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Communism and Democracy are two political ideologies or philosophies that

dictate how political systems should be managed. Both systems are considered
to be 'left-wing' on the political spectrum and more liberal in nature than some
other political ideological alternatives (i.e. fascist or conservative ideologies). This
article will help you follow the key differences when trying to understand
Communism vs. Democracy.
General Concept
 Communism: To each according to their needs. The government will
provide what people need and through advances in technology everyone will
have an abundance to consume. It's important to note that communism is both
a political ideology and a social one, in that it dictates how government and
social organization will be established.

 Democracy: Everything is decided by citizens, who all have an equal say

in decisions that impact people in general. The majority wins and everything
will be decided and ruled by a majority vote. Democracy is a political ideology
and not a social one, in that it dictates a form of government but any form of
social organization can exist around that government.

Ownership of Property
 Communism: Communism does not allow for individuals to own anything,
all property is public and can be used by those who need it (as decided by

 Democracy: Individual can own personal property like homes and

businesses. Some government ownership of producing assets still exists as
deemed acceptable by the majority vote.

Freedom of Choice
 Communism: Either through collective vote or the direction of government
leadership all economic, social, and political decisions are dictated.

 Democracy: Personal choice is allowed for the most part but there are
limitations in place (laws) established by the majority rule government to
maintain order and set certain guidelines.

Access to Services
 Communism: Access to services is universal and the state will provide
what people need in terms of health care or educational services.

 Democracy: Access to services will vary based on what the majority rule

government dictates, in some democratic countries (i.e. Canada) health and
education are free to access. Alternatively, in the U.S. health care is largely
private and access to service is driven by private insurers to a significant

 Communism: Religion is abolished in a communist state.

 Democracy: Fundamentally, freedom of religion exists and is permitted,

the extent to which religion impacts government varies as that will be dictated
by majority rule. Some democratic states do not allow freedom of religion due
to the views of the majority.

Key Economic Principles

 Communism: The means of economic production are held in common by
the people and production is organized based on the needs and will of the
collective (administered by the central government). Individual economic
decisions do not exist and are pre-established by the collective.

 Democracy: Economic structures vary depending on what the majority of

voters prefer. Economies in a democracy often have some form of capitalist
free market economy with restrictions in place (via laws) as deemed
appropriate by the majority elected government.

Communism vs. Democracy in Practice

In reality there are no truly communist states in existence, regardless of the
names that certain governments have historically given to their system of
government. Cuba, the Soviet Union, and China have typically referred to
themselves as communist but private property and ownership were never fully
established. At best they were/are all countries with a dictatorship that borrows to
an extent from communist ideology.

Democratic countries span the world and the majority of developed nations have
democratic political systems. North America and Europe are both almost fully
democratic in terms of the government system used by countries on those

Democratic and communist political systems are based on different

ideological principles. Although superficially they seem to share the "power to
the people" philosophy, in practice the two systems of government structure
the economic and political fabric of society in markedly different ways.
In the economic sphere, communism calls for the government to take
control of all the capital and industry in the country in an effort to get rid of
economic inequality. On the other hand, a democracy respects individuals'
right to own property and means of production.
The political landscape is also very different in a democracy vs. under
communism. In a democratic society people are free to create their own
political parties and contest in elections, which are free of coercion and fair to
all contestants. In a communist society, however, the government is
controlled by one political party and political dissent is not tolerated.

Comparison chart

Communism versus Democracy comparison chart

Communism Democracy

Philosophy From each according to his In a democracy, the community

ability, to each according to his of people are considered to hold
needs. Free-access to the power over how they are
articles of consumption is governed. Kings and tyrants are
made possible by advances in seen as threats to the innate
technology that allow for super- rights of the people. As such, all
abundance. eligible citizens get equal say in

Political A communist society is Democratic. [Note: this is not

Communism versus Democracy comparison chart

Communism Democracy

System stateless, classless and meant as a reference to a

governed directly by the Democratic Party.]
people. This, however, has
never been achieved. In
practice, they have been
totalitarian in nature, with a
central party governing society.

Key Elements Centralized government, Free elections. Suffrage.

planned economy, dictatorship Majority Rule.
of the "proletariat", common
ownership of the tools of
production, no private property.
equality between genders and
all people, international focus.
Usually anti-democratic with a
1-party system.

Social All class distinctions are Democracies are meant to resist

Structure eliminated. A society in which separation by class, politically or
everyone is both the owners of economically. Class distinctions
the means of production and can become pronounced,
their own employees. however, due to capitalist
society. Varies from state to

Definition International theory or system Rule by majority. In a

of social organization based on democracy, an individual, and
the holding of all property in any group of individuals
common, with actual ownership composing any minority, have
ascribed to the community or no protection against the power
state. Rejection of free markets of the majority. In variations,
and extreme distrust of people may also elect
Capitalism in any form. representatives.

Private Abolished. The concept of Generally, private property is

Property property is negated and permitted, although a majority
replaced with the concept of faction may place limits on
commons and ownership with property rights.

Religion Abolished - all religious and Generally, freedom of religion is

metaphysics is rejected. permitted, although a majority
Engels and Lenin agreed that faction may limit religious
religion was a drug or “spiritual freedom for a minority faction.
booze” and must be combated.
To them, atheism put into
practice meant a “forcible
overthrow of all existing social

Free Choice Either the collective "vote" or Individuals may make decisions
Communism versus Democracy comparison chart

Communism Democracy

the state's rulers make for themselves except insofar as

economic and political a majority faction has limited
decisions for everyone else. In individuals.
practice, rallies, force,
propaganda etc. are used by
the rulers to control the

Economic The means of production are Democracies tend to be free-

System held in common, negating the market economies. Policies that
concept of ownership in capital govern economics are chosen
goods. Production is organized by the voters (or their elected
to provide for human needs representatives in a
directly without any use for representative democracy).
money. Communism is Usually capitalist or Keynesian.
predicated upon a condition of
material abundance.

Discrimination In theory, all members of the In theory, all citizens have an

state are considered equal to equal say and so are treated
one another. equally. However, often allows
for the tyranny of the majority
over the minority.

Key Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams,

Proponents Peter Kropotkin, Rosa Noah Webster, Solon,
Luxemburg, Vladimir Lenin, Cleisthenes, Karl Marx
Emma Goldman, Leon Trotsky,
Joseph Stalin, Ho Chi Minh,
Mao Zedong, Josip Broz Tito,
Enver Hoxha, Che Guevara,
Fidel Castro.

Way of Government in a Communist- Voting.

Change state is the agent of change
rather than any market or
desire on the part of
consumers. Change by
government can be swift or
slow, depending on change in
ideology or even whim.

Variations Left Anarchism, Council Direct democracy, parliamentary

Communism, European democracy, representative
Communism, Juche democracy, presidential
Communism, Marxism, democracy.
National Communism, Pre-
Marxist Communism, Primitive
Communism, Religious
Communism, International
Communism versus Democracy comparison chart

Communism Democracy

Modern Recent far-left dictatorships More than half of the world,

Examples include the USSR (1922-1991) including the US, Canada,
and its sphere throughout Western Europe, Australia, New
eastern Europe. Only five Zealand, Japan, etc. The United
nations presently have Kingdom is an example of a
Communist governments: democratic country that is not a
China, North Korea, Cuba, republic, since it has a monarch.
Laos and Russia.

History Major Communist parties Originated and evolved in

include the Communist Party of ancient Athens during the 5th
the Soviet Union (1912-91), the century. Numerous important
Communist Party of China reforms were made by the
(1921-ON), the Workers' Party leader Solon and then
of Korea (1949-ON), and the Cleisthenes. Greek democracy
Communist Party of Cuba was ended in 322BC by
(1965-ON). Macedon.

View of war Communists believe that war is Depends on the majority

good for the economy by opinion.
spurring production, but should
be avoided.

Disadvantage Historically, communism has Majorities can abuse minorities.

s always fallen into single part
control over society. This can
be due to its basic structure of
consolidating all the power and
resources, but then they are
never relinquished to the


Communism is a socialist movement that aims to create a society without
class or money. As an ideology, it imagines a free society without any
division, free from oppression and scarcity. The proletariat (working class)
overthrow the capitalist system in a social revolution, usually via an armed
Democracy is a form of government that gives all eligible citizens an equal
say in decisions that affect their lives. All people can participate equally,
either directly or through elected representatives, in the creation of laws.

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