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Department of Psychology

Cognition (PSY 216) Course Outline

August 2019 Level 2:2

Second Semester 2019/2020 Academic Year

Lecturer: Mr. S.J. Mazani

Lecturer Slots: Tue 1400-1600 LR1 Friday 1100-1200
Tutorial: Thursday 11-12 NLRF2

This course is offered to second year undergraduate students on the BSc. (Hons) degree in Psychology.
Since coming to the fore nearly 30 years ago, and in conjunction with advances in computer
programming, Cognition has become a core component of any undergraduate programme in

Cognition is but one approach to the study of mental processes and behaviour. Students will already be
aware of other approaches, for example Behaviourist, Psychoanalytic, Humanistic.

The course aims to impart to students an understanding of the complexity of human mental processes,
while engaging in the same. In so doing, it is hoped that students will be driven by scientific curiosity, a
desire to understand themselves and others.

Course objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
 Describe the emergence of cognitive psychology
 Explain and evaluate the paradigms that influence research in cognitive psychology
 Explain the different mental processes that constitute human cognition
 Distinguish between basic and higher order cognitive processes
 Explain and critically evaluate theories, processes and findings in Cognition
 Apply cognition to everyday life situations

1. Introduction (1 week)
a) Definition of cognition
b) A historical perspective on cognitive psychology
 Cognitive revolution
 Cognitive psychology in present times
c) Paradigms in cognitive psychology
 information processing approach
 connectionism
 evolutionary
 ecological

2. Basic cognitive processes

2.1 Attention (2 weeks)
a) Selective attention
 theories, research and application in everyday life
b) Divided attention
 theories and research
 divided attention in everyday life
c) Automatic and controlled processes in attention
d) Attention failure

2.2 Memory (2 weeks)

a) Memory models
b) Measuring memory
c) Exceptional memory
d) Memory processes
 encoding, retrieval, forgetting,
e) Constructive nature of memory

2.3 Organisation of Knowledge in the mind (1 week)

a) Declarative knowledge
b) Procedural knowledge

3. “Higher order” Cognitive Processes: (2 weeks)

3.1 Language and Thought
a) Structure of Language
b) Speech errors
c) Sentence Comprehension
d) Ambiguities
e) Differences among languages
f) Pragmatics

3.2 Problem Solving and Creativity (1 week)

a) Definition of thinking
b)Problem solving cycle
b) Types of problems
c) Obstacles and aids to problem solving
d) Creativity
 theories
 experts vs novices
3.3 Decision making and reasoning (2 weeks)
a) Types of reasoning
 everyday reasoning and formal reasoning
b) Decision making phases
c) Heuristics and biases
d) Fallacies

4. Human Intelligence (1 week)

a) Definition
b) Types of intelligence
c) Theories on intelligence
d) Improving intelligence

Methods / Strategies of Teaching

 Lectures with or without powerpoint presentations
 Mediated Group Discussions
 Handouts
 Practicals

Course Assessment
Assessment consists of 1 assignment and 1 in-class test. Both will constitute 30% of the final course
grade. Plagiarism will attract a stiff penalty in accordance with university regulations. End of semester
examination mark will contribute 70% to the final grade.

Assignment 1 Due 7/04/20

1. Discuss the view that intelligence is a universal, learnt and inherited capability
(APA referencing, 4 pages)

Course Evaluation
This course will be evaluated by the External examiner, peers and students
Recommended Reading

Galottti, K.M. (2013) Cognitive Psychology : In and Out of the Laboratory (5th ed), Thousand Oaks: Sage

Goldstein (2013) Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday experience (4th ed)
Boston: Cengage Learning

Matlin, M.W. & Farmer, T. A. (2016) Cognitive Psychology (9th ed) Singapore: John Wiley & Sons

Sternberg, R. J. & Sternberg, K. (2016) Cognitive Psychology (7th ed) Boston: Cengage Learning

Electronic Resources

Advances in Cognitive Psychology

Applied Cognitive Psychology – Wiley online library>CognitivePsychology>CognitivePsychology

Cognitive Psychology

Journal of Cognitive Enhancement – Springer>Home>Psychology>CognitivePsychology

Journal of Cognitive Psychology – Taylor and Francis Online

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