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Study program: master of Project planning and Management

Module: Project analysis and selection

Lecture: Charles Wachira

Class Year 1


Name: Fadumo Ahmed Hussein

Flour company project

There is an opportunity to build the first modern Somali flour mill in Somaliland .The mill will
have the capacity to produce more than 48,000 tons of premium quality flour per year. The
combined market size of Somaliland and Somalia is 360 million dollars (usd) per year.

Additionally the project will produce substantial quantity of animal feed to sell to the local
somali livestock owners which is estimated to be 40 million animals in the Somali Peninsula.
Animal feed is currently imported from the emirates at a cost of $500 per ton.

Both of these markets are untapped and you are at the right place to explore this opportunity for a
limited time only.

Sourcing a portion of the wheat from local farms and forming strategic partnerships with the
communities is a competitive edge in the market both on returns and contributing to sustainable
development in rural area.
Construction of rating Index

Factor Factor Rating Factor score

5 4 3 2 1

Input availability 0.25  1

Technical know-how 0.10  0.5
Reasonableness of cost 0.05  0.15
Adequacy of market 0.15  0.6
Complementarity with 0.05  0.15
other products
Stability 0.10  0.3
Consistency with 0.10  0.4
government priorities
Rating index: 3.1

Conclusion and Recommendation

As everybody knows crona virus affected international bussines, especially import and export
companies. So that it is good idea to start this project, since it is highly in demand in Somaliland
markets to minimize the need of the import of such things, it’s going to be the first project of its
kind that is implemented in Somaliland

Project Two. Somaliland E Police project

Crimes in Somaliland are increasing rapidly and the police system is not developing as required.
Somaliland police forces still use the traditional manual system. This can reduce the quality of
the police.

There are some drawbacks and flaws existing in current manual system. For example, record
about crime cases are recorded manually. There is no proper security of these record books,
because all the record books are stored in the cabinet and anyone can damage them or anything
can possibly damage them, these problems have plagued the police department and affect the
policing system in the country. Some of these problems are enumerated below.

1. Time Consuming
2. Redundancy of Data (Duplication of Data)
3. Changing/Removing of Records e.g. If there is an error in a single record then the police
department has to make changes in many files. If they want to remove or change the data,
they will have to change them at all place, where they kept them

Advantages of E-police system

1- It will minimize time consuming since police members can track cases easily
2- Citizens can report crimes online
3- Police can easily modify and search registered cases
4- It will minimize uses of papers
5- Backup

Construction of rating Index

Factor Factor Rating Factor score

5 4 3 2 1

Input availability 0.25  1

Technical know-how 0.10  0.4
Reasonableness of cost 0.05  0.15
Adequacy of market 0.15  0.75
Complementarity with 0.05  0.15
other products
Stability 0.10  0.3
Consistency with 0.10  0.5
government priorities
Rating index: 3.25

Conclusion & recommendation

The project titled as “Somaliland E-police System” is a web based application. This software
will provide facility for reporting online crimes, complaints, missing persons, show criminal
details. This software is developed with scalability in mind. Additional modules can be easily
added when necessary.

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