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Tecnológico de Monterey

The negotiation game

Ana Jessica Reyes Arochi

The key to negotiation success

This program is intended for the 20 executives that are going to go to Asia Pacific
Region to do a negotiation. The program’s intention is to well prepare our executives to
be ready and to have all the tools to achieve a great communication with the Asians
executives so we build a long term relationship and with this good agreements
benefiting both companies.

The program will last three whole days, from Friday morning to Sunday evening. In each
day the executives are going to lear two different topics, after each topic, they will have
an activity to practice what they have leaned.

Also we will have integration activities, so the 20 executives get to know each other and
make sure that all of them are in the same channel.

The topics that we will see during the program are going to be:

First day:

• Asian culture

Objective: to know about their culture, traditions, education, and show signs of respect
to them.

Activity: The 20 executives after learning some of the asian culture are going to have an
Asian lunch, where they have to show what learnt, and talk about asian culture,
interchange perspectives, etc.

• English technical terms

Objective: to have a better communication and be clear to what we want them to


Activity: executives are going to make 5 groups of 4 people, we are going to give them a
topic so in couples they have to prepare an anchor using the technical terms learnt, to
arrive to an agreement with the other couple.

Final activity: after we are going to reunite the 20 executives for dinner, but before they
come for dinner, they need to investigate about Asian costumes and with some tools
given by us, they will have to create their ow Asian costume to come to the dinner
dressed with that.
Second day:

• Body Language

Objective: Once we know the asian culture we might notice that there are body
language signs that means other thing for them, so we need to learn to manage it so we
can transmit what we want them to see about us.

Activity: Each participant will go in front of everybody and we are going to give them a
paper with an action that they have to transmit to everybody, he/she has to transmit it
just using his/her body (not voice at all), all the other participants have to guess what
the participant wants to transmit.

• Communication skills

Objective: to make sure that our executives are using the proper communication, to
avoid miss-understandings.

Activity: We are going to expose a problem or a situation, each participant is going to

create an anchor for it and they have to present it, the one that explain it better using
the best communication skill will win something for the trip to Asia.

Third day:

• Effective listening

Objective: to learn to give different perspectives to what the other person is saying, so
executives don’t just assume their point of view, but get the message that the other
person wants to transmit.

Activity: First we are going to show situations and make them see that in each situation
there are different perspectives. After we are going to show different situations, or
problems and they have to write down at least 4 different perspectives of each thing we
present. This will develop the ability to analyze while the exponent is talking and to not
just focus on their own perspective.

After we are going to show some lines and they will have to draw something thru dose
lines, they all are going to paste it in the board. This exercise shows how there can be
people who see the same that you in those lines and there can be people whom see
something completely different.
• Emotions control

Objective: to learn to control emotions and be calm and pacific even if the other person
gets a bit stress or moody.

Activity: we are going to do some meditation and yoga class, we are going to teach
them some breathing technics to keep calm even when another person is not calm, and
we can do this thru breathing.

Before every activity the executives will have a theoretic presentation to get all the
knowledge and after they are going to apply it in the activities and furthermore in the
negotiation in Asia.

We are going to be managing the needs of language for the cultural factor, teaching
them the technical terms and teaching them about the Asian culture and how to show
politeness and respect. The first day we will be focusing on that all day.

As we don’t have a pressure to achieve quick agreements but we want to build a long
term relationship, that’s why we are going to give them tools to maintain calm and be
tranquil in any situation, also learning some of their culture will show them respect and
will make the Asians feel grateful for that gesture, and by learning body language and
communication skills we are sure that we can achieve agreements and build a long term

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