Passion Mohd Almajed 201400965 gs6203 006

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Everyone’s dream is to follow their own passion, yet, do we don’t all know what our passion is.

The term
‘follow your passion’ differs from one person to another. To me, my passion is to keep traveling around
the world but I know that at some point in my life I will get bored. Also, at some point in my life I ill have
to settle. To other people a passion is drawing and expressing their feelings, yet will they get bored?
What we think of our passion is like a hobby to us and the best way to practice our hobby is after work
or at our free time. This is what will bring true joy to us. What I also believe is that what Thomas Franks
said at the video is absolutely true. Finding a job, we love, and working for it will grant us so many
opportunities that we didn’t even know that existed before. A vital point mentioned is focusing on a
certain skill rather than passion or enjoyment is going to be immensely helpful. Because whatever we
start will always be fun at the beginning but then the progress game will become stressful and hard. The
most important thing is to adapt smart training techniques for higher level of performance. They also
have to keep on going. Eventually, even though it might not be fun, you will be in a position where it will
be fun and interesting because you will be able to do things that other people can’t do. You will have
much better experience and people will start coming to you with new projects and tasks.

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