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Chapter 7 (Part II)

Carbohydrates and Glycobiology

• Glycogen is the major form of stored carbohydrate in animals. This crucial molecule is a
homopolymer of glucose in α–(1,4) linkage; it is also highly branched, with α–(1,6) branch linkages
occurring every 8-12 residues. Glycogen is a very compact structure that results from the coiling of
the polymer chains. This compactness allows large amounts of carbon energy to be stored in a
small volume, with little effect on cellular osmolarity.

• Starch is the major form of stored carbohydrate in plant cells. Its structure is identical to glycogen,
except for a much lower degree of branching (about every 24–30 residues). Unbranched starch is
called amylose (α1→4)Glc, linear) ; branched starch is called amylopectin (α1→6)Glc, branched).
Carbohydrates and Glycobiology
Carbohydrates and Glycobiology
Epimers and isomers
• Isomers:

Have same chemical formula but different structures.

• Epimers:

Differ in configuration around only one carbon atom (except the carbonyl carbon)

• For example, fructose, glucose, mannose, and galactose are all isomers of each other, having the
same chemical formula, C6H12O6.
• However, galactose and mannose are NOT epimers—they differ in the position of -OH groups at
two carbons (2 and 4) and are, therefore, defined only as isomers
Isomers and epimers

galactose glucose Mannose

epimers epimers
Carbohydrates and Glycobiology
• All carbohydrates contain asymmetrical (chiral) carbon and are optically active.

• If a pair of sugars are mirror images of each other (enantiomers)

• Designated as D- and L-sugars.

• Majority of sugars in humans are D-sugars.

• OH group on the asymmetric carbon:

• in the D-isomer is on the right

• in the L-isomer it is on the left.

• Enzymes known as racemases are able to interconvert D- and L-isomers.

Carbohydrates and Glycobiology
• In the D isomeric form, the OH group on the asymmetric carbon (a carbon linked to four different atoms
or groups) farthest from the carbonyl carbon is on the right, while in the L-isomer it is on the left
Carbohydrates and Glycobiology
Cyclization of monosaccharides
<99% of monosaccharides (5 carbons) are in a ring (cyclic) form

The aldehyde (or ketone) group has reacted with an alcohol group on the same sugar, making the
carbonyl carbon asymmetric.

Carbohydrates and Glycobiology
Cyclization of monosaccharides
<99% of monosaccharides (5 carbons) are in a ring (cyclic) form

The aldehyde (or ketone) group has reacted with an alcohol group on the same sugar, making the
carbonyl carbon asymmetric.

N- and O-glycosides

• Complex carbohydrates can be attached to non-carbohydrates:

• Purine and pyrimidine bases.

• Aromatic rings

• Proteins

• Lipids

• If the group attached to sugar is -NH2 group, the structure is an N-

glycoside, and the bond is N-glycosidic link.

• If the group is an -OH, the structure is an O-glycoside, and the bond

is O-glycosidic link
Carbohydrates and Glycobiology

• Mouth

• Digestion begins by breaking some -(1→4) glycosidic bonds by salivary α-amylase


• Stomach

• Digestion stops because high acidity inactivates the amylase

• Small intestine
1. Pancreatic -amylase completes starch digestion
2. Brush border enzymes digest disaccharides and polysaccharides
Carbohydrates and Glycobiology

• End products of carbohydrate digestion

• Glucose, fructose, galactose
• Absorbed into blood stream

• Fibers are not digested, excreted in feces

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