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Name ______________________________ Date ______________

Grade & Section ___________________

MELC Competency Grade 3 Quarter1

1. Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in
stories read.

Sub-task/Pre-requisite Competencies:
1. Determine the meaning of words using picture clues
2. Determine characters and setting in the story read

I. Let Us Read
REMINDER: The learner may need the help or assistance of someone in the family (parent/guardian
or older siblings) who may read, explain, illustrate the instructions and explain the discussions in
each activity. If the instructions have been made clear, the learner should work independently on
the activities.

Activity 1 – Word-Picture Match

You will read the following words in the story. Draw a line that
connects the word and the picture that represents it.

1. Nipa hut

2. Big Cage

3. Wide pen

Activity 2 – Read and Understand

Read the story.
It is a sunny Sunday. Dad, Mom and
their kids, Sam and Jam, are in their small nipa
hut. Their nipa hut is in the farm. Dad has pets
in the farm. He has cute dogs, small cats, fat
pigs. The dogs and cats are in big cages. The
pigs are running in their wide pen. They also
have brown chickens that lay white eggs.
Young Sam and Jam help Mom get the fresh
eggs. Mom boils the eggs for their breakfast.
Dad, Mom, Sam and Jam eat the boiled eggs on
their table inside the cool nipa hut.

Answer the following questions based on the story you read. Write the letter of
the correct answer in the blank before each number.
B 1. What day is it?
A) Saturday B) Sunday C) Monday
_____2. Where did Dad, Mom, and their kids go?
A) Farm B) Market C) School
_____3. Who went to the farm with Dad and Mom?
A) Pam and Sam B) Sam and Jam C) Jam and Pam
_____4. What describes their nipa hut?
A) big and cool B) hot and small C) small and cool

_____5. What did Dad, Mom, Sam and Jam eat for breakfast?
A) fried eggs B) boiled eggs C) fried chicken

II. What You Need to Know

(Reminder: This should be done with the assistance of an able parent, guardian or sibling)

In the story that you read, Dad, Mom, Sam and Jam are the
CHARACTERS in the story. Characters are people or animals who talk or
do something in the story.
Where and when the story happened is called the SETTING. The
setting of the story you read is the farm where there is a nipa hut. It happened
on a Sunday. Other possible places where the story could happen can be in the
school, a house, market, plaza, playground and church. Time can be morning,
afternoon, evening, Christmas season, Monday, summer.

III. Let Us Apply What You Know

Activity 1. Read the story and write the characters and the setting.

It is a great Monday morning. Young Jojo wakes

up from his big bed. He fixes his bed. He goes to the
clean toilet to wash his dry face. Then, he sees his
pretty Mom in their neat kitchen. Mom is preparing for
breakfast. “Go to your sister Ana and wake her up,”
Mom asks Jojo. “Your Dad is busy but he will join us
in our breakfast,” Mom adds. Busy Dad, pretty Mom,
young Jojo and his younger sister Ana eat their
breakfast of dried fish, fresh fruits and hot milk.
A. Setting of the Story:
Where: ________________________________
When: _________________________________
_______________, _________________, _________________,
Activity 2. Recall a story you have listened to or watched. Then, write the title,
the setting and the characters of the story.
(Reminder: Depending on the spelling ability of the learner, an able member of the
family may or may not give assistance to the learner.)

Title of the Story:

Setting of the Story Characters in the Story:

When: 1. ____________________________
__________________________ 2. ____________________________
Where: 3. ____________________________
__________________________ 4. ____________________________

Prepared by
EPSvr I, English
DepED Tarlac Province

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