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Df.X: 78TH: 4BODY:12(5)

INT: 3 Wn.I.: 18 M1:-:o: 6
INH: 8 Al'RA: 3 SPIRIT: 8
INITIATI\r:: 18 Hf:Ro Pol:-.'Ts: 7 0

Connections: Green Lantern/Hal
Jordan (Low), Justice League
Inlernational (High); Iron Nerves
Serious Rage
I 0, Comprehend Languages: 20,
Flight: 40, Force Manipulation: 18,
Invulnerability: 18, Life Sense: 40,
Omni-Power: 9, Recall: 20,
Regeneraiion: 4, Sealed Systems: 16,
Skin Armor: 4. Spirit Travel: 50]
Bonus: Guy's BODY is 12 APs
while he is wearing the ring.
Armor Power does not have to be
activated at its full AP value: Guy
loses one AP of Force Manipulation
00 I0 20 30 40 0 Chameleon [5]
and Omni-Power for each AP of Skin
5D6D7D 8D9D 0 Danger Sense [25]
Armor in use; Life Sense is only usable
IOD liD 12D ! 3D 0 Detect (Energy) [ 10)
to detect other members of the Green
0 Dispersal [ I 0]
Lantern Corps.
0 Force Manipulation [0]
Miscellaneous Drawbacks: The
TIME CHART: 0 Growth [35]
Power Ring is completely useless
Hour I DDDDD0 0 Remote Sensing [35]
against the color yellow; the Power
Hour 2 DDD0D0 0 Shrinking [ 15]
Ring must be recharged once every
Hour 3D0D0D0 0 Telekinesis [ 15]
twenty-four hours with the lantern­
Hour 4D0DODO D Telepathy [ 20]
shaped Power Battery; the Power
Hour 5 D0D 0D 0 0 Transmutation [ 1 51
Ring's BODY is only 6 while it is not
Hour6DODODO D Vibe [20]
being worn.
Hour7 000000 D X-Ray Vision [ 15]
Power Battery [ BODY: 25, Energy
Hour 800 0000
Absorption: 18, Invisibility: 15, R#:
Hour 10000000
•Alter Ego: Green Lantern
Hour I I000 00 0
•Height: 6'0" •Weight: 184 lbs
Hour 12000000
•Eyes: Blue •Hair: Red
Hour 1 30 DOOOO
•Motivation: Thrill of Adventure
•Wealth: 4
Hour 150DDDOO
•Occupation: Maniac (card
Once you cross off the last box on the
time chart, go immediately to No. 150.


D1.· x: 7 STR' 4 BODY. 1 2 (4)

lt\'1: 8 WILL: 23 .:\1JND: 8
br'I: 6 Au{A: 5 SPIRIT: 12
INI'IIAri\c: 21 HERO Po1:-:TS: 85

Connections: Green Lantern/Hal
Jordan (High); Iron Nerves; Scholar
Public Identity
•Equipm ent:
POWER Rl G [BODY: 23, I T:
I 0, Comprehend Languages: 20,
Flight: 40, Force Manipulation: 23,
Invulnerability: 18, Life Sense: 40,
Omni-Power: 9 , Recall: 20,
Regeneration: 4, Sealed Systems: 16,
Skin Armor: 4, Spirit Travel: 501
Bonus: Stewart's BODY is1 2 APs
while he is wearing the ring.
Limitations: The Power Ring's Skin CONDITIONS: OMNI-POWERs [HeroPoint Cost] :
Armor Power does not have to be 0010 20 30 4 0 0 Chameleon [ 5]
activated at its full AP value: John 50 6070 80 90 0 Danger Sense [25]
loses one AP of Force Manipulation 1 00 110 1 2
3 0 Detect (Energy) [ 10]
and Omni-Power for each AP of Skin 0 Dispersal [ I 0)
Armor in use; Life Sense isonly usable 0 Force Manipulation [0]
to detect other members of the Green TIME CHART: 0 Growth [35)
Lantern Corps. Hour I000000 0 Remote Sensing [35]
Miscellaneous Drawbacks: The Hour 20 00 000 0 Shrinking [1 5]
Power Ring is completely useless Hour 3000000 0 Telekinesis [ 1 5 ]
against the color yellow: the Power Hour4000000 0 Telepathy [ 20]
Ring must be recharged once every HourS000000 0 Transmutation [ 1 5 J
twenty-four hours with the lantern­ Hour6 00 00 00 0 Vibe [20]
shaped Power Battery; the Power Hour? 00 0000 0 X-Ray Vision [ 1 5)
Ring's BODY is only6 while it is not Hour800 000 0
being worn. Hour 900000 0 WORTHINESS (23):
Power Battery [BODY: 25, Energy Hour I000000 0
Absorption: 18, Invisibility: 15, R#: 2] Hour I I0000 00
•Alter Ego: Green Lantern Hour12000000
•Heig ht: 6'1" •Weight: 201 lbs. Hour1 3000000
•Eyes: Brown •Hair: Black Hour1 4000000 HERO POINTS (85):
•Motivation: Responsibility of Power Hour1 5000000
•Wealth: 4 Once you cross off the last box on the
•Occupation: Architect time chart, go immediately to No. l SO.



I •
l •

•Begin Here •

and lightly knock on the door. "Enter,"

he hids you.
"She has been seffing a light to our "Ah, the legendary Green Lantern; You step toward the portal, and it
beacon, which I've just remembered, thank the Elders theyfound thee. How automatically opens and swings
is Grail-shaped." may I serve thee?" inward. All you can see coming from
"You mean,it's notthe rea/Grail?!" "/was wondering ifyou could tell the inside of the building is bright,
You are siuing alone in your me anything about the Beacon; we blinding light. As you stepj01ward to
apartment after a hard day's work haven't much time,'' you respond. emer, a loud booming voice fills the
watching a mo1•ie about King Arthur "Yes, very liule time. I' m afraid I air around you.
and his knights. You' 1•e popped open a really cannot help thee. Thy "Do you come seeking the
soda and ordereda pi:za. The movie is predecessors did not say very much Harmony Beacon?"
not bad, and the weather is enjoyable. after theyreturned the Beacon thefirst If you answer, "Yes, I come inquest
Ahh, rest and relaxarion. Ifonly all of time. The onlyaccoum oftheirjourneys of the Beacon," go to No. 36. If you
your days were like this. is a song wriuen by a long dead bard answer, "No, I come for another
There is a sudden knock at your shortly after their return. I' II fetch purpose," go to No. 48.
door: "Tony's pizza!" thee a copy, ifyou /ike."
You answer the door and begin If you would like to see the scroll,
Jumbling through yourpocketsforyour go to No. 279. If you would like to
wallet. Finding it, you pass the pi::a consult Binro, the king's astronomer, Using your Power Ring, you make
man a twenty. While you are waiting go to No. 80. If you would like to yourself intangible and pass through
for your change, you notice that your consult Henrik, the sergeant-at-arms, the hull of the Subjugator Command
phone is ringing. Ship. You find yourself in a vast
go to No. 44. If you are ready to strike
If you want to instruct the pizza man out into the Otherwhere, go to No. 91. chamber that houses some sort of
to keep the change and rush to your computer equipment.
phone, go to No. 55. If you wait for Go to No. 270.
your change and then answer the
phone, go to No. 9. Make an Action Check using your
Dexterity as the AV/EV against an
OV/RV of1 2/12. If you earn one or KingAdorushestogreetyou. "Green
more RAPs. go to No. 94; otherwise, Lantern, dost thou have the Beacon?"
You approach Maer!in's chamber go to No. 269. "I'm afraid not, sir," you respond,

"hutI willfind it. You can restassured
of that."
Resume your Space Travel

You jet throuf?h the blackness of
space, !>peeding on toyow·destination.
This sector is empty.
Cross off the appropriate travel time
and continue on.

Eric leads you down a lonf? halland
into a huge throne room illuminated
bytorch light. Intricate tapestries hanK
from the alabaster walls andflutter in
time to a slight draft that seems to be
coming upfrom thejloor.A sickelderly
bearded man is sittinf? on an immense
throne across the roomfrom you. Next
to the throne is a huge crystal orh. The
man stands and begins to speak.
"Green Lantern, welcome to the
Watchtower - thank the Elders Eric
found thee! My name is King Ado, and
my story is grim.
"As Eric has no doubt already
explained, thou art no longer within
the confines ofthy own universe. Thou
art now in an adjacent dimension
known as the Othetwhere, a realm
very similar to thy own. Over the
millennia, the Otherwhere has Riven
birth to three intelligent races: the
benign Elders, the malevolent
Subjugators , and my people, the
"At almost the exact instant they
discovered each other, the Elders and
the Subjugators became locked in a
gruesome struggle, an intense rivalry
which eventually lasted more than one
hundred thousand years. As we have
always been several centuries of
progress behind our neighbors, the
peace-loving Thurians were usually
ignored during thisferocious conflict,
with the Elders rushing to our defense
whenever the Subjugators seemed to
be about to launch an invasion against
our planet.

"Eventually, the great war ended orb leji us hy the Elders that allows us Lamerns did. Although the Guardians
with the Elders victorious. But the to view any location in the multiple are gone, the records are probably
effort required to bear back the dimensions, we eventually located the still around. By searching them, you
Subjugators so depleted the Elders' pe1ject agents to seek the Beacon in might he able to find out how your
energy reserves that the entire race our name: Abin Sur, Tomar-Re, and colleagues located the Beacon.
decided to leave the Otherwherefor a Jeddep loot. three members of thy Before you go, King Ado gives you
more comfortable place ofrest, never Green Lantern C01ps. And after a a star map of the Otherwhere.
to return. Before they leji, however, search that lasted more than a year, Begin crossing off the time boxes
the Elders made plans to protect us the Lanterns eventually located the on your Character Sheet as you are
from any further encroachments by Beacon and used it to restore the instructed. You have fifteen hours
the Subjugators: they evacuated all of Barrier before the Subjugators could before the Barrier drops completely
us here to the Watchtower and built a arise . conquer us, and move on to thy and the Subjugator fleet smashes the
massive energy screen, called the universe. Watchtower. If you want to consult
Forever Barrier, around the planet to "I' m afraid,myfriend, thata similar with Henrik, go to No. 44. If you want
protect us so that we could lil'e our energy drain began to lower theharrier to consult with Maerlin, go to No 2. If
lives in eternalpeace. The Elders chose once againjust overa week ago. Before you want to consult Binro, go to No.
rhe Watchtower as our place ofsafety the energy drain began to afect the 80. To leave the Watchtower and head
for a special reason. Lying very close Chromoscan as well, we used it to off into the Otherwhere, go to No. 91.
to this planet is a rift in space that locate a Green Lantern. Apparently,
leads directly into thy universe. By thou art one of the few remaining.
blanketing thisp/anet, the Elders were "Thou must locate the Beacon and 9
prel'enting the Suhjuxators from help us. If thou dost not, the fate of You bolt over to the phone andpick
finding and exploiting that rift, as well both our universes is at stake. The it upjust in time to hear an unfriendly
as protecting my people. Subjuxators are povmful-far more click. Apparently you were too late.
"About one hundred years ago, the poweJful than any race ofconquerors Oh we/1, whoever it was, he' /Iprobably
energy drain on the Forever Barrier we have observed in thy universe. In call back later.
became roo great. and the Barrier all likelihood, they will sweep through You open your pizza and return to
temporarily collapsed. But the wise thy dimension in a matter ofcenturies the movie.
Elders foresaw such a catastrophe and go on to the next. "I am Arthur, King of the Britons,
and built a powe1ju/ enerxy source "Thy quest will he grueling. Where and this is my loyal servant, Patsy.
capable ofrestoring the barrier known it took three of thy colleagues a full Now let me pass. good sir knight."
as the Harmony Beacon. Since the year to .find the Beacon, thou on thy Go to No. 43.
Beacon wasfar too powe1jul to simply own have hutfifteen hours. Before the
leave in our hands, the Elders hid it Chromoscan failed, it detected a
somewhere within the Otherwhere. Subjugator war fleet heading for the 10
"According to legend, the Beacon Watchtower, waiting for the Barrier Youfeel like you arefalling down a
is hidden in such a place that only the to fall. long, deep canyon. Eventually, your
trulynoblecanfindit, a safety measure "We are a peace loving people. We senses drift back, and you begin to get
meant to prevent the Beacon from have no ships, no weapons. Thou art a better idea of your surroundings.
falling into the hands of the our only hope! Good Luck. Binro, my You are standing on a low green hill
Subjugators, or those of my people court astronomer, Henrik, my beneath a sunny blue sky. Of f in the
who might be less than scrupulous. At sergeant-at-arms, and Maerlin, my distance, birds flutter in and out of a
the time the Beacon was hidden, the court advisor, willbe more than willing nearby grove. Their chilping soothes
Eldersalso planted a series ofclues in ro meet with thee ifthou would like to yourjittery nerves. A cool breeze wafts
the Otherwhere to help the worthy discuss the situation. Maerlin is the thourgh your hair. You must actually
locate it. The Harmony Beacon's only one in the kingdom who was alive be within Olyssa's dreams.
resting place is said to be a realm of during the last quest to locate the Asyou arefinally beginning to grow
serene calm and purity. Harmony Beacon." accustomed to your surroundings, a
"Unfortunately, at the time the Quite a problem. The fate of the young girl steps out ofthe grove and
Barrier was beginning to collapse, entire universe rests in your hands. moves toward you. As she comes
none ofmypeople seemed to be in any Listening toAdo, however, has already closer, you notice that the girl is a
condition to recover the Beacon. We given you an idea. Back on Oa, the dream image of Olyssa herself And
wereforced to turn to thy universefor Guardians used to keep records of she is carrying a shining gold cup that
help. Using the Chromoscan, a great everything that each of the Green appears to be the Beacon!

"Thou have come far, Green 14 99. To head overto Mountain # l ,go to
Lantern, and thy quest is almost over. No. 53. To investigate Mountain #2,
This is another gray. winding
As thou can see, just before they left. go to No. 65. To head to Mountain #3,
corridor. Exits lead to the south and to
the Elders entrusted me with the task go to No. 41. Togo to Mountain #4, go
the east.
of guarding the Harmony Beacon in to No. 129. To leave the planet, resume
You cannot use the Space Travel
my dreams and protecting itfrom those the Space Travel sequence.
sequence to visit a new location from
who are not worthy. Before I can give
this paragraph number. If you wish to
it to thee, there is one final test thou
must pass.''
go south, go to No. 155. If you wish to 18
go east. go to No. 203.
At that instant, the sky opens up. and You resume clicking away at the
a bright beam of light shoots down computer terminal. only to he
and touches the ground. 15 interrupted by a strangely familiar
"Stand in the light and see if thou voice comingfrom the doorway.
You cawiously make your way down
art worthy to wield the power of the "Ahh, one of our warriors has
into the deep ra1•ine at a speed that is
Harmony Beacon.'' returned.''
well below your top airspeed. But even
Ifyou want tochargeOlyssa's dream Whirling. you find that the voice
at this relatil•ely safe clip, the winds
image and attempt to simply grab the belongs to Appa Ali Apsa, the only
still buffet you aboutand imo the ravine
Beacon, go to No. 69. l f you want to Guardian who ren/(lined in this
stand in the light and submit to the test, universe. Appa wiles away his days
Resolve a single Physical Attack
go to No. 271. cruising around the Oan desert with
against yourself with an AVfEY of 12/
an antique motorcycle from Earth
1 2 andcross offthree time boxes.Once
which has captured his fancy.
11 you are finished, make an Action
Go to No. 78.
Check using your DEX/DEX as the
During this phase, the armored
AV/EV against an OV/RV of 9/9. If
figure will punch you, flying up to the
proper height if necessary. lf you hit
you receive 3 or more RAPs on this 19
Check, go to No. 51; otherwise go to
him in combat, he will spend as many Yow'foe collapses in a heap in the
No. 273.
Hero Points as he possibly can on Last alleyway, and less than a second later
Ditch Defense. his body dissolves in a sickening blue

16 glow and disappears! You quickly

collect up the unconscious youth and
After a long search, you realize that
11 head back to your apartment,
there are no readable books in the
You have knocked out the remembe ring to Powe r Ring yourself
library that discuss the Forever
Subjugators' scowing fleet's com­ back into your street clothes before
Barrier, though you notice that the
mand 1•essel. This will cost them goinx upstairs.
writing in many ofthe hooks here ha1•e
valuable time , as the scouting fleet If you want to try to revive the
somehow been Jaded into obscurity.
will be forced to slow down and youth, go to No. 145. lf you want to
Cross off four time boxes. If you
regroup. wait for the youth to wake up himself,
want to search for books that discuss
Erase the last four time boxes you go to No. 119.
the Beacon, go to No. 28. If you want
have checked off. Put Condition 12
to search for books that discuss the
into effect. If you want to board the
Subjugators, go to No. 40. If you want 10
crippled ship in search of clues, go to
to examine the star atlas on the library Henrik seems to have been
No. 133. If you want to simply leave
wall, go to No. 52. lf you want to anticipating your query. "I can't tell
the area, go to No. 35.
examine the tome lying on the thee much about the Harmony Beacon ,
bookcase, go to No. 277. lf you want but 1 do know a couple ofthings about

13 to leave the planet, go to No. 272. rhe Subjugator fleet thar the
Chromoscan picked up. The mainfleet
You pick up the massive energy gun.
is hanging way back. For now, they
If you were holding either the silver 17 are just sending in a small scoutfleet.
sphere or the iron rod, you must drop
Youj7y over toward Mountain #5. A But once the scout fleet reaches the
this item in order to carry the gun.
cursory examination reveals nothing Watchtowe r , it can beam back
Put Condition 9 into effect. Ifeither
extraordinary. navigational data that the main fleet
Condition 10 or Condition 11 is in
Cross off a time box. To inspect the can use to make the journey in just a
effect, take it out of effect. Proceed to
mountain in greater detail, go to No. Jew minutes. lfthe scoutfleet reaches
No. l23.

the planet, we arefinished. mom, one ofthe containers opens and sequence to leave the planet from this
The scout fleet will he under the a voice chimes through the air. paragraph. If you want to go to the
�:uidance ofa larger command vessel "Select an item.·· west, go to No. 38. If you want to go to
which will he separatedfrom the scout Inside the open container is a crystal the south, go to No. 185.
fleet itself I would guess that the table . and resting on the table are
command vessel is probably located three unusual objects. One is a huge
in either space sector F-1. or space silver sphere, one appears to he a 17
sector F-2" large r(f/e. andone is a bulky iron rod. Hopinf!, to save time. you plunge
Cross off a time box. If you want to Each of the items is so large that you down into the deep ravine at maximum
consult with Maerlin, go to No. 2. If are sure that you could only carry one speed. As you descend, the powe1jul
you want to consult with Binro the at a time. winds buffet you about, slamming you
astronomer, go to No. 80. If you are If you want to examine the rifle, go into the ravine walls.
ready to head out into the Otherwhere, to No. 72. If you want to e�amine the Make a single Physical Attack
go to No. 91. sphere, go to No. 95. If you want to against yourself with an AV/EV of1 6/
examine the rod, go to No. 105. If you 16. Cross off a single time box. Go to
want to pick up the rifle, go to No. 13. No. 273.
11 Ifyou want to pick up the sphere, go to
If Condition 10 is in effect, go to No. 60. If you want to pick up the rod,
No. 57. Otherwise, go to No. 6. go to No. 114. If you want to leave the II
planet, go to No. 141. After a lengthy search. you discover
that there are no readable hooks that
II discuss the Beacon anywhere in the
This phase, theAndroid dodges and 15 library. although you do notice that
makes no attacks. If hit, he spends as Eachofthe IO ships has aBODYof the writing in many of the library
many Hero Points as possible on Last 35 and is being piloted by a Subjugator hooks has undergone some oddkind of
Ditch Defense. with the Vehicles (Space) Skill rated fading and is now too obscure to read.
at1 5 APs (this gives the ship an OV of Cross off three time boxes. If you
1 5 in combat). The ships each carry want to search for books on the
13 two types of weapons: lasers (Energy Subjugators, go to No. 40. If you want
After clicking some keys. you Blast of1 6) and plasma missiles (AV: to search for books on the Forever
manage to call up the command ship· s 1 0, EV: 18). Resolve the battle using Barrier, go to No. 16. If you want to
strategy computer. On the screen is Combat Table #5. Keep track of the examine the star atlas on the library
the complete planfor the scout fleet's ships' Current BODY Conditions as wall, go to No. 52. If you want to
advance on the Watchtower. Thefleet though they were Characters. examine the open tome on the library
is supposed to occupy the following In order to flee during this battle and shelf, go to No. 277. If you want to
areas at the indicated times: resume the Space Travel sequence, leave the planet, go to No. 272.
Hours 1-3: Sector G-3 you must make a successful Action
Hours 4-6: Sector E-3 Check using your APs of Flight as the
Hours 7-9: Sector D-2 AV/EV against an OV/RV of 41 /4 1 . 19
Hours 10-12: Sector C-1 The only other action you can take You soarhigh into the air overEdon
Hours 13-15: Sector B-0 during a phase in which you are and survey the planet's land mass.
If you want to check out the rest of attempting to flee is a Dodge. Fleeing most ofwhic_h, you notice. is dominated
the ship, go to No. 113. If you want to from theSubjugatorfleet automatically by rolling grasslands. except for a
leave this space sector, go to No. 94. costs you two Worthiness Points. section ofrough terrain andmountains
If you defeat the Subjugators (by that seems strangely out of place on
reducing all of the ships ' Current the otherwise average planet. The
14 BODY Conditions to zero), go to No. terrain looks somewhat like the map
Apparently, your answer satisfies 73. If you lose, go to No. 85. on page 18.
your inquisitor. You find yourself in a To investigate Mountain # I , go to
\'OS! hallway filled with an incredible No. 53. To head over to Mountain #2,
assortment ofcomplex machines and 16 go to No. 65. To go to Mountain #3, go
gadgets unlike any you have ever seen This is another dank. metallic to No. 41. To visit Mountain #4, go to
before. Each ofthe wondrous gadgets corridor. Exits lead to the west and to No. 129. To investigate Mountain #5,
rests on a table in a sealed transparent the south. go to No. 17. To leave the planet,
container. As you walk through the You cannot use the Space Travel resume the Space Travel sequence.



�-- - -

- -
. - -

You head illfo the gia/11, metallic
- _ _.... - - -

- - -

� - - -

chamber that housed the Guardians'


powe1jul computer system and find
that all ofrhe machinery is sri/I intact.

You begin rapping away ar the

. .
_ ....
computer keyboards only ro quickly
.. -
. . -
- _ ....., �

disco1·er rhar all ofrhe power seems ro

_ - -
.. -


- --


he our in the ewire building. Just as

- -

_ -


you make this discm·ery, you notice a


-- -
- ....
- _ -

peculiar hu::ing sound coming from

- -- -

outside the building.

- -
- -
...... -
. . --- ..._

- _- - - - -----

Cross off one time box. If you want

�1-n 1-�
- -...._
. _

.. ...

u.-.. ..,...� -
_ -
- - -
: :�
. . -
_ ..41- _

.... ....
- =- � to investigate the noise, go to No. 278.
... -- -

. ......
... .. .... - - -- - :.:
. . - _



-- = -


---- -
- .....
If you want to keep looking at the
. .
.... ...

...... -- - -- --- - -- .-- -
.... .._ -- . .

computer, go to No. 18.

._ - . . ..
.. --
_ _
..... --
.... .. -"'""
... . . ...

- ....
- .... . --

..... - _
- .. -

- - _ - -.-. - ---
--- -. ....___
. .
.. - ...... - ....... - -
. .
-...___...... -
- -

- You pick up rhe phone in rime to

- _
..._ - -
- -
- ...._
hear a frightened I'Oice 011 rhe orher
... - -

end ofthe line.


··creen Ltmrem. thou must help me.
The Other. . . "
- - -

- .::. �

Afterthe ominous opening sentence,

.... . . -
. -
... . - -
- .

_ ...
.. _ ...
the line clicks dead.
- -
- You can attempt to use your Power
Ring's Omni-Power ability at this
point. Make sure to record this

paragraph number so you will know

where to return if you select the

- incorrect ability.

If you choose not to use the Power
Ring, or your attempt to use the Power
Ring fails, go to No. 43.

· - .
. .

- 31
.._ ....

. -- .......

Eric is more them happy ro answer

. .


your inqumes. "Thor is Pri11cess
Olyssa." he says. "She is hu11dreds of

- -
- years old. She fell imo a deep sleep

shortly after the Elders left the

. .

Orherwhere and has remained in rhis
- -. .
.... -
.... -

_ ......
..-. -

state e1•er since. No one knows whar

-.- .
-. .
-.. .. ......
.... . --

caused her peculiar ailment. Our


. -
.... - --

- -
... ...... -.. .......
- . -
... ..... -

histories speak of Princess Olyssa in

_ -.. . .
. . -

- .....
. ...,.
rhe most glowing terms. She is
...... _

_ -
- .. ....-
. _
apparently one ofthenohlesrThurians
..... - --
- .-..
..... _

.. erer ro walk rhe Watchtower."

-..... --

.:: �---
..._ ......

. .

- -
- "Whoarerhe Elders?'" youaskyour
_ ...... .-...

- -

- - young friend.
..... -. -

... -
-- �
- - ...._ .- ...- -

- -

"King Ado will soon explain:· he

- - - .

- - -. .
- -. -

- -::... - _...._ ....

- . ..... replies. mysteriously.
_ - -

- - --

.... - -
- --
. . . - -
...- --- --=-- ----
- -�- --
... -

� .... ... ...

- -- -

Continued on page 23
- . .
- --- -

... ..



Roll Paragraph Roll Paragraph
1 11 1 34
2 143 2 112
3 1.73 3 134
4 194 4 286
5 198 5 212
6 204 6 218
7 244 7 233
8 248 8 243
9 254 9 250
0 263 0 255


Roll Paragraph Roll Paragraph
1 121 1 22
2 152 2 157
3 176 3 182
4 200 4 208
5 256 5 238
6 235 6 240
7 242 7 249
8 251 8 253
9 258 9 264
0 262 0 266


Roll Paragraph Roll Paragraph
1 46 1 93
2 82 2 125
3 164 3 184
4 180 4 190
5 202 5 241
6 206 6 252
7 210 7 260
8 216 8 239
9 237 9 268
0 239 0 267

Sector TIME (Hourof Last Box Checked)

1·3 4-6 7-9 10-11 13-15

100 100 100 100 100
33 33 33 33 33
7 1 70 1 78 188 37
261 259 232 188 246
1 39 1 39 1 39 1 39 1 39
1 78 214 246 259 1 78
1 70 149 261 149 7
232 246 234 1 70 1 88
245 245 245 245 245
1 70 1 78 1 92 257 257
245 232 7 37 7
246 246 246 246 246
245 234 1 92 246 7
257 257 257 257 257
261 234 246 234 1 70
188 234 1 78 192 245
82 82 82 82 82
82 82 82 82 82
261 259 37 1 88 1 92
215 215 215 215 215
160 1 60 160 160 1 60
37 1 70 246 1 92 1 70
234 232 261 259 259
82 82 82 82 82
1 38 1 38 1 38 1 38 1 38
214 214 214 214 214
246 37 1 88 1 78 246
246 246 246 246 246
76 76 76 76 76

eThe result is the paragraph number to consult.


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