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The Penny in the Dust is the short story about relationship between father and his

There is no dramatic plot twist, but this gives us some touching moments.
This story starts with the conversation between pete and his sister.
and this reminds the flaskback to his childhood.
At the beginning in retrospect, he describes what he used to do with the penny and
at this part, we can predict that something's gonna be happened thorugh it.
this is foreshadowing of the story.
there is two main charater. pete and his father.
pete is a narrator of this story. so whole story proceeded by his own perspective.
and the narrator describes misunderstanding about his father as flat, distant
people, but he knows that it's not ture.

The title Penny in the Dust is a main symbol. The title represents the penny
Peter's father had given him.
After he lost penny, he explained how we lost his penny and what he imagined
through his penny as excuses.
As he described, he would have assumed his father would be upset and disappointed
but he wasn't. He showed his tears in his eyes.
This is the siturational irony part of this story.
and this brought him and his father closer together.
at "yesterday", he reconfirmed his father's love when he found out the penny is
still shining in the pocket.
he was a child when he lost penny, and at this point. we don't know how old he is
but we can assume that he is now grown-up and he has a better understanding of his
father's love than when he was child.
becuase I think the way he left the penny his pocket not taking it is very similar
to the way his father has done.

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