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No: 115 : $1.50 : December 2004

Criticism of
Occupational Health
The National Occupational Health and of capital. This reduces profit margins. If Unless OSH can provide a convincing
Safety Advisory Committee has issued a a worker dies as a result of inhaling can- explanation, this performance is virtually
Report, titled ‘The Burden of cer-causing fumes and dust – tough! a form of criminal negligence by a state
Occupational Disease and Injury in New Another worker can be signed on from agency. By failing to investigate, or even
Zealand’. Its findings are a devastating among the 70,000 unemployed. Such is document, the hundreds of workers who
criticism of the capitalist economic sys- the ‘morality’ of capitalism. die from occupational cancer, OSH,
tem in which profits take priority over either by neglect or design, has con-
worker’s lives and health. It deserves What has been the response of the capi- doned the failure of employers to pro-
attention. This Report confirms that an talist class? Representatives of Employers vide a safe working environment. OSH’s
honest and objective study of any part of have been bellyaching about the cost of conduct gives comfort to employers who
capitalism must lead to its exposure as an compliance with government regulations, avoid expenditure on measures to pre-
outdated system. Workers are paying a which allegedly reduce profits. But have vent workers’ deaths.
heavy price in deaths and injuries when we read of these leaders expressing con-
toiling to make profits for the ruling class. cern about the deaths of hundreds of According to Marxism, the state is an
workers dying from occupational dis- instrument used by one class to oppress
PUTTING PROFIT BEFORE eases annually? No, we have not. Yet, it is another. OSH’s performance should be
WORKERS SAFETY - KILLS ‘their’ system that is killing workers and so judged.
Between 700 and 1000 workers die each subjecting many thousands to avoidable
year from occupational diseases, such as suffering. For this class, workers are a WHERE HAVE THE LABOUR
cancer, respiratory diseases, and ‘commodity’ to be disposed of when no POLITICIANS BEEN?
ischaemic heart disease. Chemicals, longer fit to make profits. Their well The Parliamentary Labour Party politi-
fumes, dust and shift work are contribut- being does not even register on the cians claim to be ‘worker-friendly.’ Yeah,
ing factors. Another 100 people die from employers' ‘radar’. right. The fact is that many thousands of
workplace injury. families have suffered the loss or injury
STATE AGENCY IS AN to family members because the politi-
Some 17,000 to 20,000 new cases of ACCESSORY TO NEGLECT AND cians lacked the will to insist that the cap-
work-related diseases emerge each year. COVER-UP. italist class provided safe working condi-
They include low back pain, skin disor- According to the above Report, more tions.
ders, chronic respiratory diseases, and ear than 4 out of every 5 work-related
problems. The ACC pays out on about deaths (80per cent) were not document- Ross Wilson, President of the Council of
200,000 occupational accident claims. ed, reported, or investigated. Each year Trade Unions (CTU) is quoted as saying
250 to 400 workers died from occupa- that the Report revealed the ‘shockingly
WORKERS SAFETY IS A CLASS tional cancer and 320 to 750 cases were high toll’ of decades of neglect in work-
ISSUE diagnosed. ‘But the notifiable occupa- places. He said – ‘ it is nothing less than
The provision of a safe working environ- tional disease system run by the govern- a scandal that thousands of workers are
ment costs money. Safe handling of ment agency – Occupational Safety and dying because fatally toxic substances
chemicals and the removal of fumes and Health (OSH) reported only about 30 have been introduced into workplaces
dust requires the additional investment cases a year’ (source: NZ Herald,9.11.04). continues on page 2
Insider Trading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Philippines/NZ Common Interests . . .11
Superannuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Protectionism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Parliament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Fascism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Wages and Home Ownership . . . . . . . .6 Foreshore and Seabed . . . . . . . . . . .15
SIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 The Working Class and Fascism . . . .16
Chemical Giant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Scientific Socialism . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Police Ideology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Uniting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Overseas Investment Law . . . . . . . . .10 Book Review ‘Colossus’ . . . . . . . . . .19
STRUGGLE : December 2004 1

US Imperialist Occupation
of Iraq Creates Mounting
War Crimes
Despite all its censorship efforts, the US late the US, they are not decisive. To
military cannot conceal the heavy halt the criminal conduct of the fascist-
causalities suffered by the Iraqi civilian like Bush Administration, the greatest
population, now estimated to exceed mobilisation of those favouring peace
100,000. When US President Bush and the renunciation of armed violence
resolved to control Iraqi oil reserves, he to solve international differences is
had to find a pretext for the invasion of needed. People from differing classes
Iraq. He and his ‘poodle Blair’ lied like have personal interests in such a world.
the professional liars, which they are. Possibilities of uniting the many are very
They continue to lie by claiming that real.
the US-UK occupation is bringing ‘free-
dom and democracy’ to the Iraqi peo- In this situation, working people have
ple. Just to make sure, the US is build- the major task. Their class suffers most
ing four permanent major military bases from preparations for war, and from
in Iraq. war itself. As the givers of Life, women
have a major role to play.
Subsequent inquiries and reports have
repeatedly confirmed the views of the As the cannon fodder for US generals,
millions that marched against the US- the youth have a direct interest in the
UK invasion of Iraq. Saddam Hussein Russia during WW2. The German Nazi conduct of foreign affairs.
was not linked to Al-Qaeda; there were army was the best in the world! US war talk must be countered. Local
no weapons of mass destruction and US collaborators must be isolated.
the Iraq regime was no threat to its Such indoctrination will come as a Support the Iraqi people.
neighbours. shock to those who recall only too .Independence for Iraq. US Get out of
vividly the atrocities of the Nazi-led Iraq. Help Stop the Murder of Iraqi
Within Iraq, there appears to be two German army - and the fact that it was People.
main resistance activities. There is an outfought and defeated by a superior
armed liberation struggle involving the strategy, battlefield tactics, guerilla
Sunni population. This resistance is so forces, and morale, especially by the
extensive that the US-led occupation is Soviet Red Army, partisans and people.
unable to control significant areas of COVER CONT.
Iraqi cities, towns and rural areas. With US IMPERIALISM IS THE
insufficient troops to cope with the GREATEST DANGER TO WORLD without proper protection.’
widespread Iraqi resistance, the US has PEACE ( – reports)
had to call for help. Like all imperialist At no time in recent history, has the
powers, the US will use the soldiers of international community been faced ORGANISE TO DEMAND SAFE
other countries as cannon fodder, in with a gang of war criminals, adminis- WORKING CONDITIONS
this instance, British troops. tering the most powerful industrial History shows that the capitalist class or
country and armed with an enormous their politicians cannot be relied upon to
The second form of resistance activity stockpile of weapons of mass destruc- protect workers lives. The Report is
concentrates on terrorist-style use of car tion. Moreover, this gang has adopted another good reason for replacing capi-
bombs. Non-Iraqi volunteers may be the strategy of the first-use of nuclear talism.
involved. weapons in pre-emptive strikes against
its chosen targets. It has the intent to In the meantime, workers need to organ-
NZ ARMY OFFICERS expand its murderous control of other ise to impose adequate safe working
INDOCTRINATED WITH countries and oil regions, with the aim conditions. The CTU is promoting job
GERMAN NAZI ARMY of enriching the wealth of US corpora- safety officers. Doctors must be trained
METHODS. tions and their billionaire owners. Such to recognise and report on occupational
During their time in Iraq, New Zealand is the nature of US imperialism diseases, which is not happening at the
army officers were indoctrinated with moment. Family members should
US military thinking. HEAVY RESPONSIBILITY ON encourage and support union member-
ACTIVISTS ship, too. Labour politicians should be
According to US military views, the The conduct and plans of US imperial- asked to front up. As the Report con-
occupation forces in Iraq should study ism cannot be ignored. While its exter- vincingly shows – Lives are at Stake
the experiences of the German Nazi nal conduct will eventually help to iso- here. Demand Job Safety. Build Union
army, when it occupied Europe and Strengths. Make it Happen.
2 December 2004 : STRUGGLE

Multi-Millionaires Charged
with ‘Insider Trading’
The Securities Commission has TIMELINE OF EVENTS: class is called comprador capitalists
dropped a ‘bombshell’ into the corpo- TRANZRAIL 2002 SHARE because they have this special collabo-
rate world of ‘wheeling and dealing’ by TRADING QUERIED. rative role with foreign capital.
high flyers. Not before time, in the view February 2002: large quantities of Tranz
of many shareholders. After extensive Rail shares were traded. Two directors, With its control of the state apparatus,
local and overseas inquiries, the Sir Michael Fay and David Richwhite’s including parliament, the comprador
Securities Commission has multi-mil- private company sells its 14.5 per cent capitalist class, along with foreign capi-
lionaire former directors of Tranz Rail, stake in Tranz Rail for $63.18 million. tal, has been the main beneficiary of the
Messrs Fay, Richwhite and a US direc- The US investment fund, Berkshire, sells de-regulation of the economy and the
tor in its sights for alleged ‘insider trad- its $15.4 million stake and its Tranz Rail privatisation of public assets, initiated by
ing’. director Carl Ferenbach sells $2.18 mil- the Fourth Labour Government. To
lion shares. keep accumulating wealth, the com-
In the speculative world of the stock March 2002: Tranz Rail’s chief financial prador capitalists seek to encourage for-
exchange, corporate directors are officer, and managing director sell their eign investment and continue sales of
required to refrain from using ‘inside shares. local and central government assets.
information’ for their personal gain. May 2002: Tranz Rail discloses a
Should they use such information to reduced profit for the March quarter, PERFORMANCE OF TRANZ RAIL
buy or sell shares in their corporation with a write down of assets to follow. DEMANDS INQUIRY.
for their own advantage, while with- The share price continues to decline. As a result of government investment in
holding such information from their July 2002: the Stock Exchange asks for NZ Rail, and the subsequent pay back
shareholders, they are liable to be an explanation following a sharp drop to major shareholders, the actual cost of
charged with ‘insider trading’. in share price. shares to them was 16 cents. Over the
After Tranz Rail says that fourth quarter years, the rail track was so run down
Although the dominant ideology of profits not up to expectations, the share that the Government had to gift $200
capitalism is ‘looking after No 1’, this price tumbles. million to the new incoming owner.
ideology conflicts with the rights of Securities Commission begins informal The privatised rail network has been a
shareholders, who form a collective investigations. Share price dropped to disaster for railwaymen, their families,
body to elect directors administer the 30 cents from $3.60 to $4.28 in for the taxpayer and the public. Safety
corporation. The directors and manage- February. Shareholders Association, became a major issue. Engine drivers
ment are required to keep the share- Chairman Bruce Sheppard and share- had to reduce speed because of the
holders informed about the financial holder Michael Horton made formal state of the track.
state of the said corporation, so that all complaints. The latter claimed to have
are treated equally and fairly. lost $200,000. Inevitably, a future generation will see
October 2004: The Securities the privatisation of NZ Rail and its sub-
In corporate structures, a few major Commission files charges of alleged sequent record as conduct of a criminal
shareholders can out-vote the many ‘insider trading’ by the defendants to nature, amounting to the looting of
hundreds, and often thousands of these avoid estimated losses of up to $33 mil- public assets by a minority class.
small investors. Yet, these same major lion, when they knew that Tranz Rail
shareholders, and the functioning of the had unpublicised problems. The HOW WILL THE COURTS
capitalist system itself, are largely, Securities Commission had to satisfy RESPOND?
dependent on the flow of small the initial Court hearing that it had suf- Already, the defendants have engaged a
investor's savings into corporations. ficient evidence for the Court to hear squad of eminent lawyers. Legal fees
These money savings are turned into the case against the defendants. The will amount to millions of $s. Any com-
capital, under the control of and for the defendants all live overseas and vigor- pensation and penalties could be in
benefit of the major shareholders. ously deny the charges. excess of $200 million. Some observers
Should small investors lose their trust predict Court proceedings could last
and confidence in the directors of cor- POINTS OF SIGNIFICANCE years – if there is not an ‘out-of-court’
porations, investments decline and ‘Struggle’ is not interested in the defen- settlement first!
share prices tend to follow. Apparently, dants as individuals. What is of interest
this tendency has been sufficiently is that they are representatives of a class The public will be able to compare the
strong to affect the flow of investments stratum that accumulates their wealth, conduct of the Court, the news media
into local New Zealand corporations. mainly, by collaborating with foreign and the politicians towards the ‘insider
corporate investors; that, thanks to the trading’ defendants, with those accused
Because nothing destroys the trust of sale of state assets, this class stratum of petty crimes.
investors quicker than ‘insider trading’, became major shareholders in Telecom,
the Securities Commission has acted. In BNZ, Trans Rail and other former state- Whatever the outcome, events will rein-
doing so, it is defending the long-term owned enterprises. By means of non- force the need to remove the com-
interests of the capitalist class. taxable capital gains and share price prador capitalist class from its control of
rises, this small class increased its wealth state power and to return former state
by hundreds of millions of dollars. This assets to public ownership.
STRUGGLE : December 2004 3

Increased Rate of
Super Justified
After consulting with their members, each partner or from 65 per cent to 70
Grey Power officers have been lobbying per cent for a couple should be sup-
parliamentary parties to win support on ported. For example, trade unions may
a number of issues, such as = an like to acknowledge the welfare of their
increased rate of superannuation former members, now retired, by sup-
(super), hospital care, asset testing, and porting Grey Power on the super
electricity charges. increase.

Grey Power is a lobby group concerned LABELING ORGANISATIONS IS

with the welfare of the elderly. In NOT HELPFUL
response to a brochure issued by the In production work, workers are
Office of the Prime Minister, Helen encouraged to investigate and study
Clark, Grey Power informed the PM problems to find solutions.
that the elderly ‘feel neglected, unim-
portant and undervalued’, The same goes when developing activi-
• That 18 per cent of elderly patients ties to solve people’s immediate needs.
being admitted to the Auckland Before dismissing Grey Power as ‘mid-
Hospital suffer from malnutrition, dle class’, one should investigate current
• That 18 people are said to be dying policies and activity.
from the cold each day in winter,
• That the Superannuation level is just KEEPING THE BIGGER PICTURE
too low to allow one to live in dig- IN VIEW
nity… In lobbying on behalf of their members,
• That there needs to be some posi- Grey Power officers have drawn on real
tive action to redress the loss of quate fixed income. They are always life experiences affecting those on inad-
spending power, as prices for all left behind. Whereas, if the adjustment equate fixed incomes. They have
commodities and services continue was made at six monthly intervals, the observed that ‘ any discretionary spend-
to escalate.’ (September 2004 – The elderly would have some means of cop- ing that may have been available, has
Magazine) ing. long since disappeared, as rates, elec-
tricity costs, transport costs, food costs
Method of Fixing Super rate is Flawed GREY POWER ‘PUT DOWNS’ continue to escalate well above the CPI
The rate of super is supposed to be AND DIVIDE-AND-RULE adjustment’. Workers on low wages will
between 65 to 72.5 per cent of the Net Without exception, a people’s lobby appreciate this view.
After Tax Ordinary Time Weekly Wage group attracts adverse comment, espe-
for a couple. At present, the rate is 65 cially from Government sources. Grey When looking at the bigger picture,
per cent of NATOTWW. Both Power members are viewed as ‘quite there is substantial evidence of a high
Government and employers are collud- well-off’ by Government. Others write incidence of child poverty. New
ing to keep wages low, which affects off Grey Power as ‘middle class’! This is Zealand is now regarded as having a
the super level. another example of ‘divide-and-rule’ or ‘low wage economy. There is also a
sectarian views. high level of overcrowding, as families
The next problem is that adjustments double up because of high rents.
are made to super, according to move- The facts are the majority of retirees Surprisingly, many citizens are not seek-
ments in the Consumer Price Index have been wage earners. Not all, will be ing medical attention because of the
(CPI), which is calculated annually. The members of Grey Power. Nevertheless, costs. As mentioned elsewhere in
issues here are: the CPI is not based on Grey Power lobbying for an increase in ‘Struggle’, wage earners are paying a
the spending peculiar to the elderly super is in the interests of retired wage heavy price in deaths and injuries
and, therefore, does not give an accu- earners. Grey Power research states that caused by toxic fumes, dust and chemi-
rate guide to their required income. ‘ the majority (of supernatants) have lit- cals.
They have greater expenditures on elec- tle else than the New Zealand
tricity, heating and health expenses. An Superannuation, plus about $3000 in The inadequate level of super is part of
elderly consumer's price index should the bank to cater for emergencies or to this bigger picture, in which the big local
be developed. pay for funeral expenses.’(Grey Power and foreign industrial and banking cor-
journal page5 Sept.04). porations are accumulating record prof-
The fact that the adjustment to super is its.
an annual event means that for some So, the stand being taken by Grey
months the elderly must cope with Power for an increase in super from the For the people to succeed, mutual sup-
increased costs with an already inade- current 32.5 per cent to 35 per cent for port and encouragement should prevail.

4 December 2004 : STRUGGLE


On Parliament, the Parliamentary Labour

Party and the Advance to Socialism
Interest in socialism will increase. Various tional experience. Workers do not automati- the working class and people gain confi-
groups and parties will seek to advance its cally transfer their support to a ‘socialist’ dence in their own strength.
cause. New activists will emerge. To avoid re- party, especially when the socialist move-
inventing the wheel, certain facts and expe- ment is so divided. THE MAGIC WEAPON- MARXISM-
riences need to be studied. LENINISM
TRUST, EXPERIENCE AND For these essential goals of trust, experience,
THE REALITY – SUPPORT FOR PLP CONFIDENCE and confidence to be attained, a collective of
Although their support has declined, most Certain conditions are required before committed activists is needed. Their com-
workers support the Parliamentary Labour working people will transfer their Trust from mitment includes learning from the history
Party( PLP), even though it is a party pro- one party to another and from the parlia- of class struggle, from Maori, Polynesians,
moting monopoly capitalism . The PLP is mentary path to a militant path of struggle. women and youth, with the aid of the rev-
seen as the ‘lesser of two evils’, the best of a They must have opportunities for learning olutionary science of Marxism -Leninism.
bad lot or ‘the only alternative’. Some work- through their own experience, at their own
ers are Labour Party members. The ideolog- pace, the correctness of the practical steps Overall, there is insufficient study by Marxist-
ical hold of the PLP over most workers is still proposed by the revolutionary party. Over Leninists students of the situation in New
strong and cannot be ignored. what may be a protracted period, working Zealand. By studying the nature of the NZ
people will learn whether their leaders are economy and its various class contradictions,
SUPPORT FOR PARLIAMENT reliable or not, and whether they can be by giving priority to serving the people, and
Most workers acknowledge the parliamen- trusted. learning from practice, ‘socialists’ may be
tary institution and parliamentary elections as able to unify their thinking and actions.
‘democracy’. A growing number recognise Only by providing a correct and reliable Divisive conduct may be reduced. Much
the parliamentary process, and parliament leadership, will the party and its members greater attention will be given to the oppres-
itself, as loaded against working people. gain the Trust of the working class. Only a sion of Maori. These outcomes will have
party that insists that its members ‘serve the beneficial results.
From the standpoint of Marxism, parliament people’ can establish that Trust.
is an institution specially designed to conceal Classical Marxist writers have listed many
the dictatorship of the capitalist class. It is EXPERIENCE IS PERSONAL lessons from the struggles of the working
based on ‘deception’. Not all ‘socialists’ agree By becoming involved in activities around class in many countries. By learning their
with this assessment. Some even rely upon their immediate needs, working people will methods, students can assist in solving prob-
parliament to introduce socialism. The learn from the responses of the Labour lems in New Zealand. A major challenge is
Marxist view is that the capitalist class will Government and its politicians. In the course to involve supporters of the PLP in the
resist the introduction of socialism by all the of repeated experiences, and aided by defence of their living standards.
means at its disposal. A genuine revolution- appropriate explanations, decisive numbers
ary party acknowledges that view. Many of the working class will learn of the real DESIRE FOR UNITY MUST BE
‘socialists’ ignore this assessment.. Illusions nature of the PLP and Labour GENUINE
can be created about parliament. The for- Governments. They will learn from their Generally, ‘socialists’ are highly committed.
mer Communist Party often stood candi- own experience that the PLP protects They passionately look forward to a world
dates in parliamentary elections. The slogan employers and the foreign corporations get- free from war, poverty and the degradation
was ‘Elect Communists’. This action created ting rich by creating poverty, and that real of the environment. But their disunity
a certain endorsement of parliament and the independence from imperialism must be obstructs them attaining their aspirations.
illusion that the CP thought there was a pos- won, as the first step to socialism. Often ‘Socialists’ from the lower middle class
sibility of a CP candidate being elected. have difficulty in adopting the standpoint of
Workers and supporters knew that this was Simultaneous with the learning of the real the working class. Their ideology is express-
impossible. With the prospect of very low nature of Labour Governments, the working es impatience, relying on a small group and
votes, the standing of candidates was count- class will be learning an equally important ignoring the wisdom of the people. They
er-productive. lesson – confidence in its own strength and tend to look down on the experience of
historic mission. ‘Socialists’ can aid this industrial workers.
As long as most workers have had insuffi- process or obstruct it.
cient experience to learn the real nature of When there is a genuine desire for unity,
the PLP as a party of capitalism, then, further CONFIDENCE there will be a genuine desire to learn from
periods in office for the PLP are a necessity. As the working class has repeated experi- historical and current practice. All who gen-
The action of the PLP in abolishing the cus- ences in campaigning in industry and in the uinely want to put the interests of the work-
tomary rights of Maori to the foreshore and communities, a new understanding will ing class and the people first, will adopt
sea bed is an example of how the PLP can emerge. The advanced workers will gain methods and tasks that promote the
shoot itself in the foot when in office. confidence in their abilities to involve the big- advance to socialism.
ger intermediate numbers of the working
In its defence of capitalism, the PLP are class. The working class will become con- (Recommended reading: Left wing
bound to alienate more working people in scious of its historic mission to lead all labour- Communism- Lenin; Reform Our Study,
the future. ‘Socialists’ need to be in a position ing people to end wage exploitation. Rectify the Party’s Style of Work, On
to take advantage of these inevitable devel- Practice, On Contradiction, Oppose Book
opments. But how can they, considering the In contrast to some ‘socialists’ who make Worship – Mao Zedong; Communism in
disunity? Some serious study needs to be their election to parliament their priority, Australia- E.F.Hill)
done to learn from both local and interna- Communists give priority to ensuring that
STRUGGLE : December 2004 5

How Capitalism Uses

Home Ownership to
Reduce Wage Levels
While there is growing news media Home-ownership gives a sense of secu- Warehouse’, has outdone Santa Claus,
comment about low wage levels, there rity and independence. The family showering these corporate employers
is no comment about the connection could not be evicted for not paying with record profits, caused by 'The
between home-ownership and low rent. Instead of having no assets after Warehouse’s reduced prices on a wide
wages. For this connection to be made, paying rent for years, payments to buy range of ‘the necessaries of life ‘.
the background to home-ownership a house would finally produce an asset.
and the wages system must be exam- TENDENCY OF HOME-OWNER-
ined. But there has been a negative side, too. SHIP TO REDUCE WAGE LEVELS.
Failure to keep up with mortgage pay- Historically, wage earners sought home-
Historical Reasons for Home-ownership ments could see a forced sale. ownership as a means of security from
In the United Kingdom, when capitalist Increasing or high interest rates may eviction and an alternative to the work-
enterprises, factories and mines were take food off the table. There could be house in old age. Building Societies
being established, 200 years ago, the years of working for the banks or other were formed to assist members into
provision of housing was used to attract creditors. What is not so apparent is that home-ownership. Over time, the capi-
and retain workers. However, there home-ownership tends to reduce talist class adapted itself to the housing
were serious shortcomings. Workers wages. needs of its workers. To avoid tying up
could be evicted when made redun- its own capital in the provision of hous-
dant, or for non-payment of rent during This is due to the deceptive nature of ing for workers, the capitalist class
a strike. On retirement, the retired the wages system. Capitalism has the realised that either Government hous-
worker and family faced the dreaded tendency to use every possible oppor- ing departments or bank and finance
workhouse. Workers and their families tunity to make more profits. companies could provided the neces-
longed for security of accommodation. sary finance.
With the steady increase of new settlers Wage earners front up to their employ- The home building and associated
in Aotearoa/New Zealand, this longing er to sell their capacity to work, their home furnishing sector became a signif-
for the security of owning one’s own labour-power. Like other commodities icant part of the economy.
home persisted, especially as the same that are sold in the market place, the
capitalist economic system functioned value of labour power is determined by What has been less apparent, has been
locally. By the 1890’s, Government’s the costs of production or in Marxist the tendency of home-ownership to
were responding with legislation to terms, the value of the means of subsis- reduce or slow increases in wage levels.
assist low-income workers with tence. These include food, clothing, As an example, take a district, where
advances to buy sections and build shelter, transport and the various neces- home-ownership is the rule. In this dis-
modest dwellings. To a greater or lesser saries of life, needed to rear and edu- trict, the cost of housing is not included
extent, depending on the strength of cate a new generation of wage earners. in the cost of production of labour
public campaigns, the state of the econ- power. The value of labour power is
omy or the need to win electoral votes, When the values of the means of sub- diminished, which is reflected in lower
successive administrations amended or sistence increase, wage earners and wage rates. Lower wages mean
introduced legislation to provide hous- their trade union negotiators have good increased profits for the factory owner.
ing assistance. cause to claim an increase in wages. On
the other hand, when the values of the Savings Transferred to Capitalist Owner.
The peak was reached when the 1935 means of subsistence decline, the value When the values represented by hous-
Labour Government built thousands of of labour power declines, also. Real ing costs are no longer included in the
state houses to cope with the many wage levels will tend to follow this value of labour power, ( and its money
families living in sub standard accom- decline. expression = wages) they are transferred
modation, following the Great to the capitalist employer. During the
Depression of 1929-33. For example, the reduced prices on a working week, when less values are
wide range of household necessities needed to be the equivalent of wages,
SOCIAL PRESSURES & prevailing in ‘The Warehouse’ have these values are added to/increase the
ATTITUDES reduced the values of the means of sub- surplus values - the source of capitalist
A strong persuasive social custom or sistence. This decline in values has profits. Due to home-ownership, the val-
attitude has encouraged newly weds to impacted on wage levels. The connec- ues produced by the worker are redis-
save and work to own their own home. tion between the expansion of ‘The tributed to the advantage of the capital-
Home-ownership, to a certain extent, Warehouse’ and the existing low wage ist class. From the total of the values pro-
has been regarded as the norm. It levels cannot be ignored. From the duced, fewer values are needed to meet
shows that the parents are thinking of standpoint of the big corporate employ- the cost of labour power, so more val-
their family and their retirement. ers outside of the retailing sector, ‘The ues are transferred to the capitalist.

6 December 2004 : STRUGGLE

IMPLICATIONS OF HOME- able housing, workers will learn about sharply increased to provide rental
OWNERSHIP the real nature of capitalism. If these housing. The Housing Corporation
There is another reason why the capi- campaigns are successful in providing should provide deposits and loans at 3
talist class encourages home-ownership. affordable housing – fine. When it per cent interest rates to low to medium
This is to undermine the capacity of becomes clear that capitalism cannot income earners for home-ownership. A
workers to challenge capitalist exploita- house the people, then there will be housing tax of 0.5 per cent to be levied
tion, such as more work for less pay, more people won to the cause of on company income in excess of $2
casualisation, safety issues, wage replacing the capitalist system with a million. Pensioner housing needs to be
demands and long hours. The capital system led by the working class met. A National Housing survey should
class estimates that if they can burden majority. be undertaken. Maori and Pacific Island
workers with a mortgage, these workers communities should be consulted with
will avoid confrontations such as during Currently, the strong desire for home- the aim of involving their participation.
strike actions. . ownership has to be taken into account. Trade union representatives should
have a consultative and auditing role,
HOUSING SHOULD BE ON The quality of life of too many working concerning design, allocation and
AGENDA people and their families is at unaccept- financing of state housing. State forestry
Ideally, the capitalist class should meet ably low levels, due to the lack of and saw milling enterprises should oper-
the cost of housing, for it is the main affordable housing. A whole range of ate to ensure supplies and to counter
beneficiary of the capitalist profit sys- statistics point to the destructive affects profiteering.
tem. Without workers, their profits of the housing shortage and over-
would be non-existent. As long as capi- crowding on families, their health, espe- Affordable housing and home-owner-
talism lasts, housing shortages and diffi- cially the health of children and the eld- ship requires a collective community
culties for workers and their families erly. Over-crowding impacts on educa- effort.
will persist. tion, too.

By taking part in campaigns for afford- State house construction should be

SIS Inquiry Must Be ‘Independent’

Allegations of spying by a state agency, the ing’. When a former Inspector-General of focuses on working people and their
Security Intelligence Service (SIS), on the I&S held office, that office was criticised, organizations, and protest movements as
Maori Party, Iwi and individual Maori are a too. they develop. The history of the SIS is a
most serious development. Moreover, record of bugging phones, meeting rooms
after receiving the cooperation of an iwi, To be credible, an independent inquiry and planting spies to monitor, if not influ-
the newspaper confirmed the allegations must be led by a person(s), in whom the ence activities of targeted organisations.
directed at the iwi, after investigating its public has confidence, not by one on the
records over a three-year period. Government pay roll. As a general rule, THE BIG FEAR OF THE CAPITALIST
Inquiry Reports are pre-determined by the MINORITY
This means that the SIS has been spying government when choosing the Inquiry To solve crimes, detectives, so we are told,
on this Iwi, with or without the approval of head and the terms of reference. There are look for motives. In the parliamentary
the SIS director and without the approval few exceptions, the most notable being the scene, there are at least two parties with
of the Minister responsible, the Prime Report on the Mt Erebus crash. considerable interest in the Maori Party,
Minister. and Maori affairs. They are the National
THE SIS PROTECTS THE INTERESTS and Labour parties. Behind them stand the
When first confronted with the allegations, OF A MINORITY CLASS ruling minority class of wealthy capitalists
the Prime Minister, H.Clark responded A few questions will clarify the role of the and their overseas partners. They fear the
with throwaway lines – the allegations SIS = Did the SIS forewarn the public unity of Maori and the working class. The
were ‘a work of fiction’ and ‘laughable’. about the conspiracy to privatise public job of the SIS is to warn the State bureau-
assets, such as Telecom, NZ Rail and the cracy of developments among Maori,
Later, after growing public concern kicked- BNZ, and sell them to local and foreign workers and their organisations.
in and all parliamentary parties called for investors, who made many hundreds of
an Inquiry, the Prime Minister did a U-turn. millions of dollars in capital gains? IMPLICATIONS OF SPYING
The PM endorsed the intention of the After 9/11, a number of countries have
Inspector General of the Intelligence and Does the SIS investigate ‘ activities that used the pretext of fighting ‘terrorism’ to
Security service to hold an inquiry. He hurt the country’s international and eco- increase the powers of state agencies and
could do nothing else. nomic well being’ such as student loans, reduce the human rights of its citizens. This
child poverty, low wages, lifting tariffs, and tendency is not new. During the rise of fas-
INSPECTOR-GENERAL INQUIRY 79,000 unemployed? Does the SIS inves- cism in the 1920-30s, various pretexts
INADEQUATE tigate those who want New Zealand to be were also used to justify the reduction of
Most probably, the Inspector General is a a US colony? No, it does not. Will the political and civil rights. A secret police also
nice guy, loves cats and does not drink out inquiry examine the relations of the SIS developed, from surveillance to active
of his saucer. But his primary job is to pro- with the discredited US-UK spy agencies? intervention in daily life.
tect the SIS, and make it more efficient as Not likely.
a key agency of the capitalist state appara- Demanding an Inquiry Independent of the
tus. The Police Complaints Authority has It concentrates on the very people who Government is necessary
the reputation of engaging in ‘whitewash- want to reverse the present situation. It
STRUGGLE : December 2004 7

Departments’ Cover-up US
Dow Chemical’s Responsibility
for Poisoning Residents
After some 40 years, scientific reports Network found that over half the fami- by allowing foreign (and local) corpora-
have confirmed the concerns of Paritutu lies had suffered serious illnesses. tions to undermine the health of workers
residents that the US Dow Chemical with impunity.
plant was the cause of severe health Emissions from the plant's chimney were
problems and birth deformities. The held responsible. The Associate Minister of Health
stress within families can hardly be imag- D.O’Oconnor’s reply to Green MP Sue
ined. Even more infuriating, is the record REPORTS FINALLY CONFIRMED Kedgley’s request for immediate
of obstruction and denial over several RESIDENTS' WORST FEARS. Government action to seek compensa-
decades by government departments In October, a Report by Professor Pearce tion for the victims of Dow Chemicals, is
and Ministers of the Crown. Their lack of of the Massey University stated that pro- in marked contrast to the speed with
sympathy and responses to the families duction workers exposed to dioxin faced which politicians reacted to the proposal
involved is nothing short of a cold-blood- a 24 per cent increased risk of cancer. to increase parliamentary salaries. He
ed neglect by department bureaucrats The findings of the Massey University stated that the request for compensation
intent on defending the interests of a for- study were consistent with that of the is ‘premature’, which is political spin for
eign chemical corporation. World Health Organisation, involving ‘doing nothing’.
some 22,000 workers in 36 plants in 123
Any Government claiming to protect countries. HONOUR THE WORK OF
women and children and the health of COMMUNITY ACTIVISTS
workers would be right in there seeking A month earlier, the Health Department Despite a history of inaction and denial
safe working conditions and compensa- revealed that blood tests on 24 Paritutu by the ‘authorities’, local activists perse-
tion for the afflicted and the suffering. residents showed that long term resi- vered, at considerable cost to themselves
Regrettably, this has not happened. dents had a two to five times higher level and their relationships within the com-
of dioxin in their blood than average munity. The activists were erroneously
BRIEF HISTORICAL New Zealanders. This conclusion was blamed for reducing property values,
BACKGROUND similar to studies in Vietnam. when the real culprit was Dow
The giant transnational corporation, Dow Chemical’s showering residential the area
Chemicals, one of the nastiest, took over These Departments Failed the People. with fumes and foam.
Ivan Watkins plant in New Plymouth and The Health Department brushed aside
shifted to the suburb of Paritutu in 1960. the concerns of Nurse Henderson, who The Reports have justified the years of
The production of 2.4.5-T became a reported the unusual number of birth campaigning. The activists and their sup-
major product, being used widely to kill deformities. The Health Department said porters can hold their heads high and
blackberry and gorse. TCDD is produced that Miss Henderson was ‘too conscien- walk with dignity, in contrast to the cul-
as a by-product, and is one of the 17 tious’. The Health Department bureau- ture of denial practiced by Cabinet min-
most toxic dioxins. crats have a long record of avoiding con- isters and government departments.
troversial issues. Adequate funds should be provided by
245T is a component of Agent Orange Government for expenses incurred in
that was used by the US to defoliate In November 1986, a Ministerial Inquiry treating the dioxin related illnesses. OSH
Vietnamese forests, injuring huge num- reported that there was no proof that should check all past and present pro-
bers of Vietnamese civilians, as well as dioxin had any ill affects on the health of duction workers. The next step is for the
Kiwi Vietnam vets and their families in New Plymouth residents. The production Government to get Dow AgroSciences to
the process. of 2.4.5-T ceased in 1987, two years after accept responsibility for its arrogant con-
the US, and NZ was the last Western duct in dumping dioxin-laden fumes over
Dioxin causes serious illnesses, including country to do so. a residential suburb. Treating Paritutu
cancer, spina bifida, and horrendous workers and residents as ‘expendable’ is
birth deformities. Despite the world wide action and typical of the attitude of US imperialist
debate over the dangers of Agent corporations in India, Vietnam, Iraq and
As early as 1965, Miss Henderson, the Orange and dioxin, one would expect elsewhere.
nurse in charge of New Plymouth Occupation Safety and Health to get off
Westown Maternity Hospital, became its bum and check out Dow Chemicals, Public pressure will be needed to moti-
alarmed at the number of babies born now named Dow Agro Science, to ascer- vate the Government – Demand
with deformities. . The Health tain whether the occupational health of Government agencies stop covering-up
Department was advised but nothing workers there was 100 per cent. for Dow Chemicals and compensate
was done. There is no evidence that OSH took any dioxin victims.
action to monitor the health of the pro-
Paritutu residents made representations duction workers. Obviously, OSH is not (Acknowledgement : sources = NZ
without success. In 1999, they formed pro-active. To make sure, the politicians Herald and Dominion Post )
the Dioxin Investigation Network. The keep OSH on a tightened budget, there-

8 December 2004 : STRUGGLE


Capitalist Ideology
Determines Police Conduct
Police failure to respond to a young wage earner is decisively one-sided.
woman’s 111 call for help, and her sub- These attitudes carry over into state agen-
sequent disappearance has caused public cies.
shock. In this one brief episode, police
conduct has revealed a serious ‘attitude’ Ordinary folk do not receive the same
problem by police towards members of respect or responses from state agencies
the public. as members of the wealthy stratum.

Understandably, police chiefs have been OTHER STATE AGENCIES

apologising repeatedly. Efforts at damage INCLUDED
control by police spin infer that police Former patients at Porirua Mental Health
are under-funded, short staffed, over Hospital have spoken out about the vio-
worked, and under stress. lence they suffered. Former army
teenage cadets at Waiuru military camp
Actually, a study of the police attitude have alleged a regime of violence and
problem cannot be confined to this one bullying.
incident. Some officers face allegations of
rape. Other charges against police offi- In industrial relations, the major corpora-
cers are not infrequent. The principal tions exert their dominant influence.
role of the police and the kind of social Legislation outlaws or obstructs workers
relations in which the police force oper- using their collective strength to lift their
ates should also be examined. Other wage levels.
state agencies have been involved in alle-
gations of violence. tem creates hundreds of millions of dol- Currently, parliament is being used to
lars of wealth and profit for the minority dispossess Maori of their customary and
POLICE FORCE PART OF STATE capitalist class, this class has formed vari- property rights involving the foreshore
Of all the institutions and agencies, the ous views, attitudes, theories that defend and seabed. This is a form of state vio-
police, the armed forces and prisons this economic system. Various institu- lence.
form the institutions of coercion. They tions have developed to defend and pro-
are the main pillars of the State. Another mote this wealth-creating carry-on. Equal pay for work of equal value is still
pillar is parliament, which relies on not implemented, depriving women of
deception. Parliament’s special role is to Understandably, the strongest class eco- their rights.
deceive the people into thinking that par- nomically and financially dominates in all
liament is accountable to them. spheres, including ideology. All the dom- TRANSFORMATION OF STATE
inant views, attitudes, theories, laws and NEEDED.
This detective work demands that we corresponding institutions are the views, Capitalist ideology corrupts people’s out-
check out the state, too. Marxism claims attitudes and institutions that defend the look. As long as capitalism exists, with its
that the State is an instrument used by capitalist class. All these items form the ideology of hostility by officials exercising
one class to suppress another. The prime superstructure that serve the capitalist ‘power’ over the lives of ordinary folk,
task of the state is to protect the foundation – the relations between class- incidents will continue. The solution lies
exploitive wages system in which the es. Any study of police attitudes and con- in establishing the working class ideology
wage earner produces values equivalent duct must include the dominant influ- of ‘Serve the People’, as the guiding ide-
to his/her wages in two to three days of ence of this capitalist ideology guiding ology for all state departments, including
the working week. In the remaining 2-3 the police relations with the public. the police.
days, the wage earner works for nothing,
in unpaid time, the surplus values pro- SUBORDINATION OF MAJORITY This ideology acknowledges that working
duced becoming the property of the cap- TO MINORITY people are the principal productive class
italist. Wage earners are about 80 per cent of responsible for providing the means of
the population. A minority class of mil- life. State agencies including the police,
Other forms of robbery, such as scams lionaires is getting richer every year. will become true public servants.
and fraud, are investigated by Police - but Child poverty increases. Only relations of
never this weekly robbery. domination and subordination can exist The first step is to achieve a Democratic
between the majority and the minority. State System exercising political power
POLICE CONDUCT REFLECTS There is no equality. Wage earners are for the majority, instead of the present
CAPITALIST CLASS IDEOLOGY actually looked down upon. Those who state system controlled by a minority.
The wages system expresses the division live in multi-million dollar luxury homes
of society into two main classes - the and possess other luxuries are looked up It’s the task of the Communist Party to
employer/capitalist class and the to as achieving success! Such is the pre- support working people to achieve this
employed - working class who survive by vailing view. At the workplace, the rela- goal
selling their labour power. Since this sys- tionship between owner/manager and

STRUGGLE : December 2004 9


The Fight is On!

Government to Introduce New Overseas Investment Bill,
Throws the Door Wide Open. Removal of Scrutiny of Nearly
All Foreign Company Purchases.
The Campaign Against Foreign Control and will transfer its functions to a spe- Commission is no great tragedy in itself.
of Aotearoa (CAFCA) sees considerably cialist unit within Land Information CAFCA has always said that its job could
more minuses than pluses in the new New Zealand (LINZ). be done by a monkey with a rubber
Overseas Investment Bill introduced into • The threshold for official approval for stamp. But its replacement agency will
Parliament on November 10 by Dr transnational corporations to buy NZ see a significant weakening of any over-
Cullen, the Minister of Finance. His companies will be increased from the sight. By definition, Land Information NZ
press release was headed "Toward a current $50 million up to $100m. is experienced with land. But land sales
more effective overseas investment Interestingly, Treasury had recom- are very much the smaller part of the
regime" and it definitely will be - for the mended that the threshold be much bigger picture, maybe totalling in
transnational corporations whose cease- increased to $250m and that is the the tens or hundreds of millions of dol-
less takeover of New Zealand will be figure cited all through the Cabinet lars per year. Company takeovers are
made that much easier by this most papers, Cullen's recommendations, where the foreign investment action is,
obliging of governments. etc. Apprehension about public out- totalling in the billions per year. There is
cry caused Cabinet to back away no proposal for any new agency with any
Don't get us wrong, we congratulate the from the higher figure. We must be expertise in that field to be involved.
Government in making it harder for for- grateful for small mercies (it is worth
eigners to buy land of "special heritage or noting that Treasury's original recom- Cullen points out the last time a non-
environmenlal value" (note: not actually mendation was that there be land transaction was refused permission
stop them buying, just to make it harder). absolutely no overseas investment was in 1984, and therefore we might as
That arises directly from sustained public oversight regime but concluded that well virtually give up monitoring compa-
campaigning about issues such as the sale it was not politically possible, in light ny takeovers. On the contrary - that is an
of Young Nick's Head, other coastal of public opinion). indictment of 20 years of rubberstamp-
property and South Island high country • To remove the current need for ing neglect by the OIC and Government;
stations. approval of foreign land purchases of and a clarion call for the transnational
less than five hectares in area and/or corporate oversight regime to be signifi-
But such land is a small part of the over- more than $10m in value. cantly toughened up, not weakened.
all picture of rural land sales to foreigners • The official recommendations pre-
(the vast bulk of which is forestry and ceding the Bill cite NZ's obligations Raising that threshold for company
farm land) and a very, very small part of under the General Agreements on takeovers will remove all but the biggest
the economy. The fact is that company Trade in Services (GATS) and the free of them from any scrutiny. Huge chunks
takeovers by transnational corporations, trade agreement with Singapore as of the NZ economy will be bought and
in all the sectors that constitute the guts inhibiting NZ's ability to set restric- sold without any official oversight at all.
of the New Zealand economy, total bil- tions on foreign investment. Indeed And remember - until just days before
lions of dollars per year (not the tens of the official papers say that the pro- the 1999 election, the threshold for com-
millions of "special" land sales) and the posed new threshold for company pany takeovers was just $10m. We urged
Government plans to make it even easi- takeovers by transnationals will the incoming Labour-led government to
er for those transnational corporate become the benchmark for all future roll it back to that level. They have
takeovers to proceed. That more than free trade agreements and the offi- refused to do so and are now going to
wipes out any gains made in the area of cials were anticipating that threshold raise it to $100m (an increase of 1000%
tightening up "special" land sales. Indeed, would be $250m. in less than five years).
the latter is a mere sop. • To add insult to injury, the
Government plans - "to keep costs to The removal of the need for approval for
It hasn't yet been announced when the the taxpayer down" - to let the for- foreign land purchases of less than five
Bill will have its First Reading in eign investors be responsible for post- hectares in area and/or more than $10m
Parliament, nor to which Select consent compliance and monitoring. in value removes the need for any scruti-
Committee it will be referred. The offi- New Zealanders have had 20 years ny of central business district projects
cial papers preceding the Bill stated the of experience of "self-regulation" to that involve land.
target for it becoming law is July 1, 2005. not need to be told how just how
There will be the opportunity for public lousy a system that is. They will only What we've been saying all along about
submissions during the Select to have a file a report "regularly" on the dangers of NZ getting entangled in
Committee phase. how they are complying witrh the free trade agreements (whether multilat-
terms of their consent and outline eral, like GATS or bilateral, such as with
WHAT IS IN THE BILL? any reasons for non-compliance. Singpore) is made glaringly obvious. We
* It will abolish the Overseas Guess how many will say "No, we're lose the right to control foreign invest-
Investment Commission, whcih is the not complying". ment.
current rubber stamp body adminis-
tering the overeas investment regime The removal of the Overseas Investment We welcome the tightening of restrictions
10 December 2004 : STRUGGLE
on the sale of "special" land. This con- vote in 2005. from us. If you order several hundred,
cession has been brought about by pub- b. Write to your local paper. Call talk- we'd appreciate a koha for the cost of
lic opposition to the sale of the likes of back. copying and postage.
Young Nick's Head and the sale of c. Argue for strengthening the controls
coastal land (primarily in the North over foreign investment, the condi- There are background articles on the sub-
Island) and South Island high country sta- tions that are placed on it, and the ject. You can access them at:
tions. However, this "tightening" would- monitoring that should follow.
n't have stopped any of those purchases, d. Advocate strongly for tighter control
not Young Nick's Head, nor the recent on overseas ownership of land and dog/06/01.htm
purchase of two Otago high country sta- fisheries.
tions by Shania Twain. The Bill increases e. Become informed. Join CAFCA and
penalties for breaches. Sounds good but gain access to a wealth of information dog/04/01.htm and http://www.con-
the proof of the pudding is in the prose- and analysis that you will not find in
cuting. It would be very interesting to your local newspaper. Membership is
know how many foreign investors have $20 per year (or $15 unwaged). If these Links don't work, for any reason,
been taken to court. In the words of Payments to CAFCA, Box 2258, then go to , and click
Scribe: "Not many, if any". Christchurch. on the Foreign Investment In New
f. Submissions will be called soon, and Zealand page. For the Foreign Control
The OIC's brief has been to facilitate, not the aim is to have the Bill into law by Watchdog articles, go to www.con-
"hinder" foreign investment and this new mid 2005, so it is critical to act now. Numbers 104,
Bill facilitates the OIC out of existence, Make a submission opposing this Bill. December 2003, 105, April 2004, &
and delivers a very "effective overseas 106, August 2004.
investment regime" - an effective surren- MORE INFO
der of economic sovereignty. The minor CAFCA has produced a leaflet on the CAFCA needs all the help that we can
concessions on some land sales are sim- subject, giving considerably more detail. get in our campaign against this Bill.
ply a smokescreen to conceal that central
fact. The Government is saying to The leaflet can be read at CAFCA's Let's all get stuck in!
transnationals: "Come on in and help Website. It is a PDF. You can access it at
yourselves. Make yourselves at home". -Murray Horton Secretary/Organiser
WHAT YOU CAN DO munity/CAFCA/OICReview4.pdf
a. Contact your MP urgently and regis- CAFCA
ter your opposition to the weakening Check our site regularly, as the leaflet Campaign Against Foreign Control of
of the current overseas investment keeps being updated. Aotearoa
law and regulations. Tell him or her Box 2258, Christchurch, New Zealand
that you consider this an election You can download the leaflet yourself
issue, and that it will influence your from there or you can order hard copies

Common Interests of People of Philippines and NZ

Early October, veteran Human Rights in the Philippines and the determination independent Philippines. Due to the
activist from the Philippines, Marie Hilao- of the Filipino people to defend human news censorship, practiced by the
Enriquez completed a speaking tour, rights in the most difficult circumstances. monopoly owned news media, the New
organised by the Philippines Solidarity Philippines is a rich country with abun- Zealand public receives scant informa-
Network of Aotearoa, (Box dant resources, but the monopoly own- tion about the situation there.
2450,Christchurch). ership of land by the wealthy few
landowners creates a very hard life for The monopoly-owned news media will
Marie was well qualified to fulfill this farmers. never build solidarity among working
task, having been a prisoner of the people of different countries, even when
Marcos regime. Her sister was the first Since the Bush Administration used the there are vital common interests
female political prison to die in prison – pretext of 9/11 to launch its ‘war-on-ter- involved. Only people-to-people efforts
as the result of torture. Another two sib- ror’, the US has increased its intrusion can be relied upon. In arranging such
lings suffered imprisonment. into the Philippines, thanks to the will- tours, the Philippines Solidarity Network
ingness of the Government to surrender plays a positive role in countering such
For some 30 years, Marie has been a the country’s sovereignty. The US sees news censorship.
leading figure in the Human Rights the Philippines as a strategic base to
movement. Her role has led to speaking threaten South East Asian countries. Currently, the defence of Human Rights
tours of Canada and the USA and an Human rights violations have increased in both Philippines and New Zealand,
address to the UN Committee on in proportion to increasing US presence. and opposition to US imperialism’s threat
Human Rights. Foreign corporations are plundering the to world peace through its military
Marie attended the peace talks in Oslo economy. In the countryside, the armed expansion are two such vital common
as an official observer, being one of two struggle by the New Peoples Army led interests. Although separated by thou-
nominated by the National Democratic by the Communist Party continues. sands of miles, the peoples’ activities are
Front. In the person of Marie, audiences were mutually supportive. May they grow ever
able to acknowledge the courage and stronger.
All who heard Marie speak gained a commitment of Filipino women and all
greater awareness of the actual situation the people working for a democratic and
STRUGGLE : December 2004 11

Protectionism vs. Free Trade:

Should Marxists in the West
Support Protectionism?
Robert Reid from the Clothing Laundry capitalism and for the most part do not In 1994, a conference was called in
and Allied Workers Union (CLAW) and challenge capitalism itself. Bangladesh by French Trotskyist party to
Unite!, the union for part-time and casu- denounce protectionism. A number of
al workers, gave the following speech to Yet, apart from what Lenin described at French and Bangladeshi speakers got up
a conference held recently in Wellington. the r-r-revolutionary (or those left-wing and denounced the EU and US quota on
The topic of the discussion was 'should communists with an infantile disorder) garments from Bangladesh as forms of
Marxists in the West support most other Marxists have acknowledged protectionism that hindered the growth
Protectionism?'. the importance of unity within these pro- of the Bangladesh economy, especially
tectionist organisations. While at the its growing export garment industry.
A FEW PRELIMINARY COMMENTS same time as undertaking the slow and Quotas and tariffs were denounced and
This is both a theoretical and practical patient work of popularising socialist the- free trade was lauded. During the day
question. To view it from only one aspect ory alongside the day to day struggle. As the discussion widened as to why other
would be one-sided. And in the dialect Mao said, 'being like a fish in the water, industrial sectors were in decline in
between theory and practice the Marxist not waving the red flag to defeat the red Bangladesh such as jute and sari textiles.
view is that practice (ie our actions in the flag'. This decline had meant some hundreds
material world) helps us to develop our of thousands of Bangladeshi workers had
theory, which in turn guides our further However, I think the meaning of the lost their jobs. This loss of jobs and
practice. word protectionism in this debate that destruction of these 'home' industries
However, since we as Marxists are dialec- we are expected to address is the eco- was correctly condemned by
tical materialists rather than dialectical nomic definition. The Oxford Dictionary Bangladeshi participants. The reason for
idealists; practice is the key and in the sums this up as the 'system of protecting the situation was identified as cheaper
words of Marx's famous quote: "philoso- home industries'. products (often subsidised) being made
phers may interpret the world, but the in India. The spontaneous solution that
point is to change it. The question then is: 'should Marxists in the left-wing Bangladeshi unionists came
the West support a system of protecting up with was for their government to
LET'S ADDRESS THE TOPIC OF home industries'? introduce 'protectionist' policies for the
THIS DEBATE. jute and sari textile industries in
There is only one possible dialectical Bangladesh (the French comrades were,
It asks what position Marxists in the west materialist answer to this question and of course, very unhappy with this con-
should take. This is a very interesting for- that is 'it depends'. Depending on the clusion).
mulation. Why does it asks what Marxists time, place and circumstance I might find
in the west think, why not all Marxists? myself debating against a dogmatic 'yes' When I worked at GM and the govern-
Shouldn't all Marxists have the same position or a dogmatic ' no' position. ment was starting to reduce the protec-
view? Marxism would argue that the for- tionism on the New Zealand car assem-
mulation of this question is correct. It EXPERIENCE bly industry we organised a number of
teaches us that everything depends on I am luckier than most in being able to protests around the theme of 'keep tar-
time, place and circumstance. Marxism is address this question in very practical iffs, keep jobs'.
not a dogma, genuine Marxism cannot ways over most of my working life. I had
be a form of fundamentalism, unfortu- the experience of working in a protected There were a number of left-wing or
nately many variants of sham Marxism motor assembly industry in the 1970's communist groups operating in the
are both. and 1980s. Then I worked for a Thailand motor plants at that time. The Maoist
based left-wing Asia-Pacific workers' net- Workers' Communist League to which
So what is 'protectionism'? The word of work, followed by working as a union Don Franks and I belonged was very
course comes from 'protect' to defend official in the previously highly-protected comfortable with organising workers
oneself. The attempt to protect oneself footwear, then clothing, industries. around that slogan. It was a concrete
from the ravages of capital has been at issue, it had the mass support of all work-
the core of the working class struggle During this time, I have attended many ers, and it was politicising workers by
ever since the rise of capitalism and with conferences and discussions about pro- having them involved in mass rallies.
it the rise of the class itself. tectionism, including a world GM work-
ers' conference. Almost all of these dis- I still remember the tragic sight of mem-
Guilds and then trade unions were some cussions started with participants holding bers of two of the smaller Trotskyist
of the early forms of protectionism of the a strong pro- or anti-protectionist posi- groups coming to a couple of the biggest
working class. Most Marxists agree that tion, but finished with a consensus that it rallies with placards and leaflets saying
these formations are spontaneous and does, indeed, depend. 'Abolish Tariffs: Support Worker
therefore limited actions of the working Internationalism'.
class. They operate within the confines of Can I give you a couple of examples?
12 December 2004 : STRUGGLE
Their argument was, as it always with the TNCs. They were not assembling in New often by many more thousands of peo-
dogmatic 'oppose protectionism' posi- Zealand not because they wanted to (as ple in Chiapas, Caracas, Bangkok,
tion, that workers in the rich countries was shown less than 10 years later when Mumbai, and other 'third world' coun-
are siding with their own bosses to deny they all closed when tariffs were finally tries.
jobs to workers in the poor countries. We removed). They were forced to assemble
are therefore part of the international sys- cars here due to policies of New Zealand In my view the sometimes sterile debate
tem of oppression; we benefit from it, governments in the mid-20th century between protectionsm and anti-protec-
and are in the end part of the labour aris- that introduced 'protectionist policies' tionism has moved on.
tocracy in the international division of not to protect manufacturing industry in
labour. New Zealand, but to create it. The global power elite is fiercely anti-pro-
tectionist when it suits their interests but
As with many arguments there are some Those policies were and are still aggres- still highly protectionist when it doesn't.
elements of truth in this one-sided theo- sively opposed by farming, extractive and
retical position. more recently finance capital. We can all tell the stories of the hypocrisy
of the US which preaches 'free-trade' to
We do live in an imperialist world. The jobs of New Zealand car assembly the rest of the world, but is still one of
Workers in the imperialist countries are workers were not 'stolen' from car work- the most protectionist countries itself.
able to wrest some of the spoils of impe- ers in the third world. In fact the jobs lost The WTO agreements on TRIPs and
rialism from their employers to lift their in New Zealand were lower paid than TRIMs are 'protectionist agreements' for
own standards of living. Protectionism the Australian and Japanese workers who the imperialist powers wrapped up in
does give assistance and advantages to took them over when the industry did free trade rhetoric.
home industries that may not be avail- close down. The Australian and Japanese
able to other capitalists. manufacturers were able to produce OUR TASK TODAY
cheaper cars due to their higher concen- Our task today is perhaps much clearer
But what was the effect of holding up tration of capital and economies of scale. than it was a couple of decades ago.
such placards or distributing such leaflets
in the Time, Place and Circumstance of a So was the 'protectionist' struggle of To use a 'peoples war' analogy we are
rally to save jobs in the motor assembly motor assembly workers in New Zealand very much at the first and second sub-
plants in Wellington in 1983? a struggle of rich workers, combining stage of strategic defensive. The power of
with local capitalists to oppress and deny the enemy completely overwhelms our
First, did it help build the mass move- jobs to workers in the third world? own. This means that we are very much
ment of workers? No, it confused and Plainly not, it was a struggle in its time in a guerrilla movement, skirmishing with
angered workers who saw the signs or place and circumstance that I supported the enemy, but trying to avoid set piece
read the leaflets. To take liberties with (not least because I was one) and I hope battles that we would be likely to lose.
one of Don Franks' songs about another everyone in this room would have sup-
political paper at that time, workers read- ported. We are trying to defend what we have.
ing the leaflet 'scanned the page, and We will be protectionist by necessity in
screwed it up in puzzled rage'. WORLD MOVES ON many cases. We need to build our base
Today, the world has moved on. We are areas in people's organisations, unions,
Second, was that action being at one in a different time and circumstance, and even at times in bourgeois political
with the masses, like a fish in the sea? even if we are in the same place of parties.
No. It was isolationist and disruptive of Wellington, New Zealand.
the mass movement. It certainly didn't But if we are to move to the next stage
'serve the people'. In the 1980s the word 'globalisation' was of strategic stalemate where our power
not in vogue as it is today. Imperialism can challenge that of the enemy then we
I suppose it could have been argued that has become even more aggressive since have to move away from a defensive and
the motor company workers were being the 1980s due to: protectionist strategy to link up with
misled by Stalinist union official and as • collapse of the Soviet Union and other peoples in other struggles. This
Marxists we have no other option but to Eastern Bloc, doesn't mean we stop defending and
alert the mislead masses to this effect! • formation of WTO, protecting, but it does mean we marshal
I must say that I find the theory of the • rise of neo-liberalism, our resources and solidarity to support
misled masses a very arrogant one. Yet • growth of more powerful TNCs, those other struggles against imperialist
even if you genuinely believed it, isn't the • end of history (if we are to believe globalisation across the world.
best way to slowly and patiently argue some writers).
for your positon in the movement rather We do have a world to win. Let's get
than be seen to be standing outside and But the creation of a uni-polar world beyond the angst of a
opposing the movement? with US imperialism reigning supreme protectionism/non-protectionism debate,
has lead to a counteraction. and do what is required to see our proj-
Finally, let's see if the argument raised at ect succeed.
this demonstration was correct, given the Imperialist globalisation and free trade
time, place and circumstance. are being attacked by a world-wide
movement of people, parties and social
Were the workers and their unions siding movements. The anti-capitalist move-
with their bosses against other capitalists? ment is a growing component of this
Although my own national democratic movement.
philosophy allows for this at certain time,
place and circumstance, in this case we It is not just happening in Seatlle, Davos,
were not. All the motor companies were London, Rome, Melbourne, but also,
STRUGGLE : December 2004 13

Can a Fascist Party Take Office

in Aotearoa/New Zealand?
Street marches by chanting ranks of Destiny Church/Party leaders are diverting attention the traditional parties fail to cope with the
Church/Party members dressed in black, from the real causes of family stress. This atti- crises, the fascist movement appears to offer
opposing the Civil Union Bill, have remind- tude serves the class interests of the big cap- solutions to their difficulties.
ed members of the public of the Black italists . Same sex couples are not responsible
Shirted squads of the pre-WW2 Italian fas- for the cost of housing, higher power Disunity within the working class also plays
cist movement. Destiny Church leader, Mr. charges. rate increases, petrol prices, casuali- a major role. The policy of class collabora-
Brian Tamaki, has promised his followers sation of work and unemployment. But the tion adopted by some trade union leaders
that in four years, they will rule New big corporations and their owners are. and Labour/social democratic parties tend
Zealand in a Theocratic State ( a state under to obstruct timely resistance to reactionary
the direction of God). So, the Destiny MECHANICAL ASSESSMENTS ARE legislation. The failure of the Council of
Church is no ordinary religious cult. It has CONTRARY TO MARXIST SCIENCE Trade Unions to oppose the introduction of
political goals, namely, the seizure of state One view claims that the Destiny Party does the Employment Contracts Act is a notable
power. not represent any ruling class opinion. This example.
view warrants further thought. The big cap-
WHICH CLASS DOES THE DESTINY italists never admit that their economic sys- Another negative factor is the lack of unity
PARTY SERVE? tem undermines the family. They will wel- among those striving to practice Marxism-
The Destiny Church/Party defends the insti- come the diversionary views of the Destiny Leninism. Sectarian-divisive conduct and
tution of marriage by attacking the Civil Church/Party leaders blaming same-sex policies of lower middle class groups is
Union Bill which acknowledges relation- couples for undermining the institution of another significant shortcoming. These fac-
ships between same sex couples. These marriage, and not the capitalist economic tors currently await solution. Should they
same sex relationships are blamed for system.. not be resolved, then this disunity along
undermining the institution of ‘marriage’, yet with the influence of class collaboration will
the number of couples formally marrying International experience shows that, gener- tend to move more support to the Far Right,
are declining in far greater numbers while ally, parties and movements with fascist ten- and movements with fascist-tendencies.
defecate relationships have been increasing dencies first demonstrate their potential to
at a similar rate. As the NZ Herald observed disrupt or divide working class activities. PERIOD OF PREPARATION (PART
(4.10.04) , ‘ the more accurate target should Then, later, the fascist party attracts serious ONE)
be the rise of heterosexual de facto couples monopoly capitalist class support. Like all Before a fascist take-over, there is usually a
‘= from 1991 to 2001, the number of de phenomena, fascist movements have a peri- period of preparation, during which the cap-
facto parents and families had doubled. od of development, passing through various italist parties use pretexts to introduce legis-
stages. lation restricting political and human rights.
By blaming same sex couples and the Civil As a result, the capacity of the working class
Union Bill for undermining marriage, the According to world history, the rise of fas- and the democratic forces to challenge the
leaders of the Destiny Church/Party are cism can be expected as long as capitalism rising fascist tendencies is obstructed. At
ignoring the impact of economic manage- exists. New Zealand will be no exception. present, New Zealand trade unions do not
ment decisions. Since the 1980’s, when the One of the lessons learnt by Communist enjoy the internationally recognised level of
Fourth Labour Government imposed ‘free Parties in the pre-WW2 struggles against fas- trade union rights. Political strikes are illegal.
market’ regulations, resulting in mass unem- cism was noted by Dimitrov = ‘ In our Using the pretext of combating terrorism,
ployment and redundancies, many families ranks, there were people who intolerably surveillance powers have been extended,
have been placed under enormous addi- under-rated the fascist danger…..’. since 9/11. The imprisonment of Mr Zaoui
tional stress. In 1991, the National (Dimitrov, page 19). for some 2 years on the basis of secret evi-
Government used the Employment dence is a singularly most disturbing event
Contract Act to king-hit the first line of THE DESTINY CHURCH/PARTY’S that sets a very dangerous precedent.
defence for wage earners – their trade FUTURE PROSPECTS
unions. Then, cuts in Social Welfare benefits The promise to create a Theocratic State, in FAR RIGHT AND CENTRE-RIGHT
and increases in State House rents followed, four years is a very bold one. The Destiny PARTIES RE SORT TO RACIST POLI-
creating widespread social distress and Church/Party leaders will have to step up TICS (PART TWO)
poverty. their activities. They will need to organise Fascist ideology is noted for racist views. So,
several campaigns to attract a greatly when a Far Right Party, such as ACT or the
So, the real cause of family stress is the cap- increased audience. Then, the public will centre-right Party, like the National Party,
italist economic system, not same sex rela- have more opportunities to learn about the indulge in persistent ‘Maori bashing’ , they
tionships. Big foreign corporations received real agenda of the Destiny Party, too. create a climate helpful to groups with fas-
have favoured treatment, enabling them to cist tendencies. The National Front targets
export billions of dollars in profits. In com- SITUATIONS IN WHICH FASCISM immigrants as the source of poverty, as if
parison, ordinary folk, like many members DEVELOPS stopping immigrants will stop the oil com-
of the Destiny Church/Party, have struggled Usually, there is a prolonged economic and panies and Aussie banks from plundering
to pay the never- ending list of bills. social crisis. Sections of the lower middle the economy.
class, and the politically backward stratum of
By targeting same sex couples, instead of the working class turn away from tradition- When next in office, the National Party prom-
heaping criticism on the large corporations al capitalist parties. These social strata do not ises to reduce trade union rights, as well as
and their millionaire owners, the Destiny automatically take the path of revolution. As abolishing Maori Treaty and customary rights.

14 December 2004 : STRUGGLE

Should these divisive measures be ignored, needs and demands of the people. It delib- sumption and declining supplies are esti-
especially the attacks on Maori , Polynesians, erately inflames the prejudices deeply mated to clash as early as 2012.
Asians, or immigrants, fascist tendencies and ingrained in the masses as well as playing on
ideology will be encouraged. their sense of fair play and justice. Fascism With that possibility in mind, the ruling New
calls for an honest government, free of cor- Zealand comprador capitalist class cannot
IMPLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSAL ruption. Once in power, fascism brings be relied upon. This minority holds state
BASIC INCOME. (PART THREE) unprecedented sufferings to the people, as power to increase its wealth by attracting an
The Universal Basic Income promises a liv- WW2 demonstrated. Trade union rights, inflow of foreign investment. Surrender and
ing wage funded by a 40 to 50 percent tax rights of assembly, of association, and subservience to foreign capital is a major
rate on all personal income but not compa- speech are abolished. feature of this class. Its more aggressive, sub-
ny income, whether the recipient is working servient sector is prepared to take any
or not. Sounds attractive ! Contrary to the In an attempt to win public acceptance, the action to preserve its rule, and profit-making,
intentions of UBI middle class supporters, National Front has offered to patrol poor including sending Kiwi troops to shed their
the UBI can only function if trade unions areas in Christchurch to ensure the safety of blood for Uncle Sam’s grab for oil in Iraq.
rights and freedoms are abolished in a cor- the elderly. Their plan is then to extend
porate-like state system, similar to the Italian these patrols to Wellington and Auckland. This class will not hesitate to use violence to
fascist model. The UBI means that personal Once accepted, the patrols would require force workers to bear the burden of any cri-
incomes are state controlled. uniforms and funding. By claiming to lead a sis. To answer the question = ‘can a fascist
‘white revolution’, the NF expresses its racist party take office in Aotearoa/New Zealand?
The UBI actually serves the interests of the and deceptive ideology. , the answer is ,yes, it is possible. However,
monopoly capitalist class, because the UBI this development is not inevitable, providing
enables this class to make substantial IMPACT OF EXTERNAL EVENTS the working class and all democratic forces
increases in profits, based on the political Sooner or later, the New Zealand economy respond in good time. There are positive
repression of wage earners. ( an analysis of will experience a.series of financial/eco- indications. Racist policies and conduct
the UBI is available from Struggle nomic crises caused by the deficit-riddled ware being challenged recently in
Publications, Box 807, Whangarei) US economy. The US is the leading debtor Wellington and Christchurch
nation, heavily dependent on foreign
CONCERN FOR THE PEOPLE! sources of oil and committed to military (Recommended reading : The United Front
To gain mass support, fascism ( the fascist domination of the Middle East and the Against Fascism by G.Dimitrov )
movement) appeals to the most urgent Euro-Asian continent. Increasing oil con-

Foreshore and Seabed Act Legalises Theft

Prior to the Foreshore & Seabed Bill, Maori lows, as the issue was presented as ensur- In the long term, the two principal social
held Customary Rights. They had not been ing access to beaches. groups, Maori and the working class, may
extinguished. When Maori were cleared by • The Labour Government has created consider signing a Second Treaty. Both these
the High Court to test their claims in Court, divisions between Maori and Pakeha, social groups experience ‘theft’.
the Labour Government stepped in to pre- among Maori and among Pakeha – the
vent the Law Courts from hearing further old tactic of ‘divide-and-rule. Every week, the working class produces val-
Maori submissions. • The Parliamentary Labour Party has ues equivalent to wages in the first part of
ignored an historic opportunity to set an the working week. In the second part of the
Once having denied Maori access to the example of international significance in working week, surplus values are produced
Courts, the Labour Government introduced formulating an Agreement, acceptable to for which wage earners receive nothing.
a Bill to declare the foreshore and seabed all, following adequate consultation. Both Maori and the wage earners are the
Crown property. • The Government has created a new victims of ‘theft’. Like Maori, wage earners
round of grievances by means of a bad have no access to Courts to stop this ‘theft’.
ACHIEVED? Only by possessing state power will the
• Maori have been denied access to due WHAT OF THE FUTURE? working class and Maori end this exploita-
process of the existing law. This disturbs In the short term, some will rely upon par- tion, the loss of customary and trade union
many Pakeha. liament, hoping that amendments to the Act rights, persistent unemployment and increas-
• Maori ownership has been confiscated. may be negotiated. Others will stress public ing poverty.
Customary Rights have been extin- activities, such as marches and rallies.
guished. Whatever option is followed, the Act will Only when Maori and the working class
• The illegal ownership and occupation of engender continued resentment and resist- unite to establish a Democratic State System,
the foreshore and seabed by private ance, whether in the Courts, on the streets led by the working class and based on their
interests, local and Central government or during general elections. And not only alliance, will Maori achieve recognition of
has been approved. among Maori. Some will invite the their customary rights to the foreshore and
• The sale of the foreshore and seabed to Governor-General to withhold consent in seabed, and wage earners end their exploita-
private interests is possible. the next few weeks. tion. Monopoly capitalism is hostile to the
• The Government has ignored the Treaty peoples’ rights, interests and well being.
of Waitangi, the founding constitutional The Government’s intention to examine
document. processes relating to a Constitutional Review At an appropriate time, the Second Treaty or
• Parliament has again demonstrated its should be given due attention. This step indi- an Understanding will be drawn up. It will
class nature, as commercial interests ben- cates that the Government is aiming to set in acknowledge the common interests and the
efit at the expense of Maori and workers. concrete the Foreshore and Seabed Act and mutual benefits for both of working togeth-
• Parliamentary deception reached new the rule of a minority class of profiteers. er to gain state power.

STRUGGLE : December 2004 15


Working Class Action Can Halt

Rise of Fascism of right Politics,
Far Right Politics and
‘Creeping’ Fascism
The New Zealand people still has a panied by low wage levels. If neglected ous types of responses and involvement.
strong democratic tradition, despite all by trade unionists, dissatisfaction among The lack of full accountability to and con-
efforts to extinguish it. Too many people non-unionised workers can turn them sultation with the public by
are aware of the atrocities and genocidal towards far right demagogues or move- Government’s is an ongoing concern of
occupation of European countries by ments with fascist tendencies. ARENA..
Nazi Germany. Racist ideologies, symbol-
ized by the nazi swastika are repugnant Efforts by the ‘Unite’ union activists to Campaign Against Foreign Control
to most Kiwis. There is deep public sus- organise low paid workers and to (CAFCA) of Christchurch has continued
picion that the US reasons for the inva- encourage them to rely on their collec- with research into the role and perform-
sion and occupation of Iraq involves the tive strength promises positive results. ance of foreign -owned enterprises and
interests of US oil corporations. the repeated introduction of legislation
For some 164 years, Maori have by successive governments favouring the
The absence of any immediate prospect responded to various forms of oppres- expansion of foreign investments in land,
of a fascist government in New Zealand sion and discrimination, thereby enhanc- enterprises and resources of
should not be a pretext for ignoring ing the general inter-connectedness and Aotearoa/new Zealand.
warning signs. Concrete assessment of interdependence of the vital interests of
events, trends and tendencies should be Maori and non-Maori. Currently, Maori In all areas of activities, in health, educa-
a feature of political work so that appro- are leading the struggle in defence of the tion, environment, social welfare, justice,
priate action takes place. There is a sig- Treaty and the call for dialogue over the peace and anti-racism, there are a formi-
nificant class struggle taking place in the proposed foreshore and seabed bill. dable number of committees, trusts and
ideological, political and economic fields Again, many non-Maori prefer a mutual- groups established by communities to
against the working class and all working ly-agreed settlement through dialogue in promote their causes. In one form or
people. For some time, the spin doctors preference to the imposing of a decision another, they are dealing with the affects
and their media outlets have been striv- by Government against the wishes of of corporate power and greed or govern-
ing to undermine the place and role of Maori. Seeking a mutually agreed out- ment policies protecting these corpora-
collectives in the daily life of the people come through dialogue is contrary to the tions.
by emphasising ‘personalities’ and selfish far right and fascist-like method of
individualism forcibly imposing one’s will on others. There are whole range of issues, from
health care, to job safety, child poverty to
Relying on the pretext of the ‘war on ter- An area of special importance when con- adequate housing which are worsening,
rorism’, the US Bush administration has sidering defences against the growth of even though there is some economic
pressured the New Zealand Government fascism is the accountability of parlia- expansion. The people's interests require
to increase state surveillance powers that ment and particularly, the Cabinet. the continued growth of their organisa-
infringe on human rights. The Greens Should Cabinet be allowed to make sig- tions.
Party has been prominent in alerting the nificant decisions without reference to
public to such legislation. parliament, then precedents are estab- But there is one organisation demanding
lished that could be used by far right or the attention from the working class –
The almost 2 year imprisonment of Mr. neo-fascist parties. the building of a Communist Party
A Zaoui on the basis of secret evidence armed with the scientific theory and
is repugnant to centuries-old attitudes of Cabinet has the authority to sign trade methods of Marxism-Leninism, capable
justice. The continuing public campaign deals without reference to parliament , of making a concrete class analysis of the
deserves increasing support. despite the fact that the trade agreement actual conditions prevailing in
may include the surrender of sovereignty Aotearoa/new Zealand. The need to
The so-called Far Right and Centre–Right and the provision of benefits to the other build the movement to isolate and expel
parties (Act and National) plan a new party at the expense of New Zealand US corporations, reclaim ownership of
attack on trade union rights and working jobs, industries and enterprises. The former publicly-owned enterprises and
conditions for the purpose of increasing Action, Research & Education Network work energetically for world peace, full
corporate profits to even higher record of Aotearoa (ARENA) is an organization employment, national independence and
levels. This prospect, plus the low level of committed to monitoring the World socialism is an immediate task
trade union membership, does require Trade Organisation and the conduct of
urgent attention. The Council of Trade New Zealand governments in their trad-
Union leadership is giving some attention ing relations with other countries.
to this challenge. The fact is that low Detailed research is followed up with
union membership is inevitably accom- recommendations to the public on vari-

16 December 2004 : STRUGGLE


Scientific Socialism
Many groups and individuals claim to be EARLY SOCIALISM IN Castro. As the revered leader of the
‘socialist’. This conduct has two aspects. It AOTEAROA/NEW ZEALAND Russian revolution, Lenin’s writings sum
can be a positive response to the continu- Interest in socialism started over 100 years up the experiences of the Russian working
ing crises of capitalism, with its wars, pover- ago. There were differing views how to class and its party. But many ‘socialists’
ty and racism, as the people search for an achieve a socialist society. The early mem- ignore these writings. Marx is even
alternative option to the tremendous waste bers of the Labour Party were optimistic described as a ‘socialist’, instead of a ‘com-
in capitalism. But it also leads to confusion that socialism could be introduced, gradu- munist’, in an attempt to give political legit-
because of the divisions and competition ally, once a parliamentary majority had imacy to lower middle class or petty bour-
among various kinds of ‘socialism’. been achieved. History has proved that geois socialism.
this view was based on deception.
As early as the 17th Century, socialist ideas CHARACTERISTICS OF WORKING
existed in the writings of Lilbourne and Following the success of the first socialist CLASS SOCIALISM
Winstanley at the time of Cromwell. Later, revolutionary struggle in Russia in 1917, The proletariat, the industrial workers
Robert Owen in England, experimented in the former Communist Party of New linked to advanced forms of production,
establishing socialist communities. They Zealand was formed, being guided by the have an interest in ending their exploita-
were described as utopian because they writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and tion. This class has a high sense of disci-
were impracticable. Nevertheless, the Mao ZeDong. Its history has rich lessons pline and is capable of great sacrifices.
Owenian critique of capitalism helped for building a revolutionary working class No other class has such attributes. It is
Marx to develop his ideas. party. Fabian socialism popularised by the capable of uniting with all other oppressed
Webbs, B.Shaw and H.G.Wells gave priori- strata to bring about social change and
In the mid-19th century, on the basis of a ty to discussion and publicising socialist oppose the ruling class, when that class
comprehensive study of history, Marx and ideas. Christian ‘socialists’ is another trend, resorts to violence.
Engels, were the first to predict socialism as and plays a positive role.
the logical outcome of the law-governed As each class has its own political party, the
development of socio-economic forma- As the general crisis of capitalism contin- party of the working class is usually called
tions. They found that a new class linked ues, the attraction of socialism is bound to a ‘Communist Party’. The reason for this is
to new methods of production, eventually increase. that from the standpoint of Marxism,
overcame the resistance of the old ruling socialism is a preparatory stage, the first
class. Slavery was followed by feudalism, SOCIAL SOURCE OF DIFFERENT stage of communism. The task of the
which in turn was replaced by capitalism. KINDS OF SOCIALISM’. Communist Party is to assist the working
Capitalism would be replaced by socialism, Socialism and socialist ideas are not con- class to seize state power by integrating the
as the working class would mobilise to end fined to the working class. While it suffers universal truths of Marxism-Leninism with
exploitation and later, introduce the class- the greatest exploitation, there are other the concrete conditions of the particular
less society of communism. classes that are affected by the greed and country. The party organisation is based on
actions of the monopoly corporations. For the working class principle of democratic
The driving force of these social transfor- example, members of the lower middle centralism, in which majority rules and
mations has been the class struggle class face increasing insecurity, the loss of lower committees submit to higher com-
between exploiters and exploited = their former social standing and their mittees.
between slave owner and slave, between decline into the ranks of the wage earners.
feudal landowner and serf, and between So, some members of this class adopt Public ownership of major enterprises is
monopoly capitalist and wage earner. All socialism, but they do so to ensure that introduced. Step by step, public ownership
class societies have been based on their small class leads the struggle for replaces private ownership over a lengthy
exploitation and have antagonistic class socialism and not the working class. period. Exploitation of wage labour ends.
contradictions. Marx and Engels, for the Under socialism, the principle of distribu-
first time, armed an exploited class with a Certain features of lower middle class tion is – ‘ each gives according to his/her
science for undertaking social change and socialism standout. Because it is opposed ability, and receives according to the
ending exploitation. As a consequence, to the working class leading the struggle for amount of work done’. In the higher stage
this science and its leading personalities socialism, it must oppose the experiences of communism – ‘ each gives according to
have been subjected to persistent opposi- of the working class of Russia, the Soviet his/her ability and receives according to
tion by imperialists and their collaborators, Union, China, Cuba, North Korea,Vietnam his/her need. ‘
a practice that indirectly endorses the value in building socialism.
of this science to the working class. With State power in the hands of the
Otherwise, it would have to acknowledge working class, the people are encouraged
The collective name for the sciences that the working class was the leading class, to participate in local and central govern-
involved is Marxism-Leninism. This term and not their small class whose interests ment affairs and all forms of community
embraces Dialectical and Historical they strive to protect. activities. For the first time, the former
Materialism, Materialist Dialectics, Marxist exploited classes, lead by the working class
Political Economy and the Marxist Theory Because it opposes working leadership in are now the ‘ruling class’ and are able to
of Knowledge. On this evidence of a thor- the struggle for socialism, this lower middle practice real democracy and not sham
oughly integrated world outlook, Marxists class socialist movement must deny the democracy. The satisfaction of the people’s
claim that their ‘socialism’ is scientific role of the working class’s own party, the needs is the driving force of production,
socialism. It is a science because its theories Communist Party, and the contribution of not private profit.
can be verified through practice to deter- outstanding Marxist-Leninist leaders,
mine their truth. including Lenin, Stalin,Mao ZeDong and

STRUGGLE : December 2004 17


Using the Right Methods to Unite

All Who Can Be United
Until US imperialism is halted and defeat- porters by avoiding personal attacks.
ed, the people of Aotearoa/New Zealand Finally, Marx held out the possibility that By relying on this method in the years
face a virtual life and death struggle to at the conclusion of the address, that they immediately prior to 1949, the
preserve world peace and halt the degra- may find ‘common ground’. (Source: Communist Party of China and the
dation of the environment. Efforts will be ‘Wages, Price and Profit’, page 3, Foreign Chinese working class and people
needed over a lengthy period to unite all Languages Press, Beijing,1970). achieved their Liberation.
who can be united. Only the unity of the
greatest number will suffice. Methods do THE EXPERIENCE OF THE LEARNING THE HARD WAY IN NZ.
exist that will achieve this result. WORKING CLASS OF CHINA In the period 1967-72, an intense inner-
Even though the Chinese working class party struggle unfolded within the former
LEARNING FROM KARL MARX. never numbered more than 2 million, it Communist Party of New Zealand. While
In 1865, there was an ‘epidemic of strikes found the path to socialism, with the there was ‘talk’ of unity, there was no real
and a general clamour for a rise in wages’. guidance of the Communist Party of desire for unity. Each faction desired the
The view that wage increases cause price China. To advance to socialism, Chinese capitulation, if not the expulsion of the
increases and that trade unions were workers and their party had to make other. The working class method of
harmful to workers was being widely cir- investigations and a serious study of all ‘unity-criticism- unity’ was not followed.
culated by Citizen Weston. Karl Mark dis- other classes and strata and the contradic- Name-calling, labeling and subjective
agreed with this theory and presented his tions among them in order to find com- accusations, typical of the lower middle
ideas at the meeting of the General mon ground. They were able to identify class ideology and methods replaced the
Council of the First International in June the main enemy and the various working class method of giving priority to
1865. oppressed classes. facts. The CPNZ was finally liquidated ,
an outcome prepared by the failure to
The focus of this writing is not on Marx’s Being in such a small minority, the practice ‘unity-criticism-unity’, the
analysis of Citizen Weston’s views, but on Chinese working class and its Communist method practiced by revolutionary
Marx’s conduct and attitude towards Party had to discover the methods for Marxists from Marx to Mao Zedong.
Citizen Weston, another Council mem- uniting all who could be united. Unless
ber, whose views Marx considered ‘theo- this task was accomplished, the Chinese FIND COMMON GROUND AND
retically false and practically dangerous’. working class could not play its leadership PUTTING ASIDE DIFFERENCES
role. When the Japanese invaders expand- Within the community, there are many
Marx acknowledged (1) that Citizen ed their occupation, additional classes differing views; this should not be a sur-
Weston thought he was defending the and strata were ready to contribute to the prise, as it is a natural outcome of the
interests of the working class; (2) that common struggle for liberation. complicated influences at work on the
Citizen Weston had presented publicly his job or in the community. While there will
opinions that were ‘ most unpopular with In a certain sense, the social situation be differing views expressed, common
the working class‘; (3) that all present became even more complicated. But, on ground will emerge after discussion. One
should ‘highly honor … such an exhibi- the basis of practical experience, the must be prepared for hearing views that
tion of moral courage’: and (4) that Marx Communist Party of China developed express agreement and views that differ.
hoped that at the conclusion of his the method – ‘unity-criticism – unity’. It To learn where to find common ground,
address to the Council, Citizen Weston was widely used in all organisations , insti- one must be a patient listener.
will find Marx agreeing with the ‘just idea’ tutions ,factories and schools. The ‘left-sectarians’ are noted for concen-
in Citizens Weston’s thesis. trating on differences, their impatience,
UNITY – CRITICISM - UNITY and ignoring the common ground that
By separating ‘motive’ (Citizen Weston Without unity, there is no strength. The emerges. The rational approach to build-
‘thought’ he was defending the interests proof of this assessment is confirmed by ing unity of action is to respect the views
of the working class’) from ‘practice’ (the the continual efforts to divide and disrupt of others, concentrate on the issue that
practical significance of views that were the working class and people’s move- unites, and put aside differences for dis-
‘practically dangerous’) , Marx was able to ments. cussion at another time. Only through
keep attention of his audience focused on trial and error will experience confirm the
Citizen Weston’s ‘theoretically false’ The first step is to affirm the desire for correct working class methods of building
views. ‘unity’. Unless there is a real, genuine and unity. Unity-criticism-unity is a democrat-
committed desire for unity, unity will not ic method based on persuasion and edu-
Marx went even further by inviting all be achieved and a critical examination of cation.
present to ‘highly honour … such an practice will fail.
exhibition of moral courage’, when (Recommended reading: ‘Wages, Price
Citizen Weston had publicly communicat- When there is a genuine desire for unity, and Profit’ – K.Marx ; ‘On Correct
ed his views that were ‘most unpopular genuine efforts will also be made to criti- Handling of Contradictions Among the
with the working class’. Here again, Marx cally examine practice in the next stage. People’ – Mao Zedong – SW Vol. 5); ‘A
made a big effort to ensure the focus was On the basis of this critical examination, a Dialectical Approach to Inner-Party Unity’
kept on an erroneous theory and not on new unity will emerge. The process of = same)
the author. He was attempting to win ‘unity-criticism-unity will have been com-
over Citizen Weston and any of his sup- pleted.

18 December 2004 : STRUGGLE


‘Colossus – The Rise and Fall of

the American Empire’ - By Niall
The title attracted this reviewer, because power that can only be resolved by its The ‘attention’ deficit: ‘The United States
it appeared to be anti-imperialist. Not so. demolition. has acquired an empire, but the
The author is a British Professor of Americans themselves lack the imperial
Financial History and has a number of The economic deficit: ‘ since 1985, … the cast of mind. They would rather build
appointments at English and American US has gone from being a net interna- shopping malls than nations. They crave
universities. tional creditor to being the world’s biggest for themselves protracted old age and
debtor’. The author fails to acknowledge dread, even for other Americans who
He compares the history and lessons of the enormously increased military expen- have volunteered for military service,
the British Empire with the American diture on weapons of mass destruction as untimely death in battle’ (page 29)
Empire. Although his research is selective the major contributor to budget deficits. Comment: Fancy wanting ‘a protracted
and one-sided, there are many interesting Instead he points to = ‘The true feet of old age’ and opposing ‘untimely death in
facts regarding the conduct of US imperi- clay of the American Colossus are the battle’ for American young people.
alism. He lists US army casualties in vari- impeding fiscal crises of the systems of Inevitably, human aspirations come into
ous US wars , but ignores the heavy casu- Medicare and Social Security.’ (page 29) conflict with the inhuman values and
alties suffered by the civilians of the greed of imperialist corporations and their
invaded country. The author acknowledges that the richest billionaire owners.
country in the world cannot afford to
The Professor is a supporter of ‘empire’ care for the health and welfare needs of The attention deficit refers to the decline
and liberal imperialism ! His book is = (1) its citizens, while spending billions on in American public support for US aggres-
an apology for UK and US imperialism ; new atomic and other weapons of mass sive wars, once the public have had expe-
(2 ) he appeals to US imperialism ‘ to do destruction.. rience of the war’s progress and aims.
a better rather than a worse job of polic-
ing an unruly world than their British The US manpower deficit: the author is ‘ The book may be borrowed at the local
predecessors ‘ (page 302); and he sup- perplexed about the apparent lack of library? It is worth reading for the study of
ports the role of US imperialism to invade American combat effective troops’ (page the class standpoint of one sector of the
countries to impose democracy and free- 292) To overcome this deficit, the lack of British middle class, now dependent for
dom. adequate manpower for the US empire’s its survival on US Imperialism . It explains
army, the author displays his class cyni- one source of support for Prime Minister
Here, we have the unmistakable fear of cism . His solution = ‘there are 4 million Blair.
the privileged British middle class. Their unemployed, 2 million in US prisons, and
future security illegal immigrants. ‘ If one adds together Book Two; ‘Crossing the Rubicon. The
depends , not on a world free of armed the illegal immigrants, the jobless and the Decline of American Empire and the End
aggressions, but on the cautious use of convicts, there is surely ample raw mate- of the Age of Oil. By Michael C.Ruppert.
power by the US that avoids creating rial for a larger American Army’ ( page
crises and awakening the wrath of the 292). Hopefully, the library will get this book..
people the world over. The term ‘liberal
imperialism’ is phoney. All imperialisms The majority of his army would be work- An extraordinary assembly of facts on
engage in violence or threaten violence. ing people, mainly people of colour. 60 peak oil and its influence on the conduct
per cent of gaol inmates are minor drug of the Bush administration and US corpo-
In the author’s view, ‘the world needs an offenders. White middle class and upper rations before and after 9/11.
effective liberal empire and the US is the class Americans would escape the draft. -Don Ross.
best candidate for the job ‘ (Page301). It
is depressing to observe an academic
prostituting his talents to win support for
the most aggressive fascist-like and even
greater menace than Nazi Germany.
Unlike the millions who took to the
streets opposing the US invasion of Iraq,
Literature Available:
this pathetic academic is unable to con-
ceal the class arrogance, typical of this for- Books by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong.
mer leading colonial power.

When listing the three major deficits con- Full catalogue available, Write to:
fronting the US – the economic deficit,
the manpower deficit and the ‘attention
deficit’ he is describing major antagonistic Books, PO Box 807, Whangarei.
contradictions inherent in an imperialist
STRUGGLE : December 2004 19

Strive to Unite!
Ka Kohi Te Toe Ka Whai Te Marama Tanga
(through the sharing of knowledge, enlightenment will follow)
Struggle is published quarterly objectively existing class contra- ideology of Marxism-Leninism,
representing the viewpoint of dictions, classes and laws of a party that develops its strate-
the Organisation for Marxist social development. The more gy, tactics and methods corre-
Unity. Struggle aims to provide comprehensive the competi- sponding to the needs of the
a Marxist analysis of class strug- tion of this stage, the more situation in Aotearoa/New
gle, politics and economy of favourable will be the situation Zealand by concrete analysis: a
Aotearoa/New Zealand. for the further advance to a party free from doctrinaire
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The immediate task is to influence of social democracy,
encourage working people and Struggle emphasises the neces- a party whose members are
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Patriotic and Democratic class struggle in Aotearoa/New ple.
United Front led by the work- Zealand from the stand-point
ing class to remove the stran- of the revolutionary working PLEASE NOTE: Send all editorial
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20 December 2004 : STRUGGLE

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