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Name: Myka Maurine C.

Course: BS Civil Engineering
Class Code: 5011 EE301g-JXa
Engineering Economics 5:30-8:30PM TTHS
Professor: Ma’am Felisa Sabaupan

Quiz No. 1
A. Money. Read Ecc 5:10 and write your reflection
Ecclesiastes 5:10(ESV)

He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his
income; this also is vanity.
The Bible teaches and acts as our guide on how we can live our lives with purpose and
love for our God. When we follow the Bible, we are sure for success. In this passage, God is
teaching us not to be in love with wealth and money, for those are earthly things. As a human we
are never satisfied, we would always want MORE. It is our nature to look for something more
than we have. But it is not the way we should live. We would never be happy by loving wealth
and money. Money is a temporary thing. We would work really hard, earn once a month, and
spend the money almost immediately. If we are focused on just money, we would not have the
satisfaction and the true happiness that we would have if we were to focus spending time with
the people we love. Besides, we cannot bring money with us when we die and being rich would
not help us go to heaven.

B. Time. Read Ps 90:12 and write your reflection

Psalm 90:12 (NIV)

Teach us to number our days,

that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
In this passage, God is telling us to number our days. I think it means that we should
spend each and every day of our lives with purpose and service to our neighbors. Each second
we spend should not be wasted through things that are not productive. There are rules of time,
one is that it is perishable. It cannot be saved; it can only be spent. The only thing we can do is to
spend it wisely and with the people that matters to us the most so we would never regret any
second of our lives. Especially that our loved ones have different time scales. We would never
know until when they would be around. So, it is important to spend our time with them. It is
important for us to number our days.
C. Differentiate

c.1 You earn P1,440 per day

c.2 You have 1,440 minutes per day
If you earn P1, 440 per day, your needs will surely be met, and your money would be
more than what you need. You can provide for your family and save for your future. But on the
downside, you will not have time for your family and the money that you might be saving now
might go to waste especially if the family that your saving your money for, is already gone.
When you have 1, 440 minutes per day to do the things you love and to spend it with the people
you love, you surely won’t regret missing any family time but then, you may be spending way
too much time on things that will not make you successful. Focusing on either time or money is
not enough. We need the find the right balance between the two. Earning what you need and still
be spending time for your family and the things you love is the perfect balance for any

D. Give the acronym of the following letters

T – Thank God for what you already have and try to be satisfied with your life.

I – Invest your money on things that are really important.

M- Manage your time so you could make money and spend time with your family at the same
E – Each second matters so make it count.

L – Learn to spend both time and money wisely.

I – Insecurity in our future may lead us to working so hard and spending all our time on earning
money for the future. But we should not feel insecure, for we know that God will provide. He
will never forsake us. Keep living in the present, think and prepare for the future but don’t live in
the future.
F – Feeling envy toward other people because they have more money than you will never make
you successful. Always focus on you and your goals and don’t mind other people because we all
have our own time scales.
E – Each second of time passes quickly. It’s useful to keep a To-do list so you are sure that you
are spending each of your time properly. Do not forget to include activities that make you feel
happy on your to do. Every person is more productive when they are happy.

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