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Student Examination Detail


Nama Lengkap : Examination Code : ANT III
Seaferer Code : 6211512369 Score : 97

Question List and Student Answered

1. What action should the Officer of the Watch (OOW) take if he is forced to make a major
deviation from the voyage plan?

a. Inform the Master

b. Make an appropriate entry in the Log Book
c. There is no special action necessary
d. Check that the deviation will not lead into danger
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

2. You are asked to find if a particular port you are expected to visit has an Indian Embassy.
Which of these publications would you consult?

a. Port approach chart

b. Admiralty Sailing Directions
c. Admiralty list of Radio Signals
d. Guide to Port Entry
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

3. Your chart indicates that there is an isolated rock and names the rock using vertical letters.
This indicates the __________.

a. rock is visible at low water springs only

b. rock is a hazard to deep draft vessels only
c. rock is dry at high water
d. exact position of the rock is doubtful
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

4. What is TRUE concerning new editions of Light Lists?

a. Supplements to new editions are issued monthly by the U.S. Coast Guard
b. New editions are published by the National Ocean Service
c. New editions are corrected through the date shown on the title page
d. None of the above
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

5. What is the probable cause of an error in position of the ship obtained from the GPS system?

a. Incorrect height of the antenna

b. A three dimensional instead of a two dimensional position output
c. All of the suggested answers
d. Abnormal sun spot activity causing unusual radiation effects
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

6. Which of the four figures illustrated shows the correct position line for the following situation:
Latitude 50°00'N, Longitude 30°00'W, Time 1200 GMT. Course steered: 090° True, Speed: 12
knots, bearing of the sun: 200°, Intercept correction: 00°02' Towards (observed altitude -
computed altitude)

a. Figure 2 is correct
b. Figure 1 is correct
c. Figure 3 is correct
d. Figure 4 is correct
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

7. All Loran-C transmitting stations are equipped with cesium frequency standards which permit

a. every station in one chain to transmit at the same time

b. each station to transmit without reference to another station
c. on-line transmission of single-line transmitters at the same time
d. each station to only depend on the master for synchronization and signal ratio
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

8. In the Beaufort Scale of Wind Force, what is the Beaufort number associated with the wind
force known as a "Gale"? This should not be confused with a "Near Gale" or "Strong Gale"

a. Eight (8)
b. Nine (9)
c. Seven (7)
d. Ten (10)
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

9. A voyage passage plan is made from _____.

a. pilot station to pilot station

b. fairway buoy to fairway buoy
c. berth to berth
d. berth to drop of pilot of that particular port and from arrival pilot station to the berth
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

10. If the strength of the wind is related to the pressure gradient and the space between the
isobars, which of the following statements is correct?

a. The closer the isobars are together the stronger will be the predicted wind
b. Strong winds are found in areas where the isobars are not close together
c. The pressure gradient is a measurement of the distance between the high and the low
pressures and is not associated with isobars
d. The wind force is related to the difference in pressures and blows directly between the
centres of high and the low pressure
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

11. You would expect to find channels marked with the IALA-A Buoyage System in __________.

a. the Philippines
b. Australia
c. Republic of Korea
d. Chile
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

12. Which of the following factors may not be taken into consideration when planning a passage in
coastal waters?

a. Under keel clearance

b. Clearing bearings and clearing ranges
c. No - Go areas
d. Choice of ocean route
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
13. What is important to check when transferring a position from the GPS output to a paper chart?

a. Any necessary corrections are applied to convert between the GPS datum and the
chart datum
b. It is important to ensure that the GPS is setup on 2 dimensional and not 3 dimensional
position fixes
c. Ensure that the GPS is setup on the same datum as the chart
d. Ensure that the chart has been corrected up to date
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

14. On a navigational chart, how is the probable direction of the predominant direction of sea
surface current indicated?

a. Letter a
b. letter b
c. letter c
d. letter d
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

15. If an observer is facing the wind in the northern hemisphere, where does the low pressure lie?

a. Ahead
b. Behind
c. To the right
d. To the left
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

16. You expect to sight land at 2100. By 2120 no land has been sighted, the visibility is good. What
action would you take?

a. Stop engines.
b. Alter course.
c. Keep looking out.
d. Call the master.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

17. What instrument is used for measuring the velocity of the wind?
a. Hydrometer
b. Anemometer
c. Barometer
d. Tachometer
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

18. When navigating using the GPS, how does the GPS display indicate when the accuracy of the
displayed position is reduced?

a. A large HDOP value is displayed on the screen

b. A large "Correction Factor" number is displayed on the screen
c. The GPS display flashes and sounds an alarm
d. The GPS display is always very accurate and does not give any indication of lack of accuracy
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

19. Which of the following figures drawn on the plane of the Meridian is correct for an observer in
position Latitude 30°00' North; Longitude 15°00' West, when observing the sun on the
meridian, if the sun's Declination is 15°00' South?

a. Figure 4 is correct
b. Figure 1 is correct
c. Figure 2 is correct
d. Figure 3 is correct
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

20. On which side of this buoy should you pass?

e. I don't know

Result : Correct

21. A cumulative list of notices to mariners are published _____ a year

a. three times
b. once
c. four times
d. twice
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

22. How should a vessel cross a traffic lane when obliged to do so

a. At a speed and heading that will cause the least encounters with vessels within the lane
b. On a heading that will cause her to spend the LEAST TIME in the lane
c. On a HEADING as nearly as practical at right angles to the direction of traffic flow
d. On heading so that her TRACK will be as nearly as practicable at right angles to the
direction of traffic flow
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

23. How often are chart corrections published?

a. Monthly
b. Yearly
c. Annually
d. Weekly
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

24. How often are chart corrections published?

a. Monthly
b. Monthly
c. Annually
d. Weekly
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

25. When should a navigator rely on the position of floating aids to navigation?

a. During calm weather only

b. During daylight only
c. Only when inside a harbor
d. Only when fixed aids are not available
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

26. A ship is navigating in the Caribbean in August when it receives the warning of a Hurricane.
To determine the centre of the storm the Master uses "Buys Ballot's Law" and faces the wind.
On what side of the Master would the low pressure area be located?

a. On the right side

b. On the left side
c. Straight ahead
d. This is not a suitable method to use with a Hurricane
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

27. Fast moving high clouds are an indication of

a. rainy weather to come

b. unchanged weather
c. bad weather to come
d. good weather to come
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

28. In which publication can information on ship reporting be found?

b. Ship Routing
d. SOPEP Manual
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

29. What should a passage plan include?

a. The plan should include the first 72 hours of the sea voyage.
b. The plan should include the entire voyage from berth to berth.
c. The plan should cover the first half of the sea voyage.
d. The OOW decides what to include in the passage plan.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

30. Your vessel is carrying a full cargo of scrap steel. Which item of bridge equipment is likely to
be unreliable?

a. The satellite navigator.

b. The echo sounder
c. The gyro compass.
d. The magnetic compass.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

31. A vessel may exhibit lights other than those prescribed by the Rules as long as the additional
lights __________.

a. do not interfere with the keeping of a proper look-out

b. are not the color of either sidelight
c. have a lesser range than the prescribed lights
d. All of the above
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

32. What alarm signal must be sounded by the alarm bells in case of fire?

a. The signal which is stated in the muster list

b. Series of short blasts
c. One long blast followed by seven short blasts
d. A continuous signal
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

33. Which vessel would be required to show a white light from a lantern exhibited in sufficient
time to prevent collision?

a. A 9-meter sailing vessel

b. A rowboat
c. A 6-meter motorboat
d. A small vessel fishing
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

34. Isyaratkodeinternasionaluntukmenunjukanbahayadanmemerlukanpertolonganadalah

a. “B.O”
b. “B.U”
c. “N.U”
d. “U.N”
e. “N.C”
f. I don't know

Result : Correct
35. Sailing vessels are stand-on over power-driven vessels except __________.

a. in a crossing situation
b. in a meeting situation
c. when they are the overtaking vessel
d. on the inland waters of the U.S.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

36. Which vessel may carry her sidelights and stern light in a combined lantern on the mast?

a. An 18-meter sailing vessel

b. A 10-meter sailing vessel also being propelled by machinery
c. A 25-meter sailing vessel
d. All of the above
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

37. When a vessel sounds three short blasts on the whistle, this indicates that __________.

a. danger is ahead
b. her engines are going astern
c. the vessel is not under command (broken down)
d. all other vessels should stand clear
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

38. What day-shape would a vessel at anchor show during daylight?

a. One black ball

b. Two black balls
c. Two black balls
d. No signal
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

39. You are underway in reduced visibility. You hear the fog signal of another vessel about 20° on
your starboard bow. Risk of collision may exist. You should __________.

a. alter course to starboard to pass around the other vessel

b. reduce your speed to bare steerageway
c. slow your engines and let the other vessel pass ahead of you
d. alter course to port to pass the other vessel on its portside
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

40. As a probable result of being in collision with your vessel, the other vessel involved is on fire?
What are your responsibilities to the other vessel?

a. After checking the extent of the damage and welfare of your crew, if possible your
vessel should standby and offer assistance, until being relieved of that obligation
by the other vessel
b. There is no statutory requirement to provide assistance as the actions of that vessel were
the primary cause of the collision
c. Your vessel should manoeuvre close to the other vessel and aid the fire fighting operation
d. You should inform the nearest Coast Radio Station of the incident and if your damage is not
serious, continue on your voyage
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

41. Di bawahini adalah life saving appliences, kecuali

a. Life bouy
b. Life boat
c. Parachute signal
d. Orange smoke signal
e. Axe and crowbars
f. I don't know

Result : Correct

42. According to the Navigation Rules, all of the following are engaged in fishing EXCEPT a vessel

a. setting nets
b. trawling
c. using a dredge net
d. trolling
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

43. Your vessel is involved in a collision with another vessel. What should you as Master tell the
Master on the other vessel?

a. Your vessel is involved in a collision with another vessel

b. Explain your actions prior to the collision and request details of actions taken by the other
vessel which resulted in the collision
c. Ask if there is any assistance required by the other vessel
d. There should be no communication with the other vessel
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

44. In the daytime, you see a large sailing vessel on the beam. You know that she is also propelled
by machinery if she shows __________.

a. a basket
b. a black ball
c. a black cone
d. two black cones
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

45. What equipment for fog signals is required for a vessel 20 meters in length?

a. Whistle only
b. Bell only
c. Whistle and bell only
d. Whistle, bell, and gong
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

46. For identification purposes at night, U.S. Navy submarines on the surface may display an
intermittent flashing light of which color?

a. Amber (yellow)
b. White
c. Blue
d. Red
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

47. When the fire alarm signal is sounded every member of the ship's crew shall immediately
proceed to their assigned fire station. Which one of the following signals is used as fire alarm
signal on board cargo ships?

a. Intermittent signals on the ship's alarm bells

b. One long blast on the ship's whistle and alarm bells followed by seven short blasts
c. Seven short blasts followed by one long blast on the ship's whistle and alarm bells
d. Three short blasts followed by three long blasts, then followed by three short blasts on the
ship's whistle and alarm bells
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

48. Give the meaning of the following symbol:

a. muster station
b. muster station for families only
c. muster station for unaccompanied minors (UM)
d. gathering place for embarkation formalities
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

49. IAMSAR adalahmetodepencariandanpenyelamatandenganmenggabunganantaraduaunsuryaitu

a. Penerbangandanpelayaran
b. Pelayarandanperbintangan
c. Penerbangandanantariksa
d. Penerbangandanpencintaalam
e. Pelayarandanpelayanan
f. I don't know

Result : Correct

50. You sight another power-driven vessel dead-ahead showing both the red and green sidelights.
The required action to take would be to __________.

a. carefully watch his compass bearing

b. start a radar plot in order to ascertain his course
c. alter your course to port
d. alter your course to starboard
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

51. What is the general emergency alarm signal as specified in SOLAS ?

a. seven or more short blasts followed by one long blast

b. three short blasts followed by three long blasts then three short ones
c. one long blast followed by seven short blasts or more
d. one long blast
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
52. Pancaran berita terkait keselamatan (safety) selalu di awali dengan kata ... …..

a. Mayday
b. Securite
c. Pan Pan
d. I don't know

Result : Correct

53. An anchored vessel on pilotage duty must show which light(s) at night?

a. A stern light only

b. Anchor lights only
c. A white light over a red light only
d. A white light over a red light and anchor lights
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

54. What is the meaning of this symbol ?

a. Lifeboat
b. Rescue boat
c. Liferaft
d. Davit-launched liferaft
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

55. Where do you find instructions for tasks and duties in case of an emergency?

a. In the muster list.

b. On posters at the lifeboat station.
c. In instruction notices posted in the crew's cabins.
d. In instruction notices posted in messrooms, recreation rooms etc.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

56. If a distress signal is received on board your ship, what should be the first action that should
be taken?

a. Attempt to establish contact with the distressed vessel

b. Determine how close your vessel is to the distressed vessel
c. Contact SAR Authorities via nearest coastal Radio station
d. Contact SAR Authorities via nearest coastal Radio station
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

57. What is the meaning of this symbol ?

a. Embarkation ladder
b. Lower lifeboat to water
c. Evacuation slide
d. Davit-launched liferaft
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

58. Which vessel is to sound a fog signal of one prolonged followed by two short blasts?

a. A vessel not under command

b. A sailing vessel, underway
c. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when carrying out her work at anchor
d. All of the above
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

59. Yang tidaktermasukpenyebabterjadinyakeadaandarurat di ataskapal

a. Human error
b. Kesalahanmanusia
c. KehendakTuhan
d. Kesalahansatelit
e. Pelanggaranperaturan
f. I don't know

Result : Correct

60. You are heading due east (090°) and observe a vessel's red sidelight on your port beam. The
vessel may be heading __________.

a. northwest (315°)
b. north (000°)
c. southeast (135°)
d. southwest (225°)
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
61. The vessel is to anchor with Pilot onboard. Which of the suggested answers most accurately
define the main duties of the Officer of the Watch on bridge?

a. Assist the Master and pilot and monitor the ships position.
b. Follow Pilots orders and ensure the anchorage is carried out successfully
c. Monitor the bridge equipment and keep the Master informed of all outputs
d. Follow the Master's orders at all times.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

62. Which vessel would NOT sound a fog signal of one prolonged and two short blasts?

a. A vessel not under command

b. A vessel constrained by her draft
c. A vessel being towed
d. A vessel sailing
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

63. You are in an area of restricted visibility and hear this signal. It is repeated at two minute
intervals. What does it indicate?

a. That there is another vessel nearby, that she is underway, but stopped and making
no way through the water
b. That there is another vessel nearby, but that she is at anchor
c. That there are two more vessels nearby
d. That there is another vessel in the vicinity and that she has just altered course to port
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

64. You are proceeding along a narrow channel in front of another vessel, both heading for port.
You hear this signal from the vessel behind you. What does it mean?

a. I intend to overtake you on your starboard side.

b. I intend to overtake you on your port side.
c. I am operating astern propulsion.
d. I am faster than you. Get out of the way.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

65. You are in open water and clear conditions. You are approaching the pilot station when you
hear this signal from a vessel ahead of you. What does it signify?
a. That the vessel is operating astern propulsion
b. That the vessel is picking up his pilot
c. That the vessel is picking up his pilot
d. That the vessel is starting his engine and resuming his passage
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

66. A ship is being overtaken by another ship while proceeding along a river. What should be the
required procedure?

a. The overtaking vessel should request permission from the other ship by sounding
two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts on the whistle or by direct VHF
b. The overtaking vessel can overtake but must allow sufficient space to reduce the interaction
between the two vessels
c. There should be no overtaking in these confined waters
d. The overtaking vessel should request permission to overtake from the Port Control VTS
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

67. When handing over the con of a vessel to a pilot, should the Master insist in discussing the
passage plan with the pilot while he is there to use his local knowledge and advice on the
navigation of the ship?

a. A passage plan should be discussed between the Master and pilot, when under
pilotage in the same way as discussed with the bridge team when deep sea
b. The passage is well established and known by the pilot and a plan is therefore not necessary
c. A pilot is responsible for the navigation whilst on board and will be very familiar with what
is required, therefore discussing the passage plan is not necessary
d. The pilot would probably consider it unnecessary, be more interested in knowing the ship's
characteristics and resist any passage planning discussions with the Master.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

68. A vessel sounds two short blasts. This signal indicates the vessel __________.

a. intends to alter course to port

b. intends to pass starboard to starboard
c. is altering course to port
d. will alter course to port
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What type of vessel is this and from what direction are you seeing it?

a. This is a vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling, making way through the
water, with outlying gear extending more than 150m in the direction of the all-
round white light. I am looking at her port side
b. This is a vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling, making way through the water, with
outlying gear extending more than 150 metres in the direction of the all-round red light. I
am seeing her from astern
c. This is a vessel engaged in pilotage duties at anchor. I am looking at her port side
d. This is a vessel engaged in pilotage operations, deploying or recovering a pilot. I am
looking at her port side
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

70. Which statement applies to a vessel "constrained by her draft"?

a. She is severely restricted in her ability to change her course because of her draft in
relation to the available depth of water.
b. The term applies only to vessels in marked channels.
c. She is designated as a "vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver".
d. The vessel must be over 100 meters in length.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

71. The vessel is steaming off the coast when the engine room informs the bridge it must stop
engines immediately. Shortly afterwards they informed the bridge they would need a least
three hours to fix it. Which of the following actions would be the most suitable taken by the

a. Display the NUC signal, maintain the watch and determine how the ship is drifting
and the probable position after three hours.
b. Display the NUC signal, maintain the watch and ask the Engine room to be a quick as
c. Display the NUC signal, maintain the watch and wait for further developments.
d. Display the NUC signal and keep a good lookout
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

72. Under what circumstances would an overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of two prolonged
followed by one short blast?

a. When overtaking in restricted visibility

b. When overtaking in a narrow channel
c. When overtaking on open waters
d. When no other vessels are in the immediate area
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

73. Who will have the authority to take charge and make appropriate decisions in the event of a
vessel emergency when transiting the Panama Canal?

a. The Panama Canal Authority

b. The ship's Master
c. The ship's company
d. The Master and Pilot will agree the best course of action to be taken to resolve the
emergency situation.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

74. A man is reported to have fallen overboard and the Officer of the Watch releases the lifebuoy
and starts a man overboard manoeuvre, who are the first persons onboard he should inform?

a. Master and Engine Room

b. Chief Officer and lifeboat party
c. The Master only
d. The crew quarters for extra lookouts.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

75. Vessel "A" is overtaking vessel "B" on open waters and will pass without changing course.
Vessel "A" __________.

a. should sound two short blasts

b. should sound the danger signal
c. should sound one long blast
d. will not sound any whistle signals
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

76. You are underway in a narrow channel, and you are being overtaken by a vessel astern. After
the overtaking vessel sounds the proper signal indicating his intention to pass your vessel on
your starboard side, you signal your agreement by sounding __________.

a. one short blast

b. two prolonged blasts
c. two prolonged followed by two short blasts
d. one prolonged, one short, one prolonged, and one short blast in that order
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
77. You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. You sight these lights on the port
bow, on a steady bearing. The distance is closing. What are you looking at and what action
will you take in compliance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea?

a. This is a power-driven vessel engaged in towing, less than 50 metres in length,

length of tow under 200 metres and the tow, both being restricted in their ability
to manoeuvre, seen from the starboard side. Under rule 18, I am required to keep
clear and will take appropriate avoiding action.
b. This is a power-driven vessel engaged in towing, more than 50 metres in length or less than
50 metres in length and showing a second masthead light and the tow, the combined length
of which is under 200 metres. The towing vessel is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre. I
am seeing their starboard sides. The bearing is steady and risk of collision therefore
exists. I will maintain my course and speed under rule 17.
c. This is a power-driven vessel, more than 50 metres in length or less than 50 metres in
length and showing a second masthead light, restricted in her ability to manoeuvre. The
sidelight of a second vessel can be seen beyond her. Under rule 18, I am obliged to keep
clear of the first vessel and will therefore take appropriate avoiding action.
d. This is a power-driven vessel engaged in towing, more than 50 metres in length or less than
50 metres in length and showing a second masthead light, length of tow 200 metres or
more, not under command. I will keep clear under rule 27.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

78. What, by definition in the International Collision Regulations, is a "vessel restricted in her
ability to manoeuvre"?

a. A vessel which from the nature of her work is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre
as required by the Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another
b. A vessel which through some exceptional circumstance is unable to manoeuvre as required
by the Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel
c. A vessel engaged in underwater work, such as the laying, picking up or servicing of a
pipeline, or which is in support of diving operations, performing dredging and mine-
clearance or is deploying or recovering a pilot
d. A vessel which because of her draught in relation to the available depth of navigable water
is restricted in her ability to deviate from her course and keep out of the way of another
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

79. The ship is drifting in the open sea with a temporary engine breakdown. The ship is equipped
with GPS navigation equipment. What should the bridge Officer of the Watch do in this

a. All of the possible answers.

b. Keep a good lookout for other ships
c. Display the "Not under Command" signal and switch off the normal steaming lights
d. Plot the direction and rate of drift and predict the ships position for the period while the
ship is "Not Under Command"
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

80. What are we seeing here?

a. A sailing vessel less than 20 metres in length, displaying the optional combined
lantern in lieu of standard sailing lights, seen head-on
b. A sailing vessel of less than 10 metres in length, displaying the mandatory combined lantern
inlieu of sailing lights, seen head-on
c. A sailing vessel, seen from astern, where the edges of her sidelights are both visible
d. A sailing vessel, at anchor
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

81. The bridge Officer of the Watch (OOW) is plotting the ship's position in the chartroom, when
the ship is in collision with a fishing vessel. Why would the OOW be held responsible for the

a. Under the Rules a proper lookout should be maintained at all times and by all
available means
b. If the OOW is busy with the safe navigation of the ship he should have exhibited the "Not
under Command" signals and made other ships keep clear.
c. If risk of Collision existed, the fishing boat should have contacted the larger ship over the
VHF before the collision took place.
d. Under the Rules the fishing vessel should have kept clear of larger vessels and the OOW
would not be responsible
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

82. You are approaching a port in a snowstorm. You hear this signal. What kind of vessel is it and
what is it doing?

a. It comes from a vessel engaged in pilotage duties and it is making way through the
b. It comes from a vessel engaged in pilotage duties at anchor, over 100 metres in length
c. It comes from a vessel at anchor, less than 100 metres in length
d. It comes from a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

83. What day-shape is prescribed for a vessel constrained by her draft?

a. A black cone, apex upward
b. A cylinder
c. A black cone, apex downward
d. Two vertical black balls
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

84. When should operational checks on navigation equipment be done?

a. When preparing for sea and entering port and at regular intervals during the
b. As often as possible
c. When there is any suspicion of a fault with the equipment
d. When there is an opportunity and time allows
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

85. You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. This vessel is sighted wide on the
port bow. It's bearing is opening, but its distance is closing rapidly. Which of the following is
a correct assessment of the situation and the action to be taken?

a. Risk of collision is deemed not to exist and I will maintain my course and speed. I
will continue to monitor the situation.
b. Risk of collision is deemed to exist and I will make a broad alteration of course to starboard,
sounding one short blast. I will re-assess the situation when the alteration is carried out.
c. Risk of collision is deemed not to to exist. However, to be sure of a safe passing distance, I
will reduce my speed to allow the other vessel to pass ahead.
d. Risk of collision is a possibility. I will maintain my course and speed for now, but be
prepared for an alteration of course to port if the CPA seems to be less than 0.2nm as we
draw closer.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

86. You are proceeding along a coastal route when you hear this signal. The visibility is severely
restricted. What does the signal mean?

a. There is a vessel aground in the vicinity. She is more than 100 metres in length.
She is sounding an additional warning to approaching vessels that they are
"running into danger".
b. There is a vessel aground in the vicinity. She is less than 100 metres in length. She is
sounding an additional warning to approaching vessels to "navigate with extreme caution".
c. There is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. She is more than 100 metres in length. She is
sounding an additional warning signal to approaching vessels, directing them to "keep
d. There is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. She is less than 100 metres in length. She is
sounding an additional warning to approaching vessels that they are "running into danger".
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

87. You are in an area of restricted visibility, close to a port. You hear this signal. What vessel
does it come from and what additional information does the signal provide?

a. A vessel at anchor, more than 100 metres in length. She is sounding the additional
signal to give warning of her position
b. A vessel aground, more than 100 metres in length. The additional signal indicates which
side the clear water lies on
c. A vessel at anchor, less than 100 metres in length. She is sounding the additional signal top
give warning of her position
d. A vessel at anchor, more than 100 metres in length. The additional signal indicates that her
cable extends at least 25 metres from her bow
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

88. You are close to the entrance to a port in thick fog. You hear the following signal. What does
it mean?

a. That there is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. She is less than 100 metres in
b. That there is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. She is more than 100 metres in length
c. That there is a vessel aground in the vicinity
d. That the port is closed
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

89. A vessel constrained by her draft may display __________.

a. three all-round red lights

b. two 225° red lights
c. three all-round blue lights
d. two 225° blue lights
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

90. You are in an area of restricted visibility. You hear this sound signal. What does it mean?

a. That there is a vessel in distress nearby

b. That there is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity
c. That there is a vessel aground in the vicinity
d. That there is a vessel engaged in underwater operations in the vicinity. She has divers
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

91. Which of the following hull shapes would normally provide a directionally stable ship?

a. A long ship with a narrow beam

b. A short ship with a narrow beam
c. A short ship with a wide beam
d. A long ship with a wide beam
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

92. The ship is steaming at Full Ahead when the engines are reversed to "Full Astern" to stop the
ship. The ship has a single, right-handed fixed pitch propeller. What would be the anticipated
reaction of the ship, if there is no wind or current?

a. The ship will probably sheer to starboard and gradually lose headway
b. The ship will probably continue on a straight course, but lose forward speed.
c. It is unpredictable and could be any of the other alternative answers.
d. The ship will probably sheer to port and gradually lose headway.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

93. How can the effects of Squat be minimized, when a ship is proceeding in shallow water?

a. Maintain a slow speed just sufficient to maintain steerage

b. Maintain a speed of about six (6) knots and use minimal rudder when manoeuvring
c. Decrease the speed and keep the ship to the centre of the channel where the water is
probably deepest
d. Enter the shallow water with a stern trim and proceed at a moderate speed.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

94. The ship is required to be stopped in the water as quickly as possible, but without major
changes to the ship's heading. What is the most effective method to achieve this?

a. The use of the rudder hard over both sides combined with reducing engine power,
a method known as "high frequency rudder cycling"
b. Put the engine full astern and keep the rudder amidships
c. Make a complete turn while reducing the engine power.
d. Make a zig zag manoeuvre while reducing the engine power.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

95. The rudder is in the hard over position with the propeller stopped and the ship turning slowly.
On a ship with a single fixed pitch right handed propeller and no thrusters, what can be done
to make the ship increase the speed of turn without significantly increasing the forward speed
of the ship?

a. Give the engines a short kick ahead

b. Give full astern on the engines until ship has stopped and then full ahead on the engines
with rudder hard over
c. Give dead slow ahead on the engines and leave the rudder in the hard over position.
d. Give half astern on the engines as this will increase the rate of turn
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

96. You are performing an overtaking manoeuvre in confined waters. What should you watch out

a. The bow may be pulled towards and the stern may be pushed away from the other
ship as you pass.
b. The change in speed of the other ship.
c. he change in your underkeel clearance.
d. The stern may be pulled towards and the bow may be pushed
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

97. Two ships are meeting in a restricted channel as illustrated. Which of the following actions
would be the most suitable to take on both vessels as they approach and pass each other?

a. Slow down if possible without losing steerage and be prepared for prompt
application of rudder to counteract any swing as they approach and pass each
b. Maintain speed and a straight course on the starboard side of the channel
c. Keep as far as possible on the starboard side of the channel and maintain speed to retain
effective steerage
d. Increase speed slightly to pass each other as quickly as possible and thereby reduce the
effects of "ship to ship" interaction
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

98. You are duty officer on "A" and are observering "B" on your starboard side. "A" is a heavy
loaded tanker, while the other vessel "B" is in ballast. You like to increase the CPA, and reduce
the speed and then stop your vessel. You are going into the chart room to check the position.
The other vessel has engine failure and stops the engine. Suddenly the two vessels is colliding,
how can it happen?

a. It is possible as both vessels will stop at the same rate.

b. It is possible since the ballasted vessel stops faster then the loaded vessel.
c. It is impossible, since there was change in the bearing.
d. It is possible since the loaded vessel stops faster then the ballasted vessel
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

99. The position of the pivot point when making sternway is approximately

a. one quarter of the length of the ship from the stern

b. one quarter of the length of the ship from the bow
c. amidships
d. one eight of the length of the ship from the stern
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

The ship is berthed in a steady offshore beam wind of 30 knots which suddenly increases to 60
knots. What will be the change of force exerted on the ship driving it off the jetty?

a. The force will be Quadrupled

b. The force will be Tripled
c. The force will be Doubled
d. I don't know

Result : Correct

When connecting a tugboat, what speed do you think is best for your vessel to maintain during
this operation?

a. The speed should be less than 5 knots, normally 3 - 5 knots

b. It is best to stop the vessel completely before connecting
c. A tug may be connected at any convenient speed
d. I don't know

Result : Correct

In the diagram of a ship's turning circle, what is the distance B known as?

a. Tactical Diameter
b. Transfer
c. Radius of the turn
d. Diameter of the turn
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

How is bank effect felt by a vessel?

a. The vessel's bow is pushed away from the nearest bank.

b. The vessel's stern is pushed away from the nearest bank.
c. The whole vessel is drawn in parallel to the nearest bank.
d. The whole vessel is pushed away parallel to the nearest bank
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A ship normally turns (swings) around a point which is not the centre of gravity. What is this
point normally called?

a. Pivot Point
b. Centre of Floatation
c. Centre of Turn
d. Centre of Buoyancy
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A tug is moving towards the bow of the ship to make fast and is in the vicinity of the ship's
shoulder, as illustrated. What specific danger should be considered when making this
approach to the bow?

a. The tug may be turned across the bow of the ship and also suffer a lose of stability
with a danger of being turned over if touched by the ship
b. The positive pressure field at the ships bow may repel the tug and make the connection very
difficult to establish
c. The stern of the tug may be sucked in towards the bow and also suffer a reduction in the
positive GM, making it very unstable.
d. All of the alternative answers
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

The ship has completed a 360 degree turn at full speed in deep water. The ship is now to
repeat the turn at full speed in shallow water. What will be the difference in the turning circle

a. The turning diameter will be increased in shallow water

b. The turning diameter will be smaller in shallow water
c. The turning diameter will be the same for all depths
d. It will be the same provided the UKC is 25%-50%
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

How should you minimize squat effect?

a. Decrease the speed.

b. Increase the speed.
c. Transfer ballast to change the ship's trim.
d. Do a zig-zag manoeuvre and reduce the speed.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What will have a major effect on the performance of a tug when used to assist in the
manoeuvring of a large vessel?

a. The position of the tug relative to the ship's pivot point

b. The experience of the tug crew.
c. The use of the tug's wire instead of the ship's towing spring
d. I don't know

Result : Correct

In a narrow canal, a ship proceeding at half speed ahead swings towards the port bank of the
channel. As the bow approaches the bank, it would initially

a. be rejected away from the bank by the pressure

b. be unaffected
c. be pulled towards the bank by bank suction
d. be first pulled towards the bank, then rejected away
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A ship is equipped with a right-handed fixed pitch propeller, which when going from Full
Ahead to Full Astern will make the ship sheer to starboard. Can anything be done to reduce
this change in heading?

a. The rudder can be put to Hard to Port to reduce the water flow to the right side of
the propeller
b. The rudder should be kept amidships when going astern and there is little that can be done
to reduce the swing to starboard
c. The rudder should be put Hard to Port to reduce the water flow to the left side of the
d. The rudder can be put from side to side in a "Rudder Cycling" movement.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A balanced rudder has some of the rudder area forward of the rudder axis. About how much
area should be to call it a balanced rudder?

a. It should be about 55%

b. It should be about 20%
c. It should be about 50%
d. It should be about 5%
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

In shallow water a ship will experience "Squat". What are the principle reasons creating the
effects of squat?

a. There is an increase in the water velocity and a decrease of water pressure around
the ship's hull
b. There is a decrease in the water velocity and an increased of water pressure around
the ship's hull
c. There is an increased effect of gravity due to closeness of the sea-bed
d. I don't know

Result : Correct

When a vessel is to experience a long tow across an ocean, what would be the best system of
connecting the tow?

a. Wire from a deep sea tug connected to the ship's anchor chain
b. Wire from a deep sea tug through the forward centre lead of the ship and made fast onto
several mooring bits on the forecastle
c. Wire from a deep sea tug made fast through a shoulder lead on the vessel's leeward side
d. I don't know

Result : Correct

You are meeting another ship in confined waters. What can happen as the approach each

a. Initially the bows of the ships will be pushed away from sea
b. Initially the bows of the ships will be pulled together
c. Both vessels will be affected by squat
d. There will be no effect
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

Your ship is on a course of 240° True. A person has fallen overboard on the port side and, after
letting go smoke and light floats, in order to carry out a Williamson Turn would you

a. go hard to port until you are heading 180° True, then hard to starboard until you
are on 060° True
b. go hard to port until you are heading 195° True, then hard to starboard until you are on
060° True.
c. go hard to starboard until you are heading 300° True, then hard to port until you are on
060° True.
d. go hard to starboard to 285° True, then hard to port until you are on 060° True.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

If a ship requires 2 nautical miles to stop in the water from a "crash stop" when proceeding at
full ahead in deep water. What will the stopping distance be in shallow water?

a. A greater distance
b. A shorter distance
c. Similar distance to deep water
d. About 1.5 nautical miles
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

The vessel is in a 360 degrees turn with engine full ahead. If the engine speed is reduced
during the turn, will there be any change in the turning diameter

a. Yes, the turning diameter will increase if the speed is reduced

b. Yes, the turning diameter will be smaller if the speed is reduced
c. No, the turning diameter will not change if the speed is reduced
d. No, the turning diameter will only change if the rudder angle is reduced
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What would you say about a ship which is course unstable?

a. She will require large rudder angles to maintain course.

b. When you apply rudder, she will continue to turn long after the rudder is returned
to amidships.
c. When you put rudder amidships, she will quickly return to a straight course
d. you apply rudder, she will take time before answering.
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

When a vessel is moving in shallow water it will experience an effect known as "Squat". Which
of the following statements most accurately specify the results of squat on the vessel?

a. There will be a reduction of the vessel's underkeel clearance and a possible change
of trim
b. There will be an increase in the vessels draught while moving through the water
c. There will be a change of draught and a reduction in the spee
d. I don't know

Result : Correct

A large vessel develops a sudden sheer when it stops moving through the water, having been
steaming through a shallow water channel for several miles. The sheer may be strong and
unexpected and is due to what reason?

a. The large volume of water dragged behind the vessel continues to move forward
and cause a strong turning moment on the stern of the vessel
b. The hydrodynamic interaction effects from the banks of the shallow water channel
acts on the stern causing the vessel to sheer strongly
c. The vessel stopping shifts the pivot point forward and creates a turning moment and
results in the ship swinging towards the bank
d. I don't know

Result : Correct

“RECEIVED MAYDAY” is used in a:

a. Receipt of a distress alert

b. Distress alert
c. Supplementary receipt on a distress alert
d. When received a weather report
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

On the figure there are four (4) possible directions shown by the arrowed lines. Which one
would correctly shows the direction understood by the term "AFTER SPRING"?

a. After spring is defined as A on the figure

b. After spring is defined as B on the figure
c. After spring is defined as C on the figure
d. After spring is defined as D on the figure
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
What is the correct understanding of the term "boat deck"?

a. The deck where the lifeboats davits are positioned.

b. The deck where the top of the lifeboats can be viewed
c. The deck of a ship at the base of the accommodation
d. The deck which is at the top of the double bottom tank on a cargo ship.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB can be used in:

a. All sea-areas (A1 to A4)

b. Only in the sea-areas A2 and A3
c. Only in the sea-areas A1, A2 and A3
d. Only in sea-area A4
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "MIDSHIPS" given. Which one
is the correct one?

a. Midships is given by B on the figure

b. Midships is given by A on the figure
c. Midships is given by C on the figure
d. Midships is given by D on the figure
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

The number of frequencies on which a MF/HF-DSC distress alert multi-frequency call attempt
can be transmitted is:

a. 6
b. 5
c. 3
d. 2
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

To announce an important navigational –or meteorological warning via the VHF-installation,
one should use the:

a. Safety call
b. Urgency call
c. Distress call
d. Individual call
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A DSC distress alert single frequency call attempt is awaiting acknowledgement:

a. Automatically repeated after 3 and a half to 4 and a half minutes

b. Automatically repeated after 1 to 1 and a half minutes
c. Not repeated automatically
d. Repeated manually when required
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

When a DSC-message of the ‘distress’ category is received, in order to start distress alert
communication in so far as not indicated in the alert, you will switch to VHF channel:

a. 16
b. 13
c. 67
d. 85
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

If one requires medical advice by means of an Inmarsat-C terminal one should use the
following address:

a. 32
b. Radiomedical
c. MED +
d. Sick Seaman
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

For a “distress alert” via the DSC, the MF-band is used in the frequencies:

a. TX: 2187.5 kHz RX: 2187.5 kHz

b. TX: 2177.0 kHz RX: 2177.0 kHz
c. TX: 2189.5 kHz RX: 2189.5 kHz
d. TX: 500.0 KHz RX: 518.0 KHz
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

" On area A1 the function "" Transmission of ship to shore distress alerts"" is mainly based

a. The use of VHF DSC

b. The use of HF DSC
c. The use of SART transponders
d. The use of portable VHF
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

Which word will precede a distress message ?

b. PAN
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

" On area A4 the function "" Transmission and reception of signals for locating "" is mainly
based on:"

a. The use of SART transponders

b. The use of HF DSC
c. The use of MF DSC
d. The use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

A distress-call received via RCC should:

a. Only be given receipt, if the master has confirmed that assistance indeed can be
b. Be given receipt, even when indubitably too distant from the distress case
c. Always be given receipt
d. Always be relayed
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What safety clothing should be worn during an anchoring operation?
a. All of the equipment mentioned in the alternative answers.
b. Boiler suit, working gloves.
c. Safety goggles.
d. Safety helmet, safety shoes.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What kind of safety equipment must be worn during anchoring?

a. All of the mentioned equipment.

b. Boiler suit, working gloves.
c. Safety goggles.
d. Safety helmet, safety shoes.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

The figure shows a cross section through a ship floating in water, with the hull in red and the
seabed below the ship shaded. On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term
"FREEBOARD" given. Which one is the correct one?

a. Freeboard is given by D on the figure

b. Freeboard is given by A on the figure
c. Freeboard is given by C on the figure
d. Freeboard is given by B on the figure
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

To get priority with radio-communication, one must notify the coast-station that the call is:

a. An urgent call
b. A priority call
c. A personal call
d. A collect call
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

When may a call for radio medical advice be preceded by the urgency-signal:

a. In urgent cases
b. Always
c. Never
d. When you have a doctor on board
e. I don't know
Result : Correct

The frequency 121,5 MHz is used for :

c. SART transpondeur
d. DSS VHF calls
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

" On area A1 the function "" Transmission and reception of signals for locating "" is mainly
based on:"

a. the use of SART transponders

b. the use of VHF DSC
c. the use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs
d. the use of INMARSAT Epirbs
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

During restricted visibility, you are posted as bridge lookout and you hear 1 long blast at
intervals of about 2 minutes on your port bow. What will you report to the OOW (officer on

a. Fog signal of one long blast heard on the port bow at regular intervals of about 2
b. Power-driven vessel making no way on port bow
c. A vessel at anchor on port bow
d. The fog signal of a power driven vessel under way, but not making way, heard on the port
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

What is the correct understanding of the term "LEE SIDE"?

a. The lee side is the side of the ship which is facing away from the wind.
b. The leeside is the starboard side of the vessel
c. The leeside is the side of the ship alongside the quay or jetty.
d. The lee side is the side of the ship which is facing into the wind.
e. I don't know

Result : Correct
" On area A3 the function "" Reception of shore to ship distress alerts"" is mainly based on:"


c. The use of VHF DSC and NAVTEX
d. The use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs and NAVTEX
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

An EPIRB has been activated accidentally. Which of the following is correct for cancelling the
false distress alert?

a. Call the nearest coast station and inform it that a false distress alert has been
b. Send a distress priority VHF DSC call and make broadcast to all stations
c. Call a LUT and inform it
d. Make broadcast to all stations on VHF 16
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "BOLLARD" given. Which one
is the correct one?

a. Bollard is given by D on the figure

b. Bollard is given by B on the figure
c. Bollard is given by C on the figure
d. Bollard is given by A on the figure
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

On the figure there are four (4) possible directions, shown by the arrowed lines, which could
be the correct direction associated with the term "HEAD LINE". Which one is the correct one?

a. Head line is given by B on the figure

b. Head line is given by A on the figure
c. Head line is given by C on the figure
d. Head line is given by D on the figure
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

" On area A4 the function "" Transmission and reception of on scene communications"" is
mainly based on:"
a. the use of MF and/or VHF R/T
b. the use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirb
c. the use of MF and/or HF R/T
d. the use of HF DSC
e. I don't know

Result : Correct

If the relief for the bridge lookout does not appear at the end of the watch, when required,
what should be the actions of the existing lookout

a. He should inform the Officer of the Watch and wait for instructions
b. The lookout should go down the accomodation to see where the relief is and make him/her
go to the lookout position
c. Stay on lookout until the relief eventually arrives
d. Inform the Officer of the Watch that you are going to call your relief.
e. I don't know

Result : Wrong

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