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02 “Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.



DR DEVIYANI SINGH boost your general
a nt to ge? Take this exc
an educator W owled itin
kn Rest assured, it will g
t. reall
test you! y
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hey quarantined my
body but they couldn’t
confine my mind’s eye.
C: Punishment ❑
Every night I soar into
outer-space with the
stars. Run rings around Jupiter
A: Burn
Which is a synonym
of coruscate?

GRAMMAR D: Attitude ❑
and play catch with comrade
B: Blind ❑ Theme: Synonym
Mars. Stern Saturn chided me
while Venus winked. Neptune and
Pluto watched from afar. I smiled
back; they were gone in a blink.
C: Fade
D: Sparkle

B: Location ❑ Q8: Which is a syn-
onym of coalesce?
A: Imagine ❑ B: Combine ❑
Mercury was temperamental and
C: Knowledge ❑ C: Guarantee ❑ D: Teach ❑
Uranus unpredictable. D: Admiration ❑
I played hopscotch with the
constellations; took a big leap on Q2: Which is a syn-
onym of delineate?
Q9: Which is a synonym
the Great Bear. Tried on Orion’s
belt, it didn’t fit. The Comets ex-
ploded with mirth at my expand-
A: Forgive
B: Outline

A: Notice
Which is a syn-
onym of exploit?
❑ B: Educate ❑
of circumspect?
A: Ordinary ❑ B: Cautious ❑
ing lockdown girth. Then I rode of migrant labourers trudging back to the scenes of overcrowded The river tumbled into the C: Delegate ❑ C: Warm ❑ D: Dressy ❑
around the galactic carousel of the miles without rest. Unlike the tur- Covid tents in Italy. I grabbed a pair salty sea. The warm sun vapor- C: Irritate ❑ D: Abuse ❑
Milky Way on mighty Pegasus. tles they didn't have the empty of skis, and zigzagged at breakneck ised the droplets and I drifted in D: Misinterpret ❑
beaches of Puri to nest. There ap-
peared a diver; his breath rasping
speed till I reached the powder
slopes; leaving a mist of snow in
pristine white clouds. They turned
dark and heavy, drenching the
Q7: Which is a synonym Q10: Which is a synonym
of degenerate?
➤ Purple lightning
flashed across the
in and out of his aqua lungs like
the ventilators of dying Covid pa-
tients. I felt I was drowning,
my wake. Then I plunged into a
mountain stream. The crystal clear
water gurgled over boulders. I lay
Earth in torrential rain, which
alas could not cleanse the virus.
I woke to a loud clap of thun-
Q3: Which is a synonym
of erroneous?
A: Questionable ❑
A: Feature ❑
of chicanery? A: Clumsy
B: Nosy

peach palette of thrashed to the surface gasping back arms folded, feeling like a riv- der. Purple lightning flashed B: Dishonesty ❑ C: Corrupt ❑
for air. Only to remember even air er fairy cascading with the current. across the peach palette of dawn.
B: Cooperative ❑
dawn. The dream had was unsafe. I squealed in childish delight as The dream had ended but the C: Ineffective ❑ D: Familiar ❑
ended but the night- I headed for the Poles and the roller coaster rapids tossed me nightmare of dark dreary days D: Incorrect ❑
swam beneath the ice caps; skat- around. had begun again.
mare of dark dreary ed with penguins and polar bears;
days had begun
they had not yet met Mr. Covid and
had no fears. I held on to a shark’s
fin and surfed on the waves.
Whales followed me with their
A: Privacy
Which is a synonym
of degradation?

tiny eyes; their sonar songs
Pluto B: Immorality ❑
An astronaut floated by; his soothed my senses. Surfacing and
white spacesuit reminded me of the spouting air in a big whoosh like It is a dwarf planet in the C: Permission ❑
PPEs in hospitals. Frightened, I the patients who were able to AMAZING Kuiper belt, a ring of bodies D: Firmness ❑
plummeted through the Firma- breathe at last. Their tail fins land- beyond the orbit of Neptune. Pluto was discovered on
ment into Earth’s Oceans. Letting ed with loud claps flat on the wa-
February 18, 1930. Its status as a planet was ques-
the Great Barrier Reef soothe my
grief. The kaleidoscopic corals lit
up my monochromatic life. Psy-
ter as if applauding the doctors
and patients on recovery.
I flew to the mighty Himalayas
tioned following the discovery of several objects of similar size in
the Kuiper belt. Jupiter hasn’t made a full orbit of the sun since that
A: Present
Which is a syn-
onym of esteem?

chedelic fish darted out of their ma- and perched myself atop Everest, time because of its too slow orbit. In fact, it takes Pluto 248.09
rine homes; no aquarantine here. enjoying the sights. I saw a long years to make one orbit around the sun. This means that Pluto will
I watched scores of Oliver Ri- line of climbers waiting to sum-
dley turtles migrating on the mit. Their laboured breathing from make its first full orbit on March 23, 2178, since 1930. ANSWERS: 1. D, 2. B, 3. D, 4. B, 5. D, 6. D, 7. B, 8. B, 9. B, 10. C
ocean currents like the mélange oxygen cylinders jolted me

In questions given below Q.2) That which cannot Q.4) A person of good COMMON GRAMMATICAL
Quiz time

C. Amsterdam
out of four alternatives, be corrected. understanding, knowledge

D. Utrecht

choose the one which A. Unintelligible and reasoning power.
can be substituted for B. Indelible C. Illegible A. Expert B. Intellectual C.
moons does the
the given word/sentence. D. Incorrigible Snob D. Literate
Q.1) Bijapur is known Q.3) What did planet Jupiter have? Mind Q.1) Extreme old age
when a man behaves like
Q.3) The study of Q.5) A person who
for its___. Benjamin Franklin A. 70 B. 22 C. 79 D. 30 teasers a fool.
ancient societies. insists on something.
A. Gol Gumbaz invent? A. Imbecility B. Senility
A. Anthropology A. Disciplinarian ■ ”Gorilla” - it is the largest of the anthropoid
B. Gateway A. Dollar Bill ENGLISH C. Dotage D. Old age
B. Archaeology C. History B. Instantaneous apes.
D. Ethnology C. Boaster D. Stickler
C. Gol Tekaddi B. Bifocal spectacles QUIZ ■ ”Guerrilla” - means a member of a band of
D. Gol Golu C. Tyre D. Motor Car ANSWERS
(1) B) (2) D) (3) B) (4) B) (5) D) irregular soldiers that uses guerrilla warfare.

Q.2) BC Roy Award

is given in the field
Q.4) Where is the
seat of the
have been built by Yadavas of Devagiri
in 1184. According to historian José
■ It was the only guerrilla in that zoo.
■ Their gorilla tactics took the enemy by surprise.
Gol Gumbaz built in 1626 at
A. Medicine B. Art of Justice (ICJ)? Gerson da Cunha, during this time,

Bijapur is the mausoleum of king
C. Engineering A. Hague Muhammad Adil Shah of the Fort Bassein, Bassein and its surrounding areas HOW TO DO IT PROPERLY:
D. Science B. Rotterdam Adil Shah Dynasty. Maharashtra appeared to have been ruled by the
Fort Bassein, also known as the Vasai Chalukya dynasty of Karnataka. Fort ■ It was the only gorilla in that zoo.
Fort or Fort Baçaim, is a large fort in Bassein is a monument of national ■ Their guerrilla tactics took the enemy
A N S W E R S the town of Vasai, in the Palghar importance and is protected by the
1. A) Gol Gumbaz 2. D) Medicine 3. B) Bifocal spectacles 4. A) Hague 5. C) 79 by surprise.
district of Maharashtra. It is said to Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).


Student Corner


FOR THE SONG The only planet where inhumane humanity exists,
It’s paradise where the life operates.

OF YOUR LIFE Quite fortunately, the creatures are creep,

The perfidious humans could never embrace.

SKEETIT - Online Rap & Beat- VAISHNAVI KATIYAR, IX, BOSCO PUBLIC Every species has its own surroundings,
boxing Competition, an Inter
Class Competition on the SCHOOL PASCHIM VIHAR To which it can deface.
theme-‘Let’s Beat Across The The biodiversity we are trying to destroy,
New Normal’ was organised by the Senior Will defend till it stays.
Student Council of Blue Bells Model
School, Sec 4, Gurgaon for Classes IX One should not doubt the quality
– XII. The occasion was enriched by the
ELLIS FRANCIS, XII, HOLY CHILD SCHOOL Of ill-treatment provided.
presence of Anshuka Aneja , Deputy Di-
rector-IT, BBGS. Shrijan Mahajan, an ac-
The unfortunate fact is that ,
complished and brilliant drummeralso The love is only one-sided.
presided over the occasion. The panel of

This is the future.

jury comprised of #faculty members of The Mother Earth has now become conscious,
the Music Department. The Alumni of the Restoring itself and seeking vengeance.

So gear up , maybe?
school also became apart of this endeav- One such result is a catastrophe,
our. In Rap, Priyanshu (X) stood first. In
Beat Boxing Saptrishi Bose (X) and Sak-
That gives us a good repentance.
sham Kathuria (XII) stood first. Anshuka Tsunamis, floods and earthquakes are,
lauded the efforts of the Student Council
and the faculty for their effort. Alka Singh, The disasters to be generally seen.
principal, BBMS praised the school team ‘I went grocery shopping on my cycle yes- in an affirmative tone, Life is crying because it’s not clean,
for the efforts and presentation. terday.’ ‘Cycles may not be in fashion, but they Earth is dying because it’s not green.
I blurted out those words as if they were are a healthier alternative for the envi-
a taboo. It was a casual brunch at my house ronment. Don’t you all think so too?’ And Intimidators are innumerable,

Good deeds and at 1:00 p.m. My friends and I were talking

about the usual stuff in our lives.
‘You just turned 45, Nandini. Are you
then the inevitable happened.
They laughed.This time they laughed
to humiliate me,I knew that for sure.
But the creators are a few.
Essentials are food, clothing and shelter,

Good vibes alright?’

‘We are way past all this Nandini.’
Their faces lit up with wide grins.
Their jests curbed eventually and
But why inhumanity in lieu?
A few years after,

anya of Pathways School, ‘Do you even realise how obsolete cy- they left for their homes in, of course The same me, the same you, who knowingly
Gurgaon from MYP1 wanted cles are?’ their flashy electric cars though there did nothing and enjoyed the pleasures of life The trees will be gone.
to help people who are the They said. wasn’t much fuel left on the earth. Ap- carelessly. This generation looks like a gener- Waters will become venomous,
worst hit by the COVID 19 Pan- I knew it. I shouldn’t have said it. parently, the reason was this type of pre- ation of minions. Minions with spectacles and
demic. So she decided to collect money This is way too embarrassing. Could- vailing mindset. lung diseases.
But no one for them to mourn.
through holding bake sales in her com- n’t I have made something up? I mean I was kind of proud of myself for hav- This blameless cycle, that is being mocked Perhaps, it’s not too early,
munity. With the help of her mother she cycles, really? ing stood up for what I believed in. Of at will become our support within three decades
advertised this through online messages. I looked up. I was embar- course, I made it apparent that I was flus- or so, “if ” there is any trace of life left on the Perhaps, it’s not too late.
The proceeds were donated towards the rassed. I was unable to make tered by not picking up their calls or re- earth. Consider this my plea: It’s the time for us,
daily wage labour fund.With the proceeds eye contact with my plying to their texts for the next two days. I definitely can’t knock any sense into my To ameliorate the nature state.
of her second bake sale, Aanya bought friends. Finally, I mus- Only, if I could go back in time and at least friends, so can you into yours?
electronic kettles,snacks and instant tea tered up courage try to fix things up, but Its too late now. Who NANDINI SHARMA, X, Mata Jai Kaur Public School, HITESH MEHTA, XI, Maharaja Agrasen Model School,
mix for her tower guards. and replied can we even reproach? After all, it was us. CD Block, Pitampura
Ashok Vihar

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