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Back to: The science of Hypertrophy

For maximal mTOR activation, the best exercises are those where you can maintain tension during the eccentric portion of the lift and
where you can put the target muscle in a stretched position while it is still loaded.

Take a rear deltoid raise (bent over lateral raise), the tension during the eccentric phase is not maximal for long. Past the top 1/4 of the
range of motion, the eccentric muscle tension is minimal, same on DB lateral raises. As a result, these exercises are not great for
maximum mTOR activation.

Because you need to stay focused on muscle tension and use a low tempo, I also prefer to avoid big compound barbell lifts when using
this approach. For example, I prefer to use a hack squat machine over a squat.

Here are some good examples:


 Hack squat machine

 Bulgarian split squat
 Horizontal leg press


 Romanian deadlift in Smith machine, elevating the front of the feet

 Glute ham raise
 Lying leg curl (keeping tension in the bottom position)


 Donkey calves raise

 Seated calve raise
 Standing calve raise


 DB bench press
 Machine chest press
 Pec deck


 Chin-ups
 Lat pulldown
 Pullover
 Seated row


 Arnold press
 Behind the neck press
 High incline DB press


 Incline DB curl
 Incline hammer curl
 Double pulley curl from behind


 French press
 Rolling DB triceps extension
 JM press

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