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Computer science (code 30424) a.y.


Assignment lesson 8


Correct answers should be found in the chapters of the course textbook 1 mentioned below.

1) The VLOOKUP function in Excel:

a) Looks for a specified value in the first row of a table and returns the corresponding value
found in a following row of the same table

b) Is a logical function similar to the IF and IFERROR functions

c) Looks for a specified value in the first column of a table and returns the corresponding
value found in a following column of the same table

d) Looks for the position of a value in a list, and return its size relative to the other values in
the list

2) In Excel, to find out which are the two highest numbers in a list of numbers we can use:

a) The MAX function

b) The MATCH function

c) The VLOOKUP function

d) The RANK.EQ function

3) In Excel, is it possible to protect with a password a single cell of a worksheet?

a) Yes, with the command Protect Worksheet

b) Yes, using Data validation

c) No, it is possible to protect the worksheet but not single cells

d) Yes, but the workbook must be encrypted

4) Which of the following Excel file formats allows saving a macro in the workbook?

a) .xlsx

b) .xslt

c) .xlsm

d) .xlsa

Computer skills handbook for economics, third edition, edited by Alberto Clerici, Egea, 2017
Correct answers can be found in the following chapters:

1) Chapter 4.3.1

2) Chapter 4.6.5

3) Chapter 3.4

4) Chapter 6.2.5

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