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Geomantic Figures

Frater Akenu

June, 2020

Via (The Way) 2

Cauda Draconis (The Tail of the Dragon) 4

Puer (The Boy) 6

Fortuna Minor (The Lesser Fortune) 8

Puella (The Girl) 10

Amissio (The Loss) 12

Carcer (The Prison) 14

Laetitia (Joy) 16

Caput Draconis (The Head of the Dragon) 18

Conjunctio (The Conjunction) 20

Acquisitio (Gain) 22

Rubeus (Red) 24

Fortuna Major (The Greater Fortune) 26

Albus (White) 28

Tristitia (Sorrow) 30

Populus (The People) 32

Via (The Way)

Figure 1: Via (The Way)

• This figure resembles a road or path
• It is considered bad of most things, but good regarding travelling
• Associated with angels Gabriel and Muriel

Cauda Draconis (The Tail
of the Dragon)

• Considered very bad in most situations

• Only good in circumstances for ending or completing things
• Brings good with evil and evil with good
• Associated with the left arm
• Associated with angels Cassiel, Samael and Malchidael

Figure 2: Cauda Draconis (The Tail of the Dragon)

Puer (The Boy)

Figure 3: Puer (The Boy)

• Representation of a sword or erect phallus
• Refers to male energies like aggression, passion, war, male sexuality
• Bad in most situations but good in situations where boys excelled, like
war and love
• Associated with angels Samael and Malchidael

Fortuna Minor (The Lesser

• Symbolic as success coming down like beams of light from the Sun
• It indicates a weakly positive outcome in nearly all questions
• Transient success that is dependent upon outside help
• It favors situations that can be resolved quickly and do not need to be
• Figure of change and instability
• Associated with angels Michael and Verchiel
• Associated with spine

Figure 4: Fortuna Minor (The Lesser Fortune)

Puella (The Girl)

Figure 5: Puella (The Girl)

• The figure is to resemble the vulva or a woman with exaggerated breasts
• Good in most situations, especially with women, beauty, feminine situations
• It represents peace and passivity
• Can be positive or negative depending on the question
• Generally positive, requiring to be acted upon
• Associated with angels Anael and Zuriel

Amissio (The Loss)

Figure 6: Amissio (The Loss)

• Two bowls or cups turned upside-down
• Generally the figure is bad except for love or where loss is desired
• Often it represents something outside of one’s grasp
• Associated with angels Anael and Asmodel

Carcer (The Prison)

Figure 7: Carcer (The Prison)

• The figure is the outline of an enclose, a link in a chain, a prison cell
• It is usually bad in situations and denotes delays, setbacks, bindings
• It refers to immobility, and also thereby strength
• Depending on the question it could indicate a restriction or a source of
• It is generally unfavorable
• Can be favorable in questions involving stability or security
• Associated angels Cassiel and Hanael

Laetitia (Joy)

Figure 8: Laetitia (Joy)

• Resembles an arch, fountain, or rainbow
• Good in situations that concern potential, joy, or happiness
• Positive for nearly all questions
• Represents fast situations and construction
• Associated with angels Sachiel and Barchiel

Caput Draconis (The Head
of the Dragon)

• It is neutral figure (good with good, evil with evil)

• Fortunate for starting or beginning new things
• Favorable for beginnings and profit
• Unfavorable with other unfavorable figures
• Associated with angels Sachiel, Anael and Zuriel

Figure 9: Caput Draconis (The Head of the Dragon)

Conjunctio (The

• Resembles crossroads or joining of two figures

• Neutral figure (good with good and evil with evil)
• Fortunate for starting or beginning new things
• It is favorable for beginnings and profit
• Favorable with other favorable figures
• Unfavorable with other unfavorable figures
• Associated with angels Raphael and Hamaliel

Figure 10: Conjunctio (The Conjunction)

Acquisitio (Gain)

Figure 11: Acquisitio (Gain)

• Resembles two cups or bowls turned upright
• Good for almost all situations, especially for getting and obtaining things
• Good for most situations except where a loss is desired
• It indicates a gain financially, mentally, or in any other form
• Represents something within one’s grasp
• Associated with angels Sachiel and Adnachiel

Rubeus (Red)

Figure 12: Rubeus (Red)

• Represents an overturned glass
• An inversion, good in all evil, evil in all good
• Represents passion, deception, violence, and vice
• Associated with angels Samael and Barbiel

Fortuna Major (The
Greater Fortune)

• Resembles blessing growing from the earth and being fruitful in the air
• Good in all situations in a best case scenario sense
• Represents good fortune, especially in beginnings
• Figure of stability and long-term success
• It denotes hardship at the outset of an endeavor
• Associated with angels Michael and Verchiel

Figure 13: Fortuna Major (The Greater Fortune)

Albus (White)

Figure 14: Albus (White)

• Resembles an upright glass or goblet
• Good in most situations, especially with good figures in company
• A weak figure on its own
• Represents peace, wisdom and purity
• Benefits beginnings and profit, or other situations where planning is needed
• Associated with angels Raphael and Ambriel

Tristitia (Sorrow)

Figure 15: Tristitia (Sorrow)

• Resembles broken arch or a stake being driven into the ground
• Bad in most cases
• Connotes sadness or mourning
• Unfavorable in almost all questions, usually representing pain and suffering
• Favorable in questions dealing with stability, building, or the Earth (such
as agriculture)
• Associated with angels Cassiel and Gabriel

Populus (The People)

Figure 16: Populus (The People)

• Resembles a bird’s eye view of a group of people
• Can mean that the outcome is based on the people of the situation
• Can also represent a large number of people or peers
• It refers to a gathering or assembly of people and is very neutral
• Favorable with favorable figures, unfavorable with unfavorable figures
• Associated with angels Gabriel and Muriel


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