other activities, one of which is Document
Management. It would be more effective and efficient if in this day and age to utilize
technology that is developing very rapidly.
Quoted from, here are some issues related to documents that
commonly occur, especially in work activities: 1. The difficulty of searching for a document,
especially searching specifically. For example: looking for documents created within a
certain period and by users, with descriptions, document numbers and specific projects, 2.
Difficulty determining documents with the latest version because every employee has a
different document naming format, and we often do not know who holds the latest version. 3.
To get a physical document, requires considerable effort, starting from finding out the
position of the physical document, retrieve it, and deliver it to people who need it. 4. The
amount of office space and file cabinets, is not proportional to the high growth of documents.
It would be better if the office space is used for something else, rather than just being a
document storage. 5. High risk of losing documents. Physical documents are vulnerable to
damage, especially if a natural disaster results in companies losing documents as an
important asset 6. Security, permissions for each document we can not set freely.
Seeing the problems above, we need an integrated system, so that however many
company documents can be managed properly. This system is called the Document
Management System (DMS). Yes, like it or not, companies must be flexible to the times, if
they don’t want to be left behind. Therefore, it is very necessary to implement a digital
transformation into the company system, especially in today’s world conditions which will
implement the “New Normal” life, especially in Indonesia. In Anissa Indira’s research (2013),
one of the companies that has implemented a Document Management System (DMS), PT.
Caterpillar Indonesia Batam & Jakarta, although there are still some obstacles, one of them
is the payment process, especially in the use of Document Management System (DMS). PT
Caterpillar Indonesia Batam, which just started, does not have a DMS scanner and doesn’t
know how it works. Therefore PT Caterpillar Indonesia Batam has requested assistance
from PT Caterpillar Indonesia Jakarta to scan invoices into the system so that invoices can
be processed.
Some companies that provide Document Management System (DMS) services
include PT. Tata Cipta Document Indonesia and PT. Poros Network Nusantara. Judging
from its history, in the 1980s, a number of vendors had begun to develop software systems
for managing paper-based documents. But in Indonesia itself, digital data / documents have
not yet been considered ‘legal’. One example is, if job applicants follow an interview
invitation, even though personal data from the applicant has been sent via email or other
media, still applicants must bring a hardcopy file, be it curriculum vitae (CV), diploma, or
completeness of data other self. So this is what makes work in document management still
less effective and efficient, even though there are so many job applicants who want to be
interviewed, especially if a large-scale company. That is the obstacle in implementing
system-based document management. Indonesian law itself does not yet support paperless
implementation. So even though the facilities already support, the law does not yet support
and also the culture or habits of Indonesia that still do not consider that without hardcopy or
‘paper’ files it is not legal or legal, so that Indonesia itself still implements a dual system
(paperless & paper).
That is the obstacle in implementing system-based document management.
Indonesian law itself does not yet support paperless implementation. So even though the
facilities already support, the law does not yet support and also the culture or habits of
Indonesia that still do not consider that without hardcopy or ‘paper’ files it is not legal or
legal, so that Indonesia itself still implements a dual system (paperless & paper).
We certainly hope that in the future, the implementation of this digital transformation,
one of which is document management, especially because it is supported by the current
pandemic conditions, may be immediately legalized or legalized by the Indonesian
government. Hopefully in this new world condition called "New Normal, we can all adapt to
the many changes that occur. Hopefully this short article may be useful for readers. Finally,
the author would like to thank the readers who have listened to the writing this until it's

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