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G.R. No. 167082; August 3, 2016 A: No. Considering that the possession
Q: Should the promissory notes should be and occupation of the property in question
strictly construed against the respondent as by Apolonio, Jr. and his predecessors-in-
they were contracts of adhesion because the interest were not shown in the records to
petitioner’s only participation in their have been "since June 12, 1945, or earlier,"
execution was affixing her signature? the application must be rejected.
The applicant for judicial
A: No. Even assuming that the promissory confirmation of imperfect title must trace
notes were contracts of adhesion, such his possession of the subject land to June 12,
circumstance alone did not necessarily 1945, or earlier. Any length of possession
entitle her to bar their literal enforcement that does not comply with the requirement
against her if their terms were unequivocal. cannot support the application, which must
It is preposterous on her part to disparage be then dismissed for failure to comply with
the promissory notes for being contracts of Commonwealth Act No. 141 (Public Land
adhesion, for she thereby seems to forget Act) and Presidential Decree No. 1529
that the validity and enforceability of (Property Registration Decree).
contracts of adhesion were the same as
those of other valid contracts.
As a rule, indeed, the contract of Sps. MERCADER vs. Sps. BARDILAS
adhesion is no different from any other G.R. No. 163157; June 27, 2016
contract. Its interpretation still aligns with Q: May the owners of Lot A extend
the literal meaning of its terms and their house on a portion of said easement,
conditions absent any ambiguity, or with claiming that they are entitled to its use as
the intention of the parties. The terms and much as the owners of Lot B.
conditions of the promissory notes involved
herein, being clear and beyond doubt, A: No. Easement or servitude,
should then be enforced accordingly. according to Valdez v. Tabisula, is "a real
right constituted on another's property,
corporeal and immovable, by virtue of
BUENAVENTURA vs. METROBANK which the owner of the same has to abstain
G.R. No. 167082; August 3, 2016 from doing or to allow somebody else to do
Q: Can the promissory note act a guaranty something on his property for the benefit of
to secure payment of checks by the issuer? another thing or person." "It exists only
when the servient and dominant estates
A: No. A guaranty is not presumed; it must belong to two different owners. It gives the
be expressed and in writing to be holder of the easement an incorporeal
enforceable. The promissory notes provide, interest on the land but grants no title
in clear language, that appellant is primarily thereto. Therefore, an acknowledgment of
liable thereunder. It being clear that the the easement is an admission that the
promissory notes were entirely silent about property belongs to another.
the supposed guaranty, the promissory With the right of way rightfully
notes must be read literally due to the belonging to them as the owners of the
absence of any ambiguities about their burdened property, the Spouses Bardilas
language and meaning. In other words, the (Lot B) remained entitled to avail
petitioner could not validly insist on the themselves of all the attributes of ownership
guaranty. under the Civil Code, specifically: jus
utendi, jus fruendi, jus abutendi, jus
disponendi and jus vindicandi. Article 428
REPUBLIC vs. BAUTISTA, JR. of the Civil Code recognizes that the owner
G.R. No. 166890; June 28, 2016 has the right to enjoy and dispose of a thing,
Q: Can the applicant be confirmed of without other limitations than those
his imperfect title to the subject land? established by law.
As owners of the 3 square meter
wide road in dispute, the Bardilas Spouses A: The sale of jointly owned real
(owners of Lot B) may rightfully compel the property by a co-owner without the express
(Mercader Spouses) to pay them the value authority of the others is unenforceable
of the land upon which a portion of their against the latter, but valid and enforceable
house encroaches, and in case the against the seller.
petitioners fail to pay, the appellants may The Deed was void as far as the
remove or demolish the encroaching respondents' shares in the subject lot were
portion of the (Mercader Spouses)’ house. concerned, but valid as to Julian's share.
The conveyance by a co-owner of the entire
property pursuant to the Deed did not bind
Sps. PEN vs. Sps. JULIAN the respondents for lack of their consent
G.R. No. 160408; January 11, 2016 and authority in his favor. As such, the
Article 2088 of the Civil Code Deed had no legal effect as to their shares in
prohibits the creditor from appropriating the property, but the sale is valid as against
the things given by way of pledge or the vendor’s share.
mortgage, or from disposing of them; any
stipulation to the contrary is null and void.
The elements for pactum commissorium to
exist are as follows: 1) that there should be a ASB REALTY CORP. vs. ORTIGAS & CO.
pledge or mortgage wherein property is LTD.
pledged or mortgaged by way of security G.R. No. 202947; December 9, 2015
for the payment of the principal obligation Q: Can respondent validly rescind the Deed
and b) that there should be a stipulation for of Sale due to the failure of the assignor and
an automatic appropriation by the creditor its assignee (petitioner) to fulfil the
of the thing pledged or mortgaged in the covenants under the Deed of Sale?
event of non-payment of the principal
obligation within the stipulated period. The A: No. The petitioner is vested with the
first element was present considering that ownership of the parcel of land “free from
the property of the respondents was any lien or encumbrance except those that
mortgaged by Linda in favor of Adelaida as are duly annotated on the title” from the
security for the former's indebtedness. As to time of the execution of the Deed of
the second, the authorization for Adelaida Assignment in Liquidation.
to appropriate the property subject of the Respondent recognized without any
mortgage upon Linda's default was implied reservation the issuance of the new certificate
from Linda's having singed the blank deed of title in the name of the assignor and the
of sale simultaneously with her signing of subsequent transfer of the assignor by
the real estate mortgage. The haste with assignment to the petitioner that resulted in
which the transfer of property was made the issuance of the new certificate of title
upon the default by Linda on her obligation under the name of the petitioner. As such,
and the eventual transfer of the property in Ortigas was estopped from assailing the
a manner not in the form of a valid dacion petitioner’s acquisition and ownership of
en pago ultimately confirmed the nature of the property.
the transaction as a pactum commissorium. The application of estoppel was
appropriate. The doctrine of estoppel was
based on public policy, fair dealing, good
MACTAN CEBU INTERNATIONAL faith and justice, and its purpose was to
AIRPORT AUTHORITY vs. HEIRS OF forbid a party to speak against his own act
GAVINA IJORDANON or omission, representation, or commitment
G.R. No. 173140; January 11, 2016 to the injury of another to whom the act,
Q: Is the sale of jointly owned real omission, representation, or commitment
property by a co-owner without the express was directed and who reasonably relied
authority of the others valid? thereon. The doctrine sprang from equitable
principles and the equities in the case, and of the other. They are to be performed
was designed to aid the law in the simultaneously, so that the performance by
administration of justice where without its one is conditioned upon the simultaneous
aid injustice would result. fulfillment by the other. In reciprocal
obligations, before a party can demand the
performance of the obligation of the other,
ASB REALTY CORP. vs. ORTIGAS & CO. the former must also perform its own
LTD. obligation. Should either party cease to
G.R. No. 202947; December 9, 2015 perform a continuous obligation, the other's
Q: Do the covenants annotated on the subsequent activity obligation would not
transfer certificate of title (TCT) bound the accrue.
petitioner (assignee) to the performance of Under the JVA , being reciprocal in
the obligations assumed by assignor under nature, their respective obligations as the
the Deed of Sale. owner and the developer were dependent
upon the performance by the other of its
A: Yes, the annotations on the TCT bound obligations; hence, any claim of delay or
the petitioner but not to the extent that non-performance against the other could
rendered the petitioner liable for the non- prosper only if the complaining party had
performance of the covenants stipulated in faithfully complied with its own correlative
the Deed of Sale. obligation.
By acquiring the parcel of land with notice The owner did not perform its correlative
of the covenants contained in the Deed of obligation under the JVA as to place itself in
Sale between the vendor and the vendee, the the position to demand that the developer
petitioner bound itself to acknowledge and should already perform its obligation of
respect the encumbrance. Even so, the providing the round-the-clock security on
petitioner did not step into the shoes of the property, thus the owner had no right to
vendee as a party in the Deed of Sale. Thus, demand from the developer the round-the-
the annotation of the covenants contained in clock security over the 215 hectares of land.
the Deed of Sale did not give rise to a liability
on the part of the petitioner as the
purchaser/successor-in-interest without its RURAL BANK OF MALASIQUI, INC., vs.
express assumption of the duties or CERALDE, et al.
obligations subject of the annotation. G.R. No. 162032; November 25, 2015
Q: Expropriation proceedings were
commenced on parcels of land. The lands
MEGAWORLD PROPERTIES AND were subsequently mortgaged by the
HOLDINGS, INC., et al., vs. MAJESTIC registered owners, then foreclosed and
FINANCE AND INVESTMENT CO., acquired by mortgagee bank. Who is
INC., et al. entitled to payment of the just
G.R. No. 169694; December 09, 2015 compensation, the mortgagee-bank or the
Q: Are petitioners obligated to perform registered owners-mortgagors?
their obligations under the JVA despite
respondents' failure or refusal to A: The registered owners (mortgagors).
acknowledge, or perform their reciprocal Section 80 of R.A. 3844 provides that the
obligations? Land Bank of the Philippines would pay the
landowners the net value of the land minus
A: The obligations of the parties under the outstanding balance of the obligations in
the JVA were unquestionably reciprocal. favor of the lending institutions in the event
Reciprocal obligations are those that arise of an existing lien or encumbrance on the
from the same cause, and in which each land in favor of private parties or
party is a debtor and a creditor of the other institutions.
at the same time, such that the obligations
of one are dependent upon the obligations
RURAL BANK OF MALASIQUI, INC., vs. execution except in compliance with a
CERALDE, et al. judicial compromise. Such means of dispute
G.R. No. 162032; November 25, 2015 settlement is an accepted, even desirable
Q: What is the prescriptive period for and encouraged, practice in courts of law
bringing an action to annul the foreclosure and administrative tribunals.
of a mortgage?

A: Ten years from the time the right of BPI vs. Sps. YUJUICO
action accrues. G.R. No. 175796; July 22, 2015
The petitioner is correct about the Q: Is an action to recover the deficiency
erroneous reliance on Article 1142 of the after extrajudicial foreclosure of a real
Civil Code, a legal provision on prescription property mortgage a personal action
that states: “A mortgage action prescribes after because it does not affect title to or
ten years.” The phrase mortgage action used possession of real property, or any interest
in Article 1142 refers to an action to therein?
foreclose a mortgage, and has nothing to do
with an action to annul the foreclosure of A: Yes. An action to recover the
the mortgage, like this one. deficiency after the extrajudicial foreclosure
This action to annul the foreclosure of the real property mortgage is a personal
of the mortgage was not yet barred by action, for it does not affect title to or
prescription because the applicable period possession of real property, or any interest
of prescription was 10 years from the time therein. The venue of a personal action is
the right of action accrued by virtue of the the place where the plaintiff or any of the
action being upon a written contract. principal plaintiffs resides, or where the
Indeed, the reckoning of the period of defendant or any of the principal
prescription should start from July 12, 1983, defendants resides, or in the case of a non-
when the foreclosure of the mortgage was resident defendant where he may be found,
made, indicating that this action, being at the election of the plaintiff.
commenced on July 12, 1993, was not Assuming that the venue had been
barred by prescription. improperly laid, considering that the
respondents had not raised such ground in
their Motion to Dismiss, they did so
ASSET POOL A (SPV-AMC), INC., vs. belatedly. Venue is procedural, not
CLARK DEVELOPMENT jurisdictional, and may be waived by the
CORPORATION defendant if not seasonably raised either in
G.R. No. 205915; November 10, 2015 a motion to dismiss or in the answer.
A compromise agreement is a
contract whereby the parties, by making
reciprocal concessions, avoid a litigation or REPUBLIC vs. MANCAO
put an end to one already commenced. G.R. No. 174185; July 22, 2015
According to Article 2029 of the Civil Code, Q: Can a petition for the judicial
the court shall endeavor to persuade the reconstitution of a Torrens title that does
parties in a civil case to agree upon some not strictly adhere to the requirements of
fair compromise. The contracting parties Republic Act No. 26 be granted?
may establish such stipulations, clauses,
terms and conditions as they may deem A: No petition for the judicial reconstitution
convenient, provided such stipulations, of a Torrens title that does not strictly
clauses, terms and conditions are not adhere to the requirements of Republic Act
contrary to law, morals, good customs, No. 26, albeit unopposed, should be granted
public order, or public policy. Once the even on the pretext that the reconstitution
parties have entered into a compromise, would not affect the ownership or
their agreement has the effect and authority possession of the property.
of res judicata, but there shall be no
G.R. No. 174185; July 22, 2015 Sps. BAYSA vs. Sps. PLANTILLA
Q: Can petitioner validly establish his G.R. No. 159271; July 13, 2015
interest in the property by purely Q: The extrajudicial foreclosure of the
testimonial evidence? REM is void, does the right of the
mortgagor to redeem be considered
A: No. It is essential that the person expired?
initiating the petition for reconstitution
must have an interest in the property and A: Having found and declared the
such interest must be adequately extrajudicial foreclosure of the REM and the
established by the petitioner. The evidence foreclosure sale of the mortgaged property
of the petitioner to establish this fact is of the petitioner void for want of the special
solely testimonial as he did not present any power to sell, we deem it unnecessary to
documentary evidence to support his oral consider and determine the final issue on
declarations. He failed to present evidence whether or not the petitioners had lost their
as to how he became one of the owners of right to redeem. In other words, there is no
the subject lot. His testimony as regards this right of redemption to speak of if the foreclosure
fact was sketchy, leaving so much room for was void.
speculation. His testimonial evidence does
not satisfactorily establish his interest in the
property. Sps. BAYSA vs. Sps. PLANTILLA
G.R. No. 159271; July 13, 2015
Q: Is the 2.5% monthly interest (30%
Sps. BAYSA vs. Sps. PLANTILLA per annum) illegal and usurious,
G.R. No. 159271; July 13, 2015 considering that the 8% interest was already
Q: Can the extrajudicial foreclosure be declared as invalid and unwarranted?
valid despite the lack of provision in the
mortgage deed granting special power to A: The petitioners are now estopped
sell to the mortgagee? from assailing the validity of the monthly
interest payments made. They expressly
A: No. Section 1 of Act No. 3135 consented to be liable to pay 2.5%/month on the
provides: When a sale is made under a principal loan of P2.3 Million, and actually
special power inserted in or attached to any made several payments of interest at that rate.
real estate mortgage hereafter made as Secondly, they did not assail the rate of
security for the payment of money or the 2.5%/month as interest in the lower courts,
fulfillment of any other obligation, the doing so only in this appeal.
provisions of the following section shall
govern as to the manner in which the sale
and redemption shall be effected, whether CALUZOR vs. LLANILLO, et al.
or not provision for the same is made in the G.R. No. 155580; July 1, 2015
power. The remedies of appeal and
Accordingly, to enable the extra certiorari were mutually exclusive, for the
judicial foreclosure of the REM of the special civil action for certiorari, being an
petitioners, the special power to sell should extraordinary remedy, is available only if
have been either inserted in the REM itself or there is no appeal, or other plain, speedy
embodied in a separate instrument attached to and adequate remedy in the ordinary
the REM. The omission of the special power course of law. In certiorari, only errors of
to sell the property subject of the mortgage jurisdiction are to be addressed by the
was fatal to the validity and efficacy of the higher court, such that a review of the facts
extrajudicial foreclosure, and warranted the and evidence is not done; but in appeal, the
invalidation of the entire proceedings superior court corrects errors of judgment,
conducted by the sheriff. and in so doing, reviews issues of fact and
law to cure errors in the appreciation and METRO MANILA TRANSIT CORP. vs.
evaluation of the evidence. Based on such REYNALDO CUEVAS et al.,
distinctions, certiorari cannot be a substitute GR No. 167797; June 15, 2015
for a lost appeal. It is clear that the Court of Q: Whether or not the MMTC was
Appeals promulgated the assailed decision liable for the injuries sustained by the
in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction to respondents despite the provision in the
review and pass upon the DARAB’s agreement to sell that shielded it from
adjudication of the petitioner’s appeal of the liability.
PARAD’s ruling. As such, his only proper
recourse from such decision of the CA was A: Yes. This is because of the
to further appeal to the court by petition for registered-owner rule, whereby the
review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the registered owner of the motor vehicle
Rules of Court. Despite his allegation of involved in a vehicular accident could be
grave abuse of discretion against the CA, he held liable for the consequences. The
could not come to the Court by special civil registered owner rule has remained good
action for certiorari. law in this jurisdiction considering its
impeccable and timeless rationale as
enunciated in subsequent cases. Indeed,
ALLIED BANKING CORPORATION vs. MMTC could not evade liability by passing
YUJUICO the buck to Mina’s Transit. The stipulation
G.R. No. 163116; June 29, 2015 in the agreement to sell did not bind third
Q: Whether or not respondent Yujuico parties like the Cuevases, who were
is a surety. expected to simply rely on the data
contained in the registration certificate of
A: Yes, Yujuico is a surety. the erring bus.
A surety is distinguished from a Although the registered-owner rule
guaranty in that a guarantor is the insurer might seem to be unjust towards MMTC,
of the solvency of the debtor and thus binds the law did not leave it without any remedy
himself to pay if the principal is unable to or recourse. MMTC could recover from
pay while surety is the insurer of the debt, Mina's Transit, the actual employer of the
and he obligates himself to pay if the negligent driver, under the principle of
principal does not pay.  unjust enrichment, by means of a cross-
With the stipulations in the claim seeking reimbursement of all the
continuing guaranties indicating that he amounts that it could be required to pay as
was the surety of the credit line extended to damages arising from the driver's
YLTC, Jesus was solidarily liable to negligence. Thus, when MMTC set up its
Genbank for the indebtedness of YLTC. In cross-claim against Mina's Transit, it is
other words, he thereby rendered himself precisely to ensure that Mina's Transit
"directly and primarily responsible" with would reimburse whatever liability would
YLTC, "without reference to the solvency of be adjudged against MMTC.
the principal”. This is so even if the first
part of the continuing guaranties showed
that Jesus as the signatory had agreed to be KALAW vs. FERNANDEZ
bound "either as guarantor or otherwise". G.R. No. 166357; January 14, 2015
The usage of term guaranty or guarantee in Q: Valerio filed a petition for
the caption of the documents, or of the declaration of nullity of marriage against his
word guarantor in the contents of the spouse, Elena. He reasoned that his wife
documents did not conclusively was psychologically incapacitated to
characterize the nature of the obligations comply with the essential marital
assumed therein. obligations of marriage. He presented the
testimonies of two supposed expert
witnesses who concluded that his wife was
suffering from a psychological incapacity in
the form of NPD (Narcissistic Personality otherwise already owned by other parties.
Disorder). The conclusions of the witnesses Jurisprudence is to the effect settled that in
were premised on respondents’ constant petitions for reconstitution of titles, actual
mah-jong sessions wherein she would even owners and possessors of the land involved
bring along her children. Would this must be duly served with actual and
constitute psychological incapacity? personal notice of the petition.

A: Yes. The determinant should be her

obvious failure to fully appreciate the duties YINLU BICOL MINING Corp. vs TRANS-
and responsibilities of parenthood at the ASIA OIL & DEVELOPMENT Corp.
time she made her marital vows. Had she G.R. No. 207942; January 12, 2015
fully appreciated such duties and Q: Can mining rights previously
responsibilities, she would have known that granted by law be impaired by a
bringing along her children of very tender subsequent law?
ages to her mah-jong sessions would expose
them to a culture of gambling and other A: No. In Republic v. Court of Appeals,
vices that would erode moral fibre. we stated that mining rights acquired under
the Philippine Bill of 1902 and prior to the
effectivity of the 1935 Constitution were
KALAW vs. FERNANDEZ vested rights that could not be impaired
G.R. No. 166357; January 14, 2015 even by the Government. Indeed, the
Q: In a petition for declaration of mining patents of Yinlu were issued
nullity of marriage based on psychological pursuant to the Philippine Bill of 1902 and
incapacity filed by the husband against his were subsisting prior to the effectivity of the
wife, may the wife refute the charge and 1935 Constitution. Consequently, Yinlu and
instead prove in the same action that it is its predecessors-in-interest had acquired
the husband who is incapacitated? vested rights in the disputed mineral lands
that could not and should not be impaired
A: Yes. The Courts are justified in even in light of their past failure to comply
declaring a marriage null and void under with the requirement of registration and
Article 36 of the Family Code regardless of annual work obligations.
whether it is the petitioner or the
respondent who imputes the psychological
incapacity to the other as long as the LAVADIA vs. HEIRS OF LUNA
imputation is fully substantiated with G.R. No. 171914; July 23, 2014
proof. Indeed Psychological incapacity may ISSUE: Whether the divorce between
exist in one party alone or in both of them, Atty. Luna and Eugenia had validly
and if psychological incapacity of either or dissolved the first marriage.
both is established, the marriage has to be
deemed null and void. RULING: From the time of the
celebration of the first marriage on
September 10, 1947 until the present,
SAINT MARY CRUSADE vs. RIEL absolute divorce between Filipino spouses
G.R. No. 176508; January 12, 2015 has not been recognized in the Philippines.
A petition for the judicial The non-recognition of absolute divorce
reconstitution of a Torren's Title must between Filipinos has remained even under
strictly comply with the requirements the Family Code, even if either or both of
prescribed in Republic Act No. 26, the spouses are residing abroad. Indeed, the
otherwise, the petition should be dismissed. only two types of defective marital unions
Strict compliance with the requirements of under our laws have been the void and the
the law aims to thwart dishonest parties voidable marriages. As such, the remedies
from abusing reconstitution proceedings as against such defective marriages have been
a means of illegally obtaining properties limited to the declaration of nullity of the
marriage and the annulment of the diligence by scrutinizing the certificate of
marriage. Conformably with the nationality title and examining all factual
rule, however, the divorce, even if circumstances in order to determine the
voluntarily obtained abroad, did not seller’s title and capacity to transfer any
dissolve the marriage between Atty. Luna interest in the property.
and Eugenia, which subsisted up to the time
of his death on July 12, 1997. The non-
recognition of absolute divorce in the AZNAR BROTHERS REALTY vs. SPS.
Philippines is a manifestation of the respect YBAŇEZ
for the sanctity of the marital union G.R. No. 161380; April 21, 2014
especially among Filipino citizens. For as The settled rule is that a free patent
long as this public policy on marriage issued over a private land is null and void,
between Filipinos exists, no divorce decree and produces no legal effects whatsoever.
dissolving the marriage between them can Private ownership of land – as when there is
ever be given legal or judicial recognition a prima facie proof of ownership like a duly
and enforcement in this jurisdiction. registered possessory information or a clear
showing of open, continuous, exclusive, and
notorious possession, by present or
UY vs. FULE et al., previous occupants – is not affected by the
G.R. No. 164961; June 30, 2014 issuance of a free patent over the same land,
Q: To be a purchase in good faith, when because the Public Land Law applies only
is the degree of proof of good faith to lands of the public domain. The Director
sufficient? of Lands has no authority to grant free
patent to lands that have ceased to be public
A: The standard is that for one to be a in character and have passed to private
purchaser in good faith in the eyes of the ownership. Consequently, a certificate of
law, he should buy the property of another title issued pursuant to a homestead patent
without notice that some other person has a partakes of the nature of a certificate issued
right to, or interest in, such property, and in a judicial proceeding only if the land
should pay a full and fair price for the same covered by it is really a part of the
at the time of such purchase, or before he disposable land of the public domain.
has notice of the claim or interest of some
other persons in the property. He buys the
property with the belief that the person PASCUAL vs. DAQUIOAG
from whom he receives the property was G.R. No. 162063; March 31, 2014
the owner and could convey title to the Doctrine: The writ of execution issued
property. Indeed, a purchaser cannot close upon a final judgment adjudicating the
his eyes to facts that should put a ownership of land to a party may authorize
reasonable man on his guard and still claim putting her in possession although the judgment
he acted in good faith. Such degree of proof does not specifically direct such act.
of good faith, however, is sufficient only Citing Perez v. Evite: Considering that
when the following conditions concur: first, herein plaintiff-appellants have no other
the seller is the registered owner of the land; claim to possession of the property apart
second, the latter is in possession thereof; from their claim of ownership which was
and third, at the time of the sale, the buyer rejected by the lower court and,
was not aware of any claim or interest of consequently, has no right to remain
some other person in the property, or of any thereon after such ownership was adjudged
defect or restriction in the title of the seller to defendant-appellees, the delivery of
or in his capacity to convey title to the possession of the land should be considered
property. Absent one or two of the included in the decision. Indeed, it would
foregoing conditions, then the law itself be defeating the ends of justice should we
puts the buyer on notice and obliges the require that for herein appellees to obtain
latter to exercise a higher degree of possession of the property duly adjudged to
be theirs, from those who have no right to national wealth" are public dominion
remain therein, they must submit to court property. For as long as the property
litigations anew. belongs to the State, although already
classified as alienable or disposable, it
remains property of the public dominion if
BJDC CONSTRUCTION vs. LANUZO when it is intended for some public service
Q: Is failure to place illuminated or for the development of the national
warning signs on the site amounts to wealth. Accordingly, there must be an
negligence that cause the death of Balbino? express declaration by the State that the
public dominion property is no longer
A: Negligence cannot be fairly ascribed intended for public service or the
to the company considering that it has development of the national wealth or that
shown its installation of the necessary the property has been converted into
warning signs and lights in the project site. patrimonial. Without such express
In that context, the fatal accident was not declaration, the property, even if classified
caused by any instrumentality within the as alienable or disposable, remains property
exclusive control of the company. In of the public dominion, pursuant to Article
contrast, Balbino had the exclusive control 420(2), and thus incapable of acquisition by
of how he operated and managed his prescription. It is only when such alienable
motorcycle. The records disclose that he and disposable lands are expressly declared
himself did not take the necessary by the State to be no longer intended for
precautions. Balbino overtook another public service or for the development of the
motorcycle rider at a fast speed, and in the national wealth that the period of
process could not avoid hitting a barricade acquisitive prescription can begin to run.
at the site, causing him to be thrown off his Such declaration shall be in the form of a
motorcycle onto the newly cemented road. law duly enacted by Congress or a
Presidential Proclamation in cases where
the President is duly authorized by law.
G.R. No. 164408; March 24, 2014
An application for original registration of REPUBLIC vs. DE JOSON
land of the public domain under Section G.R. No. 163767; March 10, 2014
14(2) of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1529 Q: Who can apply for the judicial
must show not only that the land has confirmation of imperfect title?
previously been declared alienable and
disposable, but also that the land has been A: Those who by themselves or
declared patrimonial property of the State through their predecessors in interest have
at the onset of the 30-year or 10-year period been in open, continuous, exclusive, and
of possession and occupation required notorious possession and occupation of
under the law on acquisitive agricultural lands of the public domain,
prescription. Article 422 of the Civil Code under a bona fide claim of acquisition of
states that property of public dominion, ownership, since June 12, 1945, or earlier,
when no longer intended for public use or immediately preceding the filing of the
for public service, shall form part of the application for confirmation of title, except
patrimonial property of the State. It is this when prevented by war or force majeure.
provision that controls how public These shall be conclusively presumed to
dominion property may be converted into have performed all the conditions essential
patrimonial property susceptible to to a Government grant and shall be entitled
acquisition by prescription. After all, Article to a certificate of title under the provisions
420 (2) makes clear that those property of this chapter.
"which belong to the State, without being A mere showing of possession and
for public use, and are intended for some occupation for 30 years or more is not
public service or for the development of the sufficient. Under Section 14(1) of PD 1529,
it must be proved that: (1) the land formed prima facie evidence thereof, and helps the
part of the alienable and disposable land of plaintiff in proving a breach of the duty.
the public domain; and (2) she, by herself or The doctrine can be invoked when and only
through her predecessors–in–interest, had when, under the circumstances involved,
been in open, continuous, exclusive, and direct evidence is absent and not readily
notorious possession and occupation of the available.
subject land under a bona fide claim of
ownership from June 12, 1945, or earlier.
G.R. No. 174433; February 24, 2014
SOLIDUM vs. PEOPLE OF THE Q: The Spouses Manalo entered into
PHILIPPINES All-Purpose Credit Facility with the PNB
G.R. No. 192123; March 10, 2014 for P1,000,000.00, the interest rate to be
Doctrine: Applicability of the Doctrine of Res "determined by the Bank to be its prime rate
Ipsa Loquitur plus applicable spread, prevailing at the
Res ipsa loquitur is literally translated current month." Is the stipulation valid?
as "the thing or the transaction speaks for
itself." A: No. The unilateral determination
The doctrine res ipsa loquitur means and imposition of the increased rates is
that "where the thing which causes injury is violative of the principle of mutuality of
shown to be under the management of the contracts under Article 1308 of the Civil
defendant, and the accident is such as in the Code, which provides that the contract
ordinary course of things does not happen if must bind both contracting parties; its
those who have the management use proper care, validity or compliance cannot be left to the
it affords reasonable evidence, in the absence of will of one of them.’ A perusal of the
an explanation by the defendant, that the Promissory Note will readily show that the
accident arose from want of care." It is simply increase or decrease of interest rates hinges
"a recognition of the postulate that, as a solely on the discretion of petitioner. It does
matter of common knowledge and not require the conformity of the maker
experience, the very nature of certain types before a new interest rate could be enforced.
of occurrences may justify an inference of Any contract which appears to be heavily
negligence on the part of the person who weighed in favor of one of the parties so as
controls the instrumentality causing the to lead to an unconscionable result, thus
injury in the absence of some explanation partaking of the nature of a contract of
by the defendant who is charged with adhesion, is void. Any stipulation regarding
negligence. It is grounded in the superior the validity or compliance of the contract
logic of ordinary human experience and on left solely to the will of one of the parties is
the basis of such experience or common likewise invalid.
knowledge, negligence may be deduced
from the mere occurrence of the accident
Hence, res ipsa loquitur is applied in G.R. No. 160600; January 15, 2014
conjunction with the doctrine of common Pursuant to Section 6 of PD 1594,
knowledge. Jarcia, Jr. v. People  has every contractor is prohibited from
underscored that the doctrine is not a rule subcontracting with or assigning to another
of substantive law, but merely a mode of person any contract or project that he has
proof or a mere procedural convenience. with the DPWH unless the DPWH Secretary
The doctrine, when applicable to the facts has approved the subcontracting or
and circumstances of a given case, is not assignment. Gonzalo, who was the sole
meant to and does not dispense with the contractor of the project in question,
requirement of proof of culpable negligence subcontracted the implementation of the
against the party charged. It merely project to Tarnate in violation of the
determines and regulates what shall be statutory prohibition. The subcontract being
illegal, as it does not bear the approval of 2. Accept or keep the goods
DPWH Secretary, the Deed of Assignment and maintain an action
was also illegal as it sprung from the illegal against the seller for
subcontract. damages for the breach of
Under the doctrine of In Pari warranty;
Delicto, the guilty parties to an illegal 3. Refuse to accept the goods,
contract cannot recover from one another and maintain an action
and are not entitled to an affirmative relief against the seller for
because they are in pari delicto or in equal damages for the breach of
fault. An accepted exception, however, warranty;
arises when its application contravenes 4. Rescind the contract of sale
well-established public policy. Public Policy and refuse to receive the
is that principle of the law which holds that goods or if the goods have
no subject or citizen can lawfully do that already been received, return
which has a tendency to be injurious to the them or offer to return them
public or against the public good. The to the seller and recover the
prevention of unjust enrichment is a price or any part thereof
recognized public policy of the State since which has been paid.
Article 22 of the Civil Code provides that When the buyer has claimed and
"every person, who through an act of been granted a remedy in anyone of these
performance by another, or any other ways, no other remedy can thereafter be
means, acquires or comes into possession of granted, without prejudice to the provisions
something at the expense of the latter, of the second paragraph of Article 1191.
without just or legal ground, shall return
the same to him.
FIRST UNITED CONSTRUCTORS Corp., G.R. No. 164985; January 15, 2014
vs. BAYANIHAN AUTOMOTIVE Q: What is legal compensation, and
CORPORATION when it is permissible?
G.R. No. 164985; January 15, 2014 A: Legal compensation takes place
Q: What is recoupment? when the requirements set forth in Article
1278 and Article 1279 of the Civil Code are
A: Recoupment (reconvencion) is the present, to wit: Compensation shall take
act of rebating or recouping a part of a claim place when two persons, in their own right,
upon which one is sued by means of a legal are creditors and debtors of each other.
or equitable right resulting from a Article 1279. In order that
counterclaim arising out of the same compensation may be proper, it is
transaction.7 It is the setting up of a demand necessary:
arising from the same transaction as the (1) That each of the obligors be
plaintiff’s claim, to abate or reduce that bound principally, and that he be at
claim. the same time a principal creditor of
The legal basis for recoupment by the other;
the buyer is the first paragraph of Article (2) That both debts consists in a sum
1599 of the Civil Code, viz: Article 1599. of money, or if the things due are
Where there is a breach of warranty by the consumable, they be of the same
seller, the buyer may, at his election: kind, and also of the same quality if
1. Accept or keep the goods the latter has been stated;
and set up against the seller, (3) That the two debts be due;
the breach of warranty by (4) That they be liquidated and
way of recoupment in demandable;
diminution or extinction of (5) That over neither of them there
the price; be any retention or controversy,
commenced by third persons and Q: Did Eduardo validly exercise his
communicated in due time to the right to repurchase?
As to whether petitioners could avail A: Yes. Eduardo had complied with
themselves of compensation, both the RTC the conditions stipulated in the deed of sale
and CA ruled that they could not because and those prescribed by Article 1616 of the
the claims of petitioners against respondent Civil Code, to wit:
were not liquidated and demandable. The vendor given the right to
repurchase may exercise his right of
redemption by paying the buyer: (a) the
DBP vs. GUARIŇA AGRICULTURAL and price of the sale, (b) the expenses of the
REALTY contract, (c) legitimate payments made by
GR No. 160758; January 15, 2014 reason of the sale, and (d) the necessary and
The agreement between DBP and useful expenses made on the thing sold.
Guariña was a loan. Under the law, a loan In the present case, Eduardo paid
requires the delivery of money or any other the repurchase price to Roberto by
consumable object by one party to another depositing the proceeds of the sale of the
who acquires ownership thereof, on the Baguio City lot in the latter's account. Such
condition that the same amount or quality payment was an effective exercise of the
shall be paid. Loan is a reciprocal right to repurchase.
obligation, as it arises from the same cause
where one party is the creditor and the
other is the debtor. The obligation of one DAVID vs. DAVID
party in a reciprocal obligation is dependent G.R. No. 162365; January 15, 2014
upon the obligation of the other, and the Q: Is the MOA executed had
performance should ideally be extinguished the obligations established
simultaneous. This means that in a loan, the under the deed of sale by novation?
creditor should release the full amount and
the debtor repays it when it becomes due A: No.
and demandable. Moreover, a loan may be In sales with the right to repurchase,
secured by a mortgage constituted on real the title and ownership of the property sold
or personal property to protect the are immediately vested in the vendee,
creditor's interest in case of the default of subject to the resolutory condition of
the debtor. Naturally, a mortgage remains repurchase by the vendor within the
an accessory contract dependent on the stipulated period. Accordingly, the
principal obligation, such that enforcement ownership of the affected properties
of the mortgage contract will depend on reverted to Eduardo once he complied with
whether or not there has been a violation of the condition for the repurchase, thereby
the principal obligation. While a creditor entitling him to the possession of the other
and debtor could regulate the order in motor vehicle with trailer.
which they should comply with their
reciprocal obligations, it is presupposed that
in a loan, the lender should perform its UCPB vs. LUMBO
obligation - the release of full amount - G.R. No. 162757; December 11, 2013
before it could demand that the borrower Q: Can an injunctive writ be granted to
repay the loaned amount. Thus, enjoin the implementation of writ of
Corporation would not incur in delay possession?
before DBP fully performed its reciprocal
obligation. A: No. The implementation of a writ of
possession issued pursuant to Act No. 3135
at the instance of the purchaser at the
DAVID vs. DAVID foreclosure sale of the mortgaged property
G.R. No. 162365; January 15, 2014 in whose name the title has been meanwhile
consolidated cannot be prevented by the based on implied or constructive trust
injunctive writ. prescribes in 10 years.
In the instant case, the property was Here, the CA observed that even
sold at the public auction with UCPB as the granting that fraud intervened in the
highest bidder. By virtue of the non- issuance of the transfer certificates of title,
redemption by the respondents within the and even assuming that the Dicos had the
period of redemption, UCPB consolidated personality to demand the reconveyance of
the title over the property in its name. the affected property on the basis of implied
UCPB is the registered owner of the or constructive trust, the filing of their
property and is unquestionably entitled to complaint for that purpose only on May 12,
the full implementation of the writ of 1986 proved too late for them.
possession. Verily, the reckoning point for
As with all equitable remedies, purposes of the Dicos’ demand of
injunction must be issued only at the reconveyance based on fraud was their
instance of a party who possesses sufficient discovery of the fraud. Such discovery was
interest in or title to the right or the properly pegged on the date of the
property sought to be protected. It is only registration of the transfer certificates of title
proper when the applicant appears to be in the adverse parties’ names, because
entitled to the relief demanded in the registration was a constructive notice to the
complaint. The respondents made no such whole world. The long period of 29 years
showing of their holding a right in esse. that had meanwhile lapsed from the
They could not do so simply because their issuance of the pertinent transfer certificate
non-redemption within the period of of title on November 10, 1956 was way
redemption had lost for them any right in beyond the prescriptive period of 10 years.
the property, including its possession.


MANAGEMENT CORPORATION G.R. No. 159213; July 3, 2013
G.R. No. 161211; July 17, 2013 Q: What is subrogation?
Q: A husband was the registered owner
of Lot 486 of the Cadiz Cadastre and A: Subrogation is the “substitution of
resided therein since 1958. On May 30, 1964, another person in the place of the creditor,
the wife filed an application for free patent to whose rights he succeeds in relation to
covering Lot 29-B, adjoining Lot 486, and the debt;” and is “independent of any mere
the husband filed a same application for Lot contractual relations between the parties to
1412, also adjoining Lot 486. On November be affected by it, and is broad enough to
10, 1956, respondent was able to secure a cover every instance in which one party is
TCT covering Lot 29-B. On May 12, 1986, required to pay a debt for which another is
the spouses filed an action for reconveyance primarily answerable, and which in equity
of the property. Are the spouses entitled to and conscience ought to be discharged by
recover Lot 29-B? the latter.”

A: No. Under Article 1456 of the Civil

Code, the person obtaining property VECTOR SHIPPING Corp. vs.
through mistake or fraud is considered by AMERICAN HOME ASSURANCE Co.
force of law a trustee of an implied trust for G.R. No. 159213; July 3, 2013
the benefit of the person from whom the Q: When does subrogation take place in
property comes. Under Article 1144, Civil contract of insurance?
Code, an action upon an obligation created
by law must be brought within 10 years A: If the insured property is destroyed
from the time the right of action accrues. or damaged through the fault or negligence
Consequently, an action for reconveyance of a party other than the assured, then the
insurer, upon payment to the assured, will contains all the information about the title
be subrogated to the rights of the assured to of its holder. This principle dispenses with
recover from the wrongdoer to the extent the need of proving ownership by long
that the insurer has been obligated to pay. complicated documents kept by the
Payment by the insurer to the assured registered owner, which may be necessary
operates as an equitable assignment to the under a private conveyancing system, and
former of all remedies which the latter may assures that all the necessary information
have against the third party whose regarding ownership is on the certificate of
negligence or wrongful act caused the loss. title
The right of subrogation is not dependent
upon, nor does it grow out of, any privity of
contract or upon written assignment of Sps. CUSI vs. DOMINGO
claim. It accrues simply upon payment of G.R. No. 195825; February 27, 2013
the insurance claim by the insurer Q: Who is a Purchaser in good faith?

A: Good faith is the honest intention to

abstain from taking unconscientious
INTERNATIONAL HOTEL advantage of another. It means the
CORPORATION vs. JOAQUIN, JR “freedom from knowledge and
G.R. No. 1583611; April 10, 2013 circumstances which ought to put a person
Q: What is the Principle of Quantum on inquiry.” Given this notion of good faith,
Meruit? therefore, a purchaser in good faith is one
who buys the property of another without
A: Considering the absence of an notice that some other person has a right to,
agreement, and in view of respondents’ or interest in, such property and pays full
constructive fulfillment of their obligation, and fair price for the same. As an
the Court has to apply the principle of examination of the records shows, the
quantum meruit in determining how much petitioners were not innocent purchasers in
was still due and owing to respondents. good faith and for value. Their failure to
Under the principle of quantum meruit, a investigate Sy's title despite the nearly
contractor is allowed to recover the simultaneous transactions on the property
reasonable value of the services rendered that ought to have put them on inquiry
despite the lack of a written contract. The manifested their awareness of the flaw in
measure of recovery under the principle Sy's title. That they did not also appear to
should relate to the reasonable value of the have paid the full price for their share of the
services performed. The principle prevents property evinced their not having paid true
undue enrichment based on the equitable value.
postulate that it is unjust for a person to
retain any benefit without paying for it.
Being predicated on equity, the principle Sps. DELA CRUZ vs. PLANTERS
should only be applied if no express PRODUCTS, INC.
contract was entered into, and no specific G.R. No. 158649; February 18, 2013
statutory provision was applicable. ISSUE: Whether the two transaction
documents signed by Gloria expressed the
intent of the parties to establish a creditor-
Sps. CUSI vs. DOMINGO debtor relationship between them.
G.R. No. 195825; February 27, 2013
Q: What is the Curtain Principle? RULING: Gloria signed the application
for credit facilities on March 23, 1978,
A: One of the guiding tenets indicating that a trust receipt would serve
underlying the Torrens system is the curtain as collateral for the credit line. On August 4,
principle, in that one does not need to go 1978, Gloria, as "dealer," signed together
behind the certificate of title because it with Quirino the list of their assets having a
total value of ₱260,000.00 (consisting of a judicial, if the objective is to put an end to a
residential house and lot, 10-hectare pending litigation, or extrajudicial, if the
agricultural lands in Aliaga and Talavera, objective is to avoid a litigation.
and two residential lots) that they tendered As a contract, a compromise is
to PPI "to support our credit application in perfected by mutual consent. However, a
connection with our participation to your judicial compromise, while immediately
Special Credit Scheme." Gloria further binding between the parties upon its
signed the Trust Receipt/SCS documents execution, is not executory until it is
defining her obligations under the approved by the court and reduced to a
agreement, and also the invoices pursuant judgment. The validity of a compromise is
to the agreement with PPI, indicating her dependent upon its compliance with the
having received PPI products on various requisites and principles of contracts
dates. dictated by law.
These established circumstances
comprised by the contemporaneous and
subsequent acts of Gloria and Quirino that REPUBLIC vs. SANTOS
manifested their intention to enter into the G.R. No. 160453; November 12, 2012
creditor-debtor relationship with PPI show Respondents as the applicants for
that the CA properly held the petitioners land registration carried the burden of proof
fully liable to PPI. The law of contracts to establish the merits of their application
provides that in determining the intention by a preponderance of evidence, by which
of the parties, their contemporaneous and is meant such evidence that is of greater
subsequent acts shall be principally weight or more convincing than that offered
considered. Consequently, the written terms in opposition to it. They would be held
of their contract with PPI, being clear upon entitled to claim the property as their own
the intention of the contracting parties, and apply for its registration under the
should be literally applied. Torrens System only if they established that,
indeed, the property was an accretion to
their land. Accretion is the process whereby
LAND BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. the soil is deposited along the banks of
HEIRS OF SORIANO rivers. The deposit of soil, to be considered
G.R. No. 178312; January 30, 2013 accretion, must be: 1) gradual and
Q: Certain parcels of land belonging to imperceptible; 2) made through the effects
respondents was sought to be expropriated of the current water; and 3) taking place on
by the Government. The parties could not land adjacent to the banks of rivers.
agree as to the valuation. The RTC ordered
the LBP to pay P1,227,571.10 as just
compensation. The CA affirmed the RTC ABOBON vs. ABOBON
valuation. LBP appealed to the Supreme G.R. No. 155830; August 15, 2012
Court. What is the effect a compromise A fundamental principle in land
agreement re-evaluating the costs of the registration under the Torrens system is
parcels of land entered into by the parties that a certificate of title serves as evidence of
during the pendency of the appeal? an indefeasible and incontrovertible title to
the property in favor of the person whose
A: The Agreement was a compromise name appears therein. The certificate of title
that the parties freely and voluntarily thus becomes the best proof of ownership of
entered into for the purpose of finally a parcel of land; hence, anyone who deals
settling their dispute in this case. Under Art. with property registered under the Torrens
2028 of the Civil Code, a compromise is a system may rely on the title and need not go
contract whereby the parties, by making beyond the title.
reciprocal concessions, avoid a litigation or We rule for the respondents on the
put an end to one already commenced. issue of the preferential right to the
Accordingly, a compromise is either possession of the land in question. Their
having preferential right conformed to the accident prior to the fatal collision with the
age-old rule that whoever held a Torrens train is not tenable.
title in his name is entitled to the possession The common carrier’s standard of
of the land covered by the title. Indeed, care and vigilance as to the safety of the
possession, which is the holding of a thing passengers is defined by law. Given the
or the enjoyment of a right, was but an nature of the business and for reasons of
attribute of their registered ownership. public policy, the common carrier is bound
“to observe extraordinary diligence in the
vigilance over the goods and for the safety
MAKATI-SHANGRI-LA vs. HARPER of the passengers transported by them,
G.R. No. 189998; August 29, 2012 according to all the circumstances of each
Q: Can the management of a hotel be liable case.” To successfully fend off liability in an
for negligence for murder of a guest even action upon the death or injury to a
though the respondents failed to prove its passenger, the common carrier must prove
negligence? his or its observance of that extraordinary
diligence; otherwise, the legal presumption
A: Yes. When one registers as a guest of a that he or it was at fault or acted negligently
hotel, he makes the establishment the would stand.
guardian of his life and his personal The common carrier is liable for the
belongings during his stay. It is a standard death despite the fact that their driver might
procedure of the management of the hotel have acted beyond the scope of his
to screen visitors who call on their guests at authority or even in violation of the orders
their rooms. The murder of Harper could of the common carrier.
have been avoided had the security guards
of the hotel dutifully observed this standard
procedure. SPS. PEREŇA vs. SPS. ZARATE, et al.
The hotel business is imbued with G.R. No. 157917; August 29, 2012
public interest. Catering to the public, Q: Is the indemnity of loss of earning
hotelkeepers are bound to provide not only capacity of a minor who was only a high
lodging for their guests but also security to school student at the time of his death
the persons and belongings of their guests. proper?
The twin duty constitutes the essence of the
business. Applying by analogy Article 2000, A: Yes.
Article 2001 and Article 2002 of the Civil The loss of the earning capacity of
Code (all of which concerned the the deceased shall be the liability of the
hotelkeepers’ degree of care and guilty party in favor of the heirs of the
responsibility as to the personal effects of deceased, and shall in every case be
their guests), the Court hold that there is assessed and awarded by the court “unless
much greater reason to apply the same if the deceased on account of permanent
not greater degree of care and responsibility physical disability not caused by the
when the lives and personal safety of their defendant, had no earning capacity at the
guests are involved. time of his death.” Accordingly, the Court
emphatically hold in favor of the
indemnification for the deceased’s loss of
SPS. PEREŇA vs. SPS. ZARATE, et al. earning capacity despite him having been
G.R. No. 157917; August 29, 2012 unemployed, because compensation of this
The defense of the petitioners that nature is awarded not for loss of time or
they exercised the diligence of a good father earnings but for loss of the deceased’s
of the family in the selection and power or ability to earn money.
supervision of the van driver, by seeing to it In the instant case, the basis for the
that he had a driver’s license and that he computation of deceased’s earning capacity
had not been involved in any vehicular was not what he would have become or
what he would have wanted to be if not for
his untimely death, but the minimum wage economic benefits contributed to the
in effect at the time of his death. Moreover, property by the farmers and farmworkers
computation of the deceased’s life and by the Government; and (h) the fact of
expectancy rate was not reckoned from his the non-payment of any taxes or loans
age of 15 years at the time of his death, but secured from any government financing
on 21 years, his age when he would have institution on the land.
graduated from college.

HEIRS OF SERVANDO FRANCO vs. SPS. G.R. No. 158597; June 18, 2012
GONZALES Under Article 1898 of the Civil Code,
G.R. No. 159709; June 27, 2012 the acts of an agent done beyond the scope
Q: Was there a novation of the August 23, of his authority do not bind the principal
1986 promissory note when respondent unless the latter expressly or impliedly
issued the February 5, 1992 receipt? ratifies the same.
In agency, ratification is the adoption or con
A: No. Novation did not transpire because firmation by one person of an act performed
no irreconcilable incompatibility existed on his behalf by another without authority.
between the promissory note and the The substance of ratification is the
receipt. confirmation after the act, amounting to a
Novation is not presumed. The substitute for a prior authority. Here, there
parties to a contract should expressly agree was such ratification by Marcos, as borne
to abrogate the old contract in favor of a out by his execution of the letter of
new one. In the absence of the express acknowledgement on September 2, 1996.
agreement, the old and the new obligations
must be incompatible on every point. There
is incompatibility when the two obligations SPS. RABAT vs. PNB
cannot stand together, each one having its G.R. No. 158755; June 18, 2012
independent existence. If the two Q: Is the inadequacy of the bid price
obligations cannot stand together, the latter invalidated the forced sale of the
obligation novates the first. properties?
In light of the foregoing, the
issuance of the receipt created no new A: No. The inadequacy of the bid price at a
obligation. The receipt dated February 5, forced sale, unlike that in an ordinary sale,
1992 was only the proof of payment of is immaterial and does not nullify the sale;
obligation. It did not establish any novation in fact, in a forced sale, a low price is
agreement of the parties. considered more beneficial to the mortgage
debtor because it makes redemption of the
property easier.
G.R. 176692; June 27, 2012
Q: What must be considered in SPS. RABAT vs. PNB
determining just compensation? G.R. No. 158755; June 18, 2012
Q: In an extrajudicial foreclosure of
A: Any determination of just mortgage, is a mortgagee entitled to recover
compensation should consider the any deficiency amount from the mortgagor?
following factors, namely: (a) the cost of the
acquisition of the land; (b) the current value A: Yes. It is settled that if the proceeds of the
of like properties; (c) the nature, actual use sale are insufficient to cover the debt in an
and income of the land; (d) the sworn extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgage,
valuation by the owner; (e) the tax the mortgagee is entitled to claim the
declarations; (f) the assessment made by deficiency from the debtor. For when the
government assessors; (g) the social and legislature intends to deny the right of a
creditor to sue for any deficiency resulting b. when new interests have arisen
from foreclosure of security given to or been created which do not
guarantee an obligation it expressly appear upon the certificate;
provides as in the case of pledges and in c. when any error, omission or
chattel mortgages of a thing sold on mistake was made in entering a
installment basis. Act No. 3135, which certificate or any memorandum
governs the extrajudicial foreclosure of thereon or on any duplicate
mortgages, while silent as to the mortgagees certificate;
right to recover, does not, on the other d. when the name of any person on
hand, prohibit recovery of deficiency. the certificate has been changed;
Accordingly, it has been held that a e. when the registered owner has
deficiency claim arising from the been married, or, registered as
extrajudicial foreclosure is allowed. married, the marriage has been
terminated and no right or
interest of heirs or creditors will
CALILAP-ASMERON vs. DBP thereby be affected;
G.R. No. 157330; November 23, 2011 f. when a corporation, which
Q: Petitioner and Respondent entered owned registered land and has
into a deed of conditional sale, wherein been dissolved, has not
petitioner sought to repurchase 2 parcels of conveyed the same within three
land which she mortgaged to and was years after its dissolution; and
foreclosed by the respondent. May g. when there is reasonable ground
respondent bank rescind the deed of for the amendment or alteration
conditional sale if petitioner fails to pay the of title.
agreed quarterly amortizations?

A: Yes. A contract is the law between PHILIPPINE EXPORT AND FOREIGN

the parties. Absent any allegation and proof LOAN GUARANTEE Corp. vs.
that the contract is contrary to law, morals, AMALGAMATED MANAGEMENT AND
good customs, public order or public policy, DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
it should be complied with in good faith. G.R. No. 177729; September 28, 2011
As such, the petitioner, being one of the Q: Petitioner insists that Cuevas and
parties in the deed of conditional sale, could Saddul (Guarantors) were liable on the
not be allowed to conveniently renounce the deficiency claim despite the lack of notice to
stipulations that she had knowingly and them about the extension of the guaranty.
freely agreed to.
A: Yes.
The letters granting the requests for
PAZ vs. REPUBLIC extension of the guaranty period bore the
G.R. No. 157367; November 23, 2011 approval and signatures of Cuevas and
Q: When is the proceeding for the Saddul as President and Vice-President,
amendment and alteration of a certificate of respectively, of AMDC. Having thus
title is applicable. admitted their letters on the extension of the
guaranty period, Cuevas and Saddul could
A:   Section 108 of P.D. No. 1529 not anymore feign ignorance of the
provides seven instances or situations, guaranty extension.
namely: Moreover, the deed of undertaking
a. when registered interests of any specifically stated that the grant of the extension
description, whether vested, of the guaranty period did not extinguish or
contingent, expectant, or diminish the obligation of Cuevas and Saddul
inchoate, have terminated and under the guaranty. Hence, whether or not the
ceased; guaranty period was extended, and whether or
not they were notified of the extension, Cuevas
and Saddul remained liable under the guaranty. submits to reasonable limits beyond which
The stipulation, which was not illegal or he ought to go no further, and that his
immoral, necessarily bound Cuevas and failure to recognize such limits will not be
Saddul. It is worth noting, too, that a allowed to go unsanctioned by the Court.
solidary obligation existed among AMDC, Thus, the Court has not hesitated to impose
Cuevas and Saddul because they had treble costs of suit:
assented to be jointly and severally liable to 1. To stress its dislike for any
the petitioner for whatever damages or scheme to prolong litigation or
liabilities that it might incur by virtue of the for an unwarranted effort to
guaranty. In a solidary obligation, each debtor avoid the implementation of a
was liable for the entire obligation. The judgment painstakingly arrived
petitioner could compel any of the solidary at;
obligors to perform the entire obligation. 2. To sanction an appeal that was
obviously interposed for the sole
purpose of delay;
ANGELES vs. PASCUAL, et al. 3. To disapprove of the party’s lack
G.R. No. 157150; September 21, 2011 of good and honest intentions, as
Section 1, Rule 45 of the Rules of well as the evasive manner by
Court explicitly states that the petition for which it was able to frustrate
review on certiorari “shall raise only (the adverse party’s) claim for a
questions of law, which must be distinctly decade;
set forth.” In appeal by certiorari, therefore, 4. To stifle a party’s deplorable
only questions of law may be raised because propensity to go to extreme
the Supreme Court is not a trier of facts and lengths to evade complying with
does not normally undertake the re- their duties under the law and
examination of the evidence presented by the orders of this Court and
the contending parties during the trial. The thereby to cause and the case to
resolution of factual issues is the function of drag for far too long with
lower courts, whose findings thereon are practically no end sight
received with respect and are binding on 5. To condemn the counsels frantic
the Supreme Court subject to certain search for any ground to
exceptions. A question, to be one of law, resuscitate his client’s lost cause
must not involve an examination of the 6. To reiterate, that a litigant,
probative value of the evidence presented although his right to initiate an
by the litigants or any of them. There is a action in court is fully respected,
question of law in a given case when the is not permitted to initiate
doubt or difference arises as to what the law similar suits once his case has
is on certain state of facts; there is a question been adjudicated by a competent
of fact when the doubt of difference arises court in a valid final judgment,
as to the truth or falsehood of alleged facts. in hope of securing a favourable
ruling for this will result to
endless litigations detrimental to
MAGLANA RICE AND CORN MILL, INC the administration of justice.
vs. TAN
G.R. No. 159051; September 21, 2011
Q: What are the purposes of imposing THE HEIRS OF GO vs. Go, et al.,
treble costs? G.R. No. 157537; September 7, 2011
It is clear that conjugal partnership
A: The imposition of treble costs of suit of gains established before and after the
on the petitioners is meant to remind them effectivity of the Family Code are governed
and their attorney that the extent that an by the rules found in Chapter 4 (Conjugal
attorney’s exercise of his professional Partnership of Gains) of Title IV (Property
responsibility for their benefit as his clients Relations Between Husband and Wife) of
the Family Code. Hence, any disposition of expiration of the leases effective September
the conjugal property after the dissolution 15, 1995 brought their right to stay in their
of the conjugal partnership must be made premises to a definite end as of that date.
only after the liquidation; otherwise, the
disposition is void.
G.R. No; September 1, 2010
CASIMIRO DEVELOPMENT Corp. vs. Q: Who is a purchaser in good faith?
G.R. No. 175485; July 27, 2011 A: A purchaser in good faith is one
One who deals with property who buys the property of another, without
registered under the Torrens System need notice that some other person has a right to,
not go beyond the certificate of title but only or interest in, such property, and pays the
has to rely on the certificate of title. He is full and fair price for it at the time of such
charged with notice only of such burdens purchase or before he has notice of the
and claims as are annotated on the title. The claim or interest of some other persons in
pertinent law on the matter of burdens and the property.  He buys the property with
claims is Section 44 of the Property the belief that the person from whom he
Registration Decree. The vendee’s notice of receives the thing was the owner and could
a defect or flaw in the title of the vendor, in convey title to the property.  He cannot
order for it to amount to bad faith, should close his eyes to facts that should put a
encompass facts and circumstances that reasonable man on his guard and still claim
would impel a reasonably cautious person he acted in good faith. The status of a buyer
to make further inquiry into the vendor’s in good faith is never presumed but must be
title, or facts and circumstances that would proven by the person invoking it.
induce a reasonably prudent man to inquire
into the status of the title of the property in
litigation. In other words, the presence of Sps. AGGABAO vs. PARULAN
anything that excites or arouses suspicion G.R. No; September 1, 2010
should then prompt the vendee to look
beyond the certificate of title and investigate Q: What are the requisites required
the title of the vendor appearing on the face from a buyer of a conjugal property?
of said certificate.
A: The buyers of conjugal property
must observe two kinds of requisite
PEŇA vs. Sps. TOLENTINO diligence, namely:
G.R. No. 155227-28; February 9, 2011 (a) the diligence in verifying the
ISSUE: Whether or not each of the validity of the title covering the
petitioners could be ejected on the ground property; and (b) the diligence in
that the verbal contract of lease had expired. inquiring into the authority of the
transacting spouse to sell conjugal
RULING: Under Section 5 (f) of B.P. property in behalf of the other
Blg. 877, the expiration of the period of the spouse.
lease is among the grounds for judicial Which between Article 173 of the Civil
ejectment of a lessee. In this case, because Code and Article 124 of the Family Code
no definite period was agreed upon by the should apply to the sale of the conjugal
parties, their contracts of lease being oral, property executed without the consent of
the leases were deemed to be for a definite Dionisio?
period, considering that the rents agreed The sale was made on March 18, 1991,
upon were being paid monthly, and or after Au-gust 3, 1988, the effectivity of
terminated at the end of every month, the Family Code. The proper law to apply
pursuant to Article 1687.  In addition, the is, therefore, Article 124 of the Family Code,
fact that the petitioners were notified of the for it is settled that any alienation or
encumbrance of conjugal property made of the Civil Code, not a concurrence of all or
during the effectivity of the Family Code is of a majority thereof, suffices to give rise to
governed by Article 124 of the Family Code. the presumption that the contract is an
According to Article 256 of the Family equitable mortgage. Consequently, the
Code, the pro-visions of the Family Code contract between the vendors and vendees
may apply retroactively provided no vested (Byer) was an equitable mortgage.
rights are impaired. In Tumlos v.
Fernandez, 330 SCRA 718 (2000), the Court
rejected the petitioner’s argument that the HEIRS OF JOSE REYES, JR., vs. REYES
Family Code did not apply because the G.R. No. 158377; August 13, 2010
acquisition of the contested property had Q: 15 years after the purported pacto de
occurred prior to the effectivity of the retro sale and while his father was still
Family Code, and pointed out that Article alive, G, son of A and Leoncia’s grandson
256 pro-vided that the Family Code could repaid the purchase price and had the old
apply retroactively if the application would tax declaration cancelled with a new one
not prejudice vested or ac-quired rights issued in his name. Are Leoncia’s heirs now
existing before the effectivity of the Family barred from claiming that the transaction
Code. Herein, however, the petitioners did was an equitable mortgage and not a pacto
not show any vested right in the property de retro sale, since it is a written contract
acquired prior to August 3, 1988 that and 10 years have already elapsed?
exempted their situation from the
retroactive application of the Family Code A: No. The acceptance of the payments
even beyond the 10year period of
redemption estopped the mortgagees heirs
from insisting that the period to redeem the
HEIRS OF JOSE REYES, JR., vs. REYES property had already expired.
G.R. No. 158377; August 13, 2010
Facts: On July 19, 1955, Leoncia and her
sons A, B, and C sold to Benedicto a parcel Sps. TUMBOKON vs. LEGASPI
of land for P500 under a pacto de retro sale. G.R. No. 154746; August 4, 2010
The sellers failed to pay the re-purchase Q: The tug of war between petitioners
price. The property however remained in and respondents for the ownership of a
the possession of Leoncia and her sons, and parcel of land led to herein petitioner filing
Benedicto never declared the property for a criminal case for qualified theft of
taxation under his name. coconuts from the subject land, against
respondents. The RTC rejected
Q: Is this a pacto de retro sale? respondents’ defense of ownership over the
land and declared them guilty as charged.
A: No. It is an equitable mortgage. Petitioners then filed a civil case for
There was no dispute that the purported recovery of ownership and possession of
vendors had continued in the possession of real property against respondents. The
the property even after the execution of the petition was granted by the RTC but was
agreement; and that the property had then reversed by the CA. Petitioner argues
remained declared for taxation purposes that the RTC ruling in the criminal case
under Leoncias name, with the realty taxes constituted res judicata on the issue of
due being paid by Leoncia, despite the ownership of the land involved in the civil
execution of the agreement. Such case. Is petitioner correct?
established circumstances are among the
badges of an equitable mortgage A: No. The doctrine of res judicata has
enumerated in Article 1602, paragraphs 2 two aspects: the first, known as bar by prior
and 5 of the Civil Code. judgment, or estoppel by verdict, is the
The existence of any one of the effect of a judgment as a bar to the
conditions enumerated under Article 1602 prosecution of a second action upon the
same claim, demand, or cause of action; the owners duplicate copies of the TCTs had
second, known as conclusiveness of meanwhile been destroyed by fire on
judgment, also known as the rule of auter February 24, 1998, a fact that he had duly
action pendant, ordains that issues actually reported in an affidavit dated May 29, 1998
and directly resolved in a former suit presented on June 1, 1998 to the Office of
cannot again be raised in any future case the Register of Deeds for Quezon City.
between the same parties involving a Thus, the intervening loss of the owners
different cause of action and has the effect duplicate copies that left the favorable ruling of
of preclusion of issues only. the LRA no longer implementable gave rise to
Based on the foregoing standards, his need to apply for judicial reconstitution in
this action is not barred by the doctrine of the RTC pursuant to Section 12 of Republic Act
res judicata. No. 26.
First of all, bar by prior judgment, the first The RTC should have easily
aspect of the doctrine, is not applicable, discerned that forum shopping did not
because the causes of action in the civil and characterize the petitioners resort to judicial
the criminal actions were different and reconstitution despite the previous
distinct from each other. The civil action is proceeding for administrative
for the recovery of ownership of the land reconstitution. Although the bases for the
filed by the petitioners, while the criminal administrative reconstitution were the
action was to determine whether the act of owners duplicate copies of TCT No. 303168
the respondents of taking the coconut fruits and TCT No. 303169, those for judicial
from the trees growing within the disputed reconstitution would be other documents
land constituted the crime of qualified theft. that in the judgment of the court, are
In the former, the main issue is the legal sufficient and proper basis for
ownership of the land, but in the latter, the reconstituting the lost or destroyed
legal ownership of the land was not the certificate of title.[16] The RTC should have
main issue. The issue of guilt or innocence also noted soon enough that his resort to
was not dependent on the ownership of the judicial reconstitution was not because his
land, inasmuch as a person could be guilty earlier resort to administrative
of theft of the growing fruits even if he were reconstitution had been denied (in fact, the
the owner of the land. LRA had resolved in his favor), but because
the intervening loss to fire of the only
permissible basis for administrative
IN RE: LIM reconstitution of the TCTs mandated his
G.R. No. 156797; July 6, 2010 resort to the RTC.
The RTC denied the application of Thus, the petition for the judicial
the petitioner for issuance of new TCT reconstitution of the petitioners Transfer
because the said petitioner is guilty of Certificate of Title No. 303168 and Transfer
forum shopping by filing the case through Certificate of Title No. 303169 of the Registry of
Administrative Reconstitution of Title and Deeds for Quezon City, and for the issuance of
subsequently by filing to the Court of such the owners duplicate copies thereof, is
case (for Judicial Reconstitution). reinstated.

RULING: The petitioner is not guilty of

forum shopping as to warrant RTC’s DAR vs. BERENGUER
dismissal of the application for new TCT. G.R. No. 154094; March 9, 2010
When he applied for the ISSUE: Whether the landholding is
administrative reconstitution in the LRA on exempt from the coverage of the CARP and
July 21,1988, he still had his co-owners presumed to be non-agricultural.
duplicate copies of the TCTs in his
possession, but by the time the LRA RULING: Yes.
resolved his application on November 3, The presumption assumed by the
1998, allowing the relief prayed for, his co- appellate court that a parcel of land which is
located in a poblacion is not necessarily DAR vs. BERENGUER
devoted to residential purposes is wrong. It G.R. No. 154094; March 9, 2010
should be the other way around. A lot ISSUE: Whether the presence of
inside the poblacion should be presumed cattle in the area makes the landholdings
residential, or commercial, or non- devoted to cattle raising and therefore
agricultural unless there is a clearly exempt for CARP.
preponderant evidence to show that it is
agricultural. RULING: Yes.
"Agricultural lands" are only those Nonetheless, the CA also correctly
lands which are "arable and suitable clarified that the respondents' landholdings,
agricultural lands" and "do not include even if they were not devoted to cattle
commercial, industrial and residential lands. raising, would still be excluded from the
coverage of the CARL, because the DAR
failed to establish that the landholdings
DAR vs. BERENGUER were agricultural.
G.R. No. 154094; March 9, 2010
ISSUE: Whether the selection and
designation of Baribag is beneficiaries is
valid? OŇO vs. LIM
G.R. No. 154270; March 9, 2010
RULING: No. An action or proceeding is deemed
In designating Baribag, the DAR did an attack on a title when its objective is to
not show how its choice of Baribag as nullify the title, thereby challenging the
beneficiary, to the exclusion of the actual judgment pursuant to which the title was
workers, could have accorded with Section decreed. The attack is direct when the
22 of the CARL, which provides: objective is to annul or set aside such
Section 22.Qualified Beneficiaries. -- judgment or enjoin its enforcement. On the
The lands covered by the CARP shall be other hand, the attack is indirect or
distributed as much as possible to landless collateral when, in an action to obtain a
residents of the same barangay, or in the different relief, an attack on the judgment is
absence thereof, landless residents of the nevertheless made an incident thereof.
same municipality in the following order of
(a) agricultural lessees and share MMDA vs. TRACKWORKS RAIL
(b) regular farmworkers; G.R. No. 179554; December 16, 2009
(c) seasonal farmworkers; Q: MRTC had an existing BLT contract
(d) other farmworkers; with the government for the building of
(e) actual tillers or occupants of MRT3, under which MRTC would build
public lands; and own MRT3 for 25 years, upon
(f) collectives or cooperatives of the expiration of which the ownership would
above beneficiaries; and transfer to the Government. MRTC then
(g) others directly working on the entered into a contract with Trackworks for
land. advertising services. The latter installed
Provided, however, that the children commercial billboards, signages and other
of landowners who are qualified under advertising media in the different parts of
Section 6 of this Act shall be given MRT3. May the MMDA remove the
preference in the distribution of the land of billboards and signages pursuant to an
their parents: and provided, further, that MMDA regulation prohibiting the
actual tenant-tillers in the landholdings installation of any kind of billboards, signs
shall not be ejected or removed therefrom. and posters in any part of the road,
sidewalk, or center island?
A: No. Trackworks derived its right to constitutional provision guaranteeing
install its billboards, signages and other housing and a decent quality of life for
advertizing media in the MRT3 from every Filipino. The ownership of land by
MRTCs authority under the BLT agreement the landless is the primary objective of the
to develop commercial premises in the ZIP.
MRT3 structure or to obtain advertising The following requisites must
income therefrom is no longer debatable. concur for one to be considered an absentee
Under the BLT agreement, indeed, MRTC structure owner: one, the person must own
owned the MRT3 for 25 years, upon the a structure or dwelling unit within the ZIP
expiration of which MRTC would transfer zone; and two, the person has not occupied
ownership of the MRT3 to the Government. the structure or dwelling unit prior to the
The prohibition against posting, official closure of the census. The petitioner
installation and display of billboards, did not meet the second requisite because it
signages and other advertising media was the respondents, not her, who were
applied only to public areas, but MRT3, living in or occupying Structure No. 86-313
being private property pursuant to the BLT at the time of the official ZIP census and
agreement between the Government and until they vacated the premises on
MRTC, was not one of the areas as to which November 17, 1996.
the prohibition applied.


G.R. No. 159116; September 30, 2009
Doctrine: The transaction affecting
unregistered lands covered by an unrecorded
contract, if legal, might be valid and binding on
the parties themselves, but not on third parties.
In the case of third parties, it was necessary
for the contract to be registered. Sec. 113 of
Presidential Decree No. 1529, also known as
the Property Registration Decree,
provides, viz:
 Section 113. Recording of instruments relating
to unregistered lands.-  No deed, conveyance,
mortgage, lease, or other voluntary
instrument affecting land not registered
under the Torrens system shall be valid,
except as between the parties thereto, unless
such instrument shall have been recorded in
the manner herein prescribed in the office of
the Register of Deeds for the province or
city where the land lies.


G.R. No. 159710; September 30, 2009
Q: What is the absentee structure

A: The Zonal Improvement Program

(ZIP) is designed to upgrade the legal,
environmental, social and economic
conditions of slum residents within Metro
Manila, in line with the spirit of the

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