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The role of drainage systems and intermontane basins in the Quaternary

landscape of the Central Apennines chain (Italy)

Article  in  Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali · December 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s12210-014-0312-2


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2 authors:

Tommaso Piacentini Enrico Miccadei

Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio Chieti e Pescara Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio Chieti e Pescara


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Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei
DOI 10.1007/s12210-014-0312-2


The role of drainage systems and intermontane basins

in the Quaternary landscape of the Central Apennines chain
Tommaso Piacentini • Enrico Miccadei

Received: 15 December 2013 / Accepted: 18 June 2014

Ó Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 2014

Abstract The Central Apennines chain (Central Italy) is Along a SW–NE swath profile, min, mean and max
an asymmetric NW–SE thrust belt, NE verging, that has topography elevations, the basins’ min elevation, the ele-
developed since the Neogene. The present landscape is vation of the main karst landforms, and the Pleistocene
made up of alternating calcareous ridges, valleys on pelitic uplift have been compared. These correlations and com-
arenaceous bedrock, as well as wide intermontane basins parisons allowed us to provide a further contribution to the
filled by Quaternary continental deposits. The chain is understanding of the Quaternary evolution of the drainage
characterised at high elevation by glacial and isolated systems and the landscape of the Central Apennines chain.
patches of dissected karst relict landscapes elevations, and
by slope landforms, alluvial fans and fluvial landforms Keywords Drainage systems  Intermontane basins 
within valleys and intermontane basins; in the latter ancient Tectonic geomorphology  Landscape  Central Apennines
lacustrine deposits are preserved. Intermontane basins,
valley and drainage systems, and relict landscapes are
affected by active geodynamic processes resulting in 1 Introduction
regional uplift, extensional faulting and local subsidence,
and by Quaternary climate fluctuations. In this work, the The mountain chains’ landscape is the result of the compe-
main intermontane basins have been correlated along a tition of tectonics that moves rock masses and surface pro-
SW–NE transect, comparing sedimentary sequences and cesses that shape the landscape reworking and redistributing
morphotectonic features, the evidence of local tectonics rocks, controlled by climate, eustasy and lithologies distri-
and uplift pulses, and the main features of the drainage bution. The resulting topography of a chain is composed of
systems, in order to outline the drainage changes occurred different morphostructures and morphosculptures. In this
during the Quaternary in the Central Apennines chain. framework, the analysis of drainage systems and intermon-
tane basins provides evidence for the understanding of the
landscape evolution of mountain chains. The Central A-
This peer-reviewed article is part of a coordinated collection of
scientific researches on the comparative evolution of intermontane pennines, located in Central Italy, are a NW–SE asymmetric
basins of the central-southern Apennines. mountain chain, tectonically active due to Quaternary uplift
and extensional tectonics, and are characterised by alter-
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this nating ridges (NW–SE to N–S, up to 2,900 m high) and
article (doi:10.1007/s12210-014-0312-2) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users. valleys, as well as by intermontane basins (elevations
250–1,500 m, Fig. 1). The landscape shows alternating
T. Piacentini (&)  E. Miccadei glacial and karst landforms on the ridges’ top, slope land-
Department of Engineering and Geology, INGEO, Università
forms and alluvial fans on the slopes, and fluvial landforms
degli Studi ‘‘G. D’Annunzio’’ Chieti-Pescara, Via dei Vestini,
31, 66100 Chieti Scalo (CH), Italy on the bottom of the valleys and intermontane basins;
e-mail: tpiacentini@unich.it Pleistocene lacustrine landforms and deposits are preserved
E. Miccadei within the basins. The Quaternary overall geomorphological
e-mail: miccadei@unich.it features have been studied by several authors (e.g.

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Fig. 1 Geologic scheme (a) and regional geological cross section (b) of Central Italy (Parotto et al. 2003)

Demangeot 1965; Mazzanti and Trevisan 1978; Ambrosetti features (i.e. sedimentary sequence, tectonics, geomorpho-
et al. 1982; D’Agostino et al. 2001; D’Alessandro et al. 2003; logical features) of the largest intermontane basins and (b) an
Molin and Fubelli 2005; Ascione et al. 2008 and references analysis of the elevation’s distribution of intermontane
therein), however the relationship between drainage sys- basins, karst relict landscapes, and drainage features, along a
tems, intermontane basins (and their connexion), and karst SW–NE 100 km-wide swath profile across the Central Italy.
landscapes, is still not fully understood, particularly as
regards the role played on drainage systems evolution.
In this work we explored the link existing between 2 Area description: Central Apennines chain
intermontane basins, drainage systems and karst relict
landscapes on top of the ridges, in order to contribute to the The Central Apennines chain (Central Italy) is a NW–SE
understanding of the geomorphological and drainage sys- thrust belt, NE verging (Fig. 1), generated since the Neo-
tems evolution of the Central Apennines chain’s landscape. gene by the westward subduction of the Adriatic plate. The
The analysis is based on: (a) a comparison of the main present topography outlines an asymmetric chain with the

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Fig. 2 Swath profile *190 km long, SW–NE 100 km wide, sampled with a 100 m window from a 40 m DEM (location in Fig. 1), showing the
max, min, and mean topography elevations of the Central Apennines chain

highest peaks (Gran Sasso, 2,912 m; Maiella, 2,793 m) Vai 2004; Parlagreco et al. 2011; Miccadei et al. 2011) and
shifted westward from the drainage divide (Fig. 2), and is regional uplift, are confined to the mountain front and
defined by the superimposition of different wavelength piedmont areas, and the outer intermontane basins
undulations: (1) a wide bulging ([100 km wavelength); (2) (D’Agostino et al. 2001).
intermediate undulations (10–20 km wavelength); (3) The drainage systems of the Central Apennines chain
minor undulations (\2 km) (D’Agostino et al. 2001; Molin show an overall rectangular pattern controlled by the
and Fubelli 2005). The chain is made up of Mesozoic– extensional tectonics, while the Adriatic piedmont parallel
Cenozoic calcareous thrust sheets and Neogene pelitic pattern, perpendicular to the chain, is related to the regional
arenaceous terrigenous foredeep deposits (Patacca et al. uplift bulging, and in the Tyrrhenian side the drainage is
2008; Vezzani et al. 2010; Cosentino et al. 2010). Since the controlled by volcanic landscape. The major intermontane
Upper Pliocene the thrust belt has been affected by regional basins of the axial part of Central Apennines are Rieti,
uplift (average rate 0.2–1 mm/a), connected to mantle Sora, Fucino, L’Aquila, Subequan and Sulmona, while
dynamic, responsible for a long-wavelength topographic minor ones are scattered all along the chain at elevations
bulge (D’Agostino et al. 2001; Ascione et al. 2008; Car- from \300 to [1,500 m (Figs. 1, 3; Table 1). All of the
minati and Doglioni 2012; Faccenna et al. 2014). Exten- major basins are presently externally drained, except for
sional tectonics was localised in the axial part of the bulge the Fucino basin (artificially drained since 1876).
and has produced intermediate topography undulations According to the relevant literature most of the intermon-
along major NW–SE extensional fault systems (Fig. 2) tane basins are controlled by local tectonic subsidence
(average slip rate *0.1–1.5 mm/a; Papanikolaou et al. along major NW–SE extensional faults. Most of these
2005 and references therein), which have formed the main faults are still active and affected by a recent and historical
faulted ridges and tectonic intermontane basins, inducing seismicity. Only some basins are the result of surface
the passive control of the thrust belt structure on the surface processes passively controlled by bedrock geology (fault
processes (resulting in exhumed ridges, fault line valleys, line basins; e.g. Castel di Sangro basin). They show dif-
transversal valleys) (Cavinato and De Celles 1999; Gala- ferent morphotectonic features due to: (a) bedrock geology
dini and Messina 2004). Finally, the surface processes, (calcareous/arenaceous pelitic), (b) tectonic setting (Pleis-
resulting from climate fluctuations (i.e. slope, glacial, and tocene-Holocene grabens–half grabens/Pliocene–Lower
karst processes) and from local base level variations (i.e. Pleistocene faults), (c) Quaternary continental deposits fill
fluvial processes) due to local tectonic subsidence, have (lacustrine-fluvial deposits/fluvial-slope deposits), (d) geo-
produced minor topography undulations, outlining the morphological nature (tectonic/erosional), (e) timing of
present landscape. Otherwise, effects of regional base level their evolution (since Upper Pliocene/since Lower-Middle
variations, induced by sea level fluctuation (Antonioli and Pleistocene) (Cavinato et al. 1994, 2002; Miccadei et al.

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Table 1 Main morphometric parameters of the intermontane basins investigations (Capelli et al. 1997; Ciccacci et al. 1999;
and plains of the Central Apennines Miccadei et al. 1999a, b; Cavinato et al. 2002; Miccadei
N Name Area Emin Emax Emean Type et al. 2004; Ascione et al. 2007; Boncio et al. 2011; Santo
(km2) (m) (m) (m) et al. 2014), compared with the relevant literature (Bosi and
Bertini 1970; Bertini and Bosi 1993; Blumetti et al. 1997,
1 Sora 190.1 276 554 372 Tectonic
2002; Bosi et al. 2003; Guerrieri et al. 2004; APAT 2006a,
2 Carsoli 20.0 565 736 629 Fault line
b, c, 2008; Giaccio et al. 2012, 2013 and references
3 Rieti 130.3 365 711 413 Tectonic
therein), mostly focusing on the recording of the main
4 Cornino-Rascino 1.3 1,274 1,366 1,292 Tectonic
stages of geomorphological evolution.
5 Fucino 380.9 642 1,102 701 Tectonic
The present day drainage systems of the chain are
6 Piani di Pezza 4.5 1,447 1,568 1,412 Tectonic
mostly composed of longitudinal tectonic valleys and fault
7 Campo Felice 10.0 1,525 1,650 1,556 Tectonic
line valleys, locally reincised into longitudinal gorges, that
8 Ovindoli 10.3 1,319 1,487 1,371 Fault line
join the tectonic intermontane basins (Fig. 3). The longi-
9 Altopiano delle 17.3 1,248 1,367 1,285 Fault line
tudinal drainage is linked by transversal gorges/valleys
incising the main compressive ridges of the chain and
10 L’Aquia-Scoppito 67.5 613 951 700 Tectonic
composing the overall rectangular pattern; a transversal
11 Paganica-Dan 58.1 547 761 600 Tectonic
Demetrio drainage connects also tectonic basins and the chain’s
12 Subequana 31.2 443 882 587 Tectonic drainage system with the consequent drainage of the Tyr-
13 Montereale 15.8 808 955 846 Tectonic
rhenian and Adriatic piedmont areas (Rieti, Sulmona). The
14 Castelnuovo 18.0 717 862 782 Tectonic
only present day endorheic area is preserved in the Fucino
Civitaretenga basin in the axial part of the chain. Knickpoints on the
15 Navelli 8.6 671 756 683 Tectonic stream long profiles (due to lithological contrasts or
16 Aremogna 4.0 1,397 1,517 1,446 Tectonic extensional faults) correspond to gorges transversally
17 Cinquemiglia 11.3 1,221 1,337 1,265 Tectonic incising compressive structures or longitudinally incising
18 Roccaraso 3.6 1,215 1,271 1,227 Tectonic tectonic or fault line valleys.
19 Quarto Grande 20.8 1,234 1,525 1,293 Tectonic Major karst surfaces are now preserved on the summit
20 Castel di Sangro 20.3 788 1,032 840 Fault line landscape of carbonate ridges (Figs. 3, 4), with an average
21 Campo Imperatore 31.9 1,464 1,650 1,518 Tectonic
area of 3.3 km2 (0.2–17.9 km2), and their elevation’s dis-
22 Tirino 42.4 260 583 395 Tectonic
tribution ranges between 630 and 2,250 m (weighted
23 Sulmona 126.0 243 643 376 Tectonic
average elevation of 1,367 m). In most cases karst features
are flat or gently undulated (average elevation range
24 Valle Giumentina 1 660 800 720 Fault line
239 m; average slope 25.5 %) and are dissected and pre-
served above the present valleys. Some areas (south of
Campo Imperatore) show large tectonic-karst landscapes
1999a; Blumetti et al. 2002; Bosi et al. 2003; Guerrieri made up of small karst basins controlled by extensional
et al. 2004; Giaccio et al. 2012; Santo et al. 2014). The tectonics (structural polje).
summit areas of the chain are marked by relict glacial The intermontane basins have variable sizes (upto
landforms, which developed during the Pleistocene cold [380 km2) and are located from SW to NE, at different
stages, and by widespread karst landscapes. elevations (240–1,525 m a.s.l., Table 1). The comparison
of minimum elevations outlines three different clusters of
basins: (1) with min elevation from 270 to 570 m in the
3 Distribution and features of drainage systems, karst SW side of the chain; (2) with min elevation from 640 to
summit surfaces and intermontane basins 1,525 m in the axial part; (3) with min elevation ranging
from 240 to 1,460 m in the NE side.
This work is focused on second order topographic features The sedimentary fill of the basins is composed of
(intermontane basins, drainage systems) and partly on third complex sequences of slope, alluvial fan, fluvial and
order features (tectonic and fluvial valleys, karst surfaces) lacustrine Quaternary deposits, which unconformably
of the Central Apennines chain (D’Agostino et al. 2001; overlie the deformed pre-Quaternary bedrock (sealing
D’Alessandro et al. 2003; Molin and Fubelli 2005). In this thrust faults) and are displaced and tilted by extensional
section the main geomorphological features and distribu- faults (ESM 1.1–7).
tion of the drainage systems and karst summit surfaces are The oldest continental deposits (Upper Pliocene) lying
presented, as well as basin fill and geomorphological fea- on the bedrock of the intermontane basins are related to
tures of intermontane basins, resulting from previous slope, alluvial fan and fluvial processes and locally

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Fig. 3 Central Apennines morphostructural scheme. Major present drainage features, major knick points and major karst relict landscapes
intersecting the main tectonic and fault line intermontane basins

lacustrine deposits are present (ESM 1). A 300–400 m Santo et al. 2014) and in the Fucino basin (Cavinato et al.
thick fluvial–alluvial fan deposit is present in the Rieti 2002).
basin and particularly all along a NNW–SSE elongated No or small patches of Lower Pleistocene slope and
depression south of Rieti (now at 400–800 m a.s.l), in alluvial fan deposits are dissected and tilted on the slopes
which gravel paleocurrents outline a SSE paleodrainage of the eastern basins (Aterno-Subequan, Sulmona, Castel di
opposite to the present one (ESM 1.1; Guerrieri et al. 2004; Sangro basins; Miccadei et al. 1999a, 2004; APAT 2006c;
Cosentino et al. 2008). Anomalous NNW drainage (oppo- Giaccio et al. 2012; Santo et al. 2014). On relief summits,
site to the present SE one) is also outlined in the Liri valley and on the main drainage divide area, evidence of the
by fluvial remnants dissected and preserved on the valley moulding of gently rolling erosional landscapes took place,
slopes (Giraudi 1988). Tectonically tilted slope and alluvial mainly due to fluvial and karstic planation outlining a NW–
fan deposits (with lacustrine levels) are preserved in the NE SE longitudinal paleodrainage (paleo Sangro) different
margin of the Fucino basin at 700–1,000 m a.s.l. (ESM 1.5; from the present transversal one (Fig. 3, ESM 1.6; Ascione
Cavinato et al. 2002; Bosi et al. 2003; APAT 2006b) and et al. 2007; Miccadei et al. 2012; Santo et al. 2014).
dissected on the slopes of the main ridges and in the main The Lower–Middle Pleistocene interval is characterised
drainage divide area (ESM 1.2, 6; east Marsica, L’Aquila, by the development of a thick lacustrine sequence within
Sangro, Bosi et al. 2003; APAT 2006a, b, c; Ascione et al. fault-bounded internally draining basins, while on the main
2007; Miccadei et al. 2012). Buried lacustrine and alluvial slopes of the drainage divide and in the Castel di Sangro
fan deposits are also present in the northern part of the plain, slope and alluvial fan deposits are terraced and
L’Aquila basin (ESM 1.2; GeMiNa 1963; APAT 2006a; hanging on erosional landscapes (ESM 1.1–7). In the Rieti,

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Fig. 4 Panoramic views of the Central Apennines outlining the relationship between intermontane basins, drainage features, glacial landscape
and karst summit landscapes (white shadow). a Area between the Fucino, L’Aquila and Sulmona basins. b Western Marsica-Sangro area

basin fluvial, alluvial fan, and lacustrine deposits fill a new in the Sulmona basin (upto [300 m; ESM 1.4). They are
inner basin, which has progressively formed in the northern made up of grey clayey siltstone and/or white calcareous
part of the earliest NNW–SSE depression by tectonic sub- siltstone units and, along the basins’ border, they are int-
sidence (along previous NNW–SSE and new E–W exten- erbedded with alluvial fan deposits (GeMiNa 1963; Bosi
sional faults). The subsidence induced a drainage inversion and Bertini 1970; Bertini and Bosi 1993; Miccadei et al.
from SSE to NNW, evidenced by a change in the gravel 1999b; Bosi et al. 2003; APAT 2006a, b, c; Giaccio et al.
paleocurrent orientation (ESM 1.1; Cavinato 1993; Gu- 2012). In this time interval, the thresholds between these
errieri et al. 2004; Cosentino et al. 2008). A drainage basins show evidence of surface connexion with the for-
inversion occurred also in the Sora basin area, from the mation of alluvial fans at the inlet into the basins but also
previous NNW drainage (evidenced by dissected fluvial evidence of underground karst connexions along the lon-
remnants) to the present SE one (Giraudi 1988), and in the gitudinal valleys (between L’Aquila and Sulmona) or the
Sangro area, where the incision of a deep transversal gorge transversal valleys (to the north of Sulmona). Finally, major
into the previous gentle erosional landscape forced the fault escarpments formed during Middle Pleistocene,
drainage reorganization, outlining the transversal Sangro affected by slope deposits (all the basins), huge landslides
river similar to the present one (ESM 1.6; Ascione et al. (Rieti, Fucino, L’Aquila, Sulmona) and occasionally (Rieti)
2007). In the Fucino basin, a *150–200 m lacustrine volcanic activity (ESM 1.1, 2, 4, 5; Cavinato et al. 2002;
sequence is buried in the present-day basin and uplifted on Guerrieri et al. 2004; Miccadei et al. 2004; APAT 2006a, b,
the NE side (Cavinato et al. 2002) and outlines a strong c; Giaccio et al. 2012; Blumetti et al. 2013; Santo et al.
tectonic subsidence. Along the main drainage divide areas 2014).
and tributary valleys at least two entrenched units of slope In the late Middle Pleistocene, in most of the basins,
and alluvial fan deposits are present (Bosi et al. 2003; erosional features truncated previous lacustrine deposits,
Miccadei et al. 2012; Ascione et al. 2007) (ESM 1.6). Thick that are overlaid by widespread fluvial deposits and locally
lacustrine deposits are widespread in the entire L’Aquila- by travertine deposits (ESM 1.1–7). In the Rieti basin
Aterno-Subequan basin (from *100–150 m in the Sube- scattered fluvial and travertine deposits are located on the
quan basin to[300 m in the L’Aquila area; ESM 1.2, 3) and valleys that incise the eastern fault escarpment and buried

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in the inner basin (ESM 1.1; Soligo et al. 2002; Guerrieri 4.1 Correlation of intermontane basins and drainage
et al. 2004); travertine deposits defined thresholds at the systems
eastern inlet and western outlet of the basin. In the Fucino
basin fluvial deltaic deposits overlie lacustrine deposits The correlation (Fig. 5; ESM 1.8) outlines an asynchrony
uplifted in the NE side of the basin, while lacustrine of the first depositional process in the basins–Upper Plio-
deposits are buried under the present basin fill (ESM 1.2; cene in the W and axial part (i.e. Rieti, Fucino, L’Aquila-
Cavinato et al. 2002). On the slopes and valleys of the main Aterno), Lower Pleistocene in the E part (i.e. Subequan,
divide and in the Castel di Sangro area, fluvial and alluvial Sulmona, Castel di Sangro)––and an overall synchrony of
fan deposits are present and the progressive incision of the evolution of the basins.
gorges and valleys into the previous relict landscape occur During the Upper Pliocene the incipient tectonic subsi-
(ESM 1.6, 7; Galadini et al. 2003; Ascione et al. 2007; dence along the main NW–SE to NNW–SSE normal faults
Santo et al. 2014). In the L’Aquila-Aterno-Subequan and (i.e. NE Rieti and Fiamignano faults, N and NE Fucino
Sulmona basins, fluvial and fluvial deltaic deposits largely faults, NE L’Aquila faults) induced the formation of gentle
overlie lacustrine deposits, with the emplacement of allu- elongated basins. The western basins mostly show thick
vial fans or fan deltas (ESM 1.2). Along the main gorges slope and alluvial fan deposits, outlining an exorheic
connecting the basins, evidence of the collapse of previous drainage (Rieti), while in the axial basins (L’Aquila, Fu-
underground karst drainage can be found. In Sulmona, cino) lacustrine deposits are present, outlining an endorheic
temporary travertine threshold have formed at the basin drainage (Fig. 6a). On top of the ridges, gently rolling
northern outlet. In the Castel di Sangro area previous fluvial-karst erosional landscapes are progressively moul-
alluvial fan and fluvial units are terraced and a new unit of ded up to Lower Pleistocene.
entrenched fluvial deposits has formed (ESM 1.7). The During the Lower Pleistocene a progressive enlargement
fault escarpments are still growing mostly in the northern of the endorheic areas occurred (Fig. 6b), shown by the
and north-eastern sides of the basins (except for Castel di spread of lacustrine deposits and by a first rearrangement of
Sangro) and are scarcely weathered. Along the thresholds the drainage (inversion in the Rieti area).
between intermontane lakes, transversal and longitudinal During the Middle Pleistocene the development of an
gorges were incised with the collapses of the underground impressive system of lakes within internally draining fault-
karst connexions, forming terraced and entrenched alluvial bounded basins (except for Castel di Sangro) outlined a strong
fans at the inlet into the basins (e.g. Sulmona) (ESM 1.4). drainage rearrangement with the development of a large en-
In the Upper Pleistocene–Holocene interval the basins dorheic drainage system within the chain (Fig. 6c) and the
and fluvial valleys are dominated by fluvial and alluvial fan prevailing of fault escarpments growth and local tectonic
deposits, terraced and entrenched along the main rivers subsidence (along the main NW–SE to NNW–SSE normal
(ESM 1.1–7). Lacustrine deposits are present in the faults) over sedimentary fill and over the effects of regional
remaining endorheic lacustrine areas (i.e. Fucino basin; uplift. This is testified by: (a) thick lacustrine deposits, tec-
lower part of the Rieti basin). Recent tectonic activity is tonically displaced and tilted; (b) the hang-up, dissection, and
documented on most of the NW–SE fault systems bor- tilting of previous deposits on the basins’ border; (c) their
dering the basins by paleoseismological studies (Galli et al. downthrow in the basins’ centre; (d) the formation of major
2008) and by recent-historical seismicity, which still fault escarpments. The lake drainage occured both through
affects the main fault systems (e.g. 1915 Fucino and 2009 lake thresholds (forming alluvial fans downstream) and along
L’Aquila earthquakes). underground karst connexions, showing that these basins
possibly have had the features of large structural polje, at least
in this time interval. Out of the endorheic area (Castel di
4 Discussion Sangro and divide area), a rearrangement from a longitudinal
drainage to a transversal one also occurred, due to the incision
The intermontane basins of the Central Apennines chain of previous gentle erosional landscapes (Fig. 6c).
have been first correlated along a SW–NE transect, com- During the late Middle Pleistocene, an abrupt change
paring sedimentary and morphotectonic features, local occurred, from an endorheic drainage system to an open
tectonics and uplift, and the main features of the drainage through-going drainage system dominated by rivers con-
systems (Fig. 5), in order to outline the drainage changes in necting intermontane basins due to the incision and col-
the chain (Fig. 6). Then, they have been correlated along lapse or lake threshold forming deep longitudinal and
the SW–NE swath profile (Fig. 7) comparing min–mean– transversal gorges and the capture of lake systems
max topograpy with the basins’ min elevation, the eleva- (Fig. 6d). This is outlined, in most of the basins, by ero-
tion of the dissected karst surfaces, and the Pleistocene sional features truncating lacustrine sediments and by the
uplift (after Ascione et al. 2008). shifting to a widespread fluvial sedimentation; the change

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Fig. 5 Morphotectonic correlation of major intermontane basins in the Central Apennines, including main stratigraphic features, main uplift,
local tectonic subsidence and drainage incisions geomorphological effects. For more detail see ESM 1.1–8

in facies and in the geomorphological environment is and they are in equilibrium with the present open drain-
unlikely to be only climatically driven (high sediment yield age systems towards the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Adriatic
in late Middle Pleistocene cold climate stage), since some Sea (i.e. Sora, Subequan, Sulmona). However, on the SW
endorheic lake basins (i.e. the Fucino basin) have survived Tyrrhenian side some of them (e.g. Rieti) are still
until recent times. At this stage surface processes overcome between the mean and min topography elevation or close
the effects of local tectonic subsidence and fault escarp- to major river knickpoints (Fig. 7); here a further drainage
ment growth; the combination of headward fluvial incision rearrangement and incision is expected. In the Fucino
and underground karst drainage collapses incised deep endorheic basin, according to the elevation above the min
subsequent and transversal gorges into most of the lakes’ topography and to the east highest divide, a westward
thresholds, dismantling the previous endorheic drainage, drainage rearrangement (connexion with the Tyrrhenian
due to local base level lowering in tectonically subsiding drainage) is likely to occur. On the NE side of the chain:
basins and to regional uplift. Moreover, the regional uplift (a) some basins are above the min topography (L’Aquila-
induced the drainage incision and the dissection of previ- Aterno) or close to major knickpoints (Subequan),
ous karst landscapes. (b) some small basins are well above the min topography,
Finally, from Upper Pleistocene the present drainage also above the mean topography, and (c) the area shows
system was outlined by river incision and the development the highest topographic relief (highest peaks and very low
of fluvial terraces entrenched within the basins and sur- min elevation; Fig. 7). This confirms that the NE side of
rounding valleys (Fig. 6d). the Apennines chain is in a strong topographic disequi-
librium, and further local tectonic subsidence and drain-
4.2 Swath profile correlation age rearrangement are expected, with regressive erosion
and knick points retreat from the lowest elevation area
The correlation, along the SW–NE swath profile, of uplift (Sulmona basin).
distribution (Ascione et al. 2008) with intermontane basins’ Second, karst surfaces outline landscapes mostly above
elevation and type and with karst surfaces (Fig. 7) outlines the mean elevation and in some cases at max elevations
two main features. (Fig. 7), that are dissected and preserved above the base
First, the elevation of the intermontane basins is mostly level. This confirms that major karst surfaces are remnants
between the mean and min topography elevation and in of ancient landscapes (at least pre-Middle Pleistocene) that
some cases corresponds to the min elevation. This sug- developed at the beginning of the chain landscape evolu-
gests that in most cases the major basins correspond––or tion, before regional uplift, local tectonic subsidence and
are very close––to the local base level within the chain drainage systems incision.

Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei

Fig. 6 Drainage system evolution in the Central Apennines chain: a upper Pliocene paleodrainage; b lower Pleistocene drainage system; c closed endorheic Middle Pleistocene drainage system
and major drainage inversions; d open through-going drainage system (except for the Fucino and other minor basins) and major drainage connections and gorge incisions

Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei

Fig. 7 Correlation along a 100 km wide SW–NE coast-to-coast Table 1), with Pleistocene uplift (from Ascione et al. 2008), min,
swath profile of the Central Apennines chain of karst present and mean and max topography elevation
paleo landscapes, intermontane basins elevation (for numbers see

5 Conclusions endorheic areas in the axial part of the chain; (2) the
Lower–Middle Pleistocene interval is dominated by thick
By comparing intermontane basins’ features and their lacustrine deposits and by the development of an impres-
space-time distribution, drainage features and main karst sive system of lakes within internally draining fault
surfaces and landscapes arrangement through a SW–NE bounded basins in the whole Apennines chain, induced by a
transect and a swath profile, we have explored the rela- strong local tectonic subsidence along the main extensional
tionship between drainage systems and intermontane basins fault systems overcoming the effects of regional uplift; (3)
of the Central Apennines chain, outlining the role of uplift, during the late Middle Pleistocene, the abrupt change from
local tectonics and surface processes in the drainage evo- an endorheic drainage system to an open going-through
lution. Comparing the results with the geological frame- one occurred, resulting from the basins’ connexion by deep
work of the study area drawn by previous studies, the longitudinal gorges (incised on tectonic valleys or fault line
following contribution to the understanding of the Qua- valleys) and transversal gorges (across the main ridges) due
ternary landscape of the chain’s are provided. to headward fluvial incision and underground drainage
After the asynchronous inception of the formation of collapse. At this stage, the effects of surface processes
intermontane basins––Upper Pliocene in the western part, induced by regional uplift and climate overcome those of
Lower Pleistocene in the eastern part––related to the local tectonics and subsidence within the basins.
eastward migration of the extensional tectonics in the A- The correlation of intermontane basins, karst landscapes
pennines, due to sublithospheric processes (e.g. slab retreat, and Pleistocene uplift along the swath profile of the Central
mantle upwelling, Cavinato and De Celles 1999; D’Agos- Apennines chain outlines that: (1) karst surfaces are rem-
tino et al. 2001; Galadini and Messina 2004; Carminati and nants of relict dissected landscapes (at least older than the
Doglioni 2012), the geomorphological evolution of the Middle Pleistocene) that developed at the beginning of the
basins is mostly comparable: (1) the Upper Pliocene-Lower landscape evolution, before drainage incision; (2) in the
Pleistocene interval is characterised by fluvial, alluvial fan western side of the chain, which already experienced a
and lacustrine sedimentation and by the progressive strong drainage rearrangement (i.e. Rieti, Sora), a further
development of NW–SE and NNW–SSE fault bounded rearrangement and incision is expected, at least along the
basins, which induced strong drainage rearrangements main knickpoints due to their eastward retreat (Rieti); (3) in
(drainage inversions, change from longitudinal to trans- the axial part (Fucino) a westward drainage connexion is
versal drainage) and the progressive enlargement of expected; (4) the NE side of the chain is in a strong

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topographic disequilibrium (highest topographic relief; Capelli G, Miccadei E, Raffi R (1997) Fluvial dynamics in the Castel
basins above the present base level or even above the mean di Sangro plain: morphological changes and human impact from
1875 to 1992. Catena 30:295–309
topography), except for the Sulmona basin, and further Carminati E, Doglioni C (2012) Alps vs. Apennines: the paradigm of
local tectonic subsidence, knick points retreat and drainage a tectonically asymmetric earth. Earth Sci Rev 112:67–96.
rearrangement is expected. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2012.02.004
Cavinato GP (1993) Recent tectonic evolution of the quaternary
Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the anonymous deposits of the Rieti Basin (Central Apennines, Italy): southern
reviewers and the special volume’s editors, whose precious comments part. Geol Romana 29:411–434
and suggestions greatly improved the manuscript. The work was Cavinato GP, De Celles PG (1999) Extensional basins in the
financed by the University ‘G. d’Annunzio’ of Chieti Pescara (E. tectonically bimodal central Apennines fold-thrust belt, Italy:
Miccadei, T. Piacentini). The paper is the result of a research carried response to corner flow above subducting slab in retrograde
out by: Enrico Miccadei (research guideline) and Tommaso Piacentini motion. Geology 27:955–958
(geomorphological analysis, GIS data processing, mauscript). Cavinato GP, Cosentino D, De Rita D, Funiciello R, Parotto M (1994)
Tectonic-sedimentary evolution of intrapenninic basins and
correlation with the volcano-tectonic activity in Central Italy.
Mem Descrittive Car Geol d’Italia 49:63–76
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