Persian Grammar

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| PERSIAN GRAMMAR For reference and revision | | | John Mace | | Contents Introduction 2.24 Alphabet and nonslphabeticl signs 25 elated nasa’ 27 ateaSe Staite handing 28 Persian transcription 2 Pronunciation seript 1 Teaneription 2. Long and short vowels diphthongs 4 Doubled letters 6 Colloquia pronuncation 7 Arabi fore 13 Nouns and adjectives 1 Nouns genera 2 Definite and indefinite nouns 3 Delinte drecabject sult Hy ea 5 ASLol exif with nouns 6 Adjectives general 7 Adjective used as complement 5 Attibutiveadctives 9 Comparative adjectives 10 Superlative adjectives 11 Postessve adjectives 12 Demnonsestive adjectives 7 14. Distributive adjectives a 20 Partciples 15 4 Pronouns & 21 orming the perfect tense Ww 1 Gener 6 22. Using the perfect tense 118 2 Subject pronouns 5 23. Forming the perfect subjunctive terse 119 3 Direct objet pronouns « 24 Using the perfect subjunctive tense vat 41 Prepositions with pronouns oa 25 Forming the pluperfet tense 121 5. Posesive pronouns ea 26 Using the ploperfet tense 12 6 Demonstatve pronouns 6 27 Forming the future tense 12 7 lnterogive pronoun 70 28 Using the fate tense ves 8 apd n 29. Compound ves 124 9. Reciprocal pronouns 72 20 Passive voice 128 10. Distrbutve pronouns n 6 Prepositions 135 5 Verbs 7 1 General 133 1 Genera 7 2. Basic prepositions 133 2 Infinitive 7 3. Prepositions with SLi ed 134 2 Position ofthe ves 7 4 Preposiions and conjunctions 106 4 Agwoment 7 5. Prepositions governing other expressions 196 5 Simple and compound verbs nm {Omission fy be 197 © Government: subject, complement and object % 17 Adverbs 109 7 Tenses at General 139 8 Forming the post tonse ® 2. Foming adverbs 130 9 Using the past tense 85 3 Comparative and superiatve of adverbs 143 1 Fong the present tone 87 4 nterogativeadverbe 143 11. Forming the present tense obo 05 5. Onlerof adverbs 18 12 Using the present tense 92 6 Advebil participles a 1 Forming the imperfect tense 100 8 Syntax 15 14 Using the impertect tense 101 1 Generat 5 i 15 Colloquia continuous tenses 02 2 Questions 5 16. Forming the presen subjunctive tense 108 3. Indizect speech “7 17 Using the present subjunctive tense 108 44 Clauses - general 149 8 imperative 07 5 Nown clauses 150 19 Acxilny verbs 109 6 Relative clauses 182 7 Clouser of purpose Clauses of result 9 Clauses of tine 11. Concitionslelates 12 Clauses of concession 13. Clauses of manner 14 Topicand comment 15 Quastmpersna structures 16 Wishes and exclamations 1 Neral 2. Cardinal aumbers 3 Oxdinal mambers 41 Other mumencal expressions 5. Fractions and percentage 6 Other adjectival forms and adverbial forms 7 aylabiat 18 Measurement 10. Clock 11 Calendar 12 Age 10 Arabic forms 1 General 3. Verbal noun 4 Wontending 3. -aat 5 Je gtete and job gelre 6 Define aise 11 Wordbuitding 1. General 156 156 157 150 160 69 165, 168 167 169 160 172 17 1% v5, 175 178 17 170 100 181 181 181 106 187 187 00 2. Derived and compound nouns 2 Derived an compound adjectives 4 Derived vers 12 Potite forms 1 Gener 2. Pronoun 3. Phil forsingslar 4 Veibe Prepositions 6 Requesting and thanking Appendix I Ievegula pretent stems of verbs Appendix Ik ail eife 1 Genel 2 Wining and pronunciation 3 Use Appendix I Sufi. Group 1 Indefinite Relative Group2 Noung 7 Adjective ga. i Appendix IV Definite direc-object suff yr 2 Waiting and pronunciation 3 Use 160 200 203 200 200 208 204 206 206 219 219 24 216 215 216 216 216 27 28 28 a9 219 22a Introduction isis revision and reference grmar book whose purpose 1s to act as support for any course of Persian and especially to ep stein her ely and intermedi ages, Wis not course book, Bach paragraph makes as few assumptions as possible about previows knowledge ofthe theme being studied. The book doesnot iam to examine every pint in uropaans. Although the book follows modern spelling it indiates also those oder forms of speling sil itaay The transcription accompanying the Te caer! accurate sflestion of the pronunciation. Educated colloqusl sof the standard pronation ace sh and explained this colloquial pronunciation saclay completely ‘comet and you are recommended tous it whenever you ave no ening lou quoting from a writen txt. Standard pronation i away acceptable; but without 3 knowledge of cll pronunciation you will mss mach of whit 8 sid ko Yous and your own spoken Perslan will never “ake off without at leat some use of it Coliogual forms ave shown i ang quotation marks «in transcription. Grammar books sometimes sepafate mich information into morphology (word struchre) and syntax (sentence structure Many staden's nd this distinction unnecessary In this book, Polns of syntax ae, as fora possible, studied together weit the appropriate parts of pesch. The syntix chapter examines ony ‘hose points which cannot bo 9 sudied Reference aumbers inthe text relate to chapter mumber/ paragraph umber. Roman numbers eer ode appends The index supplements the references quoted in the chapters nd appendices, and should ike them, be fully set inthe sare forthe right structure ake this epportunity to express my thanks to Gay Forough, Sharare Atabaks Nostrand Mahinoud Khankhzzt foe die help in checking the examples, to Jeannine and Paul Tye for permitsion tilde thie photographs, and to Mallya Moon foe her help in proot-rading. Any remaining shortcomings are my responsibility, 1. Writing 1. General in other chapters ofthis bok each paragraph is lactete in other words far as possible does et assume that ce sudan has stoied any ther paragraphs. “This chaper on the other an i of necessity continous tat sch paragraph sssues knowledge of al provi pragma the chapter. Paragraphs 1/2 lo 25 below give the printed forms of the alphabetical letters and other signs, Many forms look diferent ‘when handwritten 1/26 and 27 below show handwrite forms The vetng ofthe numerals examined in 9/1 Chapter 2 shoves the pronunciation of the ltlert nnd thie transcription used in this book 2, Alphabet and spalling Perian is waite with a modified Aric alphabet. The genes Pinepes of us alphabet ae: +The tng rs fom ght et = + Thar reno copter. + Short vowels thereare thee which we tanserbe as 2 re mostly not writen, but inferred from the outine and context, There i 4 means af making these vowels bu iis Icy ever seen outside ahaa! tenthocks, 1+ Most lets aze joined 1 the letter following dhe inthe same word, i,t the left Those are one eters, Almost all of hate have shor form when joined to the following leer and a ful for yen nt one 1+ few lett, ile jon’ leters,are neve joined tothe This book uses the modem rlormed sping, Some older epling a 1 Wisin ae, however, sl encountered, and these are appropriate Tour The fist and comment letra te phe is called ae I is a dijined Wetter, never jlned to the Hater following it. Te pronounce flows 1+ atte beginning ofa wor, it shows the presence of one af tho hort vowels a0, (which ae not tharslues writer) 4+ Sethe middle of atthe end ofa word, epresnts the long vowel ef mad This variant of I aif i writen atthe beginning of a ord to represen vel s z GC O-CO Gate Theve fou leer calle be, pe, and 3 all ook ale except for the dot) above or below them. They are of course writen Jeftwards € They are pronounced respectively 2p, ands. They ach one ha short fort use a he begining on the mde of ‘9 word, and a fll form used a¢ the end of a word or when SesrereUsUSESERTeTeTeSSESERTECETESTOCETESSSCESTSSSTSIOTEE 1 Weng Combined with I aleorT alef made (1/3 and 4 above) they appeat as follows: sol ab water (olf and alef made are nt joins to the next ete this ase) ba why (honor ofthe & pa toot | be group are joined 1a ura) J tothe allowing the solr bah chapter (ofa book) + se occurs only ia very fow words of Arabic origin. The commonest eter for shown in 1/12 below. The letiers of the «2 be group are called “toothed eters thee shot form without it ois iso called a toth’. There ae other toothed eters, sued bow Os a The eter mu represen the sound n, This a joined ter, and as wo forms: a short ors used a he beginning ori the middle fof a word, anda full form ied at the end of « ward or when standing alone. Th short form ia toth (se 1/5 above} the lng ‘gW nan treea ™ re The Ltr ye isa joined lete, witha toothed shor form wed as are those of the be group (1/5 above). The long form, used a the end of a word of witen the etter stands alone, has 0 dots. swoop bow he in of print. 3e hs the allowing pronunciations 1 althe begining ofa wor: the consonant y + inthe mile of word: the consonant, the lng vowel 1 Wing + atthe end ofa word {aera consonant, the long vse i oF (ess often) the ‘vowehcombinaton also, atthe end of 8 very few words taken from Arabic (am example of which is ven in 1/21 below) + after a vowel the allble ye; vary rely Gowan wtb thok ny ein tween gL pan sd lie Biba dese al nye deputy The combination di i writen ileal eel begining @ ‘wor, the ist ofthe two eters ye ei let ay ain tom, coon gay Bar you nay come Gul ain cust ‘na few words this combination is weten wih one eae 1/18 12s a rue that no vowel oer than tong can begin a word in wating Whee a vowel the than she st sound, i mnt be Introduce. The commonest eter for ntodacig vowels | ale cl in this 3 The fete va ea joined eter with only one form, exensng, Below the ine af pit vs pronounced: + atthebegianing ofa word: + inthe middle or atthe end ofa word: vo he lng vowel or (ess often) the vwelcombinaion oi. At the end of ety few word al of which are important represents 1+ iva fe important word iti sent se 1/13 below 3 ¥0,0" and by) etn por sy bal 68 aye "10 nav warship “bu sm Thecombiration sis writen gang the fat ofthe two (ee bi sonal ‘The re gen in 1/7 above concerning rita vowel pis here ale lw be, she The word y pronounced» and, marked * above, ban exception pe fom are used inthe manner described in 1/5 abowe. The fall oem ha a aching sigh doven below the eof pink oe man | plage il main we stay 7 nam ame oo ti hat ‘Amini tooth (0 1/5 above) preceding minis often invered and raised, Intl mim is often neo ised when followed by soter mi

aa 3a The dij eters called an 20 have only one frm each, denice but forthe dot. Those letters rst on the Hin of prin They are sounded respectively d and 2.348 not the commanest elles forthe sound tha shown in thea paragraph ele tna wom gles dandon tooth DAs? davon one sy lye mi mandi you show lage midinad helsne knows dal dad Hash care 834i naruadand tay shoves i za mi dyad Halse coms u The disjoined letters re (sounded 7), 2¢ Gounded 2) and 26 (sounded, see 2/3), are identical but for ttr dots. They each have one form ony, Which curves down sighty bel te ie of print Ati sight his group may seem to be similar othe 9d group There is in fat no canusion; re and ear joined to the previous letra he head, ad they ste nimedistely downward, wile {Landa joined to the previous ater atthe ang, and the whole ter ren onthe lie of writing 520s the commonest etter (out of thee possibe) used forthe sls diva halshenas 49. dar doce 359 dos ti [> mara me (25 sre boneath (Gp ita beaut axSllabatir tampstade aa ad tie The letters sin and Sin are joined letters. They repoesent esp Ivey the sounds ar (ae 2/3)The short and ul forms 8 reused in the name way a those ofthe Be group (1/5 above) The sort fran reason the ine of pret, while the Dash ft 1 soaps below. cosine by far the committer out the posse for wating te sound eal ost hashes ony pas then es ty (sam anor poe back at torn 19 wash 13, ‘This group of four joined letters jim (sounded), ceo «im ounded ©), he (Sounded h) and xe founded 8 See 2/3 for the De group, 1/S above {Chee the es common of 0 Ways of wring the sound A. Hk 8 found in words of Aric ogi, and sometimes calla he ot 10 ssinguih fom he commoner eter fo given in 1/15 below i place Ee sare outside Seb aja nese eee ie screw shy a oe sebal, pai capital ty + aiwntten exceptionally with oe ys 1/7 ave Am initia "oot (ee 1/5 above) ps ot ing one ofthese etre i Syl \ Oud setrar vase Inthe syllables Ib 38, 5 and, gb sot ond, the Foal S caron towant hash» agb so xf ones! ‘page sordan to eat a ot wat 1 wat " SI tam Jam is 2 joie ots, with no dots, Weis pronounced Li ull and shor forms ate ase a are those ofthe be group, 1/5 above This eters dtnc from Val, ine al is dsjoinedt and Lm is yele) lebas sul (of clthes) gle jel aad SUS sat magiaion alll aman Germany ‘Thecombination lm + lef special forms, one used when it is pind to the previous etter, andl another when it snot. The forn [Uisneverwed {Dhl stim bam 3¥ lazem necossary 48. +42 © The joined eter called he he commoner ofthe two letters used forthe Sound 1 fen called eA to Siting om the les common fr ¢ given i 1/13 above ond variants all rest on the fine, apart fromthe lower part ofthe forms andy This eter ha our for one used at the beginning of # wor or after a disjotned + two erative forme ed when the eta joined on both Side gee i + one ied heen word oF when the eter tnd i alone : har every Lay, pats tot aleps\slege mebnan vest not nino ‘ly 70h ro “Ae toni stint eh combination a [nb] is pronounced mb. Silent ina +, After the unerten vou ete etter «atthe end saci] dyande future nyo aide seen dee house sey baste sod Silent al» alo, exceptionally, found after the short unwsiten over the expressions When a word ending wih sent» extended with a suffi the 46 ane house Lasse ane houses sa ame loner Uda name eters dye ive tlt ages \ ile get\ ange ‘vehi ats Alter this silent al »,any added gylabl beginnings written witht own intndctry ale ‘lax jomie sortonco lala jomletasertonce Atay site ret Gla rte roctile tals are giver inthe discussion of ac sufi other ending as In words sh a those shown above the fina ie 3 graphic device ora genmmaticsl ending, In words with inal after whar the» ie not an ending but part of the rota he word, the ns sounded ‘Such words ate not nimerous My Bedeh ga deg motwajch ative 6 JSS SS wx Tee av the ined tos Ka proneed 8) and gf romounced gst ao 2/3 fr both sounds). They stand on the ne of writing their shor and full forms are ued inthe sae vay as those ofthe be group (1/S.above). Jf has to possible ful forme, Sand 1S ke thauhen —— mi tonadatane dos Seg \ebtig peett doar Slpaw meat totionsh SIS kar wor HS tatam caboage PIS tetarscroon ass JF kat stag ram vam Spa mi guvad hols says AE sari sorotimes JS gol toner OE soli pear J, gomrok costes ws [es ai] oe sad ‘The letters sl an 20 are joined letors. Their shoet and fall ed a8 ae thote of hehe prop (1/5 above. The loop rests on the li of pat, and the ours’ of he fll orm curves below. These ters present respectively the sounds and ge fs los common than Ge sh for (1/12 above) and ge 36 tase commen than j2alfor2 (1/1 above). ye and y mostly occu words taken from Arabic ype surat tat bel ast onan abt Jas person yep mous spect “2b haser prosot, ready Lael onad signature " ba ba Although the leters etd and 2 are joined betes, they hve only one form each, which sande on the tine of print. They bss common than ‘presen espctvely the sounds a © te for (1/5 above) and Bis les common than 5 (1/11 above b nnd noetly cern wards taken Soon Arabic 2 saab ow manner way ed Sete doi 2 sone missy 1s. ¢| get on Ele A/S oni The ler called er and gen Hach bas fur jin forms +b and Bare writen at the bepnning of a word or ater a Asjined ltr 4+ aan are writ when the ltr joined on both ides. + Gand fae wrt [tenor when the eter tad lone at the end of a word afer a dioined + Gand gare writen atthe end of a word afte a joined Yu will ee shat the closed forms are writen aftr joined keter inthe same word, and the open frss when no joined leter precedes inthe same word Atte beginning ride of atthe end of 2 word 3° (the “ttl stop’), Bue IIs a word islet The formal sound of i the sematimes deoppad; se 2/3, The sound offs for which ee 2/3. “pa ir ae atone Sebi t'aatay (eee mou’ sublet e+ man’ provention aE aise aon a gy change Gp2 dong iotwnat) he mabiag aut 20 asi 55 os 1 Wing ‘The two joined letters fe oounded and 3 gf wounded g, soe 2/3) forma group. Theirsdhort an ful forms are wed a ar those ofthe be group (1/S above). All forms lie of the line of prt ‘excep ful-form g which swoops Below (Si fotr ugha ofa, fle stupid Sy barf snow GS tou iy UF aaa gear eT engl vin at bra ing ety ig bart eh 21, Doubled fetes ‘Two identical conzonanta with an intervening vowel are weiten sepaatly 8 mannan gat (short unwriten a between the to Jeter pm, long wrton 9 a between the to ltrs) Two ideal consonants with na intervening vowel are writen as on consonant, but pronounced double when « we ray sap, ce cs les nai capeter > hats ero (1/7 above for alg prone 2) 123 blow shows amen of indicating he doubled consonant This goer eles Broken when to en! consonant om together in the formation of a compound word; 11/2 and 3 ephin The sound after T\ a or ya is writen with double «ye eee \noge i his otbition the ist es ent aed merely ‘cians ata ink hetwen the two fng owes lig mid wc SS Wl YON ay Ina few word the combination dis writen with one ye 20 1/18, 1 Writing 22. Whole alphabet ‘ere isthe alphabet in its Pessian oer; see 2/0 for details of pronunciation Ror the sounds, hand =the alterative leers ace grad in rer of frequency. 1 indicates the mest cor: Tees geaded 2 to 4a nally found in words take for Arabic. ‘The two letters pronounced ga of roughly equal frequency gs Fours mainly in wondstaken from Arabic eter Name Saun:inquony hinhtag —Refemame CF alermadie tiv a ua | aly Inte shows a0, 2 iteodaces oo » 15 vo » St 1" Chetan) 2 ee) wa on a wa ems 32 a eos 2 bow a wis bu 23 em inline Middle orga" 1/19 £ on oa 15 sk r 120 Sw 4 sw Fk 16 Sere) Jom 1 via pomim om W9 wy Ina » Middle oi, 04, (0) 2/8 Aller fen silent ws he thanax} cbt fate ea sent 1/18 So Int y Mie, Pa eh ye1/77 ca\erater Nine yen) 1/7, 8 Chon a few words from Abi) 17 Tole mae ent vari of al whichis tft eter Bun many dons al words being Tare sed before words ornng! The wor fonder pe oe he our died ates ora of ter, 23. Nowalphabetal signs Centin nonaphabetl igs, mst f than ly wed cx to fntheronucaton ft word The min oer ar wow (aed ft of cea, Game oe, ¢ (kasre or zir), after Vat the beginning of a word, or after a EE seal ante baorg tas tighorse B nou naw ‘ale ean porn = 1 calla sal, wot above a consonant to show Ut 6 ‘The signs shown above are rarely. ene stispronounced double soy bacce os called sokun or jaz, weten above a consonant to show that it ha8 0 yo seal ash pose ert chaatbonks, One sgn which however, i aint always shown She ave nig ced tin nd ween fproonee a (ior) aera ononant: “Gp morarases guy Ca taran aproxintly Spnee me'min vty ls A ait tun ak haga wy an When this ending sade to word taken fom Arabic ra fonan by telephone ding ine + silent» fer 1/15 above) both these ase dropped and replaced by sae gt'ale me Gas ga’edatan asa nto ocginal Arabic pling... The pronunciation ihe some, oa (hizo) for Gigiohapigaan Cael) for Gaels a’ adzan S10 7/2for more about the entings (an aad azn «celle hase leer oot Hed nthe alpabe, Us never iin to anything, It sver stands a the begining ofa wor, Is bask form i as shown here, bat appears and sound diferenly according to wether itis sed in Persian words on wont taken name i Pesian words. Pesan wonds hamge say be writen over silent final (1/18 above}, to represent ye (the enfe, see Appendix I 41b xaeye ian nsherthr house 151 yee ive tse tosh at “Te hance presenting (the ef) sunny writen only when este larity x wanted others it ote et ue LEI A cinee itn tage ive tae We also encounter the foun {g (now litle sed) for ye, showing the eater wordsendingin s (ely igtel forggtely lite sandlize rahi easy oir In older Pee combination ater dor including some dictionaries, we find th instead of yng (1/7, 8,21 above, for lang ee en) ini ce “eR ener SiR beg say Tmodem alia -i-e7 atthe end of «wi and. inetond 218 above) eli (ert ae) jon a sentence Sis lang otier Si yg) ve rang brown (SVG an a sae you se ed tna few words taken fom other languages the oh is uted to 3} aan June ran Fre in) SEE gat We oh sel Cay gt eos oogat hase in words taken fom Arabic in word taken fom Arabi, ance may occu before or afer any ete inthe mile or at the ed of word + inthe middle La'7a, 50°93 3 Gerke mo'esef S00) pal ts founciion (gee momen deter “Ijaue mas’ response | Alte \dlne ma'aefatae problem utes fen Aesbea motes, laa masate 1 the en it ie normally writ by itself sn is wsly silent in Pei 5p joe pant Some words writen with final Lean sil be found with tei oiginal Arabic spling «The pronunciation isthe Las! cbieda begining dormer las) + hace ust not confused with shot form. (1/19 above) whic it vinbly resembles 25, Galata mat’tig eript The form af cit shown in 1/328 above ical the script mie in newepapens, nics and masecinilted hooks ‘An older calligraphic script form, called laa mast’, 1s often sed for fine printing, tes and posters In aats th Kine of print ie mor or les ovl, wherein natal each jroup of tens tends to “aseade’ above ita procession, 0: £7. This and portant ferences in syle ore summarised blow mas asta ‘Staaf cascading’ gayhb frst Person we ge oleage ste nan my Hands @f 99 tee ls seu sane Be Mie sow gs asf buco snot SS sent wat ew SIS targar woken fs 1S bongah intuston sus 2S held toy US ot oer J ay Yh pate avove ¥ eS setts class ve toothor WB\S ge 8 thou 4 AAS BIS taf suticiont oe ae ee ein & he melt vaional é Optionalaltemative forms he ua neastan lost Be er six ina Lape, pesarht sons snl DP har every PUSS bahar shone Snatjpinod a! le tubo final gate any «gieyd cut tends joined eter — lye ena iy Nero, pom by lie a onary Or lw one ey ad ge: PU ee wh 5 SIGS Bes St SAY eel ae ole AE Se oe PGR ee eed SS hea SPT obs Seg Ji ses Grsuh SNF Bed bIR Ni $872 FE ey abate kre jah is, cr ke nico hat, x at (asl je bide G1 jlo sera “to wie) ayy, thu at hunk wth no, begat seated next cne wth wip cheeks, be oe Thou might not bo - but snes how art, be gat Andie Wine you dink, te Lip you ness, End nthe Ntring t Tings end in- yes, “Then fancy who Thou et, Thou at bat wha “Thou shall be - Noting Thou sal not be less he most important fentres of standard handwriting ae show a below. Many of tr rofl the aa nati scp shove in 1/25 above. | ale, When not joined to a previous letter, | ale ts wt lovevands, Following one eter, tis writen upwards oly obi! arsan cheap (boa tn Seo below forthe writing of alfater Jam ant aero ta Dots. Two dots are writen Ikea hyphen =; Whee dots for rough ing etn in ele diction convenient, 08-0) ep Ss mete Ele cote {Ete Letters of the @ Jn group ae en joined to the preceding Inter a the upper sgt left comce (Leathe beginning ofthe outline) n hardwriting. A receding intl tooth i almost always inverted (ce 1/13 above nce print, but always a the upper Comper te fre Ew rartrens NE clas agate ae in. ter oie eter, p min sould be approached fran the {ops and the ‘bea wren antilockwise GA preceding nt is almost aways inverted ce 1/9 above > bs dam mya gk nad stow “This handwrten form effectively distinguishes mide ond ae nin from middle joined sin, whichis always approsched from below ane vrtn clockwise @ See Sane math welioown Middle tooth. So 1/5. A middle tooth, Le oe joined on both doe asa special aie handersttn form before p mim or 5\3 rele, arin the orm free rate wet Jae 5 te Fe pel lr too Inia and middle dan sd have a toth afer hoe lop, ‘hie toth must not be onuted in Randwriting Ie bohawes ike a mid oth eae pmimorj\ ree 2 geen toni sete Re pa mes Cah oid and. of Une ida 28 (re ieditly above doz and ave 8 tooth after he Hop, The lop tan it te he pg ob sake, cote hon SAW alk esa may in and Sin, In al ot the most caefal handing, the G7 cys dt ond tab oni ot, ay iE alre tes Ay itar me ANY tant, S00 1/14 above, In waiting tis combination, Aletach the alef and write & downwvacds, ether vertically towards the foot ofthe lm oat an ange to ts idle, Compare printed sod handvien forme UM wi ww YY BPyY w (2 Phe rain nto (5) pS lee nesssey Stay ana ga. Bomice te handsiten fom sown below. The owatoke ween veal the eadtokes) at. the forma wth lef and/o am, the cc writen antiocvise ©, aproeching rom blow if the combination isonet peeing ieee. IISI E88 55h KV EVE EK Y tae 2 HB BIE ISAK ISIS 1 zi LL wavs. Ke LYE WIG IF IL IS i, ta Stam ne — S somos IE wo PAE cahisometnes estan ‘steak station, stop CEE SS ttl tam 6 IS tts a The form Wino wed in anit, cpp cas bt: osm 1 he Te mide form seldom wed in handing the plo it writen intend. Te Gal frm joined t he pending tr pred avery fen simple in andi Ho shen\shey carte esd Ht Fa bel seca Sf ts who ded has fat seasonal But afte other joined ater (ining (ae with is toot, seo above) the junction i rounded ane yes both its carver (MoS tami aio PY eel) rt sts 7 se to 27, s2nS.2Fekate handing Many Iranian te so-called Sekar or" hart, frm really simpliiad forthe wile but often very dict for the 2 inexperienced render. Sekoste alo drs some of forms fan rasta, shown in 1/28 above. The forms shown below aze used in adit to the simplifiaions Found a tandaed handoveting Dots fn the toughest” fete many dots may be left out lkogether Or they may tray sway om the outline to which they belong: ocesinaly ene and two das on auccssve 4 be a (@isjoined eters, Often, te eters 133.4 5.3.9 i princi not joined to the following eter, are neverteles 0 joined in {ela Common combinations shad, shea wins Jk JUS sia aginaton pa pl Sat theme Bap tts gate > sya ide soon Lb i Pv sith rio 0 E45 “plo subs rat nasnetinas Art Lay a5 sia much Gy te ah she mana! mts 2p 0 ayy nd nbs mas Ys fog Say pnt money 4 he. Tuo asta foros for thie leter ave used in tbat the inal frm one oa previo eter ond the detached syllable Ue Neg, tage bach eton Modi fina tr. Some laters, he mos commen being an have mesifed fa fomsin Skate eo al eal ais eS 2g we matory 18 CE BU man teat ya ge ma TS jg Sia tree 6 9 aA! in tan 28. Pessantransipion The wanception of foi works (oly nae) often elects the fact ot Prench was ence he moet whey taught Baropean Ianguage in an, Whatever he source anguage, shot and ng melee oe ot digit. Bamps "Sows yunesto UNESCO ash pris Pass GEA, satentor Wasnigton oA) lana Londen 3 Yenev Geneva Passed mort New York AU fat on "1 Hpon Japan ajei\Ke mekanize mechanised — uty; gazuil gascil, diesel Teap onrit Asta Ute! aa ay S30 ata Maaa Fras mason Moscon ‘Sat no Persian word can begin wi vo conn vi, intervening vowel any sc foreign words be dap eamsnaal Pecos a ea athe el roup acura anlatrvening vowet saul eskottand Scotland aeail b fords Sayin eyo Na Yn tan exept oh re probably Free cate it socond later 62 sm-vowal 2. Pronunciation 1. Transcription See 1/22-24 forthe transcription used in thie book for Persian 2, Long and short vowels; diphthongs (rowel-ombinations) Tes important odisnguieh tween the te short vowels aud thelr long counterparts, and between thse and the to vowel- combination. Pronounce a follows 6 in Souther gli ba oe man beeen gana isn Bagshot and it; Ja de! oat Sida word Uke Pench ina’ ge three 1 between gand Uin English pot and put cond fast Long: between he asin English a a "ak, {fist deep sound which you produce when the doctor lls you to soy'arah gf an that i lin tng rai von a we muintnlsn ni orn Geman Bus? I ta rg Cambios einige mil don he consonants tramsribed bp. tf ds 2 fe me ms ae pronounced mach asin Engi The oer consonants meet ser © ae chin Fgh re fe ie seo 1 es hin Beg howtispronoweed Je hi cron Wherrerimsctbod even nthe yy per Ucad te ratte nc ofthe word. ‘dat ten 1 avin Scot eo, Welh ba or Seaman Boor linSpanh ap? gb nn tod + rz aun anor Spenh gy rte day sways prooounced whereverit occurs, 433 dur tar rover dropped insome English gay dars lesson speech asin French out-or gin inghishWoasue oy vite special 5 as shin Engh she LE tom diner 1 always ight asin English at, sever "dark as Eis Wal Yat cum > always a consonant, an gh ear, ‘ever witha vowel sound asin Eagsh’miy (yd or "be and The tranteiption epeesents the tal stop ea cate in Te breath Te the sound heard in some spech of Southestem Eagan or pat of Scotland: "Wo aloo for "what ‘lott. The tp spelt sometimes with » (hazel, sametimes with: nd Pasion pronounce ony nthe mile oat the end of word taken from ANabi and not alway then, Iisa very weak sound barely audible in the perch of most rains + i the mil ofe word, when pel withthe stop usally prone a sa hor ae jom’e Fay When spelt wih iti ther pronounced weakly of not at ail The Arabic aplings for amu Bad ae food often wth eats: (Ginks\ ale monastefinetaaie soc Wherein mayalemaste problem SeaDoo question ‘cole mas'uyaumaulnar spony at he end of word» or aera consonant 8s se, though some people proninnce the fa sop: foe pat ee oblate but when an exafe (Appendix I sade to sucha werd, the + oF § cemes to be final andi ws pronounced Ghee ele Jose in abla pat of his amcunt 2% 28 wy ob eau: acguaner ol botoan Fira aftera vowel found mostly in ode spalings and ‘a ilent final alter a vowel is uruly pronounced 38 stop: Lessa exer exception (ormesy «tal 5 row nd, son [No word bepns with + Aan a the bepinig ofa word i pat or» member ake ar custom 44 Thissound athe volo orkard equivalent a shown above is ent Europem equivalents Pechin Ma’ or Germain ‘et. Ths sound isthe evetyeaypronuncaton of beth and Si aga goteman Nee abla arnt Some people retain for some words the orginal Arabic pronunciation of wich tht of pronounced ery dpi the throat Since this happene in naw words, nd any eran conf the wo sods yay i hel aterpt dere, ‘we will show the pronunciation theoughou, which aways se kas to sounds: + befote 0, #08 ofa consonant i sounds ike om in rg ok 1S kar wore See itonam 10 FS238 (aceite sate + sqywere ee, sounds ke bat alata thre se 8 slight ysound afters we can imagine boing, represented ¢f tam any ame hy ek pee} one you know Russian nape pronouncing 4 Cypha) sof, This simi o plained Persian 20 ha to sounds ‘+ before 2, 0, ou oF a consonant it sounds like hard Qin gl po Som ist eS ge mi gtvam | say “an bocorgtar bigger + anyone plaid ne se SAE sora sereny natok Ses 105 10 doo Sag bors boare| 0 you ino Raton, pn prong as ‘Ao tine prose Mea in Erg on cane passat follows npr with no exceptions it wnt be rn nthe reiton nh Th combina prone mt ‘Se fan Sturdy 4, Doubled lettre Doubled consonants (ie. two identical consonants with no intervening, vowel, ee 1/21 and 23) are pronouaced double, hat 1s eld for Tanger than single consonants, when followed by 8 vowel in the same wor or phrase sgy bazce chil (pronounce asf wanseribedbacce) We sound doubled consonants inthis manner in few English words for example rida, pronounced a if spelt miay ‘A doubled consonant not followed by vowel in he same word or Phe i pronounced ng Sol pp mohemm ast tsimparant bout aga mahemtar for Imohermtar) mo mporant (Ee haggan sontaty Dat elit Je fag Sends or fag tents) atl ea the splings Nat) and -ll\l are pronounced a the speling 9s \caats pronounced fin one iro word ‘ila: uoper eal gge midi you come J, rasiqui rutvuness: a3 ov duty Avoid the wrong pronunciation (3) for this doubled Inter, the fist ye does more than mak the tani, and i silent. See 117, 8 and 2 In any word of more than one spl, we sess one of he syns ve pronounce more tng hn te ret The putin eft tra regula Persian nth aregrph ant ein ther pins inthe Book we mark te vowel he arsed syle wih nace Verbs, See 6/1 for tho defini of» ver. Veibs and their dents arsed slows When the verb oe vera derivative has no prof it stesed on the ln eal, dicount ay person cncng Coop Syne Owe ssi ind wor i nev hha wrt 4295 nee wt with ula ram trove 3,8 gerétandWyook Sat bite ltt6 psn ri we are Tho ane cxpton ts atthe airy we of She frre ene 6/2) sessed on the personal end when the vee afimatve 3s gal tains sito + hen the vb eal derivative has one prix oF more theft o oly prox even when weil sparsely) takes the ate: a ited ndnevetan | dot wo US mara 1 have not poles inevisam |te eit ni nevica dont wate eg bi! Comal 4243 maid lett be “425 mdnevelie ct watenunritan + inthe fture tne the awry ver takes the stress ofthe ole tess, following the als given in the preceding wo ae a ohne ahr SEP STE tam et hat tt + compo 6/9, teste wl va al papain mete TE ar hrm arom wt 1351 tr nm don a ng Interections and conjunctions. Intejections, and many ‘onjuctions re teased on the fst yale: sy bate yos “pod tier 0 SV gar ‘es a bat Te cera why ther words, Words other than verbs, interjctions oF conjunctions ar sessed onthe lst syllable of the root (Lethe word without any addons) DLS tetin book ay ranged patter gare bint ouside Le toms you SES ating beaut 03i)y2 coizdsh wove Suffies. The ses rules for sufies (lables add to words, including any writen detached), and for pemoral endings of verbs @ 1+ The following are unstrased and have n eet on ses = personal ering of vere an, iad, and), hawever westen, other than tote of he fats auxiry Inthe affimative an above) + the ecife-e andy Appenx , however writen (Append I, however itn Ij 1d (Appendix tV) + the posstsive nd pronoun-abect sufxes pox am the dtsctebject ea ati. G/N, 4/9) see even wien aptly. The ain trend mines + all pla sulaes: We oki, gle -dn, Wain, Sh, Oba (eit ge tmge tn the adecive utes fuer, tain 9 10, ba 6 6/0, lec\ger See (11/3), a6. the abotat noun safes fh gS eg (11/2, together planed in 1/2 on 173 + the otis number tis pdm oma 979). tn Engi, the vowel of an astresd yable of srt ype sos and ce eral xp ae thea and the nou, In Prana the vaso a word, inci thos in urtessd pals, hep tot pi sound “The etl sod of ain Egle ds ot ext i Posi Si bong biggest Baya porch windows Vocative stress of the noun, See: The rule for stress given under ‘ther werds’ above applies to ‘uns when the noun i splenabout If we ates a person, the a 11. Arabic forms Most Arabic words and expressions incorporated ito Persian are pronounced ia Persian manner, These forme ate examined in Chapter 10. BieF taxa jamtd Personas 3. Nouns and Adjectives 1. Nouns - gener ‘noun ia wor denoting a portn, creature, plc, thing oF ea The sous shown in the chapter ate most simple nouns se, not erved from other pars of speech ‘np nouns ae wusly stressed onthe nt syllable (68 2/5): SeLS tei book “an ame ltr ‘5/20 a 1/2 forthe derivation of aouns fromm other parts of speed and for compound nouns nouns denit when ts idetty is known and infinite when its identity is not known. Persian hae no definite article cormpondingt English the. A Persian noun in is base forme iter definite oe ndetiate, depending on the content: abet tate} arson GUL siaban (to) stot se oh (ne) monn WF lak (he) nt ey jai) place sak, pare th) spade 4 “reo nowse 225 tat (be) stip To make the noun cant indefinite (4, an." et), the sas be added. This indefinite suffix does not affect the stress ofthe After a consonant, the sufi i spel rab Jaca penn, some parson ULE sianan asrest (Als mani amet ary mont POS toa amat + Afters wowel Ja or git writen ale sara poco caink, paruia spade a Do not pronounce this combination a5 [yl the Fst later ye is ene for shen Sina (ae 1/8) Is writen with a separate wh (slice eta nouse, any house 1+ Bora noun ending fas the base form, the indotinite gS katt stip, te ship, a stip Fie santa oa, ca, acai When a series of nouns connected with 5 val ‘and is made indefinite ony tt oun cis he indie sufi (Silda 5 4216 kagaro mada a paper sod zona (6252.9 py peso dostrt a son an (a ugh ‘or a boy and a bt nan infinite series conc with 98, the indefinite ulin orally ees iy & ate cats an neuer day eld gale melt 2 galami_ a pencil or (a) pon The we fe lh fae sma in Appi Se a 3/3 below. Countable and uncountable, The indefinite sfx is added mostly to indefinite nouns which are unl, Ae. denoting ertons, things ec. which can exit in separate ws. I 9 aely attached to anciunate nouns, which denote things, isos et foun aly ina mass Compare Sead cyl UF ay gaat has? Is here a pen? (Countable, incefte ut) with Secu QU) ay man hast? Is there any bread? (uncountable, no suf) Some Persian nouns can be used either ax countable oF ‘uncountable, depending tse meaning, One such se jit as qT -Nouns and Adctvs Jct Ue has Theis pacsteom.orcoatable) cand le hast. Theresa plee (= vacancy, sal, “ ‘count The indefinite sui not used in the mile of an ele construction (3/5 and 8 below). 23, Definite dcectabjet sits | nf ‘When a definite noun isthe diet object of a verb (ee 5/6) the definite directoboc sux Ly rt added to the noun. Thi ux is written delched fom ts noun. The sufi dos not affect the ££ 1, LS keira ere Hee took he book sil ast 4a mame ri nvete ond Thay have waiton tho Str. To make the noun a thee sentence indie, we nod only remove the definite dec abjet uti Ly Lo5,S lS tei ert HlShe took book Js 42352 aa nine nove amd They hav weiter a to. which sentences ate correcta they saad. IC we then add the indefinite 0/2 above) HBS lS tei ert th) lasts tne eet a wre ta trong indefinite meaning HalSho tok soma book oF ewer, Toy hve wren some st When a ser fdr rou connected witha ‘and the cinco sl | aed only ale th st ns LoS she 5 JBLS taga ve med ger Ho oak the paper nd parc says 1) 89 9 xy pes 0 doar ra dana Thay saw tha boy and get “The lode sui may be used together giving the meaning or implied manning ofthe 9 i and the definite dirctobjoct sae gia conan. Compare Bay Ib seal gland xdne beard ‘They want to buy a house at yet unknown) and aii Las seal egg mt aahand xan ra bexarand “Thay wan by the house (one knows oa tna ay gla als ga mi athand wel a bearane “Tey want te buy a (eran) Nous (one knows othe. See 3/19 below fora sina structure having sade i and etn irest-objet Ly together in older Pessan we lz find the sui yr showing an indvect ject. with the meaning ofthe gli Wc. This survives today only in come st expressions the commonest of which i probaly (Sz Ly ab andar for Thank God (Thanks 0 God?) Colloguiat pronunciation. See 2/6. The diretabject eux L 6 pronounced colloquially «or or o> ale a consonant rafter & past Ly sled curd oastie o»maidam. Tri soe the professor. he was ofthe sui yr are summarised in Append ¥. 4. Placa of nouns In iterary Persian the plu! form (= more than one) of a noun lnoting a person fe made by adding tothe singular form the sul ld for the plural of» now not denoting a person the uth Wun is added. Hoth sltces carry the stress of the olay mehnin guest “pail fer fica able mann gost olpil arin ofeas “lS telihoy als etn hoys BIB gore ropon—GE,I gosarath pons Some Iranians sil observe this person/s person ditto, at ee east in pat, when forming the plural af «noun; but in modern everyday Persian tere a tendancy to add U. also to many nouns dean people: Lage metrin quest ilagr shan quosts il asin ctoor aa atari otones BUT, aE canons vu aga Ladies and genteman Then sie ae wrt and ht rm sometimes modi ae tw + Whenever it i posbl jin tos ounin wring hs ‘scone though may abe wren ache PAS tetartonk— oleS\UGLS ta ots sy hoes eal, \aly rt oats bot afer ie als, a8 aly to tached his iba gewl pling eles 1/15 fe cet age bce ction + she talvay ned its unin wring whenever ths ponibl base mostsdemd mployoos + After Var 3m gle -dnbecomes Shim UT ago gontanan QUT agayon gentemen prtils danetv student glyaetils danesiuyan stadons Heat final «plas gL. van becomes gS. -egan (18 rope: satel nevtande weer 31S nevsandegan ters ssl) ranande ver — 18st rdmandegan vers Collogulal pronunciation. See 2/6. The sul pronounced sup in everyday spech, x glen may be Thute other plural forms borrowed from Arabic and used for words taken fr Arabic, survive in ety syle and ae use or afew words (es altermatives to plurls in gl-\ Un “ta in 4 -Noun and Ades everyday Pena + Gla si (tested). This isthe Arsbic so-called “sound. fetninine’ plural It added to certain words ending oneonaat and not denoting pereons ‘boer hevin anal UL heat nial With words ending i sllent aus and Ss athe final syllable is dropped before he plural suffix is ade: Mids mole opard Glie%Le nolaheit pars See heayarstory — OL Se hekivr stores In iuitation of the Arabic, his wuts isa attached to core mative Person words denting things an ending in 1+ set 4 The pel takes the frm las the #8 fometines kept in wilting, sometimes dropped. The pronunciation frboth peligs sesame, salijg) nnte newmpepae obey, \leajg, uenaneiar newspapers Cole agen lege ages mili ts) + peg ia tres) Tis the Arabic soaed sound masculine’ plo. i added to ceiain oun enoting mae persona, After consonant the as i afer vt he lin an pat moj orior Gabe maori varios sill snot agian wma clits + the Arabic neler orsocaed ake’ pl in wh no tulfix i aed ut he word ful changos ts shape (sim Englh anno ous) abe tos prion (elit tsa poses eae Ip aaj waves ES jas! soason Jab foul seasons kane naval potom Jel Jsan marelmasiy! rotons neve Pes ame ft forms re ne i et Lae ell one total ‘tortnadanfong waves Dente and indefinite. The indefinite sui fas andthe definite degen 18/2. 8 above) me wed with phn none svt ingle oun S4iT ohn) asap Ul dvd mein ase and? sive any ts rivet pte (Gp) ay baci dao) kin. fs aback adda. wow he, pee LU 9 Uy, per odrtarha ra ddan Taha bye aed i sh 18 Ly eS tara bod ord a. Hees taken ebooks wh ai Collective. ln an Bash sentence Hk "The baby eas ep we not specifying one egg oF several eps merely the iden gg ia ener, for which we use the sgl form of the noun, 88 & collective noun. Porsan ues this device much more commonly than Eni espocil for goer statements AS gk Sie 4S gh an gre mus nei grad nem ie ‘That cat doos ale mice (meee), seal gaye tla oma dary ast, ts allos (ae), pls cangs GES pny in prs kis dad “This boy thos ships. Saha gs ce hm foratan? Do thoy sa apps? + ello prenencitin, se 2/6 Using © noun collectively tronsforms it from cnmle 10 mite (68 3/2 aba): hence we do nt atc the indefinite sufi uv i toa collective, Compare the sentence given above (about he ca with aS gis AS ol 8 grb asin gad no re ‘teat ror ca Seam get ly! hpi ata Then are ere in which the ject (La) an the verb (42a are pra. Bat the word Pc STOW whic the compleent (5/6) othe verb is collective and therefor singular in oem Although trnsated with an Bnglih plural, the Persian noun sfonde inthe basi singular form, dn this meaning it cen at ether definite or indefinite, but genes, and ypiyg all Hs ind S$. LEI eife with nme The suffix known as the skal aye, the writing and promneton of which ae explained in Appendix I, uae to connect wo sous in cen eatinehpa Tossessive sructre The fit sch eltonship cn be called he HES het books, 3S Sager pu SUE gals keiibhiye Kigerd te pupits books (he book fh pu) AS tar won, chamtsls danesan sons lmtile IF hire dination eens wore 116 sane no, pe moti tor: “ple 61S singe modir he recorshouse (ths haat he dtr) aie sandal cat, 24 pari Pan Bag lite sandal pare Par’ a The ‘posested own Stand ft and cries the ef cuted t 3 the “ponestr’ aun lows, beerving the forma Te Books ate pi ta the examples given above the exe i shaw i bold type in teancription it ever has any fc on the stress af the wor The term ‘pottstve sr is merely one of converienee- The sesaction beeen the tv ns maybe something other than IAS eld Key 39 dr door 139 el leider he ey No te door SUS kargar worran, GS Yrkat company 2S, 81S haryare ferkat company workman Ny riot 188 frateah air agg ay rae fir sae De gel, gS hokamat goverment eso tag bute tina Wo goverment) get alepntils dinar students, SSIs danesade acy ‘uSctile ghmtsla dinetusine danetade theca stents ponte nn ty be ang if (/2 nevetan tow, esd a Rous Lasse Rs eet odadha he wing of bes ah th ipo rod The xe can be repeated in sing farther, any no in the expression may have a demonstrative adjective (re 3/12 below} aS angSo dye ee Rotana kei ‘he Kuwait Goverment) budget oaSsls oul ob amtsls JF re dintiyae in daneiade the wrk te tnt of this fact AS ST dy raze an at te captain of at sin Ina cafe construction, the nouns are usally Undertod 10 be clint idee they sand depending on he cont. The suf (2 above fnecsary, bu othe "posese nou since this ay nt nore the ef eaatils¢L name dines some students name 6 LAELIA nomceye matin’ acarmumter The: af not soe expressions of measurements of ugar, 'acup of tea ce 9/8 for these Appositon. The socond use ours which are in apes, i he sme i oy the ex with noun tnk 0 SG LS sahane afer Hare Sroot ea 44 Save gavin the ety of Qazvin ‘The commonest form of apposition is with il&\ UT daatxtom ir Mrs, Mis an he perso's eo further il ti Sle stnome muted Mra Nowshend are GUT dye eras! Mr Beto “poke ST aye sai Me Aebassacor Ta ef also ccc person sven smn ad rly rae bale yale athe hadian Abbas Hedan ‘The ezafe ts not nommally used with other titles oF professions followed bythe name even though her ap piled _ASs doktor homayun Or Hemayoun ebb sleet onadrabataba Professor Tabataba In using thse ties when speaking ote person, we use wee Gabeoe tll por salin Saye manuel Ura with the ete. The dies Ira 2/2 ove) ‘may not interrupt the e2afe construction. Ly ra appears once, at the endef he expeson Seltege Lele sal barddare abs ri mi sensi Do you tnow Aas tote? fos Lasanee atl ade snr eo et ooaaver seen Me Sabor Yan glsaca Uf aye gesehie hear ra inde lf ave you read steno Hedaya? * Sal whe Ly CEPT oF raj eit masjede Ka) Istana nam Wesquo King’ Masa 6. Adjectives» general Am adjecuive 16 a word describing (the grammatical teem ts qualifying) & noun (3/1 above) or & pronoun (4/1). Most ofthe sjectives examined in this chapter are simple adjectives. not erved from other pare of peech, Simple adjcives ate normally stressed on the kt ellabe Seo becék sat Six bowie ig See 5/20 anid 11/8 for the deriva of adjectives fom other parte of spaech, and for compound adjictives Any adjective may be seas noun ifthe meaning penn i “i fan o001 poor pesorimanwoman lye Javan young o young porsordinan Nouns Atv 7. Adjestive wae complement Ce use fhe adectve i complemen (65/6) of ever “uel Qe ay o¢! thpedar mebaban at Ts trains Son ge 3 oe inka asa nis. Tis skis nt 0) 2 Gaus 295 (3) (sd mri tod. Spe qu boca it alge gly ce gh Ae mr‘ il st be rar nayad Tha posi seams very Sc pet BY Ly ala ose ga man comin eg ed lzom {omordam. | easiered such ammeasue necessay. Ina sentence ofthis kind, the adjetive may qualify a noun or a pronoun (a 4/1) sci an np ied pronoun 8. Abu adjectives ‘An adjective no used as complement (3/7 above) ea to bectirut nthe English xpesion a god bot he adactve Sood is wed alebutvely. An attsbulive adjective alway quale nour pronoun ee 4/1) in gdh an atrbtiv tive ural precede snowy in Pern it los abwaye flows ts non. When the noun i sein is be form (Le without endif. 8/2 bow) caries the sux Caled the exe expen Appendix. amine “2 GUS tebe na ae gon 0k shal hehe ab a good Boks har ovary, each geile anda severed Aas fae al, aot pa brs sore “2p cand smo, fo BE cand sar same (yep) 632 cad soe tings) Those ative te tl lle + plEtand, dat ham a, Wiha singular the noe ol mdm wt an with plural noun the pronoun ak amet are we in poses sirure (35 above) t sean C35 Lyd, ll tamme para gere He ook al (he money hy Wilage a oma ebm rata Althe uests went + har oven, ene, tht ee ays Lgl aaly 9 SUS» har sagerd barndoei ra ‘dra Every plas programe The expression Se» har yi ach one coms in speek 1s adjective precedes ite noun 2 sas Ly lady GTS) Ky tre oot for ssed with nbn ean b's some Thi sed with pal nouns tbl pan u's tzas some people WEE NCU am bo’ owt (01) seme oansons,sometines geste candin sever, ip cond same, afm The precede lege celle cin mehnan several guts sil vale 3p gu cond ra mande and bet Ugh io die cond haf tal asi asd fo was 03/2 filth indnt. After pts commen to put 3 denoingonytrg oe lS S903 Shaye He tl al rt oven we haved fw gos PAS (10) ag cant (tt) kets somata few books In everyday speech it iscomman to use U dig before any ron cing on dent people BS ge AS ne Wi ca 8 iter Bian ‘n: iond Some fsonges re complaining get ono, Weuse eer ga or the indefinite stn Fara ove with negative vet sys 1 inher wil ls ge ema em. Weta SIA plays metmani oni fad. 1 tecoming. Intl ols at mein np) Daag eancetl ipeitled cogs gad hicforeatnadatin. Weed pela Guesh forsatinadattin. J eo chanoe a eraty usage oly, ga expresos “yn non-native gestions see also 4/0. In everyday Persian itis replaced by the indefinite gu Seman IKE felayar haw? ‘shore any complain’? ou Ss dart har? tr ay chor? 4. Pronouns 1. General The customary definition of # pronoun i that it 6 a word replacing a noun whote fdanty x own, ct tis sre only of Sed;petton pronours such at 86 (tc). For the Ie and 2nc-petson pronouns ‘we and you and their Persian ‘utvlonsthere sn consponding noun the poo sthe only cexpresion ail Subject pronouns The subject of a ver is that person, erature oF thing which Peforms the action of experiance the situation indicated by the ‘voz. The pronouns denaing the sujet ofthe verb ae st ga man Le ma we 2nd “Fo you Leb Soma you and uw haishe LE tan they (peopl) bane (DT ante ney {peopte/things) ‘There is no grammatical gender (sculne, feminine) in Perla 314 means sh depending on the contest + For you; the singular form 5 ts used to aos pert to whom one is vary close indeed for any othe person the plural form lad Yomd is used The use of Fis more restated than tht of ts apparent Buropean countespacts Ww dW on ne Toan animal ora small eid alo, we ay 3 tol 00s, woray bad +The fom Up auha ised fr ey referring to any prs 6 people creatures, places, things, dees. The plural form ‘DLN ian hey se now used a8 a polite form (12/2) for "Sho om they for people ony SBagagh ap lta! stance frmadand? Wat ci helsnetnay say (command? ‘+ These pronouns can be used as they are to denote the subject of the verb but since the verb clesely shows the ers ofthe subj, the pronoun i usually add only for cmphasis or extra carity ort may frm oe wont answer dentin the sabe -p38y ot man raftam, wart (6 whe went) aA B «pancho Iman nem ram, toro mot gong. youge, Lgl = Sky Gf teat? 4. Who went? - He (8d, + Ofbeial and newspaper Persian alo has the pronoun 3 6 * Polite wer fem soe 12/4 ** Colloquia pronunciation, soe 2/5 3. Diectobject pronouns The direct objet of wer i hat party dell affected by dhe ction of the verb, Pestan his two groups of direct objet ‘+ he int group, more common, i rived fom the subject peoniune by wing the dretobect sul Lr (2/3) ‘osons Singular lua tty mart me I mara us and Af word you Wy Lat Soma ra you Sed Wy 31 ura riritor Ly gltyl ina them people) oF anea a Wy Ul dah rd em (people/things) Not the spc oms I mar an 1rd te ec fos on Ls) hes wn dere hn) as ject rater hewn abo pis 12 tod rt aon m | didn’t see you (one or more). ats al ana tm cis an plein pees 1 ltl dened aon Tek sortie (ep of sutings which are ident o the posseaive-adjctive + the second group, inl in everyday spec, coos {at et) They ae stched ta the ves inthe ame way i as the possessives are attached to the qoun, and are | unas. Tey do ot eo take the detect sue | 1, The et person sles orth comment in | ede miidane, Lad eer AIS srripanetn. ok, Where wih composed ver (5/25), th tached othe nonverbal element: 25 3k eal alee hie tard Ho open it tomy $98 Hayat biraet kon! Thott sult A pronoun which she dnc jet of an inte (which i lay lng infinite. se 52} ached tn he mano A pomesive tv 9/10, Le. wt ee 28 sna 3 gis i oddone ab hrdom "ets Soran sb ane sce fim. Sh Ul ote Ie We shat notbagin fore thay eve otra ata 4 Prone 4. Peponitons with pronouns Prepoitions ae defined and explained in Chapter 6. The pronouns seater preposition flo two grou + the it gro identical othe sje pronoun show in 4/2 above. The prepositions precede the pronoun he seen wy they pede nn, et he same ales (cf xf st co beman tome Sf asa tempi ee le ray toma tor you ell cy Dene ana between hem Le bam ats Le ik be oma thou you oh 33 dor anit gL a pte tn toads nena + the cond prop conto fies which re eniel o the ponesive-accive sufines shown 3/00 (eu a Seth betta) Theses ane tached ony the pepo ich hve an xe Before x nou the aden dropped, endif two vowel cnt together at res they ae sparta by + Bla aisle init ila bara tre US) nioetan on tem ole a be nen ited of you eal jeer ote LE, pitetan tras hirwreethom Je have also the following common but unwritien colloquia 3-peson forms, with prepositions ot carrying the exif bettbetdny ta iene azeazetn tem imibeaen ‘Bet begom ci? What amo aay thier? 5. Possive pronouns The posenive pronouns (min, Yous, S, Nore) ae made by puting Landi bore he subject pronouns, Thi ithe same strate a tat wad fr emphatic posssveadtves 3/1, bt whereas the posessve adjective sacompanied bya noun, the poses pronoun nt ec it ple he nea scat gga JLe mate man as s*- Its mine cel Ca Je mate oma eka ast, Yous bt. Saag 1) Ue JL Ag cera malemaa bordant? ‘Wy fac? *Collogsinl pronunciation, 82/6 The pene with chile may ao be pu for a posesor ‘noun (ichdng a proper nam), whereupon it coresponds tothe Engih poresive expose wth ar witha phase such hat of or "ose of, The ‘osssed”soun eno expres bat elt ‘pti: ceed iy OL I nt Shane heityntn mochtie ar male orton ot ‘Your tons nara to ealosmansat of he salsnan oul C8, UL cans 9 Jl ese matin mle it, ntl ek Te cara yous, theca as ay Lay Slo cle ody pails | ok IS Aosta sande a aye me rex va nada have ea yur open but d haveten or eca's 6. Demonstrative pronouns The demonstative pronouns ob an nat al anna tose ee Al nha ese 0 Unlike the demonstrative adjectives (3/12), gel and gT used as pronouns age made plural where appropriate. You will note hat and UFTare respectively iden tod thoy fo the sujet pronouns for 1 ja28 Malia) Gl in nandmeye dre ast ‘Ths ie yesterday's newspaner Joss gee esate Ue in betarin farhayeman asian, Those are our besa. jist aly) Gel 3) a nha arzanarnadarim. ‘We Fave none (not) cheaper than these. “The demonstrative adjective Gham Admin (WE sees) can also stand ae pronoun, Le without a noun Jae Ca hain nit ee save ssa S Ly opus amin ri xaetand, Toy askoofor ust is Cameo interrogate pronouns a: ING hile who ag cei what SIL male rose ra things to note 1+ The interogative pronouns ak questions Saal GS ti dmadt aad? Who cane? Sad ae ce tod? What happened (Became)? Thuy shoul aot be confused with other pronoun forme expnesed with the same word in English eg the man who sai NS. for which se 8/8. + Ofthe two words for"aho aS ke sed only neti + ag ce “hat has avery common collogulal pronunciation (20 2/5), 1c 1+ The intorrogstive pronoun most commonly stands no to ‘the web (0 alo 8/2 70 8 gi races? What Reza sy? Saye GS oltaas C51 cma me‘leetn bul? Ata to wes yurtashe? C1 sia tthe tet hs ok pic on comment explore aly 98/14) + Send aplenty Sal become Cag kt Se Gang vai ech writen as ne word Pome collogl provuncaone are See yas of a tou hint? Who stat prson? scan DELS nats eeu? The forma CaS in at and ah cast a also foand S00 4/5 for fle explanation of Da mal, and 3/21 for theajetval we ofS lama +The pronouns can be preceded by & preposition (4/4 shove), and ll but suff sr /3) when approprate aS tacomes LS kr) Tash SS JIL oo inrd adi grei? ‘hn iyo gts tor From whe.) 52S ge Cece ag gel rij ce sohbat ma karl? ‘What ne talk abou? Sain cages Uy GS Hirt dart tardand? Wham oa they ate? 2) infest? Whose tvs bag? followed by the direc-object 8. aBx0d The pronoun yb xod ‘oneself (ce 1/13 concerning the Pronunciation) i sen everyday speech with pronoun suffixes These sulies are the some asthe pores adjective suffes shown in 2/11 ln writen Persian ia mainly used without stiaes. With or without sufves, 25 ued in ta ways a8 a ren + Suphale CAS sgl (2295 ane dor got. 2h Ap) 3s coda) nom dinars ee nan dana. yea, ao no al torary Persian has 35 followed by the en, Kor comple 2913} 295 se ud, wash insole hese + ast etait the ab Spat ce Ul IAE)35 sot rs dant omer Hothine fount) henotknowledgeab on 9 SS (GVA la bantye soe) er tard He thought) rai 2S gla (QUDags 5) sul, baad assoc kom You st don yous 9. Reciprocal pronouns Thecammone ep pronouns th meaning ashe are: ‘Se yee oetiger Solan homdger hang The conte» cde ui /3) 2 prepeson 4/4 at shove) orbeattched ia possve strate with an as appropiate ASSES conga Jy Scab homigar ca ndatand “Toy di ot ks each or. spe S cat Gan gd Sadan ba hangar sb hai ikon, We cooperate wal (vith ea2 athe’) 298 aby Ly SesSy pnt yliar ra pita Hirde and. Tey Mae proposed one anthor's nao 10, Distbutive pronouns “Toe main distributive pronoun ace n SNS p hart eveyone ak ane ela sa Mats) Sp A har itVane thant venting eS es eryoneio one sine i enghingroing* spStop hetas noone tap ga He ce otiog tpliSiqah hickadamenane ——*geae chic noting G22 ei htsore 5) cyan D'or some 25 sad maaan hgh sever many o EAS tat (a) setow (bp canta ome ings) i sop cand afar ‘29 (of people) witha negative verb he dributive pronounsare usd a fll + eS ANS 2 har last) evesone, Ela ep tan see ha cilhame cichamat ‘svorting ‘These pronouns at alsingula ahs eb ol eS ANS» har bastion rd 1m dnad. Exenyne knows tht aut Lytle jag Mana) sg hae citi har Cshamat ra bord Wale tok everyg. Pleas omar (8 pronareton bso used nt era ‘ening a it 22 IS 2lkad hom arab tod ie was po (eS p evenore' and elas je Aaw\ (Glare “everthing! ate nls uted in afirmntve statements to expres‘anyone! and anytung respectively eS alll SS cpu ANS har at) ‘nl taninad dns bee. Af can say that (tes). see Ke (Dae p> vagal anne har cit momen ase. Nowa eying Covering) posse ad hame ab. This is. plral pronoun refering to peopl with ao nou 53h, Aad home rftand A went pete Ly kat hame ri fendsom. now (them) a ghee cafe befor another pronoun Lets Sb 5 artaratehameye ma ‘on dena aa ot us eS kasi anyone, ee cit anything. In a non-magative Sueston the indefinite nouns gga kasi "a person! an Sing citi ‘a Bing can mean “anyone! and ‘anything respectively $28 gilt aS UT apt eleon kar? Did eye tg up? NaS eg ci gf? Di atone say anya? With a negative verb, they mean no one! and hating reapectviy Sol GAS bas nay. Noone came «pS Sine cenafan sari. Sipe hikes 900, ae gad hci tng, Kae Ice 208 gpa ic ein aa gave Sask or quesion these pronours are used witha negative verb to express oro andnon kn hs nage the Sit two anv aleratvs tou as and geil pce 3S gilt Spa gS ticks ifort Noone rang w 1383 gil Sper gS tases reejon nator? Dido one rng up? ope seg BNE chicos naneveston ee EN erating Sled plier WI aya hci non syd? 1S nooo hon oman? Incllogul speech eh sich an replace jot ic clear enc ses pert Minato: Sf UN Pet ceoeh ‘hii eho pei nei anid, re Vo wont Hd ary) bet [Nate also the sort negative ansivers in everyday language with ge pe 5a ol flint Wi mlepned? = Naboo sphSnen = tana by Ss toi da dol 1? ikod ihr we sone nt GA = Hata te cofarmaid? hic i hal ey ay? = Noting. * Pte speech se 12/4 act's Sone, 5! ian ba or moa, These ch doctor id you 509? - Nene. lefnte ara plural. tn Us any the pla ei ides 2 Ue cplany b'2 ha dr avian Some arived le, seclidgd Ly We any bute hr ne tendon Here are me ont ow. (dont know some!) 39 yt We tay, bar's Blan ardand. . Samo compe, saad ST 5 ey brs a i sar oda Some of hem ol spot. a5 sad re, many, aot 3) glad sel a many of, ceS\¢S tamihani (2) Wo, (a) ten These pronouns a ‘define soul oe plural a theming Stats ebld 45 $018 aS de S ap oe “ce gid Ko i rid, What are you saying, youve got te? Youve goto. wile oS kami mince art Alta has mad shy Gal 31 GES seta anna ratand Mary ef tem wen rr +i Scan natin some ot prope), Wag cand sone 5. Verbs (orthings). These adjectival expressions (2/18) can siso be regande! and used as pronouns 1. General sisad cule A doe cand nafar gaye hastand, | ver i that class of word which denotes a action or station | Some ao absent, ag) 45 tond did HotSho an fst. abayb ay cand foructond. They sold some, spe Din onal un Wo wate happy. 8S lace WoT ile ent avanad ana peida komad Hohe cannat tid i 2. Infinitive ‘The iftve the sed ina dlcuonary. Typical agleh infinite are‘) ea and "(o) rr the patil x sometimes added, somtimes not The 1 ofthe ved by Which ts fered to, and Feria infrtive has no nuh particle Ferson bs fo foes of te infitve h commer oe, wed to ety he verb the a ie, which ena in 3. (ot. This ening aes the sie the ad (oe 2/5 UL muta ood et 9, ee 1/1) ee dovidéetonn RES tnt ota The long. infinive not only a abe’ es alo used 8» now sami tac cue Lal alls ae ly bray aceht condo ar a Reading's easy rc aula Case let Ly lS addon i ber it dra | Sete gy mich old ey tl gly arte utton at nara Than fro ae wad pl 8s aby atl ale ave notineto ead rth ean fe newsapa pra el at a Be dane ona rin. ‘We wet ose Pe. Ther ifthe sare elon nitive ns sa eaten on lela: I sandtoread 3 dain SS tattoit [3 Position of the verb ‘Aver oer than an auxiliary wer (5/19 bow) usualy stn at the end of ts sentence o clase (see 6/4 for the defnition of & lau): se book. pal oS tea raxandan. | Seed gnctile gf an dans rt ml tenasid? Do you know that student? cents a 48 fond neva Hoe writs tat acl any 316 dothtn baste at. The shop close Spt a5 LS + i tovinad tnd bead Hale can a fst ‘See 6/6foran exception o this ul in colloquial langusge + Ageement ‘Ave agrees wiht ij Lethe pron, rte o hing performing ato or expeicing te staton nde bythe es) tn pean (Ut, 2dr ed) ad in mame angular wth singl,plurl with plural) A pronoun subject (6/2) often ited when til fom the for ofthe ves cee baal 54) (nt ina cam, ame sae) GS sonata? vere 84 you 90? Fag LAS koja dud? Where was heishe/t? eg os | ole ‘tars mi end, We know hem ws Vets Asse Uni! ina hastand, They re hor. ‘+ In polite speech ae 12/2 a 3) the plural sujet pronoun GLE) an asa plac ver even when wed to express he fF she the site happen witha singular noun subj denoting a persons Sazud ly gh 2! ston bala hastand? lehleheintormed? atl aagagb a law mo‘alem ce frmute and? erat te teacher sty Coommsody? Sita old jayel pe modi emis gaye hastand “The drool away today, 4+ Barker Persian often has pura noun denoting things of a(n people wth sng ve sige A ISS don baste but ‘The shops wore (was) lsd, and this structure survives in some et expressions Ab fbb 25154! ougitet ttc od, He boca sary. (i tins (pla) bocams (sgl) itor) Staple and compound verbs ‘We distinguish bacon simple and compound verbs in Person. A nari falidenourderiond — GL baton to weve a8 bard todo ‘, raton 9 90 ple ver icone wha infativ (5/2 above) coi of one Gly dattan wo have ‘otal aston cone A-compouri vet consists ofa non-verbal part aa simple verb, Typical compound ininives ave 028 IS tar kardanto wore Gay bar dita vomove by 9 3) az bain aan to eappear ‘all ay ps dmaion coo ‘Compound verte ate examined in §/29 ad 90 below. Almost al (he vere described in 5/2028 ar simple verbs 6. Government subject, complement and object Allverbs have a jet (See 4/2 and 5/4 above 15) cong pune bus at Os wert sco gS kei ya. My books ere, We can however put Persian verbs info three broad types secoding to thr relaionip with other parts ofthe ste: + wes which Rave no oe (Le, so allied poy ther than the abject sc Ue ini ase. Hos hoe sia mordand. Moy dod scoal a38 as run raf at. Hee has gone out Some verbs with no object have @ complemen! i. further wort or expression ientsying or dsribing the subject. cael Sigal pyaly bartavam amuse ast My bate echo 23 gue p'San hamtiran nr St treatm ae ening the ver. Alot al webs of ig ean o becoming eed complet Comper most fen tak the fom of nun (9/1 08 aderve 076) «et hich hve 9 ct bd ec py drt ess 1 Ue trata tem, coos het naman So mt ete peekt gb naan! gel nnevicande nem seas ‘We dont knw this wr. wesbe which have a propesitiona abject (ea second party 0 affected, bat preceded by a preposition, se 6/15 ide ge 5) as man prsidand. Thay asked ra) me, Sel sat ll ay 4 gel Abe wt ene neve at tn Engl, the preposition ‘Wand ‘ar can fen be cane, making the abet lok like «diet objet. In Pesan the pepodion cnn be ome asl vals ap Lab ay Be Somace dade ana? Wat id hey ve (to) you? we die 258 pay ly bore pera xod mane Slat He bt or his con a house, A verb can have th a direct and prepostional abst: Snes ty bel 5f an dhd cpr? ce ‘What did he ask ther? (iret object forthe person, preposii tal objct for th sala ylang yan adie beds ddan ‘Tay gave a prosantt hel tends, (direct object forthe thing, prepositional object for the person affected) The elaionship a a verb to ta complement cr objet (i ny) i called ts gonerent A Persian vb dav at maces have th sae governnent ait ene agli uve Sed Bit N63 ctl oar (rom somebidysomething (doc jet in English, prepnitiona object with a in Persian) Some verbs cause thei dict object to perform the action, These ore Rowe a cauatie verbs They are explained in 11/4 [tense is that form ofthe verb sshich indicates the tie othe a contest in which the action or situation denoted by the verb ‘cus. Persian has fou simple (e. one word) temas + Pat, indicating a completed previous actlon oe situation (ebay, 290 5/8, 9 blow + Prose, indicating a current oF impending action or situation (1d, am dng), see 8/10-12 below. + lmpertet, indicating a continsous or repeated previous action o situation (1 was dang), se 5/13, 8 below + Present subjunctive, indicating posit (1 may do, so 5/16, 17 below and four common compound tenses, ens forma with move han ane word + Porfat (1 have done, snle sn maint he past tense, sc 5/21, 22 below + Perfect subjunctive, indicating 2 previous possiblity (1 may have dono oe 5/23, 2 alow: + Ploperect, indicating one previous acon or situation preceding another (had don, see 5/25, 2 below + Future, indicating an action oF situation ecurring aba (1 sha, see 5/27, 28 below. 8, Forming the past tense We form the past tense (with the alate s past penonal endings Past stem, The pas tm easy to form. We remove the fit an fom the lng infinitive (6/2 above InGiative as tom OWE sandantoread tle saat (lent 5, 1/13) ial amadantocome — nal amad- ‘32pe Patan o be yp bs ES tote tot 8S hoi 5, repian 1990 8, att GEL samantomake Le sa snd 30. forall verb in the Ingge. Pemmonal endings, The personal ndings hepa tense ar Tenons Sagar ual and ious -idyou ard helene as and hey See 4/2 for heute of the persons, The St person single fem of ‘he tense (ho she," as no ening fo his fore the past tensa Is deal oe tem tl. Al pst stems and endings, an ence al pst ese, are el. The past-ense verb is stressed on the last syllable ofthe past stom oven the ver s afimative, Typ pet ens ALS xandan to 05d, past stm sud xtnd- (he sss ie ‘shown inthis evar): (pile adndan etl stn Sls sina Sols a SDS sant dnd | 17 so yd prvi) lan oc, pst snl ama Tal pl ea nd ma eB pat tg ag at pg Ft Sp bud, ut ot, aha, you hy mo rar, bt, ud Soaleo allother ves whose pas stern ends in 3 PEAS dtu get kati SAS. Kass ssid SAS hot tS stand |, you, he, she, we, hey led RAS kottan ot pact tm «28S kot (he stoi shown} | a | raft to go past stem a3 ra dy oy opty raf, raf, ra (te) ete) went; KEL saztanomako, pat ct «ab Le srt ke ble be sata, ste sau (te) (te) mace So alo all other vee whose pat tem ends in Colloquia pronunciation, See 2/6, Colloqull pronunciation can be used for the past tense ‘+ Thesylible il. da in the past stm soften pronounced 1p of oa ler in engage: 215 candan. 1 red 4 The past stem tT amad 4s pronounced colloquially somo gael dir uma, You're (You came et, Soe 5/19 far the post stn -bail 3 tavdnet- pronounced colloquially mere ‘+ Thepersonal endings. id and A. and ace pronounced callogualy -in-and -an spectively. Not all speakers use these fo variants, [Negative The negtve ofthe pst nae (1 ot do) is ore by adding the negative prefix ft the fina ve. Tie prefcaway takes theses ofthe word (tL BS ndddin, wo t fe dam we nok 35 nap ete ot 90 When th pst stem epi wit a vowel or, the negative proiaecone 2 Thecombintion nt tewrten with ae made “Se amadand hey eam Saal mdyamadand ey dot come asl dorian tought adh mfyivordan dat ng a rT. | ‘+The combinations nya end are written without ae Lol ands wo weve pbs niyandasin wood tow abil ada shai nd wot ta ‘The combination adl-cecurs ip the only Persian ver begining the vowel ual akg idan Yo stan “eg With his verte a tained 42! ition | soso 3b naiadom not stanton This ae a merely apelin device, and i no pronounced {af-Some asian detach he prefs the eb, wen patel sida For the past tense of ammpound vers 868/29. 9. Using the past tense The pst ee swe sey fo he English past ese for single previous completed actions or situations which are not deze to have ay effet oo any tlevano,the present: 43 I) sr dda i 220 BI it nui. Wa wer ote They U9S tora? Where is you go? Two the ls obvious er + inceran clauses of erating othe future; se 8/9, fit ‘expression chs the olin eapecily common in everyday spec 24] tcllegunly «madam ce, At coming. (py rata. tm | 24h ga sagt 10 Boron, man mada ‘aug ts, tow. ‘The past lene isnot normally used fora previo action having anon the presnt uation os 5/2, 2) Fora previous action or situation which wat interrupted by nother previous event, Pesan also wes the past tenae where rgsh expresses erent sp IO oo dy Nath \When so anved ed been as) er Se Yas TT Aas tar asa Ferman norman Bae 10. Forming the present tense We form the present tne (am don rit he pont nnefix + pmsent stm pase peminale nt pefie & ge mi It is commonly wailten detached from the verb. The preset prefix i tossed When tis theonly pee Ge wihon the vs aimatve: Prosent stom. To make the prseat stam ofall verbs whose long infntive (6/2 above) end ina adam ve remo the ening ia fro hittin Iafiize sent ate soul 5 sand eas al san ‘baile manda remain dle mn fends in gal. -adan ore. -idan by removing the ending 2h sid ida tat iso ‘yall oadonotet ail of ano standtop al et oie! ‘A39 davidan orn 39 dav a saridano buy > ur tag putida to wear ty ps Sand sabidan seep ae ab A few verbs with long iniiive ending gf. -tam make their sent stam by dropping the ending cf. tan fra that infin AS ketal iS tot GL, bono weave Sh, ba “These areal rule proven stems, For most remaining ves the present stem i negulie and has to be lenmed with the verb. Some iegulars can be grouped, having simular tems Appetite common itu present stems a Sample of such presen ster ar Cnheriong frites ending .\ yoke aati sls aidan ogo 3s ah oul apron 20a sph afar is enidan to hoa ng ena ‘DME ddan to 900 vie it Long iintves ening 99. -ndon U nam ‘otee naman o show obpagb Farman cma Other long ifnties ending dan sagh forma: 28+ mordan to de at mi dept fomordan cca lad toma: 2x bordanotaketcany ay bar eal aman core ie B28 kardanto do -S bon gayaT avordansavardenobeng gh ar . ‘tbo regula eg var Cher ong infinitive ending 3 on GEL, sacen'o make jhe sae USI anata to tow — lal ance Ga fren tos yp for REIS gozatan pass ose i GENS gordtian to put JUS sonar: i Gadd netacon'o st ett nein i Thy aston 0,0 eae bard soften say F ou By ratan 90 1 Principal parts We can convanietly eer to any we, regula or a regula by ts opine pant’ a he long infinitive andthe pent te Boe sari slace fom these po mxar-10 buy 98 GUS goftan gu-to say ts any fu of aay ver ca be ‘he exrption of one ver aly 5g Prosent personal endings. The prosent-tenge personae ‘we hen te presen ten ends cnsment are the same a hos hepa ten (6/9 above) except the person singular Wp -am pe imwe Pad iO id you das adhe 3. -and hey S20 4/2 forthe ws ofthe persons The prsent-tange verb i assembled in he onder peli + ste ending, Typical present tenses with the stem ending in @ Regubrstems, vale 51,5 sandan xan read (the stress is shown inthis comple plc mixinam le ge a lg a mixanad alg ge mi xinand eam oad et 2 galeilopadon ofc lage mictan pele moti BB mii Bail mi oftat Hallam ating te) pole mestnin Sails Go me stid | yoke! ition tt stand, t0 tlt a edly itn le mist Selig lisa ee mia Atal go mi istond | stand, stoplam standing, stoping (ete) we ty sain arto by pee misaram phy misavin Soe titi ABA mi sari abe mi cared SiGe mi xarand buyla buying (ote) 1-28 GLAS kotan toto PAScge mi kokam AS rit “2S ge mi kotad var asin ete pecSuge mitotin Hats mitowid ADS i Kotand negates 1S 325 kardan konto (he stesso in this example} Sgo mi kona Sp mihonin j ecg a ese BS mibonad Sg mi konand dof arog et) 9 dion bint s08 ‘ca? mbna peas mid AE mon SS pus “Sa mibinad “Sigs nd Tec) | sn a one. | pg mba peta mind | a iboats ib / 2g i bandad — edi banda Ite, cosefam ying, sng (tc) %” SUN mi andzand lal aga mi anicioe Sila ge an 25lal ge me andtcad asl go mi andacand trowian tow The present-tnse personal ending ted nen th present stem Saslh madi fn a vet are the same 28 those for sems ending in » consort except thst the eter ypu before the ening Before eines eng the ye Sounded before dings begin the ye est (08 2/4) lal RSL anasto amae-to trom Beans Pha gt pen ime and ates -idyou Sete yadnabhalt 3. and hoy Typical present lenses with stems all neguke) ending ina vowel sohich snways ether 18 or 33) T gal anda a cae eles mi dram potlege iain ale mi “lege lad "mom cig) Bal ge on and (eg mt namayan asl mi mana bea eieeea ge cle area BUG minandyad lB gam namiyand | show showing (ete) 8 GS sofa gu to say Sie mi eon Salee mad use nisin Se mist Sessa iid co migtad Se mised sayam saying (etc) tae spelngs itt defor de i art found. We ned tobe slo recognise he plage) miain (Sai S go) guid We alo encounter the prose prefix one in wring to the et though this older speling andi now dicouraged. When the pest stem bei wih consonant, the peling i this ty ot wring vie (eilshee) mana 12d (pee) rit edo (prslatee plates or peed mines wo show We the pet atm hein mith © om, the egg, of the presnt tense in ths style of wings fllows ‘+ thecombination midis wen with no made Taal amadon ao come lee hen spalen mityum, mii et) Taman ceing (te) + the combinations mia id mio are writen without al last la near ands to tow aes pen miandazam, mlandae (te) Towa towing Lal gale onadon oft. , gine pce mia. mist ot) i "aia ing ete) ster begining With li ie weg gales tian itt sand top the prefix is Forth nly verb with infinitive Colloquia pronancation. See 2/6, The impact of colloquisl I sways writen separa, a shown eae ronncision onthe preset tense felt in several ates ‘© The syllble Ls rin the present stem (fegular oF regu canbe pronounced colloquially um, om, a it can inmost words + Many regular present stems are shortened in promuncetion. +The personal ening 2. ad i pronounced ve after a @ 1+ The persona ening y.-idand A. and ae pronounced cxllogually sim» and any respectively. Not al speakers se dase to variant, The pronunciation of the present pref mi an te spelling and snes of the whole verb, do not change, Here are thos present stems showa in this paragraph which have a colloquial Pronunciation Neb Colloquia present sts WI all 5 xandan ato od mn wale Qaile manian mde tore oman 31, atl, rtndan ran toave wes 2 galo dian deh: to ave a nah GA tndanta-tobscame o 7 gal amadan o-oo a (ee below) 138 GA gopan gu to say * vay Gy rata rr t0g0 ~ NE AUS ocaton gcd to ptm p38 IS gosaton gorar-to pass czars Annex ists regular present stems, with standard an colloquial Framples of present tenses in colloquial promunciation (in transetption only Le gsle mandon marian foramen: 3 yale ddan deh to sve dan di de: mid i dn i da sep GA Sodan Sy obecome: ami ami, es mi im, in, Bom LS aS gftan gig to say “mi gam mi gi mi ge: gi, gn ga 93 ay i rafan sr 10.96 1S REIS porattan yosar-Hzar to put led Gel aman & 0 come} da: Becomes Go [Negative Th ragative of the present ens (1 no do, am not doing) i formed by adding the negative prefix. me: to the Mi ofthe alfinmative verb, The two prefines are written together. The "weraey pronunciation of he double prix i a ‘ut the pronunciaton né former oly colloquial now weed ven in formal serch fo the present tense However pronounce, the negative prefix lays takes the srest ofthe wont: past én ravanindms avon, ar nt gina sil Gb némicadindrefad.Wis nt alin fl. ‘To have. The verb lb Gil dattan dar Yo have form its protent tse regulanly ‘fom stem, but i doet not have the resent prefix. The stress on the stm: pole dean pels din wale airs Sasls bins vin ols dérad dire sighs rand ram have ere} trad, dirid wna cirand can be pronounced colloquially «ade, dei, ran respectively Negslive i wilh nl BL cal opghi taylis gli pul rir. ni, nara: wd, nr, nara Td nat have et) To be. wath jay: dan Bit Yo b's gli he prosent tee ands examined in /1 bow For the present tense of ompaun ves, be $729 o 11, Forming the present tes: 'to be! The present tense (1am, YOU are etc) of the vesb nate ape tacdan batt be has tre forms, he commonest tia af which at eels, ies frm. The fist fom ofthe preset tent Persons ‘Singular 1st lp ; and Ne tN ii Sed GaSe sat IN as aad Several thing to not bout this orm | All he forms except the St person singular (gT\ 0) are most | none othe previous word when at word ends na | nib foram. am oo. 2st mehrinmehrabin. You ae $57 w materkim. Wo 0 Tks “ly jantnand, They ao youn ne Uplink band The are apes bls pleoys tstnam zea My ends oe ie Alter silent final » (175), these forms ate writen separately wi ini ale ass tthe an, tam is, hes tae in ort After L. and .- ow we have the following joloed fee am pee i a ogee id Be ond sd afer. the flowing ined forms: pe am pes ime vee ew id Bae and $a hiya? Were ae ty? > Jelowand. They are ahoa. eoetiledanesjyam, lam asin eit larisiam. Van a Ta Ssilyiol\ Jallpbel exfatanifd? Avo you an stan? uly gels tai. You ao aon. We aso encounter hee forma writen separ iy with Ina bt ti equally common tose te second fore ofthe vec (see below) after any long vowel or vowel: combination (14, gouge + The 3nd person singular form (3I\yl) is written as 4 separate word Cul ast when it Glows a consonant ot sent» sonal gb sd athe good. Sal aye ORL: matin bran ast, The cars custo Se) 5 Nog 38 dr ora ba as? Wy to door open? see BAS slay HS sate spd qaBang ast His handeriing is very beaut sca 958 tae as. Ris kesh, eal Asad aig gl in donde cate a | ‘This une red J ssieass pil barddaram nevsent ast My brother is a wits I sca Aang baste ast tis oso fe thi form ater consonant (but not afer silent 9), thas colloquia pronunciation JCal gb sb good * ‘Ate ong vowel 1 07g ly ops ae and econ joe 0 he word engin he Tog vowel alee iar Heber agtdle mate as tis be (cali, Sis an, feu ki? Who? Aematvaly tam be writen spate with al aer sor gn 'Tpronunton thesis, lg swords may alo be pronounced infu hla newt “Salcelglranstia s tech of hitiaa? Aer sae word pat ping ioe we AS Cal gain 3) tars athe He's the person who + Me forms and endings ida and and-and can be Pronounced colloquial iy anda ‘Second form. This form consists oly of compte words (Le ne joined form) is very common, Is sree on the slab at Bemons = Singuae Plural st pth Mame th tie and Gah Sle itd si srt Cua ha “Sa tnd asian + This form can be wed instead of any of the fst forme + This form is commonly une in preference tothe ist frm oer than al attra long vowel or wowe-combination: ope getty diner has lama student JS (gS tanh hasta, They are above w ea nh heh a You ae nin Za be jlo hasan Thay ae shoo + This frm seed when pha enced on he vers a Uap vant tan Bu ey ae Steak ye rah hdstand Thay ae Arai). ahi hd. setae The Sed per gu reming trt a Ca 245 J hare spt hat Teri otc wok sen ilS Yetle Ul ay matin a as? fre onugh crs? Sou lca dat? or any ce? Saad lp oly =e hd, tae 0, + hard and hasan on be pronounced cllogulychstin and st “hind form. This elo 5/10), tab on the reset stem of agp budan which Ba. tlie mibaton paths mcbatin US mesa Le coat SEG miaad EC mi batans Coker speling, il encountere: ple aban ft}. with i joined presi However spelt, this form of the verb is used oly in oficial he language, and should be avoided in ordinary writing or spesking, It intered in sme pubic document and reports, snd herd insome formal speeches Athy ap tS bbls thee S51 Eu sin! tenvace bk besortarin masaeye diel ketvar mi btad Nowadays unemsoyment te county's bogest internal pct [Negative The negative of ob! (1am nt. 6 pee nim eS nt nis et nit nt The stress is on the fst sylInble.nitid wd nistand ean be pronouns colloquy (he tess being ‘ainained). Examples: 128 ga kardan how-to (eS +54 ions, békon (etc) may do ete) Lao Bagge s0rdan sort 20 dk sa + pasde boxoram, bor! ele) may eaiink ete) SE pote ‘0 say Donia, bog (et) may sy (ete) 1 GRALB onan soar tpt SIU «ply bogoron,bogoartt.) may te) 104 The sunctve of. bud bao boi formed with 0 prev) The stress onthe first slab 24 gay, bulan bat to bo (he ste shown 2 batan oth in Bb ba Sat de SU bios EL, and Irmay be The preset subjunctive tense of .l8 GLEls dation dara have iste woud instead we use the pf subjnctive tense, or which Collaquial pronunciation. The elements of colloquial pronunciation (se 2/6) found inthe preset tense apply als to the subjunctive 13s gale maedan mar-/mun'o ramae ‘a nae, bémane: én, bem, bémanan wpb tan to became ‘dam, bei Bek: bat, bein, befon sath ge dan ba-tobe ‘tam, bai ate; tin, bin, baton Jno kel dmadan d- Yo core’ Aya ‘bia, bt, iad: idm, Bd, bite ‘The aemative pr ucla bo- ofthe prefs for certain vers (ee above tenet wed when the colo pr vow oro Fore g 58 GS gotan ier and SB BLS «began bis, Dge: Bein Bi, bégas ‘Qecra, esr eae; eri, rin, beara Negative. The negative subjunctive (1 may nat do) made by Aropping the n\n BEV prin ofthe affirmative form, and subi the negative pfx. a, The negative prefix then 106 5% nda | 10.00 pS mig we maya ay 243 adravad ho may Wot 90 aw 5 incrsand they may not write fore a vowel, this prefs follows exaly the sane pte a Chat shown forthe negative pst ese (ee 5/8) ALS mivinadhemay notcame es dod tay nota 2316 mova ay not ung san ndtand thay may rot op Tor the negative sobjunctive of atl 9 ban Ba to Be ws tach theses negetive prix cl to the afratve form on ghd etl tam, nba ot) | may ol be (te) or the present subjunctive tense of compound es, sa 5/ 17. aig the present subjunctive tense The present subuncive teie expresses possi rater than fac thas hee pica ws: * to express the imperative for certain persons: se 5/18 elon + ster cern tiny verbs examined in 5/9 pan ly ya Dera must go be BEA rencstad died + after certain conjunctions, to express probability, anticipation, purpose and he Iik examined in 8/5, 6,7. 9, se 5s se soy 34) rad Deravi sarevoat ‘eras Go qk 80 tal you ative on Sno shen Jape) $1 par enrucberasad iesie ares today 106 18. Imperuve ‘The imperative or command fem ofthe ves derived from the retent subjunctive tense (the ‘subjunctive’, or which see 5/16 above forthe 1a ed pesns (ing and phate fom fat merge te) ne SGI eng ny he aa i shown) eS brs tne say psy isin tw sy BS deawadierninnersey 22585 niga iat remot say When put into a question these fums ave the ening ‘should 4) (nt do {ae ce bgt ego? Wht shout 307? SAG a3 fara nayayond aya? ‘ay thy no'Shoud thoy ot come tomorrow? Saag ge deol alnad bam beravad cre? ‘Souls Atmad ge oo? (ete nt) 0? may fot the nl prsons, he form siden othe eujunctive mins final Nog 1m the singslar (9), and identical to the unchanged objetivo the prt (La). The mang ith of 2 diet eosin, Dabo ne wrist Deis wle—— Aegg neisi otte Auli nt ore eple\ GS nat donot came SS, teat pat aati on pul Shee Deporsidak Age maps deta ‘The imperative of ty gaye son hit Yo be follows the rules given above, Like the subjunctive, st has no prefix in the Se ay Serre mae oneee 21 Beds detiang nabat. Dotto downneares 107 For verbs whose present stm has the wowel 2, the pret wat 6 pronoun bo 2S<\ 6 tot 00 SIS al ham i bogota Utne pt st re. + apha'y by cat ri haxor Dink your toe + sie sent tere 3001/13 or verb wow present stem has the woe write with the prefix ay be pronounced ether e- B AaSu\ 3 beidbrutd) Say, Te Fo vers whose present sem haste sound ay wrt 9, then it the 2d psa emule only (3 thi sabe i pronounced 0 an the prefix yay be pronanced iter bo bo aA\au berou boroulnaro« Gaon" go singular) but: aye deay BervirmdGaDon 99 (pia hs dation dar- to ‘The Inpertive ofthe simple verb nla ve it used ifn imperative ended i dete ron the perfec subjunctive tense: atl ails date basil ‘have’ (ee) See 5/28, Perhaps the most frequently aed inperative is ela befermi d when eng rpropnig smth e278) sth equal of Geman Bor alan Pree: sed in this ss the word alway hal nama esi bor tan digo aeaselp yous po seep Sb 3} acinar fra ome way ma Seay Sea lr st hs Ahrens? Psa (as) Cotlogsist pronunciation. Colloquia! pronunciation (ee 2/6) apple to the impentivecnly ando to the abet: 108 ye “brim, Lato ove a! ini iain, Cre hve, “lg colon bd: Lat ham come no For the imperative of cmp ets, se 5/29 19. Auiany verbs ‘An avery verbs ave used in combination with anaher vee The auxiliary expresses such ideas as capability, volition, bligation with relation to the second veeb. Typical English suoalinry expressions (with the aunilary underlined) are a come, he wants to 99, ‘wo mail wie In English the second cr operative ver stands i the ite m Persian it stands in @ tense, (moetly the resent persona the auiiy er, The anlar we usually stan sedi ltr its subject for sn the plac of its implied subject the subjunctive ver tans at tance, 5/16 above), nthe same Sip Bl coment ais ens wan ny lt eral boont | thes Ny gn tvtnan sent anan> ditt camet wera peta) FU WL Gane oe whsige Ua UT “patna Bl err? Gon your entngue pr his ox usta? spin yee gig tt ol bina he mosque Saceayiy Lyell gt Ip cera ncn cavanand Jind i inoretand? Wy ean ey na Send the ans? slg LBS gel ahd Se ‘cla mem tv in xa ena, body ean ea this handwetng, For past meaning, the imperfect (5/13 above) the most commonly td tne, n this wor the past ste te wer ssa basa colloquial pronunciation net Blpay 39 detail ge mal tavtnestand dot exarand “ms crtand They were ob 10 Bay 0. tnt We cnsa cma erase The simple past tense (5/8 abows) fe used mostly in the epaiv, with he pid meaning "ed baled: wading ab Wy 32 Coal gua ‘pari ntandaet dor r.xub bebandad Parvin wes unable to cos tha dor prope. pile pila leah glace i} azsedaye Savapeimana natzaneria nanan beaban, Tec sleep fr te 086 ol the aeroplanes, antl tyestan must to have Qo). This ver is desecive, having oly one preset form and one past for, sed fr al porns. Tho ver following it aees withthe sject 8 sual ak bya ust (presen orm) i used ‘withthe reset subjunctive, must, 10 pale c5s Ul bayad ba deqgar besomirm. We rust cent scout ape AS As | ME LS mabayad geet ra Tod ond boxer, You Fass ol (Ur fd 0) as sildage dal ly om onl sly baad in esr fr epoca. lst ay sbi ty. esS sph! dele nabiyad ior beguid "You must ot say that us), th ble SUL ae al ae acca hip te ian movdzedbatand Chien nave tobe cares on (et) te sto. ashe 2 el gmtile har dant bad ‘ajar harared Every st has to bong a ncebook with the perfec subjunctive (6/2, 24 Below), ust hav done), presumanyhashve done): 2th vba 3 tly Lng vet yo aside bata Hera mus (rasumaty ave aed ae 2:24 mala Up aly Bld te nde bad “Tay mist have stayed at home state Ly al od el case par bnad dine a nevete bad. Pan rust hve won i eter. ca nett for) ed = wath he poset jnctv, ‘ght! he Cal) Cal bye ris Beg “ought oa eta. 58h bly coal baer mone batand They ought Be eae prSeaphie cole nabs nou oti “We ought ot oo that hs. = with the imperfct tense (5/18 above), ought tlsbouls have doney Sedal gt 37395 Cony aes tar mi ama ‘ot eight tfshould have come eaoner (but did). 7 ate ye Ua cal Bocce ent mae mind The chien sto ave tye (a homo ect which gt he past opening oust tt bet exposed iniety in Pesan alt, The aes formula 8 Daye age mab ban ta cd, with the pendent obit rset obj tila ASL aye agra mab but xa ‘pardon. Wad to (wor oad 0) pay ext “Tere no diferent colloquial pronunciation for ul or ea BAS: hel aston sat see 1/3) 0 wat. The tener ae formed regula Prenton napa: Salt Sal sal ye mi sthand nr bland “Toy want come ty. phe tel © ay 9 56 ah ld ge ‘mith yee cata hte Dexaran Tanto by ag ard some bows ay Ly Tb sao ish sinrd icf." wan ole house Sgt cl ale gS Hi ahd in beresina? vino wantsto miner? dont want osay any longer (or For past meaning (want) the import of his verb the most commonly usd form pm MAU ea Sai xtzam nome Benevisan, "wares wie a ete. SiS pS seal ye mista ae Beira “Thay wanted io aleig! ta Uy cal gh in reat no st beara. Paar wat ota. The simple pat tne expresses waters about to ot pel stam brava about 1 “The verb Gel also tsanlats Yo abk for with Sb ae before the son athe). Both in thie meaning and inthe mening 19 want can take # diet abject seal selene pi 5] ar sandugdar mosa'ede ean gga aSLod WA S1F haga exe mi saan hi worken wane asking fora so In he collage pronunciation ofthe present stem ofthis eb, -tha- becomes + gle ryad may (perhaps). ike Rag yest, the verb Galt tayesan i defective. 1 has only an invariable present UE cayad may In iterary Porta this ver courts mix. 3: ml xARim, mi tin i a an ausilny and is followed by the subjunctive; bt in everyday Pesisn deLtie viry commonly used simply as an adver messing ‘prhaps, withthe operative verb ts an appropriate nan sancti ene s3ayt BS Le Nad fara beravad, ‘She may (pata) sla ga\aly | gt dae gL layed ama ra Dedinand mi dna, Perhaps hey koow everything, For the negative, we negate the dependent verb, not the sui: sagt agg LE tau naravadne saad ‘She may (reba) nat 9. SB op er LE topics aot. Patan esa nbn Theres no diferent collogilpromunciton for thi sei veh Impersonal exrersons Three moxay veri, wo of them dete above, ae ue wth hes ifati (8/2 above tke impersonates (ona can te) 13 + ‘one can, one cou For this we have to formulae + the form he om tn oneat + shot nti. in wich the aly hos no personal ening 2u3 ob Iya Ul 5 a ini asi 3 tava did You One} en 8 he masque om here, AAS sgh hg A ners van arcour soft (One cannot sy that (Hus), The present stem Jovdn- i not weually pronounced callquay inthis sg thee pnw singular (3T\9fom 3h get Sead (preter go mH (impo) of apt Ab Sodan oy. to bcm + short ininiive. Thin ts tepecally common in. speech, and llogulat prominin maybe $oaF sgl yg dodo tent gh? Gano sy Ce | sigdggk A — na, noite -No, you cant ead gh A gE ne Sod ud Sen he could not haar wet. + ‘one ma, no ough For hese, we ue the ated impersonal forms yy baad (presen) or Cau ips rst hor ini el ea ily ba hom rss ‘one mt syst oh | 42 pile al matty yt ‘One st tos ope (ote dpa) BS pemal 355 Coal Best al min gr Onecught ota a deaion chy. 225/29 for the use of ar vas with compound et. Cone) Uulae IT esfhin- ncn end fein 8) ‘tran ram Sune (gs Sava) 20, Partcples Partcipls are adjectives derive fom verbs. Like English, Persian hae two partciplas: the present participle (ing!) and the past petit ne Present participle. This partiple ts formed by adding to the present stm 5/10 above) the ending a. -andé (alter a vowel, gen and; both forme with silent final » see 1/75). The patiple is stresnd on its lst vowel sang evs te ag evan wring Eapb fora set yy8 fordandé seiog i acme asl ayandé cong Past partcple. This pariple is formed by adding tothe past stem (5/8 above) the stressed ending (with lent aston Past patie sey rasidreridared thy rasidvesidéaerivaa 96 bard 9 kardé one Ale sonar passed As28 gonatt passes ty meet wet seg neve waten Use ofthe present patclple, The peo! atisple sin piniple verbal active butt ue a ch i very ited Olen the oil ibe tral by a non-verbelacciven nglsh . si JL sate ayane ne year san lahat mathe dyande ite gpnetions More common she os of his partip ss ano, denctig he person thingefocming the set ofthe eb 242445 frutnde vendor, salesmardnoman suis amayande prostate seg nontande wer aT ayunde a There ae to aoe ofthe Engh ing veal foe which ar nt expresied with the Persian present til 1 the gh contiroous ees Cam ong was din), fe which Persian use the presen (6/1) of mperet (5/13) ters nef the colloquia contiaous eres 6/15) + the Bnglh eb noun eg eating, for which Persian uses {he lng itive, 5/2 above Natal theory pose preset patil are in se ‘Use of the past participle. The jst parce Is wed as an adetv cern case: meine, ks the preset patil, ‘ses taaaed with non-verbal adjective in English cal hy SEL ate at The banks cose BMS ins pnjareye tla! archon wacom 42218 mae oct last monty the past marth sty tm se rane be Hoe aoltipeaopest (singular colecve noun, 63/4) 16 asst nevetehs wetings, writen works third use isin. veal phrase, having one) dy 9 A ly 4S liu gfe, bola Yodo raf ving said tat Chis, he stood up and ket wan), “The pat participles als usd in rover forms + in the prc, pac subjncie anc ple tenses, fr hich see 5/21, 23 and 25, + inthe posse ic, for which ee 5/80, The past participle can be made negative inthe same manner as the pst fens 45i85 ndgote not (having) sat A negate presen participle exists in thory but tetra rae, Soo 3/4 for literary plurals of nouns ending i sles», which Of participles, em, SALE namdyandegan representatives’, ole axte beast neve wings! include both typ ‘See 7/6 for adverbial patie, less cosnmon than adjectival partisples 21, Forming the perfect tense The perfect tense (1? dora i formed with ast palpi first fm of tobe (ares) See 5/20 and 17 respectively for these. Inthe perfect tense the fom of tobe follows silent», ands therefor writen separately, with naa (see 5/11, fia an second indents). spel my 295 2 asl, Wo nave ave wary clash, oh 3} wham rat at, Ho nas gone oo sel ast Ip gel Wea ace id neve and The hse have writen tis In the affirmative tense the sees is on the final vowel of the paricple Sve For the negative ofthis ens, we negate the partici his onto he pref scoala 5h homer nasi as, Ha has not yt avec. all als nyamade and? Have tey not come? J ast tal! ger hic nie nde ‘we navEwrten no lee We have not writen any later Forthe perfec tenue of compound wert, we 5/29. 22, Using the perfect tense The peste! tense if wie a in English, for & previous action or uation whose effect al fl now aden rasie and Tey have arved (and ave sil ese) ve AS Cal 485 ly 1s farm at ke ‘Tho costo as oder ha. In everyday speech, the laments Cau ast and al and ae often mnt Soaals outLe matin nayumade? Maso te car came? sal Upp = —cerd, mater -Yes, ha, Ach, (pilage had hameye mehmina raf [A be guosts have gone. Jt a the prose tens can convey fe ining (5/12), 50 the erect tnae ca convey fare perfect meaning (1 shall have one) when appropriate: Nasi L bye ol © ma raf peachy be ge of sa anmonge’ ma raf im 8y than we (shal) have gone, The perfect eras not normaly used fra previo action having ro effect on the present situation; that requ either the past renee (5/8, 9 or the imperfect ene 5/13, 14), Fora previous action o situation which ise continues into the rent, Persian ses either the perfect othe pret tense (5/10, 1 12), s folows: + When the verb (whether denoting ation or skuaton) is 18 yr 5-Vatbs negative, the perfec is used scael ach yyet Oy 5 an agr brun naate aa Since ten else has not gone OU. 5 Ab lagg Ggio ae y3 do mak hun napardasie ‘a. They nave paid no Saat Tor wo mans. iM Jaga 51) olty! tan ra as dir nadie am T ave nt seen hievheten since yesterday. sca sage spall Cipped hing dour nabude at thas never been £0, ‘+ Bora verb othe than 344 budan obo! denoting a station in the affamative, the perfec i use: 28) Asan Cae oh lant tahedan nin sat nbacte ‘an The winds have bean iting oral an hour. I salle lel 5 attest made and “Tay have ben staying since the summer denoting a action in the afemative, we use the present tense see 5/12 ‘An ambiguity arses when certain past participles are used 35 adjectives with the presnt tens of 2g Ddag thi structure Tock ke the perfect nse but shouldnt be contued with cae nS ayy pani okt ast ‘he widows broken al Asay USL dae jon nk hase ond (On Fiday (Fda tho bans ae sed ‘This use is confined to vert which can take a direct object (ee 5/6), With sentences such as these the ambiguity can be avoided by sing the seca form a 32g uaa (se 5/11: Ae diy SSG Ane jonah nthe baste hasta 23. Forming the perfect subjunctive tense The perfect subjunctive tense thal | might do that) | may have one} is formed with 119 stp sbjunctve of 12 dan bt (55/20 and 16 rpeavly or ese) pthen98 arte bata ha ign do aby 428) news toad (ta nose rg wee eA wlan btn (0a we mg eH thea vowel ofthe parkple. The negative of Is ens formed by making the participle regain Th sh hi on oth reat prefi aay Beh sdals\th miata bad than erate ene seth nga mide bai (a you ght at so0 a2 ah mage band hat oy might The perfect subjunctive tense ofl» ls datean dar. to have ts used instead of the subjunctive tense. metlyherefore has present not peste ming etl aatls date hasam petlyactls date bakin Seth acts cate bata Aa astls date datad atl atl te batand (ta may have ete Negative goth atl mate bata (tc) A tls ate bai Thi give he imperative (ve 5/1) of RAL, which sidesical to the perfect subjunctive except ford 2d pessonsiguler (3) fou, Ayesha) (nde bat eon hav! "hope ar the subjunctive tense and impetve forms used when this verb ie uted at simple verb (5/5 shor). Its simple tasperative i rarely used. The forms ane diferent, and mote vm in se, when this verb occurs a the verbal element ofa compound vt For the perfect subjunctive tens of compound wert, ss 5/29 20 y 24. Using the perfect subjunctive toe The paeect subjancive tense expresses possiblity eather than fact. data dr to ave is The pret subjunctive of fd csc instead the rent junc, e ara Bolary verb 5/19 show pr acts 3b5 655 ah baad age it ate batin have have at fe. tla log al Skye har sare biyad nonce date ata Every ster ust have a number and for he imperstive of tain pss ee 5/2. wo other mportant wef the pret bjt al verb, al, icing et data) ae expe eewher: *+ alter certain conjunctions, to express a probably, hop, pppoe ae he ike (/5, 7,9, 115 eA Aa wh ET AS eg oe tarzan kas hart rate biden fer tey (may) have gn too + with ee aliney verb dey ipa to express ust have (done, presumably nasrave (done se 5/19, The perfect subjunctive tense of tle dan BB Yo ba randy woe 28, Forming the plapertect tense ‘The plaperiot tense (had don} is formed with Pas.patcipl+ past ons af a3 yuan Yo bet (Ser 5/20 and 6/8 respectively for thes) When affirmative, th wer i stressed on Ue final vowel of the ptcpe: os ARES vet bata ac wnt The negative of tis tense formed by making the participle negative The stress then. moves bak othe ref agg aysle\nagd:adbordelnsyavorde bud ‘he fad no ker ught Forte plperiect iene of compound ert, we 5/29. 26. Using the pluperoet tense ‘The plupentect tense denotes a compete action or sate aituated father boc in ine han he pt ens (5/8 above), o ne hich peed rater cmpleed acon o Sate 9 tees ce By ag cand yagte pif aside ui. Wehad ava some tne blo 2S Cart cantly AS pay et Thana nantaste bud ke pds tora” kard. "nad har nt yot sat down when the pianist began. Some ambiguly aries when certain past participles ate used as adjectives withthe past tense of 2 bud thi structure ooks ‘athe plpertect ene but should nat be confsted with Aa 3163 dn baste Dud. The Shop was dosed. ‘This use ie confined to wor which can take a dzet object (ce 5/8), “The plop of Bl, 29 dua Ba ob isnot used The fue tea Veh 0 i fomed wth ay ni shai Te matin ver qin tl alg ata Yo rant (6/1 inthe present ere asi pet pr hs HME AALS seal Sas oGAl “hn, sh tho sins. cond See5/2 for thst inftve othe negative ofthis tense we prfix md ta th say. 2 TT The stress ofthe whole tease on the aay «omits persona ding (nthe atemative, on ts prefix in the negative ct pa. ah neve shal te Satgd pbL BS ndtaham neve sal at wee agg an lel asin zhi ud. wil bo sy. agg Al SS hel asain nh bad. al nt be 0559 ‘he singy ad the shor infinitive almost always stay togetber, the eu ofthe classe o sentence (ae 8/4 or he definition of su). 28. Using the future tense ‘The future tense denotes an action or sate ceaey situated ahead ofthe prcset. It is sed mostly in writing, and then to denote an intention, orto emphasise the futur timing ofthe ver, or wher 0 cher expression in the sentence makes the future ining clear Li gable gt lye jab fai akin neve ‘oo sh wot storn roy ab als LT hy col cee sas tal dear xahod [at es arcu wi 2 (boceme easier. ‘When the future timing ceo fom the context, othe action is inninent the peesent tense with fate meaning (5/12 a 7 lala fart en heres omg i coe) teow The utr tense i alo commonly ute fas in speech) to express {supposition asin Engst eons ee ee rales) ‘in nevete aX? - abs aha Du. Who's wien ts? bal presumes Abbas or the fature tense of compan vert, se 6/29 below. 123 See 6/5 Persian has relatively few simple verb; for any bat the Compound wobs ‘ost baie concepts 4 compound vec is used The compound Consists ofa non-verbal element anda simple verb. The verbs uote below a oly all simple; hey ae shown wth he rina prs 6/10 above of her verbal ene 1S 3396 bichon ton to920 “2S 9365 gl tele kara ono tephone 28 ga 9 ar hardan ont wor odo AS 348 tS att kran koro y ! 35 938 8153 cnet tartan knoe : 28 398 eS tomattrdan tony j bh Guth bar stan ri 10490 f a8 te Fpl ay i amadan a cece cpt bat yy wired todan dar tener slo GIS ee me tan drt, vant F slo tle Sony dat tan doe Ss cl jorat dation dar dre ls bar dattan dr-trenewe ob fs wb> ol Jo ddan doko anawor j een | als als > i ters adn de each i ABS ited Cans i wat phat J, uF ons Oe) The nor verel lent nati some ct epee gg ahmat aidan kato ake role ful atid tattle mg saan 20-9 amin xordan zor 0a | with a prepeston ee 6/2 i “a 85 gb A be hm zrdan x1 2008 i 139 iy ag 5 az ben rata ray- 0 sappear i “081 Sy De harbordan bar-t0 use v8 yy For the most pat the two elements ofthe compound ves stay Aogether, atthe end of the sentence or las (ae 8/4 for the defiition of las: 5) az ben nei vad. tae Ow 3 Toes nat 90 amy el gs tag G+ maaan pt nd. Moone apa aia gi AS 4 4g be mak nei kardand ‘They oat hlp hee seal 19S tS late nakarde at Ho et salpnc b Sie 3s str ned ati tote at wo yours Any directo pronoun afi {43 ade tothe nonverbal een: Si (23k bast naon.Oantopen rls Goiesd Gb el ues dri. We aot ih soe compound vets having noun anon vel elamert, sm, Can -tat (ele, see the compound may be interrupted by anything needed to complete the meaning suchas + an enje (2/5, 8) + noun, pronoun, oF adjective, with or without a discobject sul Ly rt 6/3), on ofthe compound following the a plural suff 4), the indefinite suffix uct (/2) and/or the dirsctobect suffix L 1 folowing the nous af thecompound (paths eK ep jor ate tokyr malas an dare (to) compan Sali |) dal gly ovale nme rl maaan 7 ‘Thay dot ans ho eter a Wy Bled hb yd jayl em dare rei dnd ody he aught ery oy Ino, Spel ae ba lye (i Eonar ti 15 Seal eA eae Ag ely Feel ade 3 cas ‘lhmate ind tide ast? ri? ce abt Raid at? Hoohas taken att of touble? Rony? What voubl has he taken? With a fow vers, an cafe ca also be added tothe aon-verbal clement where his 8 ter thn nous 2 uly eS kat ved baa od. Tho sip ‘nlere he tout (syne active ener) Tenses and pats in all tenses and pars, the compound vor i stressed in the affirmative on its no-vebal element an in the ogtiveon the negative rei While the non-verbal loot ofthe compound ve mais unchanged, the verbal element forms is tenaes.and other part in the ual manne, with the exception of the subjunctive tence and imperative: + Initives Langan shrine (5/2 above: aS\oaS Lng, peda hardaitard tte + Stems, tenses, participles. Past and preset stems and tenaes (6/8 10, 11), imperfect tense G/13), present and pt parisples (5/20), pots (/20, prt subjunctive (6/23) plupetest (6/25) and fur terse (6/27 GS sl ya green tocar: 35(2) ak yadinageretan i awe tiara peScAbs) sk ya nein ira (80 no earn BSA Ah yd neni greta twas (ra aring 8 aly yd prande earned 4558 3h pad serfc arnt p48 SC) 3b ad (nee am Thao (ot ear 143 $15) 3h, ya oer bon Ak SOO a re ee 1298 $13) she ad (roieerefe dam Thad ind lean 128 5-Verts 2k, ytd (natcahom ert 1 Shal(n0 earn Subjunctve lense and imperative. In all compound verb, ois pls elu the whose vera ment ils GSTs dati dro have he subjunive tere (5/16 above) is formed sets «peom ong (6: the pric n\n ei) Ho the negative we Dread de (onl ny ele veel) the vetbal lamer’ of haiti. The imperatives derived rom She ssbjnctve in the norma manner 6/18) 8 328 AS sul arte an oe SSNS VS AS su lonamtontonad Inyo te) AS pSO\piSi 5 ut nananinaonnaonad. tay oo ten te) APNG) 28 8 iaphontna tonid fa HS AS 4 had uot tha These are the rammaucally correct subjunctive forms for compound vers. However, with many compound verbs the “ondinary’ subjunctive Le with the egg pets) slo sod in he sabjuntive and/or inthe imperative: 2S 928 Slax mug kardon tonto excuse ASS Shaw Lgl ly haya ra maf (kon. Youre wo excuoe tim, 3 gals 8 gut dian deter ty GES ob gut bedi ston wl (One important exception i the sheorcal question, which trully has no subjunctive prefiin ompound ves 28 938 4S kar karan ton. 10 0 SS se oe mi ce har kona? What can 14? wer rote oom. See 12/4 for the a ab 3ayb feradan Jamas te bal lent of many compound vr poli ech Colloguial tenses. Se 5/15. For the cellogial continous present and pat tenes of compound verb, the non-verbal elemen stays withthe second component vr ofthe tna: Scot JS lps dara int kari tomas Fen wong “pe F oe EAE atleast nit aan har Lor working there. 30. Passive voice ‘Aver inthe passive woke india not whats subject G2 8/4 above) dies but awhat sts subject undyas. A simple English ‘sample of passive expression in Tho tors tong win ln Persian the passive ca be Formed only if the orginal ver capable of taking a ditet object (ee 5/6 above), which then ecomes the subject ofthe passive expression. The passive ie sade with the formula ist pastiple + ao bb toda oy obec! (eee §/20 fr the pst participle). The verb gu agrees withthe subject inthe nosmal way, and gos ito the appropriate tense. Simple verbs. For @ simple ver) (Le. one with 2 one-word infritive the formula gven above suces, Tenses are formes 38 ‘sual allowing for an important diference in th subjunctive samples of tense: Past (6/8): cb dats Aalndme nvete od Present (5/20) Aythagt Ant AALS name nevete mi tava. ‘To eto boing wate, 8 Perfect 6/211 cael nd 19 dal ime nevete Sod at ‘Toler nas been win. ature 6/27 Ab dale ancl aal name neve ha Sc Tha attr lb wn Subjunctive 6/16), the ng be-prefi's usually omtted apd Astley aalt name haynd neve fava. ‘Te leer must be water ‘Compound verbs, See 5/29 above. For compound verbs made with 8 92,8 kardon kon, we replace this vers a arse wth the assay A. In the examples given below, vers ate shown ‘with the principal parts of thaw al element (6/10 above) setve Le nom pase) «8 32,8 gS gom tardan konto oe, pve ng jut (€ som Loken ao bege at 1S sa nae go. Te tr was ost. shod 8 aK ame go tad st Be ot Atl aad sab alt eyed ame gom ide tad. Pomaps he ter has bor st. yh (S rom tow Gottost sete 8 4858 lap hardan ton ssn Qa pl ap Soden fro bo pa ; 32 le Jan aS gah det od | “Thence wes pied yest. In one of two verb, 32 t seplaed by another vei forthe ewe a 32 5S su tara tonto daa passive yb G85 VyS gu xodan sor tobe deosived A similar thing occurs with other verbal elements of compound ves, with certain vas cal active ata gals pA anja dada det achiove, posive woah GL PLA anjam yt yao be acioved active 5 G85 9b Ay be ham zadanzan- toast, passive was O29 pb A be ham zordan xo. tobe dstutbed But for most compound verbs made with verbs other than 03,6 the verb ofthe compound x put ito the past participle andthe sine gab is added: tive 3 G85 GAT ate sadn zante on ee, pte wag Qa 995 GT ate sade fodan ta tobe set on ee: [E195 gol LH SUS seman eed etme To Treble nes acoder ston. sete aan BUS pene tami gern gro 0c, posing SOE AS pana tin gt oan WS AALS pene lamin sorted “Th megtve ofthe pave ofall vers, bo simple and i compound, is made by negating the aang Quin the normal | + pfiing 5nd (stressed to the suis In the past | tense, imperative, perfect, perfect subjanctve, plupesiect AES Aatigh jyal aa nane omnis nevete nto ‘Tho biter was not witan ody 12 Som ndtou! Doo gettost scl A bg 5h Soy pul amu pea nated a “The money has not ot been found. agg O88G AS pened tama geri nitode bu J salyod Lael jaya eal tne emrus med ndvtad ‘od. The eter wl ot be signe today + profixing i més (stressed) to the suslisny in the 100 present and the ier tenses 22d salen jay aU nc ome fret re avr ot gl a today. Several things are worth noting sbout the Persian pssive in eset ‘All the parts ofthe passive verb aay together wsualy the end af the sentence or ase (ie 8/4 fo he dein of a clause} + Although we can ad othe passive verb the instrument 22 Aaah pl 4 acy paniare Ba jor tetast tod “The undow wa broken wh a rick ‘we cannot ad the person by whom it was done. The comet rendering of The wed Wa OKO by HD in scanSct I ayniy 5359 doe pejare rd Btart ‘i broke to vendo + We enact make a passive of he English type Twas. avon a presont only the direc bjt may bec the subject of the passive ver. This sentence is bs expresed in Persian imperonaly Aisa gay dean adie be mon ddan “Thay gave mo a rosa ‘ot, more heavily, 8 passive with the old direct object '& nose sje fhe passe vers AL slo gay Aah ave be man dade od Apresent was gen tome. +The versatile nature of some past participles can case Pavtcipk aia baste ‘dosed b, peris tnse Coal day by IS ald ar dottan ra baste ast ‘he merchant has dosed he shop. i Past portciple used ae an adjective, indicating a tae ot an actions ‘cael day 3162 doldan atte at, Tho Shops lose Passive wer, perfect tense I nit Asay Ss dothan ste ode ast ‘ihe shop has been (and ils) hoses re. 6. Prepositions [A preposition ahows the eationship between the noun (8/1) oF pronoun (4/1) preposition i said to goer ts noun or pronoun (eS iot 8Hi5 abl gd darn zene mi oni We ive ran Saal gg Udy bata age iz at The pat on to tate, Wan gS gt 5p a in a ie. ‘Thor's nebody sxcant me. lvng Ht and the rest of the See 4/4 for the ose of prepositions wih pean pronoun Basic prepositions Peri has few basic prepositions. Tey areal short words, and seal llawed dre by the expression which they govern 133 dato) 3) a tom, by, thug, since, han ‘4 be to 2 Dar on iguatively) Gt wit, dasoite yb wihout G1 ostoras,untl pe jor excont toy oun te po DS 59 dar tetve sero i Class Thee ‘camera cass) sey GET, ba daha raft. went wt thm, sake! y Ah 42,8 a pute rata va itadand Tay nts ase corner and stoppedtod. fe a A ag TesSte area (to) town yoo. FASS pig 5 ar mann nena Ty asked) may nas an adres + We sso encounter ag be- (ith no a) joined to the next {6 Pepostions| word her peated and hndrten Pes: 11S 25,5 (cote aS gyi) be forudgah tthe apo Ul Cetin cl beak totam The combination ely eH to hese and hy edn hose have lo thes frequent aemaire forms geben andy edn ‘See 6/6 blow for more about bein everyday apeech +The preposition Bi without Is often written as a joined pref in compound words (11/2 35 ‘1G Bitar Chow work’) unemployed Sey birt enemplyment alge bicre hot med) hapless Fikges bicares)hobplssness + Some important compound prepositions ae formed with these basic ones: SN SAVST te pit sien befor “Sl ug F any etd alps az ater 4 ely rae’ be concarog Fe tar tc th + Same of the commoner bs propoions ae used together with an abstract nn to for aes (7/2) pt be madras rarely 08 99 dara consequent + 5/6 for prepositional objets ter vet ‘See 6/9 below for more about 9 dar 5203/9 fori} and (1 meacig than. 3. Prepositions with iL etje “Many prepositions are followed by the exfe (ce Appendix I, These ae mostly other parts of speech, compounds made wit other pats of speech, use as repostons. All hese are best leared together with the efe which follows 1 y thom, Essent ons neue la baraye bare er (69 rye 00 sabe lone in roto a pike Intent Sty potteohina SBI aasete inside Cue aie outico Sb arate towards (a place) ghey ite towards (a person) Glee bejiye instdo! age Gt vne in spite ot (VY balay above “75 sire balow sgh tye nt) aks bate witout seis gabe botind S19 darbrye erntng cet Be saabe bean J yo arent arg es dente og apo gtinys ay ly bry ace doo tarda Tia re zon sean ple Lb dc xine seis ‘non tse ae su we pot nto aa pt peda tad Soren cet yer sas gs Suhel gael ote efit msds sop nn hea sare oo top “ay bene bowen 5523 tye inofen sein everyday speoh stead of 33 dar (3/2 shove) for io with Merl or physical meaning, For figurative ani and with eames of towns nd countries, 9 das used in pouch asin wring lab oF ae xtneat i ish house 28 1B aS egy 359 ond nye bee fora tard The thie! es up (into) te aley bot he gel 42 dar in hal i nis ser instance ole! g2\ilet 39 dar sivaztdar iran in Shirazi ian 4. Prepositions and conjunctions A preposition gnvemn noun or pronoun conjunction introdaces A.cinnse, which i group of words making at east limited sease 135 aed centred oma verb with ts sabjet (ee 3/4). Its important not to confuse the lwo types of word or expression, eepacinly a i some cass (in Pesan or in English) hey may be sina. Typical ir, eth ferences forthe conjunctions ae ade POET ESS sectors SSA ooe alia SI Sab das Sel I bs bax movikere “ett azine feloe tn conoened be ° | a 2S e'ia ater ain ate | 19 shane deny AS 5 Sn nO Sd ax dare Betta ine rsidand ator osson story sive 9/9 pear Saighe ES babe because of TarbthetP because Tet of dol Sl a Decatae ct tecause he ferge 1 Soe 8 | Sues 2 FF arate mca ol] Matar wn cas| SS 2he spo 39 BEL IELNS Sino 42 et rate a ‘tar wa 8 at bated incase of thouy | in case tar aut 8/11 ‘The most important types of cla ning tho ineodaced by the enjuntion shown above, ate explained in 8/5 to 13, 5. Prepositions governing other expressions {A preposition can also govern an expeston of tine or place, a Wea ox ini be la bebar. Tako tis upsai. vist ge We Ura hls tena mabe at Unit now thee has been no cmp seal ag3 Ue i} inf dr asco. Mis far tom hore 6. Omimiono4be treallogu language tiscommeninsinple sere wh ed ot mation, to ont the peeposton 4B an Yo pu Be verb ipsa te ree {Sly sao oF et und re? " ony aig Sz? ‘ras aramgahehajez Shire Hale’ Tomo eutane a 7. Adverbs 1, General Advert a words which are said to ‘modiy a verb 5/1), an active 6/6) or another adverb. They slate or ask in what opps 2S ge SA Leigh init tendeg mi konami. ‘hey vet uel Sie abet las UT aya tetra sore a is Town vit big? 8S ot et eS} chan elear i xnad Fra ee ante ate ing adverbs of mm (0. tose shooting how a verb applies) ny adverbe of tne (showing when & verb apple) are identical to the adjctives with related meaning. Compare seal gd PAS hart ub ast, HH wok 08 BS gp ISOS sub harm konad. Hols works wel Simlary ay ge Mage Op Anes este a mi sana Hohe tale soy agg Fpl ‘lo td mi nein re eccarer “SAS ay ad gost. went of bay ula cae Aj GUS ute itd rad She hes books at 1S gt Bah bed tat eden tonad Hote het aon sathage Akasa aalac olla more Sethe mon’ aged in tavad The coterence fs held smn. 15 td mi racand, They a aig 00, 139 Some adver have the form of pease sh dyer acer tn cc) {2 ba han gear 5 Sue dat tam ata (52454 ber ty 4 Bete especialy A few adjectives have to ad Ail. ne to become adverbs of aed sottart husky allay sb sothatinetorvnataly Coy baa eticky sSlaS4sy Iaabatane unornaly alen\inkes mot asefsomy linkin ailineken mota"lasefane roprttily (ther types of adverbs (adverb of pice adverbs of ge, and some adverb of time: there is no nse to distinguish, as they can all be studied together) do not forthe most part have rel Siti Inport aed of es tps nce Aelia ae (et ai tee \ sph inoreonin gg ghllanurondn us, is, so ‘us, eta 50 SASIVYE hallatnwe non carat ten eA reese vory oS\9S han) (ls (Pham aso aus hanite always Sa\cigs hivagtart: never wih egnive ve) bs Saal ne A sari ea yh baraoton AEs argh everynere le ger fies nowtere wit eve vest) ‘se Brun cusses ase! nase AN abe deoupit towards) “Ae aga backwards ya up Gel, pr coun 68 (ALY (yt at ate 0 136i oi YY bale negah natn. Dortook up WSS O1 alee conan sarah tod te tas 80 (bad) damaged at 2S ge apd tea yolitl cul inate drug im gand. These poope always Ho. nah Sipe rnb hast Tro somane ous, AS Nei ge Ss) aS sa efi sete Sometimes henpened hat A Lig be ged itp at (tt wa fou nowhere.) twas nowhere tbe ound eS A Spd Spat | abyss on! inj neath abu mi hn “ow never accept «pose of Kn. Adverbs binning with} and Tax can be strongthoned by proocng a hd: this syllable thon takes the stesso the PHS op 5 i hain ene ardand “They seth thew cl ib sphigah sin ae tt alt. (Many adverbs taken from Acabic end in the form {.. dm (stressed: see ao 1/3 hoe derived om a word ending in gdp tis coding before ; Cae omuman pitioy Gas mprtan apprinaty Gu sana const UL sean tommy Spee me'muon vsaty a> aman cota S43 qablan previousty any baa afterwards Cab fewer eronaty Shel aslonessontaty (QE galeban mostly Theadvebanunbor shown n3/6 sl analn a ec) lo belgie the group. Thon vein dave from word endngin aor in-e + 4 ser 90/1) ection wt Eat Gio haigatn na Goat sian realy 6306 aaedaan ona The forms in -aton ar wf common fo most of tem : plese epee Sco a emsbr vty ise 33 dar hia: nah [Also in older txts and ise doris we ld the (Hig Las) ‘orginal Arabic speling of -atan, i Some important phrases are taken from Arabic, many of them | serving os adverbs of manticr. They lend to keep ther Arabic i spalling, Important ones are: ' ll Jit ecepnaty Steno LBNL fete faty yl Sw tsa i 1 apo ehar ar cba ani ech + sewed Some noun expressions of time operste ss adverbs. There is sasually no preposition, a often the noun pla: scl pS Abeta ana Say race jan'edmadotod kam ast . (ny Friday te wate oh port eet ales 235 Upeee sobiha aud bar mi kav (tothe) morning we wake cay 2S Solel pe Dad eda lr ard pr exert ms kan {nt tmoen) be pen et ey gt dip Cae a ate ea mi rasand? (a what time are ey aniveg? Adverbs modiying an adjective in a construction with exfe Inuerup the constuction oe 3/8) | fe lend He dl in as ye sli moter ‘way moran robin seal Sate pS GUS tebe ai most Ines maer atu Doo eee 3. Compatiean supertie of ave See 2/10 An ave whose meang permis tan Be made cmarie nce Thcome fo ewe terete AS NS Nes Tye ube ba op ll olka polo tart mane reas ft hy ase ey ms tual comparison i expresed with ean an abst noun (llowing he formu shown 3/3 23h) Ban gleam Cem W oesg arin 0a bccn erty dave Pann rinstdoesrt in as ast as (he) aoa (ge) chien Forthenpeltive we te ka jar hae with he comparative ideas 7335 Aad LST dha ax ham sur rasidand. "Tay anode eves! (sooner hana) 36 «a6 possible, The idiom ‘as. a6 possible’ is expressed in Posi with az + the compart, jon Ap har ce tar F835 a a har ce utr bi, Come as quickly as possi, 46, Antrengative avert Inport interrogate adverb ee ‘gol cetour ow ag cera why La koja whore F bat when 5s ag cand vogtforrow long pg cegadr now groty SAS ge Set lag I gl nr cetow dorsi mi konand? How do thay make tis? 22S ot GS Um hamtarettn tl bar i garda? ‘nen 8 youroaeague retin? Sets Good Ua oj dare andi? Where did you study? See #/2 forthe odes of words inthe qusstion 5. Onder of adverbs When advorbs of diferent types occur 8 sentence, the three main types appear In the order Hime-mannerplae. A simple anemone or th the word mp. By cet bp Jay ones aha Bru ftom bs srt be Ja a Today | went out alone. j 6. Adverbiat participles The commonest participles ate verbal adjctes (5/20), wsed as jectves or nos, ott form the perfect tenses Persian has also advorbilparticpes (as called participles of manne), derived from the verb onthe formu present tem (se 5/10 for the present stem), ‘The adverbial participle expresses an action ot sate accompanying the web. ab ys sandidanxond- lang: “iF jlasb sand gf. Sho sad, wih a laugh (luching) “This form of patil isnt common BET oF tae jamtid Porsols 8. Syntax, Chapters 3 t0 7 and Chapters 9 and 12 cover those points of sym (Lsontnes struc) hich can conveniently be covered ‘ere this chapter cover nly those points which cael 2. Questions ‘Questions expecting the ansver'yes” or no", A statement is rita qusiono hs sot by ating te pace Ul at ‘he beginning, a rasing the voice briefly on the sressec syllable sf the word whichis questioned, then dropping it again slight “aujobe hasrid. Youre ready (statement) Saee UT oy | | The cde of words inthe rx ofthe sence doe not change | | rig? Are you way? sd gaf bs ndtmad ume, Neb cae | Saks GF UT ayztasinganad? Oisecooay come? Saal ge Une! UT aay int ayaa? Ae oy coming here? eagle age Se geno} UT ot ens soar i format? Do yOu speak ng? = ote sch so 1274 Insqechiscormon ta ot hepatic aye Sapo nerd? Sal op as nayonad? and/or to add 43 ya nd ‘or not! (note the stress) at the end, The tonto these: ter, te expen dos ta any way imply mpataeoranoyanc a dos ngs ower $A supe hited yma? Ne you rnd? Insel tomnafimative uestion os say (qy2te) ay Saeole(UI) (ay cere Chron 10 ray? = Ysa) In reply toa negative question, ys! I ea SUpzDbe) Upp = sated pole haze msi? -ceraphizeram) ‘ent you roy? - Vas (am) o's Ana, or more emphatically pb ner Sal) sd cay past ase (ast? Has tho ral anive? sae git yahd mane ame arasde- No, not yt Queton expecting «cnt yen answer ae often inode toy a mde, which pinoy... The patil Ul yd thea dropped. The Intonation I the ume a for 8 normal ye-n0 pion fugai Lt Su mage omi naafid? Oyo (ray not 9? (rete gusto, expecting te ans 28) Lt Sx magar toma rapid? Did you (realy) go? (atirmative question, expecting the answer a) [Not the fist ylable tens ond, bl, cr, nei and gar. ‘ ‘Questions not expecting the answer "yes" oF ‘no Questions ‘ther than yes questions focus onthe appropriate inleropatoe ‘word oF expression. The word oF expression may be aa. interogative adjective with noun (3/13), an intoerogative pronoun (4/7 or an interogative adverb (7/3). For convenience adjectives: lif kadim sod which Ace what (kind of) ee aan AWS a coment een Ly cand now mca pronouns: GS Hi who ST tei whose Ai cxqadr now ued adverb la whan aS toa wha ashe cetowr now cera why (5, sop cand vat (lor Mtn. In ouch questions the intrrogntive word or expression stands 46 satiate the ve ot efor any adverb) accompanying the web. Lg cord why and GF A who ace exceptions they sully begin the question The voice ses momentally onthe steed aylible of the nterogative word: Se aglip Pictur modi? ‘What soto @managors bo? 5S aS splay Leb ag cll ine Soma ctor borat “kane? Wom does that his! Help you? Salas gt LS Nalat sly bare lt hit i rvand “mirani? Where re hey ong er ter ay? SiS pay Lad ay gS be tot itu gof? Who toe yu so? $252 dys Ly soles Lp ceva tesa re gahulnakard? "ny didn't he acne he coon)? taste IS AS ly bet kr dav (va wt do Yu nave business?) Wom do you wank? 3, tndisetapeneh Diset pe Tes usualy showa athe words ofthe original speaker quoted verbatim. aon mark in Ball He alc am Itpreseneo problem in Pers, though he quoatin mark ace tn ising (pte 28 soft merzan Helse ssid 1am! Indiect speech (lo clled reported apes) de oot quote vebatiny tparaphrases. The idtect-apeech form af he Fgh sence shown above would be: Ha sai that he wash Inet speech can be divided into indict statement, indict qurstion and indict commane. Indirect statement, amples of Pesan ndist staement al any iS a8 psa be mia Ho'Se say hat nls scl sane SoS ofthe arc. else si that alse ws i i | i sored plas aS ssl 1S ee Se TE ante alm ye be “They ropored hal hs eschr had boon (as) abso cael dial aS a8 alge dobar gta te xdhond dna ‘The pated that toy woul (Wi) come, (cal) ope Ne 9S at dae mohammad neve ke dere ali bude (st Yoram wrote hath navost had Boon (hss bee) excelent, ‘Things to notes 4+ The cajunction af ke tat cannot propery be ltt out a5 sain Engh In everyday speech some lanans drop 1 but not consistently, and itchy to litte thi ui mei ure ofthe conten. +The tense ofthe ver that ofthe cng diet pasch the ndirct statement construction aplis not ony to statements depending on verbs of speech prope, but alo to facts or alleged fact depending on verbs of perception fsting tn eis shel AS x9 S ge SS fbr hr na ‘We ought you were min, Sgt (359 S szalagy mi dinestand oni desta: Ke forag mi guy age. Thay Krab was Wn. does SS pals cae yan dra ke gos i Sad ‘nt 1am cota ib os SM, AS pb enidam ke pesaretn bar gaan, nar ta your son had or, + Pole spazch see 12/3. Indirect question. Direct questions are examined in 8/2 above Indirect questions follow the same genera rules a8 indict amen Indiect questions ofthe ‘yet-no" type are introced by UF dye or UI af Le a, both meaning what Orton both Introductory words are left out and/or the expression 4 Wy ad ‘xnot (se 8/2 above) aed 148 sco Ga I UT SY pee pore) aya mari A cola py pron mar at m "ited wer ah va eintrouced by the appropiate negative word ora past nergative wont lg FS) pg posta keke tayo nan esd won ey wore Tin, Otter questi nage ase Lp phn porsidam ceri este mi dead ‘kod hy he wo eiging. Ince questions osc ao after verbs of satement, perception cw ting iotdcge Une I palo Ep Sark dda cere ri Sea panes wy a8 resiarng Scala Use Lp slag mdi ct ete eat? 86 you toow why he has resign? 25 slap eat nf etn tor Gent unsertand now t happened Cbocam. Inditet command, Direct command of ros is he imperative explained in 5/1, Inec command oreques i expressed with {25 s\aubmaien 6/16 beeing the forenle ede at be srouls AS Ahn sya abla oy msl or bes frma ke ame kod coos onlred re woop to atack that hey atc) sistas Bipts 355 US) pa al he arden) el taf Diovan iar asked hiinarto coma (ha hash snus coms) soon. + Pott speach see 12/4 4 Clauses genet in 5/Sto 13 below, and elsewhere, thee is eerence oes. ‘inte i 9 group of sords making at last prt sens, centred ue 8 Syne fom a verb (5/1) with st subject (4/2, 5/4). We distinguish between mais dows, which woually makes complot sane, anda dependent clnse, which usually adda menning to the main clause (orto another dependent cause) and makes only limited sense by i sell Inthe Faglish sentence “This ho hous thet Jack ul he Hy first four words a clause describing Rese. A dependent clause i almost always the ast three w dependent introduced by a corjuncton (on anather part of speech acting asa conjunction; in some circumstances thie may be omitted. We samine below noun classes, relative clasies and clauses of i purpose em te, reason, condon coneasion and mane. i i Al Sy mii: dere joan OEIMZ2 Of Maven -Young gins 5. Noun causes dole (4S) cued gS momben ast (ke) bidyad iad } pone oay car, i By aly AS Coe Cade yan nist he Baad band 0 yy nase introduced by aS ke in these examples is noun cla, socalled becauce ititan extended subject ofthe verb Cael ast of esis tat ne may come passes al ay rw aware of Ie uncertain. The vor in the nou clause tel nthe subjunctive (ee 5/16) b therfore aS 2 subjunctive [Alter some common expressions suchas Cael gS momen ast is possible the ur purposes to kop it injunction aS ke may be emite. Hi safest f in sentences with noun uses, the main clase my expres the 2SL5 hy AS cl ine helfasrke barf nabasad Ttea ply (hat her is should be) no som eae the absence ofthe snow is fat bu the verb Ath nad stands in the subjunctive beotse i the iden il factor at is iscoprted “The noun clause may in other examples be the abject ofthe main stele US) 3245 snag (hey yada ‘Weare loosed (a eis cong yy 295 (AS) gulgdelomittrar sud berasand Tope hey anv oon stl a ey aS pL nat te bacco tanh ‘ena Tm Uns at een hak rena ao Sagh phen sleet S Shee Ul ai trsidand te bina moniter vad? Oa ear he soos wo prac? Seotiunts such sam ankous that, ot are also expressed With na ee? tarsidon tas 0 Tear Lake maida + subjunctive The vee is afirmative; the negative fs cntained in the conjunction lal maid est eben ak gag gg mi trsom mabadd mari Delavid. Tam ands ta you should net fat est you). 181 (For the record the lass of inet speech, s6e 8/3 above are also grammatically speaking aoun-abjact caus but ts simpler to esti the term roca to the type shen bere.) 6. Relative clauses ‘See 8/4 above. In 9 sentence suchas The man who wrote this became famous the laste who wrote ths! is reve clause, relating to, identifying or describing an anole! ose the noun Tet, The fate clit is intradaced by a relate ich is in this prone alo known asa relative connor. The cezamon English relative pronouns are ‘who. whom whi, “Te book that, whoee’ In some sentences they can be om (wnien) | bouget (Gometimes Ace), an in principle it not ome. The Persian relative pronoun ts 4S Le commonest hind of relative sentence the antecedent Is noun, and arson the sufi gf This is the slave i*, whichis distin frum dhe indefinite explained in 3/2, but it write in the same manner. It hat no effect on the [Noun antecedents In sles ofthe word BE Sayan Say cul AS gaye ard ke nro neste tri tod te nan oho wre is ore ames aatgga sl Cae 35 a dy kin JIS aoe Teen bornane a qa kona aman enexd ma ava. “repay wich adopt tal propane wot be etd In these examples, oth the antscedent and he relative aS are the bjt of thee respective verbs When either one th det bjt (6/6) ofits wor, can ad, optionally, the diectobject suffix Ir afer the sbtive go SeaataS payal lily 14S (1) aslgS laced rt ea ir nora oye? Whar the po tal boogh lor the marke? pu ASL) elgS kerabhat (ra) ke xaridam 8 ah A las at at 82 y lege i he sang 38 Sob ip a6 (1) siete Bag ‘aries ale bata bfyetebensea et ed “ha nw ogranne whch pay as dpe ane wots pb SC) gle tei) srton infil Ste bok ch tng wot Inseneees wth the ptr THs th parse whe ik orb spt a the end af ts own luse separating he aneeedent fromthe celative al jazet AS Cael punt el i Fans te rus aad. _ THis he person who came yesterday (ok: cael dal 53,09 AS peed cl pA oot oS al glS lin at tke man aria, “Tris the Book (ahi bough, 4 The uses of the sulfites. and Ij rd are summarised in Appendices Il ad LV eepectively, Peepotonal or postestive relative, See 6/23 and 3/11. A lative clase with pepeional or possessive relationship (1 am rm ich whos fa Engi is til introduced in Persian with a8, but we put the appropriate preposition or possesiveaective in the lative caee The prepaition gts ts el a288 le ta 3h AS cepa Detar ke bebe bb nner dda bgt ast. Te toy © whom gave th eth ga otto} has etme. BS cee Sai5 Bh 39 S Cala ol Taxis dr dn endl mihard "Ws tha housain which (tenn) hls hod, spi 3S cma aye sLtsala\ Gl soleus gabeany le sa beet tc nadetnnarod manta Shar bk in We have spven a he cen wore rer wh a inter asa 16 Ya ah $ songs llse )5050 dosaa donbaler dean er andy a? Have they caught ha thet yan ator? 189 4 5ynta Pronoun antecedents, Relative expressions with pronou antecedents tnosty die from those with noun antecedents, and are et iaened by example 1S ayant te thw who the only ramp pron ‘ruta towing comply he oun artes de Tanah ahys 25 on 63 phil a calla “ctr tan oe Rand Th otek 0 a6 seed Sh ablagg AS Il aha vate napard “Shulteni tenn We saltetacoptcv wna Go py. sad Jota sty lad S lg) nh eblt att ce foi ose wha ata Set came “Te following prooun antecedents have the relative pronoun AS fe for persons and a ce for things there isn relative - Note the lkemativespllings. Apart fon these points, the ess for noun stecedents apply. Bach antecedent ie shown with its relative ISIN 3h ante ve wo 4S harke wnaover esl\a Sl oncethat which what ag» hare w aS ap etl ae Sage sph S AUST dre nm gad ted Kon Ho whahoever says tat us) 9 misao. al he sae AS ye Sole Ly al “ince mard nha kona ary joan at ‘at (That whic) wares me youn unerleyen aa gecadi aoe eam rer * Polite spose see 12/4 Nowidenttying relatives. The eelative expressions examined ahove are all ‘Wdentyng relatives. By contrast a noe-identifying relative lause doesnot single at he antes i merely gives ome information about Theres eative- Bain 1 al aly 5 sigalg! in amuse ke bard ast Thi teach, who ny rates, 154 eal aS hil thant ie pita tna, wich tlio was apa et he cou. he Haat died yeas sat GUT 3} Ste Nt te ema dan posi “They asked rey was th cham oto Inthe at ene, a ke Wo! pe case eon who, as a aS Relative with subjunctive, When ts at certain thatthe ative tn the ssbjunctive 6/16). Tete ino relative the ofthe following clase reflects » fst, st is comman to put ie v cramped, ot mate AML ay sh AS cu LF ay tite fr ola biled her somoone wha knows Pecan? IS AS Stal AS Came gS basis he eit Joma Kona, Theres nosed who wincbody to help them SS S wl deg sli$U ge man tagerdat ni sahar ke bear kon wat pup who (ol work Wel Contras ths ast sentence expressing an uncertainty witha simi sentece exes fc which he ve san in se subjunctive ese: SS ope Sop S sean ISLE GE oul y2 Tarn els tagertn asa es hand Inti as ther re pus who work we Emphate eI colloqul language we cma non denifing Jeter a noun or pronoun, or empl of spy to announce the subj. The tentence ha an a of protest and the He has 90 senive meming ata shy Sa2 S spud cxosron ke dige afte itourn=he's gone Sus ealgd Se ont nai dain dige> ee el we det iow, 185 7. Claes of parpone See 6/4 above. Clauses showing with what purpose th tion a the main vet sor was performed are introduced by one af the conjunctions 1 easo mat Seal lg bare inte so that flue mabada es, otha... nt aS Hess commeon) 80 hat “The wer in the purpose clause stands in the subjunctive (6/1 net By po AS lA oat 395 0c ervid abartye ink sare vag beri. Go gach 80 Wal you arrue cn tine aS BytL i llee demests 95 ub benviid mabe Fara ond Wee (propery (wo) 30 that you do not forge In English wo cn often expres purpote with onder’ and an infinitive; in Persian we have to have a subject ps verb, 8 secant 1239 NW gt 2S oo sab a ke va ra Thin ie watesin bier oat we mnt ee Be mine 8. Clauses of result See 6/4 above, Clnunes showing the cell of the action ofthe main ve re inti by one of he conunctions WS on glap comin. ke $0 that 1S saith ang be so much. a in which the frat ement stands ithe main cause and the AS oad the enult ause at GSS 39, og conan tba bud tex Sod He was 8 lay the got ached ho ES Ses Sen WS sin 8 lS sal “andr feayakardand Be kas digor gut nada. “They complained 30 much hat nebody send ary more. aa tae AS dys9 AD olog 332 doed conan ond david 1d The tn 30 ast ath The ve athe resulclase lin a noesuunctive ese becaase st expresses a fact. 156 + 9 Chasen of time See 8/4 above. Time cause show when the actin of the main ‘eb aes of ook place. The conjunctions ntoducing tine classes vebest studied in group MS BNKesby varia ke WS Aga\ Seats moe te Sia) 3 ny bad zinte S20 5l oy pasate “These conjunctions te usually fllowed by the past tense J von ae (5/8, srespaciv of the timing, The time clus opine the aS al petty BAS hy eat aba enn ta tari When wa hear he news wo were sshd oo by dang gle Saad moe a raid se man be When Retest ee Sg oA i Sj ay a eration fonan ___ tary nave gone sl epee. 28 oS p aed cgthe aS by vo tein nad ‘naar tar Vito te irate cme est 4 5401/98. al» otis word pat ofthe roe, and therfonnotstent Interests neeryay pes, the conjnction i eth Leal Sle mio und md rf Toca comes, (nt) we second indent for this fhe ps tense the main) © S By INSasty 3 vii atte S00 Ar this conjunction the verb sande in the present tense (6/10) The time clause bapns the sentence 7 8 Syne asthe plate iS ge JS bas Kak ih ax site inert foman erbi nate i. ‘Shoo nave worked hore we hav ha 9 Se) (8) 55 har varie) (8) gig p har me” ed “Tse conjunctions are flowed ether bythe past tree, o } whenever by the impertect tense (5/13) for repeated actions, rei of he ining, Thee cae bei the snc: eS ope Ay des LI US) yo har age) {rb didbe man bed. Woon Sil Me ies Saye Lal (8) cy a 1 athe) iden i dvidand Every me hoy saw him hy sed in These conjuction an alo meen ove? of and when se /i AS fb gablocinte Sa jl Boy pitazinte Tete conrction are fl 65/16 espective ofthe timing, The ie eS Lana Ly gel dye el 5 ad gar inte eri neem kn. Boro yeu 90, S90 is 28 Lana by gol 24 ial 3) Job bla ite “erve nr omad Lard Belo he wont he ares, 1S keen, a, a son a8 This conjunction bed to way afer he subject of heme aus. The sbject must be state, witha pronoun if neces reScze Ga iy ga AS ll anh be mi sand 7s onic Whoa Boy anv wo a beg. 5) Ab pole aS dane mohammad ke hzer od rata As soo a Wohamead was rey they won eading the te awe wher it follows the main cus, } bee wed by the subjunctive lense clause begins the 188 especially when one ation inkerrupts or overlaps GE ip le tS peas 198 part by dale “ht ag jl fr Earde dine eye ite ‘te eed Wa a stared te meeting whan a {neo he) ela was hear na sentece of ts ind, Pesan a in Engh our aeton focus nt on the main cate ut on he tine hse This structure cna be seen in thet Person extenple of 5714 © Ga unt 2 eng as The conunction edn the following ways in tine VI he tne se fotows the main cla, and ts ‘ver and in the ubjnctive for preset or tue ine ced inept ee for po ie the 250 Sp Ul ij stb oid dot ity ih Wat bere ute doer cones. 26h 8916 p98 sno sat anda door dad "ated te doctor ca, + slong ashe tine ue sand fit ISS Saal Lael tS ge IS Gal B Ta nian dinar nati ‘slong you watchers, dona 10, Classes of eason happen oF heppeced. The intractory conjunctions for sch Sih hy base ne Sys aoe Sigage cue concone ] because 159 Syne Ssh Gla. bariye ike is by forthe most common of those conjuction in everay Persian follows the male ae, a oes AS sre The conjunctions yg Cun eon and Sage nk scons can ler begin Clause. The tense In he rason clase hat demanded by the sentence or fllow the main meaning ofthe seen eta AS asl Aula ggg em tea ayant ‘ton uo ions borye ne marzand “Mey can came because fy ar suey Baal gi ayy are Sig cunt conko ma ‘naan em tava bye er estan Bi ‘hey we hay colt come. In peed i i coma in Persian a i ish to mi the rain classe when asaringa question ag 1 cor Why deb BASal sla ~ Sok HHS Le ‘ era ied emt kom? = bar dye inte nem Se» ‘ny dont you ty?» Because tea be done 11, Conditional clauses See 8/4 above. A conditional clause es suet to what conto the min cose ue, The contol clase slot vay bite seine ‘Wereed tdi between el coins whic po (ran) andra conitons, which apoio 9 ost inl (ba ow eal covttions, Rel condon in poet or ft ine at reat ced by oo the een “Saar # mls conance € 1S ape 9 der swat Hn cao,0 ove tat WS Soa tr ke pon Sagar is by fre commonest of hte. Te onion ee ite ver inthe sje 6/305 10 4-9 lege Ugteayl alse $1 agarbaran Bebra maset ni nun ene wy ate ede tet tle 255 $1 agar vag dite bad ‘fai. Hyounave tne, esse come) AIS gs eas pS pyhiylan 4g S byt ay be tart ke SE cata xara ein tvs Proie you fom Aecourts you an hale /¥ fae ag8t aablay Ge S Gage yo oS cg USN dar tr te best pda neva Tra mblage d dread mine exe m kn, nthe ove at tetas ot pad we da su oF 2% por ment (mony) * forthe dtm Yo have the pert subjunctive serve alo 8 the present subjunctive 685/23, In everyday Po when the condition considered extranet ate GT oy Hpac des LUST S$ agar ana iit ‘in bil ri be nh ede Hyouse0 ere give ha this Beek 2910 see Ae tUN ly JS agar vag dat eb nadrad ‘naar tou have no tne, os nt mate. in these two examples the almost aa when Rea cantons in pat tte ace re. In these, the conta Che hs ver in the perfec etjuctve te vet of he man cla loys the logic the sentence Sh Bu; Cae atl shee slo 3 Sagar ora Trai biked bakes Bama ang mi sand tt xane> We corte nt ave il coat ng. al angst getloaly Atl ay apt ay ST agar be sab rate ad it evel a. ihe as gone to ows lve wile wnt S00 11/2 the pling of his word. + Pecec tense wth fatute- perfect meaning, st 5/22 Ina sentence euch a the following where the condition is known tobe filed steady 161 Syme ajy deta gtalae $1 ogor mote’ en hi beard Inge youre sur, go aoa. she contol ves ca ln inthe presen eee (6/10) Inch a srtence means mon sn! nin gis See alo 8/9, Causes of time, thir indent Clauses introduce’ by (1S) By > har vce, (AS) Ba har mg”) an have a real sontonl meaning, ever.” oF fang when! rs int he pot he Hy sl AS) Sy ha vant he ra a “aba bedehi Weve when you se he, tl (re). Unreal conditions In oth clauses of untelconton the word nae (5/19; for Gettin Yo Pave and ‘Sapebdan Yo be the past tense, 5/8 he imprtect af Sat Sodan 1 tothe later, The introductory conjunction i 81 agar. The timesequence ofthe sentence “wobacome’ may also be pref Somatins hae er fom the conte iF go ed og gilgge |p 3) SV agar dn rd mi danestom a te oN Svat eats sr fat kngn al moi av you ing 98 8a al ol $1 arb nerd am am. babered at wo go mys SA le tngd shea 5! er wien stem en iin biverneni karim ttwotaat soon) erbles me wt have vooved spt ab Aaa ale ai oh SI \tonoma ad beatae wel ave ost Abd pth Saf op tng pas ELL, $1 ager ritancan bar vs ttdond son ito. 19 Gives son mat crea ere mou fave ooh alison fall everyday spt ions, the conjunction may often be dropped in 8. Syn riage dst sae lL bran ad mane mi mai Shou ran, wel tay at home et WAS gs Gale i ely sek nf give mi fot na ‘bait. One man olan weave lest [Negative conditions. Unless) agar with a seatve vb, rot oF Ki Su mdgarinke with an affstive ver and 2 nh ade $1 ago jl aki yede nda are Unias yo (1 YOU 300} Py Rl BO wel Ae dns Si) Sor 2418 ob fyee nad adres imag ike ale an. vl be good ness you Mery English, fan lao be uted to mena “whather in indie qusstions (8/3 above ed ge I gle nomi dna 298 mi dyad Tao ntkrow whee hes coming, In Persian 1 foune only in conditional sntences, itn is 4 $1 gv oper nd rote the ste, which an be added ‘any condtonal sentence where it makes sense: AS 4 M$) 9 sale a4 pale $1 ogor hier bitad Phy se Ba a agar nae man Bul dee. he preset ave im come (tl me 12, Clause of concen S00 8/4 above. A cluse of concession or conceive iste i the opposite of a condition (8/11), stats dsp or srepetioe wh circumstance the main clause i tre. Clauses of concession by one ofthe Following conjunctions, the Set four maa athoug "ven hough ven it Sal Wy inte Ss ayny yt vou pro SN AS! dgarham légar ham ay $1 dgarce (NB stress) fed Ags har ce howerer (mich The concssive cause usally begins the sentence, and its verb 163 stands in he ese demon by the ine sequace AS gh GE Cal pid AS ly Danke fair ast Bekiyat nom ona Aug es pore doesnt compa wahege pale et Sal 0S dyed Lnsae ot eel) SI 8B apa as ha ada gn tarde a an ii xiham dobar nega ona. Even tog th Boss has acspod to fe, want ask aga sh Se SES tae However nt yu ty t wort werk (wort become) sag $1 dgarce's commoner in writing thin n ypc. When i ‘ted the main clas ews introdced by Ul di o- ls val both memning ‘Ut, yet probably best tonslated here (i translated at all 8 navertaoes seal nds el panna ogy Cal aay 52 46 51 cagdice vo bar galt ar val aon lm natode ast ‘hough ne mister has retuned, Cnevertless) SU iy POF Eve vas aka is We The armenian (Vanic} Cathedral 164 ‘Sol mesa esas ough ett es Le Sil de aS ome ce 1S Je ange ey vals asthe vere dk 14, Topic and comment nel Ly le ena pg ear hamsiyye ode man pce Sl ob Pony 3 om ded ln ante jade mano pesare die These are technically comet they stand hut they are more Sl ea Lyle sal pey ae sr alee ty nw neuron, have you san an ‘When the subject or abet of he sentenn sa cornpex expres on Persian, to beak the satence and restate the subject or object with « pronoun (4/2, 3) possessive adjective (6/11), shown above. Tis structure ca called ‘topic an comment. The wa pr he top) an the second (Whe comment) may sometimes be sen from he Persian tex, but thei always «short pate 5 9ynt pronunciation We have topic and comment in English, but only ia everyday spent Last night ole solo, wasnt he a bi Rantiyant? “opie and comment is especially wef the quas-impersonal structures described in 8/15 below 1S. Quasiimpersonal structures Certain expressions of mood can br made with quas-mparsonal expressions in Persian. Liking and liking, In adalton to the compound vee sla Ela eng dation r-"o MR which wd wh 9 etoal abject pasCS) caeye Lygiaytae lin ata dt naydaran "ont he edn weave the qursmpersonal or overseas Sad alge or 3 tt, Amada (oe Weng und yh ae ad dada (ong) “The sucess underood by sing examples gd) pgs apie oa i Lieb st ne ya. ek sl ge tae Ata Ul gs Sf o ditne a aite 2 Tt dma He ays Sta seong em asl ge tty Ata Aan line! 30 3! dine eye trae fate badet mi ad We anys tte sang a) martes fe conn. +The thing ied or disk is put er the preposition 3 a fom can be & pronoun, 8 sou or any expression quran to a on (ich a 9 lng ive with ject 05/2) +The structure isnot completely impersonal since asa 166 ¥. 2 or ead, ith Taal amadan a 1n the Sed idem subject, which ivether the appropiate tense of ponen sega ‘+ The person who kes or distkes is expressed as a possenive suffix attached to ys 208 bad ‘The samples given above express he person a pronoun. When ve wish to exprose the person as a noun, we wee ‘opie and omnes’ (8/1 above to restate ti. pling the noun oe noun expression Gat ancl reflecting it in he possessive sulle tached to gst ry Aah alos plat S sl gaze jl us glacl aye omit a didanew otetan nacahad dma. “Th committee mombors won tke sean he. (The commie member, tay won't ke seg i) Feeling sleepy falling aslep, These are alo best expresses eastimpersorally (unl) val ZuS aber umade (ast) HalShe fas loony. ye alge set ord, He/She fal asleep These have a pronoun as the afecled party. To ceenprens with ou, wwe “topic and coma a how above: cael aad glide Us ny bacceha sdbettn dade as. The chide ae fing soapy. (The chien thr sieap has coms.) seal 8a Gale gy acer, abet borde ast The baby’ atonasioen, Se 1/13 forthe pronunciation of 9b x nd ag a, Wee emt commonly introduced with aS 21S kat ke Wows (Pat The verb goes into the subjunctive (5/16) he wih sti resale, and into the imperfet or plapertet tense (5/13, 25) the wish can no lngerbe realise aaa AS GHLE at kei wah you would come ser Sse nl il SA tae anata How! and Wt." examation ar expressed wth Ace before an indefinite noun (9/29, an active 76 or an aver ony ai lb ag ce xaneyebosorgi. Wat a big house, MCE Sa a ce ate (0 How bau 8) aS BSN ge ce ii kona te nw ey 9, Numbers 1. Numerals The muterals ae Seteettlen fuser cel eevee AT nas a ‘You willnote that numer 4, Sand 6 have altemsive form Cardia numbers one, WO} express quan and ase wed ia outing. They re shown below (with colloquial pronunciation in angular quotation masks). The numerals in compouned mambers axe writen rom to ght 0 ue seh Vt “aby yet 12 sh ra ue 4 hyp car car 35 By pay o 6 bbw Yor ci hae A 8 cet htt So imoh Y= 1003 dah VY tt oa5h yaa VE 12 va5lge davaedah M13. s3jee sindoh VE 1a saylyy cahardat ya 15 Zh, VP 16 vay sansdak WY 17 sage fendohhindnk VA 18 sdqet\edoue Deja heady VN 10 n5p5 muzdah Ts 20" get " 3 Caney isto yo TY 22 58 5 Caney 90 yet Ye ao yp cole 2. 60. obey pariah #2 60 Cua tt Vs 70. skein hata > ap slase tad Ns 90 agimmad = V6 100 she sad 160 Veo 106 Eee eeers Vee 40 eres VAP tet slyg yea 9 Ae endo fasta cir Yee 200 es dvi YOR 2290 yabnty Songs deviro pith mh yee a0 aslyy coh sad 2. 00 ad sed eas Fos 600 eta str sd Vis 700 keen stasis tata sad A 800 ke Cate nent hattvadihast sad Qe. 900 ae Nag mado ad 1000 OP hear 2000 bh 38 do he 2000 ih he ec hear we 4000 li aly thr hes 5000 bs ge,\ sb panitecirpan hex 2000p GEA Lg sethecarter hese 7000p Sia asia hahexarhathecor 2000 sip cuba lige fattest hear 2000 Cp a oh herr Verses 1000600 sige metan Veseee+ 2000,000 ayahe 99 do mein ‘After number, th counted noun i always in the gular cals aailya dove a'r wet Nous + Te form loi se in counting, or with courted oun Used otherwise, moti taken efor Sy yl Soa pais Sy yok Sor has, Theres on poser buts ea Se yeti, Thee son. + With counted noun denoting people itis common oad 5 nafer ‘persons ater the number: wit counted noun 170 nating objets, ts common toad at pce after the uae Glue AB sho sd nar corbas ahuncred sass doae alba GB ser i medade jad Sx now poncls in everyday Persian {is omimonly used also for people Although the counted nown is singular in form, an espresion nda ial IS Gude A se naar moaner strc ddan Teo ene ropa Compound umber ran from greatest smallest, all pronounced oa soe mote has pal ver ements bang cance th cnatst 3 Ip hei dev oso pa ser rey re iy ‘one thousand two hundred and thirty-five The highest umber used with uo sad ‘nce is AS nk rine; we must therefore express a number like “waive 4 > hentro deve one thousand tw unre Je sad nnd, hex rovsand and yee met tla’ ve precedes by why yet one only when one 8 emphasised ke ly Lah aga yom ony neon These word seals uns and can be made pra age = Sik AE a cand nar ana? -esarha ow tay pang came?-Towsancs (2/5) 8nd npr exrssons uch: Aish i Uae sah afr ratand Hundreds (a people) wont The numbers ae indefinite in meaning thy sand. They can be made definite by adling an adjective with definite meaning, eg. 3 demonstrative such a8 gl in" or gb dn that (9/12 ora definite distributive such as har ‘eve ons: The ped GES U ae se bead sridan ~ Teought hoo backs, A5LS © eg anse a geranant ‘Those tree are expensive Sedat Ly GUS W dae ca ham se keab “ard” Di yu buy to sama three books? Ailsa pall ep har se afar tga darand ‘Al tee oliersare to blame (have Dame). asks glesal gpl 49.» har do danejuemichon ada Bs suns ook 39 cxaination, Ad note lisa a har doctn ‘both of hom, with the possessive si (3/1. Onda mambo Ce, sean) show a place na sequence. The feat hee onal urbe regular UG) add Rt 98 donc sind pe ser ‘Aver ave rou) formed by ailing he send lp Sein compound number i ‘kon. The ordinal nurber in these forma i dati adjective which lows isn terion) afar an eae (8) (eal, pansdahon purcdahon (he) teen S155 race ant a es ay (Sto come 245 garne bist oyekom the Wwenytstoontiy mt the cardinal umber ean often uses the ordinal umber where Bgl prefers the Ally pb gaya drs oto 8 xan ee era asaen 8 shh ssn) Another form ofthe ordinal manbers made by tiaching = (streseed) tothe form shown sve. This frm it wed ke & supecaiveadjptive (0/10), Le preci the sou with no ee ike a pronoun wth no nun 1 avvaiedanetiv the Wt sudont weak he yoar 2». Tis the tah one). cael nats eth in dahonin a 4. Other maria expressions + Once i (tc) ate expeesed wth words such a8 A Imartabe, bar or aad df all mening ti Aa 2\ UMA cy yekimartabelbinidaen00 Aa 2\jU agp she sa martabebaridat ea nuno tnos Adi ke Shay ie martabe tree tines daly vt note Aals\ AAG Aig cand maviabesardar Saaia\ Vag ig cand martabebridate? ow many tines? + “Or senot expressed in appeosimations ke the fllowing sal o9 dak panedah pura: ton or oon + Distebutive and repetitive numbers: ek yet snl, ene by one dt do (ND eres) two By dh idaho ata ine Say he yay Aw reuse oe rus very three days wens: aly cpu toon miy-oas + pA cand and cai candomtn, used in questions, but i ele os oe oe sly eae ots eres (pig and pase are not dic tralatabe nto English They are the exact equivalent of German ‘oodsoldas 5. Fractions and percentage ratlons, ha spo nim, use direty before the es ein, a Sale pl nim aaah an hour anda al is ga 3 2 im, afer the counted nour sks 32 do ado nim wo ad aha yours Onda numbers (9/8 above) rom gp vv bd wpwaes ae is pe 98 F do senome van 4 ofthe wl (223 oh yet ponom oe tan ESE oh domes ine rhs ot ‘Weale commonly te the Arai action for ha to ‘a eit 21 sot i Zp robirob aera sos fn c EAE 59 do sos oi qu serob eat 000 uae erento Thora wo waysofexpsing percents Sho yp cua \ 7» tata a 60% on esscommon: 1833 ge\ NY sai davdah Y% 6. Other adjectival forms, and adverbial forms cial forms Adjectives are formed from some numeric ang, (essed) ent ia » 1/15 “Lakigbarnimeye pane he Wwe yea programme Visaulys lesa mozatere’coharueafourday conornce Delisa csle matin dnafare ao tw soar car sibs lly ravabere donrae bate relations SINUS cate a cee hat sae an ghyoaccld cid the counted noun lead es in seat» thisbecoes Saf (ogo seemed on the (Sela ta glad ae mo‘ hte aoe weck sent [Adverbial forms. For the adverbial forms sy ‘second ete, used to enumerate tems, Pesan ses the Arabi verbs We eed now ot it fv Ne i arm Sl onetin tty) AE said sory) UR sade wayyy ren ort Cas sameatn hp wnat EF Ey cad Vy) epusle pSV se U 92 do tt ada Saravana vat ae bie. Wo n008 tee in epee secre ant 7. analaod In English we frequently use alphabetical eters or Roman sumeras to number pars of 3 acumen. In Persian thi done pabetical ters, Every leter of the alphabet merical value fr thi prpose: enon to krow nly the vals wath al the rat fe, which are ies el 1008 765 4921 forvhich asmmple memory ad is used: abjad havea ht Andie «| olf. mogadtame af) tucon leayat be omamiyit — (i) General {Generates WSL creany gj. vor'iyte ath (8) Favela Staton 8. Measurement We donot use te exif (/5) with units of measurcment Se psi a shS 98 do hilow o nim Saar Sond aa oo see ity Slt sofort fri cites oa er i a tenes of water 18 elipe Cale 52 oof rab two paso sks Sot ctl andaceye in i eqn ast? Wh ‘oss ia measure (How much she meastrement of saad hate 9 a dk 32 ae 99 Bhsl ndead dot dar ok eo had a Thmeasues wo mele by one mot ooh. paste 26h uot sh 9 pa che QUyb net yet mer ni vac ava atime) ce a a hal mates ong and ninety centimetes wie (length. ans Rs wa RK 02 Cola ahaa elbe estat dah tr ‘ao measuring ten hectares (0 hear cual gid aug gly vem inate cea owneaty nat the wan cant 9 shS shy ils el cal in dens a op rs end wo hundred ram, auld ay aS sleds psaly tarda hati Kou van dad car My brother wah ety Klos thas ech Kos wah) 9. Catton Cleator are mos commonly expressed With trad (ology, te) Boca nthe dl of xprsion: 19 ate ee 9 GEE le ocak i tovad doh Sie pleura tn hy tebe © SI pany az nok mitra coh 13 gee Sot slyg Sade tat catar iam saad so do ght ims ours iyo. (9 he Ba 38 a pelt fain br do ‘taal nn Savon Sided by a Bree ahd 8 Nal 10. Clock Ispertan voeabulary fo ting the me: y cele sa'athour, dock, watch ‘iW sani (a) se0ond ee robirob anor 1 be to ABs dogige aso 0 and past 5 am dees, minus rob ig J sas toy Ean bd el acca ean orn mht set aa mest ih Feel ag Cable sat cond ante? Whattine sit? amples scaal g2\ey cate 0 yo poste (ele) (ate) se 0 nim at past twee C2 (SEL) tte can orate ee ‘8 quarter past four Is onatwa tac aharo pancdeh dace A533 9 Be (SLL) (00a memset ten pas ve a vajlya y At (Sele) (saat) eto daria dagige in gy he verb at ein Se} fate bayetratirtan ce Sat ay AAS a lt aig bhatt } (SASS cay Cath (Se) (te habit aie kam twenty t sight You wil ste from these examples 1 For time of the hour, the word eee must be used Everywhere it can be doppe 39 sways prosnt other than on the all ‘For time from the hour to halepast there és only one ‘coramon formula, Fortin from the hal-hour to the next 1 “Thre calendars ae used i an, ed gyn Se “The oficial Iranian calendar. This cena, Gets sll jive xt ho soar hei year, used for a fil and national purposes: son slay stem date of at ay \ farvardin 31. (Spring eqinos) 2100 22 March Y ordibenete 31 ¥ xordad 31 ¥ ae 31 Gamer solace) 21 9°22 ne 2 morad 31 # sabivar 31 Y mtr 30 (Autumn equinos) 21 oF 2 Sept A Goin 0 Saar + dai 20 (Winter solstice) 21 or 22 Dee. cate NY batman 30 id VY exfand 29,90 ina ach of thse names may be flowed op year ya ith ment eis ‘commoner with the shorter names, eg, aye irmth “he interationsl ov western calender. Tie clendar year sor Sha JL se iad isha year, x two tor intentional ons ad tad, The months are ponoused inna he Rech om which hy ae ar a3 fore Fobuny Seal aaa esi} tanvie January peaks mas Maren ‘ae me May Aes ie July 2) ueAugust retin septimber Soptombor 261 olcber October “rls novimber November sales destinber December 1 January 2000 AD corresponded to 11 Dei 1978 AIT franian 178 (Ati is Anno Hegde Year ofthe Fight) The Mesto calendar Tishasakar yer, 65 gyn dhe sepia in your thas twelve months and Taste 954 or 355 days; dhe year count dates from the Prophet Mata’ igh fom Mec to Media in 62 AD Iie ed to nak Mole ajo: pee \ mohirram ——30dayn wet 20 aMlqy ¥ raborana 30 Gillies ¥ rbvanin 30 GAN gee 9 jonaurde 30 GPM alee F jonaiatna 30 ena ¥ rid 2 ated A teh 2 dhan § ranecin 29 Jigs V+ soni 2 sullgs NV igede adh VY soteve 29060 Newspapers val carry al ue dates. Tre days the week are Anas jon’ eFidey 424 fanbe Saturday AAS yeltambe Sunday Aghiy2 dofanbe Monday ht de cetambe Tuossey btlpe eahartambe Wednesday ‘bein, panitanbe Thursday These names are often preceded by jy ru2 ‘Say with the eagle G/S) At jay raze tombe radiionall, the day starts at sunset Car is therefore nesded with expressions sch ae saace (53) st tae frase jom'e Thursy ont “acta Jobe fambe Fy nignt Tout ga Ane (jg) rice jom’e fab Feiday mgt 179 Dates, We expres date with te oda ruber, in Engl ale JL GUdalas ae atylge Gas) 4¢ VEYA Gata Hg seln J tage 9 Ye cohttanbe dahome soldi ste hero isado hit nohe or ‘Wotrenay oh Khor (of 1379 Aan yal Dh sales (Se a ee tna (Jay) fp VAAAVITATY he 05 3) 9 Lo a trae jom'eata ylome desi sale haar moh sao nova ono al ay Stl Decomber( 1869 12, Age 1 persons ag (pee xpress a lows: Tcl gy gar sme ceed 7 How Stjlodks ote cond sal dared re? } hethe? sued Jae Canny tae sere bist last er HalShe is ays JL Cone Dirt dred ier} 20 yeas ot UE UE 4A estan dace ce than Place Chaat ot Cry Plas) 10. Arabic Forms Jndo-Buropenn. But mochabtiet vocabulary has bes Abie ond is commonly used, ving survived various language Grn in ean, This Arabic vocabulaty anos keeps is Arabic lin bt i pronounced in a Persian manner: often alo the ming is different. This book shows the Persisn pronunciation rel meaing; and the Persian speling where i different Ttused tobe comma fo lei substan pats of Arabic grote as pl of Persian language studs. Ths is not necessary; it sslfios to lesen afew Arabic frm for recogrtion It sno more important to know Arabic thoroughly for tudying Persian than it itor exemple, to know Frech fo tying Engh 2. Parisien Chapter 5/20 gives a dfiaition of a partipe and shows how past partes re formes 1 also has patiiples formed from its own verbs. Persian es these partes ing person} oF une (cel AS taer arcant LoL ames icng ESL oa'eas case “Lal nized deputy, Kevenant St atem governor Sy sabeq former, preceding De malar cappertr GU naggat pabter {6 bana tudor ‘8 pape mat ce apts mantwr cece, dela Soi mam gates” Ea man risen Lopate manus special ayaa mogsud purpose Siyas ma'rf weliknowe sama meu 869 Te mae rosponsiie le mole teacher (ae mare resentation) Fakes mofsser commenter ila morifr tev Sales monited sutebie — blya movieh cach (GSE momien posable Sta motte desk naw moth fanny ‘eet room impart Gee mo'men voter — Se motasater gates ace motanaion cod “aga mosoajic atantve pea moreso opt ulea\ Galea ta sel sony if various Jaime moon! probable eke mofxer proud — jin montazeravaling See 1/35. This al i part the rol, ana is pronounced moe, mod nom died foe mohtaram respected Cais mogatts sont S52 motararonouwa S72 mora arangod. opie ghta evan ott (Gage meintdnan ses) Gg raving sca (lhe moag abhi Sake moabt postive hose mo'tnad tasted «-5cia mona eed “pach moxtsr abroad Gana moh 033 ae met oe hte mont ot Note: de mofid usctal sie mobrad boginet + Many ofthese parties can be given appropriate Persian prefixes oF suifixes, of incorporated into Persian we compounds, of extended with Arabic endings used in cele mas iyo responsibly Upalaa\ pales elas "0 allem ‘llemdnino‘alleha tacts Paka mopar mere wok (AWE nagar (petesion/octvity fainting 4S apace maul karan o place on acount OS GSae mo" arf hada to ltdice, resent and some of then rn paretheses shove) ane sed only with an ending (Arabic ot Pesan) added fe ma pan fig mojadiadan atosh Sino the participles ae wend as nouns oF actives, they olten occur a¢ complement (G00 5/6) of verbs such a= tL ay Dida Ba. 0 08 oF ge hd Sodan fay-%0 become: lack > sil mot'asefin, | am vy soy ath Bly mondzob bate Bo cach a2 ae hE niga masl moter Soe ope bce ett 3. Verbal nouns al noun usually denotes the activity or result of the vet from which sis Served. Common patterns found in sich ned in Persian freee namin cedsion — SuS.t5 tail eration ‘Dela tt notday Det mie rosie raid opr charge 5 tatrifhonoutng tas submission — ea} tab erangenen Ad jl real soe founding 19 “tabi plan Jat | Geo tri ang cai te i Tee wim easing “pa asin ing Sok tris een Soa tg th dtr (Ce sngrtan apie ta tis pute ‘i ls o's) sompston if Adle toulid production Ay towcit arrest | see tie tt tad mine emetence ga toe rng / ‘Sao trina edvcasen | cdl cay iassof regret — Salat tastdof coincidence ara asawer Magnan gai tamaddon cision “9 taaioh atonten Gama taajob supise Alain mo'dnce vansacton alles mohijize conservation pb moxaere message saallte motahedecbaorvation Sil mosatere conference alae mo’aee (vedic) ee mozd'ede advance (one) axel morte wen — Slaw mosiferasJoumey \ eo, eee, ea: lal eheram spect Lal eb bearing BUI exag event 312 exotad wien kB! exiar cole ‘le! ebay compusion tesa! elzemam ca SD engeladrovouton i Sipcl enter everson — a} ene (oaecton lie ewenid ccs a1Sal emkinpossity Ui et edeoss Sl ei maz ston | saat eatsideconory bus! dadr hour, ce Les! ctemad caridone {Le eth wom ! veil eth risked sam 08 eat egimar stay ema exception ls ersal despatontng) e2afe stiton a | dena) raiage le! ejae permission Jalal eine contruaton trinsbaton asLizel ese utsaton, prof Sab erddar sncorty EF erat sig, signal ede i, wn Many of these verbal nouns cam be given appropriate Persian prefbes of suffi, or incorporated into Persian ompounds, or extended with Arabic endings sed in Gull dar sarinsiatve dial " Pee anne tise econ Baler rasadfom coincdenay Guat engagan by cnanco elab revlon 8%s)) erddaimand secre Be bat sa nae renery ‘and some of them one is shown in parentheses above) ar more commonly sid with an ending (Arabic or Persian) des : (i sagriban sprevimatly The verbal nouns make a multitude of compound vb (ee ore fered with aS 39,6 ka fon, often having passive forms (5/20) with wag gd fodan ta GARGS sen cw tardontodan "repos ropaloa AEN 0S bt entra kardantodan to cnosetbecrosen OAS wa taj Lard tobe astonished sla ajlel lave daden to permit 195 1 For the endings and at, se 10/4 below + Some Arabic verbal nouns wie in Persian have no rege pater: they also ued inthe manners described above: | dae aad ghee mal practin, operation Practoa operate 1A ganar syd gararaat Setement est Senet 8 BS JA cone gacung- oro wes 4. Word-ending 5. -aat ‘Many Arabic nouns inching ome verbal neu, se 10/3 above) ending consists of ve with the dota of te, and is pronounced in Arabic have ‘When such nouns ae wd in Persian, the ending becomes in some cxarples oe with lent», 1/15) and in others Sa: abdhe molithecr roars will eaife adion ‘ee mil nation Slee motors journey i few pire exit ach word usally having sown meting i aly) erade wi wish ‘few ofthese words nak avers (se 7/2), all with the ending ple marae seo! sna aie rst nae gi'ede nie Ek hagigas tah ‘Sahl rts sncoty Sota 0/2) nape ote seins Ga qa'edatan as are agigazan in nth but see 7/2 als forthe more cammon Persian adverbial phases made from such words, na few clerical les the origi Arabic apelin Fs foun a wel as Persian speling with © Pie dae \ LI cane hajtlestin Hoja ANNA eal ayaa Ayatoan 196 yy 5. ald gatete and od gi The Arable word Jy giel ‘able ie weed together with some Arabic verbal nouns (10/2 above) to form compound adetives ‘componding to English adjectives ening ia abo oe, "worthy ‘ad the lke The two words ate conaacied with exfe (se 3/5, uso Append) de g2 tavaohatinton Ang lS gate vaio notte noteorty, intrest outa wcestance Oy ote abut Sense sali! nef uti bined Ab abe ete ‘eeaable usd jt renewal — zd Ju pur munabe'e ibe jdt renewable resources The Aric word jd gir ofr i ued to nage some aetive cry amid ns ok rac Jo A pb gre cael abd unacceptabo 6, Definite aticte Unlike Peisan, Arabic has a definite ticle Nal As waed in Arabi, mostly translates into English ase but in the Arabic phrases or compound words used in Pesta this meaning is Inngly lost. The Arabic article is a prefix atached to the ord hich i makes definite. Te only things we nee to know about it axe to spell stand pronounce Its splling never changes it isahvayeweten Salem, ad is aivays jolted to tho ext word, neal rule for ts pronunciton is ha i never stesed and dose not afet the stress of the word fo which ii atinched Purther details concerning its pronunciation are given below 1 Promanciation ofthe Fale. The ale of the article is nonmly promiunce but sometimes the vowel may bacome =o B91 ald cade now sala Gd foul ideougo"ide oxcopbonaly) WAAL STL, belacrd oot (64-1 fay “asill gb flu imevoiately Most such expeiions have two oF more words in Arabi, but al ace est etn an tanecribed as single word fo our purpose, Pronunsation ofthe lam. The lam of the article ic pronounced as Fbefore mast eters a inthe exalts given above. But before en th of the article ie not pronounced nstead hat ft fllowing letter any lotr representing one of the sounds ds. doubled in prosancation cathe aed asec stassataaat now “The sounds are soily remembered. They are those produced sl. with the tip nears ofthe tog, a nally note the spelling ofthe Arabic word al alah Go (hich Incorporates a definite article), found in names and. set expresione Ab 456 azo Aziz (name) AL Had fet Sr mas Sie lain Co pe Sok Lola mass (ss A dab athamsoeliih praise be to God ADILEET\AL «Us entaautentalih pemans AD gan beset wt nao of God oy 11, Wordbuilding 1. General Much Persian vocabulary consists of base words which are ferpanded, with a consequent change of meaning. and/or grammatical function, by adn pfines, fies or departs, by adding other words to form compound bya combination ofthis doves co word tse may already be a derivative of compound, Notall compound words are writen as one word 2. Deeived and compound nouns Preis, The prefix a ham indicates ogee AWS tar work Sa» ankar coteague HE Tobe town Sytciad han ebowtowmsman AL aye shade “Alas hamztye nagnbour sh bast gama Silas ambit playmate 1399 dard pain aya fezmdard folow stor sy rah oes aa haa reveling companion Suffixes. The following sues are added to make noun + age (This six, which always takes the stress ofthe Word, is added to adjectives and to nouns denoting persons, te make abstract none or noun fact. Thee ‘he most prodetive noun six 33) tut fat soon 83} sal promplnass 45 fond as brusque gd fond spon, brusaseness Fay bosry tig Sa boner’ rsness cel ra steph heey vB titres, toptvess seh wie sade sei whiteness (be sat handsip (Su sangin heavy gear sangin’ weight, gravity Seales hamihang Las hamahansi varmenices army ap ard men a mardi monies aaj dust Hendin stench 1Ead hankar coloogie Kae henkari cooperation 21 appa cookery vigil aipas cook Fi naaaat painter GELS naga (Geto ping Sometimes the base word is uel a compound 68 wader ‘Compounds’ ater in this paragraph), whowe elements may ten separately, Anabtract oun derived fom such a word then also written separate elements, the sufi being added tthe end of the whol worl ae usu: uikeb ge hag tents gale ha Sensi rai rate LAL ge hag natends —galetli ge hag natenas ungrttl Ingamuce eld cas saints geld pas sain feast ‘eo ‘000097 After a base word ending i a oss ele encour the ok speling UUs nt wise ily din wed Seely riiqu wath gia rane OMNES A silent final » (see 1/15) becomes S before the gu. -f is ded. This group inches pantcphs, se 5/20: aeanS gorosne bungry StunS goramegi hunger ay base dosed “Sy baste coreron sad vaste tod Ra ate ote ‘ape beer cid my accept citons sed mamayande Fi namtyandesi represonttve tepreseniaten Th suf can also indicate a place of acy: 190 Pal betfair becker teokshop hee taba thet tarda polna ct oes Reactors ie also occrs i a few compounds withthe present stem of ‘verb (5/10), where here iso base word nevis reistion AS ois vez batt waging The various wes ofthe sulin -f ate summarised in Appendix foot Gas pl ater a vow), This sux added to Some present stems of verbs to make 9 noun of activity. AS obet tdontan — ByS ins Spl Syl aman ana Bip amet stl man dnl ae ie ings Lins Odeiss varsidan vars. hing varaed aacungl | aciceae LST oapeT ananassae AU jigk manner sont ld none Mouth potanpane LAaa Lap gaged mtn fona Glos fms, — sed 1+ fw nouns of seinty ae formed with he sf yh. added tothe shoe sniasve (5/2) ofa verb. The sufi

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