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Understanding Financial Prosperity - Chapter 18

Chapter 18
For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by
himself, Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so,
after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. Hebrews 6:13-15

This is the eagle's secret. God swore to Abraham, yet he needed patience to obtain that promise.
The Bible said, "after he had patiently endured",not after he had subjected himself to rigorous
senseless fasting, not after he had struggled and sweated it out; but after he had patiently endured.

Abraham needed to have endured. Indeed, every man, every "eagle Christian", require a degree of
covenant patience. The covenant of prosperity is not a magic wand, it's an adventure of faith.
"After he had patiently endured...", not after he had wept aloud. We are not called to weep, but to

In Habakkuk 2:3, God said every vision is for an appointed time, so though it tarries, wait for it.
Did He say weep for it? Did He say run around for it? No! Wait! "Wait for it. It will surely come,
it shall not tarry."

The reason we are wasting is because we don't like to wait. In 1981, God spoke to me, saying,
"The hour has come to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil, through the preaching
of the Word of Faith."

That was a revelation for a world-wide ministry, but the mandate to go into Africa never came
until 1994! Can you see the waiting period? "But at the end it shall speak." When you run with it,
it will speak at the end. Very many people miss that end, so it looks as if the vision or revelation
is not true.

Please understand this: quick prosperity will always end in grievous austerity, because it lacks the (1 of 4)7/26/2005 2:03:54 AM

Understanding Financial Prosperity - Chapter 18

required foundation for lasting results.

Why Wait? Your lifting with God is for appointed times and due seasons, and He's the only One
who knows when your due season has come. If you strive to lay hold on something before you're
due, you'll be doomed.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians

Don't be tired in your covenant walk, because there is a due season. If you're on your feet when
that season comes, you will reap your harvest, but if you faint, you fall.

"If it will work, it ought to have worked by now." That's murmuring. When you murmur, you
destroy your seed sown, and then you will have to begin all over again. God runs a due season
calendar on each one of us. When you are due, He will not deny you. But if you faint before you
are due, you lose it all. It's better to wait or you waste. Abraham heard from God directly, yet he
needed patience to obtain the promise. If you will not be patient, you may as well end up a patient
in the hospital.

I caught the revelation that I cannot be poor in 1981, but that was not equal to automatic
prosperity. But because I knew what it takes, I never had occasion to beg, nor was I ever tempted
to borrow.

But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word,
keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. Luke 8:15

Though the seed fell on a good heart and good ground, it could only bring forth fruit with
patience. In a society that's ever in a hurry as we live in today, we need an understanding of God
that will keep us above the system. God said, "I know you're honest, but you need patience. The
day you are due, I will not deny you. Wait! Wait! Wait! The day you are due, you will see Me at
work. Wait!"

God cannot deny Himself. Haven't you heard what He said in Psalm 89:34? My covenant
will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.

So we can count on Him in the morning, we can count on Him in the afternoon, and we can count
on Him in the night. Everyone in this covenant has a future, but that future is continually being
contested by the enemy. It takes covenant intelligence to beat him hollow. Waiting without
staggering, that's the secret of all high flying Christians. (2 of 4)7/26/2005 2:03:54 AM

Understanding Financial Prosperity - Chapter 18

Concerning Abraham, the Bible said: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief;
but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; Romans 4:20

Waiting without staggering, undaunted by negative circumstances. There's a change coming your
way, but that change requires waiting without staggering like Abraham did. Job said: If a man
die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. Job

Your change is guaranteed if only you will wait. There is no shame to them that wait for Him.

Waiting is your access to great heights in life. That is, despising negative circumstances and
holding on tightly to the Word, to a point that everybody thinks you are a fool. You need to wait
for every change before you change. If you change before the change comes you may be charged.
Adjust your taste to match your level per time. God knows your size, you don't need to impress

For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth.
Psalm 37:9

Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked
are cut off, thou shalt see it. Psalm 37:34

Friend, it doesn't come overnight, it comes in phases. Wait for it. Live the anxiety-free life, don't
be ruled and guided by material possessions. Rather, be guided by the principles of life that have
been delivered to you, and you will live well.

It takes a lot of discipline to wait, but God is never late. When you miss God, you miss good. But
when you start counting on God, things start opening up for you. It is the blessings of God, not
the blessings of merchandise that make rich and add no sorrow to it. Don't look for shortcuts,
wait. Be contented and excited with whatever level you are per time.

Your change is coming! The One who brought changes into my life is the same God. You too
will encounter positive and amazing changes in your life, only wait! God will prove you before
He places you.

He won't let you see His wealth until He has found you worthy to retain it and hold it in trust.
There is no shame to them that wait for Him. Please wait! God is never late. Whatever time He
comes is the best time. (3 of 4)7/26/2005 2:03:54 AM

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