My Notes On ITTOS

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General I/Os

Project Charter Stakeholder Register Risk Register

Output of Develop Project Charter output of identify stakeholders Output of Identify Risks
Input to (8 Processes) Input to (6 Processes) Input to (11 Processes)
1- Identify Stakeholders 1- Identify Risks 1- Estimate Activity Resources
2- Plan Scope Management 2- Collect Requirements 2- Estimate Activity Durations
3- Collect Requirements 3- Plan Stakeholder Management 3- Estimate Costs
4- Define Scope 4- Plan Quality Management 4- Develop Schedule
5- Plan Schedule Management 5- Plan Risk Management 5- Determine Budget
6- Plan Cost Management 6- Plan Procurement Management 6- Plan Quality Management
7- Plan Risk Management 7- Plan Communication Management 7- Qualitative Risk Analysis
8- Develop Project Management Plan 8- Quantitative Risk Analysis
9- Plan Risk Responses
10- Control Risks
11- Plan Procurement Management

Requirement Documentation Project Scope Statement Scope Baseline

Output of Collect Requirements Output of Define Scope Output of Create WBS
Input to (6 Processes) Input to (4 Processes) Input to (5 Processes)
1- Define Scope 1- Create WBS 1- Estimate costs
2- Create WBS 2- Sequence Activities 2-Determine Budget
3- Validate Scope 3-Estimate Activity Duration 3- Define Activties
4- Control Scope 4- Develop Schedule 4- Identify Risks
5- Plan Quality Management 5- Qualitative Risk Analysis
6- Plan Procurement Management

Activity Resourece Requirements Resource Calendars Project Schedule

Output of Estimate Activtiy Resources Output of Acquire Project Team / Conduct Procurements Output of Develop Schedule
Input to (4 Processes) Input to (4 Processes) Input to (4 Processes)
1- Estimate Activtiy Duration 1- Estimate Activity Resources 1- Estimate costs
2- Develop Schedule 2- Estimate Activity Durations 2- Determine Budget
3- Plan HR management 3- Develop Schedule 3- Control Shedcule
4-Plan Procurement Management 4- Determine Budget 4-Plan Procurement Management
5- Develop Project Team
General I/Os
Project Management Plan Work Performance Data Work Performance Information
Output of Develop Project Management Plan Output of Direct & Manage Project Work Output of All Control Processes
Input to Input to Input to
Direct & Manage Project Work All Control Processes (Include Validate Scope) Monitor & Control Project Work
Monitor & Control Project Work
Close Project or Phase
All Plan Processes
All Control Processes (Include Validate Scope)

Change Requests Change Log Issue log

output of Output of Perform Integrated Change Control Output of Manage Stakeholder Engagement
Direct & Mange Project Work Input to Input to
Monitor & Control Project Work Manage Stakeholder Engagement Control Stakeholder Engagement
All Control Processes (Include Validate Scope) Control Communication
Quality Assurance Manage Project Team
Plan Procurement Management
Conduct Procurement
Manage Stakeholder Engagement
Manage Project Team
Input to
Perform Integrated change Control

Approved Change Requests Work Performance Reports

Output of Perform Integrated change Control Output of Monitor & Control Project Work
Input to Input to
Manage & Direct Project Work Perform Integrated change control
Control Quality Control Risk
Control Procurement Control Procurement
Manage communication
Manage Project team
Special I/So

Deliverables, Verified Deliverables , Accepted Deliverables

Requirements Traceability Matrix Activity List , Activity Attributes, Milestone list
and Final Product Transition
Deliverables - Output of Direct & Manage Project Work
Output of Collect Requirements Output of Define Activities
Deliverables - Input to Control Quality
Verified Deliverables - Output of Control Quality
Input to (8 Processes) Input to (1 Process)
Verified Deliverables - Input to Validate Scope
Accepted Deliverables - Output of Validate Scope
1-Validate Scope 1- Sequence Activities
Accepted Deliverables - Input to Close Project or Phase
2- Control Scope Final Product Transition - Output of Close Project or Phase

Activity List , Activity Attributes Project Schedule network diagram Resource Break Down Structure
Output of Define Activities Output of Sequence activities Output of Estimate activity Resources
Input to (1 Process) Input to (1 Process) Input to (2 Process)
1- Estimate Activity Resources 1- Develop Schedule 1- Estimate activity Duration
2- Estimate Activity Durations 2-Develop Schedule
3- Develop Schedule

Schedule Data , Project Calendars Schedule Forecasts Output of Control Schedule Scope Baseline
Output of Develop Schedule Costs Forecasts output of Control Costs Output of Create WBS
Input to (1 Processes) Validated Changes output of Control Quality Input to (5 Processes)
1- Control Schedule Input to (1 Processes) 1- Estimate costs
1- Monitor & Control Project Work 2-Determine Budget
3- Define Activities
4- Identify Risks
5- Qualitative Risk Analysis

Project Funding Requirements Process Improvement Plan Quality Metrics

Output of Determine Budget Output of Plan Quality Management Output of Plan Quality Management
Input to (1 Processes) Input to (1 Processes) Input to (2 Processes)
1- Control Costs 1- Quality Assurance 1- Quality Assurance
2- Control Quality

Quality Checklists Quality Control Measurements

Output of Plan Quality Management Output of Control Quality
Input to (1 Processes) Input to (1 Processes)
1- Control Quality 1- Quality Assurance
Special I/So

Human Resource Management HR Management Plan Project Staff Assignment

Human Resource Management Plan - output of Plan HR Management
Output of Plan HR Management Output of Acquire Project Team
Human Resource Management Plan - Input to Acquire Project Team
Project staff assignments - output of Acquire Project team
Input to (2 Processes) Input to (1 Process)
Project staff assignments - Input to Develop Project Team
Team Performance Assessment - output of Develop Project Team
1- Estimate Costs Develop Schedule
Team Performance Assessment - Input to Manage Project Team
2- Identify Risks

Schedule Management Plan

Communication Management Communication Management Plan Cost Management Plan
Risk Management Plan
Communication Management Plan - output of Plan Communication Management
Output of Plan Communication Management Input to
Communication Management Plan - Input to Manage communication
Project communications - Output of Manage Communication
Input to (1 Process) Quantitative Risk Analysis
Project communications - Input to Control Communication
Team Performance Assessment - output of Develop Project Team
Manage Stakeholder Engagement
Team Performance Assessment - Input to Manage Project Team

Procurements Documents Agreements

Output of Plan Procurement Management Output of Conduct Procurements
Input to Input to
Identify stakeholders Determine Budget
Special I/So

Procurement Management
1- Procurement Management Plan
2- Procurement statement of work
3- Procurement documents
Plan Procurement Management OP
4- Source Selection Criteria
5 -Make - or buy analysis

1- Procurement Management Plan

2- Procurement statement of work
3- Procurement documents
4- Source Selection Criteria IN Conduct Procurements
5 -Make - or buy analysis
6- Sellers proposals

1- Selected Sellers
2- Agreements
Conduct Procurements OP
3- Resource Calendars

1- Procurements Documents
2- Agreements
IN Control Procurements

1- Procurements Documents
IN Close Procurements
T&T Summary

Group Decision Making Technique Project Management Software Define Scope

Tool & Technique of Tool & Technique of Tools & Technique (ODD)
Collect Requirements Estimate Activity Resources Alternative Generation
Validate Scope Estimate Activity Costs Product analysis
Estimate Activity Durations Control Schedule Facilitated workshops
Estimate Activity Costs Control Costs

Bottom - Up Estimating Reserve analysis Control Scope

Tool & Technique of Tools & Technique of Tools & Technique (ODD)
Estimate Activity Resources Estimate Activity Durations Variance Analysis
Estimate Activity Costs Estimate Activity Costs
Determine Budget Define Acuities
Control Costs Tools & Technique (ODD)
Control Risks Rolling Wave Planning

Performance reviews Performance reporting Sequence Activities

Tools & Technique of Tools & Technique of Tools & Technique (ODD)
Control Schedule Manage Communication Precedence Diagram Method (PDM)
Control Costs Control Procurements Lead & Lags
Dependency Determination
Inspection Analogous Estimate , Parametric Estimate , three point Estimate
Tools & Technique of Tools & Technique of Estimate Activity Resources
Control Quality Estimate Activity Durations Tools & Technique (ODD)
Validate Scope Estimate Activity Costs Published estimating Data
Alternative analysis

Resource Optimization techniques

Modelling Techniques
Statistical Sampling Leads & Lags Develop Schedule
Schedule Compression
Schedule Tool
Tools & Technique of Tools & Technique of Tools & Technique (ODD)
Plan Quality Management Develop Schedule Schedule Network Analysis
Quality Assurance Schedule Critical Path Method
Control Quality Critical Chain Method
T&T Summary
Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control Costs
Tools & Technique (ODD) Tools & Technique (ODD) Tools & Technique (ODD)
Cost of Quality Cost Aggregation Earned Management Value
Vendor Bid Analysis Historical Relationships Forecasting
Fund Limit Reconciliation TCPI

Quality Assurance Quality Control

Tools & Technique (ODD) Tools & Technique (ODD)
Quality Audit Reviuew Approved Change Requets
Process analysis

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