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Decision Support for Tactical Decision Making Under Stress*

Susan G. Hutchins,1 Richard T. Kelly,2 and Jeffrey G. Morrison3

C3 Academic Group, Naval Postgraduate School, 5589 Dyer Road,
Code CC, Monterey, CA 93943
Pacific Science & Engineering Group, Inc., 6310 Greenwich Drive,
Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92122
Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance Center RTD&E Division,
Code 44210, San Diego, CA 92152-5001

Abstract predicting which preplanned responses and/or

countermeasures may be effective if the situation
A decision support system was designed for evolves in
naval shipboard command-level decision- _______________________________________
makers to enhance decisionmaking in a lit-
* Funding for this research was received from the Cognitive and
toral environment or in any short-fused,
Neural Science and Technology Division of the Office of Naval
ambiguous, decisionmaking situation. De- Research.
sign of the prototype DSS was based on (1) certain ways; and (3) interpreting information to
an understanding of the cognitive strategies determine whether the situation actually is evolv-
people bring to bear when dealing with the ing a particular way. An additional task is to en-
types of decisions requir-ed in tactical deci- sure that team members provide critical informa-
sionmaking, (2) applying human-system in- tion that would enable the team to resolve ambi-
terface design principles which are ex- guities. The six modules which comprise the DSS
pected to help compensate for human cog- were designed to facilitate the decisionmakers'
nitive processing limitations, and (3) the ex- performance of the tasks listed above and, in gen-
tensive involvement of subject matter ex- eral, promote an accurate situation awareness
perts with vast command decisionmaking while minimizing the decision-maker's cognitive
experience. Each DSS module will be de- processing requirements.
scribed in terms of what decision/s it is de- This paper is intended as a companion paper
signed to support. to the papers on principles for aiding complex
military decisionmaking (Hutchins, Morrison, &
1 Introduction
Kelly, 1996) and the empirical evaluation of the
The decision support system (DSS) was devel- decision support system (Kelly, Hutchins, & Mor-
oped for the command-level decisionmakers rison, 1996). Topics to be discussed include the
within a Navy combat information center—the functionality of the six decision support modules
commanding officer and the tactical action officer. and the differences between existing tactical sys-
These two officers are responsible for the follow- tems and the DSS developed under the Tactical
ing combat-related decisions: (1) recognizing and Decision-Making Under Stress (TADMUS) pro-
correctly interpreting the nature of the threat; (2) gram. These differences include (1) the presenta-
tion of synthesized data to support critical sub-
tasks; (2) constructing explan-ations for the avail- which is required of the user with the command
able evidence; (3) evaluating the plausibility of type display. The analogy in the TADMUS DSS
hypotheses regarding the situation; (4) providing situation is the decisionmaker would want to
the ability to compare multiple hypotheses; (5) mentally create a list of reasons, or a checklist, for
processing and presenting infor-mation in a for- why the track ought to be engaged before issuing
mat that parallels the decision-maker’s cognitive the “engage” command. The severity of the results
strategies; (6) prompting the user regarding re- in the decisions to be made demands that the user
quired responses; and (7) providing a better map- have the ability to verify the accuracy of the rec-
ping between the geograph-ical display of data ommended action (Crocoll and Coury, 1990).
and alerts. In addition, one of the unique aspects Several modules included in the DSS incorporate
of the TADMUS program at NRaD has been the elements of both types of displays. This is best
extensive involvement of subject matter experts illustrated in the response manager which is de-
(SMEs). These SMEs have vast command deci- scribed in section 2.1.3.
sionmaking experience as well as an understand-
ing of current Navy procedures and capabilities 2 Decision Support System Description
across relevant tactical scenarios.
Currently available decision support systems typi-
1.1 Status and Command Displays cally provide indications of the presence of vari-
ous data items and their values. Indications of the
All modules included in the DSS are what are re- relations between features, structural similar-ity
ferred to as “status” displays, as opposed to between sequences of features, or evidence of un-
“command” displays, in the human factors liter- derlying relationships among features is usually
ature (viz., Andre & Wickens, 1992). A command not depicted. The TADMUS decision support
display tells the user what to do without display- tools were designed to provide precisely these
ing the reasons for the command. Status displays types of evidence. All of the DSS modules focus
include the “why” information, informing the user on providing information to the user in a manner
regarding what is known about the current situa- that will support situation awareness. These mod-
tion. A separate, yet related, idea is that informa- ules will be discussed in terms of the underlying
tion is not filtered. User’s who participated in theoretical concepts and in terms of the expected
subjective evaluation studies of earlier versions of payoff for each decision support tool.
the DSS indicated they wanted to have access to The experimental DSS receives tactical data
the raw data when making decisions to engage input from many sources, integrates the data to
(Rummel, 1995). All modules were developed to present a synthesized picture, and displays it in
support the decisionmaker in performing the req- various ways for aiding individual subtasks. (This
uisite tasks without removing the user from the tactical data is inserted directly into the DSS from
decisionmaking process. Hence, raw data can be the scenario generator in the Decision-Making
displayed when requested for any contact. Evaluation Facility for Tactical Teams Laboratory
Research indicates that providing decision where this research was conducted. This informa-
support in the form of status displays increases the tion would come from the various sensor systems
accuracy of comprehending system states (i.e., found aboard ship in the operational application of
situation awareness). Andre and Wickens attribut- DSS.)
ed the superior performance of subjects with a
status aid as resulting from negating the decision- 2.1 Decision Support System Modules
maker’s need to “traverse the display processing
stages in the reverse order (i.e., from a com- The prototype DSS comprises the six display
manded response to a cognitive interpretation),” modules shown in Figure 1. These modules are
arranged according to an increasing level of in- The lower half of the display presents the ba-
formation complexity from top to bottom of the sis for assessment, comparison to normal values,
display. The top half of the display contains the and the track priority listing and alerts modules.
track summary (upper left corner), track history, Basis for assessment and the comparison to nor-
and the response manager modules. (The track mal values modules provide more detailed analy-
history module occupies the rectangle in the upper sis of a single contact while the alerts and track
right-hand corner and the circular display below priority listing (bottom of the display) presents
track summary in the upper left. These two areas information on all contacts currently requiring at-
present different views of the same information tention or action.
and are thus considered as one module.) These
2.1.1 Track Summary
three modules focus on analysis and identification
of a single contact and would be used to make a Track summary presents current data for a se-
quick shoot/no-shoot decision. lected track (bearing, range, course, speed,

Figure 1. Decision Support System Developed for the TADMUS Program.

altitude, etc.) but with an improved human- information was much easier to read in this for-
computer interface format. As shown in Figure 2, mat. An additional item included in this module is
all data items are appropriately labeled and the DSS assessment, that is, whether the track is
aligned to facilitate extraction of key parameters considered a threat or a non-threat.
by the user. Subjects who participated in the em-
pirical evaluation of the DSS remarked that the
The track history module depicts a track’s
speed, altitude, course and range on a two-
dimensional graphical display along with a geo-
metric representation of both the track’s worst
case weapon release envelope and own-ship’s
weapons coverage. A large amount of parametric
data is portrayed graphically for rapid assimilation
by the user. The track history module is designed
to be used when the decisionmaker has to make a
rapid shoot/no-shoot decision. Changes in the
Figure 2. Track Summary Module. track’s speed, course, altitude or range are imme-
diately apparent with this graphical depiction of
2.1.2 Track History the track history. This graphical representation
When a rapid decision is required regarding was hypothesized to be particularly useful, as in
whether the track should be engaged, the track previous systems the user had to remember the
history and response manager modules should previous parameter values (e.g., speed, altitude)
present useful assistance in two ways: by facili- and compare them with the current values for
tating the decisionmakers' use of a recognitional those parameters. However, as short-term memory
strategy when developing a threat assessment (via degrades under stress, the user may not be able to
track history) and by assisting the decisionmaker accurately perform this function.
in performing the requisite actions. For tasks in- 2.1.3 Response Manager
volving rapid decisionmaking (e.g., several sec-
onds to one or two minutes) a recognitional strat- The response manager, depicted in Figure 4, pro-
egy appears to be highly efficient (Klein, 1993). vides assistance in using preplanned responses.
The track history module, depicted in Figure 3, This decision support module was designed spe-
was designed to support the recognition-primed cifically to mitigate errors document-ed in previ-
decision (RPD) model of decisionmaking. To ous research (Hutchins & Kowalski, 1993;
generate a reasonable course of action, the deci- Hutchins & Westra, 1995). The response manager
sionmaker must accurately identify familiar ele- was developed to provide support to the user re-
ments in the situation. The objective for this mod- garding required actions and when they need to be
ule is to facilitate the track identification process taken, and to lesson the task load imposed on the
by providing information that is integrated in a user's limited attentional resources during high
way that supports a recognitional decision strat- track density. Maintaining an awareness of the
egy. The track history module presents a highly status of each track and the status of many actions
synthesized view of the situation regarding a spe- to be taken by the CIC team (e.g., issuing warn-
cific track. ings, illuminating with radar, executing electronic
support measures
Figure 3. Track History Module.

packages, verifying airspace, readying self- track's response to these various actions were—
defense systems, making reports to the battle severely taxes the decisionmaker's working
group commander, etc.)—as well as what the memory.
During TADMUS baseline experiments, the
majority of documented errors involved errors of

Figure 4. Response Manager Module.

omission, e.g., failure to take defensive measures, non that increasing stress leads to decreasing
and failure to adhere to rules of engagement working memory is well documented (e.g.,
(ROE). The cause of these failures to take re- Hockey, 1986). Effective maintenance of the
quired actions is, in many cases, attributed to the queue of pending tasks requires considerable cog-
extremely high task demands levied on the deci- nitive effort.
sionmaker by the scenario. The scenarios were Competent management of the task constella-
intentionally developed to be highly stressful (al- tion requires that the decisionmaker respond to
beit realistic) by including high levels of ambigu- each task, ideally at the most efficient possible
ity, workload, and time-pressure. The phenome- moment, or minimally before it is too late. This
requires the person to stay abreast of the urgen-
2.1.4 Basis for Assessment
cies, opportunities, and constraints on all of the
tasks. The response manager module graphically Basis for assessment, depicted in Figure 5, is
depicts preplanned responses which need to be based on a model of a cognitive strategy employed
taken regarding a selected track, using a series of in making decisions where the decisionmaker is
bars (on a range scale) that show the earliest and confronted with a situation involving contradic-
latest time each action can be taken to be effec- tory or incomplete information. In this situation,
tive. This module also depicts the track’s current the decisionmaker constructs a causal model
speed and range via a moving pointer that indi- which explains the available evidence. This strat-
cates where the track is in relation to the various egy is known as explanation-based reasoning, or
actions which need to be taken. The response story generation (Pennington & Hastie, 1993). In
manager module thus cues the decision-maker to this approach, available data are assembled into
take actions specified by the ROE or ship's battle explanatory structures, with one structure for each
orders. Color coding is used to keep track of possible conclusion. Each of the explanations at-
which actions have been taken and which actions tempts to explain how every piece of data can be
remain to be taken. accounted for in support of each conclusion, even Example of Integrated Command and Status
though some of the data items would naturally
Display contradict reaching some conclusions. Contradic-
tory data are explained through the use of internal
Within each bar the action to be taken is listed assumptions. It is assumed that there are a fixed
(such as, execute EW packages), which represents number of predefined possible conclusions and
the command type of information. This module each data item points directly to one of those pos-
also depicts the track’s current speed and range sible conclusions.
via a moving pointer that indicates where the track
is in relation to the various actions which need to Avoiding Decision Biases
be taken. This synthesized representation of kine- Basis for assessment, shown in Figure 5, pro-
matic information thus presents the “why” infor- vides a contact threat assessment and presents all
mation: “this track is now at a range where the information used to form the assessment. Ba-
chaff/jamming/etc. would be effective.” The goal sis for assessment will usually generate multiple
is not to subject the decisionmaker to a “checklist hypotheses to explain the available evidence be-
mentality” where individual initiative has been cause many of the contacts behave in a way that
removed, but to have the response manager act as makes determining whether they are a threat or
an “intelligent” assistant, keeping track of actions non-threat very difficult due to the
taken and suggesting future actions in a timely

Figure 5. Basis for Assessment.

inherent ambiguity in the scenarios. In addition to Avoiding "Blue-on Blue" Engagements
reflecting a naturalistic decision strategy based on
A second advantage of the threat assessment
explanation-based reasoning, this decision support
module is it should reduce the occurrence of
module should have the corollary benefit of re-
ducing decision bias. Human decisionmakers have
on-blue" incidents (fratricide) where a decision-
been shown to be deficient in generating alterna-
maker mistakenly identifies a friendly contact as
tives. Specifically, in situation assessment they
an enemy. By pointing out the counter-evidence
tend to generate only a few hypotheses based on
associated with a particular threat assessment
early data and find it difficult to enlarge their hy-
category and listing the assumptions one has to
pothesis set, even in the face of contradictory data
"buy into" to accept the conclusion that the con-
(Tolcott, 1991). Basis for assessment presents all
tact is a threat the decisionmaker may be better
the supporting evidence, counter-evidence, and
able to weigh all the information about a contact
assumptions the decision-maker would need to
and reach a more accurate assessment regarding
make to accept the presented hypothesis (that is,
its threat potential.
threat or non-threat). The advantage is that the de-
cisionmaker should be less susceptible to many of 2.1.5 Comparison to Normal Values
the typical biases which are well documented in
the decisionmaking literature, such as, "availabil- Comparison to normal values, depicted in fig-
ity" bias, "confirmation" bias, effects of "fram- ure 6, compares known information about a con-
ing," etc. (Kahneman and Tversky, 1982). By pre- tact with information representative of specific
senting all available evidence in a structured way, types of contacts. The comparison to normal val-
grouped under the three evidence categories men- ues module was designed to support the user in
tioned above, the decisionmaker is less likely to performing feature matching. Klein and associates
make a decision based on a subset of the available (Klein, 1993) found feature matching to be the
evidence. The decisionmaker will also be made predominant cognitive strategy used by decision-
explicitly aware of the absence of data which may makers when performing situation assessment.
be as important as the presence of data. For exam- The decisionmaker matches the features of the
ple, when studying Army intelligence analysts, it present situation with a template, or mental
was found that the confirmation bias could be re- model, of a previous situation. Comparison to
duced by displays that made explicit the uncer- normal values presents a comparison of data asso-
tainties about enemy unit locations (Tolcott and ciated with the selected contact with exemplars
Marvin, 1988). In research conducted to investi- for other types of contacts (i.e., threat or non-
gate whether Navy decisionmakers responding to threat) and graphically depicts whether the se-
antiair warfare scenarios would be susceptible to lected contact is a fit or misfit with these catego-
these biases, the results supported earlier research ries. Discrete coding of key variables is used to
findings. A study was designed to assess whether determine whether a contact's data falls within the
naval personnel, trained and experienced in antiair specific ranges that categorize threat versus non-
operations, exhibit biases when performing their threat.
normal duties. Results strongly supported exis-
tence of the availability, representativeness, con-
trast, and confirmation biases in the surface antiair
warfare context (Barnett, Perrin, and Walrath,
1993). Threat assessment should help ameliorate
the effects of these pervasive biases.
which displays all previous alerts received re-
garding this contact. Alerts are based on preset
criteria for key events and required responses.
Lines included in this decision support module are
ordered by the operational priority assigned to the
Figure 6. Comparison to Normal Values. corresponding contact. Users could check what
the DSS listed as tracks requiring immediate at-
tention to make sure they had not failed to attend
2.1.6 Track Priority Listing and Alerts to any critical track/s. Then, if they questioned the
DSS’s recommendation, they might look at the
The track priority listing and alerts, depicted
basis for assessment to determine why the DSS
in Figure 7, summarizes key information on all
considered that track a high priority.
system contacts in order of tactical priority and
One type of tactically significant error ob-
allows the user to monitor more than one contact.
served during early TADMUS experiments was a
This module presents multiple contact informa-
failure to attend to a contact of interest (Hutchins,
tion, focusing on high priority contacts, the next
Morrison, & Kelly, 1996). This is attributed to the
action to be taken and status of that action, (e.g.,
high workload imposed by the ambiguous con-
immediate, watch, low priority), the last alert
tacts, and very limited time that decisionmakers
given regarding the contact and the time it was
have to process contacts. The track priority listing
given, and an alert history function. The user can
and alerts was designed to
click on the last alert to view a history window

Figure 7. Track Priority Listing and Alerts.

ensure that the user is made aware of new contacts • Use graphics to support intuitive processes
of interest and their status. This module will and reduce cognitive processing requirements
prompt the user on required actions and specify • Prompt user regarding appropriate responses
when these actions are to be taken. The behavior • Support the decisionmaker's cognitive process
that triggered the last alert is also presented along
with the capability to review the history of alerts 4 Conclusions
for any selected contact. The TADMUS program has produced a prototype
DSS which has been empirically evalu-ated as
3 Decision Support System Features significantly improving the decisionmaking per-
In summary, key features of the prototype DSS formance of experienced officers (Kelly, Morri-
include the ability to: son, and Hutchins, 1996). Feedback received from
• Track multiple hypotheses these officers has been very positive with sugges-
• Present patterns of tactical activities tions made for significant improvements. Several
• Develop explanations for observed events unanticipated advantages were revealed during
• Evaluate plausibility of explanations evaluation of the DSS. One of these advantages
included having continuous access to data that TAO issue the order for a warning to be given, he
would not be available with current systems. For looked at the track history module and he could
example, in the comparison to norms module, a immediately see why. Again, time and cognitive
graphically-based comparison of key parameters overhead are saved by negating the need for these
which are representative of typical values for two decisionmakers to communicate about these
threat or non-threat, is presented. A series of types of decisions.
color-coded “chips” indicates whether each pa- Research on problem solving has shown that
rameter value is a “fit,” is unknown, or is a “mis- the way a specific problem is presented can de-
fit” with the typical values indicative of the two termine how the problem is solved. Modules
threat assessment categories (i.e., threat, non- within the DSS were designed to have a synergis-
threat). An additional feature is the ability to have tic effect. For example, the information contained
the specific parameter values displayed by sliding in the track profile (what’s going on with a track)
the cursor over the parameter of interest. For ex- and the response manager (what to do about it)
ample, as shown in Figure 6, when EW emitter is create a holistic picture of the situation. The syn-
selected, information similar to the following ap- ergism results from having these two decision
pears: “EW emitter verified as Cyrano IV, associ- support modules share the range scale and the
ated with F-1 aircraft. Threat: Exocet.” This is moving pointer. The moving pointer indicates
essentially what a full EW report would consist where the track is relative to the kinematic and
of. The advantage here is that no communications weapons’ information (altitude, track history,
are required between the CO or TAO and the EW track weapon’s envelope, own-ship’s weapon’s
operator, which saves both time and cognitive coverage) presented in the track history module as
overhead. The information is readily available just well as the recommended actions to be taken pre-
by sliding the cursor over any of the eight pa- sented in the response manager module.
rameters included in this module. Having instant
access to specific parametric information, as it 5 Future Research
dynamically changes over the course of the sce- Many of the recommendations made by subjects
nario, at no “cost” to the user, allows the deci- in the initial evaluation of the DSS have been in-
sionmaker to spend more time attending to critical corporated along with additional features the re-
cues and thus to maintain a more current and ac- search team anticipates will enhance perfor-
curate situational awareness. In these high work- mance. The next phase of the TADMUS program
load, time-compressed scenarios the decision- will empirically evaluate the DSS II. These rec-
maker would, in many cases, not have time to re- ommendations include the following: (1) integra-
quest this information. However, subjects reported tion of the geoplot with the DSS screen; (2) use of
that they liked having ready access to this data a touch screen to interact with the DSS (thereby
without having to ask for it. Acquiring and main- making interaction with the system as easy as pos-
taining situation awareness becomes increasingly sible in contrast to other systems that require
difficult as the complexity and dynamics of the many complex steps to access informa-tion); (3)
situation increase. When the status of several increasing the number of tracks included in the
tracks is constantly changing, often in complex threat priority listing from 10 to 18; (4) adding a
ways, “a major portion of the operator’s job be- relative position indicator, as an inset, to indicate
comes that of obtaining and maintaining good whether the ship has to maneuver to engage; (5)
situation awareness” (Endsley, 1995, p. 33). adding a shadow along the coast to indicate the
Another way the DSS was used to maintain 12-nautical mile limit for territorial airspace; (6)
situation awareness is illustrated by the way a presenting additional layers of information via
CO/TAO used the system. When the CO heard the various maps that can be accessed by the user to
depict information such as geopolitical bounda- and Will Rogers in data collection, interpretation,
ries, atmospheric effects, population densities, de- developing the DSS, and in conducting this research.
pending on the ship’s mission; (7) track priority
listing has been converted to include a quick ac- References
cess bar to make accessing additional information Andre, A. D. and Wickens, C. D. (1992). Com-
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tailor the various actions (and the recommended Barnett, B. J., Perrin, B. M., & Walrath, L. D.
times for taking them) included in the response (1993). Bias in Human Decisionmaking for
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use of color coding to distinguish historical in- 1) St. Louis, MO: McDonnell Douglas Corpo-
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modules; (10) time of the last alert is presented Crocoll, W. M., and Coury, B. G. (1990). Status
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the time it occurred (so no conversion is neces- formation for decision aiding. In Proceedings
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changed dramatically in that it is no longer limited Meeting (pp. 12524-1528). Santa Monica, CA:
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going through the additional step of off-centeringFreeman, J. T., and Cohen, M. S. (1996). Training
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Many other research issues remain. Plans in- cognition Model. Proceedings of the Second
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is a form of critiquing the currently held threat Monterey, CA.
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cal thinking is needed when pattern recogni-tion Fatigue, and Circadian Rhythms. In: K. R.
does not work; it involves training decision- Boff, L. Kaufman, J. P. & Thomas (Eds.):
makers to create, test, and evaluate stories to make Handbook of Perception and Human Per-
sense of observations and to explain conflicting formance. Wiley, New York.
data, and finding alternative interpretations of Hutchins, S. G. and Kowalski, J. T. (1993). Tacti-
events. An experiment will be conducted to ex- cal Decisionmaking Under Stress: Prelimi-
amine whether practice and feedback provided by nary Results and Lessons Learned. Proceed-
the DSS (using a modified version of the basis for ings of the 10th Annual Conference on Com-
assessment module) enhances training. mand and Control Decision Aids. June 1993,
Acknowledgments Washington, D. C.
Hutchins, S. G., Morrison, J. G., and Kelly, R. T.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of (1996). Principles for Aiding Complex Mili-
Steve Francis, Brent Hardy, C.C. Johnson, Pat Kelly, tary Decisionmaking. Proceedings of the Sec-
Ron Moore, Connie O’Leary, Pat Marvel, Mike Quinn, ond International Symposium on Command
and Control Research and Technology. June jective Evaluation Study. Naval Command,
1996, Monterey, CA. Control and Ocean Surveillance Center,
Hutchins, S. G. and Westra, D. P. (1995). Pat- RDT&E Division, Technical Report 1698. San
terns of Errors Shown by Experienced Navy Diego, CA.
Combat Information Center Teams. Pro- Tolcott, M. A. & Marvin, F. F. (1988). Reducing
ceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the the confirmation bias in an evolving situation.
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Interim Technical Report 88-11, Reston, VA:
Diego, CA. October 1995. Decision Science Consortium, Inc.
Hockey, G. R. (1986). Changes in Operator Effi- Tolcott, M. A. (1991). Understanding and Aiding
ciency as a Function of Environmental Stress, Military Decisions. Office of Naval Research
Fatigue, and Circadian Rhythms. In: K. R. European Office. 27th International Applied
Boff, L. Kaufman, J. P. & Thomas (Eds.): Psychology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden,
Handbook of Perception and Human Per- June 1991.
formance. Wiley, New York.
Kahneman, D., Slovic, P. & Tversky, A. (Eds.)
(1982). Judgment under uncertainty: Heuris-
tics and biases. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press.
Kelly, R. T., Hutchins, S. G., and Morrison, J. G.
(1996). Decision Processes and Team Com-
munications with a Decision Support System.
Proceedings of the Second International Sym-
posium on Command and ControlResearch
and Technology. June 1996, Monterey, CA.
Kelly, R. T., Morrison, J. G., and Hutchins, S. G.
(1996). (in press). Impact of Naturalistic
Decision Support on Tactical Situation
Awareness. Proceedings of the 40th Annual
Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergo-
nomics Society, Philadelphia, PA. September
Klein, G. A. (1993). A Recognition-Primed Deci-
sion (RPD) Model of Rapid Decision Making.
In G. A. Klein, J. Orasanu, R. Calderwood, &
C. E. Zsambok (Eds.) Decisionmaking in Ac-
tion: Models and Methods (pp. 138-147).
Ablex Publishing Corporation, New Jersey.
Pennington, N. & Hastie, R (1993). A theory of
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Klein, J. Orasanu, R. Calderwood, & C. E.
Zsambok (Eds.) Decisionmaking in Action:
Models and Methods (pp. 188-201). Ablex
Publishing Corporation, New Jersey.
Rummel, B. K. (1995). TADMUS Decision Sup-
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