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Exercise worksheets Unit 13

Prior to starting any of your work in these Worksheets please

read carefully Unit 13 in the Course Booklet. Complete all the
tasks in the Worksheets following all the instructions given.


Exercise 1
Go to Moodle Unit 13 and do online Yes No
Exercise 1.

Exercise 2
Go to Moodle Unit 13 and do online Yes No
Exercise 2.

Exercise 3
Go to Moodle Unit 13 and do online Yes No
Exercise 3.

Exercise 4
Go to Moodle Unit 13 and do online Yes No
Exercise 4.

Libro 2 Unità 13 1

Exercise 5

Read Due piatti italiani: pizza e pasta on pp. 10-11 of the

Course Booklet, then answer the following questions in English.

1. Why is pasta an important element of the Italian diet?

Pasta is an important element of the Italian diet as it is consumed everyday with the
average Italian consuming thrity kilos a year. Therefore, since pasta is a basic element
of the Italian diet, it is important.

2. What historical evidence do we have to suggest that pasta was an Italian

In the tombs built by the Etruscans, some typical tools, used for preparing the pasta,
were found, such as the rolling pin and the work surface. The Romans also a a food
similar to pasta, for example, Horace and Cicero were crazy about lagana, a dish
consisting of a thin mixture of water and flour, the mixture used for pasta. Also, there
is evidence that in Sicily, in a small village called Trabia, they used to knead flour and
water to make a food in the form of a wire similar to spaghetti.

3. Write an interesting fact you learned from reading La Pizza.

The word "pizza" can also be used to call something or something which is very

Libro 2 Unità 13 2

Exercise 6

Listen to the 4 dialogues of Dove si mangia oggi? on Tracks 67-71

and then answer in English the questions below.
Part 1
Isabella suggests a breadroll for lunch. How does she justify this suggestion?
Isabella explains that if they buy a breadroll for lunch, rather than going to a
restaurant, they can continue to visit the museum until two o'clock. She also implies
that by buying a breadroll, they save money than if they were to eat at a restaurant.

Part 2
Both friends are happy to eat at Pizzeria Caravella. Explain why.
Both friends are happy to eat at Pizzeria Caravella since its menu has a fixed price of
only 25000 lire. Despite the fact that it is a menu with a fixed price, it still offers a bit of
food variety.

Part 3
Why does Damiano assume they will eat well here?

(a) Damiano assumes that they will eat well here because of the amount of people
in the restaurant even though it isn't even one o'clock.

(b) Why does Isabella need to speak to the waiter?

Isabella needs to speak to the waiter to ask if they can grill the fish for her rather
than fry it.

Libro 2 Unità 13 3
Part 4
Tick the correct response.

(a) Both friends have enjoyed a three-course meal.

(b) Isabella suggests Damiano should have fruit for dessert. X
(c) Damiano asks Isabella if she wants to finish off the wine.
(d) Isabella asks if she can have some water with her wine.

Exercise 7

Read the text Per i turisti: menù a prezzo fisso on p.14 of the Course
Booklet and then answer the question in English.

1. What is the main gist of this article?

The article is basically talking about a search which they conducted to find a place
to eat which has a fixed menu, specifically for tourists.

2. In your opinion, what does the author mean when he/she says "Ahimè di
autentico spesso c'è solo il nome?"

The author is expressing the relief after finally finding a restaurant which often
offers authenticity in terms of flavours and setting. The author is saying that there is
only one name, meaning one restaurant, which is ideal for the variety of food, price
and atmosphere.

3. According to the article, what are the esssential characteristics of a good

the location is ideal
 the price is affordable
the atmosphere is pleasant

Libro 2 Unità 13 4
Exercise 8
Write an email to your Italian friend in which you recount the events of a
wonderful evening you have spent with friends and family to celebrate your
birthday, at your favourite restaurant. Write approximately 200 words in Italian.


ciao angela,

Oggi e' stata il più divertente compleanno della mia vita e ti devo raccontare
cos'è successo.

Questa mattina, mi sono svegliata e mia mamma mi ha detto che stavamo

andando ad un ristorantino per pranzare; solo mia mamma, mio pappa, mi
fratello e me. Quando sono entrata nel ristorantino, tutte le persone nel
ristorante hanno gridato "Sorpresa! Buon Compleanno." Non avevo idea
che i miei genitori mi ha organizzato un festa di compleanno a sorpresa.
C'erano tutti i miei amici e la mia famiglia. Prima di tutto abbiamo
mangiato il pranzo insieme. Ho mangiato il mio cibo preferito; risotto al
frutti di mare. Poi, ho aperto tutti i miei regali. Il mio regalo preferito che ho
ricevuto è una borsa si chiama "gialla a cestello di Alexander Wang."

Poi, ballavamo insieme e abbiamo cantato "karaoke." Non posso cantare

molto bene e ero imbarazzata ma mi sono divertita un sacco. Dopo
ballavamo, ho tagliato la mia torta di compleanno mentre tutti hanno
cantato "Buon Compleanno."

Ho preso tantissime foto e te le spedisco con la mia prossima email.

Verso le cinque, tutti sono andati a casa. Sono stanchissima adesso e i miei
piedi fa male a causa di ballare. Insomma, è stata una giornata molto
divertente e indimenticabile. Dirmi cosa hai fatto anche tu.

senti, ora ti saluto. Scrivimi! Un bacione.

Libro 2 Unità 13 5
Libro 2 Unità 13 6
Exercise 9

Read the texts La dieta e la salute and Cibi biologici on

pp.16-17 of the Course Booklet, go to Moodle Unit 13 and
check out the slow food website suggested then do online
Exercise 9.

Exercise 10

Listen to the dialogue on Track 75 and then answer in English the

questions below.

1. What are the three people discussing?

2. What arguments does the male speaker have against organic foods?

3. How does the female speaker manage to persuade the other two speakers
to try organic foods?

Libro 2 Unità 13 7

Exercise 11
Choose either Sandra's or Claudia's letter on pp.18-19 of the Course
Booklet and respond with a letter of your own in which you comment
on the content of their letters and discuss your own eating habits.
Leggi e rispondi! Write approximately 150 words.

Libro 2 Unità 13 8
Go to Moodle Unit 13 and do online Yes No

Libro 2 Unità 13 9
Exercise _NE_2
Go to Moodle Unit 13 and do online Yes No

Exercise _NE_3
Go to Moodle Unit 13 and do online Yes No

Exercise _NE_4
Go to Moodle Unit 13 and do online Yes No

Libro 2 Unità 13 10

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