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Dr. Mohammed Najm Abdullah

A decoder is a digital circuit that detects the
presence of a specified combination of bits
(code) on its inputs and indicates the presence
of that code by a specified output level. In its
general form, a decoder has n input lines to
handle n bits and from one to 2n output lines to
indicate the presence of one or more n-bit
combinations. In this section, several decoders
are introduced. The basic principles can be
extended to other types of decoders.

The Basic Binary Decoder
Suppose you need to determine when a binary
1001 occurs on the inputs of a digital circuit.
An AND gate can be used as the basic
decoding element because it produces a HIGH
output only when all of its inputs are HIGH.
Therefore, you must make sure that all of the
inputs to the AND gate are HIGH when the
binary number 1001 occurs; this can be done
by inverting the two middle bits (the 0s), as
shown in Figure (1).

Fig(1):Decoding logic for the binary code 1001

with an active-HIGH output.

2-to-4 decoder circuit

3-to-8 decoder

74138 3-to-8 decoder

4-to-16 decoder

THE 74HC154 1-0F-16 DECODER

A certain application requires that a 5-bit number be
decoded. Use 74HCl54 decoders to implement the logic. The
binary number is represented by the format A4 A3 A2 A1 A0.

Decoders are used in many types of applications. One example is in

computers for input/output selection as depicted in the general diagram
shown below

The BCD-to-Decimal Decoder

The BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder

Use two 3 to 8 decoders to make 4 to 16 decoder

Implementing Functions Using Decoders


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