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Ql) State the Provisions relating to hazardous processes under the Factories Act,
Define the term „Factory‟ and discuss the provisions relating to „Health and
Welfare‟ of the workers under the Factories Act, l948.

Q2) “Accident arising out of and in the course of employment is the basis for
compensation”. Examine this statement with reference to the Workmen‟s
Compensation Act l923.
What defences are available to an employer against a claim for compensation
made by a workman under the Workmen‟s Compensation Act l923.

QS) How inspectors appointed under the Employees‟ State Insurance Act and
what are their functions and duties?
How does the Employees‟ State Insurance Act provide for the adjudication
of disputes and claims? To what extent is the jurisdiction of Civil Courts
ousted under the Act?

Q4) Explain any two of the following :
a) Powers of Inspector under Minimum Wages Act.
b) Describe composition of Advisory Board and Central Advisory
Board under Minimum Wages Act.
c) kinds of Deductions under Payment of Wages Act.
d) Provisions relating to Fine under Payment of Wages Act.

Q5) What are the various methods for the settlement of industrial disputes
under the Industrial Disputes Act, l947?
Define „Award‟ and „Settlement‟. When and under what circumstances
does an award made under the Industrial Disputes Act commence to be

Q6) Explain any three of the following with reference to the Industrial
disputes act :
a) Illegal Strike.
b) Illegal Lock-out.
c) Retrenchment.
d) Lay-off.

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