New Application of Engineering Material

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Materials Engineering University of Technology

University of technology
Material engineering of department
Selection Laboratory

Name of experiment (new application of engineering


Prepared by
Mohanad ali mohamed
4nd Class

To the lecture: jabbar


the purpose:-

Learn about modern applications of engineering materials.


There have been a number of science fields which have helps to producing new engineering materials.
Some of the fields are the nano engineering and the forensic engineering. Hundreds and hundreds of
scientists and inventors are working and experimenting continuously to make this world a better place
to live.These new inventions have gradually changed the course of living of people, these New
engineering materials are not a result of single engineering technology but these are obtained or
produced from a blend of different technologies. All materials are composed of grains, which in turn
comprise many atoms. These grains are usually invisible to the naked eye, depending on their size.
Conventional materials have grains varying in size anywhere from 100’s of microns ( m ) to millimeters
(mm). A micron ( m ) is a micrometer or a millionth (10–6) of a meter. An average human hair is about
100 m in diameter. A nanometer (nm) is even smaller a dimension than a m and is a billionth (10–9) of a
meter. A nanocrystalline material has grains on the order of 1-100 nm. The average size of an atom is on
the order of 1 to angstroms ( Ao ) in radius. nanometer comprises 10 Ao , and hence in one nm, there
may be 3-5 atoms, depending on the atomic radii. Nanocrystalline materials are exceptionally strong,
hard, and ductile at high temperatures, wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and chemically very active.
Nanocrystalline materials, or Nanomaterials, are also much more formable than their conventional,
commercially available counterparts. Engineering material plays an important role in the construction
and manufacturing of equipments/tools. Selection of material to the economy working and the life of
machinery. An engineer must be conversant/awarded with the properties, uses, availability and the cost
of material used for the construction/fabrication to an able him to perform his function confidently.

High Temperature Polymers


Polymers or most basically known as plastics are found almost anywhere and everywhere. There are
plastics used for various applications. This paper discusses the special type of polymers -the high
temperature polymers, its definition, properties, design, structure, tests and the various applications in
the many industries today. Also specified here is one of the types of the polymer, the polyimide, its
properties and many applications in many industries. Finally, this paper discusses the high temperature
polymers in its futuristic possibilities in world-wide industries application and the innovations on-going.


Polymers or most ordinarily known as plastics is used abundantly in a wide range of applications. In fact,
they are seen almost anywhere in our daily lives. Polymers are those substances that are composed of
individual monomers cross linked with long chains and bonds. They are composed of a long chain of
carbon backbone constituted with other elemental contributions such as O,N,S,F, Si and S. Polymers are
organic materials. Generally, their basic properties include lightweight, good insulation properties,
ductile, low strength, and good noise and vibration dampers.There are plastics used widely in many
industries and can even be seen in everyday lives. Majority of the packaging materials seen today uses
polymers with varying densities. Polymer molecular structures are large with complex bonds and chains.
There are high density polymers and low density polymers. As per molecular structure, these polymers
differ in their chain length, chain branching and the inter-chain bonds (Reusch).As a common
misconception, polymers are said to be applied in low temperatures as they are known to degrade
immediately with the presence of heat and exposure to high temperature. There is however, a special
kind of polymer- the high temperature polymer that exudes exemplary properties greatly superior than
ordinary ones. Their applications are slowly introduced in the market and little by little replace the more
conventional structural materials.

High Temperature Polymers: Definition and Properties

Plastics as considered with their physical appearance are not known to be used in high temperatures
due to misconception that they easily melt with application of heat. This may be true somehow as most
plastics found in nature are easily destructed with high temperature. However, there are some kinds of
plastics that are designed differently from all the rest. Indeed, there are plastics and polymers that are
resistant with temperatures and they are guaranteed to be of best application when high temperature
and heat are concerned. High temperature polymers are those plastics that can withstand temperatures
above 135oC. They are known as the ‘commodity’ plastics and at the moment, it has increased in the
percentage in the total plastic usage (Performance 1). These are stable plastic materials derived through
lengthy and vigorous research works and innovative inventions of brilliant minds that walked through
this life that prove that the synthetic chemistry field has reached maturation. Applications of these
materials range widely as there are many technologies where these polymers are used. It is important to
note that high temperature polymers have properties that bypassed those ordinary ones. Heat transfer
is mostly through conduction. Specific heats have a range of 0.7-2.5 kJ/kg-K. Polymer composites on the
other hand have variable specific heats depending on the average weight of the components. Thermal
conductivity ranges from 0.1 -0.2 W/m-K (Tant et al 4). It is also important to note that the value may
differ when there is incorporation of other particles in the materials (5). The maximum tensile stress
application can reach from 455 kPa or 1820 kPa (6). Properties of composite polymers that are
applicable for high temperatures have higher values as compared to other materials. High temperature
polymers have other specified properties such as thermal diffusivity, glass transition temperature,
crystallization temperatures, melting temperatures, various enthalpies and others. Polymers have rather
a wide range of temperatures for melting and crystallization point depending on the overall substituent
of the material as well as the thermal history (6). High temperature polymers have a longer life when
used in various applications and the parts and ensembles can be recycled through reheating and


High temperature polymers have superior properties compared to other plastics. These materials are
generally composed of “aromatic and heterocyclic moieties linked by flexible bridging groups” (Tant et
al. 12). This general composition of the substance greatly affects the stiffness as well as the thermal
stability of the overall product manufactured. These kinds of product marketed for various applications
are added with reinforcing materials such as glass, glass beads, fibers, carbon fibers, metal fibers, carbon
black and others. In this way, their rigidity and heat distortion resistance are increased. These composite
polymers are way beyond the normal known polymers, thus, their physical arrangements and molecular
structures are not precisely known. It is important to note that the impurities included have to be
considered if whether they are present in small or large amounts. Molecular structures are can be
derived through various tests such as X-ray, infra-red, optical, thermal, nuclear magnets and other
quantitative theories (Reddish 723). There are two aspects that can be related for the design of these
composite polymers: relaxation time aspect and the magnitude aspects which differ variably with the
materials used. There are connecting links with the general nature of the polymers with regards to their
electrical properties. However, “these links are often tenous, they involve a wide range of related
experience and are often post-rationalizations rather than a priori predictions” (741).

In ordinary structures, it is easy to relate the electrical properties of the material and its structure. With
high temperature polymers, the connection between its molecular structure and measurable electrical
properties cannot just be easily simplified. They are so complex and that there is a wide range for
measurements. There are charts that are provided that attempt to be a rough representation for the
theoretical ideas and logical steps that could somehow relate the chemical structure with electrical
properties (Reddish 723). There are other studies that lead to the structural composition of high
temperature polymers. According to Asrar, J., there is “a structure-property relationship study that
showed that the polymer properties are significantly influenced by the size and position of the
substituent groups on the ring”. That is, the changes in polymer properties such as the position and size
of the substituent may be due to the various differences in the segmental motion of the backbone of the
polymer structure. It is important to design the high temperature polymers with specific assignment of
“maximum service temperature” since most polymers have certain points where they degrade thermally
showing signs of softening first. Thus, it is of optimum requirement to distinguish their ‘softening point’,
‘melting point’ and their ‘glass transition temperature’ .


There are many applications where the high temperature polymers are used. It is of prime importance
to take note of the detailed information about the material before they are being put into application.
More and more materials conventionally used are slowly being replaced by these plastics as they meet
higher product requirement, has lower overall cost, can reduce weight and many more.

Here are some of the applications for the high temperature polymers according:

Used in glass industries for heat and shock resistance.

• In aerospace/aircraft industries for heat resistance and shock resistance.

• In medical devices for sterilization and hydrolysis-proof parts.
• Various industries such as textile, office, automobile in the application for friction stressed
mechanical parts e.g. bearings, pressure discs, rollers, etc.

• For electrical engineering industry in the application of heat-resistant, high insulating,

emission proof and other applications in the making of semi-conductors.
• Used in nuclear power plants for emission-proof and radiation resistant parts.
• For high technology applications for emission proof and radiation resistant applications in X-
rays, vacuum technologies.
• Used in various ways in chemical industries.
• Wire insulation for high temperature applications in electrical engineering field.

As of now, various companies are in their continuous research in finding the most suitable materials to
be applied in many fields. Zeus Industrial Products, Inc is in their continuous innovation in the field of
surgery, such as in the construction of the most precise catheters fit for modern day surgical processes.
Also, they continuously explore the used of PTFE tubing to address the demands in aerospace industry.
These products have high potency to be used long terms especially in the exposure of high
temperatures. This advent of plastic innovations is way up to its way to replace the conventional
materials to fit the many demanding requirements of various applications.

Test Methods

There are two known test methods to determine the performance of these composite high temperature
polymers: Vicat Softening Temperature (VST) and the Deflection Temperature Under Load (DTUL).Vicat
Softening Temperature is “the temperature at which a flat-ended needle of 1 mm2 circular cross section
will penetrate a thermoplastic specimen to a depth of 1 mm under a specified load using a selected
uniform rate of temperature rise” (Standard 1). This test found in the ATSM under D 1525 with
equivalence to ISO 306 finds for that temperature where at specified controlled conditions, the neede
penetrates the specimen. This is done with the needle placed on top or on the surface of the plastic.
Then conditions introduced can be load and predefined increase of temperature. The temperature
where the plastic starts to soften and the needle’s penetration reaches 1 mm is the determination point
(Performance 2).

This test methods use apparatus such as immersion bath, heat medium transfer, specimen support,
penetration measuring device, loads or masses of suitable sizes and temperature measuring devices
such as thermocouple ( Standard, 2).The other test which is the Deflection temperature Under Load or
DTUL is a measurement of the plastic’s short term performance subjected under a load with conditions
that the level of temperature is elevated. The effect of the elevation of temperature versus the plastic’s

stiffness is being determined. The load at the surface is predetermined as well as the raise of
temperature is introduced at a uniform rate (Performance 2). There are advanced high temperature
polymers innovated and formulated. They are being manufactured for higher demand applications such
as advancements in turbine engines, sophisticated physical structure of hot and high speed aircrafts.
These composites are being tested through continuous exposure to elevated temperatures with their
results noted such as mass loss, shrinkage as well as cracking. Their behaviors toward various external
applied factors are being compared every now and them from other materials already existent in the
many industries. There are extensive testing procedures and recent development efforts in the PMR
material system to define their properties and to characterize their performance.

Examples of high temperature polymers

There are many examples of polymers that are applicable in high temperatures. Ashby Diagram is a best
diagram to use in determining the perfect use of a certain plastic relative to its temperature and
strength. According to Prof. M.Ashby of University of Cambridge, this diagram has been used in UK in
the selection of materials for certain applications. The Ashby Chart reveals the various kinds of materials
that are applicable at certain temperatures. Accordingly, here are the most suitable materials in order
(Performance 5):

• PTFE - 260 oC
• PFA - 260 oC
• PEEK - 260 oC
• FEP - 200 oC
• PEI - 180 oC
• PET/PBT - 170 oC

One of the most common types of high temperature polymers is the polyimides. It is a family of
polymers that exhibit strong resistance to heat and chemical change. They are used to replace the

conventional use of glass, metals and even steel in many industrial applications. These polymer
composites exude superior properties. They are resistant to heat and chemical. They prevent corrosion
brought about by fuel, lubricants and other coolants especially used in cars and automobiles.

Polyimides have strength and limitations. As presented by, here are the strengths and
limitations of the material:


• High mechanical performance

• Superior temperature adaptability
• Excellent tensile and compressive strength
• Outstanding chemical resistance
• Transparency in many microwave applications
• Radiation resistance
• Superior bearing and wear properties


• Has high manufacturing cost

• High temperature requirement in the processing
• Specified operating processes such as annealing operations at specified temperatures
• Sensitive to alkali and acid attacks

They are currently used in many technologies. Some of application include:

• Parts for automobiles

• Microwave cook wares
• Food packaging
• Parts for circuit boards
• Fibers for protective clothing, adhesives and other composites
• Chip trays, test holder and wafer carriers
• Electrical connectors
• Hard disk drive components
• Wire insulators
• Components in digital copiers and printers
• Components in pumps such as bearings, gears, seals and housings
• Thrust washers in automotive application

Among the many thermoplastics and high temperature polymers available in the market the polyimides
are the most stable thermally. The most common example of polyimide is the KaptonTM. Another
common type is the polyarylene ethers where the most renowned PEEK or polyetheretherketone
belongs. PEEK has extraordinary strength and incredibly tough. It is greatly resistant to moisture as well
as chemical solvent contamination. There are other examples of high temperature polymers used in
many industries. Some of them include polyarylene ethers, phenylethylnylterninated oligomers and
many more. Various researches are still going on in the innovation of the most appropriate types of
polymers suited for demanding applications in many industries. These materials are slowly replacing the
conventional materials as they are more effective and less costly.

Advantages and Disadvantages of High Temperature Plastics over Metals

High temperature thermoplastics have continuous operating temperatures of more than 150°C.
However, their high temperature resistant properties provide
These include wear and chemical resistance. High temperature plastics also provide weight savings in
many applications (e.g., automotive) and as a result are often considered for metal replacement. Table 2
summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of high temperature thermoplastics over metals.
These include wear and chemical resistance. High temperature plastics also provide weight savings in
many applications (e.g., automotive) and as a result are often considered for metal replacement. Table 2
summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of high temperature thermoplastics over metals

Advantages Over Metals Disadvantages Over Metals

• Low density
• Good noise and vibration damping • Greater thermal expansion
• Electrical and thermal insulation or • Poorer creep resistance
adjustable conductivity • Lower thermal resistance
• Good chemical and corrosion resistance • Susceptible to UV, moisture, and oxidation
• Increased design freedom • Not considered to be a vapor barrier
• Adaptable to high volume production • Lower mechanical properties
processes • Plastic parts generally must be redesigned
• Adaptable to property modification for over metal parts
specific applications

Concluding Comments

Within this brief overview we have presented some of the more important aspects of
the high-temperature properties and behavior of polymers and polymer composites, the
response of such materials in high-temperature environments, and, finally, a brief look
at some of the modern polymers used in high-temperature applications. The chapters
which follow will delve more deeply into these areas and, we hope, provide a useful resource for
scientists and engineers working in this rapidly evolving field


1-What documents and procedures should be known for a specific application?

Ans/ Before using each material, it is necessary to know the properties of that material and whether
it is appropriate for the application to be used in it, where each application requires specific
characteristics that must be taken into account in the selected materials.

2-There are many materials available on the market. Should each material be tested to see its
properties for this particular application?

Ans/ No, it is not necessary to test each material, because this substance has undergone many tests
beforehand. The properties of this material have been studied and known, since the manufacturers have
lists of the properties of the material used.

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