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eran e one Having been duly sworn, testified in the Grand Jury
proceedings as follows:

Good morning, Miss Wallace.

Good morning.
Who are you enployed by?
Extra Jet.
11 And what do you do for Extra Jet?
12 I'm the lead flight attendant.
13 Q Tell me what Extra Jet is, what kind of
14 company?
15 A Extra Jet is a charter company. They charter
16 Gulfstreams, Lear jets to clientele who can afford to
17 charter them out. And they're also a brokering company
18 as well.
19 Q Approximately how many jets does Extra Jet
20 have?
21 A Extra Jet has three aircraft, two Gulfstreams
22 and one Lear 35 at this time.

23 Q And could you give us a brief overview of your

24 job description?
25 A I basically make sure that the aircraft are
26 fully stocked with essential supplies for a first class
27 flight, I make sure that there's flight attendants
28 aboard every single flight that are necessary for the

clientele. And I basically do the hiring. I oversee
eran eone all of the flights that Extra Jet does to ensure that
the clients are all pleased and happy with their

Q Do you sometimes undertake flight hostess

duties yourself?
A Yes. At this time I'm the only flight

attendant. So I do all of the flights that are required

of a flight attendant.
Q How long have you worked for Extra Jet?
11 A It's two years this month. Actually last
12 month, March.

13 Q And who is your immediate supervisor?

14 A At this time Jim Duggin.
15 Q In the past have you supervised other flight
16 hostesses?

17 A Yes, I have.

18 Q And was Cynthia Bell one of those flight

19 hostesses?
20 A She was a flight hostess, however, I never did
21 supervise her work.
22 Q Okay. And why is that?
23 A Cindy Bell had a resume that I was very
24 impressed with, work experience that I believe that she
25 had done that I did not need to -- to make sure that her
26 work was sufficient.
27 Q Okay. Tell me, as far as the Gulfstream II
28 jets, what are the capacity -- what's the capacity of

that jet?
eran eone A The jets are configured for 12 -- between 12
and 13. Extra Jets are configured for 12 passengers.
Q And what is their range?
A They can fly from Los Angeles to New York
nonstop without getting fuel. So T guess that's maybe
five, five and a half hours.
Q How long does it take to fly -- I take it with
that description, one of these planes could fly from
Miami to Santa Barbara? Fair to say?
11 A Yes, they can.
12 Q And what what length of time would it take
13 for a plane to make that flight?
14 A It would be a similar length. And depending on
15 the winds, if you fly from Miami to Santa Barbara, it
16 may take a little bit longer because the trade winds are
17 usually pushing you back towards Miami. So it might be
18 a little bit longer. Maybe five hours 45 minutes,
19 pushing six hours.
20 Q So give me, if you would, a brief synopsis of
21 the day in the life of a flight hostess from take off to
22 landing?
23 A Okay. How long is your day today?
24 Q Well, I -- just a brief synopsis, just vant to
25 know what you're involved in doing during the flight.
26 A Okay. After we get to the airport we basically
27 make sure that the aircraft is stocked with ice and
28 coffee, newspapers, sufficient stock. We manage the

catering. We either pick up the catering at the FBO
eran eone that we order the catering from, or we pick up the
catering ourselves. And we make sure that there's food
on board for the passengers.
Then we -- then we greet the passengers, We
seat the passengers. We give them beverages, food, et
cetera. We ensure that the aircraft is obviously safe
as well, And then we basically ensure that the
passengers and the cabin are ready for takeoff, which
means that the exits are clear and everyone is belted
11 in, And then we basically are a waitress in the sky.
12 Then when we Land, then we clean up the
13 aircraft and ensure that the passengers have all their
14 belongings.
15 Q While you're in the sky do you serve meals?
16 A Yes.

17 Q Do you attend to any requests, special requests

18 that the clientele have?
19 A We -- we attend to as much as we can.
20 Q Okay. Beverage service throughout the flight
21 I take it?
22 A Yes.
23 Q Snacks, et cetera?
24 A Yes.
25 Q How much -- how much of the four and a half
26 hours is down time for you where you're not really
27 engaged in some task involving the client or their
28 guests?

A I'm sorry, can you repeat that question?
eran e one Q Well, I guess I'm wondering, is there any time
when you get to sit down and take a break?
A Sometimes we get to take a break. It depends
on the meal service. It depends on the length of the
flight. It depends on the number of clients, the number
of passengers.
Q Are there any policies about privacy of the
clientele and their guests on the passenger jet, written
or unwritten?
11 A Up until recently there really have not been
12 any policies towards client confidentiality. However, I
13 recently did incorporate a client confidentiality
14 agreement with my indoctrination that I give the flight
15 attendants.
16 Q And what level of interaction do you have with
17 the clientele that you -- Extra Jet services?
18 A It's very personal. You're in their personal
19 space. It's very tight quarters. Often there's many
20 times where you do have physical contact. When I'm in
21 the galley, for example, someone has to use the rest
22 room, which is usually, you have to walk through the
23 galley to use, there's many times contact from the front
24 or from the behind.
25 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Madam Secretary, may I ask
26 you what is next in order in terms of Grand Jury
27 exhibits?

eran e one GRAND JURY SECRETARY: Uh-huh.
Q BY MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Miss Wallace, I show you
Grand Jury Exhibit No. 55. Can you identify that for
me, please?
A Yes I can.
Q What is it?
A That is -- that was 87 Tango Delta, an Extra
Jet Gulfstream IT.
11 Q Okay. And are those represent -- does that
12 picture fairly represent the level of appointments and
13 one possible configuration of the interior of the
14 Gulfstream that Extra Jet flies?
15 A Yes.
16 Q All right. Have you personally worked on any
17 flights as an Extra Jet employee in which Michael
18 Jackson was the client?
19 A Yes.
20 Q How many times? Approximately, if you don't
21 know exactly.
22 A Probably around 18 times.
23 Q All right. And although Mr. Jackson is a
24 celebrity, I'm going to ask you to identify Grand Jury
25 Exhibit No. 40. Can you identify that photograph for
26 me, please?
27 A That's Mr. Jackson.
28 Q All right. Thank you.

When Mr, Jackson was a client of Extra Jet and
eran eone you were a flight or cabin hostess, when was the last
time that you worked with him? Worked on a flight where
he flew?
A It was the day that he was flown in fron Las
Vegas to Santa Barbara for, I don't know the court
description of --
Q Okay. And how would you characterize your
relationship with Mr. Jackson?
A Professional.
11 Q Did Mr. Jackson have any peculiar or special
12 requests that you would provide for him when he flew on
13 Extra Jet and you were the cabin hostess?
14 A As far as what was written down, his requests
15 were usually like Kentucky Fried Chicken, and -- that's
16 all there was as far as what was written down.
17 Q Asa special request? Okay. Were there any
18 unwritten special requests that you fulfilled for Mr.
19 Jackson?
20 A Yes.
21 Q All right. What would that be?
22 A The first one is the -- the white wine in the
23 diet Coke can.
24 Q Okay. Tell us about that?
25 A I had heard from a different flight attendant
26 that Mr. Jackson drank -- drank white wine in a diet
27 Coke can, and that was all he really drank on the
28 aircraft. And to have it placed, or to give it to him

upon immediate boarding of the aircraft.
eornnewne Q And how would you prepare that?
A I would empty out diet Coke cans and rinse them
out and fill the Coke can -- diet Coke can with
approximately six to nine ounces with white wine, and
put them on ice and hold them.
Q Were any other alcoholic beverages provided to
Mr. Jackson during your experiences as a flight hostess
for him?
10 A It was very rare that he would ask for liquor
an ina glass or a mixed drink. Tt was very care.
12 However, I believed that there could have been alcohol
13 consumed other than what I'd given him.
14 Q Were you personally aware that he consumed
15 other alcoholic beverages?
16 A Yes.
17 Q And did he also use the Coke can when he drank
18 those alcoholic beverages?
19 A No.
20 Q Okay. What type of liquor would he prefer?
a1 A From what I would see, it was mostly Tanqueray
22 tonic, or, I'm sorry, Tanqueray gin and tequila. and
23 that's all that I can remember him drinking.
24 Q All right. Would you prepare those drinks for
25 him, or would he prepare them himself? When I say that
26 I mean the drinks involving hard liquor.
27 A He would normally prepare them himself.
28 Q And is it safe to say other people would be

served alcoholic beverages on the flight as well?
eornnewne A Sometimes. Yes.
Q During the flights in which Mr. Jackson drank
his wine from the Coke cans, can you characterize the
quantities of consumption that he would drink on a -- on
let's say a coast to coast flight, if there was a
typical amount? You tell me if it's something you can
A A longer flight he would sometimes drink maybe
10 three cans of the white wine in the soda pop can. And
at if it was a longer flight, or five hour flight, le would
12 maybe fix himself maybe one or two mixed drinks.
13 Q And when he was drinking the wine from the Coke
14 can, is there any special means by which you would serve
15 that to him? I mean, give me an example of how he would
16 get the Coke can and how it would be provided?
17 A On my initial flight with Mr. Jackson he had
18 started to ask me to do that, but I already knew what to
19 do, so I said, "Say no more."
20 After that I kind of -- he kind of had a -- he
a1 repetitively sat in the same seat on most of our -- on
22 both the aircraft. Actually, at that time we had three,
23 so he would normally sit in the same seat. And so I
24 would always place it when I knew that he was coming on
25 board, maybe a minute before he got on board, I would
26 place it where he sat.
27 Q Did you tell anybody else on the flight that
28 there was wine in the Coke can?

A No, I did not.
eornnewne Q Would you do that? And if Mr. Jackson didn't
inform someone that there was wine in the Coke can, or
didn't smell it or drink from it, as far as you know is
there any way someone else in the flight would know that
wasn't just diet Coke?
A No. They wouldn't know.
MR. AUCHINCLOSS: All right. Questions from
the Grand Jury? Any other questions? Oh, yes.
10 Q BY MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Are you familiar with a
at family that flew as Michael Jackson's guest on an Extra
12 Jet flight by the name of Doe ?
13 A No.
14 Q Okay. So as far as you know, did you ever
15 personally serve a family that was on a Extra Jet flight
16 by the name of Doe ?
17 A I may have, it just -- I don't recall them.
18 Q Okay. And did Michael Jackson drink two mixed
19 drinks on longer flights in addition to the Coke can
20 wine?
21 A Yes.
22 Q Did you ever serve the Coke can wine to anybody
23 else?
24 A I did when Mr. Jackson had asked me to give
25 them, his guest, a can of the same of what he had.
26 Q Okay. And tell us about that? Was that on
27 only one occasion or more?
28 A It was on probably about six, six times.

Q And was it the same individual or different
ern Hn een individuals?
A A couple of times it was the same individual.
And a couple of times it was different guests that he
had brought on board.
Q Okay. Did you ever see Michael Jackson drink?
A Yes.
Q Okay. Did you ever find empty bottles when
cleaning up after the flight?
10 A Twice.
at Q All right. Tell us about Unt?
12 A There was two little miniature bottles of
13 alcohol that I found stuck strategically in different
14 places. Maybe not strategically, but stuck away, hidden
15 away. And those I believe to be Mr. Jackson's, because
16 I don't have miniature bottles of liquor for our
17 clients.
18 Q You don't or you do?
19 A I do not.
20 Q Okay. Were there times when you would bring
a1 miniature bottles on to the plane for Mr. Jackson?
22 A Yes.
23 Q And tell us about that?
24 A I knew that Mr. Jackson did not like to drink
25 alcohol in front of his children, so I would bring in a
26 little miniature baggy full of the little miniature
27 bottles of Tanqueray gin and tequila, and I would put
28 them away, hide them away in the lavatory, and I would

sometimes inform him that they were there for his own
ernnewne disposal .
Q All right. Did Mr. Jackson ever refer to the
wine by another name?
A No.
MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Were those -- some of these
questions that we're getting are collateral to the
issues before this proceeding. So I will not be asking
10 Any other questions?
a GRAND JUROR 300178895: Yeah. I gol Lwo.
13 GRAND JUROR 300178895: Sorry.
14 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: ‘They're good questions, but
15 we just have to confine ourselves to strictly what is
16 relevant for these proceedings.
17 Q BY MR. AUCHINCLOSS: ‘There's a question about
18 Cindy Bell that you made reference to her. Can you tell
19 us -- can you elaborate a little bit about Cindy Bell?
20 Was she an Extra Jet enployee?
a1 A She was an Extra Jet employee. And I can't
22 remember when she resigned from our company. However,
23 yeah, she was an Extra Jet employee, and she was an
24 employee at the time when she did fly Mr. Jackson. I
25 also knew that she flew Mr. Jackson prior to Extra Jet's
26 employment.
27 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Okay. Additional questions?
28 GRAND JUROR 300178895: Yeah. Here you go.

eornnewne MR. AUCHINCLOSS: No problem.
Q BY MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Were you the attendant on
Michael Jackson's flight back from Miami with a family
known as the Doe fanily, to your knowledge?
I don't remember them.
And --

A I could have been.

GRAND JUROR 300178895: I don't know the date
10 of the flight, but you know the date, just ask her.
a MR. AUCHINCLOSS: I'm not allowed Lo -- Lo ask
12 that question. But thank you anyway. That's -- so,
13 thank you. Grand jurors, those are the only questions
14 I'm allowed to ask at this time, unless there are more.
15 All right. Thank you very much, Miss Wallace.
16 MADAM FOREPERSON: Before you leave I mast
17 caution you that you are not to discuss the content of
18 your testimony that you have given this day before the
19 Grand Jury. A violation of my instruction could be the
20 basis of a charge of contempt of court against you. Do
21 you understand?
24 THE WITNESS: You're welcome.
25 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Miss Wallace, I must also
26 inform you that the Court has ordered a no media
27 discussion order. So you're not allowed to talk to the
28 media about this case in any way, shape or form, all

ernnewne THE WITNESS: Okay.
MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Thank you very much.
THE WITNESS: You're welcome.

MR. AUCHINCLOSS: All right. Madam Secretary,

I have some envelopes for you. And I will deliver to
you now the questions for the witness Lauren Wallace.
And we're ready for our next witness. Cindy
Ann Bell.
10 MADAM FOREPERSON: Please raise your right
at hand. Do you solemnly swear that the evidence you shall
12 give in this matter now pending before the Grand Jury of
13 the County of Santa Barbara shall be the truth, the
14 whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?
15 THE WITNESS: I swear. I do.

16 MADAM FOREPERSON: Please have a seat.

17 THE WITNESS: Thank you. Not used to this kind
18 of thing.
19 MADAM FOREPERSON: Please state and spell your

20 full name.
a1 THE WITNESS: Cynthia Ann Bell. C-y-n-t-h-i-a,
22 A-n-n, B-e-1-1.

24 THE WITNESS: Thank you.



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