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Physico-Chemical Characterization of
Aphron-Based Drilling Fluids

N. Bjorndalen, E. Kuru
University of Alberta

layer. The outer layer, which also supports the viscous layer, is hy-
Abstract drophobic outwards and hydrophilic inwards. Since this bubble is
Colloidal gas aphron-based drilling fluids are designed to min- in contact with the bulk water, it is believed that there is another
imize formation damage by blocking the pores of the rock with layer in which the surfactant molecules are hydrophobic inwards
microbubbles, which can later be removed easily when the well and hydrophilic outwards. This indicates that there is a region in
is open for production. between the aphron outer shell and the bulk phase layer where a
Sizing colloidal gas aphron (CGA) bubbles in accordance with hydrophobic globule will be comfortable and, therefore, oil can ad-
the rock pore size distribution is essential for effective sealing here to the gas aphron(3).
of the pores during drilling. The physical properties (i.e. vis- Aphrons are non-coalescing, can be recirculated, and are not
cosity, density, fluid loss, etc.) of the CGA-based drilling fluids affected by fine screen shale shakers. Downhole tools can be uti-
also need to be understood in order to use these fluids more lized with the aphronized drilling fluid system. Aphrons eliminate
effectively. differential sticking by altering the near wellbore pressure drop(6),
In this study, the physical properties of colloidal gas aphron- which, in turn, reduces the need for costly downhole tools in low
based drilling fluids are investigated. The results of rheology,
reservoir pressure applications(7). One of the most important assets
API filtration loss and density measurement tests using various
of the colloidal gas aphrons is that they can resist coalescence be-
CGA-based drilling fluid formulations are presented. The effects
of polymer and surfactant concentration, surfactant type, shear cause they are self-contained. With this system, there is no need for
rate, mixing time and water quality on the CGA bubble size have injection of gases, since aphrons can be produced easily at the sur-
been studied. Results of CGA bubble size characterization exper- face with mixing equipment. As well, unlike aerated mud, aphron
iments are also reported. drilling fluid will not corrode the drill string since most of the air
in the system is encapsulated in the aphron shell(2).
Aphrons are stable in drilling fluids at lower pressures. Above
a critical pressure, the aphrons will collapse. White et al.(4) esti-
Introduction mated a collapse pressure of 3,000 psi when running simulations
Colloidal gas aphron-based drilling fluids have recently been that were used to determine the aphron concentration and bubble
used for drilling at-balance in an attempt to eliminate the problems size with an increase in pressure. Since the aphrons collapse at
associated with overbalanced and underbalanced drilling. In order higher pressures, concerns have been raised as to the widespread
to achieve an at-balance drilling situation, the fluid pressure must application of this system(8), but these systems have been used in
be maintained at a level greater than the formation pressure, but mature fields(9). Visualization tests indicated that aphrons could be
the difference should be kept at a minimum level to avoid inva- maintained at pressures of at least 1,500 psi(10).
sion of the fluid into the formation(1). Colloidal gas aphron drilling
fluid simulates such a situation by building a bridge in front of
the pores of the rock. It is believed that this bridge stabilizes the
rock while allowing minimal damage to the formation. This system
has been successfully implemented in high-angle and horizontal
well drilling in highly depleted reservoirs(2), as well as with ver-
tical wells.
Simply put, aphrons are bubbles, approximately 10 to 100 mi-
crons in diameter. The term colloidal gas aphrons was first used
by Sebba(3). Like regular foams, aphrons are typically composed
of a gaseous (colloidal gas aphrons) or liquid (polyaphron) core.
Unlike foams, however, aphrons have a thin aqueous protective
shell. Aphron stability is determined by the rate of mass transfer
between the viscous water shell and the bulk phase. This transfer is
known as the Marangoni effect(3-5). If the mass transfer rate is high,
aphrons will be unstable. Therefore, the shell fluid is designed to
have certain viscosity to minimize the Marangoni effect. The shell
is composed of an inner layer and an outer layer. Figure 1 illus-
trates a typical aphron. The inner layer consists of surfactant mol-
FIGURE 1: Typical aphron microscope picture.
ecules which supports and separates the air core from the viscous
November 2008, Volume 47, No. 11 15
This paper focuses on the measurement of the physical prop-
erties of colloidal gas aphron-based drilling fluids. Tests on the
3. Bulk Aphronized Fluid Characterization
effects of polymer and surfactant concentration, surfactant type, The shear viscosity of the fluid was measured by a Brookfield
shear rate, mixing time and water quality on the physical proper- DV II Digital Cone/Plate Viscometer. The plastic viscosity, yield
ties have been carried out. The viscosity, API filtration loss, den- point and apparent viscosity was measured by a Fann Viscometer.
sity and CGA bubble size have been investigated. The density of the fluid was measured by using either a mud bal-
ance or, in the case where the density was low, by using a digital
scale and fixed fluid volume. The API filtration loss test was per-
formed by using a standard filter press.
Experimental Procedure
The experimental procedure consists of four steps: 1) prepara- 4. Measurement of the Aphron Bubble
tion of the base fluid; 2) preparation of the aphronized fluid; 3) Diameter
bulk aphronized fluid characterization; and 4) measurement of the During the past decade, colloidal gas aphrons have been studied
aphron bubble size. in the chemical and environmental industries with a focus on the ap-
plications of soil remediation(13, 14, 23, 24) and aqueous separation(12,
1. Preparation of the Base Fluid 25). Through this work, the size of the aphron has been studied by

many methods. Parthasarathy et al.(26) looked at bubble breakup

An aqueous Xanthan Gum (XG) solution was used as a base equations for prediction of aphron diameter. Jauregi et al.(17) used a
fluid. The solutions were generated at three different XG concen- light microscope, a CCD camera and image analysis to determine
trations (1 lb/bbl, 3lb/bbl and 5 lb/bbl). The Hamilton-Beach over- the size of the aphrons generated. The average diameter recorded
head malt mixer was used to mix the fluid at a maximum rate of was between 32 and 72 μm. Dai and Deng(18) found a mean diam-
10,000 rpm. eter of 55.02 μm. Photographic techniques have also been used by
Once the base fluid was prepared, it was allowed to cool down others(27, 28). Roy et al.(12) used a Particle Size Analyzer to deter-
to room temperature, between 20 and 24°C (68 and 75°F). This mine the size distribution.
was done to avoid destabilization of the aphrons at high tempera- In this study, digital pictures of the aphron bubbles were taken
tures. The aphron system is expected to begin destabilizing at tem- using a Zeiss microscope and a CCD camera. Care was taken to
peratures above 40°C (104°F)(11). In order to ensure that proper ensure that the pictures were obtained immediately following the
density measurements could be taken, the XG solution was vacu- aphron generation process. A screen caliper, which has a measure-
umed using a vacuum pump. The density of the XG solution was ment increment of 1 pixel, was used to measure the diameter of the
found to be 8.4 lb/gal for the 3 lb/bbl XG fluid. individual aphrons in the picture. A scaling factor was then used
to convert the aphron diameter from pixels to the actual length in
2. Preparation of the Aphronized Fluid
Two types of surfactants have been chosen for this study: hexa-
decyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (HTAB), a cationic surfactant, Results and Discussion
and sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (DDBS), an anionic surfac- Effects of polymer and surfactant concentration, surfactant type,
tant. These surfactants were chosen because they were successfully shear rate, mixing time and water quality on the physical proper-
used to generate aphrons by previous researchers(12-14). ties of the aphron drilling fluid were investigated. The density, vis-
DDBS or HTAB surfactants were added to the base fluid at con- cosity and API filtration loss characteristics of aphronized drilling
centrations of 1 lb/bbl and 2 lb/bbl. The fluid was aphronized by fluids were measured. The diameter of the aphron bubble was also
using a modified Brinkmann Homogenizer Model PT 45/80. A determined. DDBS surfactant was used for all tests, excluding
method for the generation of the aphrons was first described by the surfactant-type test where HTAB was used as a comparison
Sebba(3) in which a disc is rotated at a speed greater than 4,000 surfactant.
rpm. Since then, several variations of this method have been suc-
cessfully used to generate aphron mixtures(12, 15-22). The homog- Density
enizer was modified in such a way that a four-baffle system was Density of the aphronized drilling fluid decreased from 6.3 ppg
attached to the shaft of the generator to assist in the air entrain- to 5.3 ppg as the surfactant concentration increased from 1 lb/bbl to
ment. A schematic drawing of the four-baffle system is shown in 2 lb/bbl (Table 1). As shown in Figure 3, as the amount of surfac-
Figure 2. tant increases, the volume of the aphrons also increases. Naturally,
as the volume of the air phase (aphrons) increases, the density of
…1q the fluid will decrease. The aphronized fluid densities reported in
…6-1/8q this study were all measured under atmospheric pressure condi-
tions. When it is circulated downhole, however, aphronized fluid
1/2q will be exposed to pressures that are much higher than atmospheric
% Volume of Aphrons

0.5 1 2
Amount of Surfactant (lb/bbl)
thickness 1q
FIGURE 3: Effect of surfactant concentration on the % volume of
FIGURE 2: Schematic view of the aphron mixer. aphrons in the aphronized drilling fluid.

16 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

Table 1: Effect of surfactant concentration on Table 4: Effect of mixing time on the physical
the physical properties of aphronized drilling fluid properties of aphronized drilling fluid (prepared by
(prepared by using 3 lb/bbl XG base solution). using 2 lb/bbl DDBS surfactant and 3 lb/bbl xanthan
Amount of Surfactant (lb/bbl)
Properties 0 1 2 Mixing Time (sec/interval)

Plastic viscosity (cP) 12 15 19 Properites 10 20 30

Yield point (lb/100 sq. ft.) 28 44 51 Plastic viscosity (cP) 19 18 17
Apparent viscosity (cP) 26 37 45 Yield point (lb/100 sq. ft.) 51 51 50
Density (lb/gal) 8.4 6.2 5.3 Apparent viscosity (cP) 45 44 42
LSRV at 0.6 sec-1(cP) 7,450 15,967 22,067 Density (lb/gal) 5.3 5.3 5.3
LSRV at 0.6 sec-1(cP) 22,067 21,467 21,600
Table 2: Effect of XG concentration on the physical
properties of aphronized drilling fluid (prepared by Table 5: Effect of water type on the physical
using 2 lb/bbl DDBS). properties of aphronized drilling fluid (prepared by
using 2 lb/bbl DDBS surfactant and 3 lb/bbl xanthan
Amount of Xanthan Gum (lb/bbl) gum).
Properties 1 3 5
Water Type
Plastic viscosity (cP) 7 19 22
Yield point (lb/100 sq. ft.) 20 51 85 Properties De-ionized Water Tap Water
Apparent viscosity (cP) 17 45 64 Plastic viscosity (cP) 19 19
Density (lb/gal) 5.1 5.3 6.6 Yield point (lb/100 sq. ft.) 51 58
LSRV at 0.6 sec-1(cP) 2,767 22,067 >31,000 Apparent viscosity (cP) 45 49
Density(lb/gal) 5.3 5.7
Table 3: Effect of shear rate on the physical properties LSRV at 0.6 sec-1(cP) 22,067 21,400
of aphronized drilling fluid (prepared by using 2 lb/bbl
DDBS surfactant and 3 lb/bbl xanthan gum) Table 6: Effect of surfactant type on the physical
properties of aphronized drilling fluid (prepared by
Shear Rate using 1 lb/bbl of surfactant and 3 lb/bbl xanthan gum).
Properties Low Med. High
Surfactant Type
Plastic viscosity (cP) 10 17 19
Yield point (lb/100 sq. ft.) 50 48 51 Properties DDBS HTAB
Apparent viscosity (cP) 35 41 45 Plastic viscosity (cP) 15 21
Density (lb/gal) 8 6.9 5.3 Yield point (lb/100 sq. ft.) 44 37
LSRV at 0.6 sec-1(cP) 18,700 20,233 22,067 Apparent viscosity (cP) 37 39
Density (lb/gal) 6.2 4.5
pressure. Hence, the aphrons will compress and the density of the LSRV at 0.6 sec-1(cP) 15,967 1,250
fluid will increase.
As the concentration of xanthan gum increases for a fixed Rheology
amount of surfactant, the density of the fluid also increases (Table
2). Essentially, with an increase in XG concentration, the density Effects of surfactant type and concentration on the rheology of
of the liquid phase increases; thus, the density of the total fluid the aphronized drilling fluids are shown in Figures 4 and 5. Aphro-
should increase. nized drilling fluids behave like yield pseudo-plastic type fluids
The density of the aphron-based fluid decreased as the mixing (Figure 4) with shear thinning characteristics (Figure 5). DDBS-
rate increased (Table 3), indicating that more aphrons were gener- based fluids have higher shear viscosities than HTAB-based fluids
ated at higher shear rates. (Figure 5). Data shown in Figure 5 also illustrates that, as the
Results shown in Tables 4 and 5 indicate that the length of the amount of surfactant increases, which results in a higher bubble
mixing time interval and the water quality has little effect on the population, the apparent viscosity of the aphronized drilling fluid
density of the system. also increases. The experimental results showing the effects of
polymer and surfactant concentration, surfactant type, mixing
The densities of aphronized drilling fluids prepared by using
(shear) rate, mixing time and water type on the plastic viscosity,
1 lb/bbl DDBS and HTAB concentrations were compared (Table
yield point, apparent viscosity and low shear rate viscosity (LSRV)
6). The density of DDBS-based fluid (5.3 lb/gal) was found to be
higher than the density of HTAB-based fluid (4.6 lb/gal). This re- are summarized in Tables 1 to 6.
sult indicates that either more aphrons or larger aphrons can be An increase in the surfactant concentration (Table 1), and
generated by using HTAB-type surfactant than the DDBS-type the xanthan gum concentration (Table 2) increases the plastic
surfactant. viscosity, yield point, apparent viscosity and LSRV. As the
Shear Stress (dynes/cm2)

30,000 XG, 2 lb/bbl

180 XG, 2 lb/bbl 25,000
Viscosity (cP)

XG, aphronized with 1

20,000 lb/bbl DDBS
140 XG, aphronized with 1 lb/bbl
120 DDBS XG, aphronized with 2
15,000 lb/bbl DDBS
100 XG, aphronized with 2 lb/bbl
80 DDBS XG, aphronized with 1
60 XG, aphronized with 1 lb/bbl lb/bbl HTAB
40 HTAB 5,000
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Shear Rate (1/sec) Shear Rate (1/sec)
FIGURE 4: Effect of surfactant types and concentrations on the FIGURE 5: Effects of surfactant types and concentrations on the
rheology of the aphronized drilling fluids. apparent viscosity of aphronized drilling fluids.

November 2008, Volume 47, No. 11 17

Amount of Fluid (cc)

Amount of Fluid (cc)

250 API Fluid Loss (cc/30 250
min) API Fluid Loss
(cc/30 min)
200 Spurt Loss (cc) 200
Spurt Loss (cc)
150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 1 2 10 20 30
Amount of Surfactant (lb/bbl) Mixing Time (sec/interval)

FIGURE 6: Effect of surfactant concentration on the API fluid loss FIGURE 9: Effect of mixing time on the API fluid loss and spurt
and spurt loss. loss.

API Fluid
Amount of Fluid (cc)

Amount of Fluid (cc)

250 API Fluid Loss (cc/30 250 Loss (cc/30
min) min)
200 200
Spurt Loss (cc) Spurt Loss
150 150

100 100

50 50
0 0
1 3 5 De-ionized Water Tap Water
Amount of Xanthan Gum (lb/bbl) Water Quality

FIGURE 7: Effect of XG concentration on the API fluid loss and FIGURE 10: Effect of water quality on the API fluid loss and spurt
spurt loss. loss.
Amount of Fluid (cc)

250 250
Amount of Fluid (cc)

API Fluid Loss API Fluid Loss

(cc/30 min) 200 (cc/30 min)
Spurt Loss (cc) Spurt Loss
150 (cc)
low medium high Surfactant Type
Shear Rate
FIGURE 11: Effect of surfactant type on the API fluid loss and
FIGURE 8: Effect of shear rate on API fluid loss and spurt loss. spurt loss.

surfactant concentration increases, the bubble population also in- Therefore, a significant difference between the LSRV values im-
creases, which, in turn, should increase the viscosity of the system. plies that DDBS-based fluids might have better solids transport ca-
As the XG concentration increases, the viscosity of the base fluid pacity than the HTAB-based fluids.
also increases, which will increase the overall viscosity of the
system. API Filtration Loss
Increasing the mixing rate of aphronized drilling fluid also in-
creases the plastic viscosity, apparent viscosity and LSRV (Table The filtration loss and spurt loss decreases with increasing sur-
3), indicating that more bubbles are created at higher mixing rates. factant concentration (Figure 6). Increasing surfactant concentra-
The yield point, however, was not greatly influenced by the in- tion allows more microbubbles to be generated, which means more
creasing mixing rate. bubbles will be available to form a bridge in front of the pore struc-
The data showing the effect of the mixing time interval and the ture, and/or alternatively, form an internal cake and, hence, limit
type of water used for preparing the base fluid on the fluid prop- the filtration of fluid into the formation.
erties are presented in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. Results have Figure 7 illustrates that both the filtration loss and the spurt loss
shown that the mixing time length and the water type did not alter decrease with increasing XG concentration. This is expected since
the aphronized drilling fluid properties significantly. higher XG concentrations yield higher fluid viscosity, which, in
Experimental results showing the effects of surfactant type on turn, increases resistance of fluid to flow through porous media
the physical properties of drilling fluids are summarized in Table 6. and, therefore, reduces fluid loss into the formation.
Plastic viscosity of the HTAB-based fluid (21 cP) was found to be The fluid loss and spurt loss were not greatly affected by the
higher than the DDBS-based fluid (15 cP). The yield point of the mixing rate (Figure 8). There was a slight increase in the fluid loss
HTAB-based fluid (37 lb/100 ft2), however, was lower than that of and spurt loss as the mixing time increased (Figure 9). In reality,
the DDBS-based fluid (44 lb/100 ft2). The apparent viscosity of a mixing time can be a very important factor since the fluid’s tem-
fluid reflects the combined effect of change in plastic viscosity and perature will rise during mixing and the generation of aphrons is
the yield point. The apparent viscosity of the HTAB-based fluid temperature dependant.
(39 cP) was found to be slightly higher than that of the DDBS- The type of water used for preparing aphronized drilling fluid
based fluid (37 cP). There was a drastic difference between the did not influence the filtration loss and spurt loss values signifi-
LSRV of the HTAB-based fluid (1,250 cP) and the DDBS-based cantly (Figure 10).
fluid (15,967 cP). The low shear rate viscosity value strongly in- The filtration loss and the spurt loss were significantly lower
fluences the solids transport capacity of the drilling fluids. for HTAB-based fluids than for the DDBS-based fluids (Figure 11).
18 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology
FIGURE 12: Comparison between microscopic pictures of aphrons made with DDBS (a) and HTAB (b).

However, some solid precipitates were observed when HTAB was

used with a water-XG solution to form the aphronized drilling
Aphron Bubble Diameter
fluid. Therefore, reduction in filtration loss in the case of an HTAB- Sizing of the aphron bubble is very important as it is one of the
based fluid can not be attributed solely to the presence of more mi- main factors that influence formation pore blockage. Figures 13 to
crobubbles. Some of the reduction of filtration loss and spurt loss 18 illustrate results of the bubble size measurements from various
was most likely due to the presence of this precipitate rather than experiments. The figures depict the average bubble size as well as
aphron blockage. Microscopic pictures of aphrons generated by d90, d50 and d10 values. The values for d90, d50 and d10 are defined
using DDBS and HTAB surfactants are shown in Figure 12. For- as the diameter in which 90%, 50%, and 10%, respectively, of the
mation of a white, long hair-like precipitate was observed in the bubble population are less than that diameter.
HTAB-based aphronized fluid (Figure 12b), indicating a possible Figure 13 shows the effect of surfactant concentration on the
chemical reaction between HTAB surfactant and the base fluid pre- bubble size. DDBS concentrations of 1 lb/bbl and 2 lb/bbl were
pared by mixing water and XG.

Ave 90 Ave
Diameter (microns)

Diameter (microns)
Average Aphron

90 d90
Average Aphron

d90 80
80 70 d50
70 d50
60 d10 60 d10
50 50
40 40
10 20
0 10
1 2 0
Amount of Surfactant (lb/bbl) 10 20 30
Mixing Time (sec/interval)
FIGURE 13: Effect of surfactant concentration on the aphron
diameter. FIGURE 16: Effect of mixing time on the aphron diameter.

Diameter (micons)
Average Aphron

90 Ave
Diameter (microns)

100 80
Average Aphron

90 Ave 70
80 60 d50
70 d90
60 50 d10
50 d50 40
40 d10 30
30 20
20 10
10 0
1 3 5 De-ionized Water Tap Water

Amount of XG Concentration (lb/bbl) Water Type

FIGURE 14: Effect of XG concentration on the aphron diameter. FIGURE 17: Effect of water type on the aphron diameter.

Diameter (microns)

Diameter (microns)

Average Aphron

80 d90 140
Average Aphron

120 d90
70 d50
60 100 d50
50 80 d10
40 60
10 20
0 0
low medium high DDBS HTAB

Shear Rate Surfactant Type

FIGURE 15: Effect of shear rate on the aphron diameter. FIGURE 18: Effect of surfactant type on the aphron diameter.

November 2008, Volume 47, No. 11 19

used together with 3 lb/bbl XG for comparison. The average also increased the viscosity while reducing the density of the
bubble diameter, as well as the d90, d50 and d10 values, remained aphronized drilling fluid. Increasing shear rate, however, did
fairly constant with a change in the surfactant concentration. The not cause any significant change to the filtration loss.
average bubble diameter for both tests was 60 μm. This contra- • Aphron bubble sizes seemed to be increasing as the mixing
dicts the data presented by Chaphalkar et al.(20) who stated that an time increased from 10 to 20 seconds. However, bubble
increase in the amount of surfactant should decrease the bubble sizes did not change significantly after, indicating that there
diameter. However, it is very difficult to compare the results of might be an optimum mixing time period to obtain maximum
Chaphalkar et al.(20) to the ones found in this study because the bubble size.
base fluid is xanthan gum. The addition of XG to the base fluid can • Type of water did not influence the physical properties of
change the nature of the aphron bubble. Moreover, the concentra- the aphronized drilling fluids. Since the water quality showed
tion of the surfactant is well above the Critical Micellar Concentra- little effect on all parameters, tap water can readily be used
tion (CMC). Bjorndalen and Kuru(29) found that when the DDBS for preparing the base fluid.
concentration is below the CMC, the bubble diameter is larger than • Physical properties of aphronized drilling fluids were strongly
when the surfactant concentration is above the CMC. controlled by the type of surfactant used for the aphroniza-
The effect of XG concentration of the base fluid on the aphron tion process. Cationic surfactants (HTAB) seem to be more
size is presented in Figure 14. Results show that aphron bubble di- effective than anionic (DDBS) surfactants in terms of gener-
ameter did not change significantly as the polymer concentration ating more microbubbles for the same amount of surfactant
was increased. used.
Figure 15 illustrates the effect of mixing (shear) rate on the • Aphron bubble sizes generated by using cationic surfactants
aphron diameter. The aphron diameter increases significantly as were larger than the ones generated by using anionic surfac-
the mixing (shear) rate increases from 48 to 60 μm. Since larger tants. Aphronized drilling fluids generated by using cationic
bubbles are more advantageous in pore blockage, a low shear rate surfactants have lower filtration volumes, as compared to
is not as efficient in mixing the aphrons as the higher shear rate. fluids generated by using anionic surfactants.
The effect of mixing time on the aphron size is shown in Figure
16. Aphron bubble diameter increased from 60 to 72 μm as the
mixing time was increased from 10 to 20 seconds. Increasing Acknowledgements
mixing time from 20 to 30 seconds, however, did not change the
bubble size significantly. With an increase in mixing time, the The authors would like to thank the Natural Sciences and En-
temperature of the solution will increase. Since aphrons are not gineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada for supporting
stable at higher temperatures, it is advantageous to limit the mixing this research.
The effects of using de-ionized water as compared to tap water Nomenclature
on the aphron size development were investigated. As shown in
Figure 17, aphron size did not change significantly depending on CGA = colloidal gas aphron
the type of water used. Since de-ionized water is not readily avail- CMC = critical micellar concentration
able in the field, these results indicate that one can use regular tap DDBS = sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate
water as the base for the drilling mud. HTAB = hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide
The effect of surfactant type on the aphron bubble size was in- LSRV = low shear rate viscosity
vestigated (Figure 18). The bubble size distribution of aphrons XG = xanthan gum
generated by using 1 lb/bbl DDBS and HTAB surfactants were
compared. The average diameter of the HTAB-based aphrons (90 References
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ette, LA, 20-21 February 2002. Provenance—Original Petroleum Society manuscript, Physico-Chemical
10. IVAN, C.D., GROWCOCK, F.B. and FRIEDHEIM, J.E., Chem- Characterization of Aphron Based Drilling Fluids (2005-050CS), first
ical and Physical Characterization of Aphron-Based Drilling Fluids; presented at the 6th Canadian International Petroleum Conference (the 56th
paper SPE 77445 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference Annual Technical Meeting of the Petroleum Society), June 7-9, 2005, in
and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, 29 September-2 October 2002. Calgary, Alberta. Abstract submitted for review December 3, 2004; edi-
11. LONGE, T.A., Colloidal Gas Aphrons: Generation, Flow Character- torial comments sent to the author(s) April 14, 2008; revised manuscript
ization and Application in Soil and Groundwater Decontamination; received May 14, 2008; paper approved for pre-press May 15, 2008; final
Ph.D. dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univer- approval October 27, 2008.
sity, Blacksburg, VA, 1989.
12. ROY, D., VALSARAJ, K.T. and KOTTAI, S.A., Separation of Organic
Dyes from Wastewater by Using Colloidal Gas Aphrons; Separation
Authors’ Biographies
Science and Technology, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 573-588, 1992. Nancy Bjorndalen is a Ph.D. candidate in
13. ROY, D., KONGARA, S. and VALSARAJ, K.T., Application of Sur- petroleum engineering at the University of
factant Solutions and Colloidal Gas Aphron Suspensions in Flushing
Alberta. She received her B.A.Sc. degree
Naphthalene from a Contaminated Soil Matrix; Journal of Hazardous
Materials, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 247-263, August 1995.
from the University of Regina in indus-
14. JACKSON, A., KOMMALAPATI, R., ROY, D. and PARDUE, J., trial systems engineering with a focus on
Enhanced Transport of Bacteria Through a Soil Matrix Using Col- petroleum systems, and her M.A.Sc. from
loidal Gas Aphron Suspensions; Journal of Environmental Science Dalhousie University in civil engineering
and Health. Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering, Vol. 33, (petroleum). She is currently employed at
No. 3, pp. 369-384, 1998. the Alberta Research Council in the Heavy
15. WAN, J., TOKUNAGA, T.K. and GADELLE, F., Sorption of Col- Oil and Oil Sands Business Unit. Her re-
loids, Organics, and Metals onto Gas-Water Interfaces: Transport search interests include formation damage
Processes and Potential Remediation Technology; Final Report, U.S. and drilling fluids. She is a member of SPE and the Petroleum
Department of Energy, 55396-CA, 1999. Society.
16. JAUREGI, P., GILMOUR, S. and VARLEY, J., Characterisation of
Colloidal Gas Aphrons for Subsequent Use for Protein Recovery; Dr. Ergun Kuru is Professor of petroleum
Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 1-11, January
engineering at the University of Alberta. He
17. JAUREGI, P., MITCHELL, G.R. and VARLEY, J., Colloidal Gas received his B.Sc. degree from the Middle
Aphrons (CGA): Dispersion and Structural Features; AIChE Journal, East Technical University, and M.Sc. and
Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 24-36, 2000. Ph.D. degrees from Louisiana State Uni-
18. DAI, Y. and DENG, T., Stabilization and Characterization of Col- versity, all in petroleum engineering. His
loidal Gas Aphron Dispersions; Journal of Colloidal and Interface research interests include drilling optimiza-
Science, Vol. 261, No. 2, pp. 360-365, 2003. tion, managed pressure drilling, multiphase
19. SAVE, S.V. and PANGARKAR, V.G., Characterisation of Colloidal solid-liquid transport in pipelines and for-
Gas Aphrons; Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 127, No. mation damage. Dr. Kuru is a member of
1, pp. 35-54, 1994. SPE and the Petroleum Society.
20. CHAPHALKAR, P.G., VALSARAJ, K.T. and ROY, D., A Study of
the Size Distribution and Stability of Colloidal Gas Aphrons Using a
Particle Size Analyzer; Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 28,
No. 6, pp. 1287-1302, 1993.
Removal of Hazardous Oily Waste From a Soil Matrix Using Surfac-
tants and Colloidal Gas Aphron Suspensions Under Different Flow
Conditions; Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 127-
144, July 1994.
22. AMIRI, M.C. and WOODBURN, E.T., A Method for the Charac-
terization of Colloidal Gas Aphron Dispersions; Transactions of the
Institute of Chemical Engineers, Vol. 68, Part A, pp. 154-160, March
23. ROY, D., TAMAYO, A. and VALSARAJ, K.T., Comparison of Soil
Washing Using Conventional Surfactant Solutions and Colloidal Gas
Aphron Suspensions; Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 27,
No. 12, pp. 1555-1568, 1992.
STANT, W.D., Soil Flushing of Residual Transmission Fluid:
Application of Colloidal Gas Aphron Suspensions and Conventional
Surfactant Solutions; Water Research, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 589-595,
tigations on the Flotation of Yeast Cells by Colloidal Gas Aphrons
(CGA) Dispersion; Bioseparation, Vol. 5, pp. 167-173, 1995.
Breakup in Stirred Vessels, Predicting the Sauter Mean Diameter;
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Vol. 69, No. A4, pp.
295-301, 1991.
27. BASU, S. and MALPANI, P.R., Removal of Methyl Orange and
Methylene Blue Dye from Water Using Colloidal Gas Aphron – Ef-
fect of Processes Parameters; Separation Science and Technology,
Vol. 36, No. 13, pp. 2997-3013, 2001.
28. BEE, R.D., CLEMENTS, A. and PRINS, A., Behaviour of an Aer-
ated Food Model; in Food Emulsions and Foams, Dickinson, E. (ed.)
Special Publication No. 57, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK,
29. BJORNDALEN, N. and KURU, E., Stability of Microbubble-Based
Drilling Fluids Under Downhole Conditions; Journal of Canadian
Petroleum Technology, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 40-47, June 2008.
November 2008, Volume 47, No. 11 21

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