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Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 122997

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Potential utilization of bioproducts from microalgae for the quality T

enhancement of natural products
Doris Ying Ying Tanga, Kuan Shiong Khooa, Kit Wayne Chewb, Yang Taoc, Shih-Hsin Hod,
Pau Loke Showa,

Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Malaysia, Jalan Broga, Semenyih 43500, Selangor
Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Malaysia, Jalan Broga, Semenyih 43500, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
College of Food Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, School of Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China



Keywords: Microalgae are autotroph organisms that utilise light energy to synthesize various high-value bioactive com-
Microalgae pounds such as polysaccharides, proteins and lipids. Due to its fast growth rate and capability to survive in harsh
Bioactive compounds environment, microalgae nowadays are applied in various industrial areas. The process of obtaining microalgae-
Cultivation based biomolecules starts with the selection of suitable microalgae strain, cultivation, followed by downstream
processing of the biomass (i.e., pre-treatment, harvesting, extraction and purification). The end products of the
Microalgae biotechnology
processes are biofuels and other valuable bioproducts. Nevertheless, low production yield and high-cost
downstream processes are the emerging bottlenecks which need to be addressed in the upscaling of extracted
compounds from microalgae biomass. To conclude, tremendous efforts are required to overcome these chal-
lenges to revolutionize microalgae into a novel and green factory of different bioactive compounds for industrial
necessities to satisfy and fulfil global demands.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.L. Show).
Received 4 January 2020; Received in revised form 4 February 2020; Accepted 8 February 2020
Available online 11 February 2020
0960-8524/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.Y.Y. Tang, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 122997

1. Introduction compounds produced by microalgae. The attention is drawn to the in-

corporation of these compounds into different industrial areas, for in-
Due to the soaring of global population growth, there is an increase stance, food, drugs, cosmetics and transportation to enhance the nu-
in the demand for energy, food, water, drugs and other resources. tritional values or functions. Besides, the cultivation of microalgae in
Microalgae are one of the most underutilized aquatic organisms and terms of type of systems, methods and conditions as well as different
highly attract the attention of the researchers worldwide to cope with harvesting techniques were also evaluated. Lastly, this review ad-
the high requirements from increased population growth. Microalgae dressed the associated challenges confronted by the utilisation of mi-
are a group of single-celled organisms or also referred to as phyto- croalgae in different industries in large scale and the possible future
plankton (i.e., ‘phyto’=plant, ‘planktos’= made to wander) which can works to resolve these challenges.
be categorised by various morphological traits (Hallegraeff, 1988).
Various scientific studies had showed the great potential of microalgae 2. Significant bioproducts obtained from microalgae
as a reliable and sustainable feedstock for production of biofuel and
diverse valuable bioresources such as polysaccharides, lipids, proteins, Microalgae have produced various biocompounds in different pro-
enzymes, vitamins and carotenoids that can be commercialized in dif- portion that have the commercial interest and have been exploited for
ferent industries (Barkia et al., 2019; Chew et al., 2017). Approximately the use in food, aquaculture, wastewater management, transportation,
7000 tons of dry algal biomass are produced worldwide annually and nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and personal care industries.
the global market for algae biomass is worth between USD 3.8 to 5.4 In the aquaculture sector, microalgae biomass used for feeding larvae
billion (Brasil et al., 2017). This statistics showed that the microalgae can reach the market prices exceeding 100 €/kg but the global pro-
industry is gaining popularity worldwide and can be utilised ex- duction capacity of microalgae biomass is only approximately 20–30 kt
tensively through the incorporation into industrial products for dif- annually (Fernández et al., 2019). Some examples of microalgae-pro-
ferent sectors in the future. There are some features possessed by mi- duced bioactive compounds including lipids, peptides or amino acids,
croalgae that enable it to be exploited widely such as fast growth rate, antioxidants, polysaccharides and pigments (Singh et al., 2020).
simple cultivation requirements (i.e., require water, sunlight, carbon
dioxide (CO2)) and the ability to survive in harsh conditions. 2.1. Carotenoids and pigments
The process of extracting microalgae-based biomolecules from the
biomass starts with the selection of appropriate microalgae strain as Microalgae can synthesize large quantities of carotenoids that act as
well as cultivation condition and followed by downstream processing of colourant and food supplements such as β-carotene, astaxanthin, can-
the biomass (e.g., pre-treatment, harvesting, extraction and purifica- thaxanthin and phycobiliproteins. Microalgae have become an attrac-
tion). Biofuels and bioproducts are the end products of the process. A tive option to be exploited in industries as a source of natural colourant
successful cultivation method refers to the method at which the mi- and supplement due to the emerging of health safety issues caused by
croalgae are cultivated in pilot scale to produce large amount of bio- synthetic products such as allergic reaction and hyperactivity in human
mass and in turn synthesize a large quantity of high-valuable com- (Khoo et al., 2019b). The carotenoids from microalgae also possess
pounds. Microalgae can be cultivated in batch, fed-batch or some beneficial medical properties such as antioxidant activity that are
continuously in open- or closed-systems with different cultivation absent in synthetic colourants (Sathasivam and Ki, 2018).
modes. Once the microalgae reached its mature stage, harvesting, Astaxanthin is a bright red secondary carotenoid, a ketocarotenoid
comprising of chemical, biological, mechanical or electrical methods, is that is known as ‘super antioxidant’ because its antioxidant activity is
an important step to separate the microalgae biomass from the culture stronger than other carotenoids such as lutein, beta-carotene and can-
medium. This allows an efficient extraction and purification of high- thaxanthin (Khoo et al., 2019b). Astaxanthin possess singlet molecular
value compounds from the microalgae biomass for further processing. oxygen-quenching activity, which prevents the ultraviolet radiation,
Today, the emerging health issues such as allergic reaction and inhibits lipid peroxidation, and scavenges free radicals (Gwaltney-
hyperactivity have arise from the use of synthetic compounds in food, Brant, 2016) as well as exhibits anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic
skin care products and pharmaceutical products. Therefore, consumers properties (Kamalanathan and Quigg, 2019). Astaxanthin is a pro-
nowadays tend to use natural products produced from the natural re- mising carotenoid that has achieved a profit of $200 million per year
sources that are non-toxic, and one example is microalgae. There are with the price around $2500 per kg (Hu, 2019). The main microalgal
emerging microalgae-based bioproducts, derived from Chlorella sp. and producers of astaxanthin are H. pluvialis, C. zofingiensis, C. nivalis, B.
Spirulina sp., on the market from different industry sectors, such as food braunii, C. vulgaris, C. striolata, Monoraphidium sp., Chlamydocapsa sp.,
and beverages, pharmaceutical nutraceutical and dietary supplements. Neospongiococcum sp., Chlorococcum sp. and S. obliqus (Khoo et al.,
Nevertheless, the challenges associated in utilizing the high-value 2019a). Most common researches reported that the accumulated as-
compounds from the microalgae biomass in a large scale still remains taxanthin in H. pluvialis can reach up to 3.8–5.0% (w/w), which de-
impractical caused by the high economic cost and immaturity in the pends on its cultivation condition (Khoo et al., 2019a). Algatechnolo-
upstream and downstream processing of microalgae biomass in the gies Ltd., AstaReal Inc., Beijing Gingko Group (BGG), Cyanotech
aspects of cultivation system, culture conditions, bioreactor design, Corporation and Parry’s Pharmaceuticals are the major commercial
harvesting techniques, extraction and purification steps. The food, producers of Haematococcus astaxanthin supplements (Dufosse, 2008).
cosmetics and skin care manufacturers must also pay attention to the Beta-carotene (β-carotene) produced naturally from D. salina can
safety and toxicity of the chemicals used for the cultivation, harvesting fetch a market price ranged from $300–$500/kg. At the same time, its
and purification of the compounds from the microalgae biomass. The market is forecast to reach $532 million in 2019 (Velea et al., 2017). β-
non-clinical and clinical research on the application of the microalgae- carotene is the precursor of vitamin A or also known as retinol at which
based products in the food, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical areas are the human body converts the β-carotene into vitamin A that is essential
limited (Caporgno and Mathys, 2018). Hence, researchers need to find a for pregnant women and children. It is found that β-carotene provides
solution to fill the gaps of these challenges in order to scale-up and various health benefits such as protect the cornea, anti-aging, anti-
commercialize the production of high value products from the micro- cancer, immune modulation and prevent cardiovascular diseases
algal biomass. (Barkia et al., 2019). Vitamin A deficiency will result in immune im-
This review aims to provide insights into the capability and poten- pairment, night blindness, xerophthalmia and blindness in children. In
tial of the microalgae in synthesizing high-value compounds for the conjunction with that, it is a major public health problem in low-in-
incorporation into natural products in different industries. The review come countries which mostly affect young children and pregnant
also highlighted the health beneficial properties of various bioactive women. Besides, β-carotene is also used as animal feed additives and

D.Y.Y. Tang, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 122997

colourant for food and beverage that confer yellow-to-orange colour 2.4. Proteins and amino acid
(Hu, 2019). The major microalgae species that produce β-carotene are
D. salina, D. tertiolecta, D. bardawil, B. braunii, C. nivalis, C. acidophila, Microalgae biomass are well known for its high protein composition
Chlorococcum sp., Chlamydocapsa sp., Tetraselmis sp., C. sorokiniana, P. such as glycoprotein from C. vulgaris, C-phycocyanin from S. platensis
obovate and C. striolata (Sathasivam et al., 2017). and phycoerthrin from P. cruentum (Sathasivam et al., 2017). Besides,
Microalgae also produce lutein that provides excellent antioxidative microalgae such as C. sorokiniana, C. minutissima, C. luteoviridis, C.
properties to prevent or delay the onset of chronic diseases as well as sphaerica, A. spiralis, C. nivalis, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Scenedesmus
the treatment of cataracts, an eye disease that cause blurry or double sp. and Stichococcus sp. produce mycosporine-like amino acids that are
vision, faded colours and trouble seeing at night (Sun et al., 2015). the strong ultraviolet (UV) absorbing compounds in nature
Lutein is produced by Chlorella sp., B. braunii, D. tertiolecta, C. nivalis, S. (Orfanoudaki et al., 2019; Sathasivam et al., 2017). Microalgae have
almeriensis, P. urceolata, C. proboscideum, C. acidophila, N. gelatinosum, also been reported to have great capacity to synthesize enzymes for
Chlamydocapsa sp., Muriellopsis sp., Pyramimonas sp. and Tetraselmis sp. different industrial applications such as phytases, α-galactosidase,
(Sathasivam et al., 2017). The market price of lutein is approximately protease, laccases, lipase, cellulases, amylolytic enzymes, antioxidant
around $910 to $15,000/kg with an estimated market of around $3.14 enzymes and carbonic anhydrase (Brasil et al., 2017).
million in 2019 (Hu, 2019). The study by Del Campo et al. (2004) Phycobiliproteins, a group of light-harvesting protein-pigment
showed that amount of lutein produced by Chlorella sp. was less than complexes that comprised of C-phycocyanin, allophycocyanin and
astaxanthin, causing its market price is higher than astaxanthin. phycoerythrin (Eriksen, 2008). Due to the features of highly fluor-
escent, phycobiliproteins are used as fluorescent promising labelling
2.2. Lipids reagents that can be employed in flow cytometry, fluorescence im-
munoassay, immunohistochemistry and other biomedical science ac-
Microalgae have great potential in producing high amount of lipids tivities (Chew et al., 2017; Manirafasha et al., 2016). Spirulina platensis
consisting of non-polar lipids (i.e., triacylglycerols molecules), polar are an excellent source of phycobiliproteins, particularly c-phyco-
lipids or structural lipids (i.e., monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and cyanin, a natural blue pigment (Chew et al., 2019). These compounds
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)), glycolipids or phytosterols and have been commercialised as the natural colourants in food industry
waxes (Santos-Sanchez et al., 2016). Microalgae is well known for and nutraceutical products, such as use of phycocyanin from Spirulina
producing high concentration of PUFA such as docosahexaenoic acid as colouring agent in soda ice cream and soda pop. The global market
(DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), linoleic acid (LA), gamma-lino- was valued at $60 million in 2019 with Algapharma BiotechCorp, Co-
lenic acid (GLA) and arachidonic acid (AA) (de Morais et al., 2015). lumbia Bioscience and QuantaPhy. Inc are the manufacturers and
PUFA produced by microalgae exhibits antioxidant, antibacterial, an- suppliers of phycobiliproteins (Hu, 2019).
tiviral, detoxifying capacities, prevents hypercholesterolemia, improves
brain function and proved to have good immune stimulatory effects (de
Morais et al., 2015; Roy and Pal, 2015). Food and Drug Administration 3. Potential of microalgae for the production of high-value
(FDA) has approved the use of DHA algal oil as an additive for infant compounds
formula by Martek Biosciences. This DHA-rich algal oil is produced
from the microalgae, Schizochytrium sp. and Crypthecodinium cohnii. The Microalgae biomass offers many benefits by utilising the bioactive
two main types of microalgal PUFA, DHA and EPA, are the primary compounds to generate promising and sustainable source of biofuels
source of omega-3 fatty acids with the market price around $80 – 160/ and bioproducts. Under favourable growing conditions, microalgae are
kg and have the estimated market of $898.7 million at 2025 (Hu, able to divide their cells within 3 to 4 h (Williams and Laurens, 2010).
2019). In the past few years, marine fish was the main source of DHA This fast reproduction ability allows the production of biomass within
and EPA, however some of the issues had been arise such as not suitable 3.5 h during exponential growth (Ngoc et al., 2015), allowing the
for the consumption by the vegan and the unpleasant smelly produced biocompounds to be accumulated in a short period of time. The com-
from fish oil is not suitable to be used as a food ingredient. Moreover, pounds associated with microalgae are generally recognized as safe and
the leakage of fuel oil from the ships as well as the discharge of waste environmentally friendly which are beneficial and harmless for direct
chemicals comprised of mercury, dioxins, chlorinated pesticides and human consumption (Jha et al., 2017).
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) from the factory have resulted in the Microalgae cultivation does not have any significant negative im-
depletion of the world’s fish stock. pact on food security or food chains as the cultivation process does not
interfere with the use of arable or fertile land that are used for con-
2.3. Polysaccharides ventional agriculture (Manirafasha et al., 2016). This is because mi-
croalgae are able to survive in harsh environmental conditions for long-
Polysaccharides are the essential products produced by the micro- term, such as wastewater environment, salt water, ice or hot springs
algae and the amount produced is varied among the species and genera. (Brennan and Owende, 2010; Rajkumar and Takriff, 2016; Tan et al.,
Many literature studies have shown that the potential of microalgae as 2018). Furthermore, microalgae can tolerate a broad range of pH,
polysaccharides producers were under investigation and had small or salinity, temperature and contaminants. Consequently, microalgae are
limited market (Barkia et al., 2019). Polysaccharides obtained from the able to grow in the environments that contain excessive CO2, sulphur
microalgae can be used as metal ion chelators and protect against plant oxide and nitrogen oxide (Chew et al., 2017).
pathogens (Michalak and Chojnacka, 2015). Algal polysaccharides Moreover, microalgae have low demands for nutritional and spatial
contain sulphate esters that are known as sulphated polysaccharides cultivation requirements. The cultivation of microalgae requires small
and mainly produced by C. vulgaris and S. quadricauda. Sulphated supply of nutrients such as light, carbon sources, CO2, nitrogen, phos-
polysaccharides comprised of ulvan, carrageenan and fucoidan. Apart phorus and potassium (Manirafasha et al., 2016) without the use of
from being widely used as food additives, carrageenan also demon- fertilizers like pesticides or herbicides. The manipulation of the culti-
strated antiviral and antioxidant activities (da Silva Vaz et al., 2016). vation conditions offers the possibility to enhance or induce the pro-
Recent work has showed that ulvan exhibited medicinal properties, for duction and accumulation of compounds in the microalgae (Morone
example, anticancer, antihyperlipidemic, antifungal, hepatoprotective, et al., 2019). Furthermore, microalgae helps to reduce the greenhouse
antiprotozoal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticoagulant, im- effect and global warming due to the assimilation of CO2 as a carbon
munomodulation and enhanced skin tissue regeneration (Lekshmi and source in the cultivation process which reduces the release of excess
Kurup, 2019). CO2 to the environment.

D.Y.Y. Tang, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 122997

Table 1
. Advantages and disadvantages of cultivation systems.
System Advantages Disadvantages

Open system • Easily scaled up • Difficult to control the culture condition

• Cost effective (Low construction, maintenance and operating costs) • Low biomass productivity (poor mixing)
• Large culture areas and allowed for mass cultivation of biomass • Susceptible to contamination by microorganisms
• Affect by climate changes, excessive evaporation of water and inconsistent
light source

Closed system ▪ Equal distribution of sunlight (artificial light on LEDs) over a large surface
•▪ High
Lower layers may suffer from insufficient CO and limited amount of light
investment cost (operating and capital costs)
area ▪ Adhesion of microalgae on plastic or glass surface cause the blockage of the
▪ Do not lose water and CO2 by gas stripping pipes
▪ Low or no risk of contamination
▪ Greater control of growth parameter of the cultivation conditions such as
pH, temperature, light and CO2 concentration

3.1. Cultivation of microalgae which are open system and closed system. The examples of open system
are open pond and raceway pond. Open ponds are generally designed as
The cultivation of microalgae is the preliminary step in the pro- a paddlewheel-driven raceway ponds with the depth of 0.2 m–0.5 m for
duction of bioactive compounds. There are three types of cultivation the flow of nutrients and water along with microalgae to ensure con-
techniques (i.e., batch, fed-batch and continuous culture). Batch culti- stant exposure to the environment and maintain the pond integrity. The
vation is the system at which the microalgae are cultivated in a closed operation of artificial ponds is continuous with the constant addition of
container or environment with fixed parameter and no addition of fresh CO2 and nutrients to keep the system balanced. At the same time, mi-
nutrients during the cultivation. This results in the reduction of the croalgae are expelled from the tank at the opposite end. For optimal
amounts of nutrients over time (Lim and Shin, 2013). This cultivation performance, it is recommended to culture the microalgae in a pond
technique is the easiest method however this closed system will cause with maximum volume of 30 m3 (Santos-Sanchez et al., 2016).
self-shading effect of microalgal cell and inconsistent irradiance due to On the contrary, the closed systems, which is also known as pho-
the continuous consumption of nutrients (Zhu, 2015). Contrarily, fed- tobioreactors, is a reactor that uses light energy to conduct a photo-
batch or semi-continuous culture continually supplies microalgae with biological reaction and is typically used to produce large quantities of
nutrients and the discharge of the effluents or waste products at the microalgae biomass under controlled conditions (Chisti, 2007; Mata
same time in order to sustain the concentration of culture medium in et al., 2010). The photobioreactor is made up of plastic or glass that
the system (Tan et al., 2018), making it more efficient and reliable than designed as three configurations, which are spiral tubes, flat panels and
batch cultivation. However, the drawbacks of this system involves the bubbles column (Santos-Sanchez et al., 2016). From an economic point
difficulty in controlling and monitoring the occurrence of contamina- of view, relative to open raceway ponds, a closed photobioreactor is
tion and deviations in the microalgal growth pattern if the feed is ap- very expensive due to high capital cost, for instance, the production
plied on a fixed system without feedback control (Tan et al., 2018). cost of the microalgae cultivation system can range from 5€/kg (5.56
Continuous cultivation is similar with batch cultivation with slight US dollars/kg) for open raceway and 50€/kg (55.45 US dollars/kg) for
modification where the introduction of new medium or nutrients is tubular photobioreactor (Fernández et al., 2019). Hence, due to the
added until the microalgae reaches an exponential growth phase. This high biomass production cost, Agnes Janoska and his team had created
allows the microalgae to reproduce continuously at an intermediate a novel concept of cultivating microalgae that was liquid form-bed
rate and the growth pattern follows the normal growth cycle. This photobioreactor to reduce harvesting costs and energy requirements
culture technique has high product yield or production rate over the (Janoska et al., 2018a; Janoska et al., 2018b; Janoska et al., 2017). It
extended period and easy manipulation of the nutrient concentration was an alternative concept as compared to the existing liquid-phase
and pH (Hoskisson and Hobbs, 2005). Hence, this makes continuous photobioreactors and operated based on the basis of exposure of a large
cultivation more preferred as compared to batch and semi-continuous volume of foam to illumination and continuous gas supply to the
cultivation conditions in the current scenario. However, this culture shallow layer of culture at the bottom of the reactor (Janoska et al.,
technique is not favoured in the industrial scale due to high risk of 2017). In short, closed cultivation system is the most appropriate
contamination as well as the difficulty and complexity of the process system to cultivate microalgae since the culture conditions can be
(Egli, 2015). controlled but is limited by the high production cost and production of
Photoautotrophic, heterotrophic, mixotrophic and photo- smaller quantity of biomass. Table 1 has summarized the advantages
heterotrophic are the main microalgae cultivation modes. The most and disadvantages of open system and closed system.
common cultivation modes are photoautotrophic and heterotrophic
cultivation modes (Chew et al., 2018). 3.2. Harvesting process

• Photoautotrophic cultivation: Utilises CO 2 as the sole carbon source Microalgae harvesting methods involve the process of isolation or
and light removal of microalgae biomass from the growth medium and can be
• Heterotrophic cultivation: Uses organic carbon, such as sugars, divided into chemical, physical, electrical or biological methods. The
wastewater, acetate, and organic acids as a source of energy and common methods applied for harvesting of microalgae include sedi-
carbon in the absence of solar or light. mentation, flotation, coagulation and flocculation, centrifugation,
• Mixotrophic cultivation: CO2 and organic compounds are fed to the electrophoresis and filtration as summarised in Table 2 (Show et al.,
microalgae and both the respiratory and photosynthetic metabo- 2020; Singh and Patidar, 2018; Tan et al., 2018). To ensure an effective
lisms occur concomitantly. harvesting efficiency from microalgae, there are a few criteria in de-
• Photoheterotrophic cultivation: Light and organic compounds act as ciding which of the harvesting technique is suitable to remove the
a source of carbon. culture medium from microalgae biomass, such as low production cost,
large biomass quantity at mass scale, good quality of harvested com-
There are two types of systems available for microalgae cultivation, pounds, short processing time, species dependent and contaminant-free.

D.Y.Y. Tang, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 122997

Table 2
Comparison studies between different harvesting techniques.
Harvesting techniques Advantages Disadvantages

Filtration (Membrane process) • High recovery efficiency • Time consuming

• No usage of power or electricity • Occurrence of membrane clogging
• Low shear stress • High cost and require regular replacement of membrane
• Affected by hydrodynamic conditions and membrane size
Chemical coagulation and flocculation • Fast • High cost
• Easy to be applied • Difficult to separate the coagulant from harvested biomass
• Less cell damage
• Less power or energy usage
Electrocoagulation • Fast • High costs (equipment and operational cost)
• Easy to be applied • Metal contamination
• No chemicals required
Bio-flocculation • Fast • Possibility of mineral or microbial contamination
• Easy to be applied • Difficult to separate the coagulant from harvested biomass
• No need energy supply and chemical usage
Flotation • Low cost • Needs surfactants
• Low demand for space • High cost and metal contamination (electroflotation)
• Suitable for large scale
• Short operation time
Gravity sedimentation • Low cost • Long operation time
• Not suitable for low density cells
Centrifugation • High recovery rate (achieve up to 95%) • High operation and maintenance costs
• Low risk of contamination • Expensive if applied in large scale

Ozonation-dispersed flotation (ODF)

• Fast and effective
• Risk of cell destruction
Drying • Low cost • Drying rate depends on climate or weather
• Inconsistent sunlight
• Risk of compounds loss
In short, despite a wide range of harvesting methods, there is no single the microalgae strains (e.g., Chlorella sp., Scedesmus sp., Chlamydomonas
technique proved to be effective in harvesting microalgae biomass in sp., Nannochloropsis sp., Tetraselmis sp., Botryococcus braunii) were also
terms of cost and recovery rate (Singh and Patidar, 2018). The har- used for the evaluation for their potential use as photosensitizers in
vesting method can put up the total production cost by 20–30%. photodynamic therapy or in other words, light-associated treatment of
Therefore, to achieve the desired liquid–solid separation or biomass tumours. The study by Jabeen et al. (2019) showed that these micro-
recovery rate in a pilot scale, a suitable harvesting method that com- algae constituents significantly reduced the proliferation and showed
prise of one or more of the combination of methods is needed (Mata the photo-damage effects on the four cancer cell lines, which were
et al., 2010). human lung carcinoma, human breast adenocarcinoma, human prostate
cells derived from metastatic site lymph node and human breast ade-
4. Potential of microalgae in enhancement the quality of natural nocarcinoma. Therefore, these microalgae strains were suggested as the
products potential photosensitizers but further research, such as in vivo and in
vitro experiments, is needed to confirm their efficacy.
Natural products are characterized as the products of natural origins The high value compounds produced by the microalgae demon-
including an entire or part of an organism that has not undergone any strated different therapeutic potential that can be integrated in the
processing or treatment other than a simple preservation process such production of new drugs to eradicate the diseases, especially incurable
as animals, plants or microorganisms (Gurnar, 1999). It is feasible to diseases or infections. Some examples of companies that have derived
incorporate high-value bioactive compounds from microalgae biomass pharmaceutical products from algae are Agri Life SOM Phytopharma
into majority of the products that are consumed on a regular basis to (India) Limited, Piramal Healthcare, Rincon Pharmaceuticals and Novo
increase its nutritional and functional value. Nordisk India Private Ltd. In future, microalgae extracts can be used to
develop vaccine to provide immunity to diseases or infections such as
4.1. Pharmaceutical industry influenza virus and Zika virus that are the biggest and serious health
threats to the people worldwide.
Microalgae have drawn great deal of interest in recent years despite
their potential therapeutic applications. Various research studies have 4.2. Cosmetics and personal care
shown that the bioactive compounds from microalgae biomass de-
monstrated medicinal properties such as antimicrobial, antiviral, anti- Microalgae generate compounds that offer a potentially infinite
fungal, anti-tumour, neuroprotective activities that have been attrib- diversity of benefits for the skin including promoting blood circulation,
uted to the pharmaceutical industries (Barkia et al., 2019; Jabeen et al., moisturising the skin, activating the cell renewal and the metabolism,
2019; Najdenski et al., 2013; Singab et al., 2018). Table 3 have sum- increasing the skin's resistance and having an anti-inflammatory effect
marised the pharmacologic activities of different types of microalgae. on the skin. The cosmetics and personal care products include oral care,
Microalgae also synthesize compounds that are used for the targeted skin care, sun care, hair care, decorative cosmetics, body care and
delivery of anticancer drugs, particularly poorly water-soluble drugs. perfume. Skin care products range from facial cleanser, toner, scrub,
The diatomaceous earth microparticles extracted from marine micro- essence, moisturizer to mask with different functions such as hydration,
algae are used for targeted therapies for cancer, for example, colorectal brightening, pore-tightening and anti-aging to restore, protect and re-
cancer. The compounds were first coated with vitamin B12, a tumour generate the skin. Discussions about the skin care products derived
targeting agent, and then filled with anticancer agent, cisplatnum or from microalgae biomass as summarised in Table 4.
cisplatin for the efficient delivery of the cancer drug to the targeted site Daniel Jouvance is a company that uses microalgae to formulate all
and to kill the cancer cells (Delasoie et al., 2018). Furthermore, some of or part of their product lines including face care, body care and

D.Y.Y. Tang, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 122997

Table 3
Evaluation of pharmacologic activities from microalgae.
Microalgae Pharmacologic activity Refs.

N. laevis, S. platensis, C. vulgaris Production of aqueous protein extracts and hydrolysates that exhibit antioxidant (Alzahrani, 2018)
properties, inhibit activity of angiotensin I-converting enzyme and acetylcholinesterase
C. vulgaris B. Inhibit growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis and prevent foot odour (Suhara et al., 2019)
Platymonas sp. Synthesize silver nanoparticles that have antibacterial activity against the pathogens (Elangovan et al., 2019)
such as Vibrio alginolyticus, Bacillus flexus and Streptococcus sp.
S. limacinum, N. texensis, G. sulphuraria, E. carotinosa, S. Shown antioxidant, anticancer and cytotoxic effects against human hepatocellular liver (Gürlek et al.,2019)
bacillaris, C. cohnii carcinoma cells (HepG2)
C. vulgaris Control the infectious disease by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus (Gayatri et al., 2019)
through inhibition of biofilm formation
Accelerate wound healing and showed anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties (de Melo et al., 2019)
Neochloris aquatica RDS02 Shown the effects of antibacterial (Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus (Selvan et al., 2018)
aureus, Bacillus subtilis), cytotoxic (cancerous HeLa cells) and antiviral (Herpes simplex
virus 1 and 2) with silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) produced
I. galbana, D. tertiolecta, T. suecica, N. oculata Antibacterial activity against fish pathogenic bacteria, Vibrio alginolyticus (Kanaan, 2019)
I. galbana, D. salina, P. lutheri, T. gracilis, T. trahele, T. Demonstrated activities of antimicrobial (Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, (Peraman & Nachimuthu,
sp., Navicula sp., C. calcitrans, D. inornata Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis); antifungal (Aspergillus brasiliensis, Aspergillus 2019)
fumigatus, Candida albicans); anthelmintic (Indian earthworms, Pheretima posthuma)
T. erythraeum Development of silver nanoparticles that showed antibacterial activity against bacterial (Sathishkumar et al., 2019)
strains (P. mirabilis, S. aureus) as well as drug resistant strains (S. pneumoniae, E. coli, S.
T. suecica Produce antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that show bactericidal effects against gram- (Guzmán et al., 2019)
negative and gram-positive bacteria (P. aeruginosa, B. cereus, E. coli, S. typhimurium, S.
aureus, L. monocytogenes, M. luteus)
Spirulina platensis Antioxidant and antiproliferative against human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HEPG2) (Zaid et al., 2015)
and colon carcinoma cells (HCT116)
Antiviral activity against foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) Types O, A and SAT2 (Daoud & Soliman, 2015)
Antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans and Escherichia coli (Pratita et al., 2019)
Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Scenedesmus sp., Chlorococcum sp. Produce exopolysaccharides that has antioxidant and inhibit the proliferation of human (Zhang et al., 2019)
colon cancer cell lines
Chlorella sorokiniana, Scenedesmus sp. Antitumor activity against murine L5178Y-R lymphoma cell lines (Reyna-Martinez et al.,
Botryococcus braunii Anticancer properties by photosystem I Light-Harvesting Complex I (PSI-LHCI) (Ovalle et al., 2018)
Tribonema sp. Produce sulphated polysaccharides that act as immunostimulant and show anticancer (Chen et al., 2019)
activity (RAW264.7 macrophage cells and HepG2 cells)
Botryidiopsidaceae sp. Exhibit antioxidant and anticancer activities against cervical cancer cells) (Suh et al., 2017)
Nannochloropsis salina Antimicrobial and anticancer activities against human MCF-7 cancer cell line (human (Sayegh et al., 2016)
breast cancer)
S. platensis, S. obliquus, D. salina Shown antiviral (HCV genotype 4a replicon, coxsackievirus B4, rotavirus, HSV type 1), (Singab et al., 2018)
antitumor, antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities
Leptolyngbya sp., Chlorellaceae, Scenedesmus sp., Anti-influenza activity (Silva et al., 2018)
Staurastrum sp.
Schizochytrium sp. Vaccine candidate against Zika virus (Márquez-Escobar et al.,
Coccomyxa sp. KJ Anti-herples simplex virus activity (Hayashi et al., 2019)
Spirulina maxima Produce extracellular L-asparaginase that had antiviral (Coxsackie B3) and (Abd & El, 2019)
antiproliferative activities (lung carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, prostate
carcinoma cell lines)
Synechocystis sp., Gyrodinium, Impudium Antiviral activity against influenza virus (Kim et al., 2012)
S. plantensis, C. vulgaris, N. ocaenia, Picochlorum sp., H. Neuroprotective potential against Alzheimer's disease (Olasehinde et al., 2017)
crinita, C. volubile, B. braunii, T. chuii
Dunaliella tertiolecta Produce the pigment, violaxanthin, that has antineoplastic effects (Abida et al., 2013)
Chlorella pyrenoidosa Produce C. pyreniodosa antitumor polypeptide (CPAP) that inhibit the activity of human (Wang & Zhang, 2013)
liver cancer cell

Table 4
Properties of microalgae for application in skin care products.
Microalgae Function Refs.

Monodus sp., Thalassiosira sp., Chaetoceros sp., and Integrated into anti-aging products for collagen stimulation (Zanella et al., 2019)
Phaeodactylum tricornutum Improve skin elasticity and firmness as well as to protect the skin against UV (Ariede et al., 2017)
Chlamydocapsa sp. (snow algae) Hydrating the skin and increase the longevity of the skin following exposure to (Ariede et al., 2017)
dryness, UV radiation or cold
Spirulina platensis Avoid the harmful activity in the dermis and epidermis by radicals (Raposo et al., 2013)
Porphyridium sp. (red microalgae) Antioxidant activity against linoleic acid autoxidation and replace hyaluronic (de Jesus Raposo et al., 2015)
acid as a biolubricant
Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina maxima Produce vitamins that help to get rid of dark circles, refresh and purify the skin (Joshi et al., 2018)
Aurantiochytrium sp., Thraustochytrium sp. and Produce squalene that used in moisturizing lotions to provide ideal skin (Kaya et al., 2011; Patinier, 2014;
Schizochytrium sp. properties by stimulating emollient and antistatic actions Pora et al., 2014)

D.Y.Y. Tang, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 122997

personal care for over 30 years. For example, Algo[2]IODe by Daniel The microalgal extract also can be used in decorative cosmetics
Jouvance contains a high concentration of marine iodine from products such as foundation, concealer, lipstick and eyeliners. For ex-
Thalassiosira to help delay the appearance of new fatty cells and this ample, Skinicer ocean kiss lipstick is a hygienic lipstick that contains
gives a sliming cure effect for 7 days. Dunaliella salina microalgae which the combination of natural hydrating ingredients and microalgae ex-
rich in marine glycerine had been exploited in AQUACÉANE series and tract, Spiralin. It is clinically proven to have antiviral, antifungal, an-
is a powerful moisturizing agent that provides lasting hydration to skin. tibacterial, collagen-forming, cell-regenerative, as well as UV-protective
ÉCLACÉANE by Noctiluca microalgae that emit visible and shimmering properties. Phycocyanobilin and phycoerythrobilin produced from
light on the surface of the ocean, offers the skin a new source of ra- Spirulina sp. and Porphyridium sp. act as pigments for eye-liner and
diance. Furthermore, some of the microalgal derived cosmetics pro- lipsticks (Hamed, 2016).
ducts have been commercialized. For instance, PEPHA®-TIGHT is a Nowadays, hair colouring or hair dyeing is the popular and common
pure, unique natural skin firming and highly purified biotechnologi- practice for youths’ generation. However, the chemicals present in
cally produced extract from N. oculate microalgae and was patented to synthetic hair dye can cause severe damage to hair such as hair fall, hair
be used in anti-aging creams (Sumathy and Kim, 2011). Subitec, a thinning and easy breakage. Synthetic hair dye may cause allergic re-
German technology company, had utilised the snow algae (C. signiensis) action in some people and there had news reported that synthetic hair
as the anti-aging cosmetic ingredient. This high value biotechnological dye may increase the risk of developing cancer. Microalgae extracts
product, the “Snow Algae Powder”, was successfully introduced to the were shown to produce carotenoids or pigments naturally (Khoo et al.,
market in 2014. The snow algae extracts are effective in reducing the 2019a; Sathasivam and Ki, 2018) and thus can be exploited to produce
loss in collagen expression in aged fibroblasts, significantly enhanced hair colourant or hair dye because the microalgae-based products are
skin hydration and smoothed crow's feet wrinkles. Besides, ESTÉE regarded as safe as compared to synthetic hair dye.
LAUDER also launched a microalgal-based product, named Nutritious
Microalgae Pore Minimizing Shake Tonic, formulated with a nutrient- 4.3. Food industry
dense microalgae blend of Chlorella, Spirulina and Laminaria saccharina
to purify and balance the skin. Sun Chlorella skin cream from Japan is In United States, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizes
the first skin-nourishing cream that use Chlorella to hydrate and nourish the algae-based products or additives as safe (Wijnands et al., 2008).
the skin. The extracts produced by microalgae also used in producing Cookies, biscuits, pasta and dairy products are some of the examples of
mask in rejuvenating, moisturising and renewing the skin. For example, microalgae-based food ingredients (Caporgno and Mathys, 2018). Dairy
B.liv nano bio-cellulose mask is made from Organic Spirulina, a blue- products can be incorporated with bioactive compounds from micro-
green algae from deep sea to hydrate, repair and clarify skin as well as algae for health benefits. For example, Arthrospira sp. in fermented milk
to protect skin from the free radical damage. Besides, pure face mask and yogurts can promote the growth and increase the viability of de-
from L’Oreal Paris is made from combination of clay and red algae to sired probiotics (Varga et al., 2002). Apart from incorporation of
exfoliate, cleanse and refine the skin. The superfood skin reset anti- Chlorella sp. into yogurts, it has also been added into cheese to increase
oxidant mask from Youth To The People is a rejuvenating cream mask the hardness and springiness and at the same time, reduce the melt-
enriched with Seagreens Spirulina, bioactive microalgae and other ability and cohesiveness (Cho et al., 2004; Jeon, 2006). Phycocyanin
compounds to restore and rejuvenate skin. extracts from Arthrospira platensis have been introduced in the baking of
Sunscreen is a topical product that protect us against ultraviolet cookies to increase fibre and protein content (Singh et al., 2015). The
(UV) light and against sunburn. The extracts of Spirulina sp. and incorporation of H. pluvialis into the cookies aids in decreasing the
Chlorella sp. are used as ingredients of sun block (Jha et al., 2017). glycaemic response and at the same time increase the antioxidant ca-
Chlorogloeopsis sp. extract protects the keratinous tissue by preventing pacity (Hossain et al., 2017). Batista et al. (2017) improved the nutri-
damage from long wave ultraviolet A (UVA) and short wave ultraviolet tional and potential health benefits by incorporating C. vulgaris, T.
B (UVB) and thus preventing photo aging, wrinkles formation and skin suecica, A. platensis and P. tricornutum inside cookies to boost the pro-
sagging (Ariede et al., 2017). Isochrysis sp. extracts are also applied in tein and antioxidants contents.
sunscreen formulation that contain organic and inorganic filters with Pigments and carotenoids from microalgae can be used as food
SPF 15 to prevent the transmission of ultraviolet (UV). Lastly, Nanno- additives as colourings and thickeners (Mourelle et al., 2017). Car-
chloropsis sp. has shown effective measure against transmission of UVA otenoids produced from Dunaliella sp., Chlamydomonas sp., Chlorella sp.,
and UVB (Ariede et al., 2017). Cyanidioschyzon sp., Synechocystis sp. and S. platensis act as food col-
Apart from that, good and beautiful hair gives better impression, so ourant (Chu, 2012). Arthrospira sp. was also used as the ingredient for
proper hair care is essentially important. Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina extruded snack food for the purpose of enrichment (Lucas et al., 2018).
maxima microalgae treat the dandruff for stimulation of hair growth These microalgae can be used as a protein ingredient in drinks, for
(Joshi et al., 2018). Extracts of Thalassiosira sp., Monodus sp., Chlor- example Spirulina platensis in drinks for sport nutrition as Spirulina
ococcum sp. and Chaetoceros sp. are suggested for the formulations that platensis proteins contain all amino acids needed and to increase the
deal with hair loss (Zanella et al., 2019). These microalgae extracts athletes’ endurance and performance (Gubanenko et al., 2019).
regulate the melanogenesis in skin and hair, proliferation of melano- Moreover, pasta is a popular dish in the diet in European and Asian
cytes, differentiation of keratinocytes and the growth of hair follicles people. Incorporation of microalgae will not affect the cooking and
(Zanella et al., 2019). Oil produced by Chlorella sp. demonstrated the textures of pasta (Fradique et al., 2010) and high microalgae con-
ability to make the skin and hair soft and more flexible (Brooks and centration in pasta will improve stickiness and maintain its elasticity
Franklin, 2013). A study by Herrmann et al. (2012) discovered that the (Caporgno and Mathys, 2018). To enhance the nutritional content of
methanol extract (BIO1631) of the marine water microalgae Isochrysis fresh spaghetti, C. vulgaris and A. maxima can be added (Fradique et al.,
sp. is highly effective in increasing the percentage of hair follicles in the 2010). Adding D. vlkianum and I. galbana into pasta provides ω-3 PUFAs
anagen phase by reducing apoptosis of hair follicle cells in the bulb and antioxidants with potential health benefits (De Marco et al., 2014;
region. The extract exhibited an average increase in hair shaft elonga- Fradique et al., 2013; Gouveia et al., 2008). The ability to produce li-
tion, thus is a highly promising candidate for preventing hair loss. pids (fatty acids) by microalgae such as I. galbana, P. tricornutum, C.
However, due to the toxicity of methanol extract, the extracted bioac- calcitrans, M. subterraneus, S. obliquus, N. gaditana, C. cohnii and T.
tive product is unreliable for consumption in human body. Other pseudonana is another highly interesting aspect in the food industry
commercial products such as Dove Regenerative Repair Shampoo re- (Klok et al., 2014). The microalgae oil produced have similar compo-
stores the hair strength by providing nourishment and repair the da- sition to vegetable oils and are rich in high-value PUFA such as EPA and
maged hair. DHA. The fatty acids produced can be utilised as nutritional supplement

D.Y.Y. Tang, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 122997

in tablets, capsules, or powders form or for use in nutraceuticals (García a dry weight of 43%, while the Tetraselmis suecica and Dunaliella ter-
et al., 2017). Microalgae oils that are rich in docosahexaenoic acid tiolecta microalgae contains less than 10% (Kamalanathan and Quigg,
(DHA) from Schizochytrium sp. have been formulated in the infant 2019). Chlorella sp., particularly Chlorella vulgaris, is among the mi-
products, since it is comparable with other traditional sources of DHA. croalgae of great interest for biofuels because it can accumulate large
The study by Ben Atitallah et al. (2019) demonstrated that addition amounts of lipids, rapid growth rate and easy for cultivation (Liu et al.,
of Isochrysis galbana, Chlorella minutissima and Picochlorum sp. into 2008). More importantly, microalgae oil is more economical as com-
canned fish burgers improved the texture, sensory acceptability, nu- pared to the biomass from other oilseed crops and terrestrial plants.
tritional content and functional properties (water and oil holding ca- Biodiesel derived from microalgae provides similar properties (e.g.,
pacities) as compared to the rest of the formulations. The incorporation density, fire point, viscosity, heat values) compared to petroleum diesel
also ameliorated the antioxidant activities of the microalgae-supple- (Ahmad et al., 2011). The biodiesel derived from microalgae also has
mented fish burgers. The possible uses of the polysaccharides from high energy density, and is cleaner as compared to petroleum-based
microalgae as a prebiotic, source of fibre is another nutritional aspect of fuels (Tan et al., 2015). Due to the environmental impacts caused by
interest though these are yet to be developed (Raposo et al., 2013). other feedstock, till now, there are no other potential resources of
There are some examples of the commercial products that utilise biodiesel that are realistic and practical to replace the sustainability of
microalgae in the production of food. For instance, the chocolate pro- petroleum diesel alike microalgae.
ducts, M&M's use Spirulina as a natural colouring. Some cooking oil In 2009, a research program was carried out by ExxonMobil and
companies use microalgae technology to produce healthy cooking oils Synthetic Genomics (SGI) in the development of advanced biofuels from
for example, Thrive® Algal Oil (Chlorella) and Naturel Forte DHA algae. This joint effort is working in the direction of the production of
cooking oil by Lam Soon Sdn.Bhd, Malaysia. Lee Biscuits, Malaysia also 10,000 barrels of algae biofuels by 2025. By adopting the cell en-
uses Spirulina in the production of crackers. Chlorella and Spirulina are gineering technologies at SGI, the research team modified the algae
used in the production of beverage (cereal drinks) to increase the nu- strain to raise the oil content from 20% to more than 40%. From there,
tritional value in products like Gold Choice 3 in 1 Chlorella Cereal the team had discovered a new mechanism to increase the production
Drinks, Nature’s Own® Instant Brown Rice Cereal with Spirulina, AIK of oil by discovering a genetic change that could be fine-tuned to reg-
CHEONG Vita Flakes Matcha Spirulina, Super Nutremill 5in1 Spirulina ulate the conversion of carbon to oil in the microalgae species,
with Oat and Tesco Choice 3 in 1 Spirulina Pre-Mixed Cereal Drink. Nannochloropsis gaditana.
However, some properties of microalgae have limited their appli- In short, microalgae have the potential to produce renewable fuels
cation in food products. For example, the antioxidant activity of such as biodiesel, bioethanol, biohydrogen, methane and syngas
Chlorella sp. and Arthrospira sp. can cause the colour and flavour (Suparmaniam et al., 2019). Microalgae-based biofuels are biodegrad-
changes in foods and these changes are typically regarded by consumers able, non-toxic, low emission of sulphur and high release of oxygen
as undesirable (Beheshtipour et al., 2013). Next, the microalgae, for (Khan et al., 2018).
instance Chlorella sp. and Spirulina sp. that confer green colour have
restricted their use as colourings in daily-use products because it will 5. Critical points in mass scale use of microalgae
adversely influence consumers’ perception of the taste and quality.
Furthermore, some products have a slight fishy flavour when micro- The latest microalgae technology in terms of cultivation and har-
algae are added and may be deemed unfavourable by the consumers vesting is unable to produce the large amount of microalgae biomass,
(Fradique et al., 2013). which is approximately more than 100 kt/year at the production cost
below 1.0 €/kg for industrial purposes (Fernández et al., 2019). In other
4.4. Transportation words, the commercial use of microalgae biomass as a source of useful
products are still not economical due to a few issues and challenges
The gradual depletion of fossil fuels and the increased emissions of despite a lot of intensive research efforts on microalgae being made
greenhouse gas in large cities have urged the generation of renewable (Caporgno and Mathys, 2018). The challenge is mostly on the upstream
energy to resolve the problems such as environmental pollution and the and downstream processing of microalgae that will determine whether
global depletion of fossil fuels like natural gas and petroleum (Cruz the microalgae biomass can achieve the maximum production of high-
et al., 2018). Therefore, researchers are currently in the progress of value compounds for the whole year production. As an example, the
developing biofuels from microalgae, a renewable energy thatis derived changes in certain cultivation parameters, such as pH, light intensity,
from different origins such as animals and plants (e.g., soybean, sun- nutrients, CO2 concentration, humidity and contamination by other
flower, palm oil, coconut). The oil yields and growth rates vary con- microorganisms, can affect the final biomass composition profile. Aside
siderably between different oilseed crops (Chisti, 2007; Hu et al., 2008), from that, the various types of cultivation system still remain a chal-
while microalgae are able to synthesize rapidly and accumulate large lenge for the utilization of microalgae to produce useful compounds.
amount of lipids up to 85% (Goh et al., 2019; Gupta et al., 2019). Low cost open system is preferred in industrial scale as compared to
Microalgae are capable of synthesizing 58,700 L oil per hectare that can high cost closed system that has high biomass productivity, but it is
produce 121,104 L biodiesel per hectare of land, a transition that is susceptible to contamination. Moreover, the climatological conditions
promising over conventional fossil fuels and the global scientific com- and the conditions of harsh environment also affects the yield of mi-
munity pay special attention to microalgae in the production of biofuels croalgae biomass (Manirafasha et al., 2016).
as an alternative sustainable energy (Chisti, 2007; Mata et al., 2010). Furthermore, the downstream processing of microalgae biomass, for
Recent decades have seen the transformation of microalgae biomass example, extraction, isolation and purification steps, is complex and of
into various forms of biofuel such as biodiesel, bioethanol, biohy- high cost. The composition of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, enzymes
drogen, and bio-oil that potentially address the current energy crisis and other compounds produced by microalgae biomass are different
(Suparmaniam et al., 2019). The lipids formed by microalgae contain among the species. The biocompounds produced may be fragile, low
twice the energy provided by carbohydrates, meaning that the fuel quantity, lost or substantially altered during the extraction process,
energy content will experience a two-fold increase outstripping other making the process of analysis and industrial scale-up to be difficult.
terrestrial plants for the production of biofuel (Rawat et al., 2013). Hence, it is a significant challenge for the identification, characteriza-
Microalgae are seen as an ideal feedstock for biofuels due to their ad- tion and extraction of a single effective compounds from microalgae
vantages, such as their phototropic features, fast growth rate, high biomass.
production of biomass and less water and land needed for growth. The quality of the microalgal-based products is another considera-
Botryococcus braunii microalgae has the highest acummulated lipid with tion to be evaluated. The research on the application of the properties

D.Y.Y. Tang, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 122997

of microalgae compounds in the pharmaceutical areas, for instance, natural compounds with beneficial properties can be extracted from
antioxidative, antihypertensive, anti-tumour, neuroprotective and an- microalgae biomass and incorporated into industrial products to re-
ticoagulant functions, is limited and the potential health benefits are place the synthetic materials and save cost. However, to commercialize
not evident without the data from non-clinical trials and human clinical microalgae-based biofuels and bioproducts, a lot of challenges need to
trials (Caporgno and Mathys, 2018). In short, the high cost of cultiva- be overcomed. The possible prospects of downstream processing of
tion, extraction and harvesting techniques as well as low yield restrict microalgae biomass will aid to achieve more desirable high-value
the use of microalgae as a source of bioactive compounds production in compounds and thereby creating noteworthy progress towards the fu-
mass scale. ture of microalgae-based biotechnology.

6. Future work and opportunities CRediT authorship contribution statement

To overcome the challenges faced by utilization of microalgae in Doris Ying Ying Tang: Writing - original draft, Visualization. Kuan
industrial scale, the microalgal cultivation and downstream processes, Shiong Khoo: Writing - review & editing. Kit Wayne Chew:
needs to be optimized and improved for the high recovery and purity of Conceptualization, Supervision. Yang Tao: Supervision. Shih-Hsin Ho:
the compounds from various microalgal species. The investment of Supervision. Pau Loke Show: Supervision, Funding acquisition.
resources in new or existing techniques and equipment in the future
microalgal-based research should put focus on the potential, cost and Declaration of Competing Interest
maturity of the cultivation and harvesting techniques to increase the
growth rate and extraction of bioproducts from biomass (Show et al., The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
2020). In other words, these novel techniques need to be practicable in interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
the industrial scale with low production cost and then lead to good ence the work reported in this paper.
economic at large scale. The microalgae cultivation system should be
advance, particularly for the design of photobioreactors, for continuous Acknowledgments
and mass production of biomass without occurrence of contamination.
In addition, a suitable novel microalgae cultivation mode should be This work was supported by the Fundamental Research Grant
developed for large scale biomass production with the low probability Scheme, Malaysia [FRGS/1/2019/STG05/UNIM/02/2] and Jiangsu
of occurrence of contamination by considering the growth and photo- Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Fund (No. CX(19)
synthetic conditions of different microalgae species (Cruz et al., 2018; 3076).
Velea et al., 2017). Besides, microalgae are amendable to genetic en-
gineering, so this alteration can be applied to modify or improve the References
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7. Conclusions Chew, K.W., Chia, S.R., Show, P.L., Yap, Y.J., Ling, T.C., Chang, J.-S., 2018. Effects of
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