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N DUNG CUSO 1 = Vy ° uU PS - u 2 ke} u GIGI THIEU CONG TY Céng ty 8 phan Dung cu s6 1,tién than la Nha may ché tao dung cy cét got, duge Lién X6 (cdi) gitip 46 xay dung, ngay 25/3/1968, véi nhiém vy sin xudt cdc loai dung cu cét got kim foal phuc vu cho nganh Ca khi ché tao trong c& nude. Véi vitri la nha sin xust dung cu cét s6 1 va duy nhat cia Viét nam hién nay, chinh sich chat lugng ctia ching t6i a 1. Cung cp sin phém cé chit luang én dinh, gig ca phu hp va dich vu vugt tri, théa man nhu c4u hop ly cua khdch hang véi nguyén téc:"Hop téc ciing phat trién’ 2. Hop ly héa sn xudt hign tai, ting dung céng nghé kj thuat cao dé dap ting miic chat lugng, gid cd phi hop véi yéu cdu cia khach hang. 3. Chii trong xay dung, phat trién thuong hiéu nhm tang cuéng niém tin cua khéch hang 4. Nang cao chat Ivong nguén nhan luc, c&i thién di kién lam viée, dai s6ng vat chat, tinh thén cho CBCNY, dim bao moi thanh vién trong céng ty théu hiéu va thuc hién diing tréch nhiém, quyén han ciia minh, 5. Thuong xuyén xem xét dé duy tri higu qua va cdi tién lién tuc hé théng quan Iy chit luang, Hign nay, céng ty da dSu tu xay dung nha may mai véi diy chuyén thiét bi céng nghé san xuét dung cu cét cua Buc, Thuy si, Uc... hin dai ngang tim quéc té, dp ting nhu du cia nén co khi trong nude va hoi nhap quéc té, nang cao chat lvong sn phdm, ha gi8 thanh sin phim dung cu cét, ai stic canh tranh véi hang nhap ngoai, ngay trén thi trudng Viét nam, xing dang véi thuong hiéu cia céng ty da xay dung 45 nam qua. Chi tich hi déng quan tri Giém dé¢ Hoang Trung Lap TOOLS JOINT STOCK COMPANY NO. 1 ABOUT US Tools Joint Stock Company Not, the former Manufacturing Cutting Tools Factory, was established with assistance from the (former) Soviet Union on 25/03/1968, Our prod- Ucts are cutting tools that have been used by various mechanical engineering compa- nies in Vietnam, As the leading cutting tools manufacturer in Vietnam presently, our quality policy is as following: 1. Providing products with stable quality, reasonable prices as well as the best service in order to satisfy customer's demand with the slogan: "Cooperating to develop together” 2. Optimizing current production, applying high technology to meet customer's requirement about quality and price. 3. Focusing on building, developing brand in order to enhance belief from customers. 4, Improving the quality of human resource, providing better working condition, increasing physical as well as mental life for our employees. Ensuring that all members of our company understand and implement their own rights and responsibilities. 5. Regularly monitoring of the quality management system in order to maintain its effectiveness and continuously develop our system. Currently, our Company has built a new factory equipped with modern technology ‘CNC machines imported from Germany, Switzerland, Australia, at international level for cutting tools production. With these modern machines, we can satisfy the domestic market demand, improving the product quality, reducing the cutting tools price and being competitive with importing products in Vietnam market, tobe deserved with the brand which has been built in 45 years. President of Management Board Director Hoang Trung lap © NANG LUC - CAPABILITIES iE Hé théng may moc hién dai, déng bd nhap khdu tir Buc, Thuy Sy, Uc, ¥... 3 Modern CNC Machines imported from Germany, Switzerland, and Australia, Italia MUC LUC - TABLE OF CONTENT 5 Dao phay ngén - End Dao phay ngén du vung - Square End Mill Dao phay ngén dau cau - Ball nose End Mill Dao phay ngén ban kinh géc- Corner radius End Mill Dao phay ngén vat géc - Corner chamfer End Mill MGi khoan dui tru - Straight shank Drills Mai khoan xan - Twist Drill Mi khoan bac - Step Drill Mai khoan tam - Center Drill Doa may - Machine Reamers Doa may ranh thang - Straight Fluted Reamer Doa may ranh xoan - Spiral Fluted Reamer Taré may - Machine Taps Tard rnh hung thoat phoi - Spiral Point Taps Tard ranh thang - Straight Fluted Taps Tard ranh xo8n - Spiral Fluted Taps | h 4083035 moos [35 | 0 | 6 | 16 3 Ta804050 moos [4s [10 [62a x a00. 05050 Minos [6 [1] 70 27, 3 Tae. a6060 Meas [ee wa z ave. 06075 e076 | 6 | 3] #0 3a 3 a8 a8050 Mads [ea aoa z "a088075 mors [6 || 60 | 49 3 Ta008100 xt epee x a0 Mio 7S | 10 | ia] 90 35; 3 a0 Moat Oe wo z “ao Mioxi2s | 10 | 2 | 00 | 55 3 a0 a 7 z a0 ia —[@ | 22 | 100 T 3 TaSA5150 mraas [@ | 22100 7 = a0 Mix [| 18_| 100 @ 3 Tad Ma 25 | 00 z z ao Miaxts [11] 22 | 100 3 3 at mig |e 100 a z "a0 Mies [| 22 | 100 3 3 Ta0sc16100 mga [a | 20 oa 2 408-18150 Mix _[-™ | 2_[ 90] 1s 4 Mig a aes a a a8. 20400 Maxi | 16 | 20 | 125 | _12 2 a8: 20460 Mao 6 | as es a "a08.20200 Mao [16 | 4 [140 | 12 2 Ta0s.z2100 za 18 | as [asa a 400.22150 Mzoxi5 | 18 | 25 | 125 | 145 4 TaD. 24700 Nad 8 | aaa a a8. 24160 Meads [18 | 28 | 40_| 14s 2 a8: 24200 waa 8 aoa a Bon vi- Unitsmm + Ghi chi Lop phi va cdc kich thuéc theo yéu cu khich hang vu long lén hé bé phan ban hang. + Note: Please kindly contact sles department for requesting in coating and special too!’ dimension. Budc tiéu chuan, ren hé mét, ranh xo4n 40° Ly TA RO RANH XOAN - SPIRAL FLUTED TAPS Standard pitch, ISO metric thread, helical angle 40° Phishop cho gia céng 6 tic trén vat liéu thép thong dung: thép cacbon, thép dung cu, thép hap kim Suitable for tapping blind holes on genera steels: cacbon steels, tool steels, alloy steels ae a + da di ¥ a hb (7410-03050 M3x0.5, 3.5 6 56 27 3 7410-06100 6x1 6 10 80 49 3 (7410-12175, M12x1.75, 9 18 110 7 3 7410-14200 M14x2_ 44 20 110 9 3 7410-18250 M18x2.5, 14 25 125 11 4 7410-20250 M20x2.5, 16 25 140 12 4 7410-24300 M24x3_ 18 30, 160 14.5 4 ‘Bon vi-Unit: mm + Ghi chi: Lép phi va ec kich thud theo yéu edu, khuich hang vu ong lién hé bd phan ban bang. + Note: Please kindly contact sales department for requesting in coating and special too!’ dimension. TA RO RANH XOAN - SPIRAL FLUTED TAPS Budc nhé, ren hé mét ISO, ranh xoan 15° Small pitch, ISO metric thread, helical angle 15° Phis hop cho gia cing 6 tic trén vat liéu thép thong dung: thép cacbon, thép dung cu, thép hap kim Suitable for tapping blind holes on general steels: cacbon steels, tool steel, alloy steels ae + \ de di 7 Th he h Tat2-03035 [Moxos | 06 | 5 | 56 24 3 7412-04050 (M4x0.5. 45 5 63 21 3 Tat2-05050[Msx05 | 6 | 5 | 70, 24 3 T412.06078 | Mx0.75 | 6 | 8] 00. 34 3 Tat2-08075 | Mex075 | 8 | 8 | 20. 34 3 7412-08100 [Maxi a 7 3 7412-10100 Mtoxi 70 | 10 | 90 49 3 Tat2-t0125 | Mtoxt25 [10 | 16 | 400 [88 3 Tat2-12100 | Mt2x1 9 [11 | 100 | 55 3 rata-ta1as[Miaxt25 |e | 15 | 00 7 3 Tat2-t2150 [Miax1.s | 9 | 15 | 100 7 3 Tata-t4100[Mtaxt [a [11] 100 9 3 rat2-t4125 | Max.25 | 11 | 15] 100 3 3 rat2-14150[Mtaxts [1 | 15 | 100 a 3 7412-16100 [Mtexi 72 [12 | 100 3 3 7412-16150 ‘M16x1.5, 12 15, 100 9 3 T412-16100 [Maxi 74 13_[ 110 1 4 7412-18150 ‘M18x1.5, 14 7 110 14 4 7412-20100 | Ma0x1 76 [14 | 125 2 4 7412-20150 ‘M20x1.5 16 7 125 12 4 Tat2-22150 _[Mozxis | 18 | 47 | 125 | 145 4 7412-24150 ‘M24x1.5. 18 20 140 14.5 4 Tat2-24200 [Mou | 18 | 20 | 140 | 145 4 ‘Bom vi - Unit: mm + Ghi chit Lop phi va cdc kichthuéi theo yéu cd kich hang vui ong lién he b6 phan ban hang. + Note: Please kindly contact sales department for requesting in coating and special toot dimension, THONG TIN KY THUAT CHO TA RO TECHNICAL SECTION FOR TAPS BANG TRA KICH THUGC BUONG KINH LO KHOAN TRUGC KHI TARO. RECOMMENDED TAP DRILL SIZES Bwéng kinh 16 khoan (mm) pie” ich eb ron Wax in WOE a ar 2612 MnO 25 2598 2459 Co 29 300 2850 was a2 3221 a8 6x07 33 322 3242 Maas 35 3.599 3489 MASO7E a8 3078 688 mao 40 cc) 3.959 S08 42 aa 2:34 Cog a5 7580 aaa ext 50 588 2917 Mex075 53 5378 5188 MEO 55 5550 500 wat é G5) 5917 MOS e3 3378 88 was 65 e580 00 exi25 68 5912 6e7 Meet 7 7489 6si7 MOOS 72 7.378 7.88 aK 75 7520 700 WOKS 72 732 THT oxi @ anes 7917 WOKDTS a2 278 a.t88 Moet a5 e876 8076 iOK15 ee ann a7 Moet z 58 6si7 MOOS a2 2378 88 mio 35 2520 300 Mite 95 9576 9576 Cod a 70365 asi7 AOS 103 10378 10.108 MiBEATS 703 084 7005 MiBeKS 105 10576 10.376 CEE 08 09% 10847 Maat 1 19455 0997 wim 7 11520 11400 THONG TIN KY THUAT CHO TA RO TECHNICAL SECTION FOR TAPS Wiad @ 7220 Tims wats 725 12676 T2a78 Mtaxt 3 3.155 12057 wiexts 15 a7 Ta76 M151 4 14483 13.997 MiB 4 74210 73835 Mi6xt5 45 14875 14.376 wit 5 15153 97 MITTS 155) 15876 15378 wired 76 Tats i077 M1825 155) zz 15.294 Mtax2 6 16210 75.835 Miext 5 165 16.875 18.376 wiext 7 T7a83 107 M20x25 75 T1744 17298 Mao 7 720 7s, M20x15 785) 18.676 18.376 20x 72 ad 7897 M2225 795) 19.744 19.294 Maa 2 20210 19.885 M215 205 20873 20.376 Mae a Bass 20977 M243 2 21.282 20.752 Muza 2 220 835 Maat 25 22.876 22376 Cro Ea Bass 22977 M252 2 23.210 22.835) asx a5 Bare BaaT6 M251 2 24.453 23917 26x15 25 286 2378 Mans 24 24282 ZaTS2 WaX2 2 25210 24835 MITKAS 255 25876 25.376 ware Ey 2688 2977 Mex? 26 26.210 25.835 Mzx15 255 26876 2.376 Maex1 a 27.83 26977 Ma0x15 285 26771 262i M0x3 2 2.282 26.752 Wao Ey 220 as Ma0x15 285 28.876 28.375 MB0x1 @ 28185 26977 D1: Busing kinh lén nhét (Max) vi uéng kinh nhé nh (Min) cla 16 cin khoan. THONG TIN KY THUAT CHO TA RO TECHNICAL SECTION FOR TAPS CHE BO CAT KHUYEN DUNG - RECOMMENDED CUTTING CONDITIONS, Le Sora cee ony cco RCO Eee eo Low carbon steel s02%e 7-12 13-2 12 Thép eacbon tng bin 025-04%0 on ot wa Medium carbon steals Thap cacbon cae High carbon steel 0.45% 5-8 712 5-8 som) ot e184 oat sKO. 5-8 6-8 5-8 sc 5-10 O14 510 co) 0-14 : ‘Gang chu Keo High tension east ron co ett 9-10 en “Thép tang cing, Hardened stele HRC 25-40 24 3.5 2-4) hom ‘Aluminum AL 9-19 14-23 18 gp Kim ohm ‘Aluminum alloys AC, ADC 4 1618 o-16 cu 5-10 et 5-8 Brass casting eee 9-18 13-23 ont “Thép Krone gf ™ Stainless stele sus a7 7-12 3-6 * Chi: Ché 66 cit 58 thay Bi ty theo méy va céc ing dung cy thé cia khéch hing “ Attention: Cutting conditions should be changed in order to fit different machines & certain applications eterno yaks ars kat VA cc te) TOOLS JOINT STOCK COMPANY NO 1 Cees LO Ra C Le ae Coa R Con na a Soe EL aE eee eee ee Cae eee) ING TY HAN DUN TOOLS JOINT STOCK COMPANY NO.1

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