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2, FEBRUARY 2010 207

A New Low-Complexity Integer Distortion

Estimation Method for H.264/AVC Encoder
Jeong Mee Moon, Member, IEEE, and Jae Ho Kim

Abstract—In this paper, a new low-complexity distortion and [13], the distortion was estimated nonstatistically and the
estimation method for the H.264 rate-distortion optimized mode estimation accuracy of these methods was better than that of
decision is proposed. Coding processes, such as discrete cosine
[12]. Tu [11] removed the IDCT and reconstruction process
transform (DCT), quantization, inverse quantization, inverse
DCT, and reconstruction, are needed to compute the distortion and Po [13] used an iterative table look-up quantization and
in an H.264 encoder. To reduce these computations, we estimate inverse quantization during the distortion estimation. These
the distortion using coefficients calculated in the quantization distortion estimation methods [11]–[13] use noninteger oper-
process and eliminate the inverse quantization, inverse DCT, and ations, which are difficult to implement in hardware.
reconstruction processes. In the proposed method, the distortion
In this paper, we propose a new low-complexity distortion
is computed by integer operations, which is more efficient for the
hardware implementation. The simulation results show that the estimation method which uses only integer operations. This is
proposed method can reduce the encoding time by about 10% one of the nonstatistical methods. A new quantization step-
with negligible degradation in the coding performance. size is proposed to increase the estimation accuracy, and the
Index Terms—Distortion, H.264/advanced video coding, inverse distortion is estimated by integer operations with coefficients
discrete cosine transform, inverse quantization, rate-distortion which are obtained in the Q process. Therefore, the IQ, IDCT,
optimization mode decision. and reconstruction processes are not needed in the distortion
computation. The proposed method can also be combined
I. Introduction with bit-rate estimation algorithms [9]–[11] and mode skipping
.264/ADVANCED video coding (AVC) is the latest methods [6]–[8] to further reduce the encoding complexity.
H video coding standard, reducing bit-rate costs by about
50% compared to the MPEG-4 simple profile [1], [2]. II. Background
H.264/AVC employs the rate-distortion optimization (RDO) A. Rate-Distortion Optimized Mode Decision in H.264
technique to obtain the best coding performance [3], [4]. In H.264, there are various modes whose block sizes are
However, the computational complexity of RDO reaches one- in the range from 16 × 16 to 4 × 4. In a low-complexity
third of that of the total encoding process when the fast motion RDO (LC RDO), the mode which has the minimum residual
estimation (FME) is used [2], [5]. To reduce the computa- between the predicted block and the block to be encoded
tional complexity of the RDO mode decision, a number of is selected [3], [4], [14]. To improve the encoding perfor-
methods have been proposed [6]–[13]. In [6]–[8], fast mode mance, the bit-rate and distortion of the residual block can
decision methods achieved by skipping unnecessary modes be considered in a high-complexity RDO (HC RDO) [3],
were developed. To reduce the complexity of calculating the [4], [14]. The number of candidate modes of HC RDO can
rate-distortion cost, the bit-rate was estimated using quantized be reduced by a fast high-complexity RDO (FHC RDO) [3],
discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients in [9]–[11]. In [14]. In HC RDO and FHC RDO, the bit-rate is generated
general, the distortion estimation method is more complex after the entropy coding of the quantized transform coefficients
than bit-rate estimation, so a number of distortion estimations and the header information, and the distortion is computed as
in the transform domain were proposed [11]–[13]. In [12], the sum of the squared differences (SSD) of the original and
the distortion is estimated by statistical modeling of the reconstructed blocks. The reconstruction distortion DRec for
quantization error. In this algorithm, the quantization (Q), 4 × 4 blocks is defined as follows [3], [4]:
inverse quantization (IQ), inverse discrete cosine transform 3 
(IDCT), and reconstruction processes are not necessary. In [11] DRec =
S (x, y) − Ŝ (x, y)
. (1)
Manuscript received August 3, 2008; revised December 5, 2008 and March x=0 y=0
30, 2009. First version published September 1, 2009; current version published
February 5, 2010. This work was supported by the 2nd-phase Brain Korea In this equation, S (x, y) and Ŝ (x, y) denote the xth and yth
21 Program, funded by the Ministry of Education, Korea. This paper was pixels of the original and reconstructed blocks, respectively.
recommended by Associate Editor Z. He.
The authors are with the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engi- The computation process of the reconstruction distortion is
neering, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, South Korea (e-mail: shown in Fig. 1, in which S, P, and Ŝ are the 4 × 4 original,; predicted, and reconstructed blocks, respectively. As shown
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at in Fig. 1, DCT, Q, IQ, IDCT, and the reconstruction of the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSVT.2009.2031389 residual block U are needed to obtain DRec .
c 2010 IEEE

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Fig. 2. Po’s iterative table look-up quantization and inverse quantization.

Fig. 1. Computation process of reconstruction distortion. A. Review of Quantization

B. The Conventional Methods for Distortion Estimation The step-size used for the quantization,  (QP), for the 52
To reduce the number of processes in Fig. 1, [11] and quantization parameters (QPs) in H.264 is usually defined as
[13] proposed the use of distortion estimation methods in the [5]
DCT domain instead of using the original and reconstructed  (QP) = δ (r) · 2q ,
10 11 13 14 16 18

1) Tu’s Method: Tu [11] estimated the distortion using δ (i) ∈ , , , , , , for 0 ≤ i < 6 (6)
16 16 16 16 16 16
Z and Ẑs as shown in Fig. 1. By modifying the kth and lth
coefficients of Ẑs, Ẑ (k, l) is defined as where r and q indicate the remainder and quotient of QP
1 divided by 6. The DCT coefficient V (k, l) is calculated as
Ẑ (k, l) = Ẑs (k, l) · M (k, l) · , Z (k, l) · Ef (k, l), and quantized by the step-size  (QP)
⎧ [5]. In order to avoid any division operations, the factor

⎨ 16, for (k, l) ∈ G0 Ef (k, l) / (QP) is implemented by a multiplication factor
M (k, l) = 25, for (k, l) ∈ G1 (2) MF (r, k, l) as [5]

20, for (k, l) ∈ G2 Ef (k, l) q+15
MF (r, k, l) ≈ ·2 . (7)
where G0, G1, and G2 indicate the position groups: G0, those  (QP)
with k and l are even; G1, those with k and l are odd; and G2, The prescaling factor Ei (k, l) for the inverse DCT is incorpo-
otherwise. The distortion in the DCT domain is computed as rated in the remultiplication factor RF (r, k, l), that is
3  3 1
2 RF (r, k, l) ≈  (QP) · q · Ei (k, l) · 26 ,

Z (k, l) − Ẑ (k, l) · Ef (k, l)2 ,

DTu = 2
⎧ 2
k=0 l=0 ⎨ a , for (k, l) ∈ G0
Ei (k, l) = b2 , for (k, l) ∈ G1
⎧ 2
⎨a ,
⎪ for (k, l) ∈ G0 (8)
ab, for (k, l) ∈ G2.

Ef (k, l) = b2 /4, for (k, l) ∈ G1 (3)
Then, MF (r, k, l) and RF (r, k, l) are modified to satisfy [15]

ab/2, for (k, l) ∈ G2

where the elements

√ a and b of the postscaling factor Ef (k, l) M (k, k) · MF (r, k, l) · RF (r, k, l) · M (l, l) = 221 . (9)
are 1/2 and 2/5, respectively [5].
As-mentioned above, quantization is implemented as a multi-
2) Po’s Method: Po [13] reduced the number of multi-
plication by MF (r, k, l) and a right shift in the reference model
plication operations in the distortion calculation by using an
software [14] as
iterative table look-up quantization and inverse quantization.
The inverse quantized DCT coefficient is obtained by a table Vq (k, l) = {(|Z (k, l) · MF (r, k, l)| + f ) ≫ (q + 15)}
look-up method, as shown in Fig. 2, in which fPo indicates ·sign (Z (k, l)) = {(|Zq (k, l)| + f ) ≫ (q + 15)}
the offset and Po (QP, k, l) denotes the quantization step-size
·sign (Z (k, l)) (10)
defined as
 (QP) where f and ≫ denote an offset and a binary right shift
Po (QP, k, l) = (4) operation, respectively. The IQ is defined in the H.264 standard
Ef (k, l)
as [1], [14], [15]
where  (QP) is the quantization step-size in H.264. Po’s
distortion for a 4 × 4 block is computed as follows: Ẑs (k, l) = {Vq (k, l) · RF (r, k, l)} ≪ q (11)
2 where ≪ indicates a binary left shift operation.
· Ef (k, l)2 .

DPo = Z (k, l) − ẐPo (k, l) (5)
k=0 l=0 B. Integer Distortion Estimation Method
The distortion usually considered in the spatial domain is
the resultant from the quantization of the residual data. For
III. Integer Distortion Estimation in the
a 4 × 4 block, the distortion in the transform domain DTD is
Transform Domain
computed by
In this section, we develop an algorithm for low-complexity 3 
integer distortion computation after a brief review of the
DTD = V (k, l) − V̂ (k, l) . (12)
quantization process of H.264. k=0 l=0

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(a) MF (r, k, l) and (b) mf (r, k, l)

(k, l) r
0 1 2 3 4 5
(k, l) ∈ G0 13 107 11 916 10 082 9362 8192 7282
(k, l) ∈ G1 5243 4660 4194 3647 3355 2893
(k, l) ∈ G2 8066 7490 6554 5825 5243 4559

(k, l) r
0 1 2 3 4 5
(k, l) ∈ G0 13 107.2 11 915.64 10 082.46 9362.29 8192 7281.79
(k, l) ∈ G1 5242.88 4766.25 4032.99 3744.91 3276.8 2912.71
(k, l) ∈ G2 8289.72 7536.11 6376.71 5921.23 5181.08 4605.4

The inverse quantized DCT coefficient V̂ (k, l) in this equation Z (k, l) and Vq (k, l). To get more simplified equation, we try
can be calculated by Vq (k, l) ·  (QP) without the IQ of the following expansion using (13) and (15), as follows:
H.264. Before discussing the distortion, we denote the right 3 
terms of (7) as mf (r, k, l), and list the values of MF (r, k, l)  Z (k, l) · MF (r, k, l) · 2q+15
− Vq (k, l)
and mf (r, k, l) in Table I. From this table, we observe that ·PM (QP, k, l)
k=0 l=0
MF (r, k, l) and mf (r, k, l) are different in (k, l) ∈ G1 and (18)
(k, l) ∈ G2. This means that a modification of  (QP) is and rewrite this using (10) and (15) as
needed to compensate for these differences before obtaining 3 
V̂ (k, l). Therefore, we rewrite (7) and (8) as DTD =
k=0 l=0
Ef (k, l) q+15 Ef (k, l) 
MF (r, k, l) = ·2 · α (k, l) = · 2q+15 Zq (k, l) · − Vq (k, l) · δPM (r, k, l) · 2q
 (QP)  (QP) /α (k, l) 2q+15
1 = W (k, l)2 · δPM (r, k, l)2 ,
RF (r, k, l) =  (QP) · q · Ei (k, l) · 26 · β (k, l)
2 k=0 l=0
 (QP) 1 (19)
= · · Ei (k, l) · 26 (14)
α (k, l) 2q
where β (k, l) = 1/α (k, l). From (13) and (14), we define a 1
W (k, l) = Zq (k, l) · − Vq (k, l) · 2q .
new quantization step size PM (QP, k, l) as follows: 215
In this equation, W (k, l) represents the distortion caused by
 (QP) δ (r) the q-bit right shift in the quantization of (10). Then, scaling
PM (QP, k, l) = = · 2q = δPM (r, k, l) · 2q .
α (k, l) α (k, l) with δPM (r, k, l), which is the step-size for r = 0,. . . , 5, DTD ,
(15) represents the distortion by quantization for all QPs. This
Note that  (QP) as a function of QP is designed as a equation has two advantages. First, the factor δPM (r, k, l)2 can
function of QP, k, l. The δPM (r, k, l) of (15) can be calculated be multiplied once for each G0, G1, and G2 group after
using (13) as the sum of squared W (k, l) is calculated, so the number of
⎧ a2 ·215 multiplications can be reduced. Second, W (k, l) can be imple-
, for (k, l) ∈ G0 mented using binary shift operations with integer coefficients
⎪ MF (r,k,l)

Ef (k, l) · 215 ⎨ (b2 /4)·215 calculated by quantization. The proposed integer distortion is
δPM (r, k, l) = = MF (r,k,l)
, for (k, l) ∈ G1
MF (r, k, l) ⎪
⎪ implemented by integer approximations of (19) as follows:
⎩ (ab/2)·2
⎪ 15
, for (k, l) ∈ G2.
 3 3 
MF (r,k,l) 
(16) DPM = |WI (k, l)| · Qs (r, k, l) ≫ 8,
The distortion of (12) can be represented using the proposed k=0 l=0
step-size PM (QP, k, l) as |WI (k, l)| = {(|Zq (k, l)| + 16384) ≫ 15} − (|Vq (k, l)| ≪ q) ,
Qs (r, k, l) = round (δPM (r, k, l) · 16)2

2 where round (·) indicates the rounding operation. Qs (r, k, l),
DTD = Z (k, l) · Ef (k, l) −Vq (k, l) · PM (QP, k, l) .
k=0 l=0
which has a maximum of 9 bits, is listed in Table II. The
(17) maximum number of bits for q is 8, so |WI (k, l)| has a
In this equation, multiplications by the factor Ef (k, l) and maximum of 8 bits. Therefore, the proposed DPM can be
PM (QP, k, l), respectively, are required for each coefficient computed by 16-bit integer operations. Fig. 3 shows the

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Fig. 3. Comparison of the conventional and proposed methods. Integer and

floating-point operations are used in the white blocks and gray blocks,
Fig. 4. Plots of the mean absolute differences of the reconstruction dis-
tortion and estimated distortion for all QPs. (a) Foreman (QCIF), 10 Hz.
conventional and proposed distortion estimation methods. As (b) Coastguard (CIF), 10 Hz.
shown in this figure, the IQ process is not needed and only
integer operations are used in the proposed method.
These results show that the rate-distortion performance
of the proposed method is close to that of H.264. For the
IV. Simulation Results and Discussion comparison of the complexity, we simulated the encoding
time for an Intel Pentium 4 CPU, 3.6 GHz, and 1 GB RAM
The experiments were carried out in the JM9.6 reference
environment. When comparing the complexity, the percentage
software [14] to verify the proposed method. Total 100
of the time saved for HC RDO STRDO (%) and total encoding
frames of quarter common intermediate format (QCIF) and
STTOT (%) are defined as in [11]
common intermediate format (CIF) sequences were tested. In
the baseline profile of H.264 encoder, test conditions were THC − THC RDO using estimated distortion
set as follows: 1) the sequence type was IPPP. . .; 2) the STRDO = × 100%
search range was 16; 3) the number of reference frames (21)
was 1; 4) context-adaptive variable-length coding was en-
abled; 5) HC RDO was enabled; and 6) FME was enabled. THC RDO − THC RDO using estimated distortion
Only Inter modes were enabled for all 99 P frames and STTOT = × 100%
distortion estimation methods were applied to the luminance (22)
macroblocks. The mean absolute differences (MAD) between where THC RDO and TLC RDO are the total encoding
the actual reconstruction distortion and the estimated dis- time when HC RDO and LC RDO is used, respectively.
tortions of Tu’s, Po’s, and the proposed method are shown THC RDO using Estimated Distortion is the total encoding time when
in Fig. 4, in which the proposed method using noninte- the distortion calculation is replaced with the estimation
ger (PMNIO ) and integer operations (PM) is represented by method. The time saved and the performances are listed in
methods (19) and (20), respectively. Note that the MADs Table IV. From these results, the gain in ST RDO /ST TOT is
in this figure include the distortion caused by the rounding about 14.11/4.78, 19.13/6.42, and 27.51/9.27 for Tu’s, Po’s,
function when IDCT is implemented. In Fig. 4, the MADs and the proposed method, respectively. Therefore, the pro-
of PMNIO are ignorable and almost the same as those of Tu’s posed method reduces the encoding time to a greater extent
method. The MADs of PM are increased due to the integer than the other methods with negligible degradation in the
approximations, but the values are evenly increased within performance.
every 6 QPs. In Po’s method, the MADs within every 6 QPs In Po’s method, the number of multiplication operations
are jagged, because a look-up table is designed using  (QP). for Q and IQ is reduced by using an iterative table look-
In the case of QP =. . . , 32, 38, 44, 50, the MADs are large, up method, but (j + fPo ) · Po (QP, k, l) and j · Po (QP, k, l)
because the difference between MF (r, k, l) and mf (r, k, l) for of Fig. 2 must be stored for G0, G1, and G2 groups. The
r = 2 in Table I is the largest. The MADs for all of the methods maximum number of bits of the absolute integer DCT coef-
in Fig. 4 are negligible from the point of view of the PSNR ficients |Z (k, l)| for groups G0, G1, and G2 are 12, 14, and
and bit-rate. 13, and the minimum values of Po’s step-size, Po (QP, k, l),
We applied the proposed integer distortion method to are
2.5, 6.25,
and 3.95, respectively. Therefore, a maximum

HC RDO in H.264. The rate-distortion comparison of the of

13 2 /2.5
× 2 ≈ 1639 × 2, 2 /6.25 × 2 ≈ 2622 × 2, and
conventional HC RDO and the HC RDO using the proposed 2 /3.95 × 2 ≈ 2074 × 2 tables for Q and IQ have to be
method in terms of the PSNR and bit-rate are shown in stored, respectively. In the proposed method, only 18 integer
Table III. quantization step-sizes are stored. The distortion is estimated

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Squared Integer Basic Quantization Step-Size Qs(r, k, l)

(k, l) r
0 1 2 3 4 5
(k, l) ∈ G0 100 121 169 196 256 324
(k, l) ∈ G1 100 127 156 207 244 329
(k, l) ∈ G2 106 122 160 203 250 331

Comparison of the Rate-Distortion Performance Between the H.264 Encoder and the Proposed Method

Sequence QP HC RDO in H.264 HC RDO using DPM

PSNR (dB) Bit-Rate (kb/s) PSNR (dB) Bit-Rate (kb/s)
Foreman 24 38.44 138.47 38.43 139.48
(QCIF) 10 Hz 28 35.69 81.3 35.68 82
32 32.97 47.98 32.94 48.9
36 30.5 29.09 30.49 29.23
Coastguard 24 37.51 967.33 37.51 967.52
(CIF) 10 Hz 28 34.55 586.11 34.53 584.67
32 31.59 310.08 31.53 307.72
36 28.9 143.54 28.89 143.5

Comparison of Tu’s, Po’s, and the Proposed Method

Sequence QP Tu’s method Po’s method Proposed Method

(dB) Rate (%) (%) (dB) Rate (%) (%) (dB) Rate (%) (%)
(kb/s) (kb/s) (kb/s)
Foreman 24 38.45 138.18 3.15 9.94 3.43 38.43 140.01 5.41 14.95 5.16 38.43 139.48 5.59 22.79 7.86
(QCIF) 28 35.68 81.71 2.43 10.67 3.56 35.68 81.25 7.14 15.00 5.00 35.68 82 9.16 25.67 8.55
10 Hz 32 32.95 47.89 3.35 17.74 5.61 32.89 47.61 16.07 24.59 7.78 32.94 48.9 9.87 32.03 10.13
36 30.51 29.51 1.65 16.57 5.06 30.53 29.11 8.92 26.90 8.21 30.49 29.23 8.96 32.30 9.86
News 24 39.62 74.55 1.69 21.80 8.57 39.64 75.09 3.21 25.16 9.89 39.62 74.58 3.99 35.55 13.98
(QCIF) 28 36.69 47.46 1.42 21.82 7.93 36.7 47.26 4.45 23.68 8.60 36.69 47.27 7.49 32.93 11.96
10 Hz 32 33.6 29.48 1.92 21.71 7.49 33.59 29.29 11.14 25.39 8.75 33.62 29.54 7.8 31.19 10.75
36 30.74 18.17 1.39 24.79 8.86 30.73 18.38 9.54 28.36 10.13 30.73 18.21 8.1 38.14 13.63
Mobile 24 37.15 1159.81 4.75 5.78 2.22 37.15 1165.54 9.77 7.89 3.04 37.16 1160.44 7.05 18.17 6.99
(CIF) 28 33.82 695.74 5.2 9.94 3.61 33.82 689.92 16.29 13.88 5.04 33.82 696.25 12.24 20.14 7.31
10 Hz 32 30.33 363.88 6.16 11.05 3.64 30.32 358.18 37.85 16.81 5.53 30.33 363.82 14.13 24.70 8.13
36 27.3 179.33 4.53 13.19 4.06 27.3 179.85 26.11 18.72 5.76 27.31 179.33 14.34 26.57 8.18
Coastguard 24 37.51 966.24 4.97 7.68 2.62 37.5 970.54 9.4 10.18 3.47 37.51 967.52 7.21 19.58 6.67
(CIF) 28 34.54 585.12 4.97 7.64 2.46 34.53 583.1 13.17 14.04 4.52 34.53 584.67 12.05 23.69 7.62
10 Hz 32 31.53 307.39 6.2 11.65 3.48 31.53 304.26 28.7 19.14 5.72 31.53 307.72 13.62 27.47 8.21
36 28.9 143.91 3.77 13.75 3.98 28.89 143.41 18.14 21.30 6.17 28.89 143.5 12.59 29.26 8.47

with 16-bit integer operations using coefficients obtained by simulation results show that the differences between the re-
quantization, so the IQ of H.264 is not used. construction distortion and the proposed distortion are small
enough to be disregarded for all QPs. For quantization pa-
rameters 24–36, the proposed method can reduce the encoding
V. Conclusion time by about 10% with negligible degradation in the coding
performance. To further reduce the computational complexity,
In this paper, we have proposed a low-complexity distortion
the proposed distortion estimation method can be combined
estimation method which relies on integer operations. The re-
with other fast mode decision methods.
construction distortion in H.264 is calculated with the original
and reconstructed blocks. To reduce the number of compu-
tations, we estimated the distortion in the DCT domain with References
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[9] Q. Chen and Y. He, “A fast bits estimation method for rate-distortion
optimization in H.264/AVC,” in Proc. Picture Coding Symp., paper no. Jae Ho Kim received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
35. San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2004, pp. 133-134. in electronics engineering from the Korea Advanced
[10] M. G. Sarwer and L. M. Po, “Fast bit rate estimation for mode decision Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South
of H.264/AVC,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 17, no. Korea, in 1982 and 1990, respectively.
10, pp. 1402–1407, Oct. 2007. From 1988 to 1992, he was with the Laboratory
[11] Y. K. Tu, J. F. Yang, and M. T. Sun, “Efficient rate-distortion estimation of Visual Communication, Samsung Electronics,
for H.264/AVC coders,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. Suwon, South Korea. He is currently a Professor
16, no. 5, pp. 600–611, May 2006. in the Department of Electronics and Electrical En-
[12] J. M. Moon, Y. H. Moon, and J. H. Kim, “A computation reduction gineering, Pusan National University, Busan, South
method for RDO mode decision based on an approximation of the Korea. His research interests include graphics, image
distortion,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Process., Atlanta, GA, Oct. processing, video coding and related VLSI design,
2006, pp. 2481–2484. and image communication.

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