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Directions for items 1-56. You will hear statements or

questions on the tape. Select the best answer and mark your
answer sheet, a, b, c, or d. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET.

1. a) She'll need some 8. a) It was done by someone

sugar. else.
bJ She'll need a hammer. b) He was supposed to
cJ She'll need a ticket. leave early.
d) She'll need some c) It was completed on
nickel. schedule.
d) He did not know how to
2. a) the long ones do it.
b) the correct ones
c) the usual ones 9. a) She cut it quickly.
d) the revised ones b) She cut it in the
3. a) Have you the kind of c) She cut off a small
car you want? piece.
b) Have you driven the d) She cut it in four
car you want? pieces.
c) Have you bought the
car you want? 10. He goes by
d) Have you made up your
mind about which car a) bus
you want? b) plane
c) car
4. a) posts and wires d) train
b) milk and bread
c) chairs and tables 11. a) 25 dollars
d) nails and lumber b) size 18
c) silk
5. a) well d) the last one
b) fast
c) cheaply 12. a) its name
d) quietly b) its color
c) its size
6. a) He has a lot of money. d) its purpose
b) He is poor.
c) He has a good 13. a) the movie
reputation. b) the journey
d) He is healthy. c) the lesson
d) the boat
7. a) darkness
b) time
c) batteries
d) vitamins


14. a) in the store on the 21. a) things that can catch

corner fire
b) the day before b) things that can get
yesterday dirty
c) to use in the game c) things that can change
today color
d) for $8.00 plus tax d) things that can get
15. a) my purse
b) my bag 22. a) chemistry
c) my coat b) history
d) my key c) geography
d) language
16. a) pleased
b) agreeable 23. a) He is leaving his
c) sad family.
d) hungry b) His family will be far
away from him.
17. a) Yes, he received a c) He is expecting to see
gift. them.
b) Yes, he was ill. d) He has already seen
c) Yes, he was angry. them.
d) Yes, he gave a party.
24. a) His watch runs fast.
18. a) 3 o'clock b) His watch needs
b) for no one winding.
c) two hours c) His watch runs
d) because i t was late accurately.
d) I bought his watch.
19. a) Clara knew how to
check the car. 25. a) She resembles her
b) Clara needed someone father.
to check the car. b) She is looking for her
c) Clara wanted to make father.
the mechanic angry. c) She looks after her
d) Clara wanted to sell father.
him the car. d) She is fond of her
20. a) Yes, he gave us each a
present. 26. a) You should mail them.
b) Yes he received some
1 b) You should destroy
punishment. them.
c) Yes! he told us the c) You should save them.
reason. d) You should throw them
d) Yes/ he was afraid to away.
talk to us.
27. a) They stayed all night.
b) They never left their
c) They stayed until
d) They went home late.


28. He wants to meet 36. a) He's moving the table.

b) Hers sitting at the
a) at this exact location table.
b) in about an hour c) He's leaving the
c) a block from here table.
d) at the movie d) He's standing on the
29. a) when he is quite tired
b) when he is completely 37. a) to check the price
dry b) to examine the
c) when it is very warm material
d) when the temperature c) to see how it fit
is comfortable d) to have it delivered

30. a) so they could be free 38. a) He intends to go to

b) so they couldn't the concert.
escape b) He does not expect to
c) so they could sleep go to the concert.
d) so they couldn't grow c) He does not like
3l. a) Yes they can be
1 d) He expects to plan a
opened. concert.
b) Yes, they both fit the
same lock. 39. a) The top was dirty.
c) Yes r they will be b) The top was shiny.
working soon. c) The top was not
d) Yes, they are hard to smooth.
turn. d) The top wasn't hard.

32. a) make up a song 40. a) Jim could be tired.

b) listen to a song b) Jim bought four tires
c) play a song by the end of the day.
d) guess the name of a c) Jim was too busy to
song buy tires.
d) Jim became tired.
33. a) upstairs
b) downstairs 4l. a) Chew your food
c) outside occasionally.
d) inside b) Chew your food in
34. a) to one side c) Chew your food
b) to the outside thoroughly.
c) to the bottom d) Chop your food in
d) to the back small pieces.

35. a) Yes, it was off. 42. a) The road had a bend.

b) Yes, it was burning. b) The road had a line.
c) Yes, it was bright. c) The road was wide.
d) Yes, it was flashing. d) The road was not long.


43. a) It was too much pain. 50. a) Examine it carefully.

b) It wasn't enough pain. b) Mail it on a routine
c) The leg was too long. basis.
d) The break was soft. c) Get it out in a hurry.
d) Check to see if it is
44. a) He needed something to all there.
b) He needed the rest. 51. a) I can find my friend.
c) He needed a date. b) I've found my friend.
d) He needed the c) I must find my friend.
information. d) I will find my friend.

45. a) The machine works 52. a) One end is lower than

perfectly. the other.
b) The machine needs more b) It isn't large enough.
pressure. c) It isn't suitable.
c) The machine needs more d) One side is longer
power. than the other.
d) The machine works
clockwise. 53. a) He freed himself from
the crowd.
46. a) He can't afford books. b) He got some news from
b) His sight is poor. the crowd.
c) He can't borrow books. c) He joined the crowd.
d) His printing is poor. d) He encircled the
47. a) in a library
b) in a forest 54. He is
c) in a laboratory
d) in a cemetery a) dirty
b) overindulged
48. a) He entered the water c) sleepy
before anyone else. d) aggressive
b) He dived in.
c) He went in with his 55. a) to let the people
feet first. through
d) He entered the water b) to speed up traffic
without looking at it c) to block traffic
first. d) to clear the road

49. a) a statement of fact 56. They are

b) an official statement
c) a statement of a) red
authority b) sore
d) an unconfirmed c) swollen
statement d) black


Directions for items 57-66. You will hear conversations or

persons giving information. Select the best answer and mark
your answer sheet, a, b, c, or d.

57. a) get something to eat 62. a) keep it safe

b) see a motion picture b) open it up
c) go shopping c) find out what it is
d) visit some friends d) find out how big it is

58. a) He's trying to put it 63. a) She doesn't care who

together. goes.
b) He's trying to make it b) She knows who should
stop. go.
c) He's trying to find c) She doesn't want the
it. man to go.
d) He's trying to d) She wants to go
regulate it. herself.

59. a) January 64. a) It's already open.

b) June b) It's in a dirty box.
c) October c) It's too expensive.
d) December d) It's the wrong kind.

60. a) work hard 65. a) He is speaking softly.

b) be happy b) He is screaming.
c) become stronger c) He is yelling.
d) think better d) He is speaking loudly.

61. a) Her brother is a 66. The cut is on her

strange man.
b) Her brother is good at a) back
his job. b) hand
c) Her brother has left c) foot
his job. d) arm
d) Her brother has been
made ill by his job.



Directions for items 67-100. Select the best answer and mark
your answer sheet, a, b, c, or d. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST

67. It was spring he moved to San Antonio.

a) where
b) when
c) what
d) why


68. Talking that subject revives many memories.

a) beside
b) for
c) about
d) after

69. Select the correct sentence.

a) Always on time he is.

b) He is always on time.
c) Always is he on time.
d) He on time always is.

70. The river has its origin in Minnesota.

a) waterfalls
b) ports
c) end
d) beginning

7l. Tom bought a gallon of

a) butter
b) eggs
c) milk
d) cheese

72. John asked, "Is this seat taken?" He asked if the seat was

a) broken
b) reserved
c) moved
d) fixed

73. Karen asked the clerk, "How much is this item?" She wanted
to know

a) the price
b) the condition
c) the way out
d) the kind

74. He to listen to the tape.

a) should
b) would
c) ought
d) must


75. Jane: Could they have done the shopping?

Phil: No,

a) they could have done it

b) they couldn't have did it
c) they couldn't have done it
d) they couldn't have doing it

76. Daniel went to the butcher personally the correct cut

of lamb.

a) to order
b) ordered
c) orders
d) was ordering

77. Select the correct sentence.

a) Weren't the trees by Mr. Brown planted last year?

b) Weren't the trees last year by Mr. Brown planted?
c) Weren't Mr. Brown planted the trees by last year?
d) Weren't the trees planted by Mr. Brown last year?

78. Don: Will you and your friend both come to the party?

a) Yes, I will come.

b) Yes, he will come.
c) Yes, we will come together.
d) Yes, we will see him.

79. Many of our libraries, especially In smaller cities, were

made possible by Andrew Carnegie. Born in Scotland, he came
to the United States when he was thirteen. His money
started many of the libraries in small cities of the United

According to this paragraph,

a) libraries were not tax supported until Andrew Carnegie

started them
b) Andrew Carnegie was a native-born citizen of the United
c) libraries not founded by Carnegie were closed down
d) in smaller cities, many of the libraries were founded
with Carnegie's funds


80. Mr. Brown said the weather is normal for this time of year.
The weather is

a) as usual
b) very fine
c) dry
d) stormy

81. The lecture is very boring.

a) It is very interesting.
b) It is on a subject I like.
c) It is a fine lecture.
d) It is dull.

82. The student told his roommate, "You can count on me."

a) count for me
b) count my money
c) depend on me
d) tell my age

83. He thought about buying the book.

a) intended to
b) taught
c) looked for
d) considered

84. The boys soon; otherwise, they will be late for the

a) can arrive
b) were arriving
c) should arrive
d) have arrived

85. The students bought their books. The books are

a) their
b) they
c) theirs
d) them

86. If I you, I would have charged more.

a) have been
b) am being
c) am
d) had been


87. William is interested in a new car.

a) bought
b) to buy
c) buying
d) buy

88. The diamond is a beautiful, brilliant gem. Although it is

commonly used in engagement rings, its greatest use is in
industry. Today, the automotive industry is the main buyer
of industrial diamonds. In fact, there are 15 different
uses for this mineral in an automobile factory.

According to this paragraph,

a) all diamonds are used in engagement rings

b) industrial diamonds are used in automobile factories
c) 15 minerals are used in automobile factories
d) all diamonds are used in industry

89. The entrance was narrow. It was

a) not high
b) loose
c) not wide
d) crowded

90. If you are broke, you

a) are well trained

b) should see a doctor
c) have no money
d) prefer soft drinks

91. You should go on sick call right away. You should

a) go to the right
b) go at once
c) walk straight
d) run away

92. The sound level was measured at 80

a) decibels
b) acres
c) decimals
d) degrees


93. The deer the fence to get into the vegetable garden.

a) arranged to
b) stood up
c) leaped over
d) climbed into

94. I'd like to have this suit

a) cleaned
b) cleanly
c) cleaning
d) cleans

95. Our teacher didn't come, so we to go home.

a) told
b) tell
c) were told
d) were telling

96. According to their records, Mr. Henley __ on five times

by the end of the year.

a) will have been operated

b) is going to operate
c) can operate
d) is being operated

97. Alexander the Great made a lasting impression on mankind.

He was a great king and leader. However, he met his equal
or even his superior in Diogenes, who was a great
philosopher. Now, however, anybody who is familiar with
history knows Alexander, but few know Diogenes.

According to the paragraph,

a) Diogenes may have been superior to Alexander

b) Alexander lived earlier than Diogenes
c) Alexander was a philosopher
d) Diogenes was a king

98. Is there any condensation on that pipe?

a) Yes, the heat has dried the pipe.

b) Yes, the pipe has been well polished.
c) Yes, the smoke has made the pipe dirty.
d) Yes, the steam has changed to water.


99. The same word on a different list.

a) contained
b) reappeared
c) typed
d) introduced

100. The silver vase is tarnished.

a) valuable
b) antique
c) shiny
d) discolored


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