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Shanto Mariam University of Creative Technology

Module: Business English-1

Module Code: ECS-3107

Term Paper
Topic: Meeting Minutes

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ID: 181051041
Batch : 32nd
Semester :7th, Group : B

Submission date: June 15th, 2020.

a) What is meetings minutes?

Meeting minutes are the written or recorded documentation that is used to inform attendees
and non-attendees about what was discussed or what happened during a particular meeting.

Most of us have attended a meeting madly scribbling what we thought were meeting minutes
only to find out later that we have missed important information of that the notes we took
were never used. Do you often question what information you should record and what should
leave out? Recording effective meeting minutes does not have to be hard! Minutes that
capture the purpose of the meeting & its agreed outcome are a record that can be referred
back to and can be used for follow up purposes. Effective meeting minutes are clear and to
the point but are the same time they do not leave out important information.

Elements of Meetings Minutes

 Heading. The name of the team or committee and the date, as well as the location,
time of the meeting  Attendees.
 Approval of previous minutes.
 Action items.
 Announcements.
 Next meeting.
 Signature line.

Minutes are required in order to:

• Confirm any decisions made.

• Record any agreed actions to be taken
• Record that who has been allocated any tasks or responsibilities.
• Prompt action from any relevant attendees.
• Provides details of the meetings to anyone unable attend.
• Serve as a record of the meeting’s procedure and outcome.

Meetings minutes keep a record of what was done or talk about at a meeting, including any
decision made or action taken. Typically meeting minutes are recorded by a secretary or
assistants but it can be done by any appointed individual.
b) Why preparing meeting of minutes is so important?

Preparing meeting of minutes is so much important. Because meeting minutes is an account

of an official meeting. Taking minutes forms essential part of most meetings.

Although it may seem like writing meeting minutes can take a lot of time, they will, in fact
help you & your colleagues save time & money. Meeting minutes provide a written record of
what was discussed & agreed at a meeting, so you & your colleagues will have the same
recollections from the meeting & the same ideas about what was agreed. With good meeting
minutes you make sure everyone knows what was decided & what need to be achieving by
what date.

Not taking meeting minutes can be costly in terms of both time & money, for example you &
your colleagues have different recollection of what was agreed during a meeting. In the worst
case, if meeting minutes are not written you may end up having to repeat the meeting. So,
getting into the habit of taking meeting minutes is good practice.

So for this reason preparing meeting of minutes is much more important of every official
Wincom LTD
Meeting Minutes
Topic: Online Marketing Ideas to Increase Sales.
Venue: The Batcave
Date: May 29th, 2020.

The regular meeting of the Wincom LTD was called to order at 6.00 PM on 29 th May, 2020 in
The Batcave by Tusar Imran
Tusar Imran, CEO
Shafikul Islam, Assistant Manager
Asma khaton, Marketing Director
Ananna paul, Executive director
Lasmin Ferdous, Financial Officer
Kotha Akter, Technology Officer
Muhamad Jony, Marketing Manager (due to his physical illness)

Guest attendee
Shakil hossen, Assistant Director of Navana LTD.
Previous Meeting
The minutes of previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.

Today’s Meeting
Online Marketing Ideas to Increase Sales Agenda
1: About our famous product.
Discussion It has been confirmed by our Marketing Director Asma khatun that our all
product are highly appreciated by all young customer. Our mostly online sales products are
kurti, shirt, and kamiz. But we need to increase our online product to increase our online
sales. We can also make ppe, mask etc. & also sell this necessary product at a cheaper rate
due to this pandemic situation.

Action We have to work for it for increasing our sales.

Agenda 2: how we will increase our sales.
Discussion Our Executive Director Ananna paul was surveyed about this agenda. She
analyzed that we need to careful about our product. We will have been also research about
our baby product. She also analyzed that we have to honest about our sales copy, offer
various things to the customer, provide as many payment as possible.

Action We must create this various opportunity as soon as possible.

Agenda 3: Create Packages, Deals.
Discussion Our Financial Officer Lasmin Ferdous made different approach to accomplish
our wills. She will want to make a packages or deals for the customer. Due to this things
customer will have been highly interested to buy our product. Due to COVID-19 the entire
customer highly was interested to buy their essential by online shopping. So that we have to
make product at a reasonable price.

Action This was very effective agenda today’s meeting for increasing our sales. Everyone
appreciated this agenda.

Agenda 4: Marketing Plan for Gala.

Deferred for next meeting as our Marketing Manager Asma khatun was not in attendance.
Topics to cover in next meeting: Marketing Plan for Gala.
Next meeting: The next general meeting will be at 6.00 PM on June 6th, 2020 in the

Announcement: our new office will launch on June 4th, 2020.

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 8.00 PM by Tusar
Meeting prepared by: Shafikul Islam Assistant Manager.

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