Complaint Sent To S.C. Attorney General

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Attorney Generat of South Carolina

Attn: Alan Wilsoo
10O0 Assembly Street
Columbia, SC2920l

PlE: Identify Theft and Fraud in Relation to an Election

\1r. \\riison:

Please be advised I am the attorney for,LLC. Please direct all

communications to me at the address and phone numbers provided in this correspondence

My client is the victim of identity theft as defined in S.C Code 5s 16-13-510, As you are
aware, this criminal statute applies to organizations pursuant to S.C Code $ 37-20-110. An
unidentified /individual group is currently using Personal Identifl-ing Information of my client on
Facebook to disseminate false information to improperif influence an eiection. We believe the
actions of whoever is falsely representing itself as m\; client is also in violation of S.C. Code $
1 7-30-135. A copy of each FB Page is attached hereto.

My client owns the domain name of MyrtleBeachSC.Com. It is a fundamental aspect of

my client's business and constitutes a trademark under South Carolina common law. The
identitl, thieves are purposefully trying to destroy mv client's business as is evidenced by their
direct taunts of David Hucks, the sole owner of LLC. In order to
obfuscate their fraud, the perpetrators used a personai profile under the first name "Myr1le," last
name ''BeachSC." Obviously, this is fraudulent on its face. There is no person alive with the
gii en name of Myrtle BeachSC. Facebook has yet to remor,e this obviously fraudulent account,
a1lorl ing the damage to my client to continue on a dail1' basis. We are seeking assistance from
r our r-rft'ice to stop this illegal and improper behavior.

I ask that -v-our office to investigate this attempt to improperl.n.- affect an election and
u',br ious criminai activity. Please contact me with an)'requests for intbrmation and/or

Tucker S. Player Hucks

Hu$bta Affice: Mailing Address: P 803.772.8008

1 4i 5 &oad River Road Post OfFice Box 21 005 F 843.772.8437
Coiumbra. South Carolina 2921 0 Columbia. South Carolina 29221


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