ملاحظات هامة جدا من الاستاذ سمير سويلم

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1- If the product is unknown, the risk is very high, then the best contract type is cost plus incentive

fee to get

the best outcome.

2- At end of initiation or SOON LATER the project management plan is delivered

3- If funding issues with the funding Bank occurred, funding limit reconciliation is recommended.

4- Involving negative stakeholders in decision making is an excellent way to behave with resistance.

5- Crashing after crashing results in more and more requirements of communication efforts . That is why PM

does not prefer it.

6- More departments have relations with your project, classify them into groups and collect each group

communication requirement to effectively plan communication

7- What are inputs for the following proccesses? 1) Develop project charter. 2) plan human resources

management. 3) close project or phase. 4) plan procurement.

8- The stakeholders informed you that the previous project manager was fired as he was not communicating

with them , you shall review communication management plan.

9- Calculating communication channels objective is to indicate the complexity of the communication in the

project .then the communication plan limits who will communicate with who . This means not all the

calculated channels will be used .

10- If a supplier replaced, product verified, all deliverables met. PM shall perform procurement audit &

include lesson learned in the Proc. SOW

11- PM sent information to project team through Aconex but not all members received the information. To

prevent this senario include Aconex in the communication plan

%100 ‫ أما عند الحدوث فان االحتمال أصبح‬%100 ‫ عند حدوث خطر معرف مسبقا يزيد االحتياطي عن المخطط الن المخطط اقل من‬-12
‫الباقية و مقارنتها بالمطلوب بعد حدوث الخطر و في نفس الوقت تتغير حالة بعض من‬reserves ‫و ذلك له دور كبير في إعادة حساب الـ‬

‫ أوال ثم‬reserves ‫مخاطر المشروع األخرى مثال مخاطر جديدة و مخاطر أخرى يقل االحتياطي المطلوب لها مما يستوجب عمل مراجعة للـ‬

‫ هذا ما أقوم‬status ‫ و كتابة ذلك في خانة الـ‬issue Log ‫ باإلضافة إلى نقل الخطر إلى الـ‬risk register ‫بعد ذلك تحديث هذه المعلومات بالـ‬

.construction ‫بعمله على ارض الواقع بمشاريع الـ‬

13- We plan responses for identified risks in the planning process group. Then implement these responses in

the execution process group. And while controlling we audit the effectiveness of the responses

implemented and reassess to identify new risks, close outdated risks and reassess the current risks.

14- Contingency reserves are example of acceptance

15- Change management plan is the best to prevent cost overrun

16- Interactive communication is the best way for virtual team to communicate .

17- Risk categorization used to identify and qualify risks

18- Update the change log after obtaining approval or rejection from CCB

19- Training cost is prevention cost of conformance.

20- Ishikawa diagram used for Root cause analysis which is part of process analysis.

21- When there is schedule delay PM shall identify alternatives for schedule compression.

22- Using Ishikawa to identify root cause for variance is part of variance analysis

23- Identify new risks, close outdated risks and reassess current risks means Risk reassessment.

24- Business case justifies why the project is being implemented. Project charter authorizes the project.

25- Procurement negotiation concluded when the contract terms are agreed by both buyer and seller &

contract can be executed by both

26- Rejection of the product by key person at closing means neither he nor his requirements were identified at


27- If your sponsor asked to terminate the project but you signed a contract with a supplier .

There is Contract already signed and it is binding. The contract terms include the procedure to be followed

if the project is terminated by Client. You should refer to contract terms first.

28- Project manager is a team member, the team leader. When you are managing a project that has 10 team

members. It means the project (not you ) has you plus another 9 When you have 10 team members it

means the project has you plus 10 ie the total number is 11

29- Stakeholders complain the reports delay, you shall review communication plan

30- When an identified risk occurs, you should implement contingency plan, Perform reserve analysis first then
update risk register to update contingency reserves and in the status column you can write risk occurred

and transferred to issue log .

31- If some team members left the team you will update human resource management plan

32- Cost benefit analysis performed :

1) as part of the business case at initiation together with business need.

2) at closing to assess project or phase success.

3) at each phase start to determine whether to continue or terminate the project.

4) when planning quality .

5) when you feel that the project may not achieve its objectives. 

6) when a new competitor enters the market with lower price.

7) when comparing alternatives like buy or make.


33- Kick off meeting conducted at end of planning process group and the leader who explain the strategy plan

is the Project Manager

34- Prevention is by planning . Prevent any additional cost unless a change is approved first is the concept of

cost change management plan . Yes there is change management plan for each knowledge area.

Scope change management plan

Schedule change management plan

Cost change management plan

Quality change management plan

35- When subcontractor wants to use his procedure but the PM insist to follow the project management plan

This example of forcing.

36- Plan quality means look for FUTURE to PREVENT quality problems.

Control quality means quality problem to your PRODUCT OCCURED and you need to repair it.

Assure quality. The problem occurred to the processes but the product still not completed, you make

quality audit, process analysis and continuous improvement to increase the effectiveness of the processes.
37- Once an identified risk occurs it means it will transfer from risk register to the issue log .

And the reserves shall be revised and updated as it became a fact which its probability is 100% Now and its

impact may be changed . A change will be requested to implement the contingency plan.

38- Lesson learned documented THROUHOUT THE PROJECT and collected AT CLOSURE to


39- Final project report shared based on COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT PLAN to CONVEY


40- The last option to overcome a problem is asking sponsor help, PM shall do his best first.

41- If labor strike happened what if analysis is recommended.

42- The difference between a risk and an issue is that a risk has probability < 100% which means it may or may

not happen, But an issue is a fact that for sure has happened.

When a risk occurs it became a fact with 100% probability so it became an issue which will need more than

the planned reserves . So PM will need to revise the project status in respect to risks by revising reserves to

compare the remaining reserves against the required reserves.

This is more important to do first then an update to the risk register and the issue log will be required.

43- When identified risk occurs reserve analysis shall be performed then issue log and risk register update.

44- It is not easy to reject the scope change requested by customer. But You can evaluate the impact of each

change, communicate this impact to the customer requesting approval for additional cost and time followed

by updating the cost and time baselines before implementing the changes. If you are implementing without

approval, then you still measure the variance against the 1st baseline which should be updated .

You did not follow the change management plan .

Cost inflation and/or fake schedule delay penalty occurs in these situations as there is no change


45- Project manager is a team member but he is the team leader.

When you are managing a project that has 10 team members. It means the project (not you ) has you plus

another 9 When you have 10 team members it means the project has you plus 10 ie the total number is 11
46- We plan responses for identified risks in the planning process group.

Then implement these responses in the execution process group ( direct and manage project work).

And while controlling we audit the effectiveness of the responses implemented and reassess to identify new

risks, close outdated risks and reassess the current risks.

47- Corrective action in respect to schedule delay recovery " schedule compression " may result in some

activities negative schedule variance but at the same time all activities with positive total float. This may be

as a result of some activities duration crashing and some activities fast tracking. 

Finally the project schedule variance required to be 0.0 and the negative project float became 0.0

The actions recommended shall be communicated to relevant stakeholders for approval then


The most important actions are:

1) to recommend new contract terms with suppliers/ subcontracts early in the project. 

2) Increase communication effort to follow up the new leads in the NWD.

Ex. Current status , 2 activities delayed

Activity 1, Material / supplier approval delayed leading to negative variance - 7 d and negative total float -8d .

Activity 2, Fs relationship between 2 activities . Predecessor already delayed leading to negative variance -7d

and negative float for the 2 activities-7d.

Corrective actions .

1- crashing the duration for the successors, procurement, fabrication and delivery will lead to positive float for

activities while keeping the negative variance for the 1st activity "material approval"

2- fast tracking the 2 activities " SS with lag 5 d for example instead of FS" will change the negative variance and

float to Positive.

48- Risk register. 

Risk id, category, risk description, identified by, date identified, probability, impact, score, trigger, planned

response, contingency, status.

And attached to it Risk scoring document which includes probability definition, impact on schedule
definition, impact on cost definition, impact on quality definition and probability & impact Matrix

49- Corrective action chosen and why plus the variance reasons are part of lesson learned.

50- The final deliverables transfered to ASSIGNED STAKEHOLDERS at closure.

51- Feed back from RELEVANT STAKEHOLDERS obtained based on STAKEHOLDER


52- To confirm the achievement of project scope and deliverables, OBTAIN FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF


53- Project documents archived for the following objectives:

1) future use

2) future audit

3) Compliance with statutory requirements.

54-To communicate formal project closure and confirm liability transfer, Obtain administrative, legal, and

financial closure.

55- Lessons learned and project records are part of the closure report.

‫ اكبر من‬SPI ‫ و الـ‬CPI ‫ من واقع الحياة العملية عندما يكون العميل غير مقتنع بان حالة المشروع جيدة على الرغم من معرفته ان قيم الـ‬-56

risk and issue ‫ و الـ‬Trends ‫و الـ‬floats ‫ و الـ‬Variances ‫ و هى الـ‬. EV ‫إلقناع العميل سوف نحتاج إلى وسائل أخرى مع الـ‬. 1

performance reports ‫ و هي محتويات الـ‬.... . ‫ و‬status

57- The best way to define scope is to allow the team who will do the project, specialists & experts to define

both the scope and associated risks

58- Kanban, Six sigma and LEAN are process analysis techniques

59- Important information When you conduct benefit analysis you justify the benefit of executing the project

that comply with the expected business case and company strategy.

This explains task no 7 initiation . 

Conduct benefit analysis to validate the alignment of the project with organization strategy and expected

businesses case.

60- Important information when you identify key deliverables and communicate them to customer then obtain
customer approval, at this time you transferred his expectations to key deliverables that will achieve project


That is why customer expectations and project goals achievement are managed by identifying key


61- Within given assumptions and constraints and based on meetings with relevant stakeholders, available

information and previous projects lessons learned project assessment is performed in order to

A) Direct the achievement of project goals.

B) propose an implementation strategy. 

C) support new product feasibility evaluation.

D) align expectations and gain support for the project.

62- You have been assigned as a project manager when you meet experts, refer to historical data, current

environment and organizational factors. you want to propose an implementation strategy, therefore you


A) Identify key deliverables. 

B) perform stakeholder analysis.

C) perform project assessment. 

D) Identify high level risks, assumptions and constraints.

63- By compiling and analyzing gathered information and in order to ensure stakeholders agreement on the

project charter elements you should

A) Communicate the project charter to stakeholders.

B) obtain sponsor approval for the project charter.

C) Ensure that key deliverables and milestones are included in the charter.

D) Participate in the charter development process.

64- You have been assigned as a project manager when you meet relevant stakeholders to validate project

alignment with organizational strategy, therefore you should

A) Identify key deliverables. 

B) Conduct benefit analysis.

C) perform project assessment. 

D) Identify high level risks, assumptions and constraints.

65- You have participated in the project charter development, ensured stakeholders agreement on its elements,

obtained sponsor approval, gained commitment and acceptance of your project and formalized your

authority what should you do next.

A) Identify key deliverables. 

B) Conduct benefit analysis.

C) Communicate the charter to the stakeholders. 

D) Identify high level risks, assumptions and constraints.

66- You have participated in the project charter development, ensured stakeholders agreement on its elements,

obtained sponsor approval, gained commitment and acceptance of your project and formalized your


Now you communicate the approved charter to stakeholders, what is your major objective in regard to

communicating the charter?

A) Ensure common understanding of key deliverables and key milestones. 

B) Align expectations and gain support for the project.

C) support the feasibility evaluation. 

D) Manage customer expectations..

67- You have been assigned as a project manager when you refer to business requirements to direct the

achievement of project goals and manage customer expectations, therefore you should

A) Identify key deliverables. 

B) Conduct benefit analysis.

C) perform project assessment. 

D) Identify high level risks, assumptions and constraints.

68- Process analysis could be either used to plan or to assure quality, one of the techniques used in process

analysis is 




D) Kanban.

69- You identified , prioritized, qualitatively analyzed risks and planned risk responses in your project . The

risk register now includes description, probability, impact, score, contingencies, responses, action date and

status . You have 8 risks with the same highest score of 25, one risk of score of 20 and other 22 risks of

score in the range of 4 to 12

However the projects manager asked to include only the top 5 risks in the project dashboard. What should

you do next.

1) Combine each 2 risks together and report the 8 risks as 4 then add the risk no 9 as the 5th.

2) interview the team for voting to prioritize the top 5 risks.

3) Prioritize risks based on the action date required for responses among the highest 8.

4) Report the 8 risks and inform the senior manager they are all high .

70- PM sent information to project team through Aconex but not all members received the information. What

should have been done to prevent this senario

A) Include Aconex in the communication plan

B) Confirm sending the information through an e mail.

C)Request team members feedback at the progress meeting.

D) change the communication method .

71- You are at closure of your IT project when the PMO head called you asking to communicate formal

project closure . What should you do to achieve PMO request?

A) Obtain formal acceptance from Customer. 

B) prepare and share final project report.

C) Obtain administrative, legal and financial closure. 

D) collect lesson learned and update knowledge base.

72- You are at closure of your construction project when the PMO head called you asking to ensure the

transfer of liability of the buildings to the operation department . What should you do to achieve PMO


A) Obtain formal acceptance from Customer. 

B) prepare and share final project report.

C) Obtain administrative, legal and financial closure. 

D) collect lesson learned and update knowledge base.

73- You are managing a project to collect and balance requirements of all stakeholders involved in the design

and construction of infrastructure and buildings of the new university at your City. 

You capture, analyze and manage lesson learned, in order to:

A) Minimize the impact on the project.

B) Enable continuous improvement.

C) prioritize stakeholder requirements.

D) verify compliance with project objectives.

74- Kick-off meeting conducted at the end of planning in order to :

1) Gain stakeholders commitment. 

2) Communicate project start.

3)Communicate Key milestones.

4) Engage and inform stakeholders.

5) All of the above.

75- However the sponsor knows That the project CPI =1.15 and SPI=1.25, he still not convinced that the

project is ahead and under budget, in order to confirm the project status and persuade the sponsor, you

presented dashboard of tables and charts that includes Trends, variances, EV performance, risks status,

issues status, changes status, percent complete and works implemented.

This dashboard is better described as :

A) Earned Value Report.

B) Work performance Report.

C) Work performance information.

D) Variance Report.

76- Based on the project management plan, at closure, you are transferring the ownership of the deliverables to

operation, what is your major objective in respect to this action?

A) Update organization knowledge base.

B) Evaluate stakeholders satisfaction. 

C) Ensure project scope achievement. 

D) facilitate project closure.

77- You are at closure of your project when the PMO head called asking to confirm the completion of the

project scope and deliverables . What should you do to achieve PMO request?

A) Obtain formal acceptance from Customer. 

B) prepare and share final project report.

C) Obtain administrative, legal and financial closure. 

D) collect lesson learned and update knowledge base.

78- Based on communication management plan, at closure, you prepare and share final project report , one of

your major objectives in respect to this action is to?

A) Update organization knowledge base.

B) Evaluate stakeholders satisfaction. 

C) Document and convey project performance.

D) facilitate project closure.

79- You are at closure of your IT project when the PMO head called you asking your assistance in project

evaluation . What should you do to achieve PMO request?

A) Obtain formal acceptance from Customer. 

B) prepare and share final project report.

C) Obtain administrative, legal and financial closure. 

D) collect lesson learned and update knowledge base.

80- Based on stakeholder management plan, at closure, you are obtaining feedback from relevant stakeholders ,

what is your major objective in respect to collecting feedback?

A) Update organization knowledge base.

B) Evaluate stakeholders satisfaction. 

C) Ensure project scope achievement. 

D) facilitate project closure.

81- Project resources are managed and acquired based on: 

A) Human resources management plan.

B) Procurement management plan.

C) A& B

D) change management plan.

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