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Composites Science and Technology 59 (1999) 2015±2024

Determination of elastic constants of glass/epoxy unidirectional

laminates by the vibration testing of plates
A.K. Bledzki a, A. Kessler a, R. Rikards b,*, A. Chate b
Institut fuÈr Werksto€technik, UniversitaÈt-GH-Kassel, MuÈnchebergstr. 3, Kassel D-34125, Germany
Institute of Computer Analysis of Structures, Riga Technical University, Kalku iela 1, LV-1658 Riga, Latvia

Received 9 November 1998; received in revised form 2 March 1999; accepted 9 April 1999

Identi®cation of elastic properties of unidirectional glass/epoxy laminates from the measured eigenfrequencies has been per-
formed. The sti€ness of the laminates has been investigated by a mixed numerical/experimental method employing the vibration
test of plates. Elastic constants of laminates have been determined by using an identi®cation procedure based on experiment design,
the ®nite-element method and the response-surface approach. Elastic properties of laminates with two di€erent ®bre-surface
treatments have been compared. It was found that only for the transverse elastic modulus is there a statistically signi®cant di€erence
between the composites with good and poor ®bre/matrix adhesion. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Composites; B. Surface treatments; C. Laminates; C. Elastic properties

1. Introduction Conventional methods for determining sti€ness para-

meters of the composite materials are based on direct
The transverse properties of unidirectional composite measurement of strain ®elds. Boundary e€ects, sample-
laminates such as sti€ness, strength, delamination frac- size dependencies and diculties in obtaining homo-
ture toughness, etc., depend on the ®bre/matrix adhe- geneous stress and strain ®elds are some of the most
sion quality. The in¯uence of interfacial e€ects on the serious problems. Because of this, indirect methods have
mechanical properties have been studied in Refs. [1±6] recently received increasing attention. One such indirect
and others. Di€erent experimental, analytical and method is based on measurements of the structure
numerical methods have been used in order to model response and application of the numerical±experimental
the interface behaviour. Among the experimental meth- identi®cation technique.
ods mainly are used such as ®bre pull-out, fragmenta- Mixed numerical±experimental methods are sensitive
tion, transverse tension and shear and other destructive for model errors because the numerical model is always
methods. Some non-destructive methods are discussed based on a series of hypotheses. If the real structure
in [5] and other papers. One non-destructive method for does not satisfy one or more of these hypotheses, the
studying the elastic properties of laminates is the vibra- model of the structure is evidently not appropriate.
tion test [4,7], which is based on identi®cation of elastic Since the development of mixed numerical±experi-
constants from the measured natural frequencies. mental techniques for material identi®cation is aimed at
During recent years investigations for developing a obtaining a practical method which yields quick and
new technique for material identi®cation, the so-called reliable results, much research has been done in order to
mixed numerical±experimental technique, have started minimise these model errors [8,20,21].
[8±19]. The determination of sti€ness parameters for In the meantime many di€erent approaches were
complex materials such as ®bre-reinforced composites is produced for identi®cation of the physical parameters
much more complicated than for isotropic materials directly characterising structural behaviour (i.e.
since composites are anisotropic and non-homogeneous. Young's modulus and density of the material). In [11]
appropriate comparisons were made between actual
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +371-708-9264; fax: +371-782-0094. eigenfrequencies of an existing structure and those
E-mail address: (R. Rikards) obtained through the ®nite-element analysis. This led to
0266-3538/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0266-3538(99)00059-7
2016 A.K. Bledzki et al. / Composites Science and Technology 59 (1999) 2015±2024

the identi®cation of parameters which can be used for types of surface treatments. The ®rst type was treated by
the model calibration as well as for the detection of epoxy dispersion with aminosilane to promote good
damaged zones in the structure. ®bre/matrix adhesion. More details about this ®bre
Numerical±experimental identi®cation methods are treatment can be found in [28,29]. For this composite
mainly used in structural applications [8±19]. For the notation EP is used. The second type was sized with
example, in [8] elastic properties of laminated compo- polyethylene to prevent ®bre/matrix adhesion. For this
sites have been identi®ed by using experimental eigen- composite the notation PE is used. A Ciba Geigy Ltd.
frequencies. The sti€ness parameters were identi®ed Araldite epoxy system (LY556/917/DY070) with an
from the measured natural frequencies of the laminated ultimate tensile strain of 3.3% was used as the matrix
composite plate by direct minimisation of the identi®- material.
cation functional. A similar approach to identifying the Unidirectionally reinforced test samples were pro-
sti€ness properties of the laminated composites was duced on a winding machine. The content of micropores
used in [18,19,22]. In [20] an improved plate model was was below 0.75% by volume. The glass ®bre-reinforced
used for identi®cation of elastic constants of the lami- plates (see Fig. 1) were prepared with given geometric
nate. In [23] it was shown that the mixed numerical± parameters. The total number of plies was eight in order
experimental method can also be used for identi®cation to get a plate thickness of approximately 2 mm. The EP
of damping properties of polymeric composites. and PE laminates were produced by following the stan-
In the present study the numerical±experimental dard cure cycle recommended by Ciba Geigy Ltd. To
method for identi®cation of mechanical properties of improve the quality of the plates and to reduce the void
laminated polymeric composites from the experimental content, the plates were placed in a vacuum before cur-
results of the structure response has been further devel- ing. Specimens were cut out with a diamond wheel and
oped. The di€erence between the conventional [8,20] kept under standard conditions (23 C and 50% of rela-
and the present approach is that, instead of direct tive humidity) until testing. All tests were performed in
minimisation of the identi®cation function, experimental the same conditions. The ®bre content of the specimens
design is used, by which response surfaces of the func- was about 50‹1.5 vol%. The density was measured for
tion to be minimised are obtained. The response surface each specimen. The specimen geometric parameters and
approximations are obtained by using information on density  for the unidirectionally (UD) reinforced PE
the behaviour of a structure in the reference points of composite plates are presented in Table 1. Similar data
the experiment design. Note that ®nite-element model- for the EP composite plates were given in [7].
ling of the structure is performed only in the reference
points. The function to be minimised describes the 2.2. Vibration tests
di€erence between the measured and numerically calcu-
lated parameters of the response of structure. By mini- The eigenfrequencies of the test plates were measured
mising the function the identi®cation parameters were by a real-time television (TV) holography. The samples
obtained. The method was employed to identify the having mean dimensions of 140 mm140 mm2 mm
elastic properties of the laminates from the measured were hung upon two threads in order to simulate free±
eigenfrequencies of the plates. The main advantage of the free boundary conditions. The sample was located in
present method is a signi®cant reduction of the compu- front of the holographic testing device. A piezoelectric
tational e€ort. Previously this method was used for the resonator (sensor) was glued on one corner to excite the
solution of the optimum design problems [24±27]. sample plate at increasing frequencies. The sensor is of
In the present study the numerical±experimental
method has been applied for identi®cation of elastic
properties of glass/epoxy laminates with two di€erent
®bre-surface treatments. Experiments were performed
on laminated plates and about 16 natural frequencies
were measured. Elastic properties obtained from vibra-
tion tests have been compared with those from the
transverse tensile test.

2. Experimental

2.1. Material

Unidirectionally reinforced laminates were produced

from E-glass ®bres (12 mm, 63 tex) with two di€erent Fig. 1. Geometry of the unidirectionally reinforced plate.
A.K. Bledzki et al. / Composites Science and Technology 59 (1999) 2015±2024 2017

circular shape with a diameter 25 mm located at the 3. Parameters of identi®cation and criterion
coordinates x ˆ a ÿ 12:5 mm and y ˆ b ÿ 12:5 mm (see
Fig. 1). The mass of the sensor is ms ˆ 3:5 g. The numerical±experimental method proposed for the
The plate is illuminated by laser light and imaged by identi®cation of the elastic constants from the vibration
CCD (charged couple device) array, resulting in a tests consists of the following stages. In the ®rst stage
speckled image on the PC monitor. When the plate is the physical experiments are performed. Also the para-
deformed (excited), this interference pattern is slightly meters to be identi®ed, the domain of search and criter-
modi®ed. Digital substraction of two consecutive inter- ion containing experimental data are selected. In the
ference patterns yields a fringe pattern depicting the second stage the ®nite-element method is used in order
surface displacements of the plate. The nodal lines of to model the response of the structure and calculations
the vibration modes can be easily identi®ed on the are performed in reference points of the variables to be
monitor in the form of white lines on the speckled identi®ed. The reference points are determined by using
image. The digital substraction of two consecutive pic- a method of experiment design. In the third stage the
tures helps to minimise noises, such as rigid body numerical data obtained by the ®nite-element solution
motion of the hung plate. This measurement technique in the reference points are used in order to determine
was described in more detail in [4,30]. simple functions (response surfaces) for a calculation of
Experiments were performed for all plates considered the structure response. In the fourth stage, on the basis
(see Table 1) and about 16 ¯exural eigenfrequencies of the simple models and experimentally measured
were measured. In Table 2 the most frequently found values of the structure response, the identi®cation of the
experimental plate ¯exural frequencies for the PE com- elastic properties is performed. For this a corresponding
posite are presented. The mode shapes were also recog- functional is minimised by using the method of non-
nized in the experiment. Experimentally measured linear programming.
frequencies for the EP composite were presented in [7].
3.1. Parameters of identi®cation
Table 1
Geometric parameters and density of the PE composite plates Identi®cation of parameters is performed from the
Sample a (m) b (m) 3
h  10 (m)  (kg/m ) 3 experimentally measured eigenfrequencies. It is assumed
that the plate dimensions (see Fig. 1), plate mass and the
PE01 0.1399 0.1401 2.095 1884 layer stacking sequence are known. The parameters to
PE02 0.1401 0.1401 2.072 1889 be identi®ed are ®ve elastic constants of a transversely
PE03 0.1400 0.1399 2.060 1890
PE04 0.1400 0.1401 2.070 1900
isotropic plate [8]:
PE05 0.1400 0.1404 2.010 1890
PE06 0.1401 0.1403 2.060 1900 . two Young's moduli, E1 , E2 ˆ E3
Mean 0.1400 0.1401 2.061 1892 . shear moduli, G12 ˆ G13

Table 2
Experimental plate ¯exural frequencies fi (Hz) for the PE composite

Mode Mode shape Specimens Mean

i m, n PE01 PE02 PE03 PE04 PE05 PE06

1 1.1 164 162 167 170 173 170 168

2 2.0 270 266 270 270 276 270 270
3 2.1 415 413 420 430 419 410 418
4 0.2 493 487 485 480 491 470 484
5 1.2 587 584 590 590 587 570 585
6 3.0 742 725 740 750 747 720 737
7 2.2 891 886 920 915 910 910 905
8 3.1 ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
9 3.2 ± ± 1340 ± ± ± 1340
10 0.3 ± ± ± 1340 1320 1290 1317
11 4.0 1470 1470 1470 1480 1480 1440 1468
12 4.1 1600 1600 1570 1610 1630 1560 1595
13 2.3 1750 1735 ± 1760 1760 ± 1751
14 4.2 2050 2036 2040 2100 ± ± 2057
15 3.3 2240 ± 2200 ± ± ± 2220
16 5.0 2400 2395 2320 2440 2450 2310 2386
2018 A.K. Bledzki et al. / Composites Science and Technology 59 (1999) 2015±2024

. Poisson's ratio, 12 ˆ 13 where !~ 1 is the ®rst numerical eigenfrequency calculated
E2 with the prior selected value of a longitudinal Young's
. shear modulus, G23 ˆ
2…1 ‡ 23 † modulus E01 (initial guess value) of the layer [8].

The plate is composed of unidirectionally reinforced 3.2. Identi®cation functional and minimization problem
layers with material axis 1±2±3, where 1 is the ®bre
direction and 2, 3 are directions transverse to the ®bres. The functional to be minimised describes deviation
The unidirectional layer is assumed as homogeneous between the measured !i and numerically calculated
and transversely isotropic with respect to the ®bre !~ i …x† frequencies [8]
direction. The parameters to be identi®ed can be h i2
expressed in terms of dimensionless constants [8] X
I !2i ÿ C‰!~ i …x†Š2
   … x† ˆ …6†
E2 iˆ2
2 ˆ 4 ÿ 4 ;
  It is seen that criterion (6) is a nonlinear function of
E2 G12
3 ˆ 1 ‡ …1 ÿ 212 † ÿ 4 0 ; the identi®cation parameters x. The identi®cation of the
E1 E1 elastic constants x is performed on the basis of infor-
E2 G12 mation obtained from the measurements of the I lowest
4 ˆ 1 ‡ …1 ‡ 612 † ÿ 4 0 ; frequencies. The identi®cation problem is formulated as
E1 E1
5 ˆ 4…G23 ‡ G12 † …1†
E1 min…x† …7†
Subject to constraints
0 ˆ 1 ÿ 212 …2†
E1 E2
g 1 … x† ˆ 4 ÿ 2 > 0 or >0 …8†
The inverse relations of Eqs. (1) are as follows
8 ÿ 2 ÿ 3 3 ÿ 4
g 2 … x† ˆ "    # > 0 or
E2 4 ÿ 2 G12 8 ÿ 2 ÿ 3 3 ÿ 4 4 ÿ 3 2 4 ÿ 2
ˆ ; ˆ ; 16 1 ÿ
E1 4 E1 16 0 8 ÿ 2 2 4 …9†
4 ÿ 3 G23 2 5 ÿ 0:5…8 ÿ 2 ÿ 3 3 ÿ 4 † G12
12 ˆ ; ˆ …3† >0
8 ÿ 2 2 E1 8 0 E1

Now the vector of parameters x to be identi®ed is 2 5 ÿ 0:5…8 ÿ 2 ÿ 3 3 ÿ 4 †

g 3 … x† ˆ "    # > 0 or
de®ned through dimensionless quantities i 4 ÿ 3 2 4 ÿ 2
8 1ÿ
8 ÿ 2 2 4 …10†
x ˆ ‰x1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 Š ˆ ‰ 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 Š …4†
These parameters can be evaluated through the E1
identi®cation procedure using the experimental eigen- r
frequencies of the laminated composite rectangular 4 ÿ 3 4
g4 …x† ˆ ÿ ‡ > 0 or
plate of constant thickness h, length a and width b (see 8 ÿ 2 2 4 ÿ 2
Fig. 1). r …11†
Let the experimental angular eigenfrequencies be ÿ j12 j > 0
designated by !1 ; !2 ; :::; !I , where ÿ I is the
 number of
measured eigenfrequencies fi i !~ i ˆ 2fi . The corre-
sponding numerical eigenfrequencies fi …!~ i ˆ 2fi † for min max
i 4 i 4 i ; i ˆ 2; 3; 4; 5 …12†
the set of material parameters i are represented by
!~ 1 ; !~ 2 ; :::; !~ I . Let us consider the scaling parameter C The upper max
i and the lower min
i limits of the iden-
which is chosen according to the relation [8] ti®cation parameters will be chosen di€erent for each
numerical example of identi®cation (see below). These
values determine the so called domain of interest
Cˆ ÿ  …5† (domain of search). Constraints (8)±(11) denote condi-
!~ 21 E01 tions of a positive de®nite elasticity matrix.
A.K. Bledzki et al. / Composites Science and Technology 59 (1999) 2015±2024 2019

The optimum values for the dimensionless material used by Mota Soares et al. [8] and also in [19]. On each
parameters i (i ˆ 2; 3; 4; 5) that satisfy Eq. (7) and iterative stage the eigenvalue problem for the linear
constraints (8)±(12) were obtained by using a random system was solved by the ®nite element method or by
search method [24]. The value of Young's modulus of the Ritz method and the nonlinear programming algo-
the layer in the ®bre direction E1 can be easily eval- rithm applied in order to minimise directly the identi®-
uated, since C and 0 are known. The steps of this eva- cation functional (6). Such a procedure requires very
luation are shown below. large computational e€orts.
Instead of direct minimisation of the criterion (6), a
method based on experiment design can be used. The
4. Finite-element solution selection of points in the domain of interest where the
response must be evaluated is commonly called design
The eigenvalue problem for harmonic vibrations of of experiments. The choice of experiment design can
the plate can be represented by have a large in¯uence on the accuracy of the approx-
imation and the cost of constructing the response sur-
Ku ˆ !2 Mu …13† face [33]. A commonly used experiment design is the D-
optimality criterion [34]. Other experiment design
Here K is the sti€ness matrix of the plate, M is the methods require an a priori knowledge of the functional
mass matrix and u is the displacement vector. The form of the response. This knowledge might not be
eigenvalue relation (13) for the mode u1 which corre- available. The method of experiment design in which
sponds to the ®rst experimental eigenfrequency !1 can the a priori knowledge of the functional form of the
be written in an equivalent form placing E1 in evidence: response is not necessary was proposed in [24]. This
method previously was used in the solution of optimi-
E1 K u1 ˆ !21 Mu1 …14† sation problems for sandwich and laminated composite
structures [25±27]. The identi®cation and optimum
Here E1 K ˆ K is the sti€ness matrix. Taking into design problems are very similar. In both cases the
account relation (5) this equation can be written as solution can be obtained by minimisation of the function
considered. The method of experiment design for the
CE01 K u1 ˆ C!~ 21 Mu1 …15† solution of the identi®cation problems was outlined in [7].
Further, as an example the method is shown for
hence identi®cation of elastic constants for PE composite by
the use of the mean values of plate ¯exural frequencies
E1 ˆ CE01 …16† (see last column in Table 2). The mean values of the
geometric parameters and density of the plates are taken
where E01 is the initial guess value given to the Young's from Table 1.
modulus in the ®bre direction of the layer and E1 is the Firstly the experiment design with four variables
corresponding identi®ed mechanical property. After (n=4) and 35 reference points is selected. The second
evaluation of the optimum value of x the remaining step is selection of the domain of interest. The upper
mechanical properties are calculated by inverse relations and lower limits of the identi®cation parameters are
(3). taken as follows
The eigenvalue problem (13) was solved by the sub-
space iteration method [31] and using a triangular ®nite 5 GPa4E2 440 GPa; 5 GPa4G12 430 GPa;
element of laminated thick plate with a shear correction
[32]. In order to avoid `shear locking' a selective inte- 5 GPa4G23 430 GPa; 0:2412 40:4 …17†
gration technique was applied. A 2222 regular mesh
(968 ®nite elements) was considered in order to achieve The initial guess value of Young's modulus is taken
the necessary accuracy for at least 16 ®rst eigenvalues of E01 =40 GPa, which is related to E1 by expression (16).
the laminated plate with FFFF (all edges free) bound- After selection of the domain of interest the experiment
ary conditions. design is employed. The matrix ij of the experiment
design for n ˆ 4 and k ˆ 35 is used and the parameters
of identi®cation in the reference points of the domain of
5. Method of experiment design for identi®cation interest (17) are calculated by the expression
1  max ÿ 
x…j i† ˆ xmin
j ‡ xj ÿ xmin
j Bij ÿ 1 …18†
For direct identi®cation of the elastic properties of a kÿ1
material it is necessary to perform a multiple iterated
®nite element procedure. Such a direct procedure was Here i ˆ 1; 2; :::; k and j ˆ 1; 2; :::; n.
2020 A.K. Bledzki et al. / Composites Science and Technology 59 (1999) 2015±2024

Further, in these reference points (18) the ®nite-ele-

ment solution of the eigenvalue problem (13) is per-
formed and at least 16 ®rst numerical frequencies of the
PE composite are obtained for each reference point. A
similar procedure was repeated also for the other plates

6. Approximation of the response surface

Techniques from experiment design and response-

surface methodology [35] are used to build the approx-
imate models from the data in the reference points.
Information on the behaviour of an object can be
obtained from the computer solution in the reference
points of the experiment design. The information can be Fig. 2. Diagram of the term reduction for the function f1 (x).
represented as a data table, where the response function
y…x† of the object is to be in relationship with the variables
x. In our case there are four identi®cation variables composite plate (mean values of geometric parameters
representing the elastic constants of the material. The goal and experimentally measured frequencies) is given by
is, by using the data only in the reference points [in our expression with eight terms:
case these data are obtained by the ®nite-element solu-
tion of the eigenvalue problem (13) in the reference f1 …x† ˆ 158:5 ÿ 4:3z1 ÿ 15:44z2 ÿ 8:14z3
points], to obtain the relation y…x† in the mathematical
form or the so-called response surface. Here such ‡ 0:234z4 ÿ 0:567z22 ÿ 1:43z2 z3
mathematical models (response surfaces) have been
obtained for the ®rst 16 eigenfrequencies of the lami- ÿ 0:454z1 z2 …19†
nated plate.
The existing methods of regression analysis are based where the normalised variables zi are introduced:
on the principle that the equation form is known a
priori, and the problem is to ®nd coecients of the z1 ˆ ÿ28:5 ‡ 10x1 ; z2 ˆ ÿ5:84 ‡ 8:67x2 ;
equation. However, in most cases the form of the equa-
tion must also be determined. Such a method was pro- z3 ˆ ÿ6:07 ‡ 4:43x3 ; z4 ˆ ÿ3:39 ‡ 3:83x4 …20†
posed earlier [24±27] to obtain a simple mathematical
model for the structural optimisation problems. This Here the identi®cation parameters x are related to the
method was brie¯y outlined and applied to the identi®- elastic constants of the layer by Eqs. (1)±(3). Similar
cation problems in [7]. models (response surface) to expression (19) were also
Further, the procedure to get the approximation y…x† obtained for the other frequencies and for other plate
for the ®rst natural frequency f1 of the PE composite specimens (PE01±PE06).
plate is shown. In order to obtain the equation of Note that there are no general rules for the procedure
regression, the resint program [24] was employed. In of reduction of terms in the model (response-surface
this program the perspective functions are selected by function) and it is necessary to acquire some experience
using the least-squares estimation. Then a step-by-step to obtain appropriate function. Another possibility for
reduction procedure of the number of terms in the building a model is using engineering knowledge of the
model is applied. The diagram of reduction of terms in true functional form of the response [36].
the model for the ®rst frequency is shown in Fig. 2. It is
seen that the ®rst break in the diagram corresponds to
the regression equation with eight terms. The second 7. Results of identi®cation for the PE composite
break corresponds to the expression with four terms.
This means that the model with eight terms should be Identi®cation of the elastic constants of the PE com-
chosen. On eliminating the eighth term, the correlation posite from the measured eigenfrequencies was per-
with the data of numerical experiment decreases more in formed in two di€erent ways. In the ®rst approach the
comparison with the previous step of reduction. In the identi®cation was carried out for each sample (PE01±
expression with four terms, only three parameters of PE06). In the second approach the mean values of
identi®cation are presented. Thus, the simple model the measured frequencies (see Table 2) were taken for the
(response surface) for the ®rst frequency of the PE identi®cation. Such a method can be realised since the
A.K. Bledzki et al. / Composites Science and Technology 59 (1999) 2015±2024 2021

geometric parameters and density of the samples (see points and the function (response surface) obtained by
Table 1) are almost the same for all specimens and the the approximation have been selected. Such selection is
scatter of the measured frequencies is rather small (see necessary in order to minimise the approximation
Table 2). However, since frequencies are very sensitive errors. The vibration modes selected for identi®cation
to thickness h and density  of the plate, in the case of are given in Table 4. In the last row (Mean) the vibra-
larger scatter of the measurements the ®rst approach tion modes selected for identi®cation from the mean
must be used, i.e. the identi®cation of the elastic con- values (the second approach) are presented.
stants should be performed for each specimen. Veri®cation of the results was performed by the ®nite-
For the plate specimen with a sensor there are some element method (FEM) and through the independent
di€erences in calculation of the mass matrix M in Eq. experiments. For the ®nite-element analysis the elastic
(13) in comparison with the plate without sensor. In constants obtained by the identi®cation procedure were
order to represent more accurately the inertia forces of used [see Table 3, the mean values …2† ]. Results are
the plate, the mass of sensor ms should be taken into shown in Table 5. Residuals were calculated by the
account. In the ®nite-element modelling it is assumed expression
that the ®nite elements where the sensor is located have
the same thickness h as the plate, but for these ®nite f FEM
i …x † ÿ f exp
i ˆ  100 …21†
elements an equivalent density eqv is calculated: f exp

eqv ˆ  ‡
Fs h

Here Fs is the area of the sensor. 7.1. Comparison with independent tests
Results of identi®cation are presented in Table 3.
Utilising the ®rst way the elastic constants were identi- It is of interest to compare the elastic constants
®ed for each specimen using the data from Tables 1 and obtained from the vibration test through the identi®ca-
2, and then the mean values …1† and standard devia- tion (see Table 3) with the values obtained by the inde-
tions s…1† were calculated. In the second approach at the pendent tension test. The same PE composite was tested
beginning the mean values of frequencies (see Table 2) in static tension transverse to the ®bres [4]. The compo-
and geometric parameters (see Table 1) were calculated. site also was tested in the ®bre direction.
These mean values were used as input data and then the Results obtained by independent tests are compared
identi®cation procedure was applied. The results in Table 6. For the tension test in the ®bre direction,
obtained by identi®cation utilising the second way are six specimens were tested. In the tension test transverse
also given in Table 3 and denoted by …2† . to the ®bre direction, eight specimens were tested. The
In Table 3 it is seen that results for the in-plane elastic data reduction was performed according to DIN 53457
constants E1 ; E2 ; G12 and 12 obtained by both approa- and DIN 29971, i.e. the modulus E1 was calculated as a
ches are in good agreement. The transverse shear mod- slope between the points for the strain level 0.05 and
ulus G23 can not be reliable determined from the 0.25%, and the modulus E2 was calculated as a slope
measured frequencies since the plates were too thin between the points for the stress at 10 and at 50% of the
(h=a=1/70) for identi®cation of this property. In this maximum stress [4]. The sample mean and standard
case thick plates should be used. deviations are presented.
It should be noted that the number of frequencies In order to evaluate the di€erences between the values
which were selected for the identi®cation was di€erent obtained by independent tests the methods of statistics
for di€erent specimens. For the identi®cation only the should be applied. The t-test [38] for comparing mean
modes with a high values of the coecient of correlation values of two normal distributions (variances being
(correlation higher than 98%) between the data equal) was employed. Assuming the two mean values of
obtained by the ®nite-element solution in the reference the test groups 1 (vibration test) and 2 (tension test)

Table 3
Elastic constants of the PE composite obtained by identi®cation

Property PE01 PE02 PE03 PE04 PE05 PE06 …1†  s…1† …2†

E1 (GPa) 38.69 40.12 39.80 38.75 39.57 36.16 38.84‹1.44 39.15

E2 (GPa) 11.80 11.80 12.16 12.30 12.67 11.99 12.12‹0.33 12.16
G12 (GPa) 4.65 4.67 5.01 5.19 5.73 5.26 5.09‹0.41 5.11
G23 (GPa) 4.90 7.19 1.31 2.78 7.71 ± 4.78‹2.76 2.06
12 0.263 0.213 0.137 0.315 0.358 0.246 0.255‹0.077 0.269
2022 A.K. Bledzki et al. / Composites Science and Technology 59 (1999) 2015±2024

Table 4
Vibration modes used for identi®cation

Plate Mode i

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

PE01 + + + ÿ + + + ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ + + + ÿ ÿ
PE02 + + + ÿ + + + ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ + + + ÿ ÿ
PE03 + + + ÿ + + ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ + ÿ + ÿ ÿ
PE04 + + + ÿ + + ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ + + + ÿ ÿ
PE05 + ÿ + + + ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ + + ÿ ÿ ÿ
PE06 + + ÿ + + + ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ + ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
Mean + + + + + + + ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ + + + + ÿ

Table 5 level on n1 ‡ n2 ÿ 2 degrees of freedom. These values

Flexural frequencies fi (Hz) (i ˆ 1; 2; :::; 16) and residuals i for PE can be obtained from the t-tables [38].
composite Using the t-test for comparing the vibration test
Mode i FEM Exp. i (%) Used in identi®cation results for E1 (group 1, number of samples n1 ˆ 6) and
the tension test results (group 2, number of samples
1 168 167.9 0.06 +
2 270.5 266.4 1.37 +
n2 ˆ 6) the expression on the left hand side of Eq. (22) is
3 418 430.7 3.04 + 0:868 < t0:025;10 ˆ 2:228. For calculations the 95% con-
4 477 484.5 0.10 + ®dence level was assumed, i.e. signi®cance level
5 585 588.3 0.56 + ˆ 0:05. Therefore, the results of t-test shows that for
6 737 740.7 0.50 + E1 there is no statistically signi®cant di€erence between
7 905 887.6 1.31 +
8 ± 919.6 ± ÿ
the values obtained by the tension and vibration tests
9 1340 1382 3.13 ÿ (the t-test passes).
10 1317 1320 0.23 ÿ Utilising the t-test for comparing the vibration test
11 1468 1449 1.29 ÿ results for E2 (group 1, number of samples n1 ˆ 6) and
12 1595 1588 0.44 + the tension test results (group 2, number of samples
13 1751 1737 0.80 +
14 2057 2073 0.78 +
n2 ˆ 8) according Eq. (22) the t-test fails, i.e. the
15 2220 2232 0.54 + expression on the left hand side of Eq. (22) is
16 2386 2337 2.06 ÿ 11:62 > t0:025;12 ˆ 2:179. So, the t-test shows that there
is a statistically signi®cant di€erence between the values
obtained by the transverse tension and vibration test
Table 6 (the t-test fails). For the transverse modulus E2 the
Elastic constants for Pe composite obtained by independent tests values obtained in the vibration test are higher. The
Property Tension test [4] Vibration test reason is that in the vibration test a dynamic (storage)
modulus is measured. Since the epoxy matrix is a visco-
E1 (GPa) 39.50‹1.18 38.84‹1.44 elastic material the storage modulus could be higher
E2 (GPa) 8.47‹1.76 12.12‹0.33
than the static one. The in¯uence of the viscoelastic
behaviour is more signi®cant in the direction transverse
to the ®bres. Since the glass ®bres can be assumed as
an elastic material the in¯uence of the viscoelastic
are equal, then the sample means x1 and x2 will not behaviour of the matrix in the ®bre direction is smaller.
di€er signi®cantly at some con®dence level if Other reason of di€erences is that in the static tensile
test after few loading steps due to poor ®bre/matrix
j x2 ÿ x 1 j adhesion a break in the stress/strain curve can be
…n1 ÿ 1†s1 ‡ …n2 ÿ 1†s22 1
1 observed (see Fig. 3). For this test the modulus E2 was
‡ calculated as a slope between the points for the stress at
n1 ‡ n2 ÿ 2 n1 n2
10 and at 50% of the maximum stress. Due to the non-
< t =2; n1 ‡ n2 ÿ 2 …22† linearity in the stress/strain diagram the value of E2
calculated in such a way is rather a secant modulus than
Here, s1 , s2 are the standard deviations and n1 , n2 are modulus of elasticity. For the material in which ®bre/
the number of samples in the specimen groups 1 and 2, matrix debonding occurs in the ®rst few steps of loading
respectively. On the right hand side of Eq. (22) it is dicult to measure the transverse modulus of
t =2; n1 ‡ n2 ÿ 2 is the Student's coecient for the signi®cance elasticity in the static test. On the other hand for the
A.K. Bledzki et al. / Composites Science and Technology 59 (1999) 2015±2024 2023

Table 7
Comparison of di€erent properties

Property Test EP composite PE composite t-test (22)

E1 (GPa) Vibration 39.03‹1.14 38.84‹1.44 Pass

E1 (GPa) Tension [4] 38.45‹1.62 39.50‹1.18 Pass
E2 (GPa) Vibration 12.69‹0.20 12.12‹0.33 Fail
E2 (GPa) Tension [4] 10.35‹0.69 8.47‹1.76 Fail
G12 (GPa) Vibration 5.33‹0.23 5.09‹0.41 Pass

compared (see Table 7). For the all elastic constants

statistics are available and according to Eq. (22) the t-
test has been performed. Results of the t-test are pre-
sented in the last column. Comparing the composites
PE and EP it can be concluded that for both the vibra-
Fig. 3. Typical stress/strain diagram in transverse tension for PE tion and the tension test there is no statistically sig-
ni®cant di€erence between the values E1 (the t-test
passes). The same can be concluded for the inplane
shear modulus G12 . At the same time for the sti€ness
property transverse to the ®bre direction E2 for both the
vibration and the transverse tension test there is a sta-
tistically signi®cant di€erence between the composites
PE and EP (the t-test fails). The transverse sti€ness for the
PE composite with poor ®bre/matrix adhesion is lower.

9. Conclusions

The main advantage of the present identi®cation

method is signi®cant reduction (about 50±100 times) of
the computational e€orts in calculating the numerical
frequencies, which participate in the functional to be
minimised. Another advantage of the identi®cation
Fig. 4. Typical stress/strain diagram in transverse tension for EP method used is that all elastic constants are determined
only from one vibration test by using a plate sample.
Thus, the material is not destroyed by cutting samples
material with good ®bre/matrix adhesion (EP compo- in order to determine di€erent elastic constants. Com-
site) the stress/strain curve is nearly linear till ultimate paring elastic properties for the composites with good
stress (see Fig. 4) and the value of E2 can be measured (EP composite) and poor (PE composite) ®bre/matrix
in the static test [4]. For the EP composite the E2 mod- adhesion it was shown that the transverse sti€ness for
ulus obtained in the vibration test [7] is also about 20% the PE composite is lower. The t-test shows that there is
higher than modulus obtained in the static tensile test. a statistically signi®cant di€erence for E2 values
This could be due to the in¯uence of viscoelasticity in obtained in the vibration and the static tension test.
the dynamic test.

8. Comparison of elastic properties for PE and EP
composites The investigations concerning the development of the
identi®cation method for elastic properties of laminated
In order to compare the laminates with good ®bre/ composites were sponsored through Grant 96.0504. The
matrix adhesion (EP composite) and poor ®bre/matrix authors are pleased to acknowledge the ®nancial sup-
adhesion (PE composite), di€erent material properties port by the Latvian Council of Science. Thanks are also
can be used. For example, in [4] the transverse strength due to German Federal Ministry of Science and Tech-
and in [37] the interlaminar fracture toughness properties nology (Grant WTZ LET010.97) and Latvian Ministry
have been compared for the same composites con- of Education and Science (Grant 6292/98) for their
sidered here. In the present paper elastic properties are generous support of this paper.
2024 A.K. Bledzki et al. / Composites Science and Technology 59 (1999) 2015±2024

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