Significant Observation

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Learning objectives for the period : 1 July 2019 to 15 Nov 2019 Semester : 2

Name of Student : Ng Xin Lin (F) D.O.B : 15 October 2010

Form Teacher : Ms Rosheni Nedumaran Class : A3-1

Attendance (min 90%) : Regular / Irregular


Xin Lin a cheerful and active student. Her ability to express her emotions has improved greatly this
year, thereby marking encouraging improvement in her regulation as well. She is now, able to better
manage her emotions and takes a shorter time to regulate.

Xin Lin follows classroom routines and visual instructions well. She is able to stay on seat and keeps
her focus during group activities, for a longer period of time. She may need movement breaks often
but is able to come back to the work or activity and sees it to completion.

Xin Lin continues to excel in her academic subjects. She has a high interest and forte in phonics
and reading. She enjoys singing and reading and is highly motived by school excursions. She also
enjoys playing with her peers and seeks their interaction spontaneously. She has been a pleasure
to have had in the classroom this year.

Signature of Parent Signature of Teacher

Signature of Principal

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