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Exit Test

Name: _______________ Class: _______________ Date: ______________


1a Write the words under the correct pictures.

mouse sandwich money keys kitchen bathroom
fish bookcase wardrobe get up do homework
have breakfast get dressed beach volleyball sing do karate
rugby play chess Science Languages Maths

1 mouse 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

Your Space Level 1 – Adaptable Exit Test 1 © Cambridge University Press 2012 Photocopiable
10 11 12

13 14 15

16 17 18

19 20 21

/ 20

1b Read the definitions and complete the words and phrases.

1 To look at websites.
surf the web
2 You keep pens, pencils, erasers, etc in this.
p __ __ __ __ __ c __ __ __
3 You are from the UK.
B __ __ __ __ __ __
4 You sleep in this room.

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b __ __ __ __ __ __
5 Your aunt’s husband.
u __ __ __ __
6 This person works in a hospital.
d __ __ __ __ __
7 You need a bicycle for this sport.
c __ __ __ __ __ __
8 This animal hasn’t got any legs. It’s got a long tongue. s __ __ __ __
9 School children in the UK sometimes wear this with a shirt.
t __ __
10 This has two wheels and an engine.
m __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
11 When it is very cold this falls. It is white.
s __ __ __
10 / 10

1c Complete the sentences with these words. Change the form of the verb if

go to travel make go go to the

have before after and but too

1 I __go to__ school at 7.45 am.

2 We _______________ dinner at 8 pm.
3 Lisa _______________ home with her friends after school.
4 I finish school at 3 pm. I go to English club at 3.30 pm. I go to English club
_______________ school.
5 Jo loves sweets _______________ she doesn’t like chocolate.
6 We always _______________ supermarket on Saturdays.
7 There’s a cake _______________ some cola in the kitchen.
8 My sister never _______________ a mess. She’s very tidy.
9 I eat breakfast at 7.15 am. I have a shower at 7 am. I have a shower
_______________ I have breakfast.

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10 Christopher Columbus _______________ across the Atlantic in 1492.
11 He can ride a bicycle and he can juggle, _______________ !
/ 10


Verbs • be, have got, present simple and present continuous

2a Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions. Use the
short form where possible.
1 are / there / bathrooms / two
__________________There are two bathrooms__________________ .
2 Edinburgh / from / I / am
_____________________________________________________________ .
3 big / is / there / garden / a
_____________________________________________________________ ?
4 got / he / has / computer / new / a
_____________________________________________________________ .
5 not / long / I / got / have / hair
_____________________________________________________________ .
6 you / new / teacher / have / got / a
_____________________________________________________________ ?
7 answer / you / the / know / question / do / the / to
_____________________________________________________________ ?
8 time / you / what / have / do / breakfast
_____________________________________________________________ ?
9 walk / usually / we / school / to / not / do
_____________________________________________________________ .
10 wearing / he / jeans / is
_____________________________________________________________ .
11 are / doing / what / on / Saturday / you
_____________________________________________________________ ?

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/ 10

2b Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Use the short form
where possible.
1 I __haven’t got__ a sister. (not have got)
2 There _______________ a big kitchen. (be)
3 _______________ they _______________ any cousins? (have got)
4 _______________ there any eggs? (be)
5 What _______________ you _______________ now? (do)
6 She _______________ tennis every Wednesday. (play)
7 Leo _______________ playing basketball. (not like)
8 Jack _______________ football tomorrow morning. (play)
9 Where _______________ he _______________ ? (live)
10 We _______________ meat. (not eat)
11 I never _______________ TV in bed. (watch)
/ 10

Verbs • can / can’t, must / mustn’t

2c Choose the correct answer.

1 They _______________ speak Spanish.
a can’t b does c are
2 Susie can _______________ cakes very well.
a makes b making c make
3 Can he ride a horse? No, he _______________ .
a isn’t b doesn’t c can’t
4 My grandmother _______________ a mobile phone.
a not can use b can’t use c can’t uses
5 James _______________ very well.
a can sing b can he sing c can sings
4 /4
2d Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t.
1 They ___mustn’t___ be late for dinner.

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2 I _______________ go to bed now. It’s very late.
3 You _______________ wear a seat belt in the car.
4 You _______________ talk loudly in the library.
5 She _______________ run in the corridors.
6 They _______________ turn off their mobile phones during the lessons.
5 /5

Verbs • past simple

2e Complete the sentences with verbs in the past simple.

1 I ___cooked___ a meal for my parents on Saturday. (cook)
2 I _______________ my aunt in Spain last summer. (visit)
3 Valentina Tereshkova _______________ born in Russia. (be)
4 I _______________ the guitar in a school concert last week. (play)
5 My brother and sister _______________ at my party. (be)
6 Michael Perham _______________ across the Atlantic Ocean by yacht.
5 /5

Adverbs of frequency

2f Rewrite the sentences putting the adverb of frequency in the correct position.
1 They eat fish on Fridays. (always)
________________They always eat fish on Fridays._________________
2 I get up early. (usually)
3 They play tennis. (often)
4 He is late for school. (always)
5 Sally plays computer games. (never)
6 Tom goes to the cinema on Saturday. (sometimes)

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Pronouns and possessive adjectives

2g Complete the table.

subject pronouns object pronouns possessive possessive
adjectives pronouns
1 5
I ___me__ ________ mine
2 8
you ________ your ________
he him his ________
she her ________ hers
it ________ its
we us ________ ours
4 10
they ________ their ________

Adverbs of manner
2h Rewrite the sentences putting the adverb of frequency in the correct position.
Change the verb form if necessary.
1 She plays the piano. (not very well)
_____________She doesn’t play the piano very well._______________
2 We cook pasta. (quite well)
3 Chris speaks Chinese. (very well)
4 I can’t sing. (at all)
5 My cousin plays the piano. (well)
6 They speak Spanish. (not very well)

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3a Complete the dialogue with these words.
How old What time thanks email
can you when good at 3.30 reading
favourite subject do you like very well
surf the web eleven eating I can

Simon Hello Jessica. Tell me about you. 1 __How old__ are you?
Jessica I’m 2 _______________ .
Simon _______________ do you go to school?
Jessica At eight o’clock.
Simon _______________ do you fi nish?
Jessica At 5 _______________ .
Simon What’s your 6 _______________ ?
Jessica I love Maths.
Simon _______________ ride a bicycle?
Jessica Yes, 8 _______________ .
Simon What 9 _______________ doing in your free time?
Jessica I play chess and 10 _______________ .
Simon Have you got an 11 _______________ address?
Jessica Yes it’s:
Simon Are you 12 _______________ sports?
Jessica Yes, but I can’t swim 13 _______________ . I like
studying and 14 _______________ .
Simon What are you doing now?
Jessica I’m 15 _______________ my lunch.
Simon _______________ Jessica!
Jessica Bye, Simon.
/ 15

3b Match the answers to the questions.

1 g What’s your name?
2 What’s your nationality?

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3 Are you good at sports?
4 What’s your email address?
5 Have you got a big family?
6 What time do you start school?
7 What do you usually do after school?
8 What are you doing on Saturday afternoon?
9 Can you swim?
10 What do you like doing in your free time?
11 What are you doing now?
12 Who’s your favourite pop star?
13 When’s your birthday?

a I’m Irish.
b It’s
c At 8.45 am.
d Yes, I am. I play tennis and football very well.
e Yes, but not very well.
f I’m studying for a test.
g My name’s Lisa.
h No, it’s small.
i It’s Madonna.
j It’s March 4th.
k I’m going to the cinema.
l I go to the tennis club or do my homework.
m I love going shopping with my friends and doing sport.
/ 12

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4a Complete the email with one or two words in each gap.

Hi Susie!
My name 1 _______________ Annabel Simpson. I 2 _______________ twelve and I
_______________ in Cardiff in Wales. I 4 _______________ two
brothers, Edward and Matthew. 5 _______________ little sister, Meg, is the youngest
in the family and she 6 _______________ ten.
I 7 _______________ spending time with my friends. We often 8 _______________
shopping or 9 _______________ volleyball together.
I really like dancing, too. I go to Dance Club on Mondays and Wednesdays.
What about you? What 10 _______________ like doing in 11 _______________ free
Write soon!
/ 10

4b Write a paragraph (30-40 words) about you. Include this information:

• Name, age • Your favourite things
• Nationality, home town • What you’re good at

/ 20

TOTAL / 150

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